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Exam Based on Memory REASONING Directions (2 - 6) : Hach of the ‘questions below eonsiats af question and two statementenambered | and I given below it. You have to decide Whether the data giver in the state ‘mentsare sufieirt t answer the ques tons. Read both the statements and— Glve anewer (1) if the data in statement lalone are sufficient to an- swer the question, while the data Inetatement Ilalene are not auicent toanswer the question. Give answer (2) if the data in statement Il alone are uficent to an- sswer the question, while the data in statement | alone are not suicient toanswer the question. Give answer (3) IC the data et ther in statement alone of statement Walone are suifcient to answer the question, Give answer (4) fthe data cven tm both statements I and Il together are not sufficient to answer the ques: ons Give amewer (9) if the data in both statements | and Il texether are necessary to answer the question 1. D, BF, G and H are sitting fafound a circle. Are all of them facing the centre ? 1. Dib ating second to the left ‘of G. H ts facing the centre and snot an immediate neigh- our of G 1 Fis sitting second tothe right Of Els sitting second tothe ret of 2. 2. How many floors are there inthe building (including the ground toon)? [The area in which the build ing stands has a rale that no building can have more than six floors (including the ‘ground floor 1, Three famiea reside ir the Duiling, No two families ive Immediately above or below each other INSURANCE] MODEL SOLVED PAPER 8. Which direction i Sunny facing? 1. I Sunny tumns99" to hislet 1he will be facing North West. 11, Sunny turns 45° toh right he will be facing a direction ‘hat in exactly opposite to that of Suni, 4. How is B related to? 1. Ris the mother of Band Ets ‘the husband of R 1H, Rhas only one daughter who iJ. 5. Among, K. L, Mand N each of a different age, who fs the young. est? 1. Jtsyounger than N but elder wk 1. Lisyounger than M but elder wx 6. In which menth ofthe year was the exam held? 1. Suzan correctly remembers hat Uae exam was held be fore July but alter March, 1, Gita correctly remembers that theexam was held after Feb ruaty but before June. Directions (7 ~ 14) : Study the following information and answer the questions given. ‘When 2 word arrangement ma: chine is given an input lin of words, i arranges them following a particular rule. The following is anilustration of fnput and rearrangement Input: grow after seen oraft preach help Step! + grow seen craft preach help ater Step: roy geen prac ep after Step It: seen preach help after erat row ‘Step IV: seen preach after craft grow help Step : seen after craft grow help preach ‘Step VI: after craft grow help preach seen . ¥7032011__| UNITED INDIA INSURANCE AO EXAM ‘Step VIS the last step of the above arrangements the intend fed arrangement is obtained. AAs per the rules followed in the above steps, find out in each of the following questions the appro- priate steps for the given input, 7-10 Input : dare a beach ull wrap steel 7. How many otepe willbe required to reach the intended arrange- ‘ment for the given input ? av vit av av (5) None of these 8. Which one of the following will be step Il for the given input? (U) dare mul wrap steel beach a (2) dare mull wrap steel a beach (3) dare null steel wrap a beach (@#)a beach daze null wrap steel (@) Nore of these 9. Which of the following will be second from the let end of step v? (beach 2) steel @a (wrap (6) None of ese 10. Which of the following vill be fourth from the right end of step m? (wap @a (beach GI steed (6) None ofthese Directions (11 ~ 14) : Following ‘are steps of an input. Rearrange thera, ‘and answer the questions (4) metal offer arrange blue kite (8) arrange blue kate metal offer (C) kite metal offer arrange blue (0) offer arrange blue kite metal () kite metal blue offer arrange LL, Which ofthe folowing is sep? wa OB we @D OE PRATIVOGITA KIRAN.) JUNE 2011 > MODEL SOLVED PAPER : UNITED INDIA INSURANCE AO EXAM 12, Which of the following Is frat from the right end of step 11? (arrange) lite (metal (4) blue (©) None of these 419, Which of the following is step V? ma ae wc fp @E 34, Which of the following is step V? Ma as @c @p OE Dizectlone (15-16) : Four ofthe following five are alike ina certain way and eo form a group. Which one does ‘not belong to the group? 16.1) Sem (2) Branch, Leaf (a) Web © Prt 36. (1) Clone Replica (9) Duplicate (copy (9 Fake Directions (17 - 29): Study the following information and answer the questions given below : JK LM.N, O, P and R are sitting around a circular table facing the centre. Sach of them was born in 4 dilerent year —1971, 1975, 1979, 1080, 1981, 1984 1985 and 1990, not necessarily in the same order, Mis stung second to the right of| 1K. Lis etting third to the right of J.L land J were born before 1980. Only the one born in 1984 ls sitting exactiy between J and KC. N who is the eldest Ipnot an immediate neighbourofJ and M. Ris older than only M. Ris siting ‘second to the let of P, Pls not an im- ‘mediate nelghbour of N. J is younger than L. K'was born before 0. 17. Who is the second eldest inthe group? ws ee wK ae (8) None of thes 18, Who te eitting third to the right 07 (0) The one born in 1979 (2)-The one born in 1980 (3)-The one born in 1985 (@)'Me one born in 1984 (6) None of these 20, In which year was R bor ? (11979 (2) 1075, (3 1980 (5) 1985 (9) None of these 20, Whichof the following statements is trie regarding K? (1) Kis siting fourth tothe right of (2) The ene who was bom in 1975 {so the immediate left of K (91 Kis younger than R {@) There are four people siting between N and K (8) Nonets true Directions (21-22): Four o the following ve are alike Ina certain way based on thelr seating positions inthe above arrangement and so form a group. Which one does not belong (2 the group? au. (1) OR emi sae (RP ‘aK 22. 