Billfreakinmurray24-Krystal's Capture

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Krystal's Capture

By billfreakinmurray24

Submitted: September 7, 2012

Updated: September 16, 2012

She's been captured for a year now and the Sharpclaw use her for nothing but sex. You'd think after all
this time they'd run out of things to try with her right? (my first story, be gentle)

Provided by Hentai Foundry.

Chapter 1 - All Sides 2

Chapter 2 - A Change In Her, and For Her 24
Chapter 3 - A New Outlook On Life 32
Chapter 5 - Breaking Her 43
Chapter 6 - Demise 54
1 - All Sides

Me and a writer from (who I'm a big fan of) wrote this together as an entry to a
speedwriting contest (which we won). He elects to remain anonymous, but you all can call ME Bill.


Our first 'adult' fic ever. Not the best writers but we were asked to do this by a fan of the LoK series. The
following 12,000 words were composed and written based on some basic ideas he had, and our own
ability to put them down on paper. This chapter was written in 4 small hours.

There will be errors and mistakes, and yes this needs to be revised and stuff. But for now let's just keep
it as most perverted minds want it, and that is a story about Krystal getting her brains plowed out in
perhaps the sickest way possible.


If there had once been a time when she could remember who she was, the vixen couldn't recall it. It had
only been one year since she'd crash landed on this planet, but in that time they'd done things to her that
made her forget. Things that, at first, she was able to fight against. For the first month she had kept her
sanity and hopes alive that someone would figure out what had happened to her, that they'd attempt a
rescue mission. But as the weeks passed and months grew in number, those hopes eventually faded.

What they did to her, what they wanted, it was of no importance to what they were trying to achieve.
They were trying to take over the planet, and were doing so flawlessly with every passing day. So it was
no surprise that when her ship crashed in the middle of the forest that they'd found her and proceeded to
dragging her unconscious body back to their camp. Or rather, empire. That's what it had become really.
The Sharpclaw tribe had grown into a nation, covering nearly every corner of the planet Sauria. She'd
never had a chance to survive on her own, they were just too densely populated.

In addition, they killed everything they didn't need, and kept anything they wanted.

She was a delicacy. There were so few of her kind on the planet that she was placed on a near god-like
position to them. To be a mammal, to have fur and a warm body, and with the looks to back it
screamed obsession to every single one of them, male or female. But this god-like stature didn't allow
her to reap the rewards one would have expected with such a label. No, rather than treasure the animal
they had found in the woods that long year ago, they put her to use other ways. In the eyes of every
sharpclaw male she'd met so far there had been only one intention resting within them, and she'd figured
that out before her first night had ended.

But she was able to fight it for the first month or so, and maybe that was just because of who she was.
Krystal, a proud Cerenian as well as Team StarFox member. She was polite and set in her ways, never
willing to give in to evil or what it asked of her. At least...not at first. But those ideals of hers only lasted
so long. Not to say she didn't fight it, it was just....hour after hour, day after day, weeks into
had reduced her resolve to a mere puddle.

By the third month she had given up hope of Fox or anyone else finding her, figuring at that point they'd
assume her to be dead and already quit searching. That being the case it was impossible to hold onto
anything more promising than her next meal. Every morning she woke in her cell, sometimes her hands
tied in a crude third-world set of handcuffs, only to resume the task of being their toy. In order to get her
breakfast she had to earn it...that had been the case since day one and eventually she'd quit fighting it.
The way she saw it now, the sooner it was over, the sooner she could eat.

It was like that for every meal. Breakfast, lunch, dinner....all three required her to please her server in
some form or fashion. In most cases she would be taken to the tent of a certain clan, there always being
a large meal every night, and would have to please the males before and after they ate, until she herself
could do so as well. But that didn't bother her anymore either. It had become so routine she didn't even
bother to fight against them. She'd do it as best and quickly as she could just to get her food. Truthfully,
that was really the only spec of sanity she still retained.

To get food meant staying alive, and staying alive meant possibly escaping.

But such promising thoughts seemed to evade her as of late. It wasn't that she didn't want to escape
anymore, rather that the motivation to even bother trying had left her. The things they said to her, all they
did and made her do, it had gotten inside of her head and eventually caused her to believe some of it.

She was a sex toy, she was a slave to the Sharpclaw tribe. She was there to please them all, no matter
how long it took. Twelve months of brainwashing had taken it's toll on her and she'd given up her efforts
on resisting them. There was no point in it. They were far bigger and stronger than her and, to the dislike
of her remaining old self, she had almost started liking what they made her do.

To her fucked up mind, this had almost


“Wake up softy.”

The primitive tone of the voice was routine. They didn't know much of her language, only the basics. But
of course that was really all they needed considering what role she played for them. And as for calling
her 'softy' well, that was normal too. To them that's what stood out about her. She was soft, she wasn't
like all the other females around here. She was smaller, tighter, and, as far as she could tell, a much
better fuck.

She rolled over and looked up at the sharpclaw who had pulled her from sleep, not surprised in the least
at what she saw. He stood there, towering close to eight feet, with one hand holding a bowl with a
wooden spoon in it, the other resting above the chrome-like metal crotch plate that ran around his waist
and down to his thighs.

Not bothering to acknowledge him she crawled across the floor on all fours, feeling her fur pop loose in
certain places as the aftermath of last night showed it's results. They hadn't let her bathe in a week or
so, but that didn't seem to affect the number of times she'd been fucked senseless. None of them
seemed to care as long as she was able to please them, and the guard at the entrance to her small cell
was no different.

Sometimes, even after a long years time, she'd feel something like restraint tugging at her before she did
this. But no sooner would the feeling appear would she smell the food in the creature's hand,
immediately washing away her doubt and reminding her of how hungry she was. Then she wouldn't
hesitate. He'd get her one way or the other, they always did, so fighting it was only stupid.

The metal piece fell to the floor as she crawled up beneath him, the vixen wasting no time in bringing her
nose up to the quickly stiffening member and taking an inhale. She determined then that if she hadn't
bathed in a week, that this guy hadn't bathed in a month, and the thought of having to face fuck the
creature before eating anything seemed more unappealing than ever. But of course that didn't stop her,
not after hearing her stomach rumble in protest.

So, as she'd done every morning for the past twelve months, she opened her muzzle and ran her tongue
along the shaft, now accustomed to the ten or so long, thick inches that each of these giant lizardmen
had but still amazed at their size. She heard him let out a growl of pleasure before bringing his free hand
to the back of her head and positioning her face at the tip of his member. She knew what was coming
next, and had it not happened endless times before, she wouldn't have been able to handle it. Her eyes
still widened in surprise though as he forced his entire length down her throat, her nose now up against
his stomach and her tongue popping out on the bottom side of his meat as she looked up at him.

That woke her up completely. Any thoughts of sleeping were gone from then on out and she knew it.
They would waste no time in dragging her out of her 'home' and proceeding to have their way with her at
whichever tribe or clan had claim that day. But she tried not to think that far ahead, choosing rather to
just focus on the task at hand and doing her best to get it over with as quickly as possible.

He pulled his hand away but she didn't back off, choosing instead to hold fast and run her tongue along
the caecilian's base, massaging his sack and allowing the smallest feeling of satisfaction to come over
her as she realized he was already close to blowing his load. If nothing else, she had mastered what her
life had become. To please them as quickly as possible would be the best way to go about things for
her, she knew that. And she also knew that nothing brought a sharpclaw closer to climaxing than seeing
a small furry vixen gag on his entire length without backing off.

She remained up against him a few seconds longer, breathing through her nose and feeling his shaft
throb against the back of her neck, all the while her tongue desperately lapped at the base of his
scrotum, massaging and licking the large orbs that hung between his legs.

Finally she was forced to pull away, letting out a gasp as she struggled for air and ignoring the line of pre
that ran from her lips to the head of his member. Then, as quickly as she'd left, she returned to work,
swallowing the cock in it's entirety before easing back and then going back down on him. All the while
she continued to work her tongue masterfully around his member, feeling it swell with every passing
second as he neared his peak. This only made him grow larger than before, but it was still nothing she
couldn't handle at this point and she continued to take every single inch he had to offer, ignoring the
feeling of the tool halfway down her throat.

Before long he finally lost control and climaxed, but it didn't go as she had hoped. She could tell he was
a mere lung away from emptying out his sack in her mouth, and she was ready to swallow every drop, if
only to keep her living arrangements somewhat cleaner. But this one had another idea and instead of
following tradition and making her swallow it all, he instead pulled out. He then let out a groan of
pleasure as he brought her bowl of food down to his waist before taking his other hand and shooting off
a few streams in the bowl, the vixen doing nothing other than watching in annoyance at the act.

After he'd finished he looked down at her with a smirk before grabbing her by the head and forcing her
muzzle to the base of his crotch. Not knowing what else to do she proceeded to lick the base of his
monstrous testicles, almost gagging at the taste but forcing herself to continued despite it all. She closed
her eyes and forced herself to further the act with every stroke, doing her best not to gag on the taste,
while at the same time ignoring the pubes that got stuck on her tongue. Fortunately, as if he'd only
wanted to see if she'd do it, he stopped her a few seconds later, throwing her back onto the floor and
chuckling in amusement before dropping her bowl before her.

Quickly she crawled over to it, no longer concerned with the sharpclaw now that her food was free.
When she reached it she almost felt relief at what she saw. It was oatmeal, or something of the sort that
their kind ate. But that wasn't why she felt some relief. No, it was simply because of the color it had. It
was white, meaning she could stir it up and hide the giant globs of semen that her server had so
annoyingly shot into the bowl.

That's what a good day started off as.

Being allowed to hide the alligator spunk in her food and pretend that for once it was normal, that they
hadn't done anything to it. That the creature's that would later be fucking her for hours on end had at
least been nice enough to camouflage her food to match their spunk.

She brought a spoonful to her mouth and swallowed it instantly, grateful for the energy it would need
her, knowing she'd need to stockpile as much as she could for later on.

She knew what the rest of the day would probably hold for her. They'd pull her out of her cage for a few
hours and take her to another clan, whichever one paid the most for her services, and she'd spend the
day in a room, servicing each and every member there, no matter how many at a time, or how many
times each. It could go on for hours, but most times they would feed her, and if she was lucky, allow her
to bathe.

But for some reason that wasn't the case as often as she wished. It was as if they loved seeing her like
this. They loved seeing a tight, blue, furry vixen, hardly half as tall as the creatures fucking her, covered
in day, or week, old semen. And at this point she really didn't care. She'd grown used to the taste long
ago and, because of the changes her mind had went through, she almost enjoyed it now. The fact that it
was in her oatmeal as she lavishly scarfed it down only meant that there would be a little more flavor this
time. In fact, in a warped twisted part of her mind, she realized that she should have been grateful for it.

Thus was the change that had overcome her the past twelve months. She'd been steadily transformed
into what they'd wanted her to be all along. A mindless fuck toy. A creature willing to serve them in the
best way she knew how. She almost enjoyed the sex now, and sometimes looked forward to meeting
another group of waiting sharpclaw males, just so she could try and set a new personal record for the
Fox McCloud and StarFox didn't matter anymore. They weren't coming to save her, and they probably
didn't miss her that much anyways. She was more mad at him than anyone else. Fox told her he loved
her, but if that was the case then why had he not found her yet? Why hadn't the galaxy's greatest hero
rescued her from this new life of being a sex slave to dinosaurs?

It was at him she directed her anger now, and most times she imagined the vulpine watching her as she
went through her daily duties. She imagined him standing off to the side and looking on in disbelief as
the girl he'd supposedly loved was endlessly fucked by monsters, all the while knowing that he could
never please her like these giants did.

It wasn't the right way to think, but after a year of doing this, it was how her mind worked now. She just
did what they told her to do, and figured the better she did it the better off things would end up being for
them all. She'd done practically everything any of them could have thought of. There didn't remain a
single situation to her knowledge that they could put her in that she wasn't used to at this point.

But that would change.


Even though she'd been there a year she never bothered to learn much of their language. That was
mostly due to the fact that she was too busy fucking five or six of them to be able to pay attention....that
or the fur in her ears was covered with cum and she couldn't hear anything. But though that was the
case it didn't mean she hadn't picked up on a few words and, as she slowly raised and lowered her hips,
sliding her herself up and down on the gorged sharpclaw cock beneath her, she couldn't help but think
the tone a few of them had in the background meant bad news for her.

She caught the words 'furry' and 'softy' more often than usual, accompanied with a dark laugh or
knowing chuckle, as if they were aware of an upcoming event that would only spell disdain for her. But at
the moment she chose not to think much on the matter, instead focusing on getting the task at hand
completed so she could return home and get some rest. If that could be the case, if she could just fuck
and satisfy these remaining six or seven sharpclaw, eat, then go home, that would put a smile on her

In each paw she stroked a giant pink member, not able to get her hands around the rods entirely but still
keeping a steady pace. All the while she did all the work for the sharpclaw beneath her, his meat slowly
sliding in and out of well-used channel as she exhausted her efforts towards satisfying him. She was
always tired it seemed like...being an every fuck toy did that to you. So when she was in this position,
where she had to do the work for them, actually made her grateful for what happened next.

She felt a presence come up on her from behind, a hand roughly grabbing her cum splattered tail and
pulling it straight up in the air, causing her to moan in painful desire. Not wasting any time though she
leaned forward on the sharpclaw's stomach beneath her, sinking his entire length up into her and
remaining motionless as she awaited her next entree. Moments later it arrived as she felt her tight tail
hole widen nearly four inches in diameter as the monster crocodile slid his shaft up the orifice above his
friends. This happened to her so regularly that one would have thought it unnoticeable, but even now, a
full year later, it still caused her eyes to widen in surprise and her tongue to fall out of her mouth in

Immediately she realized that letting such a thing happen was foolish and she had only a second to
curse herself before her moans were cut short as another sharpclaw stepped forward and buried himself
to the hilt in her maw. At the same time the previous two tribe members stepped forward and grabbed
her hands, forcing her to once again resume the task of jerking them off. Thankfully though that would
be the only 'work' she'd have to perform at this point. The two fucking her lower half would put forth the
effort, as would the one trying to choke her to death with his massive rod down her throat.

So it was only her hands that she had to worry about moving on her own, and she did so as firmly and
quickly as possible, the all too familiar touch of the swollen, somewhat bumpy, crocodile members still
too wide for her paws to completely encircle. It was easy from this point on and she felt her body relax
as it found itself accustomed to its daily position. Her body didn't have to do anything but act natural. Her
ass and pussy would stretch and tighten around the giant pricks inside them, doing their best to
accommodate the unnatural length and width of the objects within them. And as long as she kept
breathing out of her nose she wouldn't even have to worry about sucking off the sharpclaw who was face
fucking her.

This was...easy. To her mind, it was the simplest job in the world.

Minutes continued to pass, the vixen working her hands and moaning in surprise at the occasional
simultaneous thrust from below that shook her entire body. This was nothing out of the normal position
wise but she soon began to feel surprise towards their stamina after they reached the ten minute mark.
Usually by this point at least one of them would have blown their load, but they all held back, continuing
to steadily fuck her small body, as if they were wanting to savor this opportunity with her for some

From behind the group she saw six more sharpclaw waiting restlessly. That made eleven overall for this
last stop. She'd lost count of how many she'd serviced that day, but she knew the number to be past
forty at least. The first thing she'd done after eating breakfast was endure a brutal threesome in her cage
from the two who had come to escort her. And then, on the way to the tribe, she'd been forced to please
a passing group of scavengers...maybe two dozen or so. They'd gangbanged her for what seemed like
an hour, much like what was happening now, and only quitting because they all, including her, had
somewhere to be. So they left her a parting gift, throwing her down on the ground and forcing the vixen
to partake in the biggest circle jerk she'd ever seen.

