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J. Bunvrhan~rr Vol. 19. No I. pp ?7-3i. 1986 @xl-9290 86 13 w + .

PnntcdI” GrcarBnum C 1986 Pcrgamon Press Ltd.




Departments of Medicine, Biostatistics, and Physiology, The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions,
Baltimore, MD 21205, U.S.A.

Abstract-Delineation of the mechanical properties of biologic tissues is one of the cornerstones of

biomechanics. Abundant data from uniaxial tests exist but these cannot be extrapolated to describe three-
dimensional properties of tissue. Biaxial stress-strain studies have been performed using skin, blood vessels
and pericardium. Quantitative description of tissue properties in these studies has employed either
polynomial or exponential strain-energy functions. Interpretation of these data, however, is difficult because
of wide variability of the estimated coefficients of these functions. This variability has been attributed to
experimental noise, numerical instabilities in the algorithms, or to strain-history dependence. No systematic
method has been proposed to evaluate the variability. This paper describes a statistically based approach to
assessing the sources of and accounting for variability of coefficients in describing biaxial stress-strain data.
Our data are from canine pericardium subjected to various combinations of simultaneous biaxial stretching.
We first determine a suitable strain-energy function with the least number of free parameters that will fit the
data reasonably. We then perform residual analysis to see if standard statistical methods can be used to assess
the variability. If not, we use a nonparametric method called bootstrapping that is suitable for assessing the
uncertainty in the coefficients. Using a five-parameter exponential strain-energy function, pericardial tissue is
found to be strain-history dependent and anisotropic. These findings cannot be attributed to either
experimental noise or instability in the numerical algorithms.

INTRODUCTION nomials or exponentials of the strains (Blatz er al.,

1969; Dehoff, 1978; Demiray, 1972; Gou, 1970;
Delineation of the mechanical properties of biologic Hudetz, 1979; Fung, 1973; Snyder, 1972; Vito, 1973;
tissues is one of the foundations of biomechanics. The Vaishnav, 1980). For both types of functions estim-
properties of a variety of tissues have been described ation of the coefficients entails use of nonlinear
under uniaxial or biaxial loading conditions (Chuong optimization techniques. Reliable interpretation of
and Fung, 1983; Demer and Yin, 1983; Doyle and these estimated coefficients has been hampered, how-
Dobrin, 1971; Fung, 1973, Fung et al., 1978, 1979; ever, by wide variability (sometimes of several orders
Hildebrandt et al., 1969; Lanir and Fung, 1974; of magnitudes) even under nearly identical test con-
LoefAer and Sagawa, 1975; Manak, 1980; Parmley et ditions (Tong and Fung, 1976; Fung et al., 1979). This
al., 1973; Pate1 et cl., 1973; Pinto and Fung, 1973; variability has been ascribed to either experimental
Sonnenblick, 1974; Spurgeon et al., 1977; Tong and noise, numerical instabilities in the algorithms or true
Fung, 1976; Vaishnav et al., 1972; Vito and Hickey, tissue variability (Fung et ai., 1979). No systematic
1980; Wiegner and Bing, 1981; Wineman et al., 1979; method has been proposed either to evaluate the
Yin and Fung, 1971). Uniaxial tests are relatively easy sources of the variability or to take the variability into
to perform and interpret but cannot provide a unique account. Both must be done before reliable interpret-
description of the tissue’s three-dimensional constitut- ations of tissue properties can be made.
ive properties. While the general three-dimensional We examined the difficulties related to quantifi-
constitutive properties also cannot be deduced from cation of biaxial data, specifically with respect to
biaxial data alone, in some cases they can be inferred assessing the variability of the coefficients. In this
when biaxial data are combined with those from paper we describe an approach to these problems and
another type of test such as torsion or shear. Thus, illustrate its application to biaxial test results in
biaxial tests are a step towards a full description of the pericardial tissue from dogs. The major steps in our
constitutive properties of tissue. approach are: (1) an objective method to determine
The challenge facing workers in the field is to whether a selected strain-energy function is suitably
describe the material properties as accurately and parameterized, (2) residual analysis to assess whether
concisely as possible. Since most biological tissues are the errors between the predicted and observed stresses
nonlinear and undergo largedeformations, most of the follow a Gaussian (normal) distribution and are
attempts at quantitative descriptions have utilized independent, and (3) assessment of the variability of
strain-energy functions that involve either poly- the material coefficients and/or the resulting strain
energy function by either classical statistical methods
Received 22 October 1984; in recked form 25 June 1985.
or by a nonparametric method called bootstrapping.
F.C.P. Yin is an Established Investigator of the American This approach allows us both to judge the suitability of
Heart Association. a particular strain-energy function and to estimate the

28 F. C. P. YIN,P. H. CHEWand S. L. ZEGER

uncertainties of its coefficients. It thereby improves the

reliability of our interpretations of material properties
from biaxial tests.


