Moisture of Soil Lab 1

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Moisture of Soil Lab

Research Question : How does the moisture of the soil affect the species richness in

In this experiment, I will see how the moisture content of the soil affects the number of species in
Pildammsparken. In this experiment, I will be using a quadrat to collect the soil samples and measure
the number of species found. The experiment will be conducted over a period of two days since we
need to determine the moisture content of the soil, which will be done by weighing the soil sample and
weighing it again after drying it in the oven for one day. We should subtract the masses, and then
divide by the original mass of the soil. This calculation is called the gravimetric soil water content
method which gives us the moisture content of the soil. The aim of this experiment is to test my theory
which is higher the moisture content in the soil, higher the species richness.

This experiment models something in real life both in relation and non-relation to plants. For example,
it is important to measure the soil moisture in construction because they need to measure the
compaction (exertion of a force on something so that it becomes more dense), to make sure that the
building can stand properly. In relation to plants, the soil moisture conditions help the plant to stay
healthy and also transport nutrients needed for the soil. However, soil moisture is affected by many
factors such as precipitation and temperature. This is important to consider because it affects the
period of the year (spring, summer, winter and autumn) and also the location. The moisture of the soil
may be high in some seasons (such as winter or autumn where the H2O content is usually high) but it
also depends on the location. This is relevant to Pildammsparken since some of the areas (like
tallriken) are open areas meaning that there are no trees to cover the species on the ground. Hence,
when it is too warm, the species may wither due to too much sunlight. The reason it depends on the
location is because if the location is warm for long periods of time, the water in or on the soil will be
evaporated, which leaves the soil without water to replenish species.

I will be collecting three samples from 4 different places. The quadrat will be placed randomly by
walking 5 steps straight and 4 steps to the right. I will be doing the steps for each and every place that
starts at the entrance. The different places I am going to do is the grass-area, tree-area, close to the
lake area and the shrubs area. From each of the different locations, I will collect 3 samples of soil,
which comes from the different places in the quadrat. At the end of the experiment, I should have
collected a minimum of twelve soil samples.
I predict that if there are more species in the soil, then the moisture content of the soil will be higher.
The same would be true for vice-versa, if there are a lower number of species (than the highest
found), the moisture content of the soil will be lower. I think this because the soil moisture helps
nutrients travel across the soil to provide the essential minerals for different plants to grow. If the
amount of species grown in the soil is lower (than the highest number found), then the soil moisture
content will be lower because the moisture content in the soil helps to spread out the amount of
nutrients and minerals that help different varieties of plants to grow (Armstrong). I expect the data
(once it's put together in a graph) to be in a bell curve, with the highest number of species richness
being in the highest level of moisture content. I should also take into account the process of osmosis,
where the amount of water is high compared to the soil content, as it goes through the plant cells, it
will expand the species cell membrane by pushing it to the cell wall. I should take this into account
because when there is too much water in the soil, the plant cell (which has absorbed too much water)
content will shrink, which will pull the membrane away from the cell wall making the species weaker.
So, if I see a case where there are lots of species, but the species are weak (withered), then it's most
likely those plants (cells) are plasmolysed ("Osmosis and Plant"). In this experiment, I am not looking
for a consistent increase in moisture content (which depends on the amount of species found), but I
am looking for evidence that is sufficient enough to prove my theory.

Since I am doing different locations, I think that it would make sense to argue on which location would
have the most moist soil, and therefore say that the area would have more species. Out of all the
different locations (grass-area, tree-area, close to the lake area and the shrubs area), I think the area
with the most moist soil would be the area that is close to the lake and therefore may have more
richness of species. The reason I think this is because the water from the lake could be flowing under
the soil, which could make the soil moist and provide the essential nutrients for other species.

I predict the location that would have the least moist soil would be the tree area, therefore saying that
this location could have less species. The reason I think this is because the tree’s roots absorb a lot of
the water provided by rain for the tree itself. This is the reason why I think this is because many
species cannot grow in that area since the water provided (for example rain) is absorbed fully by the
tree’s roots. Since there is no more water, other species cannot grow.

