EHPBH3B Test 1 S1 2015

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Process Control – EHPBH 3B

Test 1
Date : 27 February 2015 Marks : 85
Time : 100 minutes

Look at the diagram on the back of this page and answer the questions below:

1. A chemical plant is an arrangement of processing units, integrated with one another in a systematic and
rational manner. The plant's overall objective is to convert certain raw materials into desired products
using available sources of energy, in the most economical way. During its operation a chemical plant
must satisfy several requirements imposed by its designers and the general technical, economic and
social conditions in the presence of ever-changing external influences. These requirements include
safety, product specifications, environmental regulations, operational constraints and economics.

1.1. Which two of these requirements are addressed mainly by the control system?
1.2. Give a general explanation of what operational constraints are and discuss the operational
constrains for the given process diagram.
1.3. Look at the CSTR (Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor), what are the production specifications for this
processing unit?
1.4. One of the 3 general classes of needs that the control systems in the CSTR is called on to satisfy is
suppressing the influence of external disturbances. Identify and discuss all the disturbances you
expect to find in this unit.
1.5. A statement is made that this CSTR must be controlled at a meta-stable state, explain what is
meant by this statement.

2. The variables (flow rates, temperatures, pressures, concentrations, etc) associated with chemical processes are
divided into two groups - INPUT and OUTPUT. These can be further classified into manipulated,
disturbances, measure and unmeasured.

2.1. Write a short definition to explain each type of variable

2.2. Identify each of these variable in the control loops shown for the CSTR.
2.3. Identify the control configuration used in the distillation column. Explain your answer.
2.4. What are the basic question that we must ask and answer, when designing a control system?
2.5. Use the procedure discussed in Q2.4 to design a feed forward control system to ensure that T 4
remains constant despite fluctuations in F4. Draw a diagram to show your design.

3. In all control configuration we can distinguish 7 hardware elements

3.1. List the hardware elements that make up a typical control configuration and shortly explain each
3.2. Identify possible measuring instrument used in the control loops shown for the CSTR and give a
short explanation of how each of these types of instruments work. (Choose and discuss only one
example for each of the loops.) Include typical problems associated with this type of measurement
or measuring device.

Process Control – EHPBH 3B
Test 1
Date : 27 February 2015 Marks : 85
Time : 100 minutes

Look at the diagram on the back of this page and answer the questions below:

1. A chemical plant is an arrangement of processing units, integrated with one another in a systematic and rational manner. The plant's
overall objective is to convert certain raw materials into desired products using available sources of energy, in the most economical way.
During its operation a chemical plant must satisfy several requirements imposed by its designers and the general technical, economic and
social conditions in the presence of ever-changing external influences. These requirements include safety, product specifications,
environmental regulations, operational constraints and economics.

1.1. Which two of these requirements are addressed mainly by the control system?
Safety and Product Specification

1.2. Give a general explanation of what operational constraints are and discuss the operational constrains for the given process diagram.
All types of equipment has constrains inherent to their operation, this means that they are
designed (mechanical design, material selection, etc.) to be able to work within a certain pressure
and temperature range. They have a specified size (diameter, height). 
For example, pumps must maintain a certain net positive suction head; tanks should not overflow
or run dry; distillation columns should not be flooded; temperature in a catalytic reactor should
not exceed an upper limit since the catalyst will be destroyed. Explanation must show understanding of the
concept and of the process diagram.

1.3. Look at the CSTR (Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor), what are the production specifications for this processing unit?
To produce product B at a specific concentration. Secondary to this a specific flow rate, may
also be required. It is possible that a specific temperature is also required, but it is likely that the
concentration and temperature will be linked, but it is also possible that this process is catalytic,
and that the reaction is not dependant on temperature. 

1.4. One of the 3 general classes of needs that the control systems in the CSTR is called on to satisfy is suppressing the influence of
external disturbances. Identify and discuss all the disturbances you expect to find in this unit.
From the diagram the composition of stream one is obviously a disturbance. But when
discussing all disturbances T1, F1 and cA2, T2 and F2 are also possibilities. Environmental factors
could also play a role.

1.5. A statement is made that this CSTR must be controlled at a meta-stable state, explain what is meant by this statement.
When a process has 2 or more different stable positions, it is sometimes preferred to operate the
system between the two stable stages. When the process is disturbed it will stabilise
automatically at either the high or the low stable position depending on the direction of the
disturbance – meta-stable process. 

In the case of a reactor it is often two temperature points at the low temperature the reaction rate
is to low and at the high temperature point, the catalyst is damaged or an unwanted side reaction
occurs. This has the effect that a control system is needed to keep the temperature of the reaction
mixture at a value between the stable states.  Explanation must show understanding of the concept and of the
process diagram.

2. The variables (flow rates, temperatures, pressures, concentrations, etc) associated with chemical processes are divided into two groups -
INPUT and OUTPUT. These can be further classified into manipulated, disturbances, measure and unmeasured.

2.1. Write a short definition to explain each type of variable

Input - effect of the surroundings on the process
Manipulated - values can be adjusted freely by the operator or the control system
Disturbances - values are not the result of adjustments by an operator or control system .