Data acquisition
A fresh pericardial specimen approximately 4
x 4 cm overlying the anterior wall of the left ventricle
was obtained from a mongrel dog anesthetized with
pentobarbital. Prior to removal from the animal, the
head-tail and transverse directions were marked. The
specimen was then excised and prepared for mounting 0.2 0.4
in our biaxial test apparatus (Demer and Yin, 1983). X-STRAIN
Four arrays of silk thread were sewn directly through
the tissue to form a trampoline-like arrangement. Each Fig. 1. Schematic representation of the three different load-
ing protocols (strain trajectories) to which the tissue was
array was composed of a single strand arranged such
subjected. For both the loading and unloading portions of the
that 4-6 nearly parallel loops were formed. The cycle, the ratio of the strains was kept constant. Because the
specimen was aligned so that it was loaded in the tissue exhibits hysteresis between the loading and unloading
previously marked directions. During this preparation portions of the cycle, that is, different stresses at the same
the tissue was floated in room temperature solution of value ofstrain depending on whether the tissue is stretched or
unstretched, the data analysis in this paper is restricted only to
the following composition (mM): Na, 142; K, 3.9; Cl,
the loading portion of the cycle. Thus, each protocol consists
12l;PO4,0.4;Ca, IS;Mg, 1.0; HCOJ,28.0;glucose, 10. of a trajectory in the x-strain vs y-strain plane.
The solution was freshly prepared at the start of each
study and was bubbled with 95 % O2 and 5 y0 CO2 to
cycles such that for each cycle the ratio of the strains
maintain pH at 7.4. During the study, the temperature
was constant (see Fig. 1). Subsequently we will call
in the test chamber was maintained at 37°C.
each loading procedure a ‘strain trajectory’. Ten
The apparatus consists of two independent servo-
replications of each of the three trajectories were
controlled linear motors connected to mutually per-
performed in random sequence. For each replication,
pendicular wormgears. Two carriages that can move
we first preconditioned the specimen by sequentially
towards or away from one another are attached to each
loading and unloading it along the selected trajectory
wormgear. Each thread array is attached to a carriage
until the force-deformation curves became repro-
thereby allowing independent stretching or unstretch-
ducible (usually 4-6 cycles). Then one cycle was
ing of the tissue in two orthogonal directions. A force
recorded for subsequent analysis. To minimize viscous
transducer is attached to one of each of the pairs of
effects, we imposed the loading-unloading cycles so
carriage to measure force along each axis. The feed-
that 50 s were used for completion of a cycle. At the end
back signal that drives the motors can be either force,
of the study, the thickness of the specimen was
length or velocity. To minimize edge effects, deform-
estimated by obtaining its volume displacement by
ations for calculations of strains were measured in a
comparing its weight in air with that submerged in
central region of about 1 x 1 cm that was demarcated
by four small carbon paper markers attached to the
tissue with a small dot of cyanoacrylate. The move- Data analysis
ment of these markers was tracked by a pair of video
The recorded analog data of central-region dimen-
cameras and processed with video dimension analyzers
sions, outer-edge dimensions, and outer-edge forces
whose output is an analog voltage proportional to
were digitized with a 12-bit convertor interfaced to a
length as described by Yin et al. (1972). Unstressed
Data General Eclipse S/l 30 computer. The digitizing
dimensions were obtained by unloading the specimen
rate was adjusted so that each loading portion of the
until we could detect a slight degree of slack in the
cycleconsisted ofat least 1OOOdatapoints. Outliers for
thread arrays. We then continued to move thecarriages
each channel of force and length were removed using a
closer to one another and verified that there was no
running median filter with a span equal to nine
further decrease in the measured dimensions in either
consecutive data points. To keep the file sizes man-
direction. In order to calculate the stresses acting in the
ageable for the nonlinear estimation, we then retained
central region it was also necessary to measure the
every tenth point. This reduced file was the one used
deformations of the outer edges of the tissue. This was
for subsequent analysis. From the filtered data we
done with a pair of linear voltage displacement trans-
calculated the Green’s strains in the central region. The
ducers mounted to the force carriages.
strains are related to the stretch ratios i. (deformed
We wished to examine the effects of different loading
length divided by unstressed length) by
procedures. Thus, we subjected the specimen to three
different simultaneous biaxial loading and unloading E, = O.S(iz - 1) and E, = 0.5($ - I). (1)
Quantification of biaxial tissue stress-strain data 29

that we felt would give reasonable fits to the observed

Our methodology did not allow us to determine the
1 principal orthotropic directions of the specimen prior
I OPTIMIZATION / to mounting in the test apparatus. Therefore, the
principal strain directions may not have coincided with
the orthotropic directions. If this were true, some
I ASSESS I shearing may have been introduced. The effects of such
I shearing on our tests are considered in Appendix 2. As
i I
shown in Table 1 (Appendix 2), if uniform biaxial
strains (such as the path labelled A in Fig. 1) were
I ANALYZE imposed, no shear terms would result regardless of
RESIDUALS / how much the stretching axes were rotated from the
principal axes. For nonuniform biaxial strains, e.g.
trajectories B and C of Fig. 1 with unequal strains,
there will be shear terms introduced-their magnitude
depending upon the relative rotation between the
orthotropic and strain axes. Note that the direction of
the shear depends upon whichside of the equal strain
I line the trajectory lies. The relative strains that we used
for trajectories B and C (45 and 33 %) were very close
Fig. 2. Flow chart of the key components ofour data analysis
to the 1.0 and 0.75 values listed in the table. Hence, the
shear strains for a 15, 30 and 45” misalignment would
be about f 3, f 6 and + 9”, respectively. The smallest
The Kirchhoff stresses acting in the central region were shear strain might be too small to be evident by
estimated by assuming that the forces acting at the inspection but would also contribute very little to the
outer edges were transmitted proportionally to the overall strain energy. The two larger shears, if they were
central region. The area on which the force acted was present, should have been easily seen during the test.
estimated by assuming that the measured thickness Since we observed no gross evidence of shearing
was uniform across the tissue and that the tissue was during any of the loading protocols, we presumed that
incompressible. we had loaded very closely to the principal directions.
We, therefore, chose to fit the data with functions that
Method Jor quant$ication of biaxial test results did not contain shear terms.
The approach to be outlined is based upon the (b) Estimation of model parameters. A nonlinear
concept of a strain-energy function as previously estimation technique based upon the Marquardt al-
proposed for other tissues (Tong and Fung, 1976; gorithm, modified to handle biaxial data, was first used
Fung et al., 1979). Since the tissue has different to estimate the parameters of the function in equation
stress-strain relationships during loading and unload- (2) (Patitucci, 1983). Details of this modtied optimiz-
ing (hysteresis), a complete description should take ation technique are presented in Appendix 1.
into account ,both phases of the cycle. If one wished to (c) Assessment oj over-parameterizarion. Once the
describe the tissue behavior for both loading and parameters of the function that best fit the data were
unloading, one could, in theory, derive a directionally obtained, we needed to assess whether the function was
dependent strain-energy function. The same general over-parameterized. This was done using objective
approach would be applicable to both the loading and criteria based upon the correlation matrix for the
unloading phases. For illustrative purposes, however, estimated parameters obtained during the numerical
we will restrict our attention to the loading phase only. estimation. The elements of this matrix and the criteria
Recognizing that the strain-energy function derived in used to ascertain overparameterization are also pre-
this manner is, strictly speaking, incomplete, Fung er sented in Appendix 1. If the model was found to be
al. (1979) proposed that it be called a ‘pseudo strain- overparameterized, one or more of the parameters
energy function’. Details of the individual steps of our were deleted and the optimization was performed
approach are presented in Appendix 1 and outlined in again using the reduced function. This was repeated
Fig. 2-the following is a brief outline of the major until (1) deletion of a parameter no longer enabled the
steps of the approach. model to fit the data or (2) the model fulfilled the
(a) Selection of strain-energy function. The pseudo criteria for not being overparameterized. In some
strain-energy functions that we used were variations of cases, a completely new function may have to be
the exponential form suggested in previous studies by chosen.
Fung et al. (1979) and Tong and Fung (1976). The (d) Residual analysis. Once a suitably paramete-
requirements that the strain-energy function be posit- rized function was selected and its parameters es-
ive definite, symmetric and concise dictated these timated, the next step was to perform residual analysis
choices. We chose the simplest form of exponentials to see if the errors between the predicted and observed
30 F. C. P. YIN,P. H. CHEW and S. L. ZEGER