Independent Variable: Moisture of the soil

My independent variable is the moisture of the soil. I will collect a minimum of twelve soil samples
(each sample weighing 100 grams) which is collected from four different locations, with each location
having 3 soil samples. I will collect the soil samples randomly by walking 5 steps straight from the
entrance and walking 4 steps to the right. This will ensure that my data that I get is not biased. I will
collect the three samples from different places from the quadrat. Then, from the 3 samples I took, I
can find an average moisture content for the soil in the location. The moisture content of the soil will
be measured by putting the wet soil samples (along with a beaker and weighed) in the oven for 24
hours and weighing it after 24 hours. I will then subtract the mass of the beaker from each sample.
Then I should subtract the wet soil mass with the dry soil mass and divide it by the wet soil mass. This
will give me the answer in decimals, but I will also multiply it by 100 to get the answer in percentage.
Dependent Variable: Species Richness
My dependent variable is the number of different species in the quadrat. I will be using the random
sampling technique because it is much easier to identify the species richness than using a transect.
This means that with the number of steps I plan to walk ( 5 steps forwards and 4 steps to the right),
will take me to the place where I have to put my quadrat in. The species richness is easier to
measure since I can just count the number of different species in the quadrat. The final result of the
dependent variable (species richness) will be in number form which states the amount of different
species seen.

Controlled Variables:
One of the variables that I should consider is the temperature which the soil samples will be in the
oven for 24 hours. I need to ensure that I have the same temperature for the experiment for all the
samples or otherwise it is not a fair experiment. For example, if one of the samples was set at a
higher temperature than the rest, this will affect the moisture content results of it. Hence, as
suggested by the gravimetric soil water content method, I will set the oven temperature to 105°C for
24 hours.

The depth in which I collect the soil sample should also be controlled too. The reason it should be
controlled is that maybe the further into the soil I dig in, the moisture content may change. So, if I took
a sample of soil say from five centimeters of the surface, and the rest of the samples from 15
centimeters from the surface, then the layer which the soil sample was collected will differ. This would
then affect the moisture content of the soil as the different layers of soil may have different moisture
contents. To prevent this I will make sure that I will dig the soil sample at the same depth. I will do this
by using a spoon, and digging the soil out two times. This means that I will use the spoon and dig out
the first spoonful of soil out and then do the same thing again to dig the second spoonful of soil out.
From then on, I can collect the soil for my sample.

From the previous controlled variable, I have suggested I use a spoon to get the exact same depth in
which the soil is collected from. To make sure that I have to get the same depth of soil, then I have to
use the same spoon for the same depth measurements. If I use a different spoon (a smaller spoon for
example) for one of the samples, then the depth of which the soil is collected from for that specific soil
is inaccurate. This would result in all the soil samples having soil taken from different depths,
therefore being inaccurate as we wanted soil to be taken from the same depth. To ensure that we
don’t get soil samples from different depths, I will use the same spoon to collect the soil samples and
make sure that we get the soil samples from the same depth.
The other variable that I should consider in my experiment is the amount of soil collected for the
sample. The amount of soil that I collect from the experiment will be weighed and put into the oven to
dry for 24 hours. Then, it will be weighed again to calculate the moisture content of the soil. If I have
different amounts of soil, then the measurement would be different. The reason for this is because if I
take one sample that has 200 grams of soil and the rest of the 4 samples, I took 50 grams of soil, then
the percentage of the moisture content would be different. This is because during the calculation, I will
have to subtract the sample’s first weighed mass with the dry-mass (after the sample has been in the
oven), then divide it by the sample’s first weighed mass and multiply it by a hundred. Hence, if I take a
different mass than the rest of the sample, then the moisture content would not be accurate. To
prevent this, I have a small compact scale that I will take with me when I am doing the experiment to
make sure that I have equal mass for all the samples. I will take around 100 grams of soil for each

How much data will be “enough” to reject or accept your hypothesis? The
amount of data I expect to get from the experiment is 12 samples, the first measured mass of each
sample, the number of different species found in the quadrat which the sample is from, and finally the
dry-mass of the sample (or the mass measured after the sample was in the oven). Then using the
information from the mass of each sample, I will calculate the moisture content. Using the moisture
content and the number of species found in the quadrat where the sample was taken from, I will see if
my hypothesis is correct or incorrect.

