Ene Getenet G+8 BOQ

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Project B+G+5+T mixed use building



A- Sub Structure
1 19.89 1 Excavation & Earth Work 1
24.08 478.95 1.1 Site clearing
35.77 1
- 17.885
478.95 total
1.2 bulk excavation 1
18.9 avg depth=120cm
23.1 2
1.2 523.18 total
trench excavation 1
2 22.08 axis A&E
0.90 33.912 1
1.20 47.69

2 5.00 axis A 0
0.90 7.45
1.20 10.80
0 14.35
1.20 -

58.49 total 2
excavation for retaining shear wall
1 34.79 L=7.9+8.61=16.51m

0.90 15.14 0
1.20 37.57 total
1.4 excavation for mat depth upto
1 9.35 MF-1
10.14 9.35
0.30 28.44 10.14
0 6.50 MF-2
2.50 9.95
0.30 - 10.45 2

28.44 total 2
1.5 excavation for mat depth exceeding
1 9.35 MF-1

10.14 4
2.00 189.62
0 6.50 MF-2
2.50 9.95 6
2.00 - 10.45

189.62 total

- 1

1.4 excavation for footing depth upto

150cm(d=1.5-1.2=0.3m) 2
1 4.80 F1 1pcs
0.30 6.91
2 4.60 F2 2pcs
0.30 12.70
1 6.9 CF-1 1pcs
0.30 5.38 5
1 3.50 F3 1pcs
0.30 3.68 4
1 4.10 F4 1pcs
0.30 5.04 1
2 3.90 F5 2pcs
0.30 9.36 1
1 3.5 F6 1pcs
0.3 3.78 1
1 3.7 F7 1pcs
0.3 4.11 2


50.96 total
1.5 excavation for footing depth exceeding
1 4.80 F1 1pcs
2.00 46.08 1
2 4.60 F2 2pcs
2.00 84.64 1
1 6.9 CF-1 1pcs
2.00 35.88 1
1 3.50 F3 1pcs
2.00 24.50 1
1 4.10 F4 1pcs
2.00 33.62 1
2 3.90 F5 2pcs
2.00 62.40 3
1 3.5 F6 1pcs
2 25.20 2
1 3.7 F7 1pcs
2 27.38 2







339.70 total 24
Back fill
a..footing pad 2
1 18.20 F1
0.25 18.2 4
1.15 5.23 2.3
above pad around foundation column 16
1 22.62 C1
1.15 26.01 A=4.6*4.6-0.6*0.6=20.8m2 2
2 17.4 F2 4
0.25 17.40
1.05 9.14 20.74 4
above pad around foundation column
2 20.74 C2
1.25 51.85 A=4.1*4.1-0.6*0.5=16.51m2
d=3.5-1.2-0.85=1.45m 8
1 13 F3 1pcs
0.25 13 1
0.75 2.44 11.83
above mat around foundation column 1
1 11.83 C3
1.55 18.34 A=4*45-0.6*0.4=15.76m2 2
1 15.4 F4 2pcs
0.25 15.4
0.95 3.66 16.39
above mat around foundation column
1 16.39 C4 8
1.35 22.13 A=3.1*3.1-3.14*0.5*0.5/4=9.41m2 6
2 14.8 F5 6pcs
0.25 14.8
0.85 6.29 15.18
2 15.18 C6&C8 1
1.45 44.02 A=2.5*2.5-0.5*0.3=6.1m2
1 13 F6 1
0.25 13
0.85 2.76 12.18
above mat around foundation column-C3&C5
1 12.18 A=6.5*2.5-0.6*0.4-0.5*0.4=15.81m2
1.45 17.66 d=3.5-1.2-1.15=1.15m 1
1 13.8 F7
0.25 13.8 0
0.85 2.93 13.27
above strap footing-C2&C7
1 13.27 A=2.9*3+2.5*2.9-2*0.6*0.5=15.35m2
1.45 19.24 d=3.5-1.2-0.85=1.45m
1 37.58 MF-1 7
0.25 37.58
0.75 7.05 91.09 1
above strap footing-C1&C7
1 91.09 A=2.5*2.7+2.5*2.5-2*0.6*0.5=12.4m2
1.05 95.64 d=3.5-1.2-0.75=1.55m 1
1 18 CF-1 1
0.25 18
1.45 6.52
1 17.1 17.10
0.85 14.53



355.45 total
b.under hard core
1 10.81 d=1.2-0.35=0.85m
1.83 22.61
0.85 16.81 11.31 1
1 11.15 10.81
17.9 1.83
0.85 169.65 11.15
0.5 1.29 17.90
4.76 1.29 0
0.85 2.61 4.76
1 2.36 5.21
6.39 2.61 0
0.85 12.82 225.02
1 4.54 2.36
6.75 6.39
0.85 26.05 9.57
1 8.29 4.79
0.82 4.54
0.85 5.78 6.75
0.5 8.88 16.58
0.82 8.29 1
0.85 3.09

236.81 total 1
c.around massonry & shear wall
2 54.16 Lmw=25.9m
0.25 1
1.2 32.50
1 16.51 Lsw=34.79m 2
4.00 Davg=3.6m
0.50 33.02 Wavg=0.5m 1

65.52 total
478.95 cart away
0.2 95.79
1,323.75 total
236.81 25cm thick well rolled hard core
0.85 278.60

278.60 total
4.concrete work
C-25 concrete for
elevation column
sec A1-A1
5 4
0.6 5.6
0.6 7.20 1C1,2C2,3C3&3C4
sec C-C
4 4
0.6 5.76 0.0490625
1 4 sec K-K
1 0.3316625
0.33 1.32
1 4 sec R-R 1
0.28 1.12 0.2826 1
1 4 sec M1-M1
0.28 1.12 4
2 4 sec N1-N1
0.28 2.24
1 4 sec U-U
0.2 0.80 0.19625
4 2.5 sec A2-A2
0.6 C6
0.6 3.60
20 2.5 C1,C3,C3'&C5
0.5 12.50
10 2.5 C1,C3,C3'&C5
0.45 5.06
5 2.6 C1,C3,C3'&C5
0.4 2.08
4 2.6 C1,C3&C3'
0.4 1.66
4 2.5 sec A3-A3
0.55 C6
0.55 3.03
8 2.5 C6
0.5 5.00
8 2.5 C6
0.45 4.05
8 2.6 C6
0.4 3.33
4 2.5 C2,C4&C8
1 0.2826
0.28 2.80
5 2.5 C2,C4,C8&C9
1 0.2374625
0.24 3.00
9 2.5 C2,C4,C8&C9
1 0.19625
0.2 4.50
13 2.5 C2,C4,C7,C8&C9
1 0.1589625
0.16 5.20
6 2.6 C2,C4,C7,C8&C9
1 0.1256
0.13 2.03
3 2.6 C2,C8&C9
1 0.1256
0.13 1.01
4 2.5 C7&C9
1 0.1256
0.13 1.30
79.71 total
intermidiate beam-1st floor
1 17.8 FFB-1
0.25 17.8
0.5 2.23
1 15.57 FFB-2
0.25 15.57
0.5 1.95
1 13.44 FFB-3
0.25 13.44
0.5 1.68
1 11.84 FFB-4
0.25 11.84
0.5 1.48
2 19.73 FFB-5
0.25 19.72
0.5 4.93
2 7
0.25 11.2
0.1 0.35 7.92
1 8.15 FFB-6
0.25 8.15
0.6 1.22
1 11.15
0.25 11.15
0.5 1.39
1 8.57 FFB-7
0.25 8.57
0.6 1.29
1 13.77
0.25 13.77
0.5 1.72
1 4.5 FFB-8
0.4 0.45
intermidiate beam-2nd floor to 8th floor
8 20.67 FB-1
0.25 20.67
0.5 20.67
8 16.04 FB-2
0.25 16.04
0.5 16.04
8 15.33 FB-3
0.25 15.33
0.5 15.33
8 13.04 FB-4
0.25 13.04
0.5 13.04 7.92
16 8.61 FB-5
0.25 8.61
0.6 20.66
16 12.7 12.7
0.25 7.44
0.5 25.40
8 9.15 FB-6
0.25 9.15
0.6 10.98
8 11.15
0.25 11.15
0.5 11.15
8 9.06 FB-7
0.25 9.06
0.6 10.87
8 13.36
0.25 13.36
0.5 13.36
8 4.63 EB-1
0.4 2.96

179.16 total intermidiate beam
roof beam
1 20.67 RB-1
0.25 20.67
0.4 2.07 236.23
1 15.57 RB-2
0.25 15.57
0.4 1.56 4.48
1 11.9 RB-3
0.25 11.9
0.4 1.19 74.72
2 14.63 RB-4
0.25 14.63
0.4 2.93
1 15.17 RB-5
0.25 15.17
0.4 1.52
1 8.69 RB-6
0.25 8.69
0.4 0.87
1 10.63 EB-2
0.25 10.63
0.4 1.06
1 5.65 EB-3
0.25 10.63
0.4 0.57
117.54 1
11.75 total
suspended slab 1
1 10.78 first floor slab
1.83 19.73 11.26
1 11.15 5.63
11.51 128.34 10.78
1 7.73 1.83
6.39 49.39 11.15
1 3.16 11.51
2.1 6.64 7.73
0.5 1.29 6.39
4.76 3.07 1.29
1 2.61 16.2
6.39 16.68 8.10
1 5.22 7.85
4 20.88 1.03
1 7.85 cantilever
1.03 8.09
0.5 7.85 cantilever
1.03 4.04
2 1.2 4.76
0.33 0.79

