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1 : Four ways to represent a Function

1) f(x) = x + √2 − 𝑥 (1)
g(u) = u + √2 − 𝑢 (2)
Replace x by u in the equation (1) ; we get: f(u) = u + √2 − 𝑢 = g(u)
So it is true that f(x) = g(u)  f = g.
𝑥 2 −𝑥 𝑥(x−1)
2) f(x) = = = x (1)
𝑥−1 𝑥−1

g(x) = x (2). We can see that (1) = (2)  f = g.

3) a) f(1) = 3
b) f(-1) = -0.3
c) Value of x is 0 so f(0) = 1.
d) f(-0.5) = 0
e) Domain: [-2; 4]. Range: [-1; 2].
f) The graph of Function f is increasing on the internal [-2; 1].
4) a) f(-4) = -2.
g( 3) =4
b) f(x) = g(x) if and only if f(-2) = 2; g(-2) = 2 and f(2) = 2; g(2) =2
c) f(x) = -1 => x = -3.
d) The graph of Function f is decreasing on the interval [0; 4].
e) The Function f has: Domain: (-4; 4) and Range: (-2; 3].
f) The Function g has: Domain: [-4; 3] and Range: [0.5; 4].
5) The range is [-100; 150].
6) Example 1 : The heiht of a person changes overtime from young to old.
Suppose a man who was 20 inches long at birth, reached a height of 6 feet at 18
years-old, and stabilized the same height until at the age of 18.
+) Set a Function of height of a man changing over the period:
- Domain: t ∈ [20; 75] where t is the time of years.
- Range: h ∈ [0; 50] where h is the height of a person.
Example 2: Consider a badminton ball is hit by a athlete straight up to the
air, that athlete is 5 feet tall. The ball reaches a maximum height of 50 ft
before falling to the ground.
+) Set a Function that represent motion of a ball changing over the
period in seconds:
- Domain: t ∈ [0; 10] where t is in seconds.
- Range: h ∈ [0; 50] where h is the height of a ball hit straight up to the air.

Example 3: Consider a car is traveling at a speed of 10mph per 1 hour =

60 minutes.
Distance = d = 10x60 = 600 = 10 miles.
+) Set a Function that represents the motion of a car whose speed
changing overtime:
- Domain: t ∈ [ 0; 60] where t is in minutes.
- Range: d ∈ [ 0; 10 ] where d is in miles.

7) The curve is the graph of Function f

Because the vertical line x = 1 intersects the curve
only once at the point (1; 1.8).
- Domain: [-3; 3].
- Range: [-2; 2].

8) The curve is the graph of Function f

Because the vertical line x =1 intersects only once
at the the point
(1; 0.5).
- Domain: [-2; 2].
- Range: [-1; 2].
9) The curve is the graph of Function f:
Because the vertical line x = 1 intersects the curve only
once at the point (1; 2.4).
-Domain: [-3; 2] and [-2; 2].
- Range: [-3; 3].

10) The curve is not the graph of Function x:

Because the vertical line x =1 intersects many points
with this graph
 This graph is not a Function of x.

11) a) f(1950) = 13.8℃.

b) f(t) = 14.2℃ => t = 1985.
c) The largest temperature in 2005 is 14.4℃.
The smallest temperature in 1910 is 13.45℃.
d) The range T is [13.75; 14.6] where T is in ℃.

12) a)The range of ring width Function is [0; 1.6] (mm)

b) - According to the graph; it is said that the more temperature
changing overtime, the wider ring of trees become.
- The graph does reflect the volcanic eruption of the mid-19th
century because the temperature is rising based on the width of trees
changing over the period.
-According to point A, the water is
cooling as heat is transferring to the
- From B to C, the ice has almost
melted and the temperature sises
more rapidly.
- After the point C, the temperature
slows down as it approaches the
temperature surroundings.

