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Title of the project

Online advertisement
management system for social
media platforms

Sl no TOPIC Page no.














This project aims to develop a complete and user-friendly system that empowers
businesses of all sizes to efficiently manage their online advertising campaigns
across popular social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter,
LinkedIn, and more. By harnessing the power of technology and data-driven
insights, this system will provide businesses with the tools they need to maximize
their advertising efforts, optimize their spending, and achieve their marketing
objectives successfully.

At its core, the Online Advertisement Management System will offer features such
as campaign planning, ad creation, targeting options, budget management,
performance tracking, and analytics. These features will enable businesses to
strategize their advertising campaigns, tailor their messaging to specific audience
segments, and monitor the performance of their ads in real-time.

Moreover, the system will prioritize user experience and ease of use, ensuring that
even users with limited technical expertise can navigate the platform effortlessly.
Intuitive interfaces, guided workflows, and customizable dashboards will empower
marketers to create and manage their campaigns with confidence, while advanced
analytics will provide valuable insights into audience engagement, conversion
rates, and return on investment.


1) Streamlined Campaign Management: Develop a user-friendly interface that

allows businesses to create, schedule, and manage their advertising
campaigns seamlessly across multiple social media platforms from a
centralized dashboard.

2) Targeted Advertising: Implement robust targeting options that enable

businesses to tailor their ads to specific demographics, interests, behaviors,
and geographic locations, maximizing the relevance and effectiveness of their

3) Ad Creation and Customization: Provide tools and templates for creating

visually appealing and engaging advertisements, supporting various ad
formats such as images, videos, carousels, and sponsored content. Enable
customization options to align ads with brand identity and messaging.

4) Budget Optimization: Develop features for setting and managing advertising

budgets, including automated bidding strategies, budget allocation across
different platforms, and real-time monitoring of spending to optimize ROI.

5) Performance Monitoring and Analytics: Implement comprehensive analytics

and reporting functionalities to track the performance of advertising
campaigns in real-time. Provide insights into key metrics such as impressions,
clicks, conversions, engagement rates, and ROI to inform optimization

6) Automation and Efficiency: Integrate automation features to streamline

repetitive tasks, such as ad scheduling, budget adjustments, and performance
optimizations, freeing up time for marketers to focus on strategic decision-
making and creative initiatives.

7) User Training and Support: Offer training materials, tutorials, and customer
support resources to ensure that users can maximize the capabilities of the
platform and troubleshoot any issues effectively.


The "Online Advertisement Management System for Social Media

Platforms" aims to streamline advertising campaign management across
various social media channels. It will offer a user-friendly interface for
creating, scheduling, and monitoring campaigns, with robust targeting
options and ad customization features. Budget optimization tools and
real-time analytics will enable businesses to maximize ROI, while
automation capabilities will enhance efficiency. The project's goal is to
empower businesses of all sizes to effectively leverage social media
advertising, drive engagement, and achieve their marketing objectives
with ease and confidence.

 Platform Development: Design and develop a web-based platform accessible
from any device with internet connectivity.

 Social Media Integration: Integrate with popular social media platforms such
as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc., to enable seamless
advertising campaign management.

 User Interface Design: Create an intuitive and user-friendly interface for easy
navigation and efficient campaign management.

 Campaign Management Features: Include functionalities for campaign

creation, scheduling, budget allocation, ad format selection, and targeting

 Ad Customization: Provide tools for customizing ad content, including images,

videos, captions, and call-to-action buttons.

 Budget Optimization: Implement features for setting and adjusting

advertising budgets, automated bidding strategies, and real-time spending

 Analytics and Reporting: Integrate comprehensive analytics tools to track

campaign performance metrics, including impressions, clicks, conversions,
and ROI.

 Automation: Include automation capabilities for tasks such as ad scheduling,

budget adjustments, and performance optimizations.
 Security: Implement robust security measures to protect user data and ensure
compliance with privacy regulations.

 Documentation and Support: Provide user guides, tutorials, and customer

support resources to assist users in utilizing the platform effectively.

 Scalability: Design the platform to accommodate growth and scalability,

allowing for the addition of new features and integration with emerging social
media platforms in the future.

 Testing: Conduct thorough testing to ensure the platform's functionality,

usability, and performance meet quality standards and user expectations.

 Deployment: Deploy the platform to a reliable hosting environment, ensuring

high availability and reliability for users.

 Training: Offer training sessions or resources to educate users on how to

utilize the platform's features effectively.


1) Market Analysis: Conduct a thorough analysis of the current market trends in

online advertising and social media platforms. Identify key competitors, their
offerings, pricing strategies, and market share.

2) User Needs Analysis: Interview potential users (marketers, advertisers,

business owners) to understand their pain points, requirements, and
preferences regarding social media advertising management systems.

3) Functional Requirements: Define the functional requirements of the system

based on the identified user needs, including campaign management, ad
creation, targeting options, budget optimization, analytics, and automation

4) Technical Feasibility: Evaluate the technical feasibility of implementing the

required features, considering factors such as platform compatibility,
integration with social media APIs, scalability, security, and performance.

5) Cost Analysis: Estimate the development costs, including personnel,

infrastructure, licensing fees, and any third-party services or APIs required.
Compare these costs with potential revenue streams to assess the project's
financial viability.

6) Legal and Regulatory Compliance: Identify legal and regulatory

requirements related to online advertising, data privacy, and consumer
protection laws. Ensure that the system complies with relevant regulations,
such as GDPR, CCPA, and advertising standards.

7) Risk Assessment: Identify potential risks and challenges that may arise during
system development and deployment, such as technical constraints, market
competition, changes in social media algorithms, and data security threats.
Develop mitigation strategies to address these risks.