11) MPL (2 oKem ()NLKO (4) KNPO (5) MLN 29, if all the people are asked to st nan alphabetical order starting from J ia an anti cloetowise d= rection, the positions of how ‘many willrematn unchanged (@% cluding}? (one ato (a) Three 14) More than three (9) None Directions (23-20): In cach of, the questions below, three statements fare given followed by conclusions / ‘group of conclusions numbered Land. TE. You have to assume ilthe statements to be true even if they seem tobe at variance from the eommanly known. facts an then deck winch of he gle en two conclusions logically foils from the information gven in the statements. Give answer (3) ifonly conclu- sion Ufollews. Give answer (2) sfonly conciu- sion I follows Give answer (3) if either esncu- sion 1 or conclusion If follows. Give answer (8) if neither con: ‘dusion I nor conelusion Il ollows. Give answer (5) if both conclu sions | and I follow. (24-25) : Statements: ‘Allpens are books, ‘Some books are pages. ‘All pages are papers. 24, Conclusions: 1. No paper is a pen. I Atleast some pases are pens. 25, Conclusions: Tall books are papers. 1. Some books are papers. (26-27) : Statements: ‘Some Da are Gs. AILGs are Ks. ‘AIL ae Le. 128. Conclusions: IA least some Ds are Ls, M. All Ge are La Conchislons: 1. aileast some Ks are Ds, H. All De are La (28-20) Statements: ‘Some files are folders, All folders are pockets, No pocket is a bag 28. Conctuslone: All pockets are files. 1. All les are bags. 29, Conclusions: 1. Atleast seme bags are folders 1. All folders are fle. Directions (80-98) : Study the following information and answer the ‘questions given below ‘Twelve people are standing into parallel rw each row having 6 peor ple P,Q, RS, Tand U are standing Inrow I facing South while A, B,C. D, and Fare standing in row 2 facing Nort They are standing in stichia way that there ian equal distance between two adjacent persons. Thus each per: son from row Is facing another per ‘son from row 2 Dis standing third to the ght of , Cis etanding third tothe right of. ‘Aandi are not immediate neighbours. Ue facing the one who is to the irame diate right of €, Tis standingfourth to the left of S. B te not facing U. Rls standing third tothe let of © 90. Whois facing E? aR es ao we (None of these & JUNE 2011 (PRATIVOGITA KIRAN MODEL SOLVED PAPER : UNITED INDIA INSURANCE AO EXAM. ‘SL Which ofthe fllowingpairarep- | ‘Directions (96 — 48): Ia each ef the questions given below which one of fesente persone otanding at the | the fe answer figures onthe right should come aer the problem gies on tnd ofthe rows? the let ifthe eaquence wefe continues ? im PD ‘Problem Figures newer Figures a ape Faae7 sty ssp sy Ps apeae a SWE {5} None ofthese lal Sela Zale ah cal betel zal cake e ean aw Is 7 sls 4 sla 3 ols 14h 62 [2 s5l25 a7 2 siz eah s 16 F's position with respect a a a IN acing the one who nto| gf 3 ES the immediate let of R a. = 3 (2) Fs to the immediate let of tt Fito the immed oo Oo wo fac aE 4 (31 Fis facing the one who is sec- fz ees 8 ‘ond to the right of R. oe a £ (41 Fis second to the lef of the person facing R (51 None of these Directions (83 ~ 94) : Four of the following ve are alike in acetain way based on ther postions in the fbove arrangement and so form a froup. Which one docs not Belong to | #0. the group? $8. ()PQE BCR ()TRCAVFEQ ai (s\quD Nh 94 (JPSBA—(@)CEQR (pegs =) UTDF (sRUCF a ‘36, How many persons are standing between B and D? (one) Two (Three (8) Four 43, (5)None “ lo # al= ocloas clele Oo 8, 8 io . Directions (46 - 50) : The first figure in the rot unit of the problem Pere ‘Agures bears a ceriain relationship to the seccnd figure. Similarly one ef the Breer {| ures in the answer figures bears the same relationship tothe second figure in the second unit of the problem figures. You are therefore to locate the figure ‘which would fitin the question mark. Problem Figures lof pe ms ee ‘ Price : % 125 ae 9 «© © sunezant == [9 =| STS= TSE = (SIE) LE le] Sle Se l|= o 8.8 @ @ PF foP a a. a eyo “Lab Lf be «| «| «| a ol aa Oo @ @ oot ft? oo @ @ 3 QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE ‘Monthly Expenditure (In Thousand Rs.) By Five persons On Rent, Food, (Children's Edueation, Clothes And Travelling dy the flowing table carefully and answer the als [a= [oe ee ee = foes c 56 64 46 64 33 i Si Wiaietemenpoetiac| email? eeeesomes| ase (9) 27,560 (4) @7.440 eae (9) None of these: este 82. Expenclurefwhich prsonon | (S)NOnET hese nite comes tai | ayy eh ipio isonet ae ener we @p or [8B What is the respective ratio be- ‘ween the expenditure of person- ‘Aon food andl the expenditure of hes? 17:36 (a) 14:25 (6) None of these 84. Total expenditure om rent by all the persons together fs what per ‘cent of expenditure of Don chil- ‘dren's education ? 4s @)498 Bao wae 420 ‘88, What is dliference between the expenditure of persoa-B on"Trav~ ‘ling and the expenditure of per~ "umber of Trains Cancelled From \ODEL SOLVED PAPER : UNITED INDIA INSURANCE AO EXAM. 136. Whats the tal numberof aes ‘cancelled from State-B over all the months together? (yaa (2) 186 (128. 1368 {5) None of theee 857. What is the respective ratio be- ‘uween the numberof trains celled from State-A tn the month ‘of December and the number of trains cancelled from State-C in ‘the month of Maren > mes mao 9 aa (None of these 158, Number of rains cancelled from Stale-C in the moath of February \wasapproximatety what percent tf the numberof trains cancelled from State-Bin the month ofJan- ary? yea ase (3390 (a7s 94 158, Wha is the diference between the total number of trains can: celled from all the three siates logeter i the months of Novens brand the number oftainscan celled from State B in xe month ‘of March ? ase wae (24 fase ae 60. In which month waa the tots! ‘number of trains cancelled from All he three states together eo fond highest ? (january (@)rebruary @) March - (4) November (6) December FOR LATEST VACANCIES and Dates of Written Examinations, log on our website : ‘www