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Telegram: “EDUCATION” Ministry of Edueation and Sports ‘Telephone: 0417893600 Embassy House Fax: 0414234920 P.O. Box 7063 E-Mail: Kampala, Uganda ‘Website: Insmy correspondence on This subject plese quote: EPD 141/298/02 25% March 2024 All Heads of Education Institutions REGISTRATION OF TEACHERS ON THE EDUCATION MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM (EMIS) As you are aware the Ministry has with effect from this academic year adopted EMIS as the primary source of data for determining payment of grants to government education institutions. This has provided an incentive to government institutions to provide timely and up to date information on learners. I have however noted that the registration of teaching staff, which should be easier than that of learners, is still low in spite of our reminder in the Calendar of EMIS activities of 9" February 2024. The purpose of this communication is three-fold: i) _ Request all government institutions to upload their teaching and non-teaching staff (including those not on government payroll) on the EMIS portal by 15" April 2024. Failure to abide by this deadline is likely to delay payment of April salaries. ii) Request all private institutions to upload their teaching and non-teaching staff’ on the EMIS portal by end of Term 1 of the academic year. iii) | Remind you that no person shall teach in any public or private school of any description unless he or she is registered as a teacher or licensed to teach in accordance with Section 11 of the Education Act. You should therefore ensure that all your teachers are registered in the Teacher Management Information System (TMIS) portal by 15" April 2024. Tlook forward to your usual cooperation. Ketty Lamaro PERMANENT SECRETARY Copy: The First Lady and Minister of Education and Sports Ministers of State, Ministry of Education and Sports The Chief Accounting Officers and Town Clerks The Executive Director, Kampala City Council Authority ‘The Director, Basic and Secondary Education The Director, Education Standards The Director, Business, Technical and Vocational Education Chairperson, Association of Secondary School Headteachers (ASSHU) Chairperson, Uganda Primary Schools Headteachers Association (UPSHA)

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