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Which route of administration is most likely to subject a drug to a first-

pass effect?
a. Intravenous
b. Inhalational
c. Oral
d. Sublingual (SL)
e. Intramuscular
Two drugs may act on the same tissue or organ through independent
receptors, resulting in effects in opposite directions. This is known as
a. Physiologic antagonism
b. Chemical antagonism
c. Competitive antagonism
d. Irreversible antagonism
e. Dispositional antagonism
If a drug is repeatedly administered at dosing intervals that are equal toits
elimination half-life, the number of doses required for the plasma con-
centration of the drug to reach the steady state is
a. 2 to 3
b. 4 to 5
c. 6 to 7
d. 8 to 9
e. 10 or more
Which of the following is classified as belonging to the tyrosine kinase
family of receptors?
a. GABA receptor

b.β-adrenergic receptor
c. Insulin receptor
d. Nicotinic II receptor
e. Hydrocortisone receptor
If the total amount of a drug present in the body at a given moment is 2.0 g and
its plasma concentration is 25 μg/ml, its volume of distribution is:
A. 100 L
B. 80 L
C. 60 L
D. 50 L
If a drug is eliminated by first order kinetics:
A. A constant amount of the drug will be eliminated per unit time
B. Its clearance value will remain constant
C. Its elimination half life will increase with dose
D. It will be completely eliminated from the body in2 × half life
The therapeutic index of a drug is a measure of its:
A. Safety
B. Potency
C. Efficacy
D. Dose variability
Addiction and habituation:
A. Are fundamentally different phenomena
B. Are produced by different set of drugs/substances
C. Differ from one another by the presence or absence of
physical dependence
D. Differ from each other in the degree of attendant
psychological dependence
The antagonism between adrenaline and histamine is called
‘Physiological antagonism’ because

(a) Both are physiologically present in the body

(b) They act on physiological receptors
(c) Both affect many physiological processes
(d) They have opposite physiological effects
A drug is said to be potent when
(a) It produces maximal response
(b) The amount needed to produce a certain response is less
(c) It produces minimal/no side effects
(d) It has a rapid onset of action
Tachyphylaxis is
(a) A drug interaction between two similar types of drugs
(b) Rapidly developing tolerance
(c) A synergism between two types of drugs
(d) None of the above
Drug A in a dose of 10 mg produces same response as with 100 mg of
drug B
(a) Drug A is 10 times more potent than drug B
(b) Drug B is 10 times more potent than drug A
(c) Drug A is 10 times more efficacious than drug B
(d) Both are equally potent
(e) Both are equally efficacious
Dose response data was collected during the preclinical testing of four drugs for the
treatment of acute heart failure. Which drug studied was the most efficacious?
Recent evidence indicates that receptors for many types of G-protein coupled receptors (GPRCs) have constituitive
(basal) activity independent of ligand activation. In such systems, specific ligands (inverse agonists) can bind to these
receptors, producing effects that are opposite to those of a conventional agonist. In the graph below, which drug
displays a dose-response relationship consistent with this type of behavior?
If 1 mg of lorazepam produces the same anxiolytic response as 10 mg of diazepam,
which is correct?
A. Lorazepam is more potent than is diazepam.
B. Lorazepam is more efficacious than is diazepam.
C. Lorazepam is a full agonist, and diazepam is a partial agonist.
D. Lorazepam is a better drug to take for anxiety than is diazepam
If 10 mg of oxycodone produces a greater analgesic response than does aspirin at
any dose, which is correct?
A. Oxycodone is more efficacious than is aspirin.
B. Oxycodone is less potent than is aspirin.
C. Aspirin is a full agonist, and oxycodone is a partial agonist.
D. Oxycodone and aspirin act on the same drug target.
In the presence of propranolol, a higher concentration of epinephrine is required to
elicit full anti-asthmatic activity. Propranolol has no effect on asthma symptoms.
Which is correct regarding these medications?
A. Epinephrine is less efficacious than is propranolol.
B. Epinephrine is a full agonist, and propranolol is a partial agonist.
C. Epinephrine is an agonist, and propranolol is a competitive antagonist.
D. Epinephrine is an agonist, and propranolol is a noncompetitive antagonist
In the presence of picrotoxin, diazepam is less efficacious at causing sedation,

regardless of the dose. Picrotoxin has no sedative effect, even at the highest dose.

Which of the following is correct regarding these agents?

A. Picrotoxin is a competitive antagonist.

B. Picrotoxin is a noncompetitive antagonist.

C. Diazepam is less efficacious than is picrotoxin.

D. Diazepam is less potent than is picrotoxin.

Haloperidol, chlorpromazine, and clozapine are antipsychotic medications that bind to
the D2 subtype of dopamine receptors, with a binding affinity of haloperidol >
chlorpromazine > clozapine. Which statement would have to be correct to conclude that
the mechanism of antipsychotic effects for these drugs is via binding to D2 receptors?
A. Haloperidol should have the lowest potency of the three antipsychotic drugs.
B. D2 receptor binding should also be related to the potency of these drugs in causing
Parkinson’s-like adverse effects.
C. A positive correlation should exist between the affinity of these drugs to bind to D2
receptors and their potency for antipsychotic actions.
D. Clozapine would have to be more potent than chlorpromazine for decreasing
If there were spare β1-adrenergic receptors on cardiac muscle cells, which statement
would be correct?
A. The number of spare β1-adrenergic receptors determines the size of the maximum
effect of the agonist epinephrine.
B. Spare β1 adrenergic receptors make the cardiac tissue less sensitive to epinephrine.
C. A maximal effect of epinephrine is seen when only a portion of β1 adrenergic
receptors are occupied.
D. Spare receptors are active even in the absence of epinephrine.
Which of the following up-regulates postsynaptic α1-adrenergic receptors?

A. Daily use of amphetamine that causes release of norepinephrine

B. A disease that causes an increase in the activity of norepinephrine neurons

C. Daily use of phenylephrine, an α1 receptor agonist

D. Daily use of prazosin, an α1 receptor antagonist

Methylphenidate helps patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
maintain attention and perform better at school or work, with an ED50 of 10 mg.
However, methylphenidate can also cause significant nausea at higher doses (TD50 =
30 mg).
Which is correct regarding methylphenidate?
A. The therapeutic index of methylphenidate is 3.
B. The therapeutic index of methylphenidate is 0.3.
C. Methylphenidate is more potent at causing nausea than treating ADHD.
D. Methylphenidate is more efficacious at causing nausea than treating ADHD
Ultra short questions:
 Apparent volume of distribution (aVd) is more than total body fluid if drug ……….

 Two drugs having opposite action on different receptors is which type of antagonism?

 Therapeutic index is a measure of:

Efficacy of a drug refers to:

Which is the most accurate method for calculating drug dosage in children?
 The most general term for the process by which the amount of active drug in the body is reduced after
absorption into the systemic circulation is ……..

 Therapeutic drug monitoring is done for…….

 The study of how variation in the human genome affect the response to medications is known as?

 The bioavailability of the drug depends mainly upon:

 Which route of drug administration avoids first pass hepatic metabolism and is used with drug
preparation that slowly releases drugs for periods as long as seven days?

 A drug that compete for active binding site is called ……….

 Partial agonist possess ………… intrinsic activity and …….. affinity

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