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Public Policy Lecture Material Notes


Public policies are steps taken by the government to overcome problems or influence certain issues in
society. It involves the process of formulating, implementing, and evaluating decisions that affect public
life at large.


The goal of public policy is to achieve societal welfare or achieve results that the government considers
desirable. These goals can include improving the quality of life, equitable distribution of profits,
protecting the environment, improving the economy, and meeting the basic needs of citizens. Public
policies can be designed to respond to specific problems, correct inequalities, or optimize resources for
the common good.

Types of Policies

Substantive Policy

A policy is seen from the substance of the problems faced by the government.

Procedural Policy

A policy is seen from the parties involved in its formulation (Policy Stakeholders).

Distributive Policy

A policy that regulates the provision of services/benefits to individuals, groups, or companies.

Redistributive Policy

A policy that regulates the transfer of allocation of wealth, ownership, or rights.

Regulatory Policy
A policy that regulates restrictions/prohibitions on actions/actions.

Material policy

A policy that regulates the allocation/provision of real material resources for recipients.

Public Goods Policy

A policy that regulates the provision of goods/services by the government, for the benefit of the people.

Private Goods Policy

A policy that regulates the provision of goods/services by private parties, for the benefit of individuals
(individuals) in the free market, in return for a certain fee.

Levels of Public Policy

National Policy

National Policy is a state policy that is fundamental and strategic in achieving national/state goals as
stated in the preamble to the 1945 Constitution

Public policy

General policy is the President's policy as implementer of the Constitution, TAP MPR, Laws, to achieve
national goals.

Implementation Policy Implementation policy is an elaboration of general policy as a strategy for

implementing tasks in a particular field.

Policy cycle system

Public policy making involves the relationship between 4 elements, namely public policy problems,
public policy making, public policy and its impact on target groups.
The public policy system is known for its elements: Input -> Process -> Output.

Input: Public Policy Issues

This public policy problem arises because of the existence of public policy environmental factors, namely
a background condition or event that causes the "public policy problem" to arise.

Process: Policy Making


The process of making public policy is political in nature, in which various interest groups are
involved in the process, some of which even conflict with each other.


Public Policy, which is in the form of a series of actions intended to solve problems or achieve certain
goals as desired by public policy.

Impact (impact), namely the impact on target groups (target groups)

Target groups are people, groups of people, or organizations whose behavior or circumstances are to be
influenced or changed by the public policy.

Policy Process

Policy Formulation

This stage starts from problem formulation to selecting alternatives to be recommended and ratified by
authorized officials.

Policy Implementation
3 forms of public policy,

Direct policies, namely policies whose implementation is carried out by the government itself. For
example: INPRES SD


Indirect policy

, namely policies whose implementation is not carried out by the government. Thus, in this case the
government only regulates it.

for example: government policy regarding foreign investment.

Mixed policies, namely policies whose implementation is carried out by the government and not the
government (private sector)

Policy Monitoring

Public policy monitoring is the process of monitoring activities regarding policy implementation, namely
to obtain information about how far the policy objectives have been achieved.

Policy Evaluation

Public policy evaluation aims to assess whether there are differences before and after the policy is
implemented, namely a comparison between before and after the implementation of a policy.

There are three prerequisites for a policy issue to be included in the systematic agenda, namely:

a. This issue has received widespread attention or at least raised public awareness.

b. There is a public perception or view that several actions need to be taken to prevent this problem.

c. There is a common perception from the public that the problem is a legitimate obligation and
responsibility of the government to solve it.
The purpose of policy analysis is: to provide information to policy makers, which can be used to solve
society's problems.

Apart from that, policy analysis also aims to improve the quality of policies made by the government.

Strategic Factors that Influence Policy Formulation

a. Political Factors

b. Economic/Financial Factors

c. Administrative/Organizational Factors.

d. Technological factors

e. Social, Cultural and Religious factors.

f. Defense and Security Factors

Examples of public policy goals:

1. Increasing Social Welfare

Encourage policies to reduce poverty levels, increase access to education and health, and provide social
assistance to vulnerable groups.

2. Environmental Protection

Implement policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve waste management, and support
renewable energy sources to protect the environment.

3. Economic Recovery

Design fiscal and monetary policies to overcome economic crises, promote economic growth, and create

4. Equal Distribution
Revenue Taking steps to reduce economic inequality, such as tax reform or policies that support regional
economic development.

5. National Security

Implement policies to ensure state security, involving defense and security strategies in responding to
threats from both within and outside the country.

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