kiranp! @ JUNE 2011 (CPRATIVOGITA KIRAN www. Directions (61-85) Stutly the table carefully to answer the questions that follow ‘Number of Students Appeared And Passed In An Examination Held in ‘Four Different Schools In Five Years ‘opored | Psee| Azseandl Puss assed Fase | Romana ased iz92 | si2_| 2565 1231 [340 tag [4s3_| 3385 14st _| 521 a7 [ist [ass6 | eo [2saa_| 1155 2315 | 1108 | zas2 | 1238 [ises | o22 aa00 [olds [4558 | 2ads [ses2 | 012 ‘which year and irom which Directions (65 ~70): Study the school the number of students | following graph carefully to answer the appeared in the exam were max- | questiocs that follow imam’? ‘Number of Employees (In Thou- ()inyear 2008 from School S| sands) Working in Three Different 2) ln year 2009 from Schocl-s | Companies in Six Different Years (@) In year 2009 from Schoot-Q (4) in year 2008 from Schocl-Q CD Company A — m Eampany B (6) None of these 62, In which year was the differctice Deiween the speared students ‘and passed studenis second low- fest in School R’? 14) 2005 12) 2008 (3) 2007 (4) 2008 1) 2009 68, What was the average number of ‘tucenis passed from Schoo! P ‘overall the years together ? 0) 836 @) 832 e802 (866 15) None of these 66, 64, Number ofstudents passingfrom School S in the year 2008 was approximately what pereentage Of Ube number of students ap peared in the examination from school-Q in the year 2005 7 eherer e's ‘No. of employees fn 000 m7 p78 er. igyea 14)76 986 65. 1F 26 percent of the mumbor of students passed in te exam from school-P in the year 2008 were Aisqualitied duct some reason, what was the number of qualt Fed students ? 08. (nase (2) 984 (syasz (ase (5) None of these www. 1D Company © 2006. 1007 2008. 2000. What wae percentage decrease in number of employees in Compa: fay-B in Whe year 2008 a con pared to the previous year ? (22. (210.5 @i2s 25 (5) None of these What is the respective ratio be tween the nutmber of employees tn Company -B in Ue year 2005 aid the number of employees in Company -C in tne year 2007 ? (5:4 Bass a5 was (5) None of these What was the approximate av- erage number of employers in Company € overall the years to gether? [ys2900 — @) 2210 (a)s1e69 —a)si210 (5) 82660 MODEL SOLVED PAPER : UNITED INDIA INSURANCE AO EXAM. (69, 1230 percent ofthe total number of employees in the year 2006 fnallthe comp es together was female, what wis the total nur ber of male er:olayeesin the same ‘year in all Uve companies togeth 11)2.9 the 2) 49 lees 18) 48,000 (4)48 tac ()None of these 70, Total number of employees to Company-A overall the years to gether was approximately what percent of the total number of ‘employees in Company -C in the year 2007 and 2008 together’? ad io 2)235, (3220 (295 (245 Directions (71-75) : What will ‘come in place ofthe question mark (7) in the folowing questions ? 72, 764 - S15 > 147 =? 36 wat @) 2025 2125 (420 (5) None of these te egad 5 i we’ + saad (5) None of these "78, 10.068) + (0.16)" « (0.0250) =047"? mo a )-1 2 (5) None of these 74, 54.5% of 600 + 30.58% of 1800 =F +147 11) 38 eis (a)-e1 @er (9)-27 7s, [P<6+(s)s10-7 (23 2) (s19)"2 @si9 (8) 529) 5) None ofthese Directions (76 ~ 80) : What ap- proximate valve wall eome in place of ‘the question mark (7 in the fllowing, ‘questions ? (You are not expected to ulate the exact vale) PRATIVOGITA KIRAN) JUNE wn <> MODEL SOLVED PAPER : UNITED INDIA INSURANCE AO EXAM 7B. 17001 + 81x 19=? 29 (100 @) 110 (140 “(#170 8130 gor, 21 103, 7. Sy “Tao * 301 (320 ()350 (9400 (@)410 (5) 430 78, 19.99" + (30.01) -17.01" =? (1810 @) 1690 (1560 (a) 1840 (51510 * 70. (S408 » OTD ~ MATT ™10 =? (720 @)740 (aio (ajaao (5) 760 ©, 70% of 801 - 259.99 - 9 066 of 499 (800 @)700 (31500 (#650 (5) 550 Directions (81- 86) : What will ‘come in place ofthe question mark (7) in the folowing number series” 81.3 14 32 70 136 (ass ya47 (9237 (4)238 (Si None ofthese 8225 41 89 169 251 (9 (425 Gas (soo (ajato (5) None ofthese 2. 461 474 465 478, 409 () (aso @)4e2 (456 (8)478 (9) None of these #4. 980 S16 2e4 168 110 0 (73 an (83 ar (5) None ofthese 9.4 4 10 34 98 (7 (290 ayaa (220 (a) 200 (5) None of ese Directions (86 ~ 90) :n the fol- lowing questions tuo equations num: ‘ered I and I are gen. You have to eolve both the equations and Giveanswer if rn wy @ ay @ xey @ xs @ = yor the rel tlonship cannot be established 6. 1 87.1. " 28,1 1. The radius ofa circle i twice the 78 + 16-4 = 20x ae 5y'+ 12y+4=0 12¢ - 986 ~ 1372 y+ Bi - B76 = ay - 545 shard = ae ad yg i VeaR + VBA = 150 7B +112= 700 =ovE 2918 ee fe afi S78 Target side 19 8 cm. Side ofa eure fs thrice te lagen ide ofthe tangle. Whats the dag onal of tne square? 11.3043 em (2160 (3 om (3130 em, (8) Cannot be determined {one o these 95. Sunil scored percent mack tnatest Rev scored 480 marks fh came tet which to 300 esa than Son Sunil score ie 60 trove marke than Sono, eum ‘Scored 800 marks inthe tes ‘What is Ram's percentage? a) 80 (2)65, 75 (60. {B} None of these re angles of a quadlatera are aide of a square of area 106 | Mralloof3: 5.0: 7.The sec: Stem, Lengih of arectance is | ond largest angie of the quad fice diameter uncle What | lateralis equalto the largest an {the perimeter ofthe rectangle | le ofa tangle, One of the an iMitsbreadih shaft the lengiset | es ofthe tangle fe 25". What therectangle? the value-ol second largest ()2asem ang ofthe tangle? (2) 168 em (60 (aso (9) 295m a0" (8)20° {4)Cannotbe determined {61 None ofthese {ey Rone ot hese 7. Avendor sellecalevlatore a the 92, Cost of 4 fans and 3 blowers is Feat Aaleaahrelieap ae £16,500, Also cos of? fans 2 | commlselon of 20% cn each. He Meee eee | altosell penaat the rate of 850 Cost of one table 1s 1,000. ‘What is the cost of 3 fans and fone blower ? 10) £8,000 (@) 37,500 (9 28.500 {4} Cannot be determined () None of tese feach and earns a commission of 10% on each. Fowmuch amount of commission will he earn in ‘ree days ihe celle 10 caleuta tors and 3 pens a day ? 