Even now, as she continued to work on these five, she shuddered at the memory...both in pleasure and
disgust. Almost every inch of her body had been plastered in the goo and fortunately they'd allowed her
to bathe before entering her appointed clan for that day. Yet still, just getting to take a bath in one of the
hot springs, it was a blessing and made the whole day seem better than most.

But that still meant that before her day's work had even officially started she'd already drained her
normal quota. This here, it was just overtime.

Another few minutes of steady fucking continued before one of the watching sharpclaw finally had
enough. She faintly heard him bark out an order to the others who, after a few seconds of thinking, all
seemed to agree with his words.
They paused, if only for a few seconds. She felt their rods leave her every orifice and her hands fall free
of the ones she'd been beating off, almost causing her to feel disappointment at not getting to finish the
job as quickly as she'd hoped. They then did but one simple thing, and that was turn her over so she
was laying on her back, on top of the sharpclaw's stomach that earlier had been relentlessly abusing her
pussy. Wasting no time that same warrior now slammed his monstrous member up her ass, once more
causing her to gasp in surprise, and once again causing the sharpclaw at her face to thrust his long
piece of meat down her throat.

As if they were a machine the five picked up right where they left off, three of them steadily driving into
every hole she had to offer while the two at her sides forced her hands around their throbbing members.
But now, because she was laying on her back, there was another opportunity for pleasure, and one of
the six standing behind the group almost immediately noticed. Seconds later she felt a weight fall on her
chest, just barely being able to look down and see the amphibian straddling her waist before her
attention was slammed back to the object violating her throat.

With the addition of this newest member to the gangbang the vixen could only imagine what the scene
looked like from the outside. She was so much smaller than them, so much so that even when she was
just pleasing two of them her body was all but covered up. So that six of them were now around her,
finding a way to reach her furry body so she could please them, it was surprising to her. But still nothing
she hadn't experienced before.

She knew what to expect and it came as no surprise when she felt the creature's claws painfully pinch
each of her tender nipples, pulling at them and twisting each direction, not able to hear her cries of pain
due to the member gorged down her throat. Her breasts had only just started to recover from the last
sharpclaw abusing they'd received, meaning they were still ripe and sore to the touch. Thankfully though
his play would only last a few seconds longer before she felt his hot meat fall between her mounds, his
hands now squeezing the pair as he forced them together and around his cock before beginning to
piston himself between them.

Physically that was the only thing that had changed about her over the past year. Despite the non-stop
fucking she had to endure her lower half remained the same, and she knew why. She wasn't stretched
or abused like she should have been, and that was thanks to the shots they gave her and the potions
they forced her to drink. The tribe's medicinal expert had even explained how it worked but she'd long
since forgotten. In addition to that though, the injections and drinks did something to her hormones, and
ultimately she had noticed her breasts had grown much larger than before. If they had let her wear a bra,
which she knew would never be the case, it would no longer be the customary b-cup she was used to.
Rather, at least, a double d...if not an F.

She had to walk around like that too. Naked, her clit and breasts open to the whole world, and not ever
being able to fight against anyone who came up to her and demanded anything. And it seemed that the
more of them she fucked, the more sharpclaw semen she had to swallow with every day, the larger the
milk jugs on her chest became, and the more they enjoyed abusing them.

Now there was six of them working on her. Her mouth was stuffed, as was her ass and pussy, all three
orifices stretched to their max and playing host to machine like thrusts that drove her to the brink of
insanity. Only faintly did she notice the two in her paws now, or that she was still desperately working to
bring them to a climax, while at the same time her stomach played host to nearly four-hundred pounds of
crocodile as the beast sat on her belly and continued to run his entire length between her breasts,
making sure to hit the bottom of her chin as often as possible.

The hot feeling in her mounds continued to grow as the newest member relentlessly pinched and
squeezed on her tits, though with so many cocks working around her she found it hard to focus on one
area in particular. But as the seconds turned into minutes and as that same sharpclaw continued to
painfully pinch her nipples and pull on them, as he continued to knead and work her boobs while
simultaneously fucking between them, that same hot feeling continued to form in her chest, nearly
driving her crazy...but she knew what was happening.

And apparently so did this guy, which is why he refused to stop groping and squeezing on them. He
knew what other effects the serums and drinks had on her, and he was aware of the events that would
follow arousal if someone instigated it. He was trying to milk her, he wanted to force the fox to provide
nourishment for them, even if it wasn't natural for her. She'd only had to experience it a few times, but
that had been more than enough and she never wanted to endure the feeling again. But that wouldn't be
how it played out at this pace, and rather than feeling the claws leave her sore tits she instead felt his
thrusts stop, only to realize he'd brought his mouth down to one of them.

The five other beasts that continued to relentlessly fuck her seemed farther away than ever now, as she
fought for the opportunity to cry out in pain but received none. She knew why it hurt so badly, but she
also knew that it wouldn't stop them. Her breasts weren't meant to produce such a liquid, even with the
aid of medicines, unless she was with child. And since those same medicines prevented her to
becoming pregnant from one of these beasts she knew that would never be the case. So she was left to
do nothing but widen her eyes in shock as the knife-like teeth of the beast sank into her right tit, drawing
an immediate mixture of both blood and milk, and not hesitating in the least at immediately sucking on
the mound mercilessly.

At this her moans turned into muffled screams, the pain being worse now than she had expected, but
still getting no help from anyone on the matter. The cock in her throat only seemed to swell from the
vibrations of her moans, as if pleasuring it in some sick way, and below her the two in her ravaged holes
only quickened their pace as they forced her small body to take their unreal size. And this just went on,
the whole while the sharpclaw on her stomach switching from one breast to the other, and always
constantly abusing them in some way as he sucked on her.

Had she been able to look down at her chest she would have saw her two furry mounds, plastered with
week old cum and oozing both blood and milk from the torture the sharpclaw on her belly had dealt
them. But instead she was forced to look up at an angle towards the ceiling as she subconsciously took
the ten inches of crocodile cock that ran in and out of her throat. It was because of that angle that she
didn't notice two more of the waiting sharpclaw step forward, and even if she had she wouldn't have
been able to guess as to what they'd do to her.

Her hands were full, as was her mouth, ass, pussy. But that didn't discourage the two creatures, who
had been looking over the gang bang long enough before finally deciding they had to get in. It wasn't
until she felt their presence on each side of her arms that she noticed them, leaving her to only wonder
as to how she could possibly service two more when there was already six fucking her body in some
way. That wonder would only last a second before she figured it out though.
The sharpclaw on her stomach sat back up and resumed fucking the channel between her breasts,
allowing the two large mounds to fall apart and hang largely over her chest. She was in desperate need
for air at this point as she tried to breath past the four-hundred pounds on her stomach and the member
that all but filled her throat, but at least this allowed her battered tits some relief from the pinching and

If only for a second.

She had only a moment to prepare for what would happen next as she felt the heat of the two newest
entrees inches from each of her tits. What was going to happen became clear then and, even though
she'd been fucking these creatures for a year now, she'd knew she'd never had any of them try to
actually go this far with it.

Once more her eyes widened in utter disbelief and pain as she felt the two massive rods thrust into her
abused breasts. This took tit fucking to a whole new level and she could only imagine what it looked like
from where she lay, only being able to feel the two cocks as they hammered in and out of the milk and
blood tipped breasts. The pain only grew worse at this and she could feel her own lactation and blood
running down her sides and onto the sharpclaw below her that continued to fuck into her ass. With every
passing second, with every deep, hard, painful thrust, they drove deeper into her large mounds, sending
the vixen to a whole new state of pain and ecstasy that she'd never felt in that part of her body before.

And so it continued then. Minutes and minutes, none of them stopping for anything, showing a stamina
she'd never experienced from any sharpclaw warrior before. Her ass and cunt were stretched and
aching with every relentless thrust, and her throat was unbelievably sore from the stick that had been
ramming down it for nearly ten minutes now non-stop. Her hands still worked on the two lizard cocks at
her side but at this point they had to hold her paw in place for she was far too fatigued to do the work on
her own.

It was a gangbang like no other she'd had, at least in a long time. That this little creature, only half as
large as the monsters she was pleasing, was able to take this many at once was unimaginable. But even
now, her small blue body somehow accommodating eight of the dinosaur dicks, three of them still
remained, and they wanted in as well. It was out of the corner of her eye that she saw the movement,
but her mind didn't even bother thinking about what they would bother trying, just assuming there was
nothing else.

Even to her sex crazed mind, after all these months, this seemed like too much for her. There was a line
where they had to stop, surely they knew that. She was so much smaller than them and it took every
ounce of energy just to survive a threesome, so gangbangs always all but did her in. But this, what they
were putting her through now, it was even worse than that. It was as if they were holding nothing back,
testing her body's limits to their absolute max, even though she was sure there was nothing else she had
left to please them with.

But she was wrong again and from her position on the floor she saw two more of them get by each of
her legs and kneel down. They were so much taller than her that even then they were close to four feet
in height, easily high enough to do what came next. It wasn't bad, but just new and unbelievable all the
same. Her legs were sticking out past the sharpclaw who was still abusing her pussy, and the two of
them grabbed one each, quickly raising them in the air and causing her to cry out sharply in pain as it
allowed the sharpclaw working at her ass to thrust another inch deeper than before. Then they bent her
legs back under her, the vixen not believing she was being used this way as she felt a cock rest on the
backside of both her knees.

Now, with a dick between the back of each of her thighs, they started to fuck her there as well. From a
creative standpoint it was both sick and impressive to have thought of that, but to her, with eight of the
giant lizard men crammed around her body already, the addition of two more only seemed to make it all
that more unbelievable.

But it was reality, and she was jerked back into it with a sharp pain as she felt the two cocks drive
deeper into her breasts as they continued to fuck into her tits, all the while the same sharpclaw that had
brought forth the idea steadily pumped his meat between her massive mounds. It was now more of a
withering mass of green and a small dot of blue, which was doing it's best to simply survive the endless
onslaught of tools that were pistoning in and out of her every orifice, or in this case, even her hands and

And even though she was pleasing more of them than she'd ever thought possible, she knew that there
was still one that remained off to the side, and considering how long they'd been going at it she figured it
would be a while before he got his turn.

That was, unless he was as innovative as his two friends.

As another few minutes passed she found herself only able to lay there beneath the giants and take the
unbelievable gangbang they were dealing her, not bothering to put forth any effort, rather simply let her
body go limp and allow the creatures to use it every way they pleased. Another five minutes of it later
she found herself nearly unconscious, her mind still wondering how in the hell they were all managing to
hold out this long.

But unconsciousness was done away with as finally the remaining sharpclaw lost what little patience he
had left and stepped up to her face, causing her to vaguely stare up at him. Almost immediately the one
already choking her with his cock issued a growl of warning at his friend, but rather than answering him
with the same tone he instead replied with one that caused the fox to feel even more worried than
before. She was pleasing ten sharpclaw at once, something she'd never dreamed possible. And now,
with every corner of her small 5 ½ foot body covered or filled with dinosaur meat, this guy wanted to get
in on it as well?

She loved what she had become and wouldn't hesitate to please this guy as many times as he wanted
her to after this, but as of right now such an act was truly impossible. There was nowhere left for him to
go. Her ass was stretched far past it's limit, as was her pussy, and her hands couldn't even wrap around
the two dicks they were jerking off as it was. Then there was her breasts, which were already playing
host to three, and finally her legs, which the other two monsters had so ingeniously made into fuck toys
of their own.

The only part of her body that wasn't completely full right now was her mouth, but even then there was
perhaps only enough room for a couple of toothpicks alongside the giant sharpclaw member. But going
by where he was standing that was exactly what his friend had in mind, and the vixen could only watch
and wait in fear, all the while that same cock remained resting at the bottom of her throat, as the two of
them talked it over. Seconds passed, her half-conscious mind hardly noticing the nine other beasts that
continued to mechanically fuck her small body with a painful ferocity, until eventually she felt the
monster's cock ease back out of her throat, just until the large gorged head of the member rested on the
tip of her tongue.

At first she thought they were going to take turns, which she could have been able to handle despite the
unreal acts being done to the rest of her body. But as the newest cock neared her mouth and the same
one as before remained, she couldn't help but let out a muffled moan of protest, which was more of a cry
of pain and pleasure, as the two members at her chest simultaneously drove deeper in to her tits. At this
her mouth shot open even wider and, as if waiting for that exact moment, she felt the two monstrous
members slam into her mouth.

Though she was sure that was as far as they'd ever get. Just the few inches her mouth had to offer
would be it, and even then her cheeks were puffed out to the extreme. And for a few seconds they
simply held there, admiring the look of utter disbelief on her face and looking over the scene behind
them. She saw one of them chuckle, showcasing her body with a hand. She knew what it looked like
though. A withering mass of sharpclaw warriors, with the faintest indication of a small blue fox buried
beneath the eleven of them as they found each and every way to fuck her as hard as they could, with as
many as possible. It was just what she'd become.

From above she saw the two sharpclaw, their massive members just barely fitting in her mouth, as they
both brought a hand forward before grabbing her ears. Realizing what they were going to do she tried to
scream in protest but no sooner had the attempt been made did they use their unrivaled strength to
force her head down their shafts a good four inches. She felt her throat swell to an unreal level, her eyes
watering immediately as the struggle to breathe grew even harder now. For the next few seconds they
did nothing else, both of them looking down at the destroyed look on her face and chuckling in
amusement at what they'd caused.

To have one sharpclaw in her mouth was hard enough as the things were huge already. In fact, there
were some of them that were so were hung so well she couldn't manage to get past their head! But
these two guys, despite the impossible aspect of it, had ignored the laws of physics and somehow made
her tiny mouth and throat take their entire combined girth up to four inches deep.

But that didn't last long and before she could even think to prepare herself she felt their powerful hands
force her head down another four inches, their massive rods now halfway down her neck and causing
her throat to bulge out in an attempt to accommodate the large members. That she was still able to
breath was a miracle to her, considering all they'd put her through up to then, so to do this, it only made
her question her health that much more. To have two sharpclaw dicks down her throat, when she could
barely hold one on a normal was something she'd never thought possible. And even if she had let
her imagination run wild and considered the idea, it would have only lasted for a second before she'd
have to give up and spit one of them out.

But had she really thought about it, which was impossible considering what was happening to her now,
she probably would have figured out how she was able to tolerate this sort of torture. It was those
mixtures they forced her to drink, and those crude shots they injected into her neck on a weekly basis.
She knew they did stuff to her body physically and, considering how warped her mind had become,
probably mentally as well. It allowed her body to defy certain acts it had once thought impossible, even if
it damn near killed her in the process. Which was what was happening right now, the vixen only blankly
looking up at the two sharpclaw and praying that what this group of creatures was doing to her was just
a dream.

That wasn't the case though. This wasn't her imagination. This was all too real, and she was reminded of
that as another unfathomable act took place as the two of them began to steadily work the few
remaining inches left on their cocks into her mouth. Her eyes were constantly widened in disbelief at this
point and the rise and fall of her chest was frantic against the both the giant sharpclaw sitting on it and
the two slamming into her rack. All the while her nose was left doing all the breathing at this point as her
mouth was completely and utterly full, her throat throbbing against her neck with every pulse of the two
members that now lay lodged above her stomach.

