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{+{r {o fto il6

Baroda U. P. Bank
E : (0535) 2702050, 2703875

dTcrqu-sm, .f{s$ (vouo)-zzso r z Fax : (05351 2700723 Taramandal, Gorakhpur (U.P.)-273OL7

Annexure-V (A)


Region: Branch:
Review Proposal of Loan Accounts-Term Loan
Limit - Minimum- Above 1.00 Lac
Maximum.-lrrespective of Limit-Retail Loan, Tractor Loan other direct Agri. Loan
Maximum- Up to 10.00 Lac for SSI, Allied Agri. & General Term Loan
sItqT(ZH{ oT qr-II:--
wtrft qf,T, _q{flI.q QI WIT:

,rur ucxci: \..{r\

----7[nT SF{q/e-{flq Tq E-6 {ffiff:
qmH TalM{I foa16:--- ----gIdI rqt:----
r$roF 6q1-5:---:rfm.T furTo'---:__-dr+F {Rl-------q-dqq Gi-{e)q rTRr------{rTfu qrfr{wF-
$fmF mfufl-ft or qrrr T4 r<: --{fuq sften fuffi---
qTtrq'--- _qM E{:

U+flnq afdror qq omft---- &ro qo' -qrRt*-----

qrfuoZffikfr/oirffi-d/qrffifi-- -----oq t tq'--- -qqD,
olfuiq {.fu, -----fu{f, rqt:-----------qm:
sfdTM oI fufiut: -----00fr0 qtd iTRI--------ffi5:
ilq- tfu{il-
Tdo{o0o frarq:------
qTe{Fo/mq t yfud qfr'rfi qdqq F{ uo:*- --ffieror of ftfu--
qTil{ d qT{-d t
ffinq 01 fteTfr-----
dfl sTTrTRr-

HqrRlqo qfr,fi r6R tflq =fflq 1eu: s0-- ftfterq of ftfu----

0qT w-rtRr iln Aq t-

Tdr@q frqi-o:
cERSAT d ordqil ffirr{ at Reft--
q$rt rrRr (qR d d)so-- ---qm g-{ ftft{s- ----{rJHq sqTqlqq fr1 ftfu--
dfre rn-d t qft-{vor (qfr Et nt) ftfu-- ----nrd tg er5dftn irRF-
e+{r {o fto t-f
Baroda U. P. Bank
2703875 -XeaO
vEn arqlaq E : (0535) 2702050, Ofnce

dtqr-qrer, .ft,q$ $ouo)-zzaor z Fax : (053512700723 Taramandal, Gorakhpur (U.P.)-2t3Otl

ordfro ffiw -rqk orTRe{/qlrft ffimor/ft0\'amilto t qd]fr q* orffil Tq sm-r fuTowr-

srd t orfriq Eii of fufr Tq srdr

ot$ ars q6{I,dsqdFft Et-

e afia6q td-{sfrz (ftffi----__) d {S q-d.tS {-m, ffittf, sqri, q-S tr sTrfr ol 0ri6il{/cfa 6{ d
.rS t a"q t-d}q-m{6 qrqr rrqr tt

+ sc-tffi xq d mfr fiqd {rd or nia+i qil{ fuqT,TsT tt

+ aq rwtq Wf w t qt W frkr rq t Mn fui.ri tr
+ qfrTftlt w s'ff m6 or wrn (+ro, rtqTftgi cri+ldrTc ofi fu nqqTflri frqT rqT t gi ftft'o w fr ryf tr
+ *q t Sfr'il siRnd rq dcTfr{o ufr$a} o ft0mur fuffi------d l6ur qqT tr Td t Esrtfi rr-s qdqn

W ftfuq sqffi fr ftur wr tr

+ cRq}qrT/fuqTo-dTq rdkq-{6 ar t ro it tr
. sqrlm on6'd !q ftrqq d BrsT{ w xor frqn frrT ftTm--------11dts se-------6i ffi 12

qE tg frqd t-di d eilsn w rftfrqd fuqT sRT tZo{i at q-$iHT d qrff tr

t, Gfs nfiftft TfrFr [Technicar Review) fl ilil t I

de-EEelfu{ yfrEd fu frqd *'fi S qTrd) t mi ftmo: Sd{ \-{ qs ffiq qkTfq d-a orM t ei qr irdyq
fi cTH fut qrirn{ sfr frrd on"r t fld vaqdT rfr E} qrfi t d tfr ETf,j01 s qr6 d fd\ c-o{-olrq t qftTr
o1wfi qfur

ftqi-n- {rr{rT ffiqfi/vftffir $rffi

TSil {o fro t-6
Baroda U. P. Bank
qqrr orqldq s r (odss) ,102040, 276,si5 nEio rmce