6) 21.573 @) T1495 GLx1550 (4) F1.450 (Gi None of these 96. The sum of seven consecutive 89, ‘Tran-A cromaca pale in ad sc: | Gyen number of set 18 392. nds andaniher Train-Beroes- | Whats the awerageof rst four ‘3 pole in 35 seconds. Length | consecutive even numbers ofthe Tiina tsthrectourthotTraw~ | Same set? B. What is the espective atlo | Gy 76 78 enwcemthespedot Tenn Aand | yyy ah 73 neal © None ofthese ae 90, In a schoo! there are 600 stu- iss dents cut of whom 45 pereentare ()cannot be determined (9) None of these 4, The amallest side of right ant boy. Waat io the total monthiy fee sled triangles6cm.and.secona | of girs and boys together ? ‘els. Monthly Tee ofeach boy is 600 and menthly fee of each sir 90 percent less than each <> JUNE 2011. CPRATIVOGITA KIRAN www MODEL SOLVED PAPER : UNITED INDIA INSURANCE AO EXAM. (0) 33,28,400 (@) €4.14,000 (@ ¥4.19.600 @) 4.22.40 (6) None of these 4100. The simple interest accrued on a sum of certain peincipal is 26,400 in four years al the rate of Gp.c.p.a. What would be the ‘compound interest accrued on ‘hat principal at the rate of 2 pep. in? years? () 7800 @) 808 (x 704 @)z700 (9) None of nese ty and flewtbiliy (3]/ coped with the ersis better. (4)/ No error (5) 208, Ken Folett has madea career ()/ utof keeping readers at(2)/ the edge of their seats. (3)/ en fyossed in his suspense triers. (@)/No error) 209. In the moment, (1/ there ts 20 Conelashee evidence (2)/ that the virus ean spread (3)/ from one human to another (4)/ No ervor oe MO. The newspaper reported a mov Ing story {)/ of how one wornan channelled (2)/ her own bitter- ness into good ty making (O)/ a ENGLISH Directions (101 - 110) : Read each sentence (oad out wher Uiere Is any grammatical ezrin it The = ror ifany, wil be in one past of the Sentence ‘The number ofthat part is the answer If there fs no error, the answer is (5) .e. "No error” (gnore er- rors ofpunctuation, ifany.) OL. The power ofthe mind (1}/ over the body (2)/ has beeame a very ‘significant subject (3}/ of re ‘search in recent years, (4)/ No error (5) 102. She was held to gullt (11/ prac Xising witchcraft and misde- ‘meancurs (21/ such as eutuing her hair shor‘ (9)/ and dressing Lup lke a man. (8}/ No error (5) 108, Researchers atthe University of ‘Nottingham (1)/ ave found that (@)/ putting tobacco cutside of sight in shops (91/ can change {he attitude of young people to- wards smoking. (8)/ No error o 104. The young sales manager (1}/ 16 about to resign (21/ despteof his ‘sucess (3/ In the organisation. (4)/ No error (8) 106. More and more people ()/ are Using diferent colour schemes (2)/ in their homes (9) that re Seng ter pereonalie 4/No 108. Because artis so subjective, (1)/ 1 form of art (21/ ean be ranst effective (317 than the ather.(3)/ No error (6) 307. 4.2007 study of Hurricane Kats- ‘rawurvivors(1)/ found that thoee ‘whom scored high (21/ on two ‘easttes of eneattity-criginall= rertmentt@helpeher popes ede. (4)/ Wo error (5) Directions (112-115) : Each {question below has two blanks, each blank indicating that something has ‘been onuted. Choose te set of words Tereach Blank which best ts he mean Ing of the ventence/s as a whole. in hia latest book, the author ges a real into the suf- {ering of individuals who have fexpertenced the loss cf a toved ‘one__toa physical ines, (1) estiaony, owning {@)account, atibute {S) praise, folowing (4) insight, owing (9) knowledge, new 112. Everybody has hud Ute Mu at ‘some pela of time, with te ‘symptoms : aches, chil, fatigue ‘and cough. So wy ts the “bird ‘ur "so many headlines ? (a) familia, making {@) knowing. bnting (3) same, targeting {) similar. cause (6) crastic. topping 113, Bollywood actors may have set the stage on fre the rocie ‘tare from the Indian music in- dustry —_ the house down ‘during the gala night (1)2s, being (@)yet.cang ) fox, took (@)and, had (6) bat, brought 114. Inbis latest book and documen: tay, the world renowned author ‘explains that if we continue 10 ‘what we are dolng to our Planet werk the very Future of our etvitzaivon. (0) 4o, appreciating [2)ignore, destroying [S)secure. losing |a)establish, maintenance (Gi probe. questioning 115. AlUiough carbon dade levels are _—allover the worl, the remoet obvious at the North and South Poles, 10} booming, explosion (a)exploding, acene (a) rising, effects (4) fring, consequences (B)spilling, disaster Directions (116~ 120): reach of the following sentences, an Kdlom- atic expression ora proverb is high ghced. Select the alternative which Dest desertbee te use in the sentence: 1B. Atan carly age my college made his mark as a chemist (0) was destined to be (2) secured good marks (9) distinguished himself (@)eveated a vacancy (©) gotinducted 117, The thief was caught red-hand. oa. (0) In the very aet of commiting thethelt (lon red tape (3) after boing given a warning (a) with blood an iis hands (s)inan attempt toescape 11 He decided to jump the gun and apply for the job before it was Advertied in the press (play sate (2) fake his credentials (G)useinfluence (@)eallfora personal meeting (8) beover hasty 119. My neighbour was caught steal ing, he now fas to face the mu- ale. (1) ask for forgiveness (2) come face to face with the police (9) attempt to protect himself (@) suffer the consequences ofhis ‘tions (S)hear the song 120, Re. 60 fora kilo of eniens? That's daylight robbery. 1) robbing during the dey 1) ebbing people on the basis oftheir income PRATIVOGITA KIRAN) JUNE 2011 © MODEL SOLVED PAPER : UNITED INDIA INSURANCE AO EXAM (2) unfair overcharging {@) cheating people with regards {the qualtty of food (hextraceing more from the rich, Directions (131-125): Rear range the fllowingsxsentences/group fof sentences (A), (B), (C) ().