Vehicle To Grid Technical Seminar 230

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■ The transportation sector has the largest share of total energy consumption growth in the world.
■ The rapid increase of energy demand will result in excessive carbon dioxide emissions and energy crisis
■ Electric Vehicle (EV) is an alternative transportation option, which emits zero exhaust gases and
generates minimal noises.
■ However, the present EV industry encounters many technical limitations, such as high initial price,
limited charging facilities and limited driving range.
■ Recently, the introduction of the smart grid concept has modernized the power system with additional
communication features.
■ Vehicle to Grid (V2G) concept is one of the smart grid technologies, which involves the EV to improve
the power system operation.
■ V2G concept allows the energy exchange between EV and the power grid, which can provide numerous
services to the power grid.
■ V2G technology can be categorized into unidirectional and bidirectional
■ Vehicle-to-grid technology – also referred to as 'V2G' – is the process of feeding the energy stored in an
electric vehicle’s (EV) battery back into the National Grid.
■ V2G charging refers to the 2-way flow of electrical energy from the grid, through a specially-built charger
into an EV, and back again. As an EV owner, you can choose to charge your car up from the grid – or sell
stored energy in your car back to the grid.

■ There are three emerging concepts of grid-connected EV technologies, which are;

■ Vehicle to Home (V2H),
■ Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) and
■ Vehicle to Grid (V2G).
■ V2H refers to the power exchange between the EV battery and home power network.
■ In this case, EV battery can work as energy storage, which provides the backup energy to the home electric
appliances and to the home renewable energy sources .
■ V2V is a local EV community that can charge or discharge EV battery energy among them.
■ Vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications comprises a wireless network where automobiles send messages
to each other with information about what they’re doing.
■ This data would include speed, location, direction of travel, braking, and loss of stability.
■ V2G utilizes the energy from the local EV community and trades them to the power grid through the control
and management of local aggregator.
■ Generally, V2H, V2V and V2G involve elements such as power sources, power loads, power grid
aggregator, power transmission system, communication system, electric vehicles, and vehicle to grid

■ There are two types of power flows they are;

■ Unidirectional V2G is a technology that controls the charging rate of EV battery in a single power flow
direction between the EV and grid.
■ The realization of the unidirectional V2G is inexpensive by adding the simple controller to manage the
charge rate.
■ Unidirectional V2G can achieve maximization of profit and minimization of emission by using
optimization technique.
■ However, unidirectional V2G services are limited by the ability to provide ancillary services to the power

■ Bidirectional V2G refers to the dual direction power flow between EV and the power grid to achieve
numerous benefits.
■ A typical bidirectional EV battery charger consists of AC/DC converter and DC/DC converter.
■ The AC/DC converter is used to rectify the AC power from the power grid to the DC power during the EV
charging mode and inverts the DC power to the AC power before injecting back to power grid in the
discharging mode.
■ The DC/DC converter acts as a buck or boost converter during charging or discharging mode.
■ The main benefits are active power support, reactive power support, power factor regulation and support
for the integration of renewable energy resources.

■ V2G technology can provide many services to achieve various benefits.

■ The implementation of V2G can provide frequency regulation, harmonics filtering and even failure
recovery to the power system during blackout.
■ V2G technology can provide uninterrupted power support for home and backup energy storage for
home renewable energy resources.
■ The power balance can be achieved by utilizing the unidirectional V2G technology to adjust the EV
load demand under two operating modes, which are “regulation up” mode and “regulation down” mode.
■ Another V2G service utilizes the excessive EVs energy to provide active power support to the power
grid. The active power support requires EVs to discharge the batteries energy and therefore, could only
be accomplished using bidirectional V2G but not unidirectional V2G. The goal of this service is to
flatten the grid load profile by “peak load shaving” and “load leveling”.
■ Active power support is an important service of V2G due to the premium benefits it is able to attain.
One of the advantages is the loss reduction.
■ Reactive power compensation is a technique to provide voltage regulation in the power grid .
Reactive power support also provides power factor correction, which reduces the current flows from
generation and power losses in power line.
■ Larger renewable energy capacity can be accommodated into the power system with more grid-
connected EV battery capacity.
■ Therefore, EV is able to improve the economics of the renewable energy generation industry. With
proper energy management between renewable energy resource and EV, the future power grid will be
cleaner and more sustainable

■ High investment cost required to upgrade the power system. Improvements in hardware and software
infrastructure are needed for the V2G implementation.
■ The implementation of V2G introduces higher data protection risks and necessitates increased
cybersecurity measures to safeguard the grid and users’ privacy.
■ The additional charging and discharging cycles in V2G systems can potentially accelerate battery
degradation and shorten battery lifespans.
■ Achieving widespread adoption of V2G requires overcoming potential barriers related to customer
acceptance and behavior.

■ Minimizing power losses aims to optimize energy efficiency and enhancing overall performance
and sustainability
■ Maximize profit.
■ Maximizing renewable energy generation aims to utilize V2G technology to integrate more
renewable energy sources into the grid, reducing dependence on fossil fuels and mitigating
environmental impact.
■ Minimizing emissions aims to utilize V2G technology to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and
improve air quality by optimizing energy usage and promoting the adoption of clean energy

■ Voltage limit constraints in V2G refer to the maximum allowable voltage levels on the power system,
which can restrict the capacity for bidirectional power flow from electric vehicles to the grid.
■ Line thermal limit constraints in V2G refer to the maximum allowable current on transmission lines,
which can limit the capacity for bidirectional power flow from electric vehicles to the grid and pose risks
of overheating and equipment damage.
■ System loading limit constraints in V2G refer to the maximum capacity of the power system to
accommodate bidirectional power flow from electric vehicles, considering factors such as transmission
and distribution capacity, equipment ratings, and overall system stability
■ Battery State of Charge (SOC) limit as a constraint in V2G refers to the restricted range within which
electric vehicle batteries can discharge or charge for grid services, ensuring that they maintain a
sufficient charge level for vehicle operation and longevity.
■ Battery energy exchange rate limit in V2G constrains the maximum rate at which electric vehicle
batteries can discharge or charge, balancing grid demands with battery health and safety
■ Energy price constraints in V2G limit the rate at which electric vehicle batteries can exchange energy
with the grid, ensuring cost-effective operation while preserving battery health and longevity

Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) technology holds immense promise for revolutionizing the energy landscape,
offering a symbiotic relationship between electric vehicles and the power grid. By leveraging the
energy stored in EV batteries, V2G enables bidirectional power flow, enhancing grid stability, and
flexibility while providing economic benefits for vehicle owners. Despite facing challenges such as grid
integration and regulatory hurdles, V2G's applications span grid services, renewable energy integration,
and demand response, paving the way for a more sustainable and resilient energy future. With
continued innovation and collaboration, V2G stands poised to play a pivotal role in accelerating the
transition towards a cleaner, smarter, and more efficient energy ecosystem.

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