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Module 1

Introduction to operating systems and System structure

1. What is an Operating System?
2. What are OS goals?
3. Mention the components of computer system with diagram.
4. Explain the different viewpoints for operating system.
5. Explain computer system operation with diagram.
6. What is bootstrap program?
7. Briefly explain interrupt handling.
8. Explain briefly: storage structure and I/O structure.
9. Explain single processor systems.
10. Explain multi-processor systems and advantages.
11. What are the techniques to achieve reliability in multi-processor system?
12. Explain the different types of multi-processor system.
13. What is cluster system and explain the types in it.
14. Explain multiprogramming and multitasking.
15. Modern systems are interrupt driven, how?
16. Explain dual mode operation with a neat diagram.
17. Explain process management.
18. Explain the types of storage management.
19. What is cache coherency?
20. Give a brief on protection and security in OS.
21. Explain distributed systems.
22. Explain special purpose systems.
23. Explain different types of computing environments.
Operating system services
1. Explain the ways for users to interface with the OS.
2. What are System Calls?
3. Mention the methods to pass parameter.
4. Explain the types of system call.
5. What is system program? explain its types.
6. Explain OS Design and Implementation.
7. Explain the types of OS structure with diagram.
8. What is virtual machine? Brief on implementation and Benefits.
9. What is simulation and para-virtualization?
10. What is operating system debugging?
11. What is operating system generation?
12. Explain system boot.
Module 5

File System
1. Define and explain file and file types?
2. Define File Attributes and why it is used?
3. Mention and explain File operations.
4. Explain open file table and mention its types.
5. Explain the pieces of info that are associated with open file.
6. How to implement file types with ex?
7. Brief about File structure.
8. Explain different types of Access Methods.
9. Give a brief description of Disk structure.
10. Give an overview of Directory and operations on it.
11. Explain the different schemes for defining logical structure of a directory.
13. Define file system mounting.
14. Explain the procedure of file system mounting.
15. Define file sharing and what are the ways it can be done.
Implementing File System
1. K

Secondary Storage Structure

1. Explain the structure and process of magnetic disks.
2. Explain magnetic tapes.
3. Explain the ways a comp can access data (disk attachment).
4. Explain the different types of disk scheduling algorithm.
5. Explain briefly on how to select an algorithm.
6. Explain disk formatting.
7. Explain how OS records its own data structures on the disk.
8. What is a cluster?
9. Explain Boot Block with diagram.
10. Explain Bad Blocks and sector sparing or forwarding.
11. What are the goals of protection?
12. What are the principles of protection?
13. Explain domain of protection.
14. What is Domain Structure?
15. Explain Access Matrix.
Module 2

Process Management
1. What is process and how is its current activity indicated?
2. Explain the sections of process.
3. Explain the states of process.
4. Define process control block.
5. Explain scheduling queues.
6. Define queueing diagram.
7. What are the events that could occur once the process is allocated to the CPU?
8. What is a scheduler and mention the types of schedulers.
9. Explain the types of schedulers.
10. Difference between cpu bound processes and i/o bound processes.
11. What type of scheduler is used by time sharing systems and why?
12. What are the advantages of medium term scheduler?
13. Define context switching.
14. Demonstrate process creation in UNIX.
15. Demonstrate process termination in UNIX.
16. What is cascading termination?
17. What is interprocess communication? Explain the types of IPC.
18. What are the reasons for allowing cooperation among processes?
19. Mention and explain the models which allow cooperating processes to have
interprocesses communication.
20. Explain shared memory system and explain producer consumer using shared memory.
21. What is the difference between bounded and unbounded buffer.
22. What is message passing ?
23. Mention the methods of creating the link between the sender and receiver.
24. Explain direct communication link with properties and disadvantages.
25. Explain indirect communication link with properties and disadvantages.
26. Explain synchronization method for linking.
27. Explain buffering and its types.
Multithreaded programming
1. What is thread and what does it consists of?
2. What is multithreaded process with diagram?
3. Why are multithreaded programming necessary?
4. Benefits of multithreaded programming.
5. Types of support for thread provided can be.
6. Mention and explain (advantages and disadvantages) the ways to establish a
relationship between user & kernel threads.
7. Define thread libraries and mention the ways to implement it.
8. Explain three main thread libraries.
9. Thread issues fork() and exec().
10. What is thread cancellation and mention different cases it can occur.
11. Explain signal handling in detail.
12. What is the pattern followed by signals?
13. What are the options existing to delivering signals in a multithreaded programs?
14. What is thread pool and procedure on how it works?
15. What are advantages on thread pooling & no of threads in pool can be based on?
16. Brief note on thread specific data.
17. Brief note on scheduler activations.

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