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How much? sixty nine cents. And the gaz. - Y'all getting any rain up your way?

-what way would that be? I

see you was from Dallas. What busines is it of yours , where I'm from frendo.- I don't mean anything by
it! You didn't mean anything! I'm just passing time -. If you don't want to accept that! I don't see what
else I can do for you. Will there be anything else? I don't know will there? Is something wrong? With
what? with enything. Is that what you're asking me :Is there something wrong with anything? -Well i
need to see about closing . -See about closing. At what time do you close. Now , We're closing now. -No ,
it's not the time,. at what time do you close? -At dark , generally at dark. - You don't know what're you
talking about, do you? - Sir? You don't know what're you talking about .- At what time do you go to bed?
Sir? - You're a bit deaf aren't you! At what time do you go to bed?-..Somewhre around nine thirty I'd say
around 9.30. - I coul comeback then . Why would you be coming back ?! we will be close. Well, I got to
see about closing ... You live in that house out there? yes.- You lived there all your life? -This is my wife's
father's house oreginally. You married into it, - we lived in Temple Texas for many years, raised a family
there in Temple. We came out here four years ago. You married into it? If that's the way you want to put
it.-Well, I don't have some where to put it. That's the way it is. What's the most you ever lost on a coin
toss? Sir? The most you ever lost on a coin toss. I couldn't say I dont knwo... Call it! for what ? Just call it.
Well I didn't put anything on it! Yes you did,. You've been puitting it up all your life , you just didn't know
it! Go ahead call it . Look , we need to know what we're calling it for here. You need to call it. I cannot call
it for you or it won't be fair. You know what date's on this coin? No I don't know! Nineteen fifty eight it's
been traveling twenty two years to get here and now it's here and it's either heads or tails and you have
to call it now. I need to know what i stand to win. Everything. How's that you stand to win everything.
Now call it. Well , Heds then. Well done! don't put it in your pocket.It's your lucky quatrer Where do you
want me to put it? Anywhere but not in your pocket, otherwise it'll get mixed inwith others and it'll
become just a coin which it is.

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