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Bare Infinitive Full Infinitive

 Let sb do sth  To agree to do sth
 Make sb do sth  To refuse to do sth
 Have sb do sth: bảo ai đó làm gì  To decide to do sth
 Had better do sth  To manage to do sth
 Would rather do sth  To hope to do sth
 Modal Verbs + do sth  To expect to do sth
 To want to do sth
 Would like
 Would love to do sth
 Would prefer
 To promise to do sth: hứa
 To ask sb to do sth
 To tell sb to do sth
 To get sb to do sth
 To order sb to do sth
 To plan to do sth: kế hoạch
 To tend to do sth: xu hướng
 To intend to do sth: dự định
 To pretend to do sth: giả vờ
 To appear / seem to do sth
(tỏ ra / dường như)
 To claim to do sth
 Too / enough to do sth
 Used to do sth: từng làm gì
 What to do
Where to go
Who to ask
Which to choose
 To be made/ let to do sth

Gerund (V-ing) Special Cases
 V_ing as a Noun  To need to do sth (chủ động)
 After prepositions (bị động) doing sth = to be done
To be interested in doing sth  To forget to do sth (phải làm)
After completing HW, she … To remember doing sth (đã làm)
 How about doing sth  To try to do sth: cố gắng
What doing sth: thử
 To enjoy doing sth  To stop to do sth: dừng để làm gì
 To avoid doing sth: tránh doing sth: dừng việc
 To deny doing sth: phủ nhận đang làm
 To suggest doing sth: gợi ý  To help sb to do sth: làm hộ
 To admit doing sth: thừa nhận sb do sth: cùng làm
 To tolerate doing sth: chịu đựng  To see / hear sb do sth: cả hđộng
 To resist doing sth (watch / listen) sb doing sth: 1 phần hđ
 To keep doing sth  To mean to do sth: định làm gì
 To fancy doing sth doing sth: đồng nghĩa với
 To discuss doing sth  To allow sb to do sth
 To imagine doing sth To advise doing sth
 To consider doing sth: cân nhắc  To start to do sth
 To spend time doing sth To begin doing sth
waste money  To like / love / hate / dislike doing sth.
 To object to doing sth: phản đối (nhất thời) to do sth

 To be / get used to doing sth:

quen với việc gì đó
 To be accustomed to doing sth
 To look forward to doing sth
 Can’t stand/ help/ bear doing sth
 There’s no point (in) doing sth
 It’s no use doing sth
 It’s (no) good (không ích gì)
 It’s worth doing sth: đáng


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