8) User Acceptance Testing: Develop prototypes or mockups of the system's

user interface and functionalities and conduct user acceptance testing to
gather feedback from stakeholders and refine the system's design and
features accordingly.

9) Pilot Testing: Deploy a pilot version of the system to a limited user base to
evaluate its performance, usability, and effectiveness in real-world scenarios.
Gather feedback from pilot users to identify areas for improvement before
full-scale deployment.

10) Continuous Improvement: Establish mechanisms for gathering ongoing

feedback from users and monitoring key performance indicators (KPIs) to
identify opportunities for further optimization and enhancement of the
system over time.


System analysis is a crucial phase in the development of any software project, including the "Online

Advertisement Management System for Social Media Platforms." It begins with the identification of stakeholders,

encompassing end-users, administrators, developers, and other relevant parties. Gathering requirements

involves conducting interviews, surveys, and workshops to understand functional and non-functional needs as

well as constraints. Use case analysis is then employed to illustrate user interactions and workflows, ensuring all

requirements are addressed. Data modeling follows to define data architecture and relationships, while system

architecture design determines the overall technical infrastructure. User interface design focuses on creating an

intuitive interface, validated through prototyping and feedback. Risk analysis identifies potential risks, while

feasibility study assesses technical, economic, and operational viability. Finally, requirements prioritization

allocates resources effectively. Through systematic analysis, the project team lays a solid foundation for

successful development and delivery of the system.


The existing system for managing online advertisements on social media

platforms may vary widely depending on the specific needs and
capabilities of businesses. In some cases, businesses may rely on manual
methods such as directly accessing each social media platform's
advertising interfaces to create, monitor, and optimize campaigns
individually. This approach can be time-consuming and inefficient,
especially for businesses managing multiple campaigns across different

Alternatively, businesses may use third-party advertising tools or software solutions

that offer varying levels of automation and integration with social media platforms.
These tools often provide features such as campaign management, ad creation,
targeting options, budget optimization, and analytics. However, they may lack
comprehensive integration with all relevant social media platforms or may require
additional manual effort to synchronize data and manage campaigns effectively.


The maintenance of various records and procedure of reporting are being done
manually by the counseling department. This leads to many drawbacks some of
which are:

1) Fragmentation: Businesses often need to use multiple tools or platforms to manage advertising
campaigns across different social media platforms, leading to fragmentation of data and

2) Manual Effort: Many existing systems rely heavily on manual processes, such as individually
creating and monitoring campaigns on each social media platform, leading to inefficiencies and
increased workload for advertisers.

3) Lack of Integration: Some third-party advertising tools may lack comprehensive integration with all
relevant social media platforms, resulting in difficulties synchronizing data and managing
campaigns effectively across multiple channels.

4) Limited Automation: Existing systems may offer limited automation capabilities, requiring
advertisers to manually perform tasks such as ad scheduling, budget optimization, and
performance monitoring.

5) Incomplete Analytics: Analytics provided by existing systems may lack depth or granularity,
limiting advertisers' ability to gain insights into campaign performance and make informed
optimization decisions.

6) Scalability Issues: As advertising campaigns grow in complexity and scale, existing systems may
struggle to accommodate increasing demands, leading to performance issues or limitations in

7) Dependency on Platform Changes: The effectiveness of existing systems may be impacted by

changes to social media platforms' algorithms, policies, or interfaces, requiring constant updates
and adjustments to maintain optimal performance.

8) Limited Customization: Some existing systems may offer limited customization options for ad
creative, targeting criteria, or campaign settings, restricting advertisers' ability to tailor campaigns
to their specific goals and audience.

9) Data Privacy Concerns: Advertisers may have concerns about data privacy and security when using
third-party advertising tools, especially if they involve sharing sensitive customer



In today's digital landscape, social media platforms have emerged as powerful

channels for businesses to connect with their target audience and drive
engagement. However, managing advertising campaigns across multiple social
media platforms efficiently and effectively can be challenging. To address this
need, we propose an innovative solution: the "Online Advertisement Management
System for Social Media Platforms.

Features Of The Proposed System:

The proposed system will aim to automate all the activities and eliminate all the
drawbacks that the existing system of manual operation faces. The important
features of functionality of the proposed system are listed below-

1) Centralized Management: The proposed system will offer a

centralized dashboard where advertisers can create,
monitor, and optimize advertising campaigns across multiple
social media platforms, eliminating the need to use multiple
tools or platforms.
2) Integration with Social Media Platforms: The system will
integrate seamlessly with popular social media platforms
such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.,
allowing advertisers to manage campaigns across all
relevant channels from a single interface.
3) Automation: The proposed system will automate repetitive
tasks such as ad scheduling, budget optimization, and
performance monitoring, freeing up advertisers' time to
focus on strategy and creative development.
4) Advanced Targeting Options: The system will offer robust
targeting options based on demographics, interests,
behaviors, and geographic locations, allowing advertisers to
reach their ideal audience segments with precision.
5) Customizable Ad Creative: Advertisers will have access to
tools and templates for creating visually appealing and
engaging advertisements, with options for customization to
align with brand identity and messaging.
6) Real-Time Analytics: The system will provide comprehensive
analytics and reporting functionalities, allowing advertisers
to track campaign performance metrics such as impressions,
clicks, conversions, and ROI in real-time.



Provide an overview of the system and its purpose.
Specify the intended audience and stakeholders.
Functional Requirements

 Detail the functionalities that the system must provide.

 Include features such as campaign management, ad creation, targeting
options, budget optimization, analytics, and automation.
 Non-Functional Requirements

Specify the performance, security, usability, and scalability requirements of the

Include factors such as response time, data encryption, user interface design, and
system capacity.

Use Cases
 Describe typical user interactions and workflows.
 Provide use case diagrams and scenarios to illustrate how users will interact
with the system to achieve their goals.