Based on the graph, A won the race
with its lowest time among B and C.
B ran almost a half of distance and
stabilize at the same distance
overtime, perhaps B had an injury
that have to stop immediately during
the time. Lastly, C took the longest
time to run throughout the time, C
had to spend more than 20 seconds to reach the distance at 100 meters.
Eventually, all three finished the race with three different times.

a) - At 6am, the power consumption
was 500 megawatts.
- A 6pm, the power consumption
was just over 700 megawatts.
b) - The lowest power consumption is
at 3am.
- The highest power consumption is
at 12pm.
- The time shown in the graph are
reasonable because at 12pm there might be high temperature so many
households have to turn on those electronics devices such as air
conditionals; fans; etc. which consume very much power
consumption, it can be concluded that at this time citizens in San
Francisco consume the highest power. By contrast, at the time 3am
many people may fall to sleep son not much power consumption of
electronic devices.

The graph represents the number of hours of
day light as a Function of time is sinusoidal
with time period equal to 1 year.


18) The value of the car is always decreasing overtime

19) As the price increases, the amount of coffee sold by the stores
We can conclude: price =
𝐴𝑚𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑐𝑜𝑓𝑓𝑒𝑒 𝑠𝑜𝑙𝑑

The temperature of a pie might be able to
rise dramatically , level off to oven
temperature decrease slowly, after that, it
levels off to room temperature.

The height of the grass is always at the
same height on each day. The height
increases linearly staring from a minimum
on Wednesday and return to that
minimum on the next Wednesday.

22) We modeled velocity as a Function of time, V9t), compares to

horizontal distance traveled overtime, X(t):
First section represents the taking off
of the plane where velocity increase
to the cruising speed. Then continue
at a constant velocity for a while. As
we landed, the plane reduces velocity
23) a)

b) The temperature at 9am is approximately at 79℉.

24) a) Olot the points where the year correspond to the horizontal axis
while the BAC correspond to the vertical axis

b) The BAC reaches the highest consumption at around 0.5 hour.

According to the graph, when an average man drinks ethanol, the BAC in blood of
a man has to spend at least 4 hours to reduce BAC in blood.
25) f(x) = 3𝑥 2 – x +2
+) f(-2) = 3. (−2)2 – (-2) +2 = 16.
+) f(2) = 3. 22 – 2 + 2 = 12.
+) f(a) = 3𝑎2 – a + 2
+) f(-a) = 3(−𝑎)2 – (-a) + 2 = 3𝑎2 + a + 2.
+) f(a+1) = 3(𝑎 + 1)2 – (a+1) +2
= 3 (𝑎2 + 2a + 1) –a -1 +2
= 3𝑎2 +5a + 4.
+) 2f(a) = 2(3𝑎2 – a +2 ) = 6𝑎2 - 2a +4
+) f(2a) = 3. (2𝑎)2 -2a + 2 = 12𝑎2 – 2a + 2.
+) f(𝑎2 ) = 3(𝑎2 )2 - 𝑎2 + 2 = 3𝑎4 - 𝑎2 + 2.
+) [𝑓(𝑎)]2 = (3𝑎2 − 𝑎 + 2)2 = (3𝑎2 − 𝑎)2 + 4(3𝑎2 -a) + 4 = 9𝑎4 – 6𝑎3 + 13𝑎2 -
4a + 2.
+) f(a+h) = 3(𝑎 + ℎ)2 – (a+h) + 2 = 3(𝑎2 + 2𝑎h + ℎ2 ) – a – h + 2 = 3𝑎2 + 6ah +
ℎ2 – a – h + 2.

26) Define: s = r + 1
Because the volume of air is larger than spherical balloon, the task asks us to find a
4 4
Function that represents to inflate the balloon: V(r) = π𝑠 3 - π𝑟 3 => V(r) =
3 3
𝜋(𝑠 3 − 𝑟 3 )
= 𝜋((𝑟 +
3 3
1) − 𝑎 )
𝜋(3𝑟 2 + 3𝑟 + 1)

27–30 Evaluate the difference quotient for the given function.