Then, to further add to her disbelief, they began thrusting, causing her to feel a pain she'd never
experienced before. But of course that didn't stop them. Nothing stopped any of them. Minutes passed
as the eleven giant amphibians piled on top of and around the small blue furred vixen, forcing their
monstrous tools into places she'd never thought of one going, and then fucking her silly there for an
unbelievable amount of time. Why they hadn't came yet she didn't know. None of them ever lasted this
long, or tried so hard to get inside of her. But today was different. Today they weren't holding anything

The ones in her ass and pussy were almost unnoticeable now. That was normal to her, and she'd take a
double penetration there anytime. The two members she continued to jerk off were nothing to worry
about as well, and had he not been sitting on her stomach suffocating her, the sharpclaw fucking the
passage between her mounds wouldn't have been too bad either. That was a normal gangbang to her,
nothing she wasn't used to, or wouldn't be happy to endure.

It was the two that continued to slam into her sorely abused tits, and the two that forced their ungodly
length into her mouth, opening her maw to a level she couldn't believe as they simultaneously slid their
seven or so inches of “diameter” down her neck, all but choking her to death.

It all went on and on for what seemed like forever. She was serving her purpose flawlessly, and at peak
proficiency now, though she was begging for something to end it all. Every second there was eleven
monster sized dinosaur members thrusting against some part of her body and not a single one of them
seemed close to reaching their peak, driving her mad with both pleasure and pain. It had been a half
hour she was sure, yet the barrage never stopped. In fact the only thing that really changed was the
background of it all.

The eleven, plus herself, had been at it for so long and had made so much noise, that it had drawn a
crowd after a while, and she couldn't help but welcome the thought of death as she looked over another
dozen or so sharpclaw males from the side, waiting to take the place of the first one to who came inside
of her.

Fortunately, that time finally arrived nearly ten minutes later.

The two in her mouth had all but ruined her, she was sure, and they were the first to peak.
Simultaneously, just as they'd fucked her, she felt their loads release in her throat. Of course they buried
their members to the hilt so there had been no way for the vixen to object to swallowing every single
drop of the salty liquid. And, as another first to her, the amount was unheard of. The spurts kept coming
and coming, time after time, until nearly a minute had passed. It had only been because her throat was
so full that none of it gurgled out past her lips.

After another few seconds of making sure she'd been filled up with every drop they had to offer the two
of them slid out, causing her to gasp in relief at the introduction of air. But of course doing so just caused
the deposit they'd left in her throat to slide back down into her stomach, and the few seconds she
would've had to spit some of the liquid out were gone as soon as they had arrived. Wasting no time the
two sharpclaw she'd been jerking off dropped her hands and stepped up to her face, mimicking their
fellow tribe members and simultaneously slamming both their rods down her throat, once again getting a
screaming moan of dismay from the vixen as they began to face fuck her.

But thankfully it didn't last as long and after a minute or so they both nodded at each other in knowing
satisfaction before slamming their entire ten inches down her throat and releasing a gushing load of the
white sticky goo, which only piled up on the two massive loads she'd already had to refrain from throwing
up. As before the size was unseen from them and she could only roll her eyes back up in her head as
they remained buried to the hilt in her throat for the next minute or so, making sure to empty every drop
they had before finally releasing her ears and stepping back.

Once again she had the opportunity to finally breath, recover, and spit up the white substance that had
filled up her insides by the gallons, and once again she chose to breath in rather than out. And before
she could throw up the goo that plastered her insides she found her eyes widening in horror as yet
another two sharpclaw step up before her face. Before she could even try to object she felt their length
slam down her mouth, these two having been the ones that were previously fucking each of her tits.
Meaning on one note, that pain was easing, but on another that she'd have to take two more loads in
addition to the four she'd already swallowed.

After all this time, after all the pain and unbelievable acts they'd put her through, she'd only gotten four of
them off. But for some reason, as she looked past the two creatures standing before her face and
noticed the waiting group of a dozen or so more sharpclaw, she began to feel something other than fear.
A feeling that was coming more and more natural to her with every passing day.

It wasn't fear she felt towards what was going to happen to her, at least not entirely. But it
was....anticipation...perhaps? It was faint, but the longer they kept at it the stronger it became.

Minutes passed and the two sharpclaw finally unleashed the floods from their members into her
stomach, but at this point the others had caught on to the act and readied themselves. Fortunately there
was no longer anyone fucking any part of her body now, rather just a line of a dozen or so sharpclaw
standing side by side, each of them eager to find out what it felt like to have his own, and another, dick
somehow fitting down this small blue creatures throat. It had never been done before tonight, even by
their own sharpclaw females, so that this littler animal could do it, while pleasing so many more at the
same was something they all intended to experience first hand.

Pair after pair they came, each of them seemingly amazed at her ability to fit two of this size not only into
her mouth, but somehow down her throat. They didn't realize it was all but killing her having to bear such
an act, but that was because it excited them to a new level. Before, after hearing the commotion and
entering the tent, most of them had intended to do what the previous eleven were doing to her. To fuck
every part of her body nonstop until dawn as their own form of a parting gift....but to see her doing this,
to watch as her belly swelled with every large load of sharpclaw semen she was forced to hold in, it
changed all of that.

Six, ten, fourteen....the numbers grew and she lost count, only aware of how many more stood in line
and how painful it was to take what was basically two baseball bats being rammed down her neck. She
could feel their hot release building up within her, and so desperately she wanted to bend over and let it
all out, to throw up the sick feeling of crocodile spunk that was climbing up her throat with every load as
her body ran out of places to store it. But they wouldn't let her. Every time two of them would come,
every time they'd pull out of her, another two would slam right into their place, plugging her maw and
preventing their loads from leaving her.

Another half hour of this passed, some of them coming around for seconds, even thirds, while others
took to fucking her ass or pussy, just to help the process along for themselves when the chance came to
slam their massive pink tool down her throat. It was as if they were eager to find out how much she
could take without bursting, even while semen was now continuously running from her nose and, though
it might have been her imagination, her ears as well. But that still didn't stop them.

Still though, as the time passed and it continued, as a nonstop barrage hammered away at her body
from both ends, she felt herself changing. The pain had turned into pleasure now and she no longer felt
worry or fear from what would become of her, rather eager anticipation and wanting. And this wasn't the
first time it had been like this. It seemed the longer she stayed here the more she longed for stuff like
this to happen to her. The morning ritual or waking up and sucking one of them off for food, it was almost
enjoyable. Sure they were rough, but that didn't change the fact that they excelled at what they did to

And perhaps that's why she loved it so much. Perhaps that was why she began to moan, not out of pain
from the tools ramming down her throat, but ecstasy.

It wasn't for another hour, the vixen figuring she'd serviced them all three times at the least at this point,
that the final two buried themselves in her throat, the pain now numb but still unbelievable to her mind as
it mixed with pleasure. They emptied their loads after a few minutes of remaining buried to the hilt before
holding in place and turning around towards the crowd of twenty or so before calling out in their
language, asking them something. She knew what it was. He was checking to see if there were any
more of them who wanted a go before they pulled the plug and watched the scene play out. But none of
them stepped forward this time, and she could understand why. She'd fucked or sucked them all
countless times, so how any of them could still get it up would be a mystery to her.

After getting no response for a few seconds more the sharpclaw let out a grunt of satisfaction before
looking at his friend next to him and nodding. At that the both of them slid their members out of her
mouth, the limp six inches brushing across her tongue before finally falling away as they stepped back,
leaving her in the middle of the room on her knees, vaguely looking towards the ground.

What she felt then only solidified her change over the past few months. It wasn't relief she felt, but rather
disappointment. She had just started to actually enjoy what she was being put through and then they'd
stopped. If anything else it somewhat angered her, but she could only stare across the room at them and
run her tongue over her nose in response. The taste of their semen running out of her muzzle only
seemed to entice the vixen's lust and it was then that she decided she'd try something that, a half hour
ago, she would have never dreamed of.

For the first few seconds she did nothing but remain there, her breathing shallow and shaky as she
looked down at her body. Her stomach was bulged out and her breasts were red from being smacked
and beaten. Even worse her nipples were spread open and even now still dripping milk and blood as
they hung from out from her large mounds. Below that she could see the large pool of semen that had
managed to sneak its way out of her body from a combination of her every orifice. And despite what
every part of her being wanted her to do, she found herself leaning forward until she was on all fours,
hellbent on satisfying her mind no matter what it took.

She brought her tongue up to her nose and licked it, tasting the semen that ran from it as a result of her
overflowing stomach. But for some reason she didn't care about it so much anymore. Instead she looked
up at the large group of creatures that had spent the last two hours fucking her senseless, that had
found every nook and cranny her body had to offer and abused it to no end, nearly killing her in the
process but at the same time taking her to a level of ecstasy she had never felt before.

The look of satisfaction on their faces slowly turned to disbelief as they watched the fox lean forward
until her nose was on the ground, resting on the puddle of cum and other secretions that surrounded
her. Then, catching them all by surprise, she began to lap at it, fighting back the pain in her stomach and
putting forth every ounce of effort she could muster towards holding in the gallons and gallons of
sharpclaw spunk that she had swallowed. She then brought her hands out around her and started
scooping the gooey liquid up in her paws before eagerly slurping it up and repeating the process.

Every inch of the floor they'd covered she ended up cleaning. It took only a few minutes but she spared
no expense, her fucked up state of mind ordering her to lick up every drop of the delicious goo that she
could find. She could barely hold in the urge to let it all out of her with every passing second, but her lust
gave her control. So badly she wanted to unclench her ass, to allow the contents of all she'd had to
swallow to run from her body in an enema that she knew would feel amazing. But she didn't. She
wouldn't. Not until she was done.

She looked around her, checking everywhere for any sign of some that she might have missed before
finally turning her attention back towards the large crowd of sharpclaw warriors who had been watching,
only to take in what was the most beautiful site her mind could have ever thought of.

What she'd done just then had, as she'd hoped, hardened every single one of them, guaranteeing one
more final round of fun. Of which she'd gladly accept. She sat there on her knees for only a second, the
surprised group of giant warriors still looking her over with expressions of disbelief at what they'd just
saw, until she finally opened her arms towards them, getting an immediate response as they all stepped
forward. Instantly she was surrounded again and she wasted no time in getting back to work, her mind
and body desperately craving the taste of more of the dinosaur liquid.

Without hesitation she grabbed two of throbbing members, getting a groan of pain and pleasure from
their owners as they were still too sore from last time. But she didn't let that stop her and before they
could hesitate she forced both of them into her mouth, just as they'd done to her earlier. Only this time
she did the work. They'd fucked her like she'd never imagined possible, time and time again, and she
had survived it and grown more aroused in the end. They'd had their fun, now it was her turn. It was
more than easy to take two of them at once now, though the width still puffed her cheeks out to their
max and stretched her neck to nearly unbearable dimensions. But she wanted that.

Knowing how to please as many as possible she grabbed another throbbing member, not really having
to look rather than just feel for one. The owner fell to his knees and eventually his back as she pulled
down on his aching tool. Quickly she positioned her tail hole over his massive head, letting out a deep
moan of pleasure as she felt just the crown of it force open her puckered entrance. Without hesitation
though she fell down to it's hilt, causing the beast to let out a snort of amazement at the act. Afterward
she only had to take two fingers and spread open her wet pussy before another tool was soon in place,
driving all the way up and matching the ten inches she felt in her rear.

Afterward she laid back on the stomach of the sharpclaw plowing into her rear and raised her legs into
the air, hoping they'd remember what they'd been doing before and quickly being rewarded. She smiled
inwardly as she felt her feet hit the back of her ass while two more throbbing members joined in on the
action and commenced to fucking between her legs.

That was six, by her calculations she could still get five more.

Her hands then went to her stomach where she padded her swollen belly, the space remaining vacant
for only a split second before another sharpclaw straddled her, just barely having enough room to fit
between her breasts and the one guy behind him fucking her cunt. The weight would have been enough
to rid her of the buckets upon buckets of cum stored inside of her had both her holes below not been
plugged, though that only seemed to force the salty goo back up towards her mouth, only to have
nowhere to go their either. Instead it just continued to settle anywhere it could in her body as the
sharpclaw on her belly went to work. As planned a few seconds later a couple of his friends joined in and
comenced to fucking into her sore tits. But it didn't bring her pain now. It was pleasure she felt with every
inch they slammed into her milk makers, fueled by the lust and passion that ran her thoughts now.

Before they had been fucking her. Now it was the the other way around. It hadn't been until they'd
finished raping her, until she'd snapped and looked over the item she'd was until then that
she'd truly gotten hot from it all.

Quickly she reached up and took a large pink member in each hand, working every part of her body
diligently against the thing it housed. She clenched her pussy and ass with every thrust, squeezed her
hands tight and firm around the tools she held, and worked her mouth along the two members that
gorged her maw open to a new level. Once again it was sea of green covering up the small blue furry
animal, but she paid it no mind. That someone of her size could manage to take something like this and
actually enjoy it, it just proved how great of a whore she had become. She was the master of her trade
and she loved it.

Much like before there was still another group waiting for their turn, but this time it wouldn't be that long.
She'd fucked every one of these beasts three, maybe four times in the last few hours, and she knew
none of them would hold out long. And, she realized sadly, their release wouldn't be anywhere near as
large as before. But as long as she got something, anything to swallow from their climax, that was all
that mattered.
After a few minutes of working her entire body to the max to please the near dozen, she felt their sizes
swell and grow, allowing her to prepare for the loads that would soon be escaping them. But this time,
since she was in control, she had the option of voicing what she wanted.

Slowly she eased her mouth away from the two members that had been fucking her, allowing them both
to pop out and nearly stab her in the face with their stiffness. Afterward she only made a lustful moaning
sound, catching their attention immediately and causing them to look at the vixen as the pointed at her
mouth, opening her maw and popping out her tongue, telling them all what she wanted.

As doing so there came a collective chuckle from the group and she couldn't refrain from smiling as she
realized they'd heed her request. One by one she felt their rods leave her body, first from her hands,
then her legs, then breasts, and finally her ass and pussy. At this she had to clench with all the strength
that she could muster in order to hold in the loads they'd buried on top of her breakfast, lunch, and
previous jobs from earlier that day. She was past her bursting limit, but somehow forced the cum back
down her throat, instead bringing her tongue up to her nose and licking it away before looking around at
the circle they'd formed around her.

This was only half of them, there would still be another dozen to go through before she was finally done
with them all again, and once and for all. But she was up for the task. Hungrily her hands went to a pair,
while her mouth flew forward and sunk into one of their members. She worked it down her throat for a
few seconds before finally pulling way in disappointment and looking up at the sharpclaw standing
beside that one. Eagerly she opened her mouth as wide as she could and, as if realizing what she
wanted, the two of them pressed their members into her mouth at the same time, returning the vixen to
her new found pleasure of having two of the monsters jammed down her neck.

Another ten minutes went by before she finally had sucked them all off, and by that point her stomach
had stretched out another few inches, all the while her nose constantly running with cum as she
struggled to stay conscious and keep the liquid from pouring from both her ass and her mouth.

But she was determined to finished what she started. At this point her mind saw it as her responsibility to
satisfy these creatures. She had, after all, gotten them hard this way. So it was only fair that she took
their massive members and made sure every hardened one was pleasured by her body in some way.
That was her job. She was here to do that, every day, for as long as she could.

The eleven she'd once again serviced stepped back from the vixen, allowing the other eleven to step
forth, but she could tell by the looks on their faces that they were hesitant about going forward with the
act. And, had she not been so mentally distorted, she would have found that funny. That the same
animals who had every intention earlier to fuck her to death were now feeling almost worried about her,
it was ironic to say the least. As if they thought, after all she'd been through that night, that she couldn't
handle one more gang bang based round.

They truly underestimated the sex crazed fox.