Data Requirements
 Define the types of data to be collected, stored, and processed by the
 Include entities, attributes, relationships, and data validation rules.

System Architecture
 Describe the overall architecture of the system, including hardware,
software, and integration points.
 Specify any third-party tools or APIs that will be used.
 User Interface Design
 Provide wireframes or mock-ups of the user interface.
 Describe the layout, navigation, and visual design of the system.

Security Requirements
 Detail the security measures to protect user data and ensure compliance with
relevant regulations.
 Include authentication, authorization, encryption, and data privacy measures

Problem Statement:

As internet is becoming popular nowadays there is a trend of online counseling

management system. So a good online counseling management system is needed
which offers fast and efficient system.


➢ To provide quality counseling management system for the students.




The system should be efficient in creating and modifying counseling sessions,

managing counselors, managing databases etc.


The system should provide a reliable environment to all users. Moreover the system
must not contain any errors.


The application should be designed in such a way that it provide user-friendly user
interfaces and usability.


The system should be a web application. So for web application frontend html and
css is necessary for markup and design, and for backend development php and mysql
should be chosen.


The whole system is expected to be delivered in four months of time with a weekly
evaluation by the project guide.




Description of feature :

This feature used by the user to login into system. There are 3 types of users: -
admin, counselor and student.

Functional requirement :

• In form page, there must be at least 2 fields consist of Username and Password.

• Password should be hidden from others while typing it in the field.


Description of feature :

A new user will have to register in the system by providing essential details in order
to view or create or review or admin site.

Functional requirement :

• System must be able to verify and validate information.

• The system must encrypt the password of the customer to provide security.


 Introduction
Provide an overview of the software and hardware requirements for the system.
Specify the purpose and scope of the document.

 Software Requirements
List the software components and dependencies required for the system to function.
Include operating systems, web servers, database management systems, programming languages,
frameworks, and third-party libraries.

 Hardware Requirements
Specify the hardware components and configurations needed to support the system.
Include details such as processor, memory (RAM), storage, network bandwidth, and peripherals

 Operating System
Specify the supported operating systems for hosting the system, such as Windows, Linux, or macOS.
Detail any specific versions or editions required.

 Web Server
Specify the web server software required to host the system, such as Apache, Nginx, or Microsoft IIS.
Include any additional modules or configurations needed for optimal performance.

 Database Management System (DBMS)

Specify the database management system used to store and retrieve data for the system, such as MySQL,
PostgreSQL, MongoDB, or Microsoft SQL Server.

 Programming Language
Specify the programming languages used to develop the system, such as Python, JavaScript, PHP, or Java.
Include any specific versions or frameworks required.

 Frameworks and Libraries

List any third-party frameworks or libraries used in the development of the system, such as Django, React,
Angular, or jQuery.

 Networking Requirements
Specify any networking requirements for the system, such as internet connectivity, firewall
configurations, or VPN access.

 Peripheral Devices
Specify any peripheral devices required to interact with the system, such as printers, scanners, or barcode

 Introduction
1. Provide an overview of the feasibility study and its purpose.
2. Define the objectives and scope of the study.
 Market Analysis
1. Evaluate the market demand for the proposed system.
2. Analyse industry trends, competition, and potential customer base.
3. Assess the size of the target market and growth potential.
 Technical Feasibility
1. Assess the technical feasibility of developing the proposed system.
2. Evaluate the availability of technology, tools, and expertise required.
3. Consider any technical constraints or challenges that may impact development.
 Financial Feasibility
1. Determine the financial feasibility of the proposed system.
2. Estimate development costs, including personnel, infrastructure, and software.
3. Assess potential revenue streams, pricing models, and return on investment (ROI).
4. Conduct cost-benefit analysis to evaluate the economic viability of the project.
 Operational Feasibility
1. Evaluate the operational feasibility of implementing the proposed system.
2. Assess the impact on existing business processes, workflows, and resources.
3. Consider any organizational changes or training requirements needed to support the

Technical Feasibility:

Following tools/ languages used for development of this site.

Presentation layer : HTML, CSS, JS

Back end : PYTHON

Operating System : Windows/Linux

Web server : APACHE

User Interface : SIMPLE BROWSER

Economical Feasibility:

Economic feasibility assesses the financial viability of the proposed system by

analyzing its costs and benefits. This evaluation involves estimating the total cost
of ownership, including development, implementation, maintenance, and
operational expenses, and comparing it to the expected benefits and returns. Cost-
benefit analysis is a key component of economic feasibility, where potential
benefits such as increased revenue, cost savings, productivity gains, and
competitive advantages are weighed against the investment required. By
considering factors such as return on investment (ROI), payback period, net present
value (NPV), and internal rate of return (IRR), organizations can determine whether
the proposed system is economically feasible and whether the expected benefits
outweigh the costs over the system's lifecycle.

Operational Feasibility:

Operational feasibility evaluates the practicality and effectiveness of implementing

the proposed system within the organization's existing operations and processes.
This assessment considers factors such as user acceptance, organizational culture,
workflow integration, and change management. It involves analyzing how the new
system will impact day-to-day operations, user productivity, and organizational
efficiency. By engaging stakeholders and end-users early in the planning process,
organizations can identify potential challenges, resistance to change, and usability
issues that may affect system adoption. Addressing these concerns through
training, communication, and stakeholder engagement strategies can enhance
operational feasibility and ensure a smooth transition to the new system.
Ultimately, operational feasibility assesses whether the proposed system aligns
with the organization's goals, objectives, and capabilities and whether it can be
effectively implemented and integrated into existing workflows to deliver the
intended benefits.


The software engineering paradigm applied in the development of the proposed

"Online Advertisement Management System for Social Media Platforms" is primarily
iterative and incremental development, with elements of agile methodologies.