(E) andl {Fr in the proper sequence to form a ‘maniraul paragraphs then answer the ‘questions gven below them. (0) “makes me happy thet peo- ple are beginning to change {ets views on the environ ‘ment and make changee In thelr Hiestyle” he said ater receipt of the award (8) For him, vindication would be when we stop polluting the arth and fur the comer the ‘exciting news however, is that ‘there area lot of good chang. esunderuay. (6) As part of his campaigns, ne tured lecture on global warming and climate change Into a well known cocumen- {ary titled ‘An Inconvenient ‘Truth’, by which he encour: ‘aged mlllons of people world ‘wide to make earth-fdendly ‘changes in thetr Ives. (0) Though many people are do- sng heir part by being sensi tive to the environment, AL Gore expressed a serious con risk due to global warming (©) AlGore, former Vice President ‘of America fs well known for his campaigns on climate crane ( Because of this documentary and his ticles efforts to e lucate the world about slobal warming he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prise on Climate (Change: 2007, BL. Waich ofthe following wl be the FIRST sentence after vearrange- ment? we as we ap eA 122, Which ofthe following wil be the SECOND sentence after rear- rangement? aD ae (ae ar BA 13, Which ofthe following willbe the ‘TURD sentence ater rearrange ‘ment? mp ar os we BA 124, Which ofthe following willbe the [FIFTH sentence after rearrange- ment? wa or we ap IE 125, Which ofthe following willbe the SHXTH (LAST) sentence alter rearrangement? wp as @e ar oe Directions (126 - 195): In the fatowing pasonge there are blanks, ‘cin of ubich Ras been numbered ‘These nurnbers are printed below the Dasong ant gaint each ve words) Dheases are suggested. one of which fs he blank appropriately. Fld ut the apprepiat word pirases in each “The Insurance industry fs 26 myriad challenge aisng rom intense ompettion eng regulatory compl fee and growing payouts (1271 to fraud and ntarl easter. ef (26) thot competitive presures wil make | offshoring ofinformation technology «1 of the world being stil | ‘and business processes a growing im- eave in the insurance industry. {429)t0 mamstream bankingand financial services, where the early ‘adoption of automation and IT heiped faciltate outsourcing, frat sn TT ser vices and later in BPO, the insurance Induisuy bas lagged (490). This sone reason why insurance companies hav been more conservauve in thelr atu- tude to "business process oulsoure- ing’, and (131) to offshoring. ‘with expected cost savings of 30% to 40% and other 1192) such as focusing on core competencies and (39) to ale labour. cis (134) that lite Insurance olfshoring Industry is 1138) or sigptcant growth n the next ‘tee to Sour years. 328, [1)looking (2) pressing. Iaiwatching (4) facing (8) focusing 227. (1)reason (2) due (owed (alent (o)made 128. (I}featured— @) proot Giwanted (4) ought (©) expected 129, (| Compareé (2) Similar (Unlike (4) Balanced Alike 130. () in B)backe Sup behind Bisiow 131. (especially (2) important ) precise (4) main (5) regularly 132, (1)beneft —@) advantages (measures (4 losses (6) detsiments 133, (1) exca0s (2 open (9) availabilty (4 gain (5) access, 134, (Ndeem (2) med (a) believed (a) dea (B)doutted 195, (XJ available (2) assured (@) poised (A) gear (Bheoncentrated Directions (136 - 150) : Read the following passage carefully and fanawer the questions given below i Certain words/phrases have been printed in bold to help you locate them ‘while answering some ofthe question Health insurance policies were first Intrhiced in 1986 ata time when ‘the indian insurance industry was na: tonaliged. The policies on affer were ‘complicated to read and offered imi fed cover. Thero wore no third pariy ‘adeainisrators operating in India. and ‘herewas no direct settenent of claims ‘between health insurer and hospi. “There were therefore Issues concer {ng lala servicing which involved an Insured following evmbersome proce: ‘dures to get clas authenticated and ‘paid, The business was no: profitable for the nationalised Insurers, and not popular withthe public at ard ‘The original Nediclaim Policy’ however, developed ard in many cas es has provided the base model forthe health fae insurance policies that ere Introduced immediately after Neral: sation ofthe general insurance sector ‘tthe turn ofthe millennia. Health insurance, however saw ro specialist players unl relatively recently. This is because there was & general expectation thatthe insurance findusty regulator, he IRDA, would “> JUNE 2011 CPRATIYOGITA KIRAN www. MODEL SOLVED PAPER : UNITED INDIA INSURANCE AO EXAM ‘aemaller capitalisation requirement for health inourere and/or amend the ruleo for foreign eculty ownership in indian Insurers in recognition of the fact that health insurance lose ratios were not ‘good, and therefore finding an Indian Partner to invest 76% in a health in Surer would be a diNoult task. The IRDA didnot, however, relax ether the ‘capitalisation requirements or forelgn investments caps. Initally. therefore, the health insurance marict did not row as quickly a8 may have been ex: pected CCrowth in policyholder numbers, amore effective third party adminisira ‘Gon and an effective network of hosp (als 1s expected to see the mumbers Improve. Other changes have boen af fected to encourage growth in this sec tor. Life insurers nave been allowed to ‘sel health insurance. Initially, If ta- Surers were only allowed to nell cer- {ain types of health covers as a aup- plement toa Ife policy. However, the TRDA has allowed life insurers to $2 ‘pure health insurance products eub- Jeet to product specific approvals. The ‘Standard mediclaim palicy has under: ‘one several revisions and modifica UUons. in recent years, private health Insurers have been offering fresh prod: tuets with Inereased covers and Sums Insured”. Private hospital rates are sill low compared to the rates charged in more developed countries, but high ‘when compared to average Indian eam Ings, [Ls no longer uncommon for Ia- dian employees to now expect that health care willbe part of an empiey- ‘ment package. With the opening Up of the market to private competition, the ‘lat process has become