stresses were independent and followed a normal selected trajectory. For example, if the 100 values for
(Gaussian) distribution, If they did, classical statistical two parameters did not overlap, we concluded that
methods could be used to estimate the confidence they were statistically distinct. This enabled us to
intervals for each parameter (Gnanadesikan, 1977; assess, for example, anisotropy of the tissue.
Draper and Smith, 1981). If the errors were not To assess strain-history dependence we elected to
independent and normally distributed, nonparametric account for all the parameters by calculating the strain-
methods for obtaining confidence intervals needed to energy corresponding to the three different trajectories
be used. at common values of the strains. To avoid extrapolat-
(e) Bootstrapping. We found that most of the data ing beyond the range of the experimental data, we
did not fullill the criteria that enabled us to assess selected equal x and y strains such that their mean
variability by standard statistical means. We, therefore, squared value equalled the largest mean squared value
adopted a recently described, nonparametric technique of the actually imposed strains over the three trajec-
called bootstrapping (Efron, 1979) to assess the vari- tories tested. The strains used for this comparison,
ability of the pertinent parameters of the strain-energy therefore, may not have been traversed by each
function that we finally chose. The idea behind boot- particular loading trajectory. Nevertheless, assessing
strapping is to generate a set of data having the same results in this fashion accounts for all of the parameters
stochastic properties as the actual experimental data. and tests the hypothesis that the same function can be
This was done by creating a pool of all of the errors derived from data obtained along different trajectories,
between the predicted and observed stresses cor- i.e. that the tissue does not have this type of strain-
responding to each pair of strains for every replication history dependence. Nonoverlap of the strain-energies
ofevery trajectory. From this pool, errors were selected for the different trajectories implies that the differences
and added to the predicted stresses obtained by fitting between strain trajectories are statistically significant,
the function to all of the experimental data. One hundred that is, the tissue properties are strain-history
stress-strain files were generated in this manner al- dependent.
though there is no Iimit to the number of such data sets
that could be generated. Details of the bootstrapping RESULTS
method are also presented in Appendix 1.
Once the desired number of bootstrapped files were For each strain trajectory the loading portions of the
obtained, nonlinear optimization was performed on stress-strain relationships in both the x and y direc-
each generated file. In our case this resulted in 100 sets tions for all ten randomly selected replications were
of parameters. Having this large number enabled us to superimposable. Thus, after the tissue was pre-
assess the variability of the individual parameters for a conditioned, its mechanical properties were stable and

i 2 3 4 5 9 9 10


1 20

12 3 4 5 6 7 9 9 10


Fig. 3. Examples of the estimated exponential coefficients for each of the ten replications of strain trajectory
A. Left hand panelsare the results using the overparameterired seven-parameter function (equation 2). Right
hand panels are the results using the five-parameter function (equation 3).
Quantification of biaxial tissue stress-strain data 31

reproducible for the several hour duration of the study. 24~ li

Since the uniaxial pericardial stress-strain relation-

ship appeared similar to that for skin, we first ex-
amined the seven-parameter combined polynomial-
exponential model that Tong and Fung (1976) used to
model skin

+0X exp[A,Ef + AyE; + ZA,,E,E,]. (2) x

We found that, even though this function fitted the I
0 ,
observed data well, it was over-parameterized. Using 0.1 0.3 : 4
0.0 0.2
the methodsdescribed in Appendix 1 we found that the
A,, term was highly correlated with the A, and A,
terms. Thus, we could reduce the over- Fig. 4. Stress-strain relations in both the x and 1 directions
parameterization by dropping this term. In addition, for one replication. The labels for each curve correspond to
we also slightly modified the function to the following the strain trajectories shown In Fig. I. Symbols are the
observed data and solid lines are the predicted results from
form the five-parameter function, see squation (3) in text.
IV= B,(E_;+E;)+B2ExE,