8 10.76 second to eighth floors slab

1.68 144.61 11.22
8 11.15 5.61
11.51 1,026.69 10.76
8 7.73 1.68
6.39 395.16
8 3.16
2.1 53.09
4 1.29
4.76 24.56
8 2.61
6.39 133.42
1 4.54 2.71
6.75 30.65 1.36
7 3.7 9.59
1.67 43.25
7 1.45
1.1 11.17
7 5.02
3.73 131.07
8 6.44 cantilever
1.49 76.76 6.44
8 1.15 cantilever
0.74 6.81 6.44
8 9.59 cantilever
1.82 139.63 6.44
8 1.36 cantilever
2.1 22.85 6.44
8 1.64 cantilever
2.65 34.77 2.97
4 1.22 cantilever
2.97 14.49 1.87
8 1.57 0.94
2.19 27.51
8 1.43
1.62 18.53
8 1.09
3.27 28.51
8 0.98
1.86 14.58
8 0.94
1.88 14.14
8 0.65
2.43 12.64
8 1.39
7.02 78.06
8 1.23
3.85 37.88

1 5.4 Roof floor slab

11.09 59.89 5.4
1 1.23 11.09
5.32 6.54 1.23
1 6.66 5.32
1.49 9.92 6.41
1 1.15 1.49
0.74 0.85 10.53
1 9.59 5.27
1.82 17.45 10.77
1 1.64 3.72
2.65 4.35
1 10.77
3.72 40.06 139.07

2,917.55 total all floors 1




2,917.55 Area of 15cm thick suspended slab 8

0 4.75 tanker slab
4.15 - 5.445
2,917.55 4.15
2,917.55 215.71 5
0.15 437.63 total 6
1 6.18 20cm thick lift-shaft shear wall
0.2 H=28.5-0.15=28.35m
28.35 35.04 L=2*2.08+1.46+2*0.28=6.18m 11
1 0.9 at lift door opening
0.2 H=2.5+8*1-0.15=10.35m
10.35 1.86 10.35
36.90 total

2 6.18 form work to lift-shaft shear wall

28.35 350.41 6.18 7
2 0.9
10.35 18.63 2.7
9 0.2 at lift door openning 8
2.7 4.86
373.90 total
suspended stair case&landing
80 1.25 sec A-A & sec C-C
0.02 2.00
8 1.25 Ls.s.=2*2.02=4.04m
0.15 6.06
80 1.25 sec B-B
0.02 2.00
9 1.25 Ls.s.=2.32m
0.15 3.91
9 6.64 landing beam
0.2 L=2*1.4+2*1.5=5.8m
0.5 5.98 1
20 1.25 landing
2.1 1
0.15 7.88
27.83 total

27.83 total
form work to
a.elevation column
36 4 1
0.6 86.40 5.6
1 4
2.04 8.16
4 4
1.88 30.08
1 4
1.57 6.28 1.57
16 2.5
0.6 24.00 10
112 2.5
0.5 140.00
72 2.5
0.45 81.00
68 2.6
0.4 70.72
16 2.6
0.55 22.88
4 2.5
1.88 18.80 1.884
5 2.5
1.73 21.63 1.73
9 2.5
1.57 35.33 1.57
13 2.5
1.41 45.82 1.41
9 2.6
1.26 29.48 1.26
4 2.5
1.26 12.60

633.18 total
b.intermediate beam
2 1,433.25 827.51
0.4 1,146.60
1 1,433.25 22
0.25 358.31 4
0 89.29 L(60x15cm)=81.84m
0.15 - 89.29
0 89.29
0.6 -

1.05 3

1,504.91 total 5
toptie beam 7
L=84.11m 10
2 117.54 4
0.4 94.03 7
1 117.54 12
0.25 29.39 8

123.42 total

d.susspended slab&tanker slab

2,917.55 total
e.stair case &landing
sec A-A & sec C-C 1
180 1.4 riser
0.15 37.80 168 1
16 1.4 bottom of slanted surface
4.04 90.50 1
32 4.04 edge of slanted surface
0.3 38.78 1
sec B-B
117 1.5 riser
0.15 26.33 1
16 1.5 bottom of slanted surface
2.32 55.68 1
32 2.32 edge of slanted surface
0.3 22.27 1
32 1.4 landing
2.1 94.08 1
66.255 1

365.44 total
15cm thick suspended slab & tanker slab
2,917.55 total

form work to
peregola beam

- total

Glazing work
4 1.5 1
1.5 9.00
2 1.52 1
2.7 8.21

1 1.47 1
2.7 3.97


1.5 1.88 4
3 0.8
0.5 1.20 2



1.5 1.80
2.85 20
1.5 4.28

1.5 1.05
1.5 2.18

1.5 1.20
34.75 total
plastering work
3coats of plastering to external wall

#REF! HCB wall

8 0.5 beam & column
2.7 10.80
8 0.25
2.7 5.40
3 8.01
0.35 8.41
3 7.25
0.35 7.61

#REF! total external wall 2
3coats of plastering to internal wall


2 - -
12 0.25
2.7 8.10
6 0.5 2
2.7 8.10 2
4 8.01 4
0.35 11.21 4
2 8.01 2
0.3 4.81 2
4 7.25 2
0.35 10.15 2
2 7.25
0.3 4.35
#REF! total internal wall 2
plastering to suspended slab&stair case
0.87 2
366.31 total 2
2 1.25 anti rust
1.5 3.75 1
8 1.5
0.1 1.20
4 1.52
0.1 0.61
2 1.47
0.1 0.29
2 0.8
1.5 2.40
8.25 total
2 1.25 varnish paint
2.7 6.75
16 0.8
2.7 34.56
2 0.65
2.7 3.51
. 44.82 total
false column
4 2.85
0.2 0.23 total
8 2.85 formwork to false column
0.1 2.28
8 2.85
0.2 4.56
6.84 total







block B+G+5+T building



2. Concrete Works
2.1-5cm lean concrete under
54.16 a) massonry wall(l=25.9m)
0.4 21.66
34.79 retaining & shear wall
0.4 13.92
35.58 total
b)footing pad, lift shaft pad & mat foundation
4.30 F1
4.30 18.49 5.95
4.10 F2
4.10 33.62
3.00 F3
3.00 9.00
3.6 F4
3.6 12.96
3.4 F5
3.5 23.80
3 F6
3.1 9.30
3.2 F7
3.2 10.24
8.65 MF-1
9.64 83.39
6.4 CF-1
2.1 13.44
2 -
2.6 LF-1
2.6 -

214.24 total
2.3-C-25R.c.c for
2.2-12 CM R.C.C.ground floor slab
278.60 total
2.4 footing pad, lift shaft pad & mat foundation
4.3 F1
4.3 0.9
1.1 20.34
4.10 F2
1 33.62
3 F3
3 0.9
0.7 6.30
3.60 F4
0.9 11.66
3.4 F5
3.5 0.9
0.8 19.04
3.00 F6
0.8 7.44
3.2 F7
0.8 8.19
8.65 MF-1
0.7 58.37
33.38 mat beam
0.8 33.38
0.5 13.35 8.04
7.73 mat beam
0.4 7.73
0.5 1.55
6.4 CF-1
1.4 18.82
0.7 -
2.12 strap beam
0.8 -
4 strap beam
0.5 3.69
0.1 -
2.6 LF-1
0.6 -

198.68 total
basement column
2.1 C1-sec B-B
0.6 1.51
2.6 C2-sec C-C

0.5 1.56
2.6 C3-sec I-I
0.4 1.87
2.6 C4-sec M-M
1 A=3.14*0.5*0.5/4=0.19m2
0.19 0.99
2.6 C5&C7-sec P-P
0.4 2.08
2.6 C6&C8-sec Q-Q
0.3 2.34 0.19625
10.35 total
15cm thick suspended ground slab
9.95 13.85
7.7 76.62 3.41
9.4 9.95
7.45 70.03 7.7
5 7.7
7.7 38.50 4.75
4.75 9.4
3.71 17.62 7.45

0.36 cantilever
7.75 5.58 3.71
208.35 total area of 15cm thick suspended ground slab
0.15 31.25 total

239.60 total
foundation column
2.15 sec A-A
0.65 h=3.5-0.4-0.95=2.15m
0.65 4.54 2.15
2.15 sec B-B
0.65 h=3.5-0.4-0.75=2.35m
0.65 3.63 2.35
2.15 sec J-J
1 h=3.5-0.4-0.85=2.25m
0.38 0.82 0.38465
2.15 sec L-L
1 h=3.5-0.4-0.85=2.25m
0.33 0.71 0.3316625
2.15 sec M-M
1 h=3.5-0.4-1.15=1.95m
0.33 0.71 1.95
2.15 sec N-N
1 h=3.5-0.4-0.65=2.45m
0.33 1.42 A=3.14*0.5*0.5/4=0.19m2
2.15 sec O-O
1 h=3.5-0.4-1.15=1.95m
0.24 0.52 0.2374625
2.55 C6 on F5-sec T-T
0.5 h=3.5-0.4-0.55=2.55m
0.3 - 2.55
2.35 C7 on SF-1 & SF-2-sec O-O
0.5 h=3.5-0.4-0.75=2.35m
0.4 - 2.25
2.55 C8 on F5-sec T-T
0.5 h=3.5-0.4-0.55=2.55m
0.3 - 2.55