Simplify your answer:
27) f(x) = 4 + 3x - 𝑥 2
+) f(3+h) = 4 + 3(3 + h) – (3 + ℎ)2 = 4 + 9 + 3h – 9 - 6h - ℎ2 = ℎ2 -3h + 4.
+) f(3) = 4 + 3.3 - 32 = 4
𝑓(3+ℎ)−𝑓(3) ℎ2 −3ℎ+4−4 ℎ(ℎ−3)
= = = h -3
ℎ ℎ ℎ

28) f(x) = 𝑥 3
+) f(a+h) = (𝑎 + ℎ)3 = 𝑎3 + 3𝑎2 ℎ + 3𝑎ℎ2 + ℎ3
+) f(a) = 𝑎3
𝑓(𝑎 + ℎ) − 𝑓(𝑎) 𝑎3 + 3𝑎2 ℎ + 3𝑎ℎ2 + ℎ3 − 𝑎3
= = 3𝑎2 + 3𝑎ℎ + ℎ2
ℎ ℎ
29) f(x) =
1 1
1 𝑓(𝑥) − 𝑓(𝑎) − 1
𝑥 𝑎
+) f(a) = ; = = −
𝑎 𝑥−𝑎 𝑥−𝑎 𝑎𝑥
𝑥+3 1+3
30) f(x) = ; 𝑓(1) = =2
𝑥+1 1+1
𝑓(𝑥)−𝑓(𝑎) −2 𝑥+3−2(𝑥+1) 𝑥+3−2𝑥−2 1−𝑥 1
+) = = = = =−
𝑥−1 𝑥−1 𝑥 2 −1 (𝑥−1)(𝑥+1) (𝑥−1)(𝑥+1 ) 𝑥+1

31–37 Find the domain of the function.

31) f(x) = ; Domain: 𝑥 2 − 9 ≠ 0  (x – 3)(x + 3) ≠ 0  x ≠ ±3
𝑥 2 −9

So we get: {x| x ≠ ± 3}
2𝑥 3 −5
32) f(x) = ; 𝐷𝑜𝑚𝑎𝑖𝑛: 𝑥 2 + 𝑥 − 6 ≠ 0
𝑥 2 +𝑥−6

 𝑥 2 − 2𝑥 + 3𝑥 − 6 ≠ 0
 (x-2)(x + 3) ≠ 0  x ≠ 2; −3
So {x| x ≠ 2 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑥 ≠ −3}
33) f(t) = √2𝑡 − 1; Domain: {x| x ∈ R}.
34) g(t) = √3 − 𝑡 − √2 + 𝑡 ; Domain: (3 – t ≥ 0) ∩ (2 + t ≥ 0)
 (t ≤ 3) ∩ (t ≥ -2)  -2 ≤ t ≤ 3
So domain of the Function: {t| -2 ≤ t≤3}.
35) h(x) = 4 ; Domain: 𝑥 2 -5x≥0  x < 0 ∪ x > 5
√𝑥 2 −5x

So the domain of the Function is: {x| (-∞; 0) ∪ (5; +∞)}.

𝑢+1 (𝑢+1)2
36) f(u) = 1 => f(u) = ;
1+ 𝑢+2

Domain: u + 2 ≠ 0  u ≠ -2. So the domain of the Function is: {x| x ≠ -2}.

37) F(p) = √2 − √𝑝; Domain: (2 - √𝑝 ≥ 0) ∩ (p ≥0)  p ≠4 ∩ p ≥ 0.

So the domain of the Function is: {p| p≠4 ∩ p ≥0}.

38) Find the domain and range and sketch the graph of the

h(x) = √4 − 𝑥 2 ;
+) Domain: 4 - 𝑥 2 ≥ 0  -2 ≤ x ≤ 2

+) Range: y = √4 − 𝑥 2 => 0≤y≤2.

