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The Debate on Homework: Should Students Have It?

Homework has been a long-standing tradition in education, but in recent years, there has been a
growing debate on whether students should have it or not. Some argue that homework is an essential
part of learning, while others believe that it adds unnecessary stress and takes away from valuable
family and personal time. So, should students have homework? Let's take a closer look.

Arguments for Homework

Those in favor of homework argue that it reinforces the concepts taught in class and helps students to
practice and apply what they have learned. It also helps to develop time management and
responsibility skills, as well as preparing students for future academic and professional demands.

Moreover, homework can provide an opportunity for students to receive feedback from their teachers
and identify areas where they may need additional help. It can also serve as a tool for parents to stay
involved in their child's education and monitor their progress.

Arguments Against Homework

On the other hand, opponents of homework argue that it can be overwhelming and cause
unnecessary stress for students. The pressure to complete assignments can lead to sleep deprivation,
anxiety, and even health issues. It also takes away from valuable family and personal time, which is
crucial for a child's overall well-being.

Furthermore, some argue that homework does not necessarily improve academic performance and
can even have a negative impact on students who struggle with learning disabilities or have a heavy
workload outside of school.

What Should Students Do?

So, what is the answer to the homework debate? The truth is, there is no one-size-fits-all solution.
Each student is different, and what works for one may not work for another. However, one option
to consider is seeking help from professional writing services like ⇒ ⇔.