She brought her tongue up to her nose and licked away the never ending stream of cum that ran from it,
simultaneously having to clench her ass as another pain ran through her stomach and threatened to
cause the vixen to release the buckets of cum she had stored within her. The near dozen stood around
her, waiting for her to make the first move, all of them still looking unsure about it because of the faint,
vague look in her eyes that reflected fatigue and near unconsciousness.

She was standing on her knees, surrounded in a pool of cum, milk, and even blood. Her stomach was
bulging out from the acts that caused it, her breasts hanging low and her tits fucked open from the
beating they'd received. It would have made even the most perverted mind reconsider putting that poor,
but still beautiful, animal through anything else. And had she not instigated it, they probably wouldn't

But once again she forced a smile before opening her arms out and reaching for one of their hard shafts,
only to repeat the same exact process as before. Within the next two minutes she had them all where
they needed to be, in the textbook position that they'd figured out from before. The one place they could
all find a way to fuck the small blue mammal to their heart's content. That it was 4400 pounds of raw
power and beast, against 130 pounds of furry, sex crazed lust, didn't matter to her. Yes they were twice
as big as she was, but after a year of slavery she'd grown accustomed to their monstrous proportions,
even if her own holes stayed the same size.

She had grown to love the feeling of a thick dinosaur cock sliding between her thighs or up her ass, or in
this case two of them ramming down her throat or into her tits. It made her feel useful. It proved how
great she was at pleasing them. She could do it better than their own females, and she was half their
size as well. She could last ten times as long and fuck them all twice as good, and that made her life
worth living at this point. To please every sharpclaw warrior she could until there were none her
sex crazed current state of mind, that was the goal.

And for the twenty-two she'd been gangbanged by for the last few hours, she knew she'd met it.

Once again the same script was followed as before. After five or so minutes of having every hole in her
body stretched beyond belief, of having ever corner covered in cock, they began to near their peak, only
this time she didn't have to tell them what she wanted. On their own they pulled out as they were about
to come, stepping back and jerking themselves off as they neared their climax and waited for her mouth
to open up.

She had made sure to find the biggest of them all when looking for one to fuck her ass this time. She
had to make sure she could hold it in a little longer, and a plug was the answer. After swallowing the
previous eleven's loads she had all but ran out of room. It was as if every orifice on her body was packed
full of the steaming, salty liquid, and she was more than certain at this point that what she felt running
out of her ears was, in fact, sharpclaw semen. But that just turned her on even more.

Two by two they repeated the same process, stepping up and throat fucking her for a few minutes
before shooting their loads down her mouth. She knew they could feel the cum running up her neck from
the inside as they did so, and she was well aware she was all but pumped full of the liquid, but she didn't
stop. In fact the only thing she did do was reach behind slowly work one, two, three, then four fingers,
and finally her entire fist into her ass, making sure that the load that was ready to escape her remained
for a few minutes longer.

As if seeing the urge to hurry up the warriors did their best to aid in shooting their loads as quickly as
possible before stepping back, and eventually, after another five minutes, the large group was all but
finished. It was as she felt the last two sharpclaw cocks slam down her throat that she realized she was
entirely full now. They couldn't get past her uvula without hitting the cum that had piled up within her
stomach and backed up her throat, and no sooner did they shoot their loads and pull out did she close
her mouth in order to hold in all in.

For the next few seconds she did nothing but swallow in an attempt to give herself a little more room.
Timidly she pulled her fist from her ass, puckering her hole as tightly as she could in order hold back the
flood that would follow. She then turned and faced the group of twenty once again, looking them over
and admiring the respect and even love they seemed to show for her now. She dropped her gaze to the
floor once more and looked over the mess they had made, smiling softly to herself before slowly leaning
forward and rasping her tongue across the pool they'd left yet again.

From above she heard the sharpclaw groan in disbelief as some of them realized she might actually try
to do it again. Not that they were against it, just that it would be more painful that anything. But she didn't
stop, wanting to make sure she somehow got every drop of the liquid inside of her one way or the other,
even if she was out of room. She brought her hands out and scooped it up, raising it to her mouth and
opening up to swallow it, only to convulse and choke as she tried. Quickly she snapped her muzzle shut,
realizing that her throat was trying to refuse from taking any more of the goo.

But to have come this far, to have went through this much and held on this long, she knew there was no
way she'd settle for anything less than a perfect show. So, using her determination and lust, she looked
up at the ceiling only briefly before swallowing and forcing her body to make a little more room. Then she
resumed her task. Her paws swept out around her, over and over again until she had wiped every ounce
of the white goo into a bowl sized puddle before her.

Timidly she looked up at the two dozen males she had watching her, smiling at the looks of disbelief on
their faces before reaching forward with cupped paws and taking a handful. Shakily she brought her the
cup or so to her muzzle and opened her mouth, letting the now cold spunk trickle across her tongue and
down her throat the few inches it could. She did this time and time again for the next minute or so until
she finally managed to erase any evidence of the acts they'd performed.

She brought her tongue out and ran it around her mouth, cleaning it of any specs she'd let run off the
side and inwardly smiling at the beautiful taste that it left. The, after taking another look around and
seeing there was truly none left, she forced herself to her feet, looking down at the bulging stomach she
had and gritting her teeth in pleasure as she imagined the release that she'd soon experience from
letting it all out.

Slowly she walked over to the waiting group, each of them looking her over with an expression best
described as admiration and respect. Searching them out she finally picked one at random, stepping up
to him and, after swiping the cum that continued to run from her nose, stepped up against him. She
wasn't hardly half his height, but that didn't stop her from resting her paws on his shoulders and forcing
him to lean forward until she was able to press her mouth against his own.

Affection such as this was new to them, as they usually preferred to just fuck her brains out rather than
kiss her, but the creature didn't refrain from the act. Instead she heard him growl in pleasure as his
massive tongue dived down her throat, nearly touching the loads upon loads she'd stockpiled up her
She rested her paws on his chest and continued to do this for a few seconds longer before finally easing
away, issuing the male a loving look before reaching down and taking his hand in her own. Then she led
him a few feet away from the group before stopping, turning sideways, and falling to all fours. At this she
had to clench both her jaw and tail-hole in order to hold back the explosion within her stomach.

Knowing she couldn't bear it much longer she reached back for her tail, almost falling forward without
having both her paws under her, but managing to get the point across to the sharpclaw she'd brought
with her as she pulled it back over her head.

Quickly she felt his large hand grab her tail where she'd been holding it, mimicking her action and almost
yanking it back over her head as he stepped to her side and anticipated what was about to happen.

That was what ended up doing.

No amount of strength or restraint that she could muster would have ever been enough to hold back the
gallons of pressure on her body then. She only managed to let out a cry of pleasure before her whole
body convulsed, the last two hours of her life spilling out from her muzzle and rear in steady streams.

Her eyes rolled back into her head as she struggled to stay on all fours. From behind her she felt
unrivaled relief and ecstasy as her body spewed out a never ending stream of sharpclaw spunk. All the
while her screams of ecstasy were cut off as she found herself convulsing and coughing up the white
goo, feeling it run down her throat and fall beneath her, forming a puddle with the secretions from her
lower half.

She could feel her stomach shrinking back to it's normal size as the seconds turned into minutes. The
seemingly never ending fountain that her body had become only slowly slowed it's stream as time
passed, proving to them all just how full and dedicated this creature had been to doing something never
done before. And throughout the enema, throughout the vomiting and choking, she felt orgasm after
orgasm run through her body, her own release trickling out of her well-used cunt and only adding to the
pool she was now on top of.

It could have been a minute, or ten. She would have never been able to tell through it all. But however
long it had taken, it wasn't until afterward that she seemed to, once more, become aware of her

From behind she could still feel the goo oozing from her holes, causing her to shudder in pleasure. While
from her mouth she could still taste the many different flavors that had mixed on top of her tongue on the
way in, and out. Only faintly did she notice the thick line of wet, gooey fur she now had running from her
muzzle and down her stomach past her belly button. But, after something like that, she figured she was
doing well to even still be conscious.

Finally, after spitting up another small glob, she looked over at the group. The collected expression on all
their faces told her everything she needed to hear and she couldn't help but force a satisfied grin. What
she'd just done before them, not just now but throughout the entire night, they'd never experience
anything better for the rest of their lives. This had been the peak for them. She had provided them with
the best memory any of them would ever posses, no matter what. And to her, as their own toy and slave,
that was what she'd intended to do.
She brought her gaze back around and looked down at the white puddle beneath her, faintly noticing the
different tints of the liquids, knowing there was more than just semen in it. The fatigue was overwhelming
now and she wanted nothing more than to just go to sleep for the rest of the night. But the smallest
sensible part of her mind figured that wouldn't happen, not here anyways.

Yet despite those thoughts her body then gave in, no longer able to support itself after the acts it had
been forced to endure for such a long time. Yes she was in shape and yes she was strong, but to be put
through all that she'd just suffered....not even marathon runners would have envied her.

So it was because of those circumstances that she allowed herself to collapse, falling face first into the
pool of mixed secretions but not caring in the least. In fact, to some corners of her fucked up mind, this
was the perfect bed for the thing she'd become. It was a bed for a slave, for a whore and slut who did
nothing but fuck and please monsters for a living.

And, with one final conscious thought, she knew she wouldn't change any of it now.

Only faintly did she recall hearing them talking before she dozed off, their tones soft and almost caring
as they drew closer. She might have imagined them picking her up, and it might not have been a dream
she'd been having when her eyes opened and she found herself being washed in the hot springs by
three of them, but she wasn't sure.

All she was really aware of was being exhausted and used. But at the same time, satisfied.

The Krystal she had been a year ago....she was dead. She wasn't the friendly, nice, smart pilot on Team
StarFox anymore. She didn't wake up aboard GreatFox and think about walking into the kitchen to get
breakfast, or watching tv afterward, or even spending time with her friends. None of that was relevant
anymore, and at this point it was hardly even a memory.

Now, after endless potions and shots, countless mornings, afternoons, and evenings of sex and rape,
she had been morphed into an entirely different creature.

No, she wasn't Krystal. She was just a blue vixen, property of the Sharpclaw nation. She was there to
provide service to them the one way they all wanted it. And after enduring it for so long, she had finally
come to accept that. So much so that now...despite the small spec of sanity left in the back of her
mind....she actually longed for it.


Well, even though this was a combined effort we still like to think that each other did more work.
Regardless, it was rather tricky writing something like this with two people behind the keyboard, but
we've worked together in the past and hope this was a good first chapter.

Yes it was basically just sex and more sex, followed by sick stuff that wasn't really canon to the LoK
storyline, but that wasn't the point. The point was to do what the guy paying us asked, and making it look
decent in the process.
So just take it with a grain of salt and read on as we add another chapter before long.
2 - A Change In Her, and For Her

Author's Note: Okay, We're going to add to this because we got some good feedback. Thank you! Once
again, please forgive the mistakes and odd placement of words, it was written hastily.

Since we want to have moving plot in this story we're going to make the chapters a little shorter and try
to make it better. But what happened last chapter will most definitely come about again soon, if not
something much much worse for Krystal.


The following morning started off different, or at least it could have had she let it. After going through
what she had last night, after pleasing so many of them that way, she'd only been able to stay conscious
long enough to recall being picked up and carried off. They'd bathed her before putting her back in her
bed, something she'd never expected from these creatures. And then, to add to the oddness of it, they'd
let her sleep in an hour or so later than normal before the sound of her cage door opening roused her
from sleep.

Still sore and exhausted from the night before she barely managed to roll over and face the sharpclaw
warrior standing in the doorway, only to mentally sigh in fatigue as she noticed there were two of them
rather than one. But whereas she expected them both to step forward and have their way with her, they
instead brought forth three plates full of food, stepping forward until they were at her bed and placing
them down beside her.

She had risen at this, looking hungrily over the food and readying herself to demolish it, but holding
back. Her mind told her that, as had been the case for the past year, she'd have to get off the two
sharpclaw standing beside her before they'd let her eat. So she instead looked up at them both, her eyes
bland and tired as she waited for the traditional sound of their armor hitting the ground as they revealed
themselves. never happened. Instead she only felt a clawed hand rest on the top of her head,
issuing a few scratches behind her ear and causing her to sit up straighter.

They chuckled at this before a loud voice came from outside, causing them both to stiffen and quickly
turn towards the exit. Yet just before they left the sharpclaw who'd scratched her head turned back and,
to the best of his ability, said something that actually caused her to feel brief sadness at their departure.


It was then that she realized he was one of the two dozen from the night before, and perhaps that was
why he had a look of what could almost be called respect in his eyes. And had she not been starving
she might have thought about it a little longer, but no sooner had they left did the vixen look over the
three trays before her. One had more oatmeal in it, though this time it looked clean through and through,
and better prepared than usual. Beside that was a plate with five or six slabs of cooked meat that she
didn't know, or care to know, what animal it came from. And lastly there was a stack of biscuit-like
pastries, with a large cup of water alongside it.
There was a reason behind this change, but as of right then she didn't care. This was the best morning
she'd had in a years time and she intended on enjoying it for however long she could. Yes, had she
thought over the sharpclaw's words she would have probably wondered what he'd meant by saying
'goodbye' to her, but as noted, she just didn't care. She'd do whatever they made her, as had been the
case for the past year. And while she was eating somewhere in her subconscious there was a thought
screaming at her that something bad was coming her way and that she needed to try to avoid it.

But that thought was overshadowed by an even more powerful one. A thought that made her smile to
herself as she chewed up the oatmeal and swallowed it.

“It's missing something.” she softly murmured, taking a drink and imagining the morning before and
what the creature had done to her food.


Her subconscious had been right. An hour after eating her breakfast and laying back down to rest, they
came for her. Though she felt ready for the day now. She was rested up and full of much more food than
they'd ever given her, and she almost had an excited feeling towards doing it all again today. Last night
had truly snapped the final string of restraint she'd managed to hold onto all this time, and now she just
wanted to see if she could do the same thing again.

The chance wouldn't present itself though, at least not for a while. Rather than following custom and
walking her through the forest towards another clan or tribe, they instead forced her up into the back of a
large wagon. It was new to her but the idea of not having walk was far too appealing to question. The
way she saw it they were probably just taking her farther away today because word had gotten around at
how great she was at what she'd become.

So she climbed into the large wagon and went straight for the back, just being able to see the head of
the sharpclaw warrior at the front who was driving the team of beasts pulling it. Part of her had always
wondered why these sharpclaw were so primitive when she knew they possessed far greater technology
across the planet, but she just figured it had been a slow process and hadn't reached them yet.
Regardless, they'd perfected their tribal lifestyle. She waited under the canopied shade of the wagon for
a few minutes longer before the sharpclaw that had brought her forth from her cell climbed up into

Seconds later another entered, and another, and even one more, all the while they tossed large bags of
gear, weapons, and supplies in the back.

One by one they sat down around the vixen, a dark look on their faces as they imagined what would
transpire during their long trip. She could tell none of them had been a part of what had went down last
night, though they might have heard about it. Either way that look wasn't in their eyes. They thought of
her the same way most of them did, not that she cared. In fact, it didn't seem to bother her in the least.
Her common sense told her she'd be stuck with them for a few hours at least, but after last night, after
going through all of that, the idea of only having to put up with four of them seemed like child's play.

From behind her she heard the crack of a whip, followed by the jerk of the wagon as they started their
trek. She didn't bother trying to figure out which direction they were leaving the camp in, and even if she
had her concentration wouldn't have been kept long. The sharpclaw on her left wasted no time in
grabbing her arm and tossing her down into the bed of the large carriage, which might have been as
wide as the vixen was tall. Seconds later she was on her knees, slowly and calmly looking around as
she watched the four of them removed their crotch plates and revealed their excitement.

