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D2 Ctoo1ethe correct enrwer..SUmmer aot a and , dress for the party.
a. -llllfll...,_.., b.Table,chair c. Apple, banana d.Sunny,darti:

. 2 Choose the correct 1nswer I 1bHutlful dress.

a.Has b.Wes c. Hawe d.11

D2 Which 15 the noun out of the followlns?

a.S1n1 b. S.llhlkh d.Sary

D2 ., bolkln1m?
b. How c. Why

b2 The pnttenM of spoke Is:

a. Sold b. Spoken

D2 Which 15 the verb out of the followln1?

a.Apple b.Garden c. Yellow d.Jump

D2 Msnl"I of swaap 11:

a. Hllh b.Dlw c. Lazy

D2 Ctoo1ethe correct enrwer.Adem happy to .see hisdad.

a.Has c. d.Had
b2 Choose the word spelt .
a.Anoy b.AnnoW c. Anai

1!12 Choose the word spelt -

a. Detl!rmen b. DMmnnlM c. o.t4trmln

Ill2 Select the adwrbs.S..ra driva the car ta BVOid accidents.

..sr_., b. suddenly c. Swiftly d. Acc:ldently

1!12 Choo1e the word spelt .

a. Conclaamn 11. Condmlon c. Canclutian

l!I2 Choose the word spelt '°"8Clly.

a.Shlverd b.ShMlred c. Shtwered
D He !$sick.The past1enseof tflesentenre abOYe 1$ _

a. Hewere sick. b.Heare slek. c. Heam sick.

l!il ChoOff theword spdtc:o1Tedll'(.

a.AnalvH b.Analise c.Alnallz.e

ltl Which ward iurudjectivl!?

a. Pmc:ll b.Butterfly d. Peflguln

l!I Choose the cOf'TI!(t answer.Mr sam has a pet das named fluffy.
a. Mr S.11m has a b.Mr. Sam has a pet c. Mr.sam has a d. Mr. Sim tm •pet doe
pet dog petdog named Fluffy.
dognamedfluffy. named fluffy named Ruffy.

£1 Meanlns ofobnoxious Is:

a. Hide b. unpa...nt c.Obese

l!ll 'They are Wll'lchln1TV'.Pasttense of 1he tollowlns: senten 15:

a. They is Wll'lching TV. b.They wasWlltching TV. c.111ey were watchfnl 1V.

II Select the adllerb.The slrlshouted .

a. Qulettv b. Loudly d.Loud

l!I youopenthedaor?

a.What b.DW c.Why

l!I The iittsent tense ofsoldis:

a.Sell b.Sale c. Noneafthe above.

l!I Choose the word spelt c:oJTedll'(.

a. Vocaslon b.Voc:etkln c.Voccatlon

D ChoOff the oppO(!fte of ' re :

a. 1anor. b.ArTM! c. Dare d. Short

£1 O.Ooe the com!d:semencz.

b.Al\!yougolngto lc<lrachl?
! Q. AIr.a.y,,o.,u pit
c :

·---- English 1-11 -- .-.

II Olcose theword spelt c:oJTedl!v.
a. Stl"Oml II.Stormy c. Stormi

IJI ChoOff the corre<t answer.The Utilejae cried when tommy took
his toy. a.ThellttleJoe cried b.The little Joec:rled when d. 11le.....Joeatad
c.The lltlle Joe cried when when tommvtook. his wfHu'Tommy11DOt hlll 1111Y.
tommy took his toy? tommv took. his toy.

II The present tense of putrs:

•• Pllt b. Putted c. Noneof thubove•

ChoOff the opplteof'sh;11p':
II.BluM c. Grieve d. Short

- one fsyour niom?

;i.Why c. Where

Ill The present tense of forpt Is:

a.Forpt b. c. Naneof theabove.

l!I OlcOS11the best answer.The llttleboy tothe circus tomorrow wtth his friends.
a.1seone II.wn1ao c. Wetit d.Hasgone

l!I Chaoe the ward spelt aim!dfv.

a.Buteful b.Belrttfull

D Olcoethe correct order.

•·Biid,bear,before, b. B151r,bl& c. Bad,befare,bear,bls
befare,bad big

- ald are you?

b. c. What

lfl Olcoethe correct answer.sara is Wlll'kina atdolmen Mall in llarachi

a. Sar.a Iswarldn& at b. Sara lswartdr\11at c. Sar.a ls-rld"I at d. Sar.a ls-rld"I at
dolmen mall In DolnMn Miii in KandlL Dolmen Mall In Dalmen Mall In Kar.ichl
lcar.u:tll. Kilrach1.
.-.-.-.- - . . -..-.
En glish 1 -11

-- -
Ill Mr. Ziika are you late?Saqlb:Iam late because Iwoke uplate.
a. What II. Wh¥ c.When d. Where

D yougotD$Chool?
a. What b.Which c.Do

111 Whlrt isanadjedive?

a.Wordsth9t b.Word that d. Word thilt desatbes a
Ispronoun -0
d. r ti.a noun

a. Eftlllllllt b.s11ma1t c. Esllmalt

Ill Chooe the com!ct semencz.

a.l$iWa h b. I$ilW <i c.1-a hule, eoomious,
enormous $C:ilry be;ir. huse,enorm -ry beer,
-rv bear
l!I 'The birdsfl!f In1hesk'(.'.Past tense of 1hefollowfng sentence Is:
a. Thebirds b. The bird& flown awayc. 1le bird• flew llWIY rn
are flying In the sty. thuky.
away In1hesk'(.

l!I Choose the corre« answer.I have _ plnk dress.

s II. A c. d.The

D Select the noun.The d0& ls barktng lnthe alley.

a. Dog b.Barking c. Dot. alley d. Barlcln& alley

D Chooethe apposite af 'below':

a. Aaoss II.Above c.Aside d.AYnfV

D WhichIs the noun nthe following?

a.Talked b. d. Beautiful

IFI Select the adllerb.The boy cares deet>tv for his pet
a.BO'/ b.cares c.Deeptw d.Pet

II Chooe the correct $pemng.