much less cumbersome. Support for s health in- SSurance market hae also come from some less obvious sources. indian sates have started relying on insur: ance policies to meet some of ther le ‘al obligations to provide health care {O their eitzens. The central govem- ‘ment hae also proposed the intreduc- tion of free health care insurance for ‘the poor Tais plan ts meant to cover ‘every poor familly for INR 30,000 per annum The central goverment wilpay ‘79% ofthe premium, leaving the re maining 25% to be covered by state ‘overnments. The IRDA has also en- ‘couraged Miczo-insurance as a means ofextendling the availabilty of health Insurance to areas ofthe market that, ‘aeographically and economically. may rot have been at the forefront of fn- ‘eurere’ business plone. At the same time as the market ‘grows, the IRDA Is stepping into ere~ ‘Ste a more consumer iriendiy playing eld, particulary as regards the treat- ment of senior citizens: the operation ‘of the pre-excsting diseases exclusion, land the reluctance of insurers 10 1e- new policies where the laime expert fence has been bad, ‘Senior citizens had been com- plalning about the reluetance afTasur- rs to issue policies to them, and the inclusion of disadvantageous terms ‘when policies were offered ~ such as Ihefty inereases in premium rates. adt- fed exclusions und conditions, etc. In May 2007, the IRDA act up a commit: tee on Health Insurance for Senlor Ci lzens to make resomumendations. The Committee reported in Novernber 2007 ‘and made the following main recom- mendations - Senior Citizens should have some assurance that their poll: cles will be renewed: the Industry ‘should adopt standard terms and con- Citions, such ae for the definition of pre-edsting diseases. The Committee also said Uhal policy wordings should ‘besaimpler far the ay person to follow, ‘sugesting that uniform terminology be Used by all Insurers to lessen consi ‘sion inthe public mind. 196. Which of the foliowing is/are the reason/s because of which the health insurance industry has witnessed growih ? W)"The format of the policy has ‘been improvised since is in ception. (Bioxgaizatons prove neath ployees as part of the remus eration proceas. (€) The process of settlement of, claima has become lesa tro Diesome as compared to the ‘ume when i was fist sero duced, () Only (®) (2) Only (a) and (o} (9) Oniy (0) (4) Only (B) and (C) (©) all(9,(B) and (©) 197, What step has the Central Gov. ‘ernment fen in terms of instr lance fer the poor ? (0) The pocr will have access to free health eare ineurance, the payment of premiam for Which will be shouldered by the central ane atate govern ment in the ratio of 32 1 re- ‘spectively. (2) The poor people belonging to ‘4 particular region will get |oup health eare insurance over of INK) OU0/- per ane (09-The poor wal be insured fora ‘sum of INR 45,000/- per an (4) The government has devised ‘special health care insane Policies for the peor wherein no premium needs 1 be paid ther by the Individual oF the iRevermnment (6) None of these 138, Which of the following, is/are the reason/s that health insurance policies were not popular in the beginning? (A) The process fr setlement of claims was lengthy and Ue- (8) The clauses in the policy were very dllicull to understand, (€) There were no direct claim selllemients with the Hosp tals. (oniy 6) (2) Only (Aland (c] (only ic) only () ana (c) (ALIA, Blandi, 199, Which ofthe llowing is/are true {nthe context of the passage ? (a) Private hospital fees can be ‘easily alfred by the general Public now as their earnings fre significantly higher (©) More pecple are now buying Insurance polices as com ‘pared to almost two decades a. (Insurance agencies initially allowed to independently set fe insurance potiies only can ‘also wel health insurance pol ‘cies independently now. ony (@)oniy (a) and} (onyicd @) Only (Bandi) (ANIA (B) are ©) 140, Whics of Ue following Is possi bly the most appropriate Ue for the passage 7 PRATIVOGITA KIRAN) JUNE 2011 & MODEL SOLVED PAPER : UNITED INDIA INSURANCE AO EXAM (Q) The Indian Health insurance Industry ~ The Gradual Change (2) IRDAand Its Functioning (@) Health Insurance Vs Life In- (4) Challenges Faced by the IRDA. (6) The Downfall of the Health Insurance industry in India 141, What was the plightof senior cit- lens with respect to buying in- surance cover prior to IRDA Intervention? (4) insurance agencies were un- wallingto sel policies to them. (@) Clausea disadvantageous to Senior citizens were included tn the policies. (©y They had to pay higher pre () ony (a) ana (cy (2) Only (A) and (B} (3) Ona (4) Oaty (8) ana ic) (8) AIL, (Band ic) 142, Which of the following are the recommendations ofthe Commit- tee-on Health Insurance for Se- nlor Citizens? (a) Standardize wordings in the policy sos to avoidany mls Interpretation. () Simplify language ofthe pok- (7 80 that the commen man can understand. (©) Polkes of senforcitizens may ‘not be renewed, (2) Only (4) and (C} (2) Only (Al and (6) (onb (ay (4) Onty (9) and (0) (ANA, Bi and |) 148. Which ofthe followinglemot true In the context of the passage ? (0) The general public now has seater choice In selection of health insurance products sincellts inception. (2) The number of private play- eran theinourance indastry ‘has gone up since 1986 (9) The IRDA’s plan of mlero-in- surance is for people wh can easily afford insurance: cover (@)Thebusiness ofinsurance was, ‘initially rot very profitable. (ataretrue Directions (144 ~ 147): Choose the word/group of words which is ‘most lmallar in mearingto the word/ ‘group of words printed in bold as used In the passage 144, AFFECTED (hampered @)brought about (@)eoncemed (4) troubled (6) asked for 148, SUBJECT TO ()condtionalen {@) mater for (3) issue 10 Gtopicof _Blquestionon 146, AUTHENTICATED ()falafted 2) real () verified @)genuine (6) faked 147, COMPLICATED knotty 2) invite (9) gbberish (4) complex (8) dense Directions (148-180) : Choose