+0.5C (exp [A, Ez + A, Ei] - I). (3) estimate the uncertainties in the parameters in terms of
Examination of the correlation matrix for this model confidence contours. We, therefore, used the boot-
indicated that there was still some correlation between strapping method.
the C and A, and A, coefficients but it was not Note two other items illustrated in Fig. 5. First, the
sufficient to cause any numerical instabilities. Any variability in the rough residuals increased at the
further reduction in numbers of parameters, further- higher strains (the increase was almost a factor of 2).
more, would not enable us to obtain good fits to the That is, residuals tended to be larger at the larger
data. Therefore, subsequent analysis was performed strains. This changing variance could be accounted for
with this function. by introducing a weighting matrix as in equation (A7)
An example of the difficulties that could arise when (Appendix 1).Since the absolute residuals were small in
the overparameterized function (equation 2) was used our case, we found that the effect of ignoring the
to fit the data is presented in Fig. 3 where the values of unequal variances was small. We have therefore set the
the exponential coefficients for all ten replications of weighting matrix to be the identity matrix in all of our
one of the strain trajectories for both the seven and calculations to facilitate computation.
five-parameter strain-energy functions are shown. Second, there are two large residuals in both the x
Note the wide variability in the coefficients among the and y directions at the high strain level. Similar such
replications when the overparameterized seven- large residuals were observed in the other replications.
parameter function is used. This variability does not We believe these may be associated either with tears in
occur in the five-parameter model. the tissue that are indiscernible by eye or with small
Representative observed and predicted loading por- fluctuations in the length feedback signals. Regardless
tions of the stress-strain curves using the simpler five- of the cause, we needed to assess whether the results of
parameter function for one replication in both the x our analysis depended strongly on these few points.
and y directions for each of the three trajectories are This was done by repeating the analysis with these
shown in Fig. 4. Only one of the replications is shown outliers removed (points with residuals greater than
since the data from successive trials were nearly three standard deviations from the mean were deleted).
superimposable on the first. This figure indicates that The estimates of both A, and A, were slightly higher
the simpler five-parameter function fits the experimen- and the estimates of C were slightly lower with the
tal data quite well over the strain range examined. outliers removed. However, the estimated strain en-
The residuals for the stress in both x and ydirections ergies at equal strains were nearly identical to those
for one trajectory are shown in the upper panels of with the outliers left in the data. Thus, performing the
Fig. 5. It is clear that the residuals are not independent analysis with or without the outlying points had no
of one another. Positive and negative residuals tend to significant effect on our interpretation of the results.
appear in bunches. This correlation is due to the Therefore, all the subsequent results are shown for the
imperfect fit of the function. The smooth and rough case where the outliets were not removed from the
components of the residuals are shown in the lower data.
panels. The similar pattern found in the smooth Assessment of the strain trajectory dependence is
residuals for each case indicates that the five-parameter based upon calculations of the strain energy at ident-
function systematically misfits the data. Because the ical strain pairs for the different trajectories. The
residuals were not independent and normally dis- panels in Fig. 6 display the strain-energy for 100
tributed, we could not use theoretical techniques to bootstrapped replications at equal x and y strains of
32 F. C. P. YIN.P. H. CHEW and S. L. ZEGER

T 6

5 4
0 2
2 0

L -2


0.16 0.24 0.32 0.40 0.20 0.32 0.36 0.40 0.44


-5 E-3.0 1
x I I I I I I I ’
0.16 0.24 0.32 0.40 0.28 0.32 0.36 0.40 0.44

Fig. 5. The x-stress residuals (left panels) and y-stress residuals (right panels) for one replication of
trajectory A. The upper panel shows the entire residual and the lower panel shows the smooth and rough
components of the residual.

obtained from each of the original replications. These

. . .-:. .
values generally lie within the bootstrapped values for
each of the respective trajectories supporting the
statistical validity of the bootstrapping method.
The 100 bootstrapped values of the two exponential
parameters for trajectories B and C of Fig. 1 are shown
in Fig. 7. The nonoverlap of the data for each trajec-
tory enables us to reliably conclude that the differences
between the parameters are statistically significant and
o! cannot be attributed to noise in the experimental data
RESULTS RESULTS or in the numerical algorithm. The difference between
the parameters implies that the specimen is anisot-
Fig. 6. Illustration of the strain-energies that would be
ropic. Determination of the direction of greater stiff-
obtained at equal x and y-strains of 0.45 using the estimated
coefficients for the five-parameter model. The left-hand set of ness may sometimes be difficult since the form of the
data are the values obtained using the coefficients estimated strain-energy function may result in the relative sizes of
from each of the ten experimental replicattons. The different the two coefficients reversing when trajectories on
symbols denote the different strain trajectories. The right-
either side of the uniform biaxial line (path A in Fig. 1)
hand set of data are the results from one hundred bootstrap-
ped values of the coefficients. The non-overlap of the energies are used. For the data for trajectory A for this
for each trajectory indicates statistically significant depen- specimen, however, A, exceeded A,. This finding by
dence of the strain-energy (material property) on the loading itself implies that the x-direction (head-tail) is stiffer
protocol. than the y-direction (transverse). In addition, since the
values A, exceeded A, for both of the other trajec-
0.45 for each of the three strain trajectories. The strain tories, this is further evidence that this specimen was
energies corresponding to the loading portions for the stiffer in the x (head-tail) direction than in the
three trajectories do not overlap. This indicates that transverse direction.
the strain-energies corresponding to each strain trajec-
tory are statistically distinct. That is, even when one DKCUSSION
restricts attention to the loading portion of the cycle,
there is strain-history dependence of the tissue proper- As mentioned in the introduction, one of the
ties. Also shown in this figure are the strain-energies problems that has beset investigators in biomechanics
Quantification of biaxial tissue stress-sIram data 33

0 0 -,

3 13 23 30 40 2 :0 23 30 43

AX (gm/mm2) AT (gm/mm*)

Fig. 7. Plots of 100 bootswapped values of the exponential coeficients, A, vs A,. for the five-parameter
strain-energy function for the strain trajectories B and C of Fig. 1. None of rhe values touches the line of
identity indicating that the differences between coefficients is staristically significant for each trajectory.

