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The Specialized Professional and Vocation (TVL) track points to create

job-ready competencies in its understudies. It interprets to preparing them
with the foundational information, commonsense aptitudes, and proficient
miens essential for compelling career execution and long-term victory within
the labor advertise. This skills-based pathway enables understudies to move
specifically into the workforce upon graduation or seek after assist ability
advancement and instructive openings (Garra & Baes, 2023). The K-12
program envisions graduates as worldwide resources with 21st-century
aptitudes and moral values to flourish in an interconnected world. The TVL
track cultivates workforce-ready aptitudes combined with inventive
considering and solid ethical character (Office of Instruction, 2016).

Asset shortage, especially a require for more gear, offices, and materials,
postures a critical deterrent to effectively implementing the TVL track within
the Philippines. Typically, particularly apparent in agri-fishery expressions,
where the nonattendance of devoted cultivating ranges blocks the
advancement of basic commonsense abilities. Comparable asset imperatives
torment other TVL strands, encourage preventing students' capacity to obtain
industry-relevant aptitudes. It echoes a worldwide concern, where
insufficiently taught workforces stay a noteworthy obstruction to commerce
competitiveness in spite of talented human resources' pivotal part in national
development. Addressing these asset impediments is fundamental to
guarantee the TVL program conveys its planning result of engaging
understudies with job-ready aptitudes and contributing to a universally
competitive workforce (Geraldizo & Dabasol, 2022).

A report assessing the execution of the Senior high School (SHS) program
paints a concerning picture for the Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL)
track. The ponder pinpoints a few critical barricades, counting insufficiencies
in educational modules conveyance and work inundation, students' need of
earlier planning, collaborating challenges, deficiencies of qualified educates,
and insufficient fabric assets. These combined components raise concerns
about the track's ability to successfully prepare understudies with job-ready
aptitudes, highlighting the require for pressing intercessions to address these
basic issues and guarantee the program's victory (Ramos, 2021).
By the year 2013, the Office of Instruction within the Philippines actualized
its greatest change in instruction through the Republic Act No. 10533,
something else known as the “Enhanced Fundamental Instruction Act 0f
2013” From the past ten-year fundamental instruction, it included up another
two more a long time within the learning experience of the understudies. And
so, on 2013, the primary senior high school of the Republic of the Philippines
was spearheaded. One of its notable highlights was to supply specialized
upper auxiliary instruction. The program aimed to plan understudies for
college, work or trade and in so doing; permits understudies to induce a look
on the zone they need to seek after within the last mentioned a long time of
their life. Learners will ought to experience evaluation in arrange to decide
their qualities and interface. This appraisal will at that point offer assistance
them choose what specialization to require. One of the specializations
beneath the senior high school program is the Specialized- Professional and
Vocation track wherein students can fulfill Certificates of Competency or
National Certificates Level I and II. This points to get ready them for chances
of work to middle-level abilities or business visionaries after graduation.
Auxiliary schools advertising specialized professional and job track are
presently challenged by the thought of making educating procedures and
method to cater the require of planning these understudies for work.

In a piece distributed online approximately the DepEd-CEAP Mindanao

Summit organized by CEAP's National Essential Education Commission and
co-hosted by Ateneo de Davao College, an issue had arise amid the said
gathering on the usage of the TVL Track.

Concurring to (Fr.Onofre Inocensio) of Wear Bosco Schools “the senior

high school center educational modules necessity are so overwhelming that
there would be no time to create hands on abilities within the understudies
that such as the fabricating industry requires Additionally, it won't be possible
to completely prepare a understudy to be prepared for work with all the details
and dept inside a span of two a long time given that a understudy might be
required to have 31 subjects (combined center and specialized subjects)
given that each subjects might require an 80 hours per semester of genuine
classroom contact. Exceptionally negligible time will be designated for hands
on exercises and exceptionally small time to ace required abilities for

Added to this issue is the disgrace in selecting tech-voc as this can be

seen by numerous as the course for destitute performing and/ or tricky
understudies (Orale, 2016). In this problem, a teacher's part will have an
incredible impact on the learning handle and in this way, it is vital to analyze
what the classroom chief ought to utilize to encourage learning successfully in
order to teach the Vision, Mission and Objective of the Department of
Instruction for them. As for Stensmo (2008):
“As the understudies got to discover their best way of working and learning,
teachers must find their best way to instruct and lead within the classroom
and other instructive places” (p. 130). One of the numerous variables
accommodating in determining future victory of understudies gets it the
learning styles of the learners in arrange to offer assistance them
independently or collectively. A lot of considers were conducted in arrange to
analyze the learning styles. One of those ponders considered learning styles
as the premise to scholastic execution. These ponders have demonstrated
the positive impact of learning styles to scholarly execution.