the word/group of words which Io ‘most oppoaite ia meaning othe word/ {group ol words printed in bold es used, Inthe passage 148, HEFTY thin uniform smal (4) bulky () fragile 149, RELUCTANCE ()imtensity —@) unwAingness, (fanaticism (4) keenness (@ devotion 180, DISADVANTAGEOUS (detrimental (2) benefictal (healthy (4) monetary healing GENERAL & FINANCIAL AWARENESS 4151, Which one of the following was the reason owing to which Gor femment want Reserve Bank of {India to ughten prudential noms for NBFCS? ()To reduce liquidity in the mar ket (2) Is as per Basel I require ments (9) tte as per Bank for Interna LUpnal Setement (BIS) direc tives () Ito to protect NBFCs from any impact of possible eco- ‘nom alesiclow (O)None of these 42. In the nancial year 2009-2010, ‘which one of the following Banks thas made highest Total Dividend Payout ? set PNB (3) Bankofindia (@)Canara Dank (8) None of these 193, In respect of which one of the following countries. India has pPropoeed non paymente for im pport of crude oll? (tran @2)traq ()Kuwat —(4)Sudan (UAE, 384, Through which one of tie follow. {ng methods, RBI has allowed Indian companies to hedge ex ‘change rate risks associated with trade transactions? () Forwards (2) FRA (@) Swaps (4) Currency options (6) Crocs currency options 1185. Which of the following books is ‘written by V. S. Naipaul ? (0) Hanctul of Dust @)A House for Mr. Biswas (8) APassage to India (4) Darkness at Noon ()None of these 1186, With which one of the following ‘countries, india has signed agres™ ‘ment to build Multi model Tran- ‘si Transport Project ? (0) Bangladesh (2) Myanmar ()Sritanka (4) Nepal (Maldives 17. Which one of the following coun- tutes is Number One Country in terms of Purchasing Power ? (@)UsA—@) Germany (China {4)South Korea (6) None of these 188. Which one othe folowing direc: {dons has heen given by Gover: ment to Civic bodiea ? () They must use 70 percent of the funds for BPL families (2) They must use 70 percent of the funds for the poor living, ‘within thetejurfedicten, (6) They must use 25 percent af the funds for BPL fernilies (4) They oust use 25 percent of the funds for the poor living, ‘within thelr juredictin, (None of these @ JUNE2011. CPRATIYOGITA KIRAN www. MODEL SOLVED PAPER : UNITED INDIA INSURANCE AO EXAM 168, On which ne of herolowing Stesagroup ofbusineseasers and othereminent cizens hare txpeesed concern? 0} Governance (2) Governance (9) Focal dent {@) Governance deft (5) None of these 168. 10, “Yuan isthe currency of which ne tthe falowhgeouatiee” Cidapsn (2) South Korea (3) Noth Korea (Tawa (5) China bial 162. Which one of the flowing isa Jeadngiower in 17 nation sro Region? (2)Germany 2) ance (OINorwny§) Greece | 65) Fortagal 62. What are teaser loan rates charge by banks ? (0) fea rate of terest charges tybanks | 08, {2 Floating rate of intereat charge by banks (8) Rate of ntreat in she fa perio le lene and goes UP Subsexuenty (6) Rate of incre n he tata Period le more and i goes | x69, Soon aubecquenty 1) None of nese 168, Expand the term FSDG whichis toed in financial ecto? {(U)FinancialSecury and Deve pment Counc Financia sizdiry ana deve | x70, pment Counc (0) Fazal Securtyy and Deveon: rent oun (0 Fiscal Stabity and Develop- tent Council (0) None ofthese 7. 04, Acconding othe 8h Anil Glo bal Reta! Development Index (GRDM, whieh one tte alion Ing enuntriens most atractive recall market in the word’? (Ching (hindia (IUAE ——(@) SautAraba (2 Japan im. 308, Governments “Food-or-work programme mean (0) to pay in kind to work and ‘build rural infrastructure (@) supplying balanced diet to workers i rural areas ()no-work-no-pay paneiple (@) ensuring enough: fo to rural ‘worker households, () None of these ‘The neurance companies colect ss fixed ammount froma is custom. fre al a flxed interval of time: Watts called ? (instalment @)Contrbution ()Frenum (EM (61 Service Charge “Which ofthe fllowingis/are the various types of Insurance ? 1A) Lifetnsurance (6) Health insurance () Labity insane (a) Onty A (2 onty (Sony 1c) (ANIA), (and) (6) Only ta) and (B) ‘What is the full form of "ESOP as.seenininancial newspapers?” (1) Employee Stock options (2) Executive Salary Options (3) Rmorgeney Stark Operations (@) Baniy Sales Opportunies (5) Executive Stock Ownership ‘Who are considered Super Senior Citizen as per budget 2011-12? "hase who have completed min- imum age of — (1) 68 yeare 2) 70 yeare (3) 75 vears (4) 80 years (5) 90 years Pohang Steel Company |POSCO} 's @ company originally based ()Ching 2) Vietnam (usa iainaly (5) South Korea AAs perthe revised data released. by the Central Siastical Organ sation, the GDP growth in 2010 thas heen at which of the follow Ang levels? 3% 6% (3) 80% a 75% (6) None of these Who acongat the following was awarded Padus Villas = ‘eendy (2011)? a3, a7, a7. 176. a7. v8. 17. 1) Kumar Mangalam Birla (2) Harbhajan Singh (2) Nirupasna Ra I) Montek Singh Abuwalia 15) Salina Nebwal Annual mocting of Werld Econo ic Forum was organisedin Janu, sry 2011 in whieh oF the folow Ingeities ? ny Daves 12 waa I} Tako) London (5) Lisbon India recenty signed a deal on the sharing of Teesia and Feni fiver waters. This agreement Is tgned with winch of tke follow Ingeountries™ (Nepal (2)China (9)Pakistan (4) Banglodech (8 Bhutan rinadeeswara ‘Temple nas re- cently celebrated its mi len birthday. In which ofthe follow ingStates fst located ? (2) Kamataka [@)Andhea Pradesh, (9) Kerala (a) Orissa (5) TamdNadu In which one of the following States, Jallzpur Nuclear Power plant fs proposed to Le set up? Gujarat )laryana (a) Orissa ‘arnataka, (5) Maharashtra According to Planning Cominis: ston, in iow any years shall he per Capita income in India he come double ? [)Nine 2) ve [a1Seven (4) Taree [5) None of these Expane! the erm IFRS, [Uy Indian Hinancial Reporting, Standards (a) tndian Finanelal Reporting Systems (9) international Fanclal Repo ingStancards (4) ternational Fusancial Report ing Systesns (5) None of these Who is Liu xiacbo? (1) Nortis Korea escent eb has been awarded Nobel peace prize (2) Chinese citiz, who bias best awarded Nobel peace prize une zon <> MODEL SOLVED PAPER ; UNITED INDIA INSURANCE AQ EXAM (North Korean dissidents, who nas been awarded Nabe! it cere pra (ai Sportsman who was aumaded ‘mask 8 Gokd medals to Gauunnmeth Gomes 2) None o these 160. Who is Hardeep Pasi? (0) inde permancat represen: tate at United Nations (2)Vie Present. 