relates to quantification and interpretation of biaxial We have demonstrated the application of an alter-
stress-strain data. Given any parametric form of a native method for determining confidence intervals
strain-energy function, it is a fairly straightforward that allows assessment of the variability in spite of an
task to estimate the parameters by nonlinear optimiz- imperfect fit to the data. This bootstrapping technique
ation techniques. The difficulty lies with interpretation is rather new in the field of statistics but is gaining
of the parameters. Using a larger number of para- wider recognition as a potentially powerful method of
meters leads to better fit of the model to the data. This dealing with difficulties such as those illustrated by our
better fit is attained at the expense of increasing data. The agreement in the degree of variability
difficulty in interpreting unequivocally the meaning of observed between the results of the actual replications
each parameter. The problem with overparameterized and those obtained after bootstrapping lends confi-
models has been clearly pointed out by Fung (1973) dence to the validity of this method.
and is, in fact, one major reason that the exponential Using the greater reliability and insight provided by
rather than the polynomial form of the strain-energy bootstrapping we found that the pericardial data fitted
function has been advocated. Even when an exponen- by the function we selected has strain-history depen-
tial function was used, however, most tissues still dence in that the properties differ according to the
displayed wide variability in the coefficients among exact boundary conditions imposed during stretching.
replications of identical tests as shown in Tong and This history dependence, if borne out by further
Fung (1976) and Fung ef nl. (1979). As our study studies in a wider range of specimens, makes com-
demonstrates, this variability may be due to an over- parison among different specimens even more difficult.
parameterized exponential function. The data of Fig. 3 First, in order to compare different specimens, we
show wide variability in the coefficients even among would need to test each one over the same exact
replications ofan identical test. Moreconsistent results loading protocols. Otherwise differences could be
are obtained when a more suitably parameterized attributed to different trajectories. Second, unless we
function is used. know the in tko strain history undergone by the
The approach that we have presented here and specimen, we have no assurance that the strain path
illustrated by an example ofdata for a highly nonlinear selected for testing in Ctro bears any resemblance to
tissue should be general enough to allow assessment of that undergone in the natural state. Extrapolation
any parametric strain-energy function. It allows ob- from the isolated data to the physiologic condition
jective evaluation of the suitability of the model in would be difficult.
terms of the correlation matrix for the estimated It must be emphasized that conclusions based on the
parameters. If the model is overparameterized, this will approach mentioned above apply only to the particular
be evident in this matrix and another model with fewer strain-energy function that is selected. The function
parameters should be chosen. Once a suitable model is that we selected was chosen on the basis of theoretical
selected, the remainder of the approach will enable one considerations of positive definiteness, symmetry etc.
to ascertain some of the sources of variability in the This ud hoc method of selecting a function may not be
parameters. Once we can assess the variability with the optimal. For example one could conceive specific
judiciously selected experimental approaches such as tests that could be done to help guide one’s choice of
those described here, we should be able to answer such function. These considerations, however, are beyond
questions as whether a specimen is anisotropic, the scope of this paper. The function that we selected
whether the material properties depend upon the implicitly carries the assumption that the tissue is
loading pathway, how real the differences in para- isotropic in the low strain ranges where it is highly
meters are between specimens or groups of specimens, distensible and that it manifests anisotropy only at the
etc. higher strain ranges. We feel that this is a reasonable
34 F. C. P. YIN, P. H. CHEW and S. L. ZEGER

