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Principles of Marketing

Mystery Shop Discussion: Evaluating Retail Experiences

Purpose: To assess and compare the customer experiences at a designated retail store,
focusing on factors contributing to satisfaction.
Learning Outcomes:
• Analyze basic expectations for customer satisfaction in a retail environment.
• Identify environmental factors influencing customer experiences.
• Develop and utilize observational checklists to evaluate retail interactions.
Instructions: In this assignment, students will conduct a mystery shop at a specified retail
store. They will observe various aspects of the customer experience, including the look and
feel of the establishment, staff interactions, product offerings, pricing strategies, promotional
efforts, and overall satisfaction. Students will create observational checklists to guide their
assessments and summarize their findings in a comprehensive report.
Assignment Details:
1. Group Formation:
• Form groups of 3-4 students.
• Assign each group a specific retail store brand (e.g., Nike, Starbucks, H&M).
2. Observational Checklists:
• Develop detailed checklists covering aspects related to retail experiences,
incorporating elements from the units outlined below:
• Introduction to Marketing: Factors influencing customer satisfaction,
company orientation, marketing environment.
• Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning: Product offerings, pricing
strategies, promotional efforts.
• Pricing, Promotion, and Distribution Decisions: Pricing determinants,
promotional mix, distribution channels.
• Marketing Strategies for Service Firms: Service quality, customer
interaction, facilities maintenance.
3. Mystery Shopping Experience:
• Conduct mystery shops at the designated retail store.
• Use the checklists to observe and evaluate various aspects of the customer
• Take note of interactions with staff, physical appearance of the establishment,
product offerings, pricing, promotional materials, and overall satisfaction.
4. Report Writing:
• Summarize the overall mystery shopping experience for the retail store.
• Provide detailed insights into each aspect evaluated, referencing the
observational checklists.
• Analyze the customer experience and identify areas of strength and areas for
• Offer recommendations for enhancement based on the observations.
Submission Requirements:
• Submit a comprehensive report summarizing the mystery shopping experience for the
retail store.
• Include the completed observational checklists as appendices.
• Ensure professionalism in language, formatting, grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
• Create a presentation on the report covering important aspect (7 to 8 slides)
• Evaluation will be based on the thoroughness of the report (depth of analysis) clarity
of insights, and professionalism in presentation.
• Active participation in discussions and constructive feedback on peers' reports is
encouraged for additional marks.
By completing this assignment, students will gain a practical understanding of marketing
principles, customer satisfaction, and observational research methods in a retail context.

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