12.35 total
ground floor beam
17.8 GFB-1
0.25 17.8
0.4 1.78
15.57 GFB-2
0.25 15.57
0.4 1.56 155.70
5.9 GFB-3
0.25 5.9
0.4 0.59
7.79 GFB-3'
0.25 7.79
0.4 0.78
11.84 GFB-4
0.25 11.84
0.4 1.18
6.75 GFB-5
0.4 2.03
6.39 GFB-5'
0.25 6.39
0.4 1.28
6.59 GFB-5''
0.25 6.59
0.4 1.32 15.15
11.15 GFB-6
0.25 11.15
0.4 1.12
7.11 GFB-7
0.25 7.11
0.4 0.71
13.49 GFB-7'
0.25 13.49
0.4 1.35
7.45 FB-7 on axis 2&3
0.6 7.45
0.15 -
15.63 FB-3' on axis C
0.5 -
7.95 DB-1 on axis 2&3
0.9 -
4.1 FB-1' on axis 2&3
0.4 -
4.1 FB-2' on axis 2&3
0.4 - 136.86
13.69 total
Basement beam
15.64 BB1 on axis A,B,C,D&E
0.25 5.06
0.4 7.82
15.15 BB2 on axis 1,2,3&4
0.25 15.15
0.4 6.06 138.80
13.88 total
e.form work to
a.footing pad,lift-shaft pad & mat foundation
4.3 F1
1.1 18.92
4.1 F2
1 32.80
3 F3
0.7 8.40
3.6 F4
0.9 12.96
6.9 F5
0.8 22.08 6.9
6.1 F6
0.8 9.76 6.1
3.2 F7
0.8 10.24 9.8
18.29 MF-1
0.7 25.61 18.29
0.5 33.38
0.5 7.73
8.5 CF-1
1.4 23.80 8.5
0.8 -
0.1 - 17.15
2.6 LF-1
0.6 - 11.95
205.68 total
basement column
2.1 C1-sec B-B
0.6 10.08
2.6 C2-sec C-C
1.1 11.44
2.6 C3-sec I-I
1 15.60
2.6 C4-sec M-M
1.57 8.16 circimfrance=3.14*0.5=1.57m2
2.6 C5&C7-sec P-P
0.9 18.72
2.6 C6&C8-sec Q-Q
0.8 24.96

88.96 1.57
b.foundation column
2.15 C1 on F-1-sec A-A
0.65 27.95 h=3.5-0.4-0.95=2.15m
2.15 C1 on SF-2-sec A-A
0.65 22.36 h=3.5-0.4-0.75=2.35m
2.15 C2 on F2 & SF-1-sec G-G
2.2 4.73 h=3.5-0.4-0.85=2.25m
2.15 C3 on F3-sec H-H
2.04 17.54 h=3.5-0.4-0.85=2.25m
2.15 C3 on MF-2-sec H-H
1.73 3.72 h=3.5-0.4-1.15=1.95m
2.45 C4 on F-4-sec L-L
1.57 - circumfrance=3.14*0.5=1.57m
1.95 C5 on MF-2-sec O-O
0.9 - h=3.5-0.4-1.15=1.95m
2.55 C6 on F5-sec T-T
0.8 - h=3.5-0.4-0.55=2.55m
2.35 C7 on SF-1 & SF-2-sec O-O
0.9 - h=3.5-0.4-0.75=2.35m
2.55 C8 on F5-sec T-T
0.8 - h=3.5-0.4-0.55=2.55m

76.30 total
basement beam
138.8 L=138.8m
0.4 111.04 total
ground floor beam
0.4 111.04
0.25 -
0.6 -
0.3 -
15.9 15.9
0.75 -
0.7 -
111.04 total
20cm thick lift shaft shear wall
7.14 2.25
2.25 32.13 7.14
3 -
32.13 total
25cm thick shear wall & shear pad
0.6 19.81
0.6 1.44
4.5 148.59
4.5 1.80
171.64 total
15cm thick suspended stair case & landing
1.4 sec A-A & sec C-C
0.16 5.38
1.4 bottom of slanted surface
4.04 11.31
4.04 edge of slanted surface
0.3 4.85
1.5 sec B-B
0.15 3.60
1.5 bottom of slanted surface
2.32 6.96
2.32 edge of slanted surface
0.3 2.78
1.4 landing
2.1 11.76
46.64 total
entrance stair
0.16 6.08
1.18 5.60
4.75 bottom of slanted surface
2.35 11.16
2.35 edge of slanted surface
0.3 1.41
24.26 total

expansion joint
14.7 117.60
15.15 90.90
208.50 total
25cm thick retaining shear wall
16.51 a.shear pad
0.6 L=34.79m
1.25 12.38 33.85
16.51 shear wall
0.2 Davg=3.6m
4.5 14.86
27.24 total
20cm thick lift-shaft shear wall
7.14 L=2*2+2*1.6=7.2m
0.2 H=3.5-0.65=2.85m
2.25 3.21 2.85
6.3 L=2+2*0.55+2*1.6=6.3m
0.2 H=3m
3 - 7.2
3.21 total
15cm thick suspendedstair case & ramp
at main entrance
3.5 Atr&rsr=0.5*0.3*0.16=0.02m2
0.02 0.49 0.024
3.5 landing
0.15 0.53
3.5 slanted surface
2.35 Ls.s.=2.35m
0.15 1.23 6.112
6.11 15cm thick R.C.C. ramp
1 A=4.02*1.1+1.3*1.3=6.11m2
0.2 1.22 9.45
3.47 total
15cm thick suspendedstair case & landing
1.4 sec A-A & sec C-C
0.02 0.28
1.4 Ls.s.=2*2.02=4.04m
0.15 0.85
1.5 sec B-B
0.02 0.21
1.5 Ls.s.=2.32m
0.15 0.52
5.8 landing beam
0.25 L=2*1.4+2*1.5=5.8m
0.4 0.58
1.4 landing
0.15 0.88
3.32 total
form work to
15cm thick suspended stair case & landing
1.4 riser
0.15 2.52
0.15 1.80
1.4 landing
2.1 5.88
1.4 bottom of slanted surface
4.04 5.66
4.04 edge of slanted surface
0.3 2.42
1.5 bottom of slanted surface
2.32 3.48
2.32 edge of slanted surface
0.3 1.39 5.8
5.8 landing beam
0.22 3.83 L=2*1.4+2*1.5=5.8m
26.98 total
3.Massonry work
54.16 a.below NGL
1.2 26.00 total
b.above NGL
54.16 d=0.5m
0.4 -30.38
0.5 10.83 total
c.massonry steps
stone massonry steps
10.09 L=1.69+2+2*1.46+2*1.74=10.09m
0.25 0.87165
0.2 -
1.49 landing
0.5 -
- total
wooden door price per meter square=1284.86BIRR

HCB work
20cm HCB wall
43.16 axis 1,1'&3
2.8 120.85 43.16

38.96 axis A,B,C&D

2.8 109.09 18.63
gable side
28.6 rear,left&right side
1 28.60 28.6
4.94 front side
0.7 6.92 1.4
0.4 0.84

266.29 0
ddn for door & window
2.75 33.00
2.1 5.04
2.75 4.95
2.75 1.92
1.75 8.40
1.75 1.75
1.75 1.22
0.6 0.60
56.89 total ddn
209.40 total 20cm HCB wall
brick wall

- total
dressed stone wall

- total
15cm HCB wall
16.7 axis 2,2'&3
2.8 46.76 16.7
21.24 axis A'&C'
2.8 59.47 21.24
0.9 ddn for door & window
2.1 7.56
7.56 total ddn
98.67 total 15cm HCB wall

internal plastering

41.5 glazing
1.75 72.63 total

9.31 roof work

4.15 38.64
4.65 98.4704
3.71 17.25 12.83
55.89 total

73.14 total
17.34 17.34 8.6
8.6 8.60 17.34

25.94 total
j bolt
0.75 24.00
2.47 kgpermeter
59.28 total
Dia.12x12x5mm CHS elevation column
2.7 21.60 total
Dia.15x15x5mm CHS elevation column
4.2 4.20 total
3.14 10x10x5mm RHS top tie beam
5.4 33.91
5.3 42.40
76.31 total
steel truss
180x180x8mm upper & lower members
18.82 94.10 L1=18.82m
14.25 85.50 spacing =1.5m
179.60 11.87
bracing members
9.45 103.95 L=9.45

