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7 Je-5 Using electricity safely

Name Class Date

1 The drawing shows a plug. Label the parts of the plug using words from the box.

blue cable grip earth wire fuse live wire

2 Which of these things help to prevent electrical fires or shocks? Draw a ring around two things.

cable grip live wire fuse earth wire

3 The wires inside a cable each have their own plastic insulation. Why does the insulation have
different colours?

4 A hairdryer is connected to the mains supply using a plug. When the hairdryer is working
correctly the current is 4 A. What will happen if something goes wrong and the current is
6 A?

5 Write down two rules for using electricity safely at home.


I can…
● recall some safety precautions to be followed when using electricity
● explain how a fuse works
● recall how the different wires are connected in a plug.

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