Англ розповідь

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Today I want to talk about a special occasion in my life.

It happened at the end of

May last year. I had to pass four exams to finally say goodbye to school. At that time,
I passed English, mathematics, Ukrainian language and literature (it was one subject),
as well as the history of Ukraine. So, the first school exam was English, which was
supposed to take place in Lviv in the morning. I had no problem getting to the bus
that was taking my school's students to the exam, so I arrived on time. Although I
knew that I can not get a high marks for the exam, I was sure that I can get a good
marks and pass this exam. After instructing the students, the exam started. First, it
was necessary to listen to the audio recordings, and in the tests to indicate the correct
answers that sounded in the recordings. But the fact is that we listened to the audio
recordings twice, but I could not understand the necessary information, so I had to
guess the answers. After listening, there were exercises on vocabulary and grammar.
Since I passed the B2 English exam, there were a large number of unfamiliar words
that are common at this level of English. However, these exercises were relatively
easy. At the end, it was necessary to write a letter to an imaginary friend on a certain
topic. I already managed to get tired, so I went to the toilet to stretch my back. As
soon as I returned, I wrote this essay, filled out the form and handed the work to the
teacher. The next day I found out the results of the exam. I got 146 marks of 200
possible. Looking through the answers, I realized that I have most of the points of the
audio files task correct. For me, this is the first special case in adult life

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