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Descriptive Paragraph on Event is a type of composition where the author

is describing an event in detail. There are usually three parts to this type of
paragraph: the introduction, what he or she is describing and then a
 What is a description of an event?
 A description of an event is when we talk about something that happened.
It’s like telling a story or sharing details about a specific occasion.
 We give information about the event’s name, where it happened, the date,
the people involved, and what actually took place.
 The purpose is to help others understand what the event was like,
to imagine being there.


There is an event that I can describe as one of the best ones in my life. The concert of my favorite
band, Coldplay. Listening and seeing my favorite singers on that cold night was awesome because I
had never seen them. I remember myself arriving at the MMRDA Grounds in Mumbai at 6 o’clock.
The line to get into the concert was longer than I thought it would be. As we were walking to get
closer to the access area I could listen to people talking about their likes and dislikes concerning the
famous and controversial rock bands. At that time, the weather was nice. It was neither warm nor
cold; it was just perfect for a concert night with friends. On the street, there were some people selling
black t-shirts, big posters and some snacks which smelled delicious and looked awesome in people's
eyes. Then, we started getting closer to the concert stage.

People started screaming every time that they listened to any sounds of the different instruments from
backstage. From one moment to another, the VIP zone was overcrowded. People started pushing each
other and the concert started. The music was extremely loud. I could listen to people’s screams as they
were singing in unison. As it was darkening, from the stage, green, yellow and red fluorescent lights
started illuminating us. After all, the amazing singers and band had played; people started pushing
each other again to get out of that enormous place.

The night was cold and really dark. The light posts around the avenue helped us see the small, but
attractive food carts. The smell was great; I bought an icy cold soda. My friend bought some potato
chips and she shared them with me. We then saw my dad’s blue car coming to take us home. This was
one of the most enjoyable and memorable experiences in my life. I still remember the sounds; the
sights and the smells of the food which makes me want to go back in time to live that occasion again.
Question: You recently participated Community Clean up Day; event in your neighbourhood? Explain
.How did you feel before, during, and after volunteering at the "Community Clean up Day".

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