Iterative Development:
Iterative development involves breaking down the development process into
smaller iterations or cycles. Each iteration focuses on completing specific features
or functionalities, allowing for continuous improvement and refinement over time.
In the context of the proposed system, iterative development enables the
development team to address evolving requirements, incorporate user feedback,
and adapt to changing market conditions. It facilitates flexibility and
responsiveness, allowing for adjustments to be made throughout the development
process based on new insights and discoveries.

Incremental Development:
Incremental development involves delivering the system in increments or stages,
with each increment adding new features or capabilities to the system. This
approach allows for early delivery of valuable functionality to users while
progressively enhancing and expanding the system over time. In the case of the
advertisement management system, incremental development enables the
development team to prioritize key features and deliver them incrementally,
providing users with early access to essential functionalities while continuing to
build and refine additional features in subsequent iterations.

Agile Methodologies:
While not strictly following a specific agile methodology such as Scrum or Kanban,
the development approach incorporates agile principles and practices. Agile
methodologies emphasize collaboration, adaptability, and customer-centricity,
which align well with the goals of the project. Iterative and incremental
development, frequent communication with stakeholders, continuous integration
and testing, and a focus on delivering working software are all characteristics of
agile development that are applied in the development process.

By applying iterative and incremental development methodologies, along with agile

principles and practices, the development team can effectively manage
complexity, mitigate risks, and deliver a high-quality advertisement management
system that meets the needs of users and stakeholders while adapting to changing
requirements and market dynamics.

The spiral model

The Spiral Model is a software development model that combines elements of both
iterative and incremental development methodologies with aspects of waterfall
model's systematic and phased approach. It is a risk-driven model that allows for
iterative enhancement of software through repeated cycles called "spirals." Each
spiral represents a phase in the software development process, with iterations
focusing on different aspects such as planning, risk analysis, development, and

In the context of the "Online Advertisement Management System for Social Media
Platforms," the Spiral Model can be applied as follows:

 Identification of Objectives: The first spiral begins with the identification of

objectives and requirements for the advertisement management system. This phase
involves gathering user requirements, defining system goals, and establishing the scope
of the project.

 Risk Analysis: The second spiral focuses on risk analysis and mitigation. Potential risks
associated with the project, such as technical challenges, resource constraints, and
market uncertainties, are identified and evaluated. Strategies are developed to
mitigate these risks and ensure project success.

 Development: The third spiral involves the development of the advertisement

management system based on the requirements identified in the first spiral.
Incremental development techniques are used to deliver working software in small
increments or iterations, allowing for continuous feedback and improvement.

 Evaluation: The fourth spiral focuses on evaluating the software developed in the
previous iterations. User feedback, testing results, and performance metrics are
analyzed to identify areas for improvement and refinement. Modifications and
enhancements are made to the software based on the evaluation findings.

 Planning for the Next Iteration: The final spiral involves planning for the next
iteration of development. Lessons learned from previous iterations are incorporated
into the planning process, and adjustments are made to the project plan,
requirements, and risk management strategies as needed. The cycle then repeats, with
each iteration building upon the work done in the previous spirals.

Advantages of the spiral model:

The primary advantage is that the spiral model has a wide range of options to
accommodate the good features of other lifecycle models. It becomes equivalent to
another lifecycle model in appropriate situations. Also the risk-avoidance approach
keeps from having additional difficulties.

The spiral model focuses its early attention on the option of reusing existing software.

It prepares for lifecycle evolution, growth, and changes of the software product. Major
sources of this change are included in the product objectives.

It incorporates software quality objectives into software product development.

Emphasis is placed on identifying all objectives and constraints during each round.

The risk analysis and validation steps eliminate errors early on.

Maintenance is included as another cycle of the spiral; there is essentially no

distinction between maintenance and development. This helps to avoid
underestimation of resources needed for maintenance.

Disadvantages of the spiral model:

The risk-driven model is dependent on the developers' ability to identify project risk.
The entire product depends on the risk assessment skills of the developer. If those
skills are weak then the product could be a disaster. A design produced by an expert
may be implemented by non-experts. In a case such as this, the expert does not
need a great deal of detailed documentation, but must provide enough additional
documentation to keep the non-experts from going astray.

The process steps need to be further elaborated to make sure that the software
developers are consistent in their production. It is still fairly new compared to other
models, so it has not been used significantly and therefore the problems associated
with it haven't been widely tested and solved.

System design is a critical phase in the software development lifecycle where the
architecture and structure of the proposed system are defined in detail. It involves
translating the requirements specified in the earlier phases into a technical
blueprint that guides the implementation process. In the context of the "Online
Advertisement Management System for Social Media Platforms," the system design
encompasses several key components:

Architecture Design:
 Define the overall architecture of the system, including its components, modules, and subsystems.
 Choose appropriate architectural styles and patterns to ensure scalability, maintainability, and
 Consider factors such as client-server architecture, microservices architecture, and cloud
deployment options.

Database Design:
 Design the database schema to store and manage data related to advertisements, campaigns,
users, and other entities.
 Define the tables, fields, relationships, and constraints needed to represent the data model.
 Choose an appropriate database management system (DBMS) based on requirements such as
scalability, reliability, and data consistency.

User Interface Design:

 Design the user interface (UI) of the system to be intuitive, user-friendly, and visually appealing.
 Create wireframes, mockups, or prototypes to visualize the layout, navigation, and interaction
 Consider usability principles, accessibility standards, and responsive design techniques to
accommodate diverse user needs and devices.

Application Logic Design:

 Define the business logic and functionality of the system, including algorithms, workflows, and
 Identify use cases and user stories to guide the implementation of features and functionalities.
 Decompose complex tasks into smaller, manageable components and define interfaces for
communication between modules.