Fax: (053512700723 Taramandal, Gorakhpur (U.P.)-273OL7

"il{rsgr (sovo)-zzsor z

Annexure-V [B


Region: Branch:

Review Proposal of Loan Accounts-Cash Credit/Saral Vayapar/Overdraft

Limit - Minimum - Above 1.00 Lac
Maximum- Irrespective of Limit - Saral Vyapayar & Overdraft
Maximum-Upto 10.00 Lac for SSI Limit, Allied Agricultural & General Cash Credit
qttqxZs{ or q-{:--
qenfr qf,r -----q{flq sT wll:--

zot treq: ulT s{t{q/6mflq \q t-o qtq!T:---

drrfltq {e1qq1 fr+6:--- ----srdr scqi:
rfmF *;q1-6:---__TfeF ftq'i6:--------rfmF {RI-------qdqH eme)q qfrt------{rTfrf, q,fwT--
CEd qrfuo-fi or q-q T{ r(: ----{frq qfrnr fuffi---
slfriq qrq rft:- *-+---
qfdTfrd oT frilq:- -Oofto qIe vrRr'- -ftapq:
qfrqTdq Hq+ft ffi-
1{k6dq ci-qtq-
2-q-firrT 3n-{tq-
3-W qqT (dfud)-
4-Biln q1vtRF
s-qftHr ilqft d q\iq qrfr t ffi
qN or-qtq q|-Rr mor frfl oTBfr rfr t
nqr ftro-ft erqfu qrqrd qqtr)fun g{ (frilq t)-_-__-
o-qfte{r otqfu d qhTq qrt t
t ftrf,-ft qR onarfr sq fim teonoc Limit) qdfr rfr-----
qq ftni H qrq Hndrfrn g{ (fr{rrr t)__:--

q-q- tfuqil- ildqq tfuqil-

ssfu{/mur t qfun qfr,fi q-dqm {s{ mo: 1tftaq e1 fttu--

0rT Lr{rTRr- ----6q il6 tq t------
HqfffiqoyfrTFrMTn: fifrerq of ftfu--

frqT q-flrRF ----os ilfr Aq il---

e$n {o fto tf
Baroda U. P. Bank
gEII"I E : (0535) 2702050, 270387 5 Head Office

dmqu-s[, qirqw fsovo)-zzaor z Fax : (053512700723 Taramandal, Gorakhpur (U.p)-ztgOLT

cERSAI d qd,rf, ffierq 01 fufr--

dfud nrd t q-ft-oinT (qR Et d) frfu--,\ ----nsfr ig GrTdftd nRr-----

{@'mq ftqio:--- ----vtftt:
qTffid ffieu r=ote qTRet//qTafr ffieu torsoerqo fr qdtfr qfr GrffiildTrl Tq sqirT frroqq:-
qrqfu{r/oPfd vtNIT gwt fr ,rft or{ilr$

I sri t slfrtq Eti ht fre{fr t-qtTqr ilT ht srffi Tq srdr ffin Eli of rrdrfr-
t oti eiq qil{T, dr w*rn rl
Tfiqdq t-ffi (frrm---_-__:) d ret +t Tfr, t+flfrqT, ssrl{, HS qrR ot orTodq/um mr d H
qt t mn rryakq+o qqr rrir t I

+ sfi d edeir{ ilffi d oi-Ssq t

+ gqtlffi f,ur ft1 $ft fr{d vrnT or
qrcFr fuqr .rqr t r

+ xq Ewrfq ryf w t
,Tt Tq frtr6 sq t Md
fu-i ,Td t r

+ ,ft,&d T qil{E ot vun (qffi, rEutTfuBr{, Er$q}eldsrq oTrfr) il6 fuqr1nT( fuqr .M t w ftk6 6q Wf t t r

+ mq t {fud slRnq} \q lffiqo qhTM mr ftftepr ftrm----------A fuqr .rqr t r t E{Tffi rfi q-fnq fd
To ftfte+q srirf, fr fusT .rqr t t

+ qRqldqT/fu-qffiTq Hdqs{6 aq t qo vfr t r

I wilffi q*d \q frflnT d enqn q{ Tur CmF frqT fuqT6- ----ci-*}q s0----------o} orrd rz
qrE tg Td CEd {r-dl d oilq( w n-frfu fuqr qrei t/wi of oTTqrflI of ffi t r

*. Aq EIfifrFI Ffi*, (rechnical Review) f,I ilil t I

#-qaflfrd eM
tg dqi *otl d ilqdl n dEi fraw ddv w sq frda ifldq dil qM t qli w aaw
&^vn_Pd=ilil wE qft ffi 6rsrt Fqdddqild


ffi6- {trany6q57ffi1 oTffi

TSEr {o fro t-6
Baroda U" P. Bank
E : (0535) 2702050, 2TOgBTs

crqqusc{, (sovo)-zzeorz Fax: (053512700723

"Nqw Taramandal, Gorakhpur (U.p .)-2tgOL7


n Accounts-Term
under Annexure (VA).
under Annexure (VB).

