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SEO Audit Report

Content and Technical

Instruc ons:
• This Live Project has 2 parts: Part 1: Analysing upGrad SEO
Audit report; Part 2: Analysing your Blogs’ SEO Audit Report.
• You will analyse the SEO audit report for and
suggest ways to op mise for a be er SEO score. Similarly, you
will analyse the SEO audit report for your blog using SEO Meta
in 1 click
• You need to provide (any) two op misa on techniques for
content and (any) two for technical.
Content SEO
From the SEO audit report given, suggest ways to perform Content SEO.

Your Answer:
Optimisation suggestion 1 (Include, how it will impact)

Optimize Image Tags and Aspect Ratios

Image tags and attributes, such as alt text, image file names, and image size optimization, enhance content SEO by making images more
accessible, improving user experience, and allowing search engines to understand and rank images accurately, leading to higher visibility and
increased web traffic.
Upgrad’s website currently has issues with empty or missing alt attributes and failed image aspect ratio tests.Alt text is a descriptive attribute
added to an image tag (the <img> tag) that provides a text-based alternative to the image. It is essential for accessibility, helping users with
visual impairments understand the content of the image. Failing the aspect ratio test can negatively affect how Upgrad’s site is displayed on
various devices.

Impact: Optimizing image tags and aspect ratios contributes to a faster, more accessible, and visually appealing website, which can lead to
improved SEO rankings and a better overall user experience. Search engines can also index Upgrad’s images better, potentially leading to
improved rankings in image search results. Descriptive image tags (alt text) make content accessible to users with disabilities, helping website
(Upgrad) adhere to accessibility standards and broadening its audience.A responsive, visually appealing website encourages users to stay longer,
explore more content, and return for future visits, which can positively impact Upgrad’ Website Content SEO and overall user satisfaction.
Content SEO

From the SEO audit report given, suggest ways to perform Content SEO.

Your Answer:

Optimisation suggestion 2 (Include, how it will impact)

Optimize Heading Structure

Heading structure is vital in content SEO. Upgrad’s website currently lacks H1 headings, which is a missed opportunity for search engines
to understand your content's primary focus. It organizes content, improves keyword relevance, and enhances user experience. Search
engines use it to understand content topics and rank pages, and it contributes to accessibility and featured snippets. A well-structured
heading hierarchy is essential for better SEO and user engagement.The H1 tag represents the main topic of a page and should be used to
concisely summarize the content.

IMPACT:Heading structure in content SEO organizes information, enhances keyword relevance, and improves user experience. It guides
search engines in understanding content hierarchy, influences rankings, aids accessibility, and increases the chance of featured snippets. A
well-structured heading hierarchy is essential for effective SEO and user engagement.Adding descriptive H1 headings to Upgrad website’s
for each any every webpage will not only enhance search engine readability but also improve user experience.
Technical SEO

From the SEO audit report given, suggest ways to perform Technical SEO.
Your Answer
Optimisation suggestion 1 (Include, how it will impact)

Resolve technical issues that Impede Upgrad site's performance and SEO.

The "robots.txt" file plays a significant role in search engine optimization (SEO) by allowing website owners to control how search engine
robots or web crawlers access and index their site's content. Missing a Robot.txt file can impede proper indexing by search engines. Create one
to define rules for search engine crawlers, ensuring they can access and index Upgrad website’s pages efficiently. Address failures in the Page
Object Test by optimizing Upgrad website's structure and reducing the excessive use of framesets, enhancing crawl ability and index
ability.Robots.txt file is a valuable tool for SEO because it allows to influence how search engines crawl and index the website, helping to
prioritize important content, prevent indexing of sensitive or duplicate content for upgrad and manage server resources efficiently. It's crucial to
use it correctly and regularly check issues for upgrad’s website to ensure that it supports, rather than hinders, your SEO effort.

Impact: Slow-loading pages can result in a poor user experience and negatively impact search engine rankings. So we can Optimize images and
other media files to reduce their size. Can use a content delivery network (CDN) to serve content from servers closer to the user. To Minimize
HTTP requests by combining CSS and JavaScript files. Google prioritizes mobile-friendly websites in its search rankings, so if your site isn't
responsive, it may not rank as well in mobile search results. So the solution to this is to Test your site's mobile-friendliness using tools like
Google's Mobile-Friendly Test. Implement a responsive web design that adjusts to different screen sizes and devices.It will enhance upgrad’s
overall performance, Improving its visibility on search engine and better overall ranking.
Technical SEO

From the SEO audit report given, suggest ways to perform Technical SEO.
Your Answer

Optimisation suggestion 2 (Include, how it will impact)

Optimising upgrad’s website page loading speed.