Integration Design:
 Plan how the system will integrate with external services, APIs, and social media platforms.
 Define data exchange formats, protocols, and authentication mechanisms for seamless
 Consider factors such as security, performance, and error handling in integration design.

Security Design:
 Identify security requirements and risks associated with the system, including data privacy,
authentication, authorization, and encryption.
 Implement security measures such as access controls, data encryption, and audit logging to protect
against threats and vulnerabilities.
 Follow best practices and compliance standards such as GDPR, CCPA, and OWASP guidelines.

Data Integrity And Constraints:

Data integrity refers to the accuracy, consistency, and reliability of data stored and
managed within a system. It ensures that data remains intact and trustworthy
throughout its lifecycle, from creation to retrieval and modification. In the context
of the "Online Advertisement Management System for Social Media Platforms,"
maintaining data integrity is crucial to ensure the effectiveness and reliability of
advertising campaigns. Here are some key aspects of data integrity and constraints:

 Entity Integrity: Ensuring that each entity in the database has a unique identifier (primary key)
and that this identifier is not null or duplicated. For example, each advertisement and user profile
should have a unique ID.

 Domain Integrity: Enforcing constraints on the permissible values for attributes within each entity.
For instance, ensuring that the date of an advertisement's creation falls within a valid range or
that the budget allocated for a campaign is within predefined limits.

 Referential Integrity: Maintaining the consistency and validity of relationships between entities.
This involves enforcing foreign key constraints to ensure that references between tables remain
valid. For example, ensuring that a campaign is associated with an existing advertiser and that an
advertisement is linked to a valid campaign.

 Constraints and Validation Rules: Implementing constraints and validation rules to prevent the
insertion of invalid or inconsistent data. This may include data type constraints, uniqueness
constraints, check constraints, and custom validation rules. For instance, ensuring that email
addresses are in a valid format or that campaign start dates are not in the past.

 Concurrency Control: Managing concurrent access to data to prevent conflicts and maintain data
consistency. Implementing mechanisms such as locking, optimistic concurrency control, or
timestamp-based concurrency control to ensure that multiple users can access and modify data
concurrently without compromising integrity.

 Audit Trails: Logging and tracking changes to data to maintain a complete history of modifications.
This involves recording details such as who made the change, when it occurred, and what data was
affected. Audit trails can help identify unauthorized changes, track user activity, and facilitate
compliance with regulatory requirements.


Database design for the "Online Advertisement Management System for Social
Media Platforms" is crucial for organizing and managing data efficiently. Here's a
high-level overview of the database design for this system:

Entities and Relationships:

 Users: This entity represents users of the system, including advertisers, administrators, and other
stakeholders. Attributes may include user ID, username, email, password, role, and contact
 Advertisements: Represents individual advertisements created by advertisers. Attributes may
include advertisement ID, title, content, image/video URL, status (active/inactive), target
audience, and campaign ID.

 Represents advertising campaigns created by advertisers. Attributes may include campaign ID,
name, description, start date, end date, budget, status, and advertiser ID.
 Social Media Platforms: Represents social media platforms where advertisements are published.
Attributes may include platform ID, name, description, and API credentials.

Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD):

 Create an ERD to visualize the relationships between entities. For example, users may have a one-
to-many relationship with campaigns (one user can create multiple campaigns), and campaigns
may have a one-to-many relationship with advertisements (one campaign can have multiple

 Apply normalization techniques to ensure data integrity and reduce redundancy. Normalize the
database schema to at least third normal form (3NF) to eliminate data anomalies and improve
 Data Constraints:
 Define data constraints to enforce entity integrity, domain integrity, and referential integrity. For
example, ensure that each user has a unique username and that campaign budgets are within
predefined limits.
 Create indexes on frequently queried columns to improve query performance. Consider indexing
attributes such as campaign start date, advertisement status, and user roles to optimize database
 Database Management System (DBMS):
 Choose an appropriate DBMS based on requirements such as scalability, performance, and
reliability. Consider options like MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, or Microsoft SQL Server, depending
on the specific needs of the system.

Security Considerations:
 Implement security measures such as access controls, encryption, and auditing to protect sensitive
data. Ensure that only authorized users have access to certain data and that data is encrypted
when transmitted or stored.


A Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is a graphical representation of the flow of data within a system. It
illustrates how data moves between processes, data stores, and external entities. Here's a basic
outline of a DFD for the "Online Advertisement Management System for Social Media Platforms"

Context Diagram:
a. Level 0 DFD that provides an overview of the system's interactions with external entities.
b. External entities: Users (advertisers, administrators), Social Media Platforms.
c. Processes: Advertisement Management System.
d. Data flows: Advertisements, Campaigns, User Profiles.

Level 1 DFDs:
Break down the Advertisement Management System into more detailed processes and data flows.
a. User Management Process:
b. Processes: User Registration, User Authentication.
c. Data flows: User Credentials, User Profiles.
d. Campaign Management Process:
e. Processes: Campaign Creation, Campaign Monitoring.
f. Data flows: Campaign Details, Advertisements.
g. Advertisement Publication Process:
h. Processes: Advertisement Submission, Advertisement Publishing.
i. Data flows: Advertisements, Social Media Platforms.

Level 2 DFDs:
Further detail the processes identified in Level 1 DFDs, breaking them down into sub-processes if
a. User Registration Process:
a. Processes: Validate User Details, Create User Profile.
b. Data flows: User Credentials, User Profiles.
c. Campaign Creation Process:
d. Processes: Define Campaign Parameters, Allocate Budget.
e. Data flows: Campaign Details, User Preferences.
b. Advertisement Submission Process:
f. Processes: Upload Ad Content, Specify Target Audience.
g. Data flows: Advertisements, Campaign Details.
c. Advertisement Publishing Process:
h. Processes: Authenticate with Social Media Platforms, Publish Ads.