assumption since the tissue is so highly distensible at Doyle. J. M. and Dobrin, P. B. (1971) Finite deformation
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least squares sense, is not overparameterized. and yet Efron, B. (1979) Computers and the theory of statistics:
shows systematic misfit to the data. In fact, the 5- thinking the unthinkable. S.I.A.M. Rev. 21. 460-479.
coefficient strain-energy function that we selected to fit Fung, Y. C. B. (1973) Biorheology of soft tissues. Biorheology
10, 139-155.
the pericardial data had these limitations as evidenced
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The imperfect fit of the data to the function could Fung, Y. C., Fronek, K. and Patitucci, P. (1979)
Pseudoelasticity of arteries and the choice of its mathema-
also be caused, in part, by our neglecting shear terms.
tical expression. Am. J. Physiol. 237, H620-631.
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shear is probably less than that for extension so that Gnanadesikan, R. (1977) Methods o/Starisrical Dam Analysis
the shear coefficient(s) should be small compared to the o/ Multicariate Obseraotions. John Wiley, New York.
Hildebrandt, J., Fukaya, H. and Martin, C. J. (1969) Simple
extensional strain coefficients. This is due to the uniaxial and uniform biaxial deformation of nearly iso-
structural arrangement of pericardial tissue in which tropic incompressible bodies. J. Biophys. 9, 781-791.
the structural components are loosely imbedded in the Hudetc A. G. (1979) Incremental elastic modulus for
ground substance. An analogy would be the behavior orthotropic incompressible arteries. J. Biomechanics 12,
ofa nylon net. In addition, as shown in Appendix 2 and Lanir. L., Fung, Y. C. (1974) Two-dimensional mechanical
discussed earlier, there was likely very little shear in our properties of rabbit skin--II. Experimental results. J.
specimen or we would have easily seen it during the Biomechanics 7, 171-182.
test. Nevertheless, until we can ascertain the principal LoetBer. L., Sagawa, K. (1975) A one-dimensional viscoelastic
directions prior to performing these kinds of studies, model of cat heart muscle studied by small length perturb-
ations during isometric contraction. Circulation Res. 36,
this point remains unresolved. 498-512.
We should again point out that we have restricted Manak, J. J. (1980) The two-dimensional in riro passive
ourselves to the loading portion of the stress-strain stress-strain elasticity relationships for the steer thoracic
curve. Clearly this tissue has hysteresis. A function that aorta blood vessel tissue. J. Biomechnnics 13, 637-646.
Morrison, D. (1976) Multicnriate Sroristicol Methods.
completely describes the tissue properties should take
McGraw-Hill, New York.
this behavior into account as well as other behavior Parmley, W. W., Chuck, L.. Kivowitz, C., Matloff, J. M. and
such as strain-rate dependence, etc. Our intention was Swan, H. J. C. (1973) In oitro length-tension relations of
not to formulate a complete function but rather to human ventricular aneurysms. Am. J. Cordial. 32,597-616.
demonstrate an approach that could be applied to a Pate& D. J., Janicki, J. S., Vaishnav, R. N. and Young, J. T.
(1973) Dynamic anisotropic viscoelastic properties of the
general strain-energy function. Extension to analyzing aorta in living dogs. Circulation Res. 32, 93107.
the unloading portion of the data should be Patitucci, P. (1983) Computer programs for Etting pseudo-
straightforward if one modifies the function to have strain energy functions of soft tissues experimental stress
directionality. and strain data. Available through Digital Equipment
Computer Users Society, DECUS, One Iron Way, MRZ-
3/E55, Marlboro, MA 01752.
Acknowledgement-Supported in part by grant No. P50 HL Pinto, J. G. and Fung, Y. C. (1973) Mechanical properties of
17655lO from the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. the heart muscle in the passive state. J. Biomechanics 6,
Snyder, R. W. (1972) Large deformation of isotropic bio-
logical tissue. J. Biomechnnics 5, 601-606.
REFERENCES Sonnenblick, E. H. (1974) Series elastic and contractile
elements in heart muscle. Am. J. Physiol. 207, 1330-1338.
Belsley, D., Kuh. E. and Welsch, R. (1980) Regression Spurgeon, H. L.,Thorne, P. R.. Yin, F. C. P., Shock, N. W.and
Analysis: Identifying Ing?uential Data and Sources of Weisfeldt, M. L. (1977) Increased dynamic stiffness of
Colinearity. John Wiley, New York. trabcculae carnae from senescent rats. Am. J. Phpiol. 232,
Blatz, P. J.. Chu. 8. M. and Wayland, H. (1969) On the H373-380.
mechanical behavior of elastic animal tissue. Trans. Sot. Tong, P. and Fung, Y. C. (1976) The stress-strain relationship
Rheol. 13.83-102. for the skin. J. Biomechanics 9, 649-657.
Chuone. C. J. and Funn. Y. C. (1983) Three-dimensional Vaishnav, R. N. (1980) Mathematical characterization of the
stress. distribution in -arteries. ‘J. biomech. Engng. 105, nonlinear rheological behavior of the vascular tissue.
268-274. Biorheology 17, 2 19-226.
Dehoff, P. H. (1978) On the nonlinear viscoelastic behavior of Vaishnav, R. N., Young, J. T., Janicki, S. and Patel, D. J. (1972)
soft biological tissues, J. Biomechanics 11, 35-40. Nonlinear anisotropic elastic properties of the canine
Demer, L. L. and Yin, F. C. P. (1983) Passive biaxial aorta. J. Biophys. 12, 1008-1027.
mechanical properties of isolated canine myocardium. J. Vito, R. (1973) A note on arterial elasticity. J. Biomechnics 6,
Physiol.. Land. 339, 6 15-630. 561-564.
Demiray, H. (1972) A note on the elasticity of soft biological Vito, R. P. and Hickey, J. (1980) The mechanical properties of
tissues. J. Biomechonics 5, 309-3 11. soft tissues-II. The elastic response of arterial segments.
Diaconis, P. and Efron, B. (1983) Computer intensive J. Biomechanics 13, 951-957.
methods in statistics. Scient. Am. 250, 116-128. Wiegner, A. W. and Bing, 0. H. L. (1981) Mechanical and
Qu.mtifi~tion of biaxial ussuc stress-stram data 35

structural correlates of canine pericardium. Ctrculution noise is less. Note that in this formulation we can allow the
Rrs. 49. 807-8 14. experimental vartability as measured by the covariance matrix
Wineman, A., Wilson, D. and Melvin, J. W. (1979) Material C(E,) to depend on the strains, E.
rdentification of soft tissue using membrane inflation. Using the above criterion for quality of a fit, a non-hncar
J. Eiomechanics 12, 841-850. optimization procedure was then used to find B. The first step
Yin, F. C. P. and Fung, Y. C. (1971) Mechanical properties of was to select starting values, 8.. This was done by evaluating
isolated mammalian ureteral segments. Am. 1. Ph~stol. 221, the function D(B) on a coarse grid for p and choosing the
14861493. parameter values that minimized D. A Marquardt nonlinear
Yin, F. C. P.,Tompkins, W. R.. Peterson, K. L. and Intaghetta, least-squares algorithm, modified to handle bivariate data
M. (1972) A video dimension analyzer. IEEE Trans. (Patitucci, 1983). was then used. To describe this modifi-
Biowd. Engng 1. 376381. cation, we require the following notatton
Let x = (E,,. E,,. E,,. E,z. E,.. E,.)‘Z
2”I(I (AS)
Zn1 I
b =(c,,. c,, . (:,I. E”?* E,..Er.)‘:
2”* I
This appendix describes the details of the various steps used
for analysis of our biaxial data. The individual steps are
(1) nonlinear optimization to estimate the parameters of a
selected strain-energy function; (2) description ofan objective
method to determine if that function is overparameterized;
(3) residual analysis to see if the variability of the parameters
of the suitable function can be assessed by standard statistical Note that A defined in this manner isa block diagonal matrix
methods or whether nonparametric methods for this assess- such that thecovarianceofl’&dis the2n x 2nidentitymatrix.
ment need to be employed; (4) a nonparametric method for The observed data can be transformed using M into the forms
assessing variability called bootstrapping is described.
Following standard matrix notation, boldfaced Latin or X* = ,$IX and Y* = $lY. (A7)
underrored Greek symbols will denote vector or matrix following which Marquardt’s algorithm was used. However,
quantities and the prime symbol will denote the transpose of C(E&and hence M are unknown and must beestimared from
the matrix. As in standard statistical notation, symbols with a the data. We have assumed that C(E,) is constant within each
circumflex will denote estimated quantities. An asterisk of a few ranges of E. The size of the regions was chosen to
denotes a modification needed for handling bivariate encompass a sufficient number of points (roughly n p). Given
regression. an estimate b ofb, we estimated the matrix C(E,, 8). where E,
is in the region m by
(I) Bicariatr nonlinear oprimization