9.31 65.17 5.16666666666667

5.87 46.96 2.58333333333333

112.13 total

21 32.34
2.37 15.50
11.3 108.93
14.4 108.00
1,525.78 total

secC-C & D-D

0.3 3.04
sec H-H

0.35 0.32
sec E-E
0.3 2.35

carpentry & joinery
a.dia.10-12cm equalyptus upper&lower main members
Llower=5m,Lupper=5.14m Ltotal=10.14
10.14 223.08 No. of truss=2*(8.5/0.9)+1=22
8.74 34.96 Llower=4.29m,Lupper=4.45m Ltotal=8.74
No. of truss=(2/0.9)+1=4
258.04 total
b.dia.8-10cm equalyptus vertical&diagonal members
7.5 195.00 total
5X7 roof purlin
Lpurlin=12.01m, Lp=10.62
43.16 86.32 spacing=0.9m
43.45 130.35 No. of purlin=1*(5/0.9)+1=7
216.67 total
4X5cm chipwood ceiling purlin
1 18.00 3.05
10 30.00 5.08333333333333
3.23 16.15 2.49
2 14.00 1.245
1.25 12.50
5.17 20.68
3.05 21.35
3.6 25.20
3.93 47.16
6.44 51.52
2.55 22.95
4.72 28.32
3.05 21.35
3.45 24.15

353.33 total
1 8mm chipwood ceiling
10 10.00
2 6.46
5.17 6.46

3.6 10.98
6.44 25.31
4.72 12.04
3.45 10.52



81.77 total
Finishing work
3cm cement screed
basement floo
15.41 cement tile
12.84 197.86
3.74 56.14 4.98
5.14 ground floor
2.42 12.44 terrazzo tile
5.16 verendah
2.52 13.00 3.93
2.99 14.95
7.93 24.3165
1.41 11.18 2.5389
2 corridor
8.04 16.08 6.14
5.02 corridor
1 5.02
1.41 landing
2.29 6.46
6.14 79.21 4.9
1.72 8.43
2.17 toilet
1.17 2.54
3.9 kitchen
1.52 11.86
3.15 corridor
1 6.30
2.97 toilet
1.17 6.95
4.94 M.bed rooms & children's bed rooms
2.65 26.18
4.8 first floor
2.8 13.44 verendah
2.94 M.bed rooms & children's bed rooms
2.65 31.16
3.15 corridor
1 12.60
2.97 toilet
1.17 13.90
3.9 kitchen
1.52 23.71
6.14 79.21
1.72 8.43
2 corridor
8.04 16.08 6.14
5.02 corridor
1 5.02
1.41 landing
2.29 6.46
4.8 second, third ,fourth & fifth floors
3.87 92.88 verendah
2.94 M.bed rooms & children's bed rooms
2.65 155.82
3.15 corridor
1 63.00
2.97 toilet
1.17 69.50
3.9 kitchen
1.52 118.56
6.14 396.03
1.72 42.14
2 corridor
8.04 80.40 6.14
5.02 corridor
1 25.10
1.41 landing
2.29 32.29
terace floor slab
roof floor slab & tanker slab


1,912.30 total
5cm thick cement tile ff

254.00 total
terrazzo tile ff

1,651.84 total
PVC tile ff

marble tile ff
- -
- -
1,912.30 total
stair case
1.1 terrazzo tread & riser
0.3 4.62
1.1 tread
0.15 2.64

7.26 total

5.53 11.06 10cm high ceramic skerting

5.74 11.48
2.5 10.00
1.85 7.40
1.53 3.06
1.97 3.94
1.9 3.80
1.7 3.40
2.68 5.36
1.63 3.26
62.76 total
10cm high parque skerting
77.23 154.46 total
10cm high porcelinskerting
45.76 91.52 total
10cm high marble skerting
22.6 45.20 total
ceramic wall tile (H=1.8m)
12.53 12.53
1.8 22.55

23.6 ceramic wall tile(H=1.8m)

1.8 42.48 23.6

13.35 kitchen
1.8 24.03 13.35

0.65 ddn for door & window
1.8 1.17
1.8 2.88
0.5 1.20
0.9 1.08
60.18 total
marble tread & riser
1.05 a.tread
0.28 4.12
1.05 b.riser
0.16 2.52
2.1 landing
1.18 2.48
9.11 total
0.28 4.20 skerting
1.18 2.36
2.1 2.10
8.66 total
8.66 total marble skerting
1.5 6.00 window sile
0.8 2.40
1.2 1.20
1.45 1.45
3.55 3.55
1.52 3.04
1.47 1.47
19.11 total

100 80.00 wooden door

20 48.00 1st to 6th floor
4 1 ground floor-2
4 - basement floor
28 49.00

light pts
massive leueta
2nd to 5th floors
8 32.00
8 8.00 first floor
13 13.00 ground floor
0 - basement floor
53.00 total
G+7+ Terrace Appartement

No Description Unit quntity unitprice Total Amount

A. Sub Structure
1. Excavation and Earth Work
1.1. Clear the site to remove the top soil to an average depth of 20cm. m2 478.95 32.87 15,743.13
1.2 Bulk excavation in ordinary soil to depth of 120cm m3 523.18 338.38 177,032.78
Excavation for foundation trenches to a depth not exceeding 150cm
1.3 starting from reduced ground level. m3 58.49 311.77 18,236.30
Excavation for retaining shear wall foundation depth not exceeding
1.4 150cm starting from reduced ground level. m3 37.57 311.77 11,714.20
Excavation for isolated footing, strap footing & lift shaft foundation
1.5 depth to 1.5m m3 50.96 257.10 13,100.53
1.6 Excavtion for mat foundation depth to 1.5m m3 28.44 257.10 7,312.62
Excavation for isolated footing, strap footing & lift shaft foundation
1.7 depth exceeding 1.5m (D=3.5m) m3 339.70 336.26 114,227.52
1.8 Excavation for mat foundation depth exceeding 1.5m (D=3.5m) m3 189.62 336.26 63,760.95
Back fill around trench foundation & retaining shear wall with selected
1.9 granular quarry waste material out side from site. m3 65.52 1082.86 70,944.66
2.0. Back fill under hard core m3 236.81 1082.86 256,433.46
2.1. Back fill around isolated footing,strap footimg & mat foundation m3 355.45 1082.86 384,901.23
Cart away surplus excavated material and deposit at a distance not
2.2. exceeding 2km from the site m3 1323.75 342.90 453,913.66
25cm thick basaltic or equivalent stone hard core, well rolled,
2.3. consolidated and blinded with crushed stone. m2 278.60 321.16 89,475.66
· Total carried to summary 1,676,796.69
2. Concrete Works
2.1 5cm thick lean concrete c-5, 150kg cement/m . under

A) under isolated & strap footing, lift shaft pad & mat foundation m2 214.24 113.36 24,285.79
B) under massonry & retaining shear wall foundation m2 35.58 113.36 4,033.35
Reinforced concrete, class c-25, 360kg cement/m3 filled and vibrated
around rod reinforcement steel & from work measured separately.
A) Isolated footin, strap footing, lift shaft pad & mat foundation m3 198.68 3868.34 768,558.70
B) foundation column m3 12.35 3868.34 47,759.98
D)Grade beam m3 13.69 3868.34 52,942.10
G) 20cm thick lift-shaft shear wall m3 3.21 3868.34 12,428.98
H)25cm thick shear wall & pad m3 27.24 3868.34 105,379.38
J) 15cm thick entrance stair & ramp m3 3.47 3868.34 13,426.04
2.3 K)10cm thick R.C.C. concrete floor slab c-20, 320kg cement/m .
m2 278.60 386.83 107,772.53
2.4 Provide, cut and fix in position sawn zigba form work.
A) Isolated footin, strap footing, lift shaft pad & mat foundation m2 205.68 312.48 64,269.64
B) foundation column m2 76.30 339.35 25,893.59
D)Grade beam m2 111.04 339.35 37,681.42
G) 20cm thick lift-shaft shear wall m2 32.13 332.58 10,685.80
H)25cm thick shear wall & pad m2 171.64 332.58 57,084.70
J) 15cm thick entrance stair & ramp m2 24.26 397.56 9,643.81
Steel reinforcement according to structural drawing. Price shall include
2.5 cutting, bending, placing in position & tying wires.
a) Diam.8mm deformed bars. Kg 3961.15 69.13 273,834.09
b) Diam.10mm deformed bars. Kg 3613.47 65.68 237,332.90
c) Diam.12mm deformed bars. Kg 724.79 65.68 47,603.92
d) Diam.14mm deformed bars. Kg 3552.67 65.68 233,339.29
e) Diam16mm deformed bars. Kg 5746.30 67.51 387,932.85
f) Diam,20mm deformed bars Kg ### 67.80 1,068,510.11
g) Diam.24mm deformed bars Kg 67.80 -