At ⇒ ⇔, we understand the difficulties and pressures that come with completing
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So, whether you believe students should have homework or not, one thing is for sure – ⇒ ⇔ can provide the assistance students need to excel academically without the added
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It’s easy to get thrown off and ask kids questions that don’t get to the root of the issues. By this
interaction, students analyze their work and understand the portion of them that are facing issues.
From Monday to Wednesday the children had compulsory extra curricula activities which meant the
school day ended anytime between 5-6pm, we were told that they wouldn't have homework on those
evenings. They lied. It became clear that the teachers didn't know the school's policy on homework.
You can say that academic success is connected to the homework and assignments that students get.
It’s important to know both the pros and cons of homework and talk about both sides to find a
middle ground. One of the good things about homework is that it helps kids get into the habit of
practicing. It is significant for students to realize the significance of time at an early age. After they
answer, DO NOT JUMP RIGHT IN WITH MORE DISCUSSION. As growing children, students
have a practically full day at school and often come home with homework and other obligations.
However, there are many aspects to counter the aforementioned arguments. Pulling Curls aims to
simplify family life, which is way harder to do than it is to type. Parents learn where their children
are struggling, and the family bonds more. I wasn’t going to tell her HOW she could be doing it, but
instead WHY she is doing it that way. When you get homework, you make a schedule or timetable
for completing it. For example, at the end of the day homework is like work at school but you do it
independently at home. A more comfortable way to learn on your own Let’s know why students
should have homework. Many kids pick them up naturally, but many others don’t. Another thing is
that you must keep on practice on the things you don't know not just In school also at home. Studies
have shown that homework does not boost grades or test scores in elementary school. If you follow
social media you may have seen the message that went viral from a Texan teacher, who wrote to
parents saying: Advertisement. My first grader is supposed to do 15 minutes of writing, 15 minutes
of reading and has about 6 worksheets to complete each week. Some will even opt for sleep over
school work, and suffer the consequences of bad grades because of it. Studies have shown that kids
who play more get better grades because it helps them pay attention in class. And during tests, they
resort to cheating because they did not get around to doing homework. This can be especially
confusing when you have a gut feeling that your child hasn’t mastered the skills they need but their
ability to compensate is so strong that it masks the challenges. Because the work is part of the pre-
established learning journey, it’s not “busy work.” That homework becomes work that progresses
them within the mastery based system I use. In a society that appears to be breeding a new
generation of anti-socialism through excessive engagement with multimedia (another blog here)
communication of the verbal kind is getting little enough practice as it is. Shouldn’t being at home
be an escape from the tiring and stressful school day. And if they have afterschool they will miss
some of that.
My second reason is that you can learn from homework. Reply Delete Replies Reply olivia.l
December 5, 2013 at 8:58 PM I think kids should get homework because,your parents will know
what you are doing in school.Another reason is your teacher will know who needs help in class.
Reply Delete Replies Reply grciela December 5, 2013 at 6:12 PM I think that we should still have
homework.Because if we didn't get homework we wouldn't be learning as much.For example if the
teacher gives us a math lesson then for homework if we get math homework then we will understand
more plus with homework we have a better grade which is really good. This gives students an
opportunity to complete their assignments with the help of their teacher during class time instead of
taking it home with them. I know, this opens up a whole new can of worms that I’m not getting into
in this article, but, there is very little evidence that homework does any good whatsoever. Realness
delivered to your inbox By entering your email and clicking Sign Up, you're agreeing to let us send
you customized marketing messages about us and our advertising partners. As we all know, many
kids do not want homework because it helps them learn how to tidy better and keeps them away
from watching TV. One simple rule of thumb I like to follow is: if the work follows the learning path
started in class and continues the journey from the classroom and takes MINIMAL time (yeah, over
1hr of work is ridiculous for any course that’s not in college), then this is probably an ok assignment
that makes sense. We feel frustrated and stressed when we fail to complete a task at hand. Here is
the list of reasons why should students have homework: 1. Reply Delete Replies Reply Kameron
December 5, 2013 at 6:48 PM Yes, I think that kids should still get homework for these three
reasons. The responsible students always complete their homework on-time. Use of these
names,trademarks and brands does not imply endorsement. Some will even opt for sleep over school
work, and suffer the consequences of bad grades because of it. How to Make Homework Less Work
If the problem persists you can find support at Community Forum. Homework evokes every negative
connotation to every involved individual. The blog has articulated both sides to help you understand
both aspects of it. Let’s consider the expert’s opinions and the arguments on both sides to decide for
ourselves. Here are some reasons why homework is good for students’ brains: 1. More time in school
doesn’t always mean better grades because quality is always more important than quantity. The
students would try to perform better in their assignments so that their teacher could provide them
with positive feedback in front of their classmates. Students take ownership of that part of their
learning. It Teaches Students How to Study Well I have found that kids who finish most of their
homework the night before a test or exam do far better. But If you translate the policy to the 10-
minute rule, it’ll be very similar. This is because they must do well in all subjects to get grades at the
semester’s end. But If you look at the actual numbers, it's ten more minutes per night. And 2, they
might not have that much time to hang out with friends and family. If they ask why you’re looking at
them, just say, “I’m just listening. It is easy for the teacher to tell the students what they have learned
just by looking at their homework. This will help students learn how to study alone, handle their
time, and follow the rules. 2. Can Give the Teacher Useful Feedback Homework offers teachers vital
insights into the extent to which students grasp the lesson taught in class.