Fair as (Fr. Joel Tabora), S.J., President of Ateneo de Davao College

mentioned in his article, “putting together curricular prerequisites for the K-12
change is one thing. Instructing them is calm another. A educational modules
is like a wish list, but all the components of educational module require
genuine instructors. At the conclusion of the day, teachers are the genuine
heroes in sharpening and preparing understudies for life. That's why there's a
greater require for instructors to determine what way better techniques to
implement within the day-to-day lesson hours to enable the achievement of
the regulation objectives-which is planning senior high understudies to work,
trade and college.

The Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) track is one of the educational

programs in the Philippines that aims to provide students with practical skills
and knowledge to prepare them for the workforce. The TVL track is an integral
part of the K-12 program implemented by the Department of Education
(DepEd) in 2013. Botolan in Zambales province launched the TVL track in its
high schools. This change responds to the growing demand for skilled
workers in various industries in the province. The TVL track is seen as a
viable option to equip students with the skills and knowledge needed for the
needs of the labor market. Work skills gained through work experience,
education and development can help students succeed in working life, and
career potential increases their chances of securing permanent employment
in the future.

(Pajares et al.,) it is necessary to provide high school tracks, majors and

TVL majors that meet or match the skills needed for the most in-demand jobs
and projected in-demand jobs. in each district. More studies focusing
exclusively on the TVL pathway are needed, making it difficult to clearly
understand the status of its implementation. The current research highlights
the wider Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) sector.
Although some studies have evaluated the effectiveness of TVET programs,
more research is needed to evaluate the effectiveness of implementing TVL
pathways in secondary schools. Research is needed to know if the TVL
pathway is achieving the intended results. More than six years after the
implementation of the TVL Track in the Botolan area and the DepEd
standards, policies and guidelines to control the main focus of SHS in the TVL
Track, the researcher wishes to assess the status of the implementation. TVL
Track in Botolan district on facilities and equipment, industry skills/partnership,
workplace/learning environment, teaching and prescription. The results of this
study are useful for the TVL track of Botolan High School, Zambales, because
it provides insight into the effectiveness of the implementation of the TVL track
in preparing school implementers for the workforce. The results of the study
inform future policies and practices in the implementation of the TVL track in
other secondary schools in the province.

This study aims to measure the complexity of the TVL-CSS strand in terms
of hands-on skill performance, as well as to identify areas where students
struggle with tasks. The purpose of this research is to discover what benefits
students can gain from the CSS strand, which will help the student have an
advantage in having an opportunity to have a job in the future. The purpose of
this research is to investigate the proficiency levels of CSS (Computer
Science) students to gain insights into their understanding and application of
key concepts in computer science education. The goal of this study is to
Identify and analyze the challenges faced by CSS students exploring factors
that may hinder their learning experiences within the context of computer
science education. To gain a comprehensive understanding of the overall
experiences of CSS students, aiming to provide valuable insights that can
inform improvements in the delivery of computer science education in the

The Cognitive Flexibility Theory proposed by Spiro (1990) focuses on the nature
of learning in complex and ill-structured domain.

In the context of the CSS, Spiro's (1990) theory can be applied to

understand the ability to spontaneously restructure one's knowledge, in a
variety of ways, in adaptive response to Situational needs are changing
radically. This theory is mainly concerned with the transfer of knowledge and
skills beyond their original learning situation. For this reason, emphasis is
placed on presenting information from multiple perspectives and using
multiple case studies that present a variety of examples. This theory also
holds that effective learning depends on context and therefore teaching must
be very specific. Additionally, the theory emphasizes the importance of
constructed knowledge; Learners must have the opportunity to develop their
own ways of presenting information in order to learn accurately This theory
helps support this paper on one of the parameters that mastering learning the
various contents of CSS is necessary and has significant value for one of the
technical skills of practical skills practice in the field of CSS expertise.


Personal Gain Better

Experiences Knowledge Opportunities

Develop Effective
Challenges Strategies Planning

Benefits Learn hands on skills Life Success


In figure 1 and 2 the personal experiences and better opportunities are the
independent variable that compose subtopics to support the independent
variable. The study aims to understand the factors that influence these
perceptions and experiences and to develop different skills.

In figure 3 you can see that the life success is the dependent variable
That compose subtopics to support the dependent variable that effective
planning and better opportunities can lead to a life success trough personal
experiences and gain knowledge to create life success.


This study aims to determine the experiences of senior high school students
in taking the Technical-Vocational Livelihood Education, Pagadian City, during
the academic Year 2023-2024.