1M (21 Vice President. Wold Danis (3) nits ambassador in USA {6} nds aiassdor io UK 181. With which one ofthe fallowing faves i shore Sharma sec sled? (Chess (2) 8anion (0) Table Tennis (3) Volley Ball (6) coker 188. With which one ofthe allowing, games France's Zinedine Zane fRessocinted'? (0) ockey (2) tbat () snooker (oily al (0) Base Bat 100. As perrecrol newapaper cepa, ‘hich one of the ulowrng coun luis was sean arse tapot fr of goods and eerwces tn ‘word during year 2008-2016 7 Oyen AUS (ldapan (HRs Giindia 184, According (0 RSI Governur, shiek one of th challenge msionet. (o}ttaton {hiafaion and Supportive recor ey (9h infaton snd seal dtc (4) tation are igh est ot ports (01 None ofthese 185. Whi: one ofthe flloing Pub tie Sector Organisations has a fered largest ever equly offer? (SAIL 2) Cealtnaia (01 Fower Ont (4) Shipping Comporation ef india (6)Noneof tues 186. Trough whit ame ote tow {ng sources domesit furs re ralbed by companies? 69 170 oa (8) FPO only Gs> JUNEZ011 CPRATIVOGITA KIRAN) 187 158, 190. 192, 193. (6) Commerc papers {Only (and BY Jala}, (Bond ee) (3}Only (A) ante G@onlyin) (Grant (c) Whici of the following i a Gen ‘ral insurance Company fanetion ing in india? (1) Life insurance Corporation of es (2)10101 Prutentiad (ytaaatc £4) United mia Fmausnice Com puny (yallare ates Who anon ne Followinis the Regulator of insurance sector Im India? yee eaactet (IRDA (a) SEDI (5) allot ese Which of the following terms 48 NOP uses th asuranee seetee? (1 indemnity (2) Coverage (3) Mase Alert (0 Cosully (5) Annuity Which ofthe ollowing Publi See: torevsnpmtes/organsations prom vides meuaronie ever to export ene? Q) Ecce (2) NABARD sips (a) inna, 15] None of these sera Insrance Com. The main Feature ofthe National Agreulturl Insurance Schemes (einsuresehich ofthe flloing (1) Lie of the farmer (2) Crop of the tarmer (3) Annals whe ave use in ag rrllaal ness (4) Land of he Farner (6) Goth lanl ane Far of the farmer In which one of the following States was tbe fre. ID ead ‘sued? Uy Gyarat (2) Mampur B)Assum —(U) West Bengal (6) Blaharsstra ‘Which of the followin books ts ‘writen by Anita Desal ? (1) Mogle Seeds (2) Me Village By the Sea (Gl Aend ip the River |) My God Osed Young {51 None ofthese ] 194. Fexpan the tery MGNREGA 196, 197. 196. vo. 200. (Manan Ru lee Act (2) Motions: Gam Rural playa Cass AAguncy (2) Mabsima Gand National ‘Rural Emphyinent Generation Ret (4) Mahatma sal Eminent Geran Agen (0) Nome of these 1a Gait pniployineat Fhe alles terms 8 lust ia the fri of Bane and Danie? AU Skisuerry (2) awn (0) Pase Rate (A) Hea eaves (6) Phsn {With vhieh ane of the folowing spcrts, Sata Nehwal i aseoniat a (ehess ep indien (9) Longsuump (4) san Tena, (or Table Tense Whictrome ofthe fllonding States Iine posed Dil fo teste the Morse) (3) Kanatabe (31 Kerals (8 Andhra Yadesh ‘Which ot the flonan rates ae resnesied bythe RBI atthe ti ff peniedisal review of the poly oF? (a) Bani es (8) Repo Rate te1Sseings Bank Rate (Mousa Boniv Bi (2) Both £0) an 9 (AMA. 1 antCr Gony6 Wiuch one of the fllewiniis not inched ia TAP. pas puree? 2) Phan (2}Pabsst )Aiginsstan lanai (S)iran Which caw ofthe fllesing States dias passa legisla to con Aces the peaperty af corrupt sas arid to open ssiools prapertisn (a) est Bengal 2)Jnarieared (Bihar (aRapesthan 6) _MODEL SOLVED PAPER : UNITED INDIA INSURANCE AO EXAM Hl “There i mo information about L ANSWERS: EXPLANATIONS [== ang M. 1.12) Noanswer can be ound from FromStatement i, the data given in ye Statement MaL>k . ‘There Is no information aout J 6 and From both the statements is the youngest 6. (4) FromStatement | Exam was held in Apel, My oruume. From Statement I exam was held i Bred, Apri or May. Flom both te statements, fron: statement it Essa was hell in Apri or May In order to watisy the given ace rel arty ofthe agement For D anust face out wae Fis siting sesond to the right of | words get arranged iw alphabetical or E. Ie means Ets second to the | der from left to right im the final step. leit of ¥. Therefore ether D ar € | The wore which appears Hirst imap smmat feecoutwa Iliad onder moves (othe extern right 2.10} From bout the statements | Pasion and then st movestowardakeft “There are as lacs a Une beta | SUEDE: ing (710): Input dare a beach null wrap sical Step 1 dare beach null wrap sted Step Hare rll wrap steel 9 beach Step Il: null weap atecla beach dace Step IV - wrap steel a beach dare null Step V= wrap a beneh care nul sicel \ Step VI sabeach tare null see wrap, 113.6) 115. (5,116. | Sep VI Is the lat atop, a7. (i 119.4390. (3 7.18) Six steps will he required 10 12) 128 ci] tactay || & (2) Promatatement fecal the ended race aie forthe given mpat asia '. (2) Option (isthe sa a ia he step ANE x North 338.08 \ 9.18) The word is secon trom 1 theta ee Step 2 a a Nee see nis eur ieuifiae |) PY . height end of stop bs, fi CI other | ite! 155. (2) E = | te: Steph cae aha 14s tear from thedtagram that | me 163, (2) ‘Sunny Wa facing North Bast, IC}: Step Il :kite metal offer arrange pee From Statement the Ieis not clear Sani is facing | (a): Step Ht meal fer ararige bl pea which dreton. ihe aS ‘4. G6) From both the statements ID): Step IV: offer arrange blue kite 179. te husand of “a jth father of Band 5. | (s Stsp sarrange Bue ke metal J is the danghter and B is the offer Smt. 11.40 la ithe Step mt 69 Thom Statement 1214) Thewont tine thes ram Nodak | enter a tt PRATIYOGITA KIRAN JUNE 2011 &

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