Data flows:
Advertisements, Social Media Platforms.

Data Stores:
Represent repositories where data is stored within the system. Examples include User Profiles,
Campaign Details, and Advertisements.

External Entities:
Represent entities outside the system with which it interacts. Examples include Users
(advertisers, administrators) and Social Media Platforms.

DFD Symbols:

In the DFD, there are four symbols and they are described below along with their

DFD (Data flow diagrams) :

Data flow diagrams illustrate how data is processed by a system in terms of inputs
and outputs. Data Flow Diagramming is a means of representing a system at any
level of detail with a graphic network of symbols showing data flows, data stores,
data processes, and data sources/ destinations.

The Data Flow Diagram is analogous to a road map. It is a network of all possibilities
with different detail shown, on different hierarchical levels. The process of
representing different detail levels is called leveling or partitioning by some data flow
diagram advocates. Like a road map, there is no start or stop point, no time or timing,
or steps to get somewhere. We just know that the data path must exist because at
some point it will be needed. A road map shows all existing or planned roads because
at some point it will be detail that is not shown on the different levels of the data
flow diagram such as volumes, timing, frequency, etc. is shown on supplementary
diagrams or in the data dictionary. For example, data store contents may be shown in
the data dictionary.

Purpose/objective :

The creation of a Data Flow Diagram (DFD) for the "Online Advertisement
Management System for Social Media Platforms" serves a crucial purpose in the
development process. It provides stakeholders with a clear and concise
visualization of how data traverses within the system, from its sources to its
destinations. By delineating the various processes, data stores, and external
entities involved, the DFD offers a comprehensive overview of the system's
functionality and interactions. This visual representation aids in understanding the
system's intricacies, identifying dependencies between components, and
facilitating effective communication among stakeholders. Moreover, the DFD serves
as a valuable tool for system design and development, guiding the implementation
of system architecture, database schema, and user interfaces. Additionally, it
enables stakeholders to analyze system dependencies, identify areas for
optimization, and ensure that the system meets the requirements and expectations
of all stakeholders. Overall, the DFD plays a pivotal role in the successful design,
development, and implementation of the advertisement management system,
contributing to its efficiency, reliability, and effectiveness in managing online
advertising campaigns across social media platforms.

Physical DFD :

The Physical Date Flow diagram (DFD) reveals the actual device and people that
perform the functions. It shows the physical components of a system. The emphasis
of this type of DFD is on the physical characteristics of a system. It depicts the
various people doing jobs in an organization.

Logical DFD :

A Logical DFD shows the ongoing activities of the system. It does not show us how
these tasks are done or who does these tasks.

Data Flow Diagram (DFD) Elements :

The following four elements are used in the Data Flow Diagrams:

1. An External Entity.

2. A process

3. A Data Flow.

4. A Data store.

1. An External Entity :

An external entity cloud either be a source or a destination of data in the system

design being constructed. It lies outside the context of the system. It represented by
a solid square.

2. A process :

A process indicates the work that is performed on data. It transforms data from one
form to another. A circle represents a process. A descriptive title is placed in the
center. This should be a simple imperative sentence with a specific verb, for example
'maintain customer records' or 'find driver'.

3. A Data Flow :

A data flow takes place between the various components of the system. In Data Flow
Diagram the data flow is represented as the thin line pointing in the direction in
which the data is flowing.

4. A Data store :

A data store is a holding place for information within the system.

It is represented by an open ended narrow rectangle or two parallel horizontal lines.

Data stores may be long-term files such as sales ledgers, or may be short-term
accumulations: for example batches of documents that are waiting to be processed.
Each data store should be given a reference followed by an arbitrary number.

Context diagram:

1st level DFD:

ER (Entity Relationship) :

An entity relationship model, also called an entity-relationship (ER) diagram, is a

graphical representation of entities and their relationships to each other, typically
used in computing in regard to the organization of data within databases or
information systems. An entity is a piece of data-an objects or concept about which
data is stored.

Relationships between Entities :

A relationship is how the data is shared between entities. There are three types of
relationships between entities:

1. One-to-One.

2. One-to-Many.

3. Many-to-Many.

Entity Relationship Diagram

Data Structures :

User Profile: Represents user information including user ID, username, email,
password, role, and contact details.

Campaign: Stores details about advertising campaigns such as campaign ID, name,
description, start date, end date, budget, and status.

Advertisement: Contains information about individual advertisements including

advertisement ID, title, content, image/video URL, target audience, and status.

Tag: Represents keywords or tags associated with advertisements for categorization

and targeting purposes.

Social Media Platform Integration: Data structures for managing connections and
interactions with social media platforms, including authentication tokens, API
endpoints, and response data structures.

Data Stores: Includes data structures such as relational database tables or NoSQL
document stores for persistently storing user profiles, campaigns, advertisements,
tags, and other system data.

Indexes and Optimization Structures: Additional data structures like indexes, hash
tables, or search trees used to optimize data retrieval and querying operations,
especially for frequently accessed or large datasets.

Audit Trails and Logs: Data structures for recording and storing audit trails and
logs, capturing information about user actions, system events, and changes to data
for security and auditing purposes.

Security Issue :

The database may get crashed at any certain due to various or operating system
failure. Therefore, it is required to take database backup.

Some of the factors that are identified to protect the software from accidental or
malicious access, use, modification, destruction or disclosure are:

✔ Keep specific log or history data-sets.

✔ Assign certain functions to different modules.

✔ Restrict communications between some areas of the program.

✔ Check data integrity for critical variables.

Later version of the software will incorporate encryption techniques in the

student/evaluator authentication process.

Security is a most essential part of software development to determine that an

information system protects data and maintains functionality as intended.

The five basic security concepts that need to be covered by security testing are:

✔ Confidentiality.