2.6 Supply & install 0.5cm thick & 10cm high styrofoam expansion joint ml 208.50 37.46 7,810.41
· Total Carried to Summary 3,598,209.37
3Masonry Work
50cm thick trench or equivalent stone masonry foundation wall below
3.1 NGL bedded in cement sand mortar1:3 m3 26.00 2065.97 53,708.61
3.2 50 cm thick stone massonary above N.G.L. m3 10.83 2208.67 23,924.31
3.3 stone masonory steps m3 2572.67 -
· Total Carried to Summary 77,632.92
B. Super Structure
4.1 4. Concrete Work
Reinforced concrete class C-25 360 kg cement/m3 of concrete, filled into
form work and vibrated around reinforcement rods. Reinforcement and
form work are measured separately.
a) In elevation columns m3 79.71 4101.73 326,955.05
b)intermidiate beam m3 179.16 4101.73 734,849.33
c) roof beam m3 11.75 4101.73 48,211.73
d) 20cm thick lift-shaft shear wall m3 36.90 4101.73 151,368.60
e)15cm thick susspended slab,roof slab & tanker slab m3 437.63 4101.73 1,795,051.55
f)15cm thick susspended stair case& landing m3 27.83 4101.73 114,134.74
4.2 C-20 lintel beam m3 22.55 3581.00 80,751.55
Provide, cut and fix in position sawn zigba wood form work or
4.3 equivalent form work
a) In elevation columns m2 633.18 379.64 240,380.08
b)intermidiate beam m2 1504.91 379.64 571,324.02
c) roof beam m2 123.42 379.64 46,854.03
d) 20cm thick lift-shaft shear wall m2 373.90 348.42 130,272.84
e)15cm thick susspended slab,roof slab & tanker slab m2 2917.55 348.42 1,016,533.45
f)15cm thick susspended stair case& landing m2 365.44 395.13 144,395.12
f)lintel beam m2 65.98 379.64 25,048.65
Steel reinforcement according to drawing cut bent and placed in
position. Unit price shall include in cutting, bending, placing in position
4.3 and typing wire.
a) Diam 6mm plain bar Kg 83.64 -
b) Diam.8mm deformed bars kg ### 70.05 1,199,742.93
c) Diam.10mm deformed bars kg ### 66.25 2,411,148.96
d) Diam.12mm deformed bars kg 6215.75 66.25 411,793.53
e) Diam.14mm deformed bars kg 3577.24 66.25 236,992.41
f) Diam.16mm deformed bars kg ### 68.09 942,096.25
g) Diam.20mm deformed bars kg ### 68.38 2,353,308.11
· Total Carried to Summary 12,981,212.95
5.Wall Work
5.1 20cm thick class B HCB wall bedded in cement mortar 1:4 m2 2689.00 475.18 1,277,759.02
5.2 15cm thick class B HCB wall bedded in cement mortar 1:4 m2 1928.89 440.39 849,463.87
5.3 10cm thick class B HCB wall bedded in cement mortar 1:4 m2 442.56 421.51 186,543.47
· Total Carried to Summary 2,313,766.35
6.Steel structre & Rroofing
Steel Stair emergency exit with all acsessories as follows: -
150x150x5mm plate according to the design (price shall include fixing
6.2 bolt & no) Pcs 16.00 125.00 2,000.00
180x1800x8mm SHS steel truss according to the structural
6.3 drawing (price shall include all the necessary works) -
Upper and lower main truss chords ml 179.60 225.00 40,410.00
6.4 120x120x5mm inclined & vertical bracing members ml 103.95 145.00 15,072.75
40x40x3mm angle iron welded on the steel truss in every 1.2m
for the connection of purlin & upper truss member price shall
6.5 include all the necessary works ml 22.35 85.00 1,899.75
6.6 100x100x4mm SHS purlin ml 165.79 120.00 19,895.04
6.7 Colovred flat metal sheet gutter according to the drawing dev ml 112.13 185.00 20,744.05
6.8 Ø110mm PVC down pipe fixed on column with metal strupps. ml 457.50 129.33 59,168.48
J-bolt Steel reinforcement according to drawing cut bent and placed in
position. Unit price shall include in cutting, bending, placing in position
6.9 and typing wire.
Diam.20mm deformed bars kg 59.28 68.38 4,053.57
6.10. Xyepex water proofing material or equivalent m2 139.07 12000.00 1,668,818.40
· Total Carried to Summary 1,832,062.03
7.Carpentary & Joinery Work
7.2 wooden door
D1 100x210cm No 24.00 6500.00 156,000.00
D2 80x210cm No 49.00 6350.00 311,150.00
D3 70x210cm No 52.00 6250.00 325,000.00
SD1-Sliding door size 80x210cm No 11.00 6400.00 70,400.00
· Total Carried to Summary 862,550.00
8. Aluminium Work
Aluminium windows and doors made of extrude profiles of 6060
standard of UNI3569 HB65 norms dimensional tolerance and thickness
of the aluminium to be of UNI3879 norm spacer for the glazing and
paneles with average from 10-42mm.Operable windows to be of
horixontal and vertical pivoting. Aluminium profile of bronze color with
8.1 brushed finish cut and assembeled to the size and shapes shown on the
schedule of windows and doors.Manufacturing of the door and windows
subject to approval of shop drawings to be provided by the Contractor.

a.D1 size 150x290cm No 3.00 11000.00 33,000.00

b.W1 size 370x290cm No 1.00 15000.00 15,000.00
c.W2 size 300x290cm No 1.00 13750.00 13,750.00
d.W3 size275X290cm No 2.00 13450.00 26,900.00
e.W4 Size 130x290cm No 1.00 10700.00 10,700.00
f.W5 size200X160cm No 52.00 7850.00 408,200.00
g.W6 Size 100x160cm No 54.00 5500.00 297,000.00
h.W7 size 130x160cm No 12.00 6800.00 81,600.00
i.W9 size 60x60cm No 58.00 3800.00 220,400.00
j.SW1 size 200x175cm No 14.00 7900.00 110,600.00
k. hand rail ml 878.66 255.00 224,058.30
l.guard rail ml 622.00 255.00 158,610.00
· Total Carried to Summary 1,599,818.30
a. Apply three coats of cement mortar plaster to external HCB wall &
column&beam m2 2689.00 163.05 438,441.45
b. Ditto as item 6.1 but internal wall & column &beam m2 7431.90 261.47 1,943,218.89
c. Ditto as item 6.1to receive ceramic wall cladding to tiolet&kitchen m2 396.56 138.67 54,990.98
d. Ditto as item 6.1 but for sofft all floor slab & stair case m2 3282.99 261.47 858,403.12
f. Fine coat gypsum to internal wall,column,beam&suspended slab m2 ### 46.28 495,885.06
· Total carried to summary 3,790,939.50
a. 3cm thick smoothly trouted cement screet to receive ceramic tile m2 3561.59 144.85 515,896.38
b.50X50cm Dubai ceramic ff m2 3196.15 959.33 3,066,165.89
c.Colorful terrazzo tile ff m2 458.00 590.72 270,549.76
d.20x30 Dubai ceramic wall tile m2 396.56 733.09 290,714.17
e.10cm high ceramic skerting ml 334.65 393.40 131,651.31
f.10cm high terrazzo skerting ml 2752.00 109.90 302,444.80
g..terrazzo tile tread & riser m2 189.66 144.85 27,472.25
h..terrazzo window sile ml 292.00 164.24 47,958.08
· Total carried to summary 4,652,852.64
Prepare the surface and apply three coats of plastic emulsion paint to
external wall,columns & beams m2 70.77 -
Ditto item 8.1 but internal wall ,column&beam m2 7431.90 70.77 525,955.56
Ditto item 8.1 but for soffit of all suspended floors& stai
r case and top tile beams m2 3282.99 76.36 250,689.04
Three coats of synthetic paint metal doors & windows m 2
94.64 -
Apply three coats of varnish for wooden doors m2 373.38 90.53 33,802.09
Apply three coats of plastic paintfor chip wood ceiling m2 76.36 -
Aplly quartz paint to external wall m2 2689.00 976.31 2,625,297.59
· Total carried to summary 3,435,744.28
12. Glazing
Supply and fix 5mm thick tinted sheet glass to metal bead
s and puttied with approved quality of putty m2 428.95 656.00 281,391.20
· Total carried to summary 281,391.20
13.Electrical Installation
supply and fix flush mounted main distribution board
(MDB-X) with loccable door bus bar system,earthing
lead and complete with all other necessary accessaries
and consisting of

3pc main ACB of 35A, 3 phase

1pcs ACB of 25A, 3 phase No 1.00 250000 250,000.00
SDB-GF consisting of
3pcs ACB of 25A, 3 phase
3pcs ACB of 16A, 1 phase
3pcs ACB of 10A, 1 phase No 9.00 42500 382,500.00
Light points fed through pvc conductor of 2x2.5mm2 in
thermoplatic condinit of 13.5mm under surface including
junction boxes with cover and screw type connefctors.
No 385.00 1291.70 497,304.50
Socket out let of 16A 1phase with earthing contact fed
through PVC conductor of 3x2.5 in thremoplastic16mm
running under surface including junction boxes with
covers and screw type connectors with insulating caps
all complete
No 185.00 449.00 83,065.00
Telephone terminal boxes of size 35 No 9.00 1453.00 13,077.00
TV No 9.00 360.10 3,240.90
Bell call system No 9.00 3869.30 34,823.70
CCTV security camera with all acsessories No 9.00 18500.00 166,500.00
Flush mounted switches
a. Single pole No 47.00 244.15 11,475.05
b. Double No 56.00 276.55 15,486.80
c. Two way No 128.00 273.85 35,052.80
d. Intermideate switch No 16.00 292.75 4,684.00
Light fittings with lamp
1. Disano 601 disanlen s-plexiglass diffuser with FL1X54W No 200.00 -
2.Chandler lamp 5x15 No 662.51 -
3. Appliques wall lamp aurgi 200x270x90 xfsq 26 w
g24 q3 No 140.00 478.81 67,033.40
4. Massive lutea 59905/11/10 No 59.00 180.00 10,620.00
5.SEIMENES incandescent fitting type SIN-460/2 20W or equivalent No 128.00 120 15,360.00
6.PHILIPS TMS 012/136 with 1x25W lamp or equivalent No 400 -
7.PHILIPS TMS 012/136 with 2x36W lamp or equivalent No 42.00 500 21,000.00
8. MODUS SPc 118AL with 1x18W compact flourecent G24 baxse No 35.00 375 13,125.00
60X60 concrete manhole pcs 1.00 3500 3,500.00
Total Carried to summary 1,627,848.15
14.Sanitary installation
GS PIPE :- Supply , lay and connect galvanized steel
pipe (GS - PN16) for cold and hot water supply as
per the drawing shown, complete with all the necessary
connecting pieces such as bends, unions Tees, etc.
Unit price shall include all the necessary as