I guess I get this, although I’m not sure that it might help the older grades, when they tell kids to
write at home for 30 minutes, to have written at home for 15 minutes when they are in first grade (10
minutes in K). Needless to say, without any teacher in sight, students have to complete their
homework on their own accord and at their own pace. They include self-discipline, time
management, organizing and communication skills. The policy should be No time-wasting rote
repetitive tasks will be assigned that lack clear instructional or learning purposes A realistic
homework strategy should be a key topic of back-to-school night and the first parent-teacher
conferences of the school year. As long as the writing pages are filled and she does her worksheets
I’m happy. Reply Delete Replies Reply Saniyah Collins December 5, 2013 at 6:18 PM No kids
should have homework because it takes up to many family time. Many of my questions above tie
directly into vital life skills anyhow, but always think about how these things affect your child. That
survey is a few years old now but I doubt that's changed. My son was given the opportunity to spend
time pursuing and actively engaging in his own interests; fair enough he had the time as he didn't
attend school for most of his educational career, but give the other kids a chance to do the same
outside of school hours. Homeworks does help in these cases and practice is one of those benefits of
homework. With open contact between home and school, parents can easily identify issues. 6.
Practice makes perfect It is easy for students to remember things that they have learned in school.
Someone who is from a big family that lives in a small home where space is constrained, undeniably,
will have a hard time finding a nice quiet spot in which to do his homework. It was about homework.
(It started with this one, after I talked to my principal and then my final thoughts ). It’s easy to get
thrown off and ask kids questions that don’t get to the root of the issues. Opinion Uncommon
Thanksgiving Traditions Opinion Amanda’s Thoughts: Join a Club. Top 10 Ways How to Survive in
College in 2023 Is there any evidence that having students do homework improves their thinking
abilities. Giving them work to give them “stamina” really sounds like a sham. However, there are
many aspects to counter the aforementioned arguments. However, it can also leave students stressed,
not to mention that some studies suggest homework does not make them smarter. Unbiased Reviews
From The Experts Is Homework Illegal In The United States. He and his team come from the
Oxford, Stanford and Harvard. Students acquire confidence and creative problem-skills. It just isn’t
my place to tell the principal what to do. Students get the opportunity to improve through practice
and participation. A third reason is if we never had homework, we would be playing and watching
TV more than anything. So if both classes have 20 students each, imagine evaluating 30 notebooks or
so each day. On some afternoons, we strive to start homework as soon as we arrive home to make
time for after-school sports and activities. A teacher assigns students tasks to finish outside of regular
school hours, commonly called homework. In addition to her corporate gig, she writes for various
publications, websites and Breadwinning Mama, the blog she founded to discuss the joys and chaos
of working motherhood. How can educators work with parents to keep their role constructive.
Rather, use the questions as a tool to find the most important areas to work on. If a student has 7-8
classes a day, thats 7-8 hours of homework PER DAY. Just visit the page and avail of assignment
help USA. Kids don’t feel like the teacher always watches them when they have homework to do at
home. We make an effort to show our kids their hard work pays off when they receive positive
scores, comments and simply show steady progress in their reading and math abilities. Also,
homework makes it hard to learn about yourself and learn new skills outside of school. Pencils,
erasers, scissors, glue sticks and beyond. September 24, 2014 at 5:55 PM I think kids should have
homework because they might miss school so they do it for homework. Even if they are tired when
they get home from school, students need to do their homework to learn more about the topic and
get better marks at the end of the semester. But there are experimental studies even at the earliest
grades that look at skills such as spelling, math facts, etc. By this interaction, students analyze their
work and understand the portion of them that are facing issues. These tasks may involve a multitude
of worksheets or assignments aimed at promoting academic growth and raising grades. Needless to
say, without any teacher in sight, students have to complete their homework on their own accord and
at their own pace. I see that he has, on average, about 90 minutes of homework. Paula Fass is a
professor at the University of California Berkeley. I had quite a collection of DM's back then and
thought myself, in my other life, to be on point in my choice of footwear. But assigning multiple
homework has various side effects too such as sleep deprivation, unhealthy levels of stress, as well
as related health problems. Having assignments to complete outside of class is often regarded as an
integral aspect of any quality education. Goodness only knows what they might discover about
themselves or for themselves. It wastes our time because we have to do homework, reading, spelling
and vocabulary. So let’s find out if it is Homework Good or Bad For Students and consider both the
positive and the negative sides of the coin to conclude. 01. Homework gives more time for learning.
Also homework is going to add extra work and pressure if a student is studying for a test the night
before. Reply Delete Replies Reply Amanda Kaas December 5, 2013 at 5:56 PM Yes I think we
should have homework because it is reviewing what we did in the day, so we might understand it
better. A second reason is that homework is a way to help you get better at the topics you do in class.
For example, a daily homework assignment can help a student practice their multiplication tables in
elementary school through rote memorization. The same things happen with students when they are
unable to complete their homework on time. Homeworks does help in these cases and practice is one
of those benefits of homework. For many parents, the beef about homework is not whether it's too
much or too little but the type of school the kids are bringing home. For example, at the end of the
day homework is like work at school but you do it independently at home. That’s why students know
they must put much hard work into their studies.
However, students can easily become overwhelmed when presented with a large amount of it that
takes up hours of their day. My third reason is that by doing homework the teacher will get proof that
you paid attention to the teacher.For example the teacher was telling you how to do your math
homework but you weren't listening and then at home you might not know what to do. National
PTA spokeswoman Heidi May pointed to the organization’s “ 10 minute rule,” which recommends