What will you do to be sure you have collected enough data to accept/reject your hypothesis?
To make sure that I have collected sufficient data, I will make a table to fill the data in with. The data
table will include the 4 places I will take samples from, which from each place I will collect 3 samples
(in total 12 samples). Then using the 3 samples I have collected, I will then find the average moisture
content which will be in decimals (can later on be changed to percentages too). I will also have a
column dedicated for the species found in the quadrat.
Place: Soil Variety of Mass of Wet soil Dry soil mass Soil Moisture: Average (in
Sample Species beaker sample including beaker decimal):
: found (in used (in mass (in grams): (In (In
numbers): grams): including decimal): percentage
beaker (in ):

Grass #1


Shrubs area #4



Tree area #7



Close to the #10

lake area

Materials and Equipment needed:

Object: Quantity: Purpose:

Quadrat 1 To sample the soil and count the variety of species within
the quadrat

Weight scale 1 To measure the amount of soil collected

Spoon 1 To collect soil for sample

Plastic bag 4 (Each bag To put the soil collected into the bag
holds 3 samples
of soil in it
separated by
rubber bands)

Marker 1 To mark which area it came from

Beakers 12 To put the soil in to dehydrate in the oven

Oven 1 To dehydrate the soil to calculate moisture content

Tong 1 To remove each and every soil sample from the oven

Rubber Bands 10-12 To keep the soil samples separate in the same bag

Masking Tape 12 small pieces To mark the soil sample before it goes in the oven

Scissors 1 To open each sample to pour it into a beaker

Safety Considerations:
There is only one safety consideration which is to carefully take out the soil samples from the oven
because they are very hot. As they are very hot, and you might touch them bare-hand, you might get
burns. To prevent this, use a tong to remove the beaker from the oven carefully. Another precaution is
that when you are looking for places (such as tree-areas, shrubs areas) avoid paths that are too
complicated. The reason to avoid this is because you might trip and get hurt. Also, make sure you
have adult supervision since you are outside in public.

Steps: Picture/Diagram:

1. Identify where you want to place your

quadrat first. I have said I want to place
my quadrat at 4 different locations
(grass-area, tree-area, close to the lake
area and the shrubs area).

2. To place the quadrat randomly, from the

entrance to the area, walk 5 steps
straight and turn 4 steps to the right.
The place you would be standing in front
of should be the area where you would
place your quadrat.

3. Using your spoon dig a spoonful of soil

out. Do this two times (to ensure the
same depth the soil is collected from).
Then, dig 2 other places in the quadrat
(make sure to dig two spoonfuls out for
the same depth).

4. Using a scale, make sure the soil you

dug up weighs around 100 grams. Make
sure to fill this in the data table.
5. In a plastic bag, put the soil weighed in
it. Then, twist the bag and seal it with a
rubber band.
Do the same with the other two samples
you have collected from the quadrat.
Using a marker, mark where the sample
came from.

Repeat the steps for the other 3 places ( tree-area, close to the lake area and the shrubby area).

6. Once you’ve brought your samples to

the lab, weigh each sample and a
beaker that you are going to put the
sample in (to put it in the oven). Make
sure you write down the mass of the
beaker and the soil. Label each and
every beaker using masking tape and a
marker (you may also wanna write your
name on the beaker since other people
might also be doing the same experiment).

7. Put the beakers in the oven. Make sure

the oven is at 105°C before you put it in.

Note: In this image, there are only six

samples, but you should have 12 samples with
each of the beakers labelled (with the masking
tape) from where the soil came from and the
sample number).
8. Take out the soil samples after 24 hours.

9. Weigh each and every sample (beaker

and soil) again. Make sure to write it
down in the data table. Then do the
calculations mentioned in the next step.

10. First, You need to subtract the wet soil mass (which includes mass of beaker) with the
mass of the beaker:
Wet soil mass (including beaker mass) - Beaker mass = Original mass of the wet soil
Then you need to do the same for the dry soil mass (which includes mass of beaker):
Dry soil mass (including beaker mass) - Beaker mass = Original mass of dry soil
Calculate the moisture content of the soil by:
Mass of Wet Soil - Mass of Dry Soil / Mass of Wet soil = Answer in decimal. Multiply
answers by hundred to get a percentage. Make sure to write this down in your data table.
Mass of Evaporated Water can be found by:
Original mass of the wet soil - Original mass of dry soil = Mass of Evaporated water

11. After weighing the mass of the soil, dispose of the soil in the garbage or a bag that your
teacher might give.
Works Cited

Armstrong, Shari. "How Does Water Affect Plant Growth?", 16

Sept. 2020,

tm. Accessed 17 Apr. 2021.

"Osmosis and Plant Transport (CCEA).", BBC,

20water%20moves,cell%20is%20unlikely%20to%20survive. Accessed 21 Apr. 2021.

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