This study answers the following questions:

1.What is the benefits of TVL education in the students?

2.What are some obstacles students face in the Technical-Vocational-

Livelihood (TVL) track in the Philippines?

3.How does the TVL track help students prepare for work?

4.What worries were found about how well the TVL track is working, based on
a study of the Senior High School (SHS) program?


The following are the assumed result of the given question in the statement of
the problem.

1.TVL education can significantly benefit students by equipping them with

valuable skills that can be applied in various industries, thereby increasing
their chances of finding meaningful employment and succeeding in their
chosen career paths.

2.Students pursuing Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) education often

encounter obstacles such as a lack of proper equipment and facilities, societal
biases that devalue vocational pathways, and a shortage of mentorship and
guidance, which can impact their motivation and success in the program.

3.Reflects the belief that the TVL track is instrumental in helping students
transition from school to the workplace by providing them with hands-on
experience, industry-relevant training, and practical skills that employers
value. It suggests that the skills acquired through TVL education directly
contribute to students' employability and readiness to enter the workforce.

4.There are genuine worries and doubts about how well the TVL track is
functioning within the Senior High School (SHS) program, as highlighted by a
study. It indicates that the study uncovered various challenges, such as
concerns about the relevance of the curriculum, the quality of instruction, or
the support provided to TVL students, which may impact the track's
effectiveness in preparing students for future employment or further


STUDENTS- the study will help the students to gained knowledge and
experience that enables them to either dive immediately into technical
profession befitting their interests and specializations or to pursue further
studies aligned with their track.

SCHOOL ADMINISTRATOR - the study can help the school administrator to

provide insights and information about the relationship between the student’s
preference on TVL CSS strand and the factors affecting their academic

OTHER RESEARCHERS - This study may assist, future researchers in their

related studies and to have a better understanding, reference providing a
basis for improving their research, which is particularly concerned with
investigating the perceived benefits and challenges of the TVL CSS strand.


The study determined the experiences of senior high school students in taking
the Technical-Vocational Livelihood Education. The research focuses on the

Subject Matter. This study focuses on the benefits and Challenges of

Technical-Vocational Livelihood (TVL) Education in the Context of the CSS

Research Environment and Timeline. The study was conducted at

Zamboanga del Sur National High School-Senior High School.

Research Participants. This study participants were the 11 selected senior

high school students in Technical-Vocational Livelihood strand at Zamboanga
del Sur National High School-Senior High School.

Research Design. This research used a qualitative research method.

Research Instrument. The main instrument used is asking questions through

interviews of senior high school students.

Data Analysis. Thematic analysis was used to examine the information




education or training process where it involves, in addition to general
education, the study of technologies and related science and acquisition of
practical skills relating to occupations in various sectors of economic life and
social life, comprises formal

Experiences -The process of doing things happen to the TVET

PRACTICAL SKILLS- It is participants are able to practice the skill set they
have learned in the training.

Garra, L.Y., & Baes, G.B. (2023). Program Implementation and Competence
of Students of Technical Vocational and Livelihood (TVL) Track. International
Journal of Family Business Practices, 6(1), 35 – 62.

Department of Education. (2016). The K to 12 basic education program.

Geraldizo, D., & Dabasol, J. (2022). Assessment of the Senior High School
Technical-Vocational Livelihood Track. International Journal of Management
and Commerce Innovations, 9 (2), 395-406.

Ramos, F. G. (2021). An Evaluation of the Technical Vocational Livelihood

Track in Public Senior High Schools in the Division of Batangas: Basis for an
Enhancement Program. International Journal of Academic Research in
Progressive Education and Development, 10(2), 877–900.

Preferred Learning Styles of Technical- Vocational and Livelihood (TVL)

Students in Public Senior High School in Sta. Rosa, Laguna. (2019,
November 2). International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering,
8(2S11), 3211–3218.

Joel Tabora, Serious Problems With The K-12 Senior High School
Curriculum, URL:
problems-with-the-k-12-senior-high-school-curriculum/, date retrieved:
February 18, 2014

Orale, 2016, Senior High School Curriculum in the

Philippines, USA and Japan, Research gate, pp.16

Onofre, Serious Problems with the K-12 Senior High School Curriculum, URL:
senior-high-school-curriculum/, date retrieved: February 18, 2014

Pajares et al.,Status of Implementation of Technical-Vocational-Livelihood

(TVL) Track in Secondary Schools in the District of Botolan

Spiro, R.J. & Jehng, J. (1990). Cognitive flexibility and hypertext: Theory and
technology for the non-linear and multidimensional traversal of complex
subject matter. In D. Nix & R. Spiro (eds.), Cognition, Education, and
Multimedia. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

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