·---- -- .-.
a. Splended b.Spllndld c. Splendfd d. S'l>llnded
ma _ re you 11111?

Where b. Whr c. What

l!I Meinln1 of enormous 15 :

•·Glllnt b. Small c. Numerous

l!IE-- °"'"""the won! speft mrrettly.

;a.,._,, b. An""' c.Anol

O.Oose the correct anSWl!r.The ffOl 11_lhe pond.
b.Under c. In d.Behind

•·Nllht b.Nlet c. Nlte d.Knlte

D Whlch l1the upperaS1!1

a.P c.q d. e

£1 Meanln1ormonarch Is :
a.Mlltlzr b.. Polite

I a. Bovl
Which word II1pelled correcdV?
b. llall c. Boel d.Boye4

Choose the anSWl!r.The roses an> on'he ----·
b. Goln1 c. Tlllll d.Clltarpllllr

DI The pretentten11e offtew

c. t d. m

•.Fell b."'

D ChoOH th• cornet

a.Buterfly b. B.-tlv c. Betterfly d.Buterfll

D ChoDH the won! speft mrrettly.

a.Trashur b.,.,.._,. c.Tlyzur
l!I Whichletter ls upperc11&e?
a.r b.I c.W d. p

D ChoOff the corre<t answer.I $4le_ e;l,llle on the tree.

a.An b.A c.Was d.Have

D Q,aose the correct anser. Mplay criclret?

c.Has d.Have

II 'He (X)!!le from London few weeks *·'. Past tense ofthe followlnc sentenceIs:
a.Heisfrom London b. He cameftom London c. Noneof the above.
few weeks ago. few weebap.

£1 wasthe'Wl!l!kend?

a. Haw c.Old

Iii Q,aosethe com!ttanswerJlm ls dieswf

a.On b.0-- c. In d. Cil!terpillar

II OleOH the correct an5W8r.The old woman kmof apples In her basket.
a.H11 b.Was c. Have d.Is

D Which Is the verb out ofthe followlng?

a.Bike b. llffd c.AllBTY d. Nicety

II Q,aose the wOl'd with .same etldina sound as'help':

a. Held b.Gem c. G..p d. Hulk

a.Crab b.O\alr c.M1p d.Cl!Op

El The prei;ent e of "BROUGHT" Is:

a.Bdn.t b.Broll,llht c.None of the above.

tzl O.Ooe the com!Ct anlWl!r The bav is_tilehouse.

a. Have b.AA! c:. In d.Over

·---- English 1-11

-- .-.
D llmy bl&?
a. Whit b.How c. Where

-- ChaClff spemn1.
•.SUmm.11' b.SUmar c. Sammer d.SUmmar

l'IE-- Select the noun.The fTuils arein the basket.

a. Fl\llls, are It. Frvb,lllllbt c. Basket, In d.The,are

a.Detennen It. Dele""lne c. Date""in

1:1 ChoOH th• «lrT9Ct answar.The cow Jumped. the moon.

a.On It.CMr c.In d. caterpillar

D Meanln9 of saumpllousIs:
•.Yummy b.H11ppy c. Lazy

11 shucmple her1est7
a.Why b.What c. Did

Whk:h Is an ldJectlve cut of the foUcwtrw?
a. Bench b. Garden c. Snore d. Sc8ry

I l!J
Select the The boy calmly took ii test.
It. Cllmly c. Test d. Took
syour trip?
lt.N- c.Why

b Whichword l11n 1ctlee1M7

•.Hlpflr b.Couch c.Table d. Wll•

llJ 'Sohall and All dotheir work nutly.'.Past tense of the followIns sentet als:
a. Sohall and All b.Soh1ll 1nd All donetheir c. Sohalllftd Al cld their
does thelrworlc work neatly. -' .
II Which word 1$spelled correcttv?
a.Becoz c.Baluz d.Bekause

Iii ChoOff the corre<t answer.He Sol"& to a"end lhe mee11..on Siund;iy.
a. HllS b.Was c.Have d.11

DJ Chooe the com!ct order.

a. Sun,soft,sale,snow c. S:ale,soft,snow,sun

D Choose the word speft C:Om!dllv.

b. Nessasry

D ChoOff the corre« < _wre 1he cupcake with me?

a. I b.You c.Am d.We

IZI Chooe the word speft aim!dlfv.

a.l'ro$Se$ b.Prose55

121 'The little bay OIW!!\S his baa pack.'.Past te ofthe followlna sentence rs:
a.Thelittlebay Is b.1he llttle bayopened c.The llttle boy will
apenlns his bqpack. hisbillpKk. be
openln.11 his barg pack.

IJI Choose the correct answer.She Is

laakh111_1hebaalt. d.Into

•·Far b.Hunsry c.

1:1 Choose the apposite af 'forget':

a. Antve b.Al!memb« c.Oppase d. Oare

£1 Choose the word spelt COITI!dl!

b.Amuztna c.Umuzlna

£1 Selthe noun.The sir!$are InsIn lhe p;nlc.

a. Glrfs,playlns b.Plll'ffna:. parft c. Parle,are d. Glrf1 park

D Chooethe appositeaf ar:

b rt c. Late d.Oown

·---- -- .-.
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