For the selected strain-energy function W= W(E,. E,) the C, = (l/N,) ; [S, -f(E,.B)][S,-f(E,.B)]’ (A8)
stress-strain relations in the x and y directions are the first K=l
partial derivatives of W with respect to its respective strain where the sum is over the N, points in the mth region. The
components. This can be expressed as a system of two estimation of the covariance matrices and the application of
nonlinear equations as follows the Marquardt algorithm are then iterated until convergence.
Having obtained the convergent solutions, we then as-
S = HE, Bl = [JB’(E, @)/a&, aB’(E. B)lZF,] (Al)
certained whether the solution represented a global minimum
where S’ = (S,, S,) is a vector of the Kirchhoff stresses in the in the p-parameter space. This was done by obtaming the
x and y directions and E’ = (E,, E,) is the vector of the convergent solutions for a range of initial values covering at
Green’s strains in the x and ydirections;and /3 is a p x 1vector least two orders of magnitude for each of the p parameters. If
of p unknown parameters which characterizes the strain- multiple different convergent solutions were found, we chose
energy function. The experimental data for a single specimen the solution that had the lowest absolute value of the mean-
are comprised of n sets of stress and strain observations squared error.
(E,,S) i=l,2 ,..., n. W)
(2) Assessment of o~rr-purameterization
As with other least-squares techniques, we assume that the Having obtained the solution with the lowest mean squared
data satisfy equation (Al) except for additive observational
error, the next step was to verify that the function selected was
error, i.e. that not over-parameterized. This was done by first calculating the
S, = f(E,,p)+e, (A3) covariance matrix for the estimated parameter values defined
where c; = (e,,; cy,) is a vector of errors assumed to have
A = (Z*‘Z*)-’ where
expectation 0 and covariance matrix C(E,). Note that because
we have two-dimensional stress and strain vectors, we needed
to use bivariate nonlinear regression.
Our approach to estimating the parameters, b, was to z= pLf,(Ef,B,l@,. . ,Zhj,(E:.BYC’B,
minimize a measure ofdeviation of the observed stresses from ~.Li/,(E:,
BVV,. . 2LE’r 8,/L’& (A9)
those predicted by the fitted model. That is, we minimized the ~~j,(CvB)IV,~. c?f,(C.B)lV,
[ I
weighted sum of squares
The elements of thecorrelation matrix R were then calculated
D(B) = i; (S, -f(E,. B))‘C(E,)- ’ (Si - f(Ei. B)) (A4)
,=1 R,j = A,j/(AiiAj,)“2. (AlO)

where C(E,) is a consistent estimate of the covariance matrix, A function that is over-parameterized will have a ‘nearly
C(Ei). For a known covariance matrix the /I which minimize singular’ correlation matrix. Since this determination is
D(B) in equation (A4) have the smallest degree of uncertainty arbitrary, we decided to use the criterion proposed by Belsley
as n gets large. More intuitively, D(b) is a criterion which gives et al. (1980). Therefore, we defined functions for which the
more weight to stress-strain data where the experimental determinant of the correlation matrix was less than 10e4 as
36 F. C. P. YIN. P. H. CHEW and S. L. ZEGER