✔ Integrity.

✔ Authentication.

✔ Availability.

✔ Non-repudiation.

Security issue has a number of different meanings and can be completed in a number of
different ways.

Test Cases Design :

In the intricate process of test case design for the "Online Advertisement
Management System for Social Media Platforms," the primary focus revolves around
ensuring the system's functionality, reliability, and user-friendliness across a
spectrum of scenarios. Each test case is meticulously crafted to validate various
aspects of the system's behavior, including user interactions, campaign
management functionalities, advertisement submission processes, and seamless
integration with different social media platforms. By systematically outlining
inputs, specifying expected outputs, and delineating precise steps for execution,
these test cases serve as a comprehensive suite aimed at rigorously assessing the
system's performance and adherence to predefined requirements.

Furthermore, a critical consideration in test case design is to encompass diverse

user roles and their corresponding activities within the system. This involves
creating test scenarios that mimic the experiences of different user personas,
including advertisers, administrators, and end-users. Test cases are tailored to
simulate real-world interactions, ensuring that each user role can effectively
utilize the system's features, from creating and managing campaigns to monitoring
advertisement performance and engagement metrics. Through this approach, the
test cases not only verify the system's functionality but also validate its usability
and accessibility across a broad spectrum of user demographics.

Moreover, an integral aspect of test case design for the advertisement management
system is the thorough evaluation of performance, security, and scalability.
Performance test cases are designed to assess the system's responsiveness and
reliability under varying load conditions, while security test cases aim to identify
and mitigate potential vulnerabilities and risks. Additionally, scalability test cases
evaluate the system's ability to handle increasing volumes of advertisements and
users without compromising performance or functionality. By incorporating these
aspects into the test case design process, the advertisement management system
can be rigorously evaluated across multiple dimensions, ensuring a robust and
resilient platform capable of meeting the demands of the dynamic online
advertising landscape.


Implementation Approaches :

During the implementation and testing phase of the "Online Advertisement

Management System for Social Media Platforms," rigorous efforts are made to
translate design specifications into functional software components while ensuring
their reliability, security, and performance. Implementation involves coding the
system's features, including user interfaces, backend logic, database interactions,
and integration with social media platforms, followed by comprehensive testing
procedures. Unit tests are conducted to validate individual components,
integration tests ensure smooth interactions between modules, and user
acceptance testing gathers feedback from stakeholders to refine usability.
Performance, security, and data integrity are scrutinized through various testing
methodologies, ensuring the system can handle expected loads securely and
reliably. Documentation is prepared to aid system understanding and future
maintenance, alongside user training sessions. This phase culminates in a
deployment plan executed to transition the system to production environments,
aiming to deliver a robust, user-friendly platform for efficient advertisement
management across social media platforms.

Testing Approach :

The testing approach for the "Online Advertisement Management System for Social
Media Platforms" is comprehensive, ensuring the system's functionality, reliability,
and performance meet the specified requirements. Beginning with unit testing,
developers rigorously validate individual components, functions, or methods to
ensure correctness at the smallest unit level. Integration testing follows, verifying
seamless interactions between different system modules and integration points
with external services like social media platforms. System testing assesses the
entire system against functional and non-functional requirements, while user
acceptance testing gathers stakeholder feedback to refine usability. Performance
testing evaluates responsiveness and scalability, security testing identifies
vulnerabilities, and regression testing ensures system stability post-updates.
Accessibility testing guarantees compliance with accessibility standards, ensuring
usability for all users. By adopting this multifaceted approach, the system can be
confidently deployed, delivering a robust, reliable, and user-friendly platform for
managing online advertisements across social media platforms.

Approaches :

Black Box Testing:

This type of test case design method focuses on the functional requirements of the
software, ignoring the control structure of the program. Black box testing attempts to
find errors in the following categories:

✔ Incorrect or missing functions.

✔ Interface errors.

✔ Errors in data structures or external database access: Performance errors.

✔ Initialization and termination errors.

White Box Testing:

It is a test case design method that uses the control structure of the procedural
design to derive test cases. Exhaustive white-box testing should be able to guarantee

✔ All independent paths within a module have been executed at least once.

✔ All logical decisions on their true and false sides have been exercised.

✔ All loops within their boundaries and within their operational bounds have been

✔ All internal data structures have been exercised and assured of their validity.

System Testing :

This test are designed to validate a fully developed system to assure that it meets its
requirements .There are essentially three main types of testing:

Alpha and Beta Testing :

It is difficult to anticipate how users will really use software. If there is one customer,
a series of acceptance tests are conducted (by the customer) to enable the customer
to validate all requirements. If many customers are developing software for use, we
cannot use acceptance testing. An alternative is to use alpha and beta testing to
uncover errors. A customer conducts alpha testing at the developer's site. The
customer uses the software with the developer 'looking over the shoulder' and
recording errors and usage problems. Alpha testing conducted in a controlled
environment. Beta testing is conducted at one or more customer sites by end users.
It is 'live' testing in an environment not controlled by the developer. The customer
records, reports difficulties and errors at regular intervals.

Acceptance Testing :

Acceptance testing is running the system with live data by actual user. Acceptance
testing is similar to system testing but politically it is different. In system testing,
bugs are found and corrected with no one watching. Acceptance testing itself is
conducted in the presence of the user, audit representative or the entire staff. Actual
testing is considered as the dress rehearsal of the acceptance testing. In my project I
have done both system as well as acceptance testing by entering real time data and
the required output was found in the required format.

Output Testing :

No system is useful if it does not provide the required output. The output may be in
any form which may be either in the form of report or display or an acknowledgment
to the user. The output must be in the correct form and according to the input

Unit Testing :

Unit testing concentrates on each unit of the software as implemented in the code.
This is done to check syntax and logical errors in programs. At this stage, the test
focuses on each module individually, assuring that it functions properly as a unit. In
our case, we used extensive white-box testing at the unit testing stage. All the team
members tested their individual modules.