Output - effect of the process on the surroundings

Measured - values are known by directly measuring them
Unmeasured - they are not or cannot be measured directly

2.2. Identify each of these variable in the control loops shown for the CSTR.
Input : F1(½), T1(½), cA1(½), F2(½), T2(½), cA2(½), Fst in, Tst in (Qsteam in) (½)

Manipulated: F1, Fst, F3

Disturbances: cA1, F1 and/or F2, T1 and/or T2 (Though it could be the heat of reaction that needs, that is cancelled,
without any disturbance in temperature) , arguments can also be made for cA2 as a disturbance.

Output : F3(h) (½), T3(½), cB3(½), Fst out(½), Tst out (Qsteam out) (½)

Measured: cA1, T3 and h (F3) 

Unmeasured: T1(½), F2(½), T2(½), cA2(½), Tst in, cB3(½), Fst out, Tst out(½)
2.3. Identify the control configuration used in the distillation column. Explain your answer.
Inferential control configuration - secondary measurements is used (because the controlled
variables cannot be measured or accurate measurement is difficult or expensive)  to adjust the
values of the manipulated variables. The objective here is to keep the (unmeasured) controlled
variables at desired levels.
The estimator uses the values of the available measured outputs, together with the material and
energy balances that govern the process, to compute mathematically (estimate) the values of the
unmeasured controlled variables. These estimates, in turn, are used by the controller to adjust the
values of the manipulated variables.
In this process the secondary measurement is the temperature in the distillation column , this is
used to calculate the concentration of the overhead product and manipulate the reflux rate to
ensure that the product remains at the correct composition. Explanation must show understanding of the concept
and of the process diagram.

2.4. What are the basic questions that we must ask and answer, when designing a control system?
What are the operational objectives that a control system is called upon to achieve?  (Define
control objectives)
What variables should we measure in order to monitor the operational performance of a plant? 
(Select measurements)
What are the manipulated variables to be used to control a chemical process?  (Select
manipulated variables)
What is the best control configuration for a given chemical process control situation?  (Select the
control configuration)
How is the information, taken from the measurements, used to adjust the values of the
manipulated variables?  (Design the controller)

2.5. Use the procedure discussed in Q2.4 to design a feed forward control system to ensure that T4 remains constant despite fluctuations
in F4. Draw a diagram to show your design.


Temp measuring device

3. In all control configuration we can distinguish 7 hardware elements

3.1. List the hardware elements that make up a typical control configuration and shortly explain each one.

The chemical process – it represents the material and equipment together with the chemical or
physical operations that occur there. 

The measuring instruments of sensors – such instruments are used to measure the
disturbances, the controlled output variables or secondary variables, and are the main source of
information about what is going on in the process.

Transducers (Transmitter) – these are used to convert the physical measurements to electric
voltage or current, or a pneumatic signal which can be transmitted easily. (It is the interface
between the process and its control system. The transmitter convert the sensor signal (millivolts,
mechanical movement, pressure differential, etc) into a control signal (mA))

Transmission lines – these carry the measurement signals from the measuring device to the
controller and the signal from the controller to the final control element(Bous mark).

The controller – this is the hardware element that has intelligence and decides what actions
must be taken after receiving the measurement signal. (The job of the controller is to compare
the process signal from the transmitter with the set-point signal and to send out an appropriate
signal to the control valve)

The final control element – it implements in real life the decision taken by the controller, for
example opening or closing the required amount if it is a valve.

Recording elements – these give a visual record of how the system behaves by recording the
direct measurements

3.2. Identify possible measuring instrument used in the control loops shown for the CSTR and give a short explanation of how each of
these types of instruments work. (Choose and discuss only one example for each of the loops.) Include typical problems associated
with this type of measurement or measuring device.
Temperature measurements

Most common are thermocouples, thermistors and resistance bulb thermometers.

Measurements are provides in terms of electrical signals and the temperature sensing element is
all ways inside a thermowell. 

Thermocouple – Over the temperature range of -10°C to 700°C iron-constantan thermocouples

are commonly used. The two dissimilar metal wires produce a millivolt signal that varies with the
hot junction temperature.

Resistance thermometer – They use the principle that the electrical resistance of a metal wire
changes with temperature. They are used where accurate temperature or differential-temperature
measurements are required.

Filled bulb temperature sensor – An inert gas is enclosed in a constant-volume system. Changes
in the process temperature causes changes in the pressure exerted by the gas.

The dynamic response of most sensors is usually much faster that the dynamics of the process
itself. Temperatures sensors are a notable and sometimes troublesome exception. The time
constant of a thermocouple and a heavy thermo-well can be 30 seconds or more, this can
significantly degrade control performance. 

Level measurement

Most common ways to measure liquid level or includes:

Following the position of a float that is lighter than the fluid or measuring the apparent weight of a
heavy cylinder as it buoyed up more or less by the liquid
Measuring the difference in static pressure between two fixed elevations, one in the vapour above
the liquid surface and one below the surface of the liquid. (Care needs to be taken with this
method). 

Composition measurements

Typical composition measuring devices include gas chromatographs and various types of
spectroscopic analysers. 
The problem with these types of equipment is the long time delay in their response. They are also
expensive and their operational reliability is not very high. 
Where the online analysis is difficult and expensive to achieve reliably, it is often preferred to
monitor another variable that is easier to measure.

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