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Vy: Hey, what are your plans for this weekend? What are you going to do?
Huyền : I’m going to do my homework on the weekend and do the housework. How
about you?
Vy: You are hard-working ! I’m going to read books and listen to music. Anything else?
Huyền: Uhm, I'm thinking of going hiking with some friends. We found a cool trail near
the park that we wanted to try out. How about you?
Vy: That sounds like fun! I'm going to go to the cinema on Saturday night with my parents.
I'm excited for it.
Huyền: Wow! Which film are you going to watch?
Vy: It's Tom and Jerry. What do you think the weather will be like this weekend ?
Huyền: I hope so! According to the forecast, I think it should be sunny and warm. What
about your opinion?
Vy: I think It looks like it might rain and be cloudy, but hopefully it holds off until after the
film ends.
Huyền: Definitely! But no matter what the weather, it's always great to spend time with
family and do something fun. Have a great time at the cinema!
Vy: Thanks, you too. Good luck on your hike! I can't wait to hear about it when we catch up
next week.

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