39-40: Find the domain and sketch the graph of the function.
39) f(x) = 1.6x -2.4 = y; Domain: x ∈ R
𝑡 𝑧 −1 (𝑡+1)(𝑡−1)
40) g(t) = = = t -1 = y; Domain: t ∈ R.
𝑡+1 𝑡+1

41–44 Evaluate f(23), f(0), and f(2) for the piecewise defned
function. Then sketch the graph of the function:

*f(-3) = (-3) + 2 = -1 (because -3 < 0 )

*f(0) = 1 – 0 = 1 (because 0=0).
*f(2) = 1 -2 = -1
(because 2 ≥ 0).

*f(-3) = 3 – 1/2*(-3) = 4.5 (because -3 < 2).

*f(0) = 3 - *0 = 3 (because 0<2).

*f(2) = 2*2 – 5 = 4 -5 = -1 (because 2 ≥2).


*f(-3) = -3 + 1 = -2 (because -3 ≤ -1)

*f(0) = 0 (because 0 > -1).
*f(2) = 22 = 4 (because 2 > -1).

*f(-3) = -1 (because -3 ≤1).

*f(0) = -1 (because 0 ≤1).
*f(2) = 7 – 2 *2 = 7 – 4 = 3 (because 2 > 1).
45–50 Sketch the graph of the function:
45) f(x) = x + |x| = y

46) f(x) = |x+2| = y

47) g(t) = |1 – 3t| = y

48) h(t) = |t| + |t+1| = y


50) g(x) = ||x| - 1| = y

51–56 Find an expression for the function whose graph is the
given curve:
51) Equation of line passing through (x1; y1) and (x2; y2) is:
𝑦 − 𝑦1 𝑦1 − 𝑦2
𝑥 − 𝑥1 𝑥1 − 𝑥2
Equation of line passing through (1;-3) and (5;7):
𝑦−(−3) 5−(−3) 4 16
= => y = x -
𝑥−1 7−1 3 3

52) Equation of line passing through (-5;10) and (7;-10):

𝑦−(−5) −10−10 5 35
= => y = - x +
𝑥−10 7−(−5) 3 3

53) x + (𝑦 − 1)2 = 0  (𝑦 − 1)2 = −𝑥  y-1=±√−𝑥

Since we only need the bottom half of the parabola, we only need the negative side
of the equation: y -1 = -√−𝑥  y = 1 - √−𝑥

54) 𝑥 2 + (𝑦 − 2)2 = 4  y – 2 =±√(4 − 𝑥 2 )

We want an expression function which is at the top of the circle:

y -2 = √4 − 𝑥 2  y = √4 − 𝑥 2 + 2.

+) Starting from the domain 0≤x≤3:

From points based on the graph and using the original formula: y=ax+b.
(0;3) => 3 =b (1).
(1;2) => 2 =a+b (2).
From (1)(2) => a=-1; b=3. We get: y=-x+3
+)Next for the domain: 3<x≤5:
(4;2) => 2=4a+b (3).
(5;4) => 4=5a+b (4).
From (3)(4) => a=2; b=-6. We get: y =2x-6
So the Function we build from the graph is: f(x)= -x+3; 0≤x≤3
and 2x-6; 3<x≤5.

+) Starting from the domain -4≤x≤-2:
(-4;3) => 3=-4a+b (1).
(-3; 1.5) => 1.5=-3a+b (2).
3 3
From (1)(2) => a=- ; b=-3. So we get: y=- x -3 (3).
2 2

Similar with the Function of domain 2≤x≤4 but changing the x-axis is positive; we
get: y = x -3 (4).