Figuring it best to not waste time she got started instantly. She reached forward and took one in each
hand, running her paws up and down the shafts and almost shuddering in pleasure at the thought of
having two things as big as this pounding away at her. She tried to get her hand to close around them
completely, but as had been the case all year long, they were just too wide. So instead she gripped the
sides and firmly massaged the massive tools, making sure to flick her tail up over her back, knowing the
other two sharpclaw behind her were patiently watching.

Timidly she brought the two in her hands together until their heads nearly touched, before leaning
forward and managing to force an inch or so into her maw. Their eyes widened in surprise at this, but
that was soon replaced with a knowing look and she realized then that they definitely had heard about all
she'd done last night. That being the case it was no surprise that they stood up at this, each placing one
hand on the wooden framework of the canopy to steady themselves, while putting their other behind her

Her throat still hurt from the unreal acts it had suffered the night before, but if anything it was broken in.
Which was a good thing considering the two before her wasted absolutely no time forcing another few
inches into her mouth, almost immediately choking her as their heads hit the back of her throat. Then
she felt another presence from behind her, just barely noticing as she was lifted off the floor and the
huge body of a sharpclaw slid beneath her. Of course he was too large to lay down in the wagon bed,
and since that was the case he wasted no time in placing the tip of his throbbing meat against her sore
channel and slamming forward, getting a moan of pain and pleasure from her.

He then place a hand on each side of her ass and, after barking an order at the others, they stepped
around until they were standing length wise in the wagon. This allowed the beast below her to lay down
completely as he began to grumble in satisfaction with every thrust. All the while she could only pop her
tongue out beneath the two tools slammed into her throat, allowing both her saliva and their pre-release
to run down her chin and between each thrust. Of course it wasn't long before the fourth and final one
had positioned himself behind her, getting down on his knees and smirking in amusement as he looked
over the small dime sized hole that his fist sized cock was about to ruin.

Once more she could only moan in painful pleasure as she felt the force of his entry spread her open,
resting above his friend's. He wasted little time though before inching forward and jerking out, each time
working a little more of himself deeper into her tail hole, until finally she could feel the entire ten inches of
his hot member buried up inside of her.

That was another thing she'd not been able to do upon her arrival. But over the months she'd been
forced to change for them, and although the width of her orifices never changed, that didn't mean the
depth didn't. And unlike her first time, where she'd only managed to get six, maybe seven inches inside
of her, she was now able to take ten, possibly twelve. And she was damn proud of it.

She felt the two behind her catch a rhythm and before long their jackhammer thrusts were offsetting
each other, something that nearly drove her wild with pleasure. All the while she continued to look up at
the two towering creatures before her as they held onto her ears and worked their conjoined members
down her throat. It was still unbelievable that she was able to do this, and how it literally hadn't killed her
the night before she still didn't know. Part of her credited the potions they made her drink, figuring it had
done something to her body's ability to expand and stretch, but she wasn't sure.

But whatever it was, she was grateful, for without it she'd have probably died by now.

In and out the four of them went, all the while the sound of the wagon rolling along the bumpy trial
coming from the outside. Minutes passed and before long she felt the usual stiffening that came with
their nearing climaxes, making her inwardly smile as she knew they hadn't lasted even a fourth of the
time the group last night had. So she clenched her rear and pussy even tighter, getting a low roar of
pleasure from the two of them behind her as she locked onto their tools, while at the same time her
hands found their way up to the two pistons in her mouth.

Teasingly her paws went to the bases of their members, squeezing and sliding on them for a few
seconds before going even further back and down until she cupped their two large sacks. She then
began massaging and groping them, once more inwardly smirking at the moans of satisfaction and
amazement coming from them as they took in the little blue creature. She kept this up for a minute of so
until they had swelled to their max, telling her that these two, and the two fucking away at her lower half
as well, were ready to blow their loads any second now.

They continued to quicken their pace at her every orifice, causing her to use a years worth of experience
to work her body right where it needed to be worked in order to time it all just right. Her hands made their
way around the bodies of the two fucking her throat, their large forms only allowing her to reach a foot or
so around, but knowing it would be enough. She pulled against them and forced them to go even deeper
than before, getting a growl of amazement in response as she felt the both of their members issue a
deep, throat stretching, throb before they pulled back and gave one final united thrust.

She only pulled against them even harder at this, making sure to bury their meat sticks down her throat
as far as possible as she felt their hot loads fill up her stomach. The release was nothing like the
previous night, and she expected that. Even so she couldn't keep herself from finally pulling back after
the final spurt had left them, only to bury their shrinking members in her throat once more, just to make
sure she'd milked them of every single drop.

Finally she released their sides, the two warriors instantly falling back into their seats and shooting each
other a look of disbelief before looking over at her. The vixen only met their gazes and smiled before
running her tongue around her muzzle opening her mouth wide to prove there was nothing left. After
another second of bragging about what she'd so easily done she turned her attention back towards the
two working at her lower half, having almost forgotten about them during the oral climax.

She looked down at the sharpclaw beneath her before grinning at the expression of struggle on his face
as he tried to hold out as long as he could. She allowed herself to fall forward until she was laying on top
of him before running a paw down her stomach until it rested above her channel. Timing it perfect she
managed to get two fingers on each side of his member, grinning in satisfaction as he moaned in
pleasure from the even tighter squeeze she'd put on him because of this.
It wasn't but a few seconds later until she felt him give one final deep thrust before burying himself
completely in her spread hole. She could feel his load running up inside of her and curled her toes in
contentment at the act, loving the feeling that came with knowing she'd fucked such a large creature with
her small body.

He remained buried for a few seconds longer before finally pulling out and looking up at her. What he did
then surprised her, as she felt his snout meet her own, forcing her mouth open as he kissed her. Of
course she wasted no time in kissing him back, already reveling in the feeling of his huge tongue running
down her throat and around her mouth. All the while the jackhammer-like thrusts from his friend
continued in her ass, growing in intensity until she was finally jerked back towards as he gave one final
massive lung forward, burying himself as deep inside of her as possible.

Her eyes widened in surprise at this, locking on to the sharpclaw's beneath her as she continued to force
open her maw and allow his tongue to run rampant in her mouth. She once more felt the all too familiar
feeling of hot dinosaur cum filling up one of her holes, and yet again there came a sense of satisfaction
with it as she heard him let out a sigh of exhaustion before pulling out and sitting back against the wall of
the wagon.

At this her ass was allowed to fall from it's elevated position, now resting above the limp, hot member of
the sharpclaw she remained on top of. He continued to orally play with her for a few seconds longer
before chuckling and pulling away, allowing the vixen to rest her head on his chest as she tried to catch
her breath. But as the seconds turned into minutes, and as she expected one of them to make a move,
nothing happened. Which told her one of two things.

Either she'd fucked the hell out of them, or, they had plenty of time with her and weren't in any rush.

Not really caring either way she continued to rest her head against the sharpclaw's chest beneath her,
getting a small tingling of excitement as she felt his huge form beneath and realizing she'd been able to
take it. Slowly her hands made their up until they were resting around his neck, and as minutes passed
and she felt his breathing grow slower, she knew he was asleep.

So she followed suit.


How long she slept, and how many of them had been sleeping, she wasn't sure. But it definitely
re-energized her. When she'd woken she noticed she wasn't laying over the same sharpclaw as before,
but rather on a padded cover in the corner of the wagon. Stifling a yawn she sat up and looked around, it
taking her mind a few seconds before she realized the wagon had stopped and the sharpclaw were

Not knowing what else to do she stood up and stretched before making her way to the back of the
wagon and poking her head out through the tarp. Immediately she had to narrow her gaze to see past
the brightness of day, but once it cleared she was able to look over her surroundings.

Where they were now, she had no clue. They were still on a path, only off to the side, but as for the
forest and anything all looked as unknown to her as it always had. At hearing one of
their voices she looked to the left, then seeing her four escorts, and the one who'd been driving, sitting in
the grass and enjoying their lunch. Without thinking she stepped forward and down onto the ground,
immediately catching their attention. And for the smallest of moments there was worry in their eyes as
each of them expected her to run.

But that worry was soon demolished as she put on a small smile and padded through the grass and over
to their circle before sitting down between two of them. The five exchanged yet another surprised glance
before one of them finally muttered something, causing the rest to shrug and nod in agreement.
Seconds later she found herself chewing on a large drumstick and drinking out of a cup of water as she
made the best out of her stay with them.

She had changed since being taken captive by them. That much was obvious.

But lately, even 'that' part of her had changed. Beforehand, for the last few months, she'd accepted what
her life was, but there had still been the possibility of escaping, there had always been that 'want to' in
the back of her mind. But now, either because of what had happened last night and how they had
treated her, or just because she'd been there so long, that feeling was gone.

Yes, if they gave her the option she'd leave. But if they didn't, she wouldn't fight them. Things weren't
that bad for her, at least that's what her warped mind had come to think. They fed her and gave her a
place to live and, as of late, they treated her with more respect. Not much, but more. And she knew why.
The more eager she was to please them, the quicker she gave in and just did what she needed to, the
better it was. It wasn't like that for all of them, but the ones from last night, and these here before her,
they were exclusions.

They knew what she was to the Sharpclaw nation. But they also knew she was a living breathing animal,
one which they could, and had, felt empathy for.

Which explained why they fed her now, and why they offered her more food when she finished with what
she had. It explained why they smiled and gave her looks she'd never caught before, looks of protection
and care.

And that explained why she did what she did afterward. That explained why, as they finished eating,
she'd crawled up to them, one by one, and pulled away their loin guards, once again taking them all by
surprise but getting no objections. That explained why they had let her do all the work, and why she'd
lovingly sucked them all off as a means of thanking them for feeding her and treating her in a way she'd
almost all but forgotten about.

It wasn't crazy or lust driven like it had been back in the wagon earlier. This time it was just her love for
their race and what they had to offer her. It was her mouth teasingly resting on the tip of one of their
large pink erections as she ran her tongue around it before slowly popping it into her maw and playing
with it. It was her hands moving along their bodies as she diligently worked to satisfy the five of them as
best she could with her mouth, all the while her eyes telling them all that they could take her lower half
any time they chose and she wouldn't fight it.

But, as if they respected her initiative, none of them made that move. Instead, when she started on the
first of them, the others had only watched for a few seconds in quiet admiration before returning to the
task of loading their stuff back into the wagon. Yet as soon as she finished with the first she walked over
to the next closest one she could find, grabbing his arm and turning him around in surprise as her paws
slid down to his waist and exposed his quickly hardening tool. Once again she showed her gratitude to
them by using her small mouth to satisfy the creature.

Within a few minutes she'd managed to complete that task as well, only to follow him to the wagon and
climb inside as they resumed their journey. But location changed nothing and for the next twenty
minutes she made sure that the other three got their reward as well, all the while the vixen enjoying both
the looks of surprise and admiration they gave her, and the taste of their gooey cream that she'd grown
to absolutely love over the course of the past year.

She even went so far as to climb up to the front with the driver, loving the look of amazement he shot her
as she leaned over him and started to work, knowing he'd probably been feeling disheartened at being
left out. But she wouldn't have let that happen. It was only fair, in her eyes, that they all got what was
coming to them for feeding her back there. That was how it worked in her mind now, they'd drilled that
into her head every morning at breakfast, and pretty much every time she ever ate anything.

To get food she must pay for it, and since she didn't have money she had to use the one thing she had
left. The one thing that was worth more to them than almost anything else they possessed, and that was
her body.

So, after finishing off the last of them and crawling back into the wagon, she'd shot them all a look of
curiosity, eagerly wanting to know if anyone needed anything else. They exchanged a few words and
chuckles, and she couldn't help but yawn as she awaited an answer from them. However she
immediately regretted allowing that to happen, knowing they'd seen it. It was because of that, because
she'd showcased her fatigue, that one of them rose and stepped the few feet to the back of the wagon
before picking up a bag and pulling out another blanket and pillow.

He then stepped past his three sitting comrades until he was by her, kneeling down and placing the
sleeping accommodations on top of the ones she'd previously had, before standing back up and nodding
at her.

But as he turned away she couldn't help but reach out and grab his wrist, her changed mind thinking far
differently than it once had as she realized what was happening.

To her it wasn't fair that they'd let her sleep. She wasn't there to sleep, she was there for them. Just
because she had yawned, and because they had seen it, they felt they should let her rest, but that's not
what she wanted. In her head the only objective she was focused on was making sure each and every
one of these animals before her was happy and satisfied. And as the reptile turned and looked back
down at her, as he caught the unsure look in her eyes and allowed a small grin to tug on his lips, she
knew he understood.

But that didn't change the outcome. Instead she felt the beast lift her up and place her down on the mat,
making sure to lay the pillow beneath her before stepping back and looking her over.

“Rest.” he said roughly, causing her to wish she'd learned more of their language.
He shot her a final calm look before turning and making his way back to his seat, all the while his friends
harboring a similar pleased look on their face as they nodded at her before turning their conversation

It wasn't what she wanted, but they'd made her that way over time. She knew she needed to rest, and
she'd do it, but the whole time she knew what her dreams would be about. She knew they'd center
around the group of five here, or the two dozen from yesterday or, if she was lucky, all of them at once,
and she'd be more than content with such a sleep. At least she could satisfy them in her mind, if not in
real life.

But the opportunity she thought she wanted was drawing closer with every minute and within the next
day, unbeknownst to her, she be going up against a challenge unlike any other.


Author's Note: Okay! Not as twisted and exciting as the first chapter but we decided that we would like to
create a decent plot to keep the story going so it's not just one big huge sex scene. But we will also try
not to bore anyone. There's something pretty good coming up so please keep reading!
3 - A New Outlook On Life

NOTE: We had this chapter finished a week ago but every time we tried to upload it to the site it would
come out as a HUGE block of text with no paragraphs at all. Fortunately, after a week of trying, we seem
to have conquered that problem.

We're rather content with how the story is going so far, despite the first chapter that was basically a
fuck-fest. The guy laying out the stuff he wants to happen decided that a plot would be a good idea so
while we're going to continue the basic stuff there's also going to be some progress made. Not just one
big smut story, as much as some of you would probably like that. Anyways, first two chapters are down
and here's the third.

Ironically enough, this one is mainly sex. But at the end there's a big change for the better...or
worst....depends on who you are.


At first she had thought they were taking her a good distance away to another tribe or clan, one that was
beyond walking distance but not terribly so. But as the hours passed and the wagon wheels continued to
turn up until the sunset, she realized that perhaps her journey would take her farther than she'd
expected. They had to be close to fifty miles from her original 'home' by now, but of course that didn't
really bother her. One place was a good as the other for her concerning what she'd be doing when they
got there, so she couldn't have cared less.

In fact the only thing she really chose to focus on that night had been repeating what had become a
ritualistic process in her life. Just as the sun had begun to fall beneath the horizon they had stopped and
made camp, doing so in such a manner that the still sleeping vixen hadn't noticed they'd stopped until
the smell of food managed to rouse her from her slumber. Then, as she'd done earlier that day, she
made her way to the back of the wagon, throwing open the tarp and looking over at the fire the five
sharpclaw had made as they sat around it and ate.

Once again she climbed down and made her way over to them, enjoying the amused and kind looks
they shot her as she stepped up to them. She had only looked them over the shortest of moments
before picking out the one she'd fallen asleep on earlier that day, making her way over to him and
running her paw along his snout before turning and sitting down in his lap. At this she heard him let out a
growl of surprise and happiness as the vixen leaned back against him and took the food he generously
handed her.