Branch: Submitted to:

Reference No:

Date of Submission:

I . Name of the Borrower & Address

: Telephone/Mobile:

2. Location of Factory
3. Sector of Advance S.S.VSME/OTHER
A. Date of incorporation/Establishment
B. Registration & License No
5. Line of Activity & Products Manufactured:
6. Dealing with the Bank since
7. Net worth as on
Share/Partner's capital Rs.
Reserve & Surplus Rs.
Less: MIse. Exps & Loss Rs.
V/ORTH as on
8. Name(S): Proprietor: 1. Rs.
Partner's/Directors : Rs.
Guarantors Rs.
edEr {o fto t-o
Baroda U. P. Bank
sqH o.rqftrq E : (0535) 2702050,2703875 Head Office

tmrp-sd. "f{sgr (sovo)-zzaorz

Fax: (053512700723 Taramandal, Gorakhpur (U.P.)-273O17

9. Present commitments with us A. Yield on the AIC: %

Date of last Sanction/Review From---- -----to---
Authority Name & Post B. Document in order : YesA.lO
Name of facility Limit Rs. C. Terms & Conditions of
Assets Classification---- Sanction complied with: YesA.Jo
10. Experiences/Training in the line of Activity:
1 1. Commitment with other Bank, if anylFinancial Institution:

Name of the Bank Nature of Facilitv Securitv Limit

Overdue: if any
12. Details of Associate Concerns:
Name Business Commitment with us/Other Bank

I 3. Conduct of Account of Associate Concerns:

14. Deposit Relationship/Ancillary Business:
15. Backward & Forward LinkagelAvailability of Raw materials/Marketing:

16. Adverse Comments of Inspecting Officers Comments of the Branch Manager

-O' A "li+nr nd nh

17. Operational details of existing credit facilities for the immediately preceding two completed
Half years.
A. Term Finance:
I . Date of availment/disbursement.
2. Whether installments and interest are regularly paid as per schedule.
(If not, please indicate the extent of arrears and the reason for the same)
Also indicate how the borrower proposes to pay the arrears.
3. Interest earned (from--- --to------ ---------)
4. Present outstanding as on------- ----------)
B. Workine Capital:
Operatlons in the accounts for the period (from--- ----to---- ----------)
1. Interest earned
2. Maximum Balance
3. Minimum Balance
4. Average Balance
5. Turnover in the account (Total of all Credit Entries)
eSil {o fto t-o
Baroda U. P. Bank
E : (0535) 2702050,2703875

dnrq!-sm, .f{sw (souo)-zzao r z Fax: (053512700723 Taramandal, Gorakhpur (U.P.Y273OL7

6. Present Outstanding (as on

Value of security Rs.
Drawing power Rs.
7 . Whether Cheques drawn in account are returned unpaid for financial reasons?
If yes, No and amount
18. Details of securities: (Primary & Collateral Amt. in lacs
Nature of securities Value at the time of sanction Value as on date (Latest

Status of CERSAI registration

Status of Insurance: Primary: Amount valid up to
Collateral: Amount valid up to
19. Comments on Conduct of Account:
Whether turnover in the account is satisfactory & as per Balance Sheet: YesA.{o
(If not, give reason/observation)
TERMS & CONDITIONS OF PROPOSED FACILITY: (classify under 03 broad categories viz.
Term Finance- Funded. Terrr finance Non Funded, IVorking capital. Mention under each
facility, Security, Margin, period of InteresS Repayment, and Special, if any)

Existing Proposed
Total exposure of the party Rs.


Other terms & Conditions

Signature of Branch Manager

Date: . Reviewing Authority


fr-drf,flTfuF sfrErqT fg v$qn frqi d ,rTqd) q qET fuq-o: gdq Tq 3i-q ffiq ETf,rdq ;01 orM t qET q( 3i{{{l
fr sFil fui qri I qsg qRffioRUrtfl-nt gilSIflT TS Ei qrft t d) tS grni ftt 3 qr6 d m rofr+t w d sfterT
T+{r {o fro t-o.
Baroda U. P. Bank
sqn tnrqff,q A : (0535) 2702050,2703875 ttead Offiae

drqrrTu-sET, rtqq.s (soro)-zzoorz Fax: (053512700723 Taramandal, Gorakhpur (U.P,Y273OL7

Analysis of Balance Sheet: Annexure-A

Borrower's Name:
As per Balance Sheets as on
Rs. In lacs Last two Years Current Year Following Year
Actuals Estimate Proiect
Current Assets
Cash and Bank Balance
Sundry Debtors
Advances to Suppliers
Advance payment of Taxes
Other Current Assets
A. Total Current Assets
Current Liability
Short Term Borrowing from Bank
Sundry Creditors fTrade)
Advance Payment from Customers
Provision for Taxation
Other Current Liabilities
B. Total Current Liabilitv
Fixed Assets
Gross Block fland, Building, Machinery)
Construction in progress etc. O