a. Diameter 20 No 528.00 169.41 89,448.48

b. Diameter 15 No 1348.00 141.95 191,348.60
GATE VALVE :- Supply and fix bronze gate valves (PN16) ,
Complete with all accessories. -
a. Diameter 20 No 102.00 131.11 13,373.22
b. Diameter 15 No 285.00 95.97 27,351.45
HAND WASH BASIN :- Supply and fix hand wash
basin with pedstal, complete with faucet, chain plug,
trap and all accessories
Size:- 410x510mm
No 48.00 2296.35 110,224.80
WATER CLOSET :- Supply and fix wash down water
closet made of white vitreous china, including plastic
seat and cover, low flush cistern and stop cock on the
water supply line. Complete with all the necessary
No 46.00 3800.00 174,800.00
SHOWER :- Supply and install shower tray made
of enemelled cast iron complete with adjustable
mixing head, traps and all other accessories (70X70cm)
No 30.00 1774.01 53,220.30
Bath tab 1700x700 No 8022.49 -
KITCHEN TRAY :- Supply and install kitchen tray made
of enemelled cast iron complete with all accessories No 31.00 1617.5 50,142.50
SEWAGE PIPE :- Supply and lay uPVC pipe for waste
water drainage. Complete with all the necessary accessories
Diameter 110mm No 269.56 600 161,736.00
Diameter 50mm No 528.75 330 174,487.50
FLOOR DRAIN:- Supply and fix floor drains, made of
enamelled cast iron with smell trap, complete with all the
necessary accessories. (Q50)
No 45.00 80.00 3,600.00
VENT CAP:- Supply and fix vent cap made of PVC,
at terminal point of vertical stacks(dia.50) No 6.00 94.63 567.78
SOAP HOLDER:- Supply and fix soap holder in white
vitreous china 150x150mm, near to hand wash basin,
bath room and Kitchen sink.
No 46.00 200.00 9,200.00
TOILET PAPER HOLDER:- Supply and fix toilet
paper holder with synthetic roler 150x150x25mm.
Complete with fastening screws
No 46.00 295.56 13,595.76
TOWEL RAIL: Supply and install stand towel hanger
made of chrome plated tublar metal rollers include
fasting screws & all other accessories
No 31.00 263.00 8,153.00
MIRROR :- Supply and fix crystal glass mirror of
approved standard, complete with accessories
Size: 500x400mm
No 48.00 800 38,400.00
80Lts water heater No 30.00 8000 240,000.00
Elevated water tanker stand by steel cast iron frames price shall include
outomatic level swich control/ galvanaized/ mesh cover manhole over
flow inculude in outside tank and a capacity of 5000lts
No 2.00 19611.11 39,222.22
60X60 concrete manhole No 6.00 6500 39,000.00
Total Carried to summary 1,437,871.61
15.Electro-Mechanical Works
A 250KVA (200KW) Stand by generator set at the site level, with
soundproof construction having a sound proof metallic canopy and a
high grade exhaust silencer for residential installation with the following
essential parameters for the diesel engine, alternator and control panel:
Diesel engine type- type Cummins, Deutz ,Perkins,Volvo,Caterppillar or
equivalent and subject to the engineers approval

Speed- 1500rpm with automatic speed governor

Lubrication- with forced oil circulation with detachable oil filter and
Cooling system- water cooling with radiator
Electric start including battries with cables, termination and battrey
isolator swith and battries charged by generator
Feul tank with filter
Alternator- type Stamford, Leroy, Somer, ABB, MR, MARATHON or
equivalent and subject to the engineers approval
Three phase 210KVA (168KW), Y-connection and accsessible neutral

Standard voltage-230/400V, at 50HZ

Brushless. Windings with H class insulation
Indix of protction -IP21
Electronic voltage regulator to satisfy the voltage with in +/- 1.5% with
nominal load, and power factor 0.8 lagging to unity
Control panel
mounted on the generator for automatic start on the mains failure with
Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS)-400A/3ph,50Hz having the following
protection futures:
l-protection to tripp and switch-off the load switch and shut down the
engine when;
a-low oil pressure
b-high contact temprature
c-over speed and under speed of the deisel engine
d-voltage of alternator out of limit
e-lock up-on deisel engine failure to start
f-over current of the alternator detected
g-short-circuit in the lines detected
ll-protection to alarm signals when;
a-battery failure charging the alternator
b-battery voltage low and high
c-feul level low
All the protections and alarms are shown on the panel display, as well
asmetrs for three phase current reading, voltage, frequency, etc Base- set
mounted on the steel base frame, via antivibration mount. To
accommodate 120liters feul tank and battries
Complete operators mannual- showing recommendable spare parts use
and operation and maintenance catalogue, as well as electrical diagrams

pcs 1.00 980000 980,000.00

A 640 kg , 6 persons traction passanger lift type OTIS SCHNDLER or
equivalent and subject to the engineers approval ,custom made for the
shaft size approved by the architect including all mechanical and
electrical acsessories to be supplied, erected and commisioned by a
nominated sub-contractor with the following minimum requirements:

Stops- 3
Operation- full collective/duplex control
Entrance- one side
Speed- 1.6m/s
Travel distance-38m
Power supply-380/221,50Hz
Drive-VVVF variable voltage & frequency
Cabin material- wall,car & landing door all stations steel
Floor cover -lined with wear resistance PVC, floor to floor height 3.5m

Lighting-indirect flourescent lighting

Emergency light- battery operated
Car/Landing doors- automatic telescopic
Power room- at the top floor
Cabin display- digital car position & direct indicators
Over load indicators,light and buzzer
Wall/Stop push button
Alarm button
Key out of service
Fan switch
Bell push button for emergency
Hand rail-3 sides surface
Mirror-2 sides half
Glass-1 side
Counter weight - as per standard
Outer displays- digital number car position and direction indicators all
floors call panel up and down
Ventelation- natural grill and fan
Guide rail- steel profile according to the standard
Wire protection- according to the standard
Emergency device- automatic emergency rescue device when power
fails included with approved type of battery
price includes all scaffolding,painting and other civil works
Lift machine room provided
Power panel with all controls
Heat resistant power cables
Light points
Socket outlets
Shaft light
Provide approved lift shaft lighting with control switch in machine
rooms,as on the drawing
Pit socket
Provide one twin socket outlet connected to 16A/1ph/lcu=6KA,branch
Supplying no other socker outlet inside the pit.(EBCS-10,1995 section
To control the lift for upward and down ward movement
Counter weight option=saftey gear on counter
NOTE- Regardeless of provided architectural and asossiated civil works
shaft design, the contractor should take and verify all necessory
measurement on the site before commencement of passanger lift

pcs 1.00 1250000 1,250,000.00

Total carried to summary 2,230,000.00

Item no Description AMOUNT TOTAL

A. Sub Structure
1 Excavation and Earth Work
2 Concrete Works 3,598,209.37
3 Massonry Work 77,632.92
Sub Total (A) 5,352,638.99
B. Super Structure
4 Concrete Work 12,981,212.95
5 Wall Work 2,313,766.35
6 Steel structure & Roofing 1,832,062.03
7 Carpentery & joinery 862,550.00
8 Aluminium Work 1,599,818.30
9 Finishing work 3,790,939.50
10 Paving and flooring 4,652,852.64
11 Painting work 3,435,744.28
12 Glazing work 281,391.20
13 Electrical instalation 1,627,848.15
14 Sanitary installation 1,437,871.61
15 Electro-Mechanical Works 2,230,000.00