It was beyond tolerable now. Her life was closer to 'normal' than she'd ever thought it could be for her
with these creatures. As of now, to be doing this with them and for them to be okay with it, for them to
treat her with kindness and respect because of what she did, she loved every second. They didn't eye
her naked body with looks of lust and darkness like so many others did, in fact the expressions they
wore reflected more of something similar to 'love' that anything else. Which told her not to worry about
them. Not to fear being snuck up on from behind and raped like so many of them had done to her
before. Not to be concerned about a rough, painful, tear-jerking gangbang from this group that she'd
experienced one a weekly basis for the past year.

No, the only thing it told her was that she could trust them. They were feeding her and taking care of her,
which meant a lot considering the uninhabited part of the planet they were currently in. So it wasn't fear
she felt for them as she ate and caught the kind looks of respect they shot her, but rather gratitude.
Eventually they all finished eating and laid back, each of them clearly tired and full, ready to sleep and
continue their trek the next day. But before they could do that....before she'd let them anyways....they
had to get what was coming to them.

To say she was obsessed with these creatures was an overstatement, but to say she loved getting to do
this to them was about as accurate as anything else. She craved the taste that came with their
excitement, she relished crawling over to each and every one of them after eating, smiling at the looks of
surprise and satisfaction they wore as she pulled away their garments and exposed their quickly
stiffening members before quickly and lovingly getting to work. She saw nothing wrong with any of it,
only that it was just her way of saying 'thank you' for them treating her the way she'd wanted to be
treated for the past year.

As another animal. As a living breathing creature who had feelings as well.

Yes she'd be their slave, she'd do anything and everything they asked of her, not that she really had a
choice. But that they'd looked past that and actually shown her respect and concern and 'offered' that
choice for her anyways, it had given her all the motivation and willpower she'd ever need to keep doing
what she was doing, at least to these five.

So over the course of that hour she'd repeated what had happened earlier that day after lunch. She
worked her mouth as skillfully and playfully around each of their tools as she knew how, not allowing any
of them to sit up, insisting that she do all the work. One by one she'd straddled, bringing a paw up to her
head and grabbing a handful of hair as she slid down on their length, this time actually getting to work
towards getting a satisfying fuck out them. Unlike most occasions where they did all the work, where
they proceeded to just forcing her to take their barrage until they were pleased, this time it was different.
Now she got to take control, now she was the one with a look of power and lust on her face as she used
HER toys.

So within the confines of the next sixty minutes she had rewarded their hospitality, rising and falling on
the length of each of every one of their tools until they all had been milked dry for the night. Afterward,
as if wanting to remind her they cared for her, a couple of them fetched some blankets and pillows for
her, placing them along the fire and a few feet away from the group of five who slept almost side by side.
But after laying down for only five or so minutes she found herself restless and, after wasting another
few minutes trying to get comfortable, she knew something would have to change before she'd get any
sleep. Knowing what it would take she rose and stepped around the banked fire, making her way over to
the closest giant form of one of the sharpclaw.

He had only enough time to look up at her before the vixen had laid down beside him, scooting up
against her body up against his and resting her muzzle under his neck. She waited another few seconds
before finally smiling as she felt his massive arm fall around her and pull her close. Now she loved their
scent, she craved being around them and their kind, and this time was no exception. To actually be
sleeping with a sharpclaw warrior in a sense that wasn't him fucking her, it was yet another first, but it
only strengthened her love for them.

They accepted her. They cared for her, and she cared for them, and with that thought on her mind it was
no trouble at all for her to close her eyes and drift off to sleep.

There was still a faint spec of sanity in her mind from her old self, screaming at her to snap out of it and
try to escape. Trying to make her realize just how sick she had become in the head and what her life had
become. But she didn't indulge it. Whether it had something to do with the potions and shots they
pumped her body full of, or just the non-stop barrage of sex and rape she'd endured for twelve long
months, but something had pushed her past the point of no return. Her mind didn't work like it used to.
Instead it chose accept her fate and focus on doing the best it could to make her new life tolerable.

And now, looking at the vixen as she contently slept among the very same beasts that had enslaved her,
one couldn't help but think that it had succeeded.


Apparently the introduction of free-sleep to her life had a bigger impact on the vixen than she knew.
Before, it had been a constant every day thing to get up at the same time and endure the same acts and
go throughout the day doing the same exact things to the very same creatures, over and over and over.
So now, traveling with this group of sharpclaw warriors who seemingly had grown fond of her, it was no
surprise that they'd once again allowed her to sleep as long as she liked.

Which she couldn't believe. Every day for the past year she'd been yanked from her sleep and forced to
almost immediately get back to pleasing these beasts, her body still worn out and abused from the day
before and nowhere near up to the challenge. But now, as she slowly woke to the calming sound of the
wagon moving along the road, she once again felt shock and slight happiness overcome her as she
realized what they'd done, or, hadn't done.

She blinked a few times, shaking the sleepiness away from her as the dim light of the sun tried to get
past the white leather tarp that covered the wagon. From below her she could hear a couple of her
new-found lovers talking back and forth, a relaxed and bored tone accompanying their unknown
language as they tried to pass the time. Slowly she rose up into a sitting position, not being able to hold
back a smile as, one by one, they looked over at her. She brought her arms above her head and
stretched, allowing a yawn to escape her and quickly catching the looks of wanting in their eyes as they
watched her breasts perk forward.

Had any of them wanted to they could have stepped forward and proceeded to having their way with her
right then and there, and judging by the faint look in their eyes she knew that was something they all
were considering. It had been customary for this blue fox to relieve them all of their 'tension' first thing
every morning, yet they'd overlooked that. To them she had been too beautiful to wake, which had been
why they'd quietly packed up camp and continued on their journey, allowing her to sleep as long as she

Even now, as she crawled over to them and sat down on the floor between the legs of the closest
sharpclaw, they first chose to offer her a few pieces of bread and a jug of water, both of which she

In her mind there was only one thing she was hungry for. It was the same thing she'd been used to
eating every time she'd woken up for the past year, and today wasn't about to be an exception. So
instead of taking the food they offered her the vixen turned around, now sitting on her knees between
the legs of that same sharpclaw. She looked up at him with a small grin as she pressed her muzzle
against the inside of his leg, slowly running it and her tongue up his torso until she reached the
customary groin guard they all wore.

Seconds later he'd helped her pop it off, his large tool only halfway erect as it fell out before her, causing
the vixen to growl in approval as she took a deep inhale. Slowly she brought her nose to the base of his
tool, allowing her tongue to fall out and teasingly lap across his sack before finally running it up his entire
length. The growl of arousal this got from him only caused her to repeat the same act a few times more
before finally smirking in satisfaction. Then, knowing the act was probably driving the others wild, she
brought her paws to her rear, spreading her cheeks apart and showcasing both her holes to the
sharpclaw behind her.

Before the next minute was out she found herself back in her haven, her mouth diligently working up and
down on one of them while she remained on all fours above another, moaning in pleasure as he lovingly
fucked into her pussy. Still not completely satisfied though she once again a paw to her backside,
teasingly working a finger inside her tail hole, all the while knowing another waiting sharpclaw warrior
was watching. This went on a for a few moments longer, the onlooker holding back for some reason,
until the vixen finally pulled away from the tool in her throat, turning her head and issuing a lust-filled
moan towards the watching beast.

She looked down at his hands, noticing they were clenched in restraint as his claws dug into the wooden
board he was sitting on. Of course that didn't hide the monstrous erection that was pushing his loin
guard up into the air half a foot, causing the vixen to feel pity for him. She opened her paw, bringing her
forefinger back and forth as she signaled for him to join in on the fray. At this he finally gave in and, after
quickly tossing away his article of clothing, found himself placing a large hand on each side of her rear.

The all too common feeling of a hot throbbing sharpclaw member against her small hole caused the
vixen to shiver in excited anticipation. Quickly she looked back around though, finding the tool she'd
pulled from her mouth and placing her muzzle underneath it, teasingly running her tongue along it's
length once again before finally taking the head back into her maw. Almost simultaneously the
sharpclaw from behind entered her anus, her tiny little hole stretching wide to accommodate the inches
of width that came with her newest entree.

At this she couldn't help but moan out in orgasmic pleasure, feeling her own excitement release and run
down onto the member that continued to work away at her cunt. But she didn't waver because of it,
rather quickening her pace and working harder to please the three, all the while looking around for any
sign of the fourth warrior she knew had been there.

But the longer she looked the more sure she became that he wasn't there anymore, which would have
struck her as odd had her concentration not been rattled away with another maddening simultaneous
thrust from below. Knowing she could get to him later the vixen turned her attention back to the task at
hand, looking at what was happening to her, not as an act of slavery, but one of love and passion.
Lovingly she worked her body against the two sharpclaw behind her, their large members stretching her
small holes to the max and filling her just as deep as ever, driving her closer and closer to another
orgasm. All the while her mouth continued to greedily suck on the meat in her throat, the vixen easily
working her head down the sharpclaw's entire length before backing off, only to do so again and again.

It was perhaps the first foursome she'd endured that she actually wanted. This was fun for her, this was
pleasure not pain. It was love, not hate. These three creatures had no intention of doing this to her,
though they had wanted it. But it had been her and her alone that had suggested this and now, as the
minutes passed and their thrusts became faster and deeper, she knew she wouldn't ever regret it.

Another few minutes passed before the first of them finally peaked, the fox bringing her paws around the
legs of the beast that sank his length down her throat one final time before releasing his load. Eagerly
she worked her tongue along his tool, bobbing her head back and forth and refusing to allow the
creature to pull away until she was sure he'd offered her every single drop he could. Finally he fell back,
looking down at her with an expression of love and disbelief at what she'd put him through. Her only
response was running her tongue around her muzzle before opening her maw and showing him she'd
not let an ounce escape her.

Afterward she looked down at the one beneath her, biting her lip in pleasure and falling down on his
chest as he buried his entire length up inside of her channel. Her paws fell to each side of his head as
he climaxed, the vixen forcing his mouth open as she demanded his tongue explore her throat, all the
while the deep throbbing of his tool emptying it's contents into her stomach. Another minute went by
before he finally eased his hips back down and allowed his shrunken member to fall from her channel,
the vixen shivering in pleasure as she felt her own release follow afterward and run both climaxes down
onto the creature beneath her.

From behind the final remaining one continued to fuck into her ass, his large member all but impossible
for her to take entirely, and nearly driving her crazy as she tried to endure both it, and the mouth of the
sharpclaw she continued to kiss. She felt his hands make their way up her stomach until the rested
above each of her tender nipples, softly grabbing each and issuing a playful squeeze, causing her to
moan in pleasure and allowing his huge tongue to slip down her throat. But the feeling only seemed to
drive her even closer to the brink of insanity as she felt the faint warm feeling of her own milk work its
way out of her mounds.

Seeing this the beast stopped, still lovingly kissing her but also shooting her a look of concern as he
noticed her body's change. Her response however almost immediately removed that look as she felt for
his hands and returned them to their place above her breasts, making sure that he continued work the
tits of the lactating fox. From behind her she felt the final remaining sharpclaw give a low groan before
issuing a few more thrusts and burying himself as deeply inside of her as he could, causing her to let out
a muffle scream of passion.

A shudder of ecstasy ran throughout her body as she felt herself climax from the act, pulling away from
the sharpclaw she had been kissing and bringing a paw to her soaked channel, all the while the monster
below her continued to knead and grope her breasts, allowing streams of milk to shoot from them and
onto the wagon bed. All the while the sharpclaw behind her remained plunged as far as his length would
allow, emptying his sack into her rear and staying there for a few seconds more before finally easing out,
her tail-hole snapping shut afterward.
It was as he began to step back that she stopped him, reaching back and grabbing his hand, while at the
same time bringing her other paw up from her pussy and reaching over to the other sharpclaw. They
heeded her request and, after getting on each side of her, the vixen issued one final loving kiss to the
animal beneath her before sitting up and leaning back against the wall, panting in excitement as she
neared yet another climax.

Still holding the hand of a sharpclaw on both her sides she pulled them closer until they fell to her knees,
each harboring a look of willingness and eager excitement as they awaited her orders. She then snaked
her hands up their chests and around their necks, pulling them both further down until their large size
required they get on their stomachs. Afterward she pulled them up against her, leading their snouts right
for her two lactating mounds and allowing a shiver of passion-filled anticipation to shake her entire

Seconds later they figured out what she wanted of them and the vixen could only cry out in excitement
and pull their heads even closer as she felt both their mouths latch on to her tender nubs, immediately
sucking at them and drinking the milk they were putting forth. Then she spread her legs open as wide as
she possibly could, having not forgotten about the beast she'd been kissing earlier, and knowing he
could be put to good use. She watched as he took in the sight of her spread channel, dripping with
excitement and wanting as she moaned in desperation for someone to satisfy her. Thankfully her torture
lasted a short time and she watched in relief as that same sharpclaw fell on his stomach and rested his
snout between her thighs, his hot exhales causing her to thrash her head left and right in passion, all the
while pulling even rougher on the heads of the two beasts who were milking her breasts.

Finally, as if he'd known waiting any longer would have driven her mad, she felt the creature's huge
tongue enter her channel, only to pull out and then commence to tortuously running up and around her
clit. Her grip on the two at her sides only tightened even more as she felt her channel spread wide to
allow his tongue to go deeper, it's rough surface against her tender flesh putting her on the edge of
insanity with every stroke and lick. Her head continued to thrash left and right and her tongue hung
freely from her mouth as she panted and moaned in ecstasy from the acts being done upon her.

This was how to please a female fox the way she wanted. This wasn't just great fucking, this was
pleasure. This was them doing what she demanded, and flawlessly at that.

The large mouths on her tits continued to pull on her mounds and she could easily feel the milk as it shot
from her tits in spurts. Only this time it didn't hurt, the pleasure and lust made sure of that. Now it wasn't
an unnatural act, it was just her own arousal getting the better of her, and nearly driving her crazy in the

It might been another two minutes before she was finally unable to hold back the building orgasm within
her. She had to release the two beasts at her sides, trusting them to continue their job of working the
milk from her lactating buds, before she brought her paws to the back of the head of the one working on
her hot peaking cunt. She spread her legs even further, allowing him to go deeper and deeper with his
long tongue, driving her closer and closer with every moan and cry of ecstasy, until it finally became too
much for her to handle.

Using all the strength she had the vixen pulled against the sharpclaw's head, burying his snout up in her
pussy and then wrapping her legs tightly around him to ensure he remained there until she was finished.
At the same time, as if knowing she was climaxing, she felt the two at her breasts deepen their inhales,
pulling sharply at her mounds and causing large streams of her milk to shoot into their throats.

She merely moaned in unbelievable pleasure throughout the act, an orgasmic shiver running across her
body as she felt her own release run from her channel and into the mouth of the sharpclaw below her.
Eagerly he lapped away at it, drinking up every drop that she had to offer him and allowing her to hold
his head in place long after her body issued it's final ecstatic twitch.

Afterward things grew quiet, the only sound now being the faint slurping that came with every suckle the
two sharpclaw made on her tits. She shakily brought her hands back up from the creature at her crotch,
allowing him to sit back up and run his tongue around his snout, shooting her a look of curiosity, which
she returned with a satisfied grin. Before long her hands were back around the heads of the two beasts
at her sides, gently holding them in place as they continued to lovingly drink away at the vixen's nectar.

It was somewhere within the next five minutes of that, of letting them switch out between the three of
them and continue to consume the milk her large breasts produced, that another first-time thought
crossed her mind. A year ago she would have been horrified at thinking such a thing but now, as she
looked down at the two beasts who suckled at her mounds, she couldn't help but idealize the possibility
of it.

Of having their children. To be able to further prove to them all that she could become a part of their
culture and please them in more ways than just sex. She imagined a sharpclaw child, birthed from her
own womb, lacking nothing in strength or appearance compared to every other one of their young,
sucking at her breasts, being raised by her. Being her child.