kids spend about 10 minutes on homework per night for every year they’re in school. School
students don’t understand the importance of this now, but will appreciate it much later in their lives.
The VanDamme Academy, a private K-8 school in Aliso Viejo, California, has a similar policy,
calling homework “largely pointless.” The Buffalo Academy of Scholars, a private school in Buffalo,
New York, touts that it has called “a truce in the homework battle” and promises that families can
“enjoy stress-free, homework-free evenings and more quality time together at home.” Some schools
have taken yet another approach. Conclusion In this blog, we talked about 21 reasons why students
should have homework. Children do it too; too much homework can encourage negative behaviors
like cheating and copying. It is easy for the teacher to tell the students what they have learned just
by looking at their homework. Just like going to the gym, once you start a good habit of going, you
know what you must do to continue to improve as well. This post may contain affiliate links where I
earn a small commission your purchase at no cost to you. If a student has 7-8 classes a day, thats 7-8
hours of homework PER DAY. Good teachers always convey to their students about the benefits of
homework. Conclusion: Students should have less homework assignments With all of this in mind,
what can be done to minimize the negative effects of homework. Some parents don’t offer any
support or help with homework, and even if they would like to, they sometimes can’t because of
their problems. One bad thing about homework is that it can cause arguments between kids and their
parents. Still many teachers and parents are in favor of homework. Studies have shown that too
much homework can result in decreased academic performance, lower motivation levels, and even
health problems. It is important that teachers ensure their students are given appropriate amounts of
assignments and have time at home to relax and complete other necessary tasks. It is a part of the
preparation of course material. The problem-solving skills will help you in your practical life. Journal
of Educational Psychology, 91 2: Explaining the different strengths of relation at the elementary and
secondary school levels. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. Moreover, if
kids have enough homework, they will have enough time to play, which can help their learning and
social skills. Homework should NOT be content that will cause immense struggle for students. Later
these skills and confidence enhance their self-esteem to complete a task independently. When a
student struggles outside of your classroom, they’re left with only that frustration. But all teachers
should give careful thought to how they handle homework. One good thing about homework is that
it forces people to make judgments and find a middle ground. 19. Homework helps people talk to
each other Homework is a way for the student, the teacher, the school, and the parents to stay in
touch. Technology Developing Self-Expression and Creativity. Therefore, it lets everyone learn more
about each other, and parents can see where their kids are having trouble. The teacher must offer
clearer answers during class sessions when students face unfamiliar concepts. 3. Make sure the
competition is fair Among Peers There are more chances of completing the competition when they
have to finish their homework. Conclusion (should students have homework) So should students
have homework.
If a student has 7-8 classes a day, thats 7-8 hours of homework PER DAY. This creates a better
learning environment for students as they have more freedom and autonomy over their education
than taking everything home and potentially worrying about completing it. Many students would
rather cheat in class than do their homework at home, and kids often copy what they hear or read on
the internet or from each other. 02. Homework promotes an unhealthy lifestyle. Students should be
given time in class to work on assignments so they have to take less homework Assigning homework
after school hours is a practice that has long been used by teachers. In the 1950s, people were
worried about falling behind the communists, so more homework was needed as a way to speed up
our education and technology. Parents can make the more complex subjects easier for their kids by
using different study methods like fun learning. 18. Homework teaches you how to manage your
time There’s a lot more to homework than just doing the given tasks. Teachers should focus on
quality over quantity when it comes to homework assignments Assigning homework can often be a
difficult balancing act for teachers. Studies have shown that homework does not boost grades or test
scores in elementary school. In our home, we typically use the kitchen or dining room table. But If
you translate the policy to the 10-minute rule, it’ll be very similar. You can go back to World War I or
a little after, when it was considered important for kids to exercise their brain like a muscle and that
homework was a way to do that. This number will change to high when they are not in school. The
same things happen with students when they are unable to complete their homework on time. A
second reason is that homework is a way to help you get better at the topics you do in class. If they
ask why you’re looking at them, just say, “I’m just listening. I am writing this while doing my math
homework, that i hate and has taken an hour. Cooper said, “No strong evidence was found of a link
between homework and achievement in terms of either the outcome measure (grades instead of
standardized tests) or the subject matter (reading instead of math).” A study done in 2012 on more
than 18,000 10th graders found that too much material and insufficient time to teach it in the
classroom could make students have more homework. Reply Delete Replies Reply Kameron
December 5, 2013 at 6:48 PM Yes, I think that kids should still get homework for these three
reasons. Delete Replies Reply Reply Jayden December 5, 2013 at 5:39 PM I think kids should get
homework because it's very educational. Homework and Academic success usually go hand in hand,
as one correlates to the other. Students test their abilities through homework and recognize the part
of the lesson and get the opportunity to think independently. We feel frustrated and stressed when
we fail to complete a task at hand. I see that he has, on average, about 90 minutes of homework.
Goodness only knows what they might discover about themselves or for themselves. Homework
should NOT be content that will cause immense struggle for students. As we all know, many kids do
not want homework because it helps them learn how to tidy better and keeps them away from
watching TV. September 24, 2014 at 5:55 PM I think kids should have homework because they
might miss school so they do it for homework. This whole blog evolves around the conclusion of this
question. So they can learn from their mistakes and improve over time. 7. Make school work better
Doing homework helps students learn better in school. How can educators work with parents to keep
their role constructive.

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