Sub Total (B) 37,046,057.01

Sub Total (A+B) 42,398,696.00
Project mixed use building
consultant Antu consult plc

no of bars
item location Length
footing pad F1 6.2 60
101.3 F2 5.8 58
103.5 F3 4.1 50
6.44 F4 5.1 62
F5 4.7 31
4.8 30
F6 4.3 24
1.288 4.4 23
2.338 F7 4.5 52
CF1 17.8 19
9.2 55
MF-1 9.75 98
9.75 98
10.74 88
10.74 88
sec X-X 11.74 22
ST-1 3.7 98
sec Y-Y 10.75 22
ST-1 3.7 88
sec Z-Z 12.33 8
12.33 8
ST-2 2.8 103
foundation column sec A-A 4.7 22
25.5 ST-1 2.3 27
ST-1' 1.9 27
sec B-B 4.7 16
ST-1 2.3 27
ST-1' 1.9 27
sec J-J 4.7 26
ST-12 2 27
ST-12' 1.78 27
sec L-L 4.7 24
ST-5 1.85 27
ST-5' 1.62 27
sec M-M 4.7 18
ST-5 1.85 27
ST-5' 1.62 27
sec N-N 4.7 16
ST-5 1.85 27
ST-5' 1.62 27
sec O-O 4.7 14
ST-6 1.52 27
17.3333333333333 ST-6' 1.38 27
shear wall & shear pad RW-1 17.51 16
16.51 3.3 112
17.51 5.4 112
3.3 16.81 30
110.066666666667 RW-2 3.85 106
16.81 21.2 19
lift shaft-shear wall(L=7.88m) 1 4.86 54
7.88 14 2.25 72
52.5333333333333 9 3.6 70
21.12 2 11.1 160
17.5 4 1.95 96
7.5 5 1 4
4.2 12
ground slab all axis 10.81 9
0.82 1.83 45
3.28 11.15 73
17.9 46
1.29 21
4.76 7
2.36 27
6.39 11
4.54 28
6.75 20
8.29 5
0.82 35
8.88 5
0.82 37
ground floor beam GFB-1 38.9 3
GFB-2 33.64 3
GFB-3 12.8 3
GFB3' 16.58 3
GFB4 26.09 3
GFB5 15.5 3
GFB5' 14.78 3
GFB5'' 14.94 3
GFB6 26.4 3
GFB7 15.92 3
GFB7' 30.88 3
stirruup GFB GFB-1 1.2 120
13.49 GFB-2 1.2 105
89.9333333333333 GFB-3 1.2 41
599.555555555556 GFB3' 1.2 53
3997.03703703704 GFB4 1.2 80
8.2 GFB5 1.2 24
7.95 GFB5' 1.2 44
53 GFB5'' 1.2 45
GFB6 1.2 76
GFB7 1.2 49
GFB7' 1.2 91

Total length
unit weightkg/m
total weight

no of bars
item location Length
elevation column C1 12.9 16
8 7.6 16
11.84 11.4 14
7.68 3.18 12
11.05 C2 9.1 26
7.21 3.8 20
11.52 3.8 18
3.8 16
7.6 14
6.98 14
5.19 C3 5.3 22
7.6 20
3.8 16
7.6 14
3.8 12
6.98 10
C3' 9.1 16
7.6 14
11.4 14
6.98 12
C4 12.9 16
7.6 14
7.6 14
3.18 12
C5 12.9 16
3.8 16
7.6 14
6.98 12
C6 5.3 22
7.6 20
3.8 18
3.8 16
7.6 14
6.98 14
C7 12.9 14
3.8 12
7.6 12
3.8 10
3.18 8
C8 9.1 18
7.6 16
11.4 14
6.98 14
C9 5.3 22
3.8 20
3.8 16
11.4 14
3.8 14
6.98 12
FC 5.25 6
stirruup E.C. col-60x60
20 ST-10 2.3 36
13.3333333333333 ST-10* 1.9 36
3.33333333333333 ST-10 2.3 26
ST-10* 1.9 26
col-dia 65
ST-12 2 36
ST-12' 1.78 36
col-dia 60
ST-5 1.85 36
ST-5* 1.62 36
col-dia 60
ST-5 1.85 26
ST-5* 1.62 26
col-dia 55
ST-9 1.7 26
ST-9* 1.5 26
col-dia 50
ST-6 1.52 36
ST-6* 1.38 36
col-dia 50
ST-6 1.52 52
ST-6* 1.38 52
col-dia 45
ST-7 1.36 52
ST-7* 1.22 52
col-dia 45
ST-7 1.36 78
ST-7* 1.22 78
4 col-dia 40
ST-8 1.2 26
ST-8* 1.1 26
col-dia 40
ST-8 1.2 26
ST-8* 1.1 26
col-dia 40
ST-8 1.2 52
ST-8* 1.1 52
ST-1 2.1 26
ST-1' 1.74 26
ST-2 2 104
ST-2* 1.54 104
ST-2 2 52
ST-2* 1.54 52
ST-3 1.7 52
ST-3* 1.34 52
ST-4 1.5 26
ST-4* 1.22 26
ST-4 1.5 26
ST-4* 1.22 26
stair case sec A-A 4.09 13
3.28 15
2.81 11
3.8 6
1.02 48
sec B-B 5.57 14
4.37 16
4.57 11
3.8 8
1.02 72
sec C-C 4.81 13
3.74 15
3.7 11
3.8 6
1.02 48
intermidiate beam(FF) FFB-1 19.55 3
19.55 4
8.98 negative bar 10.29 2
11.05 negative bar 2.62 2
FFB-2 17.32 3
16.52 4
negative bar 9.63 2
negative bar 1.87 2
FFB-3 15.19 3
14.39 4
negative bar 6.41 2
negative bar 3.27 2
FFB-4 13.59 3
12.7 4
negative bar 9.04 2
FFB-5 23.37 3
15.94 5
7.32 5
negative bar 11.67 3
negative bar 4.54 2
FFB-6 22.58 3
16.32 5
5.61 5
negative bar 8.54 3
negative bar 6.86 2
FFB7 25.4 3
16.57 5
negative bar 17.45 3
intermidiate beam(SF to EF) FB-1 22.33 3
22.23 4
negative bar 15.59 2
FB-2 17.82 3
17.02 4
negative bar 6.41 2
negative bar 5.59 2
FB-3 16.99 3
16.09 4
negative bar 7.58 2
negative bar 4.2 2
FB-4 14.82 3
16.02 4
negative bar 9.82 2
FB-5 24.61 3
23.35 17.07 5
7.19 5
negative bar 17.44 3
FB-6 23.58 3
17.32 5
5.61 5
negative bar 9.54 3
negative bar 6.86 2
FB-7 25.73 3
17.56 5
negative bar 13.69 3
negative bar 4.07 2
EB-1 10.3 3
stirruup I.M-1st floor FFB-1 1.4 150
13.77 FFB-2 1.4 131
114.75 FFB-3 1.4 113
FFB-4 1.4 100
FFB-5 1.4 115
1.6 60
FFB-6 1.6 69
1.4 94
FFB-7 1.6 73
1.4 115
30 FFB-8 1.2 31
stirruup I.M-1st to 8th floors FB-1 1.4 174
13.36 FB-2 1.4 135
111.333333333333 FB-3 1.4 129
FB-4 1.4 110
FB-5 1.6 73
1.4 108
FB-6 1.6 78
1.4 94
FB-7 1.6 77
1.4 113
30.8666666666667 EB-1 1.1 32
Roof Beam RB-1 23.03 3
22.23 4
negative bar 15.28 3
RB-2 9.58 3
7.6 3
16.48 4
negative bar 3.88 3
negative bar 7.2 2
RB-3 13.5 3
12.81 4
negative bar 3.88 3
negative bar 4.86 2
RB-4 10.09 3
16.22 4
negative bar 11.55 3
RB-5 18.25 3
16.75 4
negative bar 12.09 3
RB-6 9.91 3
9.21 4
negative bar 7.47 3
EB-2 22.3 3
EB-3 12.4 3
stirruup roof beam (L=117.54m) all axis 1.2 785
suspended slab-1st floor all axis 1.89 30
2.33 18.17 74
13.55 11.66 37
18.49 8 74
9 37
6.87 83
1.95 17
2.28 120
18.49 13
17.85 20
19.3 69
18.49 18
suspended slab-2nd to 8th floors all axis 6.87 98
13.54 17.85 31
5 19.3 69
35.7142857142857 1.89 30
1.95 27
2.28 120
9.18 37
9.47 74
18.49 18
13.54 37
18.17 74
suspended slab-Terrace floor all axis 8.93 112
5.25 1.89 30
37.5 6.87 59
18.49 17.85 31
18.3 30
1.95 27
2.28 51
5.64 112
2.7 39
11.09 41
1.92 37
11.08 8
1.92 37
5.15 9
9.29 18
9.79 39
suspended slab-roof floor all axis 8.87 33
8.1 8 37
57.8571428571429 5.73 37
5.73 8.39 37
11.08 59
lift shaft-shear wall(L=7.2m) 1 48 124
140 3 2.8 32
446 3' 3.28 32
4 5.75 170
4 12.1 446
5 2.95 280
10 2 4
Total length
unit weightkg/m
total weight
sub st

no of members Diam in mm
8 10 12 14 16 20 24
1 372
2 672.8
1 205
1 316.2
2 291.4
2 288
1 103.2
1 101.2
1 234
1 338.2
1 506
1 955.5
1 955.5
1 945.12
1 945.12
2 516.56
4 1450.4
2 473
4 1302.4
2 197.28
2 197.28
4 1153.6
5 517
5 310.5
5 256.5
4 300.8
4 248.4
4 205.2
1 122.2
1 54
1 48.06
1 112.8
1 49.95
1 43.74
1 84.6
1 49.95
1 43.74
2 150.4
2 99.9
2 87.48
1 65.8
1 41.04
1 37.26
1 280.16
1 369.6
2 1209.6
2 1008.6
2 816.2
2 805.6
2 524.88
2 324
2 504
2 3552
2 374.4
2 8
1 50.4
1 97.29
1 82.35
1 813.95
1 823.4
1 27.09
1 33.32
1 63.72
1 70.29
1 127.12
1 135
1 41.45
1 28.7
1 44.4
1 30.34
1 116.7
1 100.92
1 38.4
1 49.74
1 78.27
3 139.5
2 88.68
2 89.64
1 79.2
1 47.76
1 92.64
1 144
1 126
1 49.2
1 63.6
1 96
3 86.4
2 105.6
2 108
1 91.2
1 58.8
1 109.2