being over-parameterized. It usually was the case that an more nearly satisfy the necessary assumptions and repeat the
overparameterized model also had multiple convergent sol- above steps. Still another approach is to use a nonparametric
utions depending on the set of initial values. To reduce an method to assess the variability in spite of the limitations of
over-parameter&d function we eliminated one of a pair of the model. We have adopted the latter and chose a procedure
highly correlated parameters and retained those parameters known as bootstrapping. This was introduced by Efron
that were essential. This process was repeated until the (1979) and is discussed further in Diaconis and Efron (1983).
correlation matrix was less nearly singular and we could still The idea of bootstrapping is to mimic the process that
obtain a reasonably good fit to the data. Only a solution set generated the original data thereby obtaining a ‘bootstrap’
that was not overparameterized for the selected model was replicate that has similar statistical properties to the original
then carried to the next step of residual analysis. sample. This procedure is repeated many times obtaining
many independent replicates. Each of the generated data sets
is analyzed like the original one and the variability among the
(3) Residual Analysis resulting coefficients is taken to represent the uncertainty in
Our ultimate goal was to arrive at a statistical assessment of the actual estimates.
the uncertainty of each particular parameter as well as the The key step is to determine a procedure for regenerating a
strain-energy function. If certain statistical assumptions are set of stress-strain data that are stochastically similar to the
fulfilled, theoretical calculations of confidence intervals can original set. In our protocol, we repeated each loading a
be made to assess the uncertainty (Draper and Smith, 1981). number of times. We assumed that the observed stresses for a
The major assumption underlying confidence interval calcu- single loading could be represented as the sum of the actual
lations is that the errors between the observed and predicted stress, a smooth error representing systematic deviations of
stresses are approximately independent and normally dis- the model from reality and rough or random errors mainly
tributed Gaussian variates with expectation 0 and covariance representing experimental noise. We created a pool of smooth
closely estimated C(E). error curves comprised of smoothed versions of the residuals
If this assumption is satisfied, from each of the loadings. A pool of rough errors was
comprised of the residuals after the smooth part was re-
moved. A bootstrap stress-strain curve was then generated by
will be comprised of 2n approximately independent Gaussian adding a randomly selected set of smooth residuals and a
variates with mean 0 and variance I. To assess the indepen- random set of rough residuals to the predicted values
dence of the adjusted residuals, d*, we plotted the x and y obtained from fitting the model to all of the original data.
components of the residuals, a:, and 6;. against each other. To generate a bootstrap confidence region we use the
We checked for unequal variances by plotting 6,: and Ss following steps: (I)calculate the parameter fi and the re-
against E,; and E,. We further checked whether the b*s were siduals ~5:. . . . 15:from the observed stresses and strains as
approximately Gaussian using Q-Q plots as described in discussed above, (2) randomly select with replacement from
Gnanadesikan (1977). In these plots the ordered data are
plotted against their expected values under the assumption
that the data are Gaussian. An approximately straight line Table I. Illustration of the influence of different degrees of
results when the data are nearly Gaussian. Details about rotation of the axes ofstretching from the principal directions
methods for residual analysis are given in Belsley et al. (I 980). as a function of the relative strains imposed for various biaxial
loading trajectories
(4) Assessment of rariabiliry
a. Conjdence conzours. If the residuals reasonably satisfy
EX 4 (deg:ees) E,. E,.
the assumptions stated above, we could estimate the un-
certainty in the parameters using previously described
I.0 0.0 IS 0.933 0.067 -0.500
theoretical methods for calculating the confidence contours
30 0.750 0.250 - 0.866
(Draper and Smith, 1981). There are two such approaches to
45 0.500 0.500 -1.000
estimatingconfidencecontours. In the first weassume that the
function 0(/I) is quadratic in the neighborhood of the 1.0 0.2 I5 0.946 0.254 - 0.400
solution, j, and that the joint distribution of b’ is Gaussian 30 0.800 0.400 -0.693
and has elements with mean equal to 0 and variance equal 45 0.600 0.600 -0.800
to 1. Then 1.0 0.5 I5 0.966 0.533 -0.250
Prob[(@-b)A-‘(B-fi)/p < F@.2n-p, I -z)] r I -a 30 0.875 0.623 -0.433
45 0.750 0.750 -0.500
1.0 0.75 I5 0.983 0.767 -0.125
where F(p, 2n -p, I -a) is the 100 x (I -a) percentile of the
30 0.937 0.813 -0.217
F-distribution with p and Zn-p degrees of freedom
45 0.875 0.875 -0.250
(Morrison, 1976). The confidence contour encloses the set of
Bs which satisfy the inequality in the bracket. Note that the I.0 1.0 I5 1.0 1.0 0
confidence contours using this approach are ellipsoids. 30 I.0 1.0 0
In the second approach we choose the contours to enclose 45 I.0 1.0 0
the set of Bs such that 0.75 1.0 I5 0.767 0.983 0.125
30 0.813 0.937 0.127
0(/I) = D(b){ I + (p/2n -p))F(p, 2n -p. 1 -a);. (AI2)
45 0.875 0.875 0.250
This involves evaluating the surface D(B) over a fine enough
0.5 I.0 I5 0.533 0.966 0.250
grid so as to define the contour. It is computationally more
30 0.625 0.875 0.433
extensive than the first approach, but does not require the
45 0.750 0.750 0.500
assumption that D(b) is quadratic near b. Both of the above
approaches, however, assume that the errors are approxi- 0.2 1.0 15 0.254 0.946 0.400
mately Gaussian and independent and that C(E) is known. 30 0.400 0.800 0.693
See Morrison (1976) for additional details. 45 0.600 0.600 0.800
b. Boorszrapping. If the residuals are not independent and 0.0 I.0 I5 0.067 0.933 0.500
Gaussian in distribution, the above methods are not valid. 30 0.250 0.750 0.866
Several alternatives are then possible. One is to transform the 45 0.500 0.500 1.00
data and!or select an alternate model for which the residuals
Quantilication of biaxial tissue stress-strain data 37

the original residuals, ~5:. a set of n bootstrap residuals, 6:‘. by the coordinate transiormation relations which are
!=I... n; (3) createa set ofbootstrapstresses.S: = f(E,. b)
E, = E,cos2~+Ersinzx
+e(E,)6:‘, i= 1 n; (4) re-estimate the parameter, /I,
from the bootstrapped stresses, S,’ and the actual strains E, E, = -E,sin’ztEycoszz
and denote the new estimates 8:; (5) repeat steps (2) to (4) K
y,, = (E,-E,)sin2x
times obtaining) j?:, k = 1,2, m; (6) define the 95”,
confidence contour as the smooth contour that encloses 95 of0 where E, and E, denote the principal strain components
of the B*s. The choice of K of course depends on the (there are no shear strains in this system) and E;. E;. and y;,
dimension of 8. However, it is often of the order of 100. denote the normal and shear strain components, respectively
in the stretching coordinate system.
Table I illustrates how different degrees of rotation of the
stretching coordinate system with respect to the princtpal
APPENDIX 2. EFFECT OF STRETCHING ALOSG SON- direction would influence the relative strains in the IWO
PRINCIPAL DIRECTlOSS orthogonal directtons in biaxial tests like those described
herein. A range of stretches varying from the two extremes of
The purpose of this appendix is to illustrate the influence of strip biaxial conditions in which there is only strain in one
stretching the tissue along directions that do not coincide with direction, to uniform biaxial where the strains in the two
its principal orthotropic directions. For simplicity and to directions are equal, are shown. The entries in the table are
match the conditions of our biaxial testing we will consider a normalized to a unit of strain. For example, a strip biaxial test
planar case-the extension to the three-dimensional case is in the x principal direction would consist of 1 unit of x-strain,
straightforward. Let the x and J refer to the principal E,, whereas a uniform biaxial test would consist of I unit of
orthotropic coordinate system and x’ and y’ to the principal strain in both the x and )’ directions. The shear strain is also
directions in which the tissue is stretched. The angle between expressed in normalized units, e.g. if one unit of strain
the two coordinate systems is denoted by a. The relationship represents 20”, of strain, the shear strain for a 15’ rotation
between the strain components in the two systems is governed would be -0.4 x 0.20 = - 0.08 rad.

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