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Methodist Charlton Medical Center

3500 W Wheatland Rd Dallas, Tx 75237

Date taken: 04/17/2022
Status: Final result
(Date collected: 04/18/2022, 12:30 PM)
NAME: Destinee Cheatham
DOB: 08/23/1988
ADDRESS: 8423 Sugarberry Pl Dallas, Tx 75249.
Hello Destinee,
You have a POSITIVE Covid-19 Test Result.
You have been diagnosed with COVID-19
infection. You are required to remain in
isolation from 18th of April 2022 to 2nd of
May 2022. To this date, there are no scientific
evidence that indicate that a patient who has
recovered from Covid-19 and has antibodies is
protected against a second infection. If you
test positive for Covid-19, this means the virus
was detected the time your specimen was
collected it’s still possible that you were very
early in your infection at the time of your
specimen collection and that you could test
positive again.
For all these reasons, it is important to follow
CDC guidance at
including but not limited to frequent hand
washing, social distancing, wearing a face
covering, covering coughs and sneezes,
monitoring symptoms, and cleaning and
disinfectant of frequently touched surfaces
_ _ even after a positive test result.
Component Value. Flag Range Units status
LapCop/Helix Detected Not Final
SARS-COV-2. Detected

If you need any other info, you can contact:

Dr Rich Christopher ☎️(507) 690-2768

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