10028.22 5856.52 816.2 2936.09 3636.9 6380.46 0

0.395 0.617 0.888 1.21 1.58 2.47 3.86
3961.1469 3613.4728 724.7856 3552.6689 5746.302 15759.736 0

super st

no of members Diam in mm
8 10 12 14 16 20
2 412.8
2 243.2
2 319.2
2 76.32
1 236.6
1 76
1 68.4
1 60.8
1 106.4
1 97.72
1 116.6
1 152
1 60.8
1 106.4
1 45.6
1 69.8
1 145.6
1 106.4
1 159.6
1 83.76
2 412.8
2 212.8
2 212.8
2 76.32
1 206.4
1 60.8
1 106.4
1 83.76
4 466.4
4 608
4 273.6
4 243.2
4 425.6
4 390.88
1 180.6
1 45.6
1 91.2
1 38
1 25.44
1 163.8
1 121.6
1 159.6
1 97.72
1 116.6
1 76
1 60.8
1 159.6
1 53.2
1 83.76
1 31.5

9 745.2
9 615.6

4 239.2
4 197.6

1 72
1 64.08

4 266.4
4 233.28

4 192.4
4 168.48

5 221
5 195

1 54.72
1 49.68

4 316.16
4 287.04

5 353.6
5 317.2

1 106.08
1 95.16

9 280.8
9 257.4

3 93.6
3 85.8

2 124.8
2 114.4

4 218.4
4 180.96

5 1040
5 800.8

4 416
4 320.32

9 795.6
9 627.12

9 351
9 285.48
8 312
8 253.76
7 372.19
7 344.4
7 216.37
7 159.6
7 342.72
7 545.86
7 489.44
7 351.89
7 212.8
7 514.08
7 437.71
7 392.7
7 284.9
7 159.6
7 342.72
1 58.65
1 78.2
1 20.58
1 5.24
1 51.96
1 66.08
1 19.26
1 3.74
1 45.57
1 57.56
1 12.82
1 6.54
1 40.77
1 50.8
1 18.08
2 140.22
2 159.4
2 73.2
2 70.02
2 18.16
1 67.74
1 81.6
1 28.05
1 25.62
1 13.72
1 76.2
1 82.85
1 52.35
8 535.92
8 711.36
8 249.44
8 427.68
8 544.64
8 102.56
8 89.44
8 407.76
8 514.88
8 121.28
8 67.2
8 355.68
8 512.64
8 157.12
16 1181.28
16 1365.6
16 575.2
16 837.12
8 565.92
8 692.8
8 224.4
8 228.96
8 109.76
8 617.52
8 702.4
8 328.56
8 65.12
8 247.2
1 210
1 183.4
1 158.2
1 140
2 322
2 192
1 110.4
1 131.6
1 116.8
1 161
1 37.2
8 1948.8
8 1512
8 1444.8
8 1232
16 1868.8
16 2419.2
8 998.4
8 1052.8
8 985.6
8 1265.6
8 281.6
1 69.09
1 88.92
1 45.84
1 28.74
1 22.8
1 65.92
1 11.64
1 14.4
1 40.5
1 51.24
1 11.64
1 9.72
2 60.54
2 129.76
2 69.3
1 54.75
1 67
1 36.27
1 29.73
1 36.84
1 22.41
1 66.9
1 37.2
1 942

1 56.7
1 1344.58
1 431.42
1 592
1 333
1 570.21
1 33.15
2 547.2
1 240.37
1 357
1 1331.7
1 332.82
8 5386.08
8 4426.8
8 10653.6
8 453.6
8 421.2
16 4377.6
8 2717.28
8 5606.24
8 2662.56
8 4007.84
8 10756.64
1 1000.16
1 56.7
1 405.33
1 553.35
1 549
1 52.65
2 232.56
1 631.68
1 105.3
1 454.69
1 71.04
1 88.64
1 71.04
1 46.35
1 167.22
1 381.81
1 292.71
1 296
1 212.01
1 310.43
1 653.72
1 5952
1 89.6
1 104.96
1 977.5
1 5396.6
1 826
10 80
0 43359.37 58986.55 6999.72 2956.4 8756.99 13933.26
0.222 0.395 0.617 0.888 1.21 1.58 2.47
0 17126.951 36394.701 6215.7514 3577.244 13836.044 34415.152
Take Off Sheet

Project B+G+5+T mixed use building



A- Sub Structure
1 14 1 Excavation & Earth Work
5.55 77.70 1.1 Site clearing
- 91.5624
77.70 total
1.2 bulk excavation
12.5 avg depth=120cm
3.5 133.44 total
trench excavation
1 28.50 axis A&E
0.50 L=2*10+2*3.6=27.2m
3.50 49.88 28.5
back fill under hard core
0.50 15.30
15cm thick shear wall
3.00 12.83
2 28.50
3.00 171.00
15cm thick suspended slab
12.55 150.6
ddn for manhole opening
0.6 0.36
0.15 22.54
0.90 15.14
1.20 - total
1.4 excavation for mat depth upto
0 8.50 MF-1
0.30 -
2 6.50 MF-2
2.50 9.95
0.30 9.75 10.45


block septic tank



Item Description Unit quntity unitprice Total Amount
A. Sub Structure
1. Excavation and Earth Work
Clear the site to remove the top soil to an average
1.1. depth of 20cm. m2 77.70 32.87 2,554.00
Bulk excavation in ordinary soil to depth of 350cm
1.2 m3 437.06 -
Excavation for foundation trenches to a depth not
exceeding 400cm starting from reduced ground
1.3 level. m3 133.44 437.06 58,320.19
Back fill around shear wall with selected granular
1.6 quarry waste material out side from site. m3 49.88 1082.86 54,007.64
1.7 back fill under hard core m3 15.30 1082.86 16,567.76
Cart away surplus excavated material and deposit at
1.8 a distance not exceeding 2km from the site m3 15.54 342.90 5,328.67
25cm thick basaltic or equivalent stone hard core,
well rolled, consolidated and blinded with crushed
1.9 stone. m2 36.00 321.16 11,561.76
· Total carried to summary 148,340.02
2. Concrete Works
5cm thick lean concrete c-5, 150kg cement/m3.
2.1 under
B) under shear wall m2 6.80 3868.34 26,304.71
Reinforced concrete, class c-25, 360kg cement/m3
filled and vibrated around rod reinforcement steel &
from work measured separately.
2.2 -
15cm thick shear wall m3 12.83 3868.34 49,611.46
10cm thick R.C.C. concrete floor slab c-25, 360kg
cement/m3. m2 36.00 386.83 13,926.02
Provide, cut and fix in position sawn zigba form
2.3 work. -
15cm thick shear wall m2 171.00 332.58 56,871.18
Steel reinforcement according to structural drawing.
Price shall include cutting, bending, placing in
position & tying wires. -
a) Diam.8mm deformed bars. Kg 200.74 69.13 13,877.09
b) Diam.10mm deformed bars. Kg 443.44 65.68 29,125.00
· Total Carried to Summary 189,715.46
B. Super Structure
3. Concrete Work
Reinforced concrete class C-25 360 kg cement/m3 of
concrete, filled into form work and vibrated around
reinforcement rods. Reinforcement and form work
are measured separately.
a) In beam m3 2.10 4101.73 8,613.63
b) In 15cm thick suspended slab m3 22.54 4101.73 92,436.59
c) In 15cm thick 60X60cm manhole m3 4101.73 -
d) In 10cm thick 60X60cm manhole cover m2 0.36 410.17 147.66
e) dia. 25cm concrete pipe ml 4.50 3791.27 17,060.72
Provide, cut and fix in position sawn zigba wood
3.2 form work or equivalent form work
a) In beam m2 10.25 379.64 3,891.31
b) In 15cm thick suspended slab m2 150.24 379.64 57,037.11
c) In 15cm thick 60X60cm manhole m2 379.64 -
d) In 10cm thick 60X60cm manhole cover m2 0.36 379.64 136.67
Steel reinforcement according to drawing cut bent
and placed in position. Unit price shall include in
cutting, bending, placing in position and typing
3.3 -
a) Diam.8mm deformed bars kg 348.00 70.05 24,377.40
b) Diam 12mm deformed bars Kg 333.11 66.25 22,068.31
c) Diam 14mm deformed bars Kg 7.99 66.25 529.07
d) Diam.16mm deformed bars kg 10.43 68.09 710.04
· Total Carried to Summary 227,008.52
Item no Description
A. Sub Structure
1 Excavation and Earth Work 148,340.02
2 Concrete Works 189,715.46
Sub Total (A) 338,055.48
B. Super Structure
3 Concrete Work 227,008.52
Sub Total (B) 227,008.52
Sub Total (A+B) 565,064.00
Item no BLOCK
1 G+7+T APPARTMENT 42,398,696.00
2 SEPTIC TANK 565,064.00
Total sum 42,963,760.00

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