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Continuous and Discontinuous

Variation refers to the differences in characteristics between individuals within a
single species. There are two types of variation that we can observe:
● Continuous variation
● Discontinuous variation

Continuous Variation
Continuous variation refers to a characteristic that can have many different
values and take on any value within that range. An example of this is human
height. There is no fixed point at which someone becomes short or tall. Instead,
height can range from very short to very tall and everything in between. It is
continuous because a person’s height can fall within a wide range of values (e.g.
1.7m, 1.71m, 1.72m, 1.725…).
Continuous variation is also known as quantitative variation.
Some other examples of continuous variation are:
● Weight
● Heart rate
● Rate of photosynthesis
You can record data with a continuous range of values and plot it as a histogram.
If you draw a line of best fit, the graph will look similar to the graph below. The
graph shows a smooth bell-shaped curve of normal distribution.
The more data you collect and the more categories you use, the closer your
results will be to the bell curve and a normal distribution
With continuous variation, the characteristics:
● are usually quantitative, with each category being continuous with the next
● do not have distinct categories that individuals in a species can be placed
● are determined by a large number of genes (which is known as polygenic
● are significantly affected by the environment

Discontinuous Variation
Discontinuous variation refers to the variation in a characteristic within a
population that has a limited number of possible values, or categories.
Individuals can only belong to one category. These characteristics are usually
controlled by alleles of one gene or a small number of genes, and are not strongly
influenced by the environment.
An example of discontinuous variation is blood type in humans. There are four
categories (A, B, AB or O), and humans can only belong to one of these
Some other examples of discontinuous variation:
● Eye colour
● Gender
When plotting discontinuous variation on a graph, the data is called discrete or
categorical data. For example, with human blood types:
Features of discontinuous variation graphs:
● Usually qualitative
● Well defined categories
● Controlled by few genes
● Unaffected by the environment

Evolution and Natural Selection

The theory of evolution states that all living organisms on Earth have evolved from
common ancestors that existed billions of years ago.
This process of evolution, which has taken place over vast spans of time, has resulted
in the diversity of life we see today. The theory of evolution helps to explain how
organisms have changed and adapted to their environments over time. These changes
have led to the emergence of new species and the extinction of others.

Natural selection
The theory of evolution by natural selection, proposed by scientist Charles Darwin,
explains the process by which organisms evolve over time.
According to this theory, there is natural variation within a population of organisms.
Those that are well-adapted to their environment have a better chance of surviving and
reproducing. So, they can pass on their genes to the next generation.
On the other hand, individuals that are not well-adapted to their environment are less
likely to survive and reproduce. This results in the loss of their genes from the gene
This process results in the survival of the fittest, as those individuals with beneficial
traits are more likely to pass on their genes to the next generation.
For example, in a population of mice, the mice that are better at finding food and
avoiding predators are more likely to survive and reproduce. However, the mice that
struggle to do so may not survive long enough to pass on their genes.

Over time, the small differences in characteristics and traits between individuals within a
species can accumulate. This can lead to the evolution of that species. If enough time
passes, the species may change so significantly that it becomes a new, distinct species.
This new species will be unable to reproduce with the original species.

Evidence for Evolution

Fossil records provide evidence supporting Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution by
natural selection. They show the changes that have occurred in organisms over long
periods of time.
By studying the fossil record, scientists can see how different species have evolved and
adapted to their environments. This supports the idea that natural selection plays a role
in shaping the diversity of life on Earth.

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