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Module 5

Extended Test

NAME …………………………………………………………….……. DATE ……………………

CLASS …………………………………………………………….……. MARK …………
(Time 50 minutes)

1 Complete the sentences. Use: tomatoes, carrots, fish, bananas, bread, milk.
(10 marks)

0 We make ketchup from tomatoes. 3 I like __________ . They’re my favourite fruit.

1 Would you like to have meat or ________ ? 4 Rabbits love _______________________ .
2 I always drink some _______ in the morning. 5 _____________ and pasta are from grains.

5 x 2 = 10 marks

2 Unscramble the letters and complete the text message. (10 marks)

We need some things from the supermarket. Can you please get a 0) alof loaf
of bread and a 1) takepc _____________________ of crisps? We also need a
2) arcton ____________ of juice, three 3) ottlbes _____________ of water and
a 4) ajr _____________ of jam. Oh, yes! Please, get a 5) abr _____________
of chocolate for your little brother!

5 x 2 = 10 marks

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Express Publishing 1 i Explore 1 Teacher’s Resource Pack

Module 5
Extended Test

3 Read and put a tick () or a cross (). Correct the mistakes. (10 marks)

0 I’d like a packet of biscuits, please.  _______

00 Is there some butter in the fridge?  any
1 Are there any eggs? _______ _______
2 Here’s a orange for you. _______ _______
3 Have you got any potatoes? _______ _______
4 Is there any tea? _______ _______
5 There isn’t some water. The glass is empty. _______ _______
6 Can you buy an loaf of bread? _______ _______
7 Have some crisps. _______ _______
8 How about a apple pie? _______ _______
9 Are there some potatoes? _______ _______
10 We haven’t got any cheese. _______ _______
10 x 1 = 10 marks

4 Read and complete the dialogue. Use: a lot of, much or many. (10 marks)

Eliza: Let’s make a salad for Mum and Dad. Finley: Really? How 3) __________________?
Finley: Great idea! How 0) much olive oil do we Eliza: Five. And we need 4) ______________
need? cheese, too.
Eliza: Not 1) _________________________ . Finley: Oh, no! We haven’t got 5) __________
Finley: All right. What else? cheese.
Eliza: We also need 2) _________ tomatoes. Eliza: Come on! Let’s go shopping!
5 x 2 = 10 marks

5 Complete the dialogue. Use ONE word only. (10 marks)

Waiter: Blue Lobster restaurant. 0) How can Customer: Three.

I help you? Waiter: One moment. Let me check. Yes,
Customer: Hello. I’d like to 1) ____________ a no problem. Can I have your name
table, please. 4) ___________________ a phone
Waiter: Of course. 2) ____________ would number, please?
you like it for? Customer: It’s Hills, H-I-L-L-S, and the phone
Customer: Wednesday, at about eight. number is 24895 009281.
Waiter: Very well. How 3) ______________ Waiter: Thank you. See you 5) __________
people altogether? Wednesday.
5 x 2 = 10 marks

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Express Publishing 2 i Explore 1 Teacher’s Resource Pack

Module 5
Extended Test

6 Read and choose the correct words to complete the article. (10 marks)

Nasi Goreng is 0) Indonesia’s national dish. It’s very popular 1) ______________

other Asian countries, too! Nasi Goreng is usually rice with meat and vegetables.

Sometimes there is an egg 2) __________________ top. People in Indonesia

3) __________________ this dish for breakfast, as a street food, in restaurants or

at parties. Nasi Goreng is great 4) __________________ meat-eaters, but you can

have it 5) __________________ meat if you are vegetarian!

0 A Indonesia B Indonesias C Indonesia’s

1 A at B in C for
2 A on B with C at
3 A eating B eats C eat
4 A for B at C with
5 A no B with C without

5 x 2 = 10 marks

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Express Publishing 3 i Explore 1 Teacher’s Resource Pack

Module 5
Extended Test

7 Write a short article about a dish from your country. Use the following questions
to help you and the article in Ex. 6 as a model. (20 marks)

• What’s the name of the dish? • When do you have it?

• What’s in it? • Is it for meat-eaters or for vegetarians?










20 marks
8 Listen to a girl, Sienna, giving some information about a food festival. For
each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one word or a number
or a date or a time. (20 marks)

Place: 0) Brighton
Dates: 1) 30th April - ________ May
Time: 2) ________ am to 9pm
Food from: around the world
Website: 3) ____________________________________ . com
Special events: cookery lessons and live 4) ____________________
Sienna’s favourite: the chilli eating 5) ____________________________

5 x 4 = 20 marks

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Express Publishing 4 i Explore 1 Teacher’s Resource Pack

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