Improving page loading speed is essential for fostering technical SEO, as faster-loading pages provide a better user experience and can
positively impact search engine rankings. A long loading time can substantially deter user engagement and SEO performance.
To address this issue, We can perform several ways such as optimizing images and implementing lazy loading to load images only when they
are in the viewport. Minimize HTTP Requests, Leverage Browser Caching, Content Delivery Network (CDN),CDNs can cache and serve static
assets, reducing the load on your server. Regular Monitoring and Testing: Continuously monitor your website's performance using tools like
Google PageSpeed Insights, GTmetrix, or WebPageTest.

Faster-loading pages provide a better user experience. Visitors are more likely to stay on your site, engage with your content, and convert into
customers. Websites with faster-loading pages are often ranked higher in search results, potentially increasing your organic search traffic and
visibility. Faster page loading times allow search engine crawlers to access and index your website more efficiently. Faster page loading can
reduce abandonment rates, ensuring that more visitors engage with your content.: Faster-loading e-commerce websites tend to have higher
conversion rates.
A ach your Blog’s SEO Report from SEO Meta in 1 click (in the form of screen shots)
Q1. Iden fy two content and two technical gaps for your webpage. State relevant
op misa on techniques for the same.
Your Answer:


Missing ALT text & H2 tag:Being descriptive plays a very significant role in content SEO, Ensuring alt text provides a
clear, concise, and descriptive representation of the image.Using H2 tags to structure the content into sections and
subsections. Each H2 tag should represent a distinct topic or subtopic.The primary purpose of H2 tags is to structure content
and make it more readable, so prioritize user experience.
OPTIMISATION: Alt text and H2 tags play a role in enhancing the user experience and accessibility of content.Using H1
for the main title, H2 for section titles, H3 for subsections, and so on. This not only aids SEO but also helps users easily
navigate the content.

Missing Keyword:Incorporate your target keywords naturally within your content, including in the title, headings, body text,
and meta tags.

OPTIMISATION:Properly optimizing your keyword research process can significantly impact the website's visibility in
search results and overall SEO strategy.Conduct thorough keyword research to find relevant terms and naturally integrate
them into meta titles, descriptions, headings, and content for improved SEO.
Your Answer

Technical Gaps.

Mobile Responsiveness & User friendly: Mobile responsiveness ensures that website adapts to various screen sizes
and devices. This results in a consistent and user-friendly experience for both desktop and mobile users.A positive user
experience leads to lower bounce rates, longer time on site, and higher user engagement. These factors are indirectly
considered by search engines when ranking websites.
Optimisation: We can surely bridge up this technical gap by Choosing a Mobile-Responsive Design or Theme,Prioritizing
Mobile Navigation, Optimising forms and images as well, Mobile SEO optimisation and regular maintenance of the same
as well.

Website Page Load Speed:Search engine crawlers have a limited time budget for each website. If the pages load slowly,
crawlers may not be able to crawl and index as many pages as they should, impacting your visibility in search results.
Optimisation: To optimise this issue, Can use image compression tools to reduce image file sizes while maintaining
quality. Compressed images load faster also can Enable browser caching to store static files in a visitor's browser,
reducing the need to download them on subsequent visits.Minify the CSS and JavaScript files by removing unnecessary
characters and spaces, resulting in smaller file sizes and faster load times.
Q2. Iden fy the Title tag, H1, H2 and H3 tags for any of your blog pages.
Your Answer
Q3. What is your website’s desktop and mobile page speed; and how can you
improve it?
Ways to improve desktop and mobile page speed:

• Optimize images: Compress and use responsive images.

• Minimize HTTP requests: Reduce external resource requests.

• Leverage browser caching: Set caching headers for resources.

• Enable GZIP compression: Shrink text-based assets.

• Eliminate render-blocking resources: Prioritize above-the-fold content.

• Optimize CSS and JavaScript: Minify, combine, and remove unused code

• Use a CDN: Distribute assets globally.

Q4. Study your report and iden fy if your blog has a robot.txt file?

YES, I found out that my Blog website has a robot.txt file.

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