Less: Depreciation to Date:

C. Net Block
Term Liabilities fother than funds borrowed from
groups, cos. Directors, friends, family members)
Debentures /Redeemable pref shares
Term Loan from Bank's/Fin. Institutions
Deferred Credits
Other term Liabilities
D. Total Term Liabilities
E. Intaneible Assets fiike soodwill oatents etc.')
Cos. Non Current Assets, Investments in Shares etc.
K. TANGIBLE ry$lvqBlH (H+l-f-EJ
L. Total Assets [A+C+E+IJ
M. Total Liabilities [B+D+l+K+E)

Branch Manager
TS{r {o fto t-6
Baroda U. P. Bank
gEIH E : (0535) 2702050,270382s Head Office

dnrqu-sm, (souo)-zzeo Fax: (053512700723

"f{q$ r z Taramanda!, Gorakhpur (U.p .)-ZTgOtl


Borrowerts Name:
As per Balance Sheets for the year ending
Rs. In lacs Last two Years Current Year Following
Actuals Estimate Year Proiect
I -Sales / Gross Sales
Less: Excise Duty
(Excluding other Income) Net sales
2-Manufacturing Expenses (such as value RJ\4. St".*,
Powers "f
&. fuel consumed, direct labour, repairs and
maintenance etc.
4-Net Charge (+/-) in value of opening (+) & ctostng (,
stock of work-in-progress

)-Uost of Productron (2+3+4)

6-Net Charge (+/-)in value of opening (+) & closing ()
stock of finished goods

7-Cost of Sales (5+6)

8-Gross Profit (l-7)
9-[nterest O

l0-Selling General & Admn. Expenses

I l-Opening Profit (8-9-10)
l2-Other Income
l3-Other Expenses
l4-Profit before Tax (l l+12-13)
l5-Pro. For dev. Rebate Res/Invest. Allow.
16-Net Profit before Tax (14-15)

17-Provision for Taxes

l8-Net Profit (16-17)
I9-Div. Payable/paid-withdrawals
20-Cash Profit ( I 6+3+1 5)
2l-Funds Retained in Business (20-17-19)
22-Current Ratio
23-Debt Equity Ratio
24-Gross profitA,let Sales (%)
25-Net Profit/Tangible Net Worth (%)
26-Inventory/\let.Sales (in No. of days)
27-Receivable/Gross Sales (in No. of days)
28-Sundry Creditors/Purchases (in No. of days)
Prepared by checked by

Branch Manager
T.S{r qo fto {o.
Baroda U. P. Bank
IIETI"T E : (0535) 2702050, 270387 5 Head Office

dRrquEET, rf{sw (souo)-zzaot z Fax : (053512700723 Taramandal, Gorakhpur (U.P,)-273O17


Borrowers Name:


Projected Sales for the period from to Rs. Lacs

Classification of lndustry (As per T/C norms)

Actual as at Projected as at Peak Ievel

(Non-peak level) projection as at

Holding Amount Holding Holding

Months Months Months

lnd. Raw materials etc.

Other consumable spares

stock in process

Finished Goods

Receivable domestic

Advances to suppliers

Other Current assets.

2-Cu rrent Liabilities:

Current Liabilities (Other

than bank borrowings)

Advance for Consumer's

Accrued Expenses

Statutory Liabilities
Tfu {o fto t-6
Baroda U. P. Bank
stin-E ?DEflclq a : (0s3s) 2702050,2r0397s Head oriiC
(fl-trqu-sET, .f{q$ (soro)-zzsorz Fax : (053512700723 Taramandal, Gorakhpur (U.p.)-Z73O1J

Other Current Liabilities


3-Working Capital Gap

4-Actual/Projected Bank
S-Total Current Liabilities
6-Actual Project
networking capital (1-5)
Actual as at Projected at Peak Level
Projected as at
7-Minimum stipulated Net Working Capital (25%
of 3 or 1 as case may be)

8-ltem 3-ltem-7

9-ltem 3-ltem-4

1O-Maximum Permissible Bank finance (ltemo8 or

Item 9 wherever is lower)

Ll,-Excess Borrowings (representing shortfall in

Net Working Capital to be converted into working

Capital Term Loan (7-6)

OR Nayak Committee Norms

1-Projected Sales

2-Working Capital @ 25% of Projected Sales

3-Less Margin 5% of the above point 1.

Bank Finance (subject to 75% of total stock value)

Net Maximum Permissible Bank Finance:

(Higher calculative among the above) Rs.-----

Date: Signature of Br. Manager

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