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In this analysis, I will examine how Cain uses evidence and rhetorical strategies to

support her argument that shyness may have served an important function in human history.

The article "Shyness: Evolutionary Tactic?" by Susan Cain explores the concept of shyness as

an evolutionary adaptation. Cain begins by noting that shyness is often seen as a weakness or a

social handicap, but she argues that it may have served an important function in human history.

The article explores the concept of shyness as an evolutionary adaptation. The purpose of the

article is to challenge the perception that shyness is a social handicap and to suggest that it may

have played an important role in human evolution. The author cites research that suggests that

shyness is a heritable trait, which means that it has a genetic basis. She notes that some scientists

believe that shyness may have evolved as a way for individuals to avoid dangerous situations. In

the past, being cautious and avoiding risks may have been necessary for survival, particularly in

times of conflict or uncertainty.

The idea that shyness may have helped individuals form social bonds is supported by

evidence from studies on social behavior. Cain also discusses the idea that shyness may have

played a role in social bonding. She notes that shy individuals may have been more likely to

form close relationships with others who shared their temperament, which could have been

beneficial in times of hardship. However, the author also acknowledges that shyness can be a

hindrance in modern society, where social skills and assertiveness are often valued. She notes

that shy individuals may struggle to make connections with others or to advance in their careers.

She suggests that therapy or other forms of support may be helpful for individuals who feel that

their shyness is holding them back.

Cain uses research on the heritability of shyness to support her argument that it may have

an evolutionary basis. Despite the potential benefits of shyness, the writer acknowledges the

challenges that it can present in modern society and suggests ways for individuals to overcome

them Overall, This article offers an interesting perspective on the concept of shyness. While

shyness is often viewed as a negative trait, she suggests that it may have played an important role

in human evolution. At the same time, she acknowledges the challenges that shyness can present

in modern society and suggests ways that individuals can overcome these obstacles.

Additionally, Cain notes that research has suggested that shyness may have played a role in

social bonding. Furthermore, it also acknowledges that shyness can be a hindrance in modern

society. Nevertheless, the author suggests that therapy or other forms of support may be helpful

for individuals struggling with shyness.


Cain cites research on the heritability of shyness to support her argument that it may have

evolved as a way for individuals to avoid dangerous situations. She cites studies on social

behavior to support her argument that shy individuals may have been more likely to form close

relationships with others who shared their temperament.

Cain draws on her own personal experience and examples from others to suggest practical ways

for individuals to overcome the challenges of shyness in modern society.


Cain explains the significance of the heritability of shyness by suggesting that it supports the

idea that shyness may have an evolutionary basis. She explains the importance of social bonding

by suggesting that it may have played a role in survival in times of hardship. She also explains

the practical benefits of therapy or other forms of support.


The grammar, punctuation, and spelling in the essay are appropriate and well-written.

Best Part of the Essay:

The best part of the essay is the way that the author analyzes Cain's use of evidence and

rhetorical strategies to support her argument.

Part of the Essay that Needs the Most Work:

There are no major issues with the essay, but the author could provide more specific examples of

Cain's use of rhetorical strategies to support her argument.


In conclusion, Cain's article challenges the common perception of shyness as a weakness

and suggests that it may have played an important role in human evolution. While

acknowledging the challenges that shyness can present in modern society, she offers practical

suggestions for individuals struggling with shyness. Overall, Cain's article offers a valuable

perspective on the concept of shyness and its potential evolutionary significance.


Work Citied

Cain, Susan. "Shyness: Evolutionary Tactic?" Psychology Today, Sussex Publishers, 18

June 2012,


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