+) Next for the domain -2<x<2; because this graph is the Function of semicircle
across y-axis, we have the original formula at the bottom half of the graph: y -
k=√𝑅2 − (𝑥 − ℎ)2 whereas R: radius; h and k are the points from the graph. Based
on the graph, we get:

y=√4 − 𝑥 2 (5).
From (3)(4)(5) => We have the Function from the graph:
f(x) = - x -3; -4≤x≤-2

√4 − 𝑥 2 ; -2<x<2
x -3; 2≤x≤4

57–61 Find a formula for the described function and state its
57) Given names of two different sides of a rectangle: x and y
+) Perimeter: 2(x+y) = 20  y = 10 –x.
+) Area of the rectangle: A =xy = x(10-x) =10x - 𝑥 2 => A(x) = 10x - 𝑥 2 (1).
Domain of x and y are positive: x ≥ 0 and y ≥ 0  x ≥ 0 and 10-x ≥ 0
0≤x≤10 (2).
From (1)(2) => A(x0 = 10x - 𝑥 2 ; 0≤x≤10.
58) Area of a rectangle: xy = 16  y = .
16 2𝑥 2 +32 2𝑥 2 +32
Perimeter: P = 2(x+y) = 2(x + )= => P(x) = ; x >0.
𝑥 𝑥 𝑐
𝑥 √3
59) All three sides of an equilateral triangle are equal: A(x) = ; x >0

60) Given name of each side of a closed rectangular box: x;y;z

Length is as twice as width: z=2y
Volume: V =xyz = 8  8 = 2x𝑦 2  x =
61) A square base has 4 sides which are equal.
We call one side of a square: x
Area of a square base: 𝑥 2
We call height of an open rectangular box: h
Volume: V = 𝑥 2 h = 2  h = .
2 8
Surface area of the open box: S(x;h) = 4(xh) + 𝑥 2 = 4(x* 2) + 𝑥 2 = + 𝑥 2
𝑥 𝑥
=>S(x) = + 𝑥 2 ; x > 0
π𝑟 2 𝜋𝑥 2
62) Area of a semicircle: A(circle) = =
2 8

Perimeter of a rectangle: 2(x+y)

Perimeter of a semicircle: 2πr = 2π = πx.

Perimeter of a window: 30 = 2(x+y) +πx

 30 = 2x + 2y + πx
 y = 15 – (1+ )x
𝜋𝑥 2 𝜋 𝜋𝑥 2
Area of the window: A(window) = xy + = x[15-(1+ )x] +
8 2 8
2 3𝜋
= 15x - 𝑥 *(1+ )
So we have the Function: A(x) = 15x - 𝑥 2 *(1+ )

63) After folding up to form an open rectangular box; we have both new width and
length: Length = 20-2x and Width = 12-2x and height = x.
Volume: V(x) = (20-12x)(12-2x)x = 4𝑥 3 -40𝑥 2 -24x +240
64) Given that the charge for 400 minutes is 35$ for additional minutes the charge
will be 10 cents for each minutes addition to 400 minutes.
C(x) = 35; 0≤x≤400
And 35 + 0.1(x-400); x >400.
65) There are 3 possible scenarios:
1) Speed is within the range permitted on the freeways: f(x) = 0.
2) Speed is above the maximum speed permitted on the freeways:
f(x) = 15(x-65).
3)Speed is under permitted on the freeways: f(x) = 15(40-x)
We have the Function: f(x) = 15(40-x); 0≤x≤40
0 ; 40≤x≤65
15(x-65); 65≤x≤100
66) 6 cents = 0.06$; 7 cents = 0.07$. The total monthly charge is
E = 10 + 0.06*x
Energy consumed for the first 1200kWh: E = 10 + 0.06*1200 = 82
For the consumption over 1200kWh: E = 82 + 0.07*(x-1200) (x>1200)
We have the Function: E(x) = 10 + 0.06*x; x ≤1200
82 + 0.07*(x-1200); x>1200
67) a) If R denotes the tax and I is the income
R = 0; 0≤I≤10,000
10; 10,000≤I≤20,000
15; I > 20,00

b) To find the tax on an income of 26,000$, we have:

0% tax on the first 10,000$ earned= 0$ in tax
10% tax on the next 10,000$ earned= 1000$ in tax
15% tax on the remaining 6,000$ earned= 900$ in tax
 The total tax is 19,000$
c) For income below 10,000$ on the tax is obsessed at the rate of 0% ( no taxes
are collected). This meant that the tax function T(I) will be linear in this region;
slope: 0
We have th Function: T(I) = 0; (0; 10,000]
0.1T -1000; (10,000; 20,000]
0.15T -3000; (20,000; +∞)

69) - The function of g is even function because any x we pick that g of x is going
to be equal of g(-x).
- The function f is odd function because it goes through th origin an if we reflect
the function f across the y-axis, we get origin symmetry.

70) – The function g is the even function because any x shown in the graph that
g(x) = g(-x).
- The function f is neither even or odd function because it doesn’t go through
the origin will not get the origin symmetry and any value of x in function f are not
equal to f(-x).
71) a) If the graph is an even function, the point (5;3) must be (-5;3) on the given
b) If the graph is an odd function, the point (5;3) must be ( -5;-3) on the given

72) a) An even function:

b) An odd function:
73–78 Determine whether f is even, odd, or neither. If you have
a graphing calculator, use it to check your answer visually
73) Odd: f(-x) = -f(x);
Even: f(x) = f(-x);
𝑥 −𝑥 𝑥
f(x) = ; f(-x) = =- = -f(x).
𝑥 2 +1 (−𝑥)2 +1 𝑥 2 +1

So this function is an odd function.

74) f(x) =
𝑥 4 +1
(−𝑥)2 𝑥2
f(-x) = = = f(x). So this is an even function.
(−𝑥)4 +1 𝑥 4 +1
75) f(x) =
−𝑥 𝑥
f(-x) = = ≠ f(x). So this is neither odd nor even function.
−𝑥+1 𝑥−1

76) f(x) = x|x|

f(-x) = -x|-x| = -x|x| = -f(x). So this is an odd function.
77) f(x) = 1 + 3𝑥 2 + 𝑥 4
f(-x) = 1 + 3(−𝑥)2 + (−𝑥)4 = 1 + 3𝑥 2 + 𝑥 4 = f(x). So this is an even function.
78) f(x) = 1 + 3𝑥 3 - 𝑥 5
f(-x) = 1 + 3(-𝑥 3 ) – (-𝑥 5 ) = 1 - 3𝑥 3 + 𝑥 5 = -(1 + 3𝑥 3 - 𝑥 5 ) = -f(x).

79) **Suppose we have: (f+g)(x) = f(x) = g(x)

Define: h(x) = f(x) + g(x)
Function f is even: f(-x) = f(x) (with all x)
odd: f(-x) = -f(x) (with all x )
+) If h(x) is an even function: h(-x) = f(-x) + g(-x) = f(x) + g(x) = h(x)
 h is an even function.
+) If h(x) is an odd function: h(-x) = f(-x) + g(-x) = - (f(x) + g(x)) = -h(x)
 h is an odd function.
**Suppose f is an even and g is an odd function.
Then: h(x) = f(-x) + g(-x) = f(x) – g(x) ≠ h(x)
 So h is neither even nor odd function.
80) **If f and g are both even functions:
(f*g)(-x) = f(-x)*g(-x) = f(x)*g(x) = (f*g)(x) => f*g is an even function.
**If f and g are both odd functions:
(f*g)(-x) = f(-x)*g(-x) = (-f(x))*(-g(x)) = f(x)*g(x) = (f*g)(x) => f*g is an odd
**If f is even function and g is odd function:
(f*g)(-x) = f(-x)*g(-x) = - f(x)*g(x) = - (f*g)(x) ≠ (f*g)(x) => f*g is an odd
We can conclude:
+) f*g is an even function if both f and g are even or f and g are odd function.
+) If one of them is odd and other is even; f*g is odd.

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