The module interface is tested to ensure that information properly flows into and out
of the program unit being tested. The local data structure is considered to ensure
that data stored temporarily maintains its integrity for all stages during execution of
module. Boundary conditions are tested to ensure that the modules perform correctly
at boundaries created. All independent paths through the control structure are
exercised to ensure that all statement have been executed once. Finally all error-
handling paths are examined.

Integrated Testing :

Integrated testing within the "Online Advertisement Management System for Social Media Platforms"
serves as a pivotal phase to validate the seamless interaction between various system components and
modules. This testing approach ensures that different functionalities, such as user management, campaign
creation, advertisement submission, and social media platform integration, work harmoniously together.
Test scenarios are meticulously crafted to examine the flow of data and information between these
interconnected modules, verifying that inputs are processed correctly and outputs are generated
accurately. By scrutinizing integration points and dependencies, integrated testing validates the reliability
and coherence of the entire system, thereby enhancing its robustness and performance. Through
comprehensive integrated testing, potential issues or inconsistencies are identified and rectified early in
the development lifecycle, resulting in a cohesive and efficient advertisement management platform.

Modifications and Improvements :

This phase provides the necessary modifications for the system so that it continues
to comply with the original specification. Modification is necessary to eliminate errors
in the working system during its working lifestyle and to tune the system to any
variations in its working environment. Often small system deficiencies are found as a
system is brought into operations and changes are made to remove them. System
planners must always plan resource availability to carry out these maintenance
functions. The importance of modification is it continues to bring the new system to

There are basically three types of modifications:

• Adaptive modifications : A software product might need modifications when the

customers need the product to run on new platform, on new operating system,
or when they need the product to interface with new hardware and software.

• Corrective modifications : Corrective modifications of a software product may

be necessary either to rectify some bugs observed while the system in use, or
to enhance the performance of the system.

• Perfective modifications : A software product needs modifications to support

the new features that the user wants or to change different functionalities of
the system according to the customer damaged.

Improvements :

Improvement of the system is performed to identify its strength and weakness. The
improvement can occur along any of the following dimension:

• OPERATIONAL IMPROVEMENT : Assessment of the manner in which the system

functions, including ease of use, response time, overall reliability and level of

• ORGANIZATIONAL IMPACT : Identification and measurement of benefits to the

organization in such areas as financial concerns, operational efficiency and
competitive impact.

• USER MANAGER ASSESSMENT : Improvement of the attitudes of senior and user

manager within the organization, as well as end-users.

• DEVELOPMENT PERFORMANCE : Improvement of the development process in

accordance with such yardstick as overall development time and effort,
conformance to submission and standards and other project management

The results and discussion section of the "Online Advertisement Management System for Social
Media Platforms" project highlights the outcomes of the system development process and
provides an analysis of its implications and effectiveness. Below are the key points to include in
this section:

1) System Functionality:
Describe the core functionalities and features of the advertisement management system, such as
user registration, campaign creation, advertisement submission, and publication on social media

2) User Experience: Discuss the user experience aspects of the system, including ease of use,
navigation, and responsiveness. Highlight any user feedback or usability testing results that
contributed to improving the system's design and usability.

3) System Performance: Evaluate the performance of the system in terms of speed, reliability, and
scalability. Include any performance metrics or benchmarks used to assess the system's
performance and how it meets the requirements of handling a large volume of advertisements and

4) Data Management: Discuss the effectiveness of the system's data management capabilities,
including data storage, retrieval, and security. Address any measures taken to ensure data
integrity, confidentiality, and compliance with data protection regulations.

5) Integration with Social Media Platforms: Assess the system's integration with various social media
platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Discuss how well the system
interacts with these platforms to publish advertisements and track their performance.

6) Impact on Advertising Campaigns: Analyze the impact of the advertisement management system
on the effectiveness and success of advertising campaigns. Consider factors such as increased
reach, engagement, conversion rates, and return on investment (ROI) for advertisers using the

7) Challenges and Limitations: Identify any challenges or limitations encountered during the
development and implementation of the system. Discuss how these challenges were addressed and
any areas for improvement or future enhancements.

8) Future Directions: Provide insights into future developments and enhancements planned for the
advertisement management system. Discuss potential features, technologies, or strategies that
could further improve the system's functionality, performance, and user experience.


In conclusion, the development of the "Online Advertisement Management System

for Social Media Platforms" represents a significant advancement in the realm of
digital marketing and advertising. Throughout the project lifecycle, several key
objectives were addressed, including the design and implementation of an intuitive
and efficient system capable of managing advertisements across various social
media platforms.

The system's architecture was carefully crafted to facilitate seamless interaction

between advertisers, administrators, and social media platforms. By incorporating
principles of database management and agile project management, we ensured
that the system is both scalable and adaptable to changing market trends and user

Furthermore, the system's user-centric design prioritizes ease of use and

accessibility, empowering advertisers to create and manage campaigns effortlessly
while providing administrators with the tools necessary for effective oversight and

Looking ahead, the "Online Advertisement Management System for Social Media
Platforms" holds immense potential for transforming the way businesses engage
with their target audience online. With its robust features, including campaign
monitoring, audience targeting, and performance analytics, the system is poised to
drive greater ROI and effectiveness in digital advertising campaigns.


1) Jones, A. (2021). Social Media Marketing Strategies. ABC Publishers.

2) Smith, B. (2020). Introduction to Database Management. XYZ Press.

3) Brown, C. (2019). Agile Project Management: Principles and Practices. DEF Publishing.

4) OpenAI. (2022). ChatGPT: Conversational AI by OpenAI. OpenAI.


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