Once again, to that small remaining trace of sanity in her mind, it was sickening and insane for her to
think such a thing. But as before it wasn't enough to contest her thoughts and she ignored it. Her mind
didn't work that way, especially not as it looked down at the two gentle giants beneath her that calmly
continued to suck away at the milk her body had to offer. Now, after all she'd endured, she found the
sight nothing short of beautiful and longed for the chance to go further with it. With every suckle she kept
that same satisfied smile on her face, looking down at her lovers with care and happiness as they ate
away at her nubs.

It wasn't right, not in any aspect of civilized culture, for her to think and act like this. But considering no
one was coming to her rescue, or would be able to see what she'd become after all this time, she figured
it just didn't matter what she did anymore.

A half hour later the wagon came to a stop, the vixen looking down at the two sleeping sharpclaw who's
heads rested on her lap and smiling as they slowly awoke and looked around. From outside there came
a few mixed words and she then realized where the usual forth had been all this time....outside with the
driver. Somewhat disappointed that he'd missed out she stood along with her three guardians, looking
up at them all and smiling as they led her to the back of the wagon. She fell forward into the arms of the
first one, allowing him to catch her and set her down before turning back and taking a bag or two of
supplies from the others.

It was noon, second day of travel. Right now was lunch time and afterward they'd resume their journey
to wherever the hell it was they were going. She didn't really care, as had been the case before, and
honestly, considering how well they were treating her, she wouldn't have minded spending an entire
month just traveling along the road with these five. It was certainly a better life than what she'd been
used to living.

So while their destination was still unclear to her, her motives weren't. She glanced down at her breasts,
admiring their bright red nipples and the milk that still oozed out of them slowly. She knew what she
wanted to do, and considering she had a half hour or so until they'd get lunch ready, she figured she
could get it out of the way now.

It was only chance that they'd stopped near a hot spring, the vixen being able to hear the water falling
just through the treeline to their right. With that being the case she looked back around at her escorts,
quickly picking out the two that had missed out on all the action earlier and making her way to them.
There wasn't really much work required to set up a quick meal, so she knew the other three could handle
it. That on mind she first found the one who'd been driving, taking his hand in her own before leading
him across the clearing back towards the wagon where the other warrior was.

Bath? she spoke softly, hoping they'd understand.

The two of them exchanged a curious glance before looking back down at the naked fox. Figuring they
hadn't understood she looking behind them and found one of the empty cups they'd used for water
earlier, taking it and holding it over her head before turning it over and pouring out the imaginary water
she hoped they'd put there. Afterward she used her other paw to scrub her belly, indicating she was
washing herself.

It took a few seconds longer but finally one of them understood, letting out an 'ahh' of understanding
before muttering something to his friend.

Knacta. he spoke, turning back towards the vixen and allowing her to hand him the cup. Knacta is
bath. he added emphasis by mimicking her earlier action and pouring out the empty cup over her head,
causing the vixen to smile and nod in agreement.

She then turned and pointed in the same direction as the hot spring before looking back at them with a
hopeful, and even knowing, grin. Fortunately they figured out that part rather quickly and, after muttering
something to the other three, they allowed the vixen's paws to fall along the straps of their loin guards as
she led them across the clearing and towards the woods.

If nothing else, they understood her take on it all. The three that remained behind knew why she picked
those two in particular, neither of them having gotten in on the crazy action earlier that morning. And, as
always, she didn't see that as fair, regardless of how exhausted she already was. So it was with that
thought that they followed her the short distance into the woods, quickly coming up on the large pool of
naturally warm water, the vixen sighing in relief at the idea of getting to stand beneath the small waterfall
that ran from the side of cliff behind it.

Turning around she expertly removed their clothes and, with a giggle of amusement, grabbed each of
their tools in her paws before starting off into the water, each of them letting out a snort of surprise as
she did so. Seconds later they were shoulder high in the warm water and she could easily imagine her
fur regaining it's nice blue coat with every passing minute that spent there. But washing wasn't the first
thing on her mind, at least not herself. From both sides the sharpclaw stepped up, the vixen feeling an
immediate flutter of excitement race across her as she realized what they planned on doing.

From under the water she felt their members line up with both her holes, causing her to place her paws
on the shoulders of the one before her while at the same time bending her head back until her muzzle
was up against that of the one behind her. Softly she kissed him before slowly pulling away and smiling,
issuing them both a nod and moaning in pleasure as she felt each simultaneously spread her orifices
open to a crazy width after just an inch or two. She quickly brought her legs up and around the waist of
the sharpclaw in front of her, wrapping her arms around him and softly biting into his neck as he and his
friend buried themselves up inside of her.

It was as common a position to her as walking now. To be double penetrated by these large
would have been unbearable to any other creature of her size, it would have caused them to cry out in
pain and fight to get away, and she might have been that way the first few weeks as well. But now,
taking two of their mammoth tools at once, it was more relieving than anything else. She loved this
position, and she reflected such a feeling as she continued to cry out in pleasure with every thrust and
clench from below.

This wasn't the first time she'd performed such an act in water, but this 'was' the first time she'd done so
willingly. But that seemed to be the case for a lot of things lately. Up until a few days ago she'd never
really 'wanted' to do any of the acts they put her through, rather she'd just suffered them because she
had no choice. But after that night, that fateful night with those two dozen sharpclaw, something had
snapped within her and issued a change that, as seen now, only made things better for her.

She fucked them now. It wasn't the other way around.

And such an act went on for perhaps five minutes in the water, the two warriors going at a slow, loving
pace, steadily sliding themselves in and out of her holes, not trying to hurt the vixen through their
pleasure now, but rather please her. Eventually they succeeded too as after a few more minutes she felt
their holds on her tighten and their thrusts quicken, all the while their members swelled and forced her
open even further than before, causing her tongue to hang from her mouth as she panted in pleasure.

Right as they neared their peaks they got into a rhythm and rather than go in while the other went out,
they matched pace and, as luck would have it, slammed up into her with one final combined thrust
before releasing their loads. The vixen allowed her own release to escape as well, crying out in passion,
not able to recall if it was her fourth or fifth climax within the last hour and, but not caring either way.
Instead she remained buried to the hilt on each of their tools for a few seconds longer, leaning forward
and rasping her tongue across the chest of the sharpclaw before her as he let out one final grunt and
eventually pulled himself free.

His friend did so as well and stepped around until they were both before her. Not knowing what else to
do she leaned forward and issued a soft kiss to them both, smiling and running a paw down each of their
stomachs in thanks for pleasing her. They only grinned back before a faint call came from the camp and
pulled their attention back around. It had sounded sharp and rough and another one soon followed with
much stronger intensity, accompanied with a roar of pain. Immediately the two beasts before her took
off, all of them knowing that something was obviously wrong now.
She pricked her ears forward and waded after them, nowhere near as fast though. By the time she'd
gotten out of the water and to the edge of the woods she'd heard countless more roars, followed by the
sounds of metal clashing with metal and obvious scuffling. Timidly she crept through the trees, feeling
both concern and fear now as she realized her five friends were dealing with something that was
possibly life-threatening.

It wasn't until she neared the edge of the clearing and was able to look out at the wagon that she was
able to look over what was going down...or rather, what 'had' went down. Immediately she crouched
down behind a bush and poked her hear around, looking over their half-prepared camp and eyeing the
horrific damage that had been done. All too easily she saw the lifeless bodies of three of her former
escorts, their massive forms sprawled out across the unfinished camp site, blood trickling from each of
them, confirming their fate.

She narrowed her gaze and looked around for their attackers, surprised that she saw no one considering
seconds ago they have to of been all over the place. It wasn't until she heard a faint coughing that she
managed to pick out something living, or at least, still alive. She looked across the clearing towards the
wagon, perking her ears as another struggled cough reached her. Looking down she could faintly make
out the tail of one of the warrior sticking out from behind the carriage and, before her mind could stop
her, she found herself running across the clearing towards him.

Seconds later she was on her knees beside the creature, her eyes wide in worry as she looked over the
spear that ran from his chest. Timidly she reached forward, not knowing whether to pull it out or leave it
be, or if would even make a difference. To say that she was shaken up was about right. Nothing had
happened to her, but just the sight of seeing these five beasts, the same creatures who had taken her in
and shown her love and respect she'd never felt before, to look over their dead bodies and realize that
would be no hurt her.

Gently she reached out and placed her paw over the sharpclaw's hand, causing him to vaguely look over
at her, his eyes harboring traces of death as he took his last few breaths. Somehow he managed to
close his hand around hers, forcing a small smile before letting out a final shaky breath and giving up
altogether. The vixen could only bow her head, feeling honest pain and grievance for the loss of these
males, knowing that they'd treated her better than anyone else had in such a long time. Where they were
going didn't matter to her, she had just been happy to stay with creatures who loved her and accepted
her, and now those same animals were dead.

The time for mourning wouldn't last long though, and she should have figured as much. They all didn't
just up and die for no reason, they'd been ambushed and killed. But that hadn't stopped her from running
out into the clearing to check on them, and it hadn't kept her from ignoring the obvious fact that whoever
or whatever had done this was more than likely still out there, watching, possibly preparing to kill her.
But she didn't honestly think much on it.

It wasn't until she heard the bushes around the clearing simultaneously shake with movement that she
was able to look over the bastards who had killed her friends. One by one they stepped out and
surrounded her, the vixen slowly raising her gaze and looking around at the creatures responsible for
this all.
She had been subjected to countless acts over the past year at the hands of the sharpclaw nation, but
had grown stronger through it all. She liked to believe there wasn't anything their race could do to her
now that would actually strike fear into her, figuring she'd already suffered something worse during her
time of captivity. But right then, as she looked around the clearing at the beasts that surrounded her, she
knew she had been wrong. She 'did' feel fear then, and rightfully so. They were just more sharpclaw
warriors, but nothing like the ones she had been living with all this time.

These creatures were much bulkier and ravage looking, all of them easily a foot taller than any
sharpclaw she'd ever seen, and looking twice as dangerous and ferocious. They wore different attire,
more tribal-like if you would, and she could tell that compared to the primitive clans she'd been living with
the last twelve months that this group of warriors was much less advanced. They appeared much more
barbaric and emotionless, as if the kind she'd already been staying with wasn't like that already.

But comparing her usual captivators to these beasts made her previous sharpclaw owners look like
children and, as they closed in on the vixen, each of them harboring an evil, lust-filled look in their eyes,
she knew she was in for something entirely worse than her usual treatment. Where they would take her
she didn't know, and if she would live through it was also a question she didn't know the answer to. But
she was sure of one thing. If these creature's were anything like their slightly more advanced sharpclaw
brothers then they'd waste no time putting the vixen back into her old lifestyle.

Only this time they would be far less gentle and compassionate.

5 - Breaking Her

Author's Note: Between the two sites we uploaded this story we've gotten a lot of feedback and
responses. Since that is the case we decided to work on this more often than usual. Thanks for the
reviews and stuff, we're glad some people like this idea we've adopted for the storyline.


They could have killed her back at the wagon and left her there with the five sharpclaw she'd actually
managed to befriend and trust, and she would have been content with that. Her life was already more of
a neverending hell than she could have ever imagined. So for things to have started looking up for her,
for just a few days, it had given her hope that her life might not be as bad as she'd thought.

Then of course that all came crashing down around her.

They 'could' have killed her, but they didn't. And, having been subjected to their species' way of life for
the past year, she knew why. It was of no surprise to her that each of them hungrily eyed her
entire body as they led her through the woods and back towards their own camp. She knew what to
expect and, for some odd reason, she felt worried about it.

These sharpclaw weren't the same as the ones she'd grown used to. They were bigger. They were
tougher and harbored a darker look of evil and unkindness, causing their more civil rivals to seem almost
hospitable now that she compared the two. They were less advanced, but not much so. Their village
appeared to be much like the same one she'd been held captive in for the past few months, having
dozens upon dozens of large huts and stone laid houses, with a dirt road through the middle and
countless fireplaces in between it all.

What surprised her though was the number of them. It was as they marched back into the village that
she found herself making a mental census of their population, struggling to keep count as more and
more of them stepped out of their huts and into the street to view their newest visitor. Overall she
guessed there might have been 200 of them, give or take some. But even worse was the gender ratio.
During her quick head count she found that for just about every one female sharpclaw there was
probably ten more males surrounding them.

Quick math showed that, unless there were more of them hiding somewhere, this village was 90 percent
male, which wasn't good for her if they planned on using her the way she guessed.

They never stopped though, heading straight down the dirt road and obtaining and crowd of followers as
they went. She didn't know what to expect, but had a good idea. These sharpclaw were different, that
was for sure, but based on a year's experience from living with their kind she could assume they all
wanted the same thing. What else was she good for? What else could they use a small blue female fox
for other than slavery? Up until then the answer was, apparently, nothing.

They walked another fifty yards or so before finally coming up on a larger stone laid hut, this one with
guards standing outside the door. Common sense told her that their leader was probably in here and,
after receiving a painful jerk from the sharpclaw holding the rope they'd tied around her neck, she
stepped forward with them. The tarp spread open and immediately the smell of food reached her,
reminding the vixen that she hadn't eaten all day. She looked up ahead at the fire place in the middle of
the large hut, her gaze locking on the huge slab of meat that was tied over it.

Her line of sight was soon jerked back ahead though and it wasn't until then that she was able to confirm
her guess as to who subsided in this building.

Before her there rested a large stone throne, speckled with jewels and mats, with a beautiful velvet rug
below it. It was then that she looked around the room and noticed all the skins of animals, in addition to
armor and tools for fighting. This was a trophy room for a king, or ruler, of that she was sure. And as
they made their way across the room and towards the back she was finally able to determine just where
this 'ruler' was.

The painful cries of a female sharpclaw echoed louder and louder as they entered yet another doorway,
the lead warrior stopping and holding the vixen in place as the other went ahead the few feet. It was as
he stepped up to the doorway that led into the back room that she noticed the other presences waiting
with them. Her gaze narrowed as she looked over the four female sharpclaw, each of them wearing a
look of fear and anticipation as the moans from inside grew louder and more painful. However as the
vixen's presence became known to them those looks seemed to flash relief and hope, as if they had
been spared because of this blue fox's appearance.

And had she been thinking ahead, she would have figured out why.

Instead though she was left looking over the creature's around them, sizing each one up and doing her
best not to look surprised. Even the females were larger here. It was as if living a harder lifestyle out in
the woods like this had made these animals into more of their natural beastly self than their counterparts
the vixen had once lived with. She actually feared them. Not because of what they'd want of fact
she was okay with that in some sense. But because of what they might do to her. It seemed every one of
them had a look of blood lust, as if they wouldn't hesitate to kill her, skin her, and put her pelt up on the
wall along with all the others.

It caused her to think of something she hadn't considered in a long time.


But she knew that in order to try something such as that she'd have to bide her time and suffer a few
days of whatever this new lifestyle would bring her and, as an angry roar came from the room before
them, she figured she was about to find out what that would be. Immediately after the roar the four
waiting sharpclaw females, and even the two warriors waiting with them, stiffened in fear and worry.
Quickly the one closest to the door shot the big warrior across from her an unsure look, quickly glancing
over at the vixen and muttering something softly.

The large male responded, clearly unsure as well, before stepping to the side as the beads that hung
from the ceiling for the doorway opened up. What she saw then made the fox bite her lip. It was another
female sharpclaw, but it took her a few seconds to figure that out. The creature's black hair hung crazily
across her face, which, much like the rest of her body, was covered in sweat. The vixen's gaze fell to her
breasts, frowning at her dark nubs and the blood that seeped from the obvious bite marks that had been
inflicted upon them.

Finally though her eyes caught the specs of crimson that fell between her legs and, after taking a second
glance, she figured out where it was coming from.

This female was twice the vixen's size, yet whatever it was she'd been trying to please had apparently
still been too much for her to handle. Shakily she fell against the wall and made her way towards the
entrance of the hut, never bothering to look up at any of them the whole time.

Whatever was in here...sharpclaw or not, it was big. And going by the looks of things she was about to
find that out first hand.

Another roar of anger came from inside the room, causing the male sharpclaw warrior to open his
mouth, as if readying to say something before refraining. Then, as if thinking over his options, he turned
towards the vixen, grabbing her by the arms and forcing her in front of him as they stepped into the
room. Of course she couldn't have fought them, especially not a beast of this size and strength. But as
she took in the sight of just what it was that the female sharpclaw had been attempting to satisfy, she
couldn't help but reconsider her idea about escaping right then and there.

He was their leader, that was obvious to her now. But his size reflected a difference from the rest of
them. He was monstrous. Body wise, standing beside the beast the vixen might have reached his waist,
maybe. But not just in height did he surpass the others, but in width as well. He looked like he
possessed the strength of five sharpclaw warriors, his muscles bulging from each side of his arms and
legs as he powerfully sat upon another massive throne, exerting his power with no effort whatsoever.

Then there was that....that thing....that was sticking up between his legs. She knew what it was but
couldn't seem to comprehend a sharpclaw of ever having one that big. Sure over the past year she'd
taken on some of, what she had thought, was the largest sharpclaw on the planet. But those, compared
to this, seemed like child's play. It wasn't even the length that blew her away, though it probably neared
fifteen, maybe sixteen inches at least. But it was the width that caused her to freeze in her tracks.

Now she knew why the female sharpclaw from before had walked with such caution. She had been
forced to please her tribe's leader, she had endured having this monstrous thing shoved up inside of her,
only to hammer away non-stop until she was all but unconscious before being allowed to leave, only to
have another take her place.

And as the huge beast's gaze rested on her the vixen realized she was going to be that replacement.
That was why they had brought her directly here. To please their leader, to seek his praise for finding
this animal out in the woods and bringing her rare delicacy to their tribe, never taking into account the
unreal size ratio between the fox and her new captivators. That didn't matter. It hadn't for the past year
and, judging by the twisted look on their king's face, she knew it wouldn't now.

His gaze ran up and down her body, a dark look of anticipation filling his eyes as he imagined his fuck.
Never looking away from her the beast raised his right hand, causing the sharpclaw at the vixen's side to
immediately bow and scurry off as quickly as possible. She turned to her side and watched him go,
almost longing for him to stay and take the spot of the monster she'd been left with. But the only
indication of anyone else being around them lasted only a second as she heard numerous sighs of relief
from the other side of the beaded entrance as the sharpclaw told them the news.

She had only started to turn back around, ready to compose herself and somehow try to get out of this,
when she felt his huge clawed hands grab each of her arms. As if she were nothing more than a twig he
threw her onto the ground before dropping to his knees, his mouth open wide with eagerness and
revealing countless spiked teeth. It was as she looked down below him though that she realized she had
to do something. To have that thing even 'trying' to get inside of her, when a full grown female sharpclaw
warrior twice her size could hardly do it, it caused the vixen's eyes to widen in fear as she began to scoot
back away from him.

But his speed matched his strength and before she could crawl more than foot back his hands grabbed
each of her ankles, pulling her back up under him and causing the fox to cry out in worry. This only
seemed to excite him even more, the look of malice and dark intentions blanketing his whole face now
as he pulled her up around each side of his head and thrust his snout up her channel.

The vixen could only gasp in disbelief as his massive tongue delved deep into her cunt, filling her to an
unimaginable length considering what he was using to do it. He hadn't even started to fuck her, this was
just his tongue enjoying the taste of his new toy, this was just him playing with his food...or....eating it
rather, and she still could only moan and cry out in quickening pleasure as the act went on. From where
she hung upside down she found herself face to head with the monster's tool, it's length sticking out so
far that it went up past her chin.

But she made no move towards it, not of her own will anyways. This was something she didn't want.
Before, with the other sharpclaw it had been comprehensible. Yes they had done crazy things to her,
things that were almost beyond imagination, but still within a boundary of possibility. But right now,
looking over the animal that towered close to three times her size, she knew they had crossed a line.

She could only go so far. Surely they didn't expect anything from her like this. Not when their own
women couldn't do it.

So it was with mixed emotions of pleasure and fear that she hung there, the mammoth dinosaur still
holding each of her legs around his head as he filled her entire depth with his tongue. It's hard texture,
the rough feeling it had, it was unlike any she'd ever felt before. It was like warm sandpaper was being
rubbed against her entire pussy, driving her insane with even the smallest of movements. Not than any
of them 'were' small. No, he reflected no gentleness the entire time, instead causing her to gasp and cry
out even louder as he brought his jaws together around her waist, his huge muzzle enclosing her
channel and hiding his tongue as it worked away at her cunt.

It was driving her insane. Nothing like this had ever been felt inside of her before. She found herself
longing for something, anything else to shoved up inside of her, if only to remove the tongue of the beast
before her. It's rough texture slid against every soft pink corner of flesh her small hole had to offer,
pulling against it and pushing it back, making her thrash back and forth and claw at the powerful arms
around her legs. But of course that did nothing other than entice the beast and she only managed to look
up for the briefest of seconds at him, her eyes wide in disbelief as she watched him smirk and pull her
body even closer.
Tears ran down her face as she felt orgasm after orgasm rush through her body, only to trickle out
around his massive tongue before running up her stomach and around her face. He'd only been at it for
a few minutes but they'd been the longest of her life and she was now begging for a change, desperately
wanting to get this new form of devastation out of her body, even if it meant taking on a new one. It
didn't matter to her. Anything, even the creature's un-godly tool that stood before her face as she hung
upside before it, seemed like a change for the better.

At least she knew what to expect then, unlike now. Sharpclaw had eaten her out before, but never one
with a tongue like this. Never one this big and relentless, that would ignore the obvious signs of near
unconsciousness of his victim as he drove her closer to the brink of insanity. A cock, a fist, a stick,
'anything' other than this would have been better. But this sharpclaw obviously knew what this did to his
toys and, considering how tore up the fox had become so quickly, he knew she was no different than
any of the sharpclaw women either.

Please! she finally managed to scream, feeling another orgasm escape her, only to be followed by the
same rough, burning feeling that came from his enormous tongue, Stop! You're killing me!

She hardly ever talked around them, knowing pleading did no good, but this time she couldn't refrain.
And from the doorway behind her she thought she heard a chuckle of laughter, but her attention didn't
stay on it for more than a millisecond. As of right then the only thing she could think about was ending
this sensation that was tearing her apart. It felt amazing to some extent, but it also hurt to an even
greater one, and the fact that it just simply never stopped, that it was always just as rough and deep
inside of her...the vixen knew 'something' had to change things soon or she'd lose it.

Through her tear filled eyes and neverending moans of passion she managed to look ahead of her,
taking in the sight of the monster's long, wide, tool as it remained erect before her. Then, using the last
spec of sanity she could muster, she reached out for it, somehow pulling her hands away from her
captivators arms and shakily forcing them around the head of the member. Another sharp cry of
maddening pleasure spiked from her, causing the vixen to jerk forward and throw her maw around the
top of the massive head.

At this she felt his efforts pause if only briefly, telling her that now was the only chance she'd have to get
out of this current state. Quickly she pulled against the cock, hardly noticing that with both her hands
around it she only 'barely' enclosed it's width. Steadily she forced it into her mouth, ignoring the
impossibility of swallowing such a thing, knowing that this was her only chance to end the torture he'd
been putting her through earlier.

Her tongue popped out and ran around the tip of his member, it's circumference almost causing her to
gag as she merely imagined deep throating such a thing. But she didn't stop. Her mind was determined
of one thing right now and one thing only, and that was to never have to feel that creature's rough, scaly
tongue tearing up her pussy. So if that meant forcing his huge tool down her throat then so be it. This
might be hard, but it wasn't anywhere it as bad.

Knowing she couldn't hesitate in the least she forced her mouth open even wider, swallowing another
couple inches before feeling the rod's mighty head meet the back of her mouth. Ignoring her gag reflex
she held it there and worked her tongue against it, praying that this would be enough to satisfy him for
the time being, or at least change the course of action he'd been taking. His tongue still remained buried
up within her, but stationary as he looked down her backside, watching her head work down the length
of his meat as much as it could.

At this he couldn't help but smirk in amusement, pulling out his tongue and getting another cry from his
new toy. He knew what she was doing, it was the same thing all of them did. After long enough every
female he'd subjected to his odd tongue had finally cracked and desperately looked for a way to end the
torturous feeling up inside their pussies, and this blue vixen was no different. He'd been driving her crazy
and, had he chosen to, he knew he could have went on and on until she finally went into shock from the
feeling. But he didn't want that.

This new furry toy was a surprise. It had been a long time since he'd had a mammal to please him,
therefor he had no intention of simply licking her unconscious before he had his fun.

She remained upside for another minute or so, the beast's massive hands easily wrapping around her
thighs and holding her in place as she continued to desperately work against him. But as time went on
and he realized she was making no progress the sharpclaw leader lowered his hands even further down
her body until they rested on each side of her waist.

At first she didn't think he was doing anything other getting a better grip on her, and in some sense she
was right. But it was until she felt a growing pressure on the back of her throat that she realized what his
true motives were. She had been doing the best she could with the eight inches shoved all the way back
against her throat, knowing that this was the only thing keeping her from enduring that same unbearable
torture that came with his tongue entering her cunt. But now that wasn't enough and, as her eyes
widened in disbelief and pain, she knew he was tired of waiting.

The limitations her body had didn't matter here, not when his brute strength could force itself above it. It
didn't matter that her neck was simply too small, that, even though she'd been able to take two
sharpclaw members down her throat, that she was still nowhere near able to prepare for this monster's.
There was nothing to stop him either. Not at the angle he held her body. She could only moan
desperately in disbelief as he forced more and more of his length down her throat, forcing her maw open
to a whole new level and causing her neck to fill entirely.

The last thing she saw before her eyes rolled back up into her head just happened to be the remaining
four inches of the monster's rod, slowly and suffocatingly sliding up into her mouth. Afterward everything
seemed to get hazy and she found it impossible to moan or cry any longer with the massive 18 inch fist
sized tool buried to it's base up inside of her. In fact the only thing she was really able to do was vaguely
look past the tears in her eyes at her two hands as they hung below her and lifelessly dangled back and

She'd been upside down for so long, had came so many times already, and finally been impaled through
the mouth with something no creature of her size should ever be able to take....and it all finally seemed
to take it's toll on her. She'd been through a lot over the course of the past year but this was something
no amount of sexual torture they'd put her through could have prepared her for. No creature had ever
been sick or evil enough to force her to endure such an act as they'd all known it had been too
But this monster didn't think twice about it. Instead he sported a smirk of satisfaction as he looked down
at his work, following the outside of his huge member from where his base met her nose up to where the
head rested between her breasts. It had been stupid of him and he realized that, but there had been
something about this one, about how she'd been so eagerly sucking him off before to get away from his
torture, that had set him off. He had to make her take him, even if it did kill her. This beautiful little
fucktoy was the only chance he'd ever have at putting his massive log into something so tight and sexy.

The fact that she no longer was fighting against him, that her arms limply dangled beneath her after
enduring the whole thing, it made him wonder if he'd actually killed her. But rather than pulling out and
checking, or at least feeling for a pulse or heartbeat, he instead chose to allow the lust to run his
thoughts. Taking another second to admire his work he released her waist before quickly grabbing her
tail and jerking it upward, getting a faint cry of pain from her. Then, knowing she would lose it if at all
possible, he brought her dripping cunt back to his mouth, exhaling onto it and quickly chuckling evilly as
she realized what he was going to resume doing.

Despite the unreal size of the thing that impaled the fox from her mouth to her stomach, she still
managed to issue an audible scream of protest, only for it to be cut off with a begging moan for the beast
to stop as he once more shot his tongue down into her pussy. The barbed texture caused the vixen to
clench her lips tight in pain, but that only worsened the feeling for her and resulted in another choked cry
of despair. Soon he'd started right back off where he'd left, his large thick tongue eating away at her
delicious little snatch and driving her crazy with it's touch.

He was part red-eye. That was why he was so much bigger and stronger, and had some defining
features that differed from regular sharpclaw. His strength, his tail, his tongue, and of course his
mammoth sized dinosaur tool that was choking the little blue fox to death below him.

Perhaps that was why he didn't pull out, even though he knew it would eventually end her, especially if
his tongue kept working on this end as well. Either he'd drive her insane with this act, or choke her out
with the 18 inches that remained stuck up her throat, allowing practically no air into her lungs.

It was because he was a beast, an animal unlike the other sharpclaw. This was his prey and, even
though she was here for him to please himself with, he wouldn't have had a problem with eating the fox
as well. Not that he wasn't, in some sense, already doing so. He smirked at that realization, reaching up
with his left hand and grabbing her tail and then bringing his right hand up beside his own face.

Then, allowing another dark pleasuring idea to begin, he pulled his tongue free, the vixen screaming
faintly as she climaxed from the feeling yet again. Knowing it had been perfect timing the beast thrust
four fingers into the abused little hole, his sharp claws cutting her sides and getting even more screams
and moans of pain from before him. But of course he paid them no mind, rather enjoying the feeling the
vibrations left on his entire girth as it remained shoved up her neck. Then, after only sticking his fingers
in long enough to get them coated in the vixen's own juices, he removed his hand and admired the clear
liquid that coated it.

That was another thing about these mammals he loved. Their taste. They came so easily and often
when he got to use them and they always tasted sweet and delicious on his tongue, and this fox was no
exception. With that thought on his mind he shoved his face back into her hole, the vixen only barely
being able to sob in disbelief as she realized he was once again using his razor like tongue against her
already torn up insides. But her focus, as blurry as it had become now, was only able to stay on that for
a second longer before she felt that same hand he'd stuck up inside of her rest above her small little tail

Then, as if he hadn't done enough impossible things to her already, she felt two of his large fingers press
inside of her anus, her eyes somehow widening even further in surprise as she realized what he was
going to do. Yet her reactions were limited. She couldn't thrash her head to express the pain and
insanity that had taken her over from the tongue inside of her pussy, nor could she moan or cry out in
pleasure thanks to the unbelievable act being done upon her throat. She felt more and more like that
piece of meat they'd been cooking in the other room now, figuring that she'd already been impaled deep
enough on one end to hold her in place had the monster behind her chose to stand.

Ultimately the only thing she could do was silently sob and cry to herself as she took the acts without
struggling. It seemed like only minutes ago she'd been back at the camp with those same five sharpclaw
she'd grown so fond of. But so quickly all that had changed. Within two hours she had went from this. To being hung upside down and force fed a sharpclaw cock down her body that she
couldn't even wrap both her hands around. She couldn't breath it seemed like, though even with the
absence of the battering ram down her neck she knew that would have been hard to do with the beast's
tongue driving her out of her mind.

But now there was a third thing. Now she had to sit there and endure the pain of the monster's hand as
finger by finger forced itself into her small little tail-hole, until finally, ignoring her attempted screams of
agony, he was able to force his entire fist into her rear. At this he paused and chuckled, listening to the
sounds of the vixen below him as she gurgled and choked on his huge member while making attempts
to scream out her pain. Then, knowing he wouldn't need to anymore, he released her tail, instead using
his enclosed fist to keep her steady as he resumed working his tongue deeper and deeper into her.

She was broken now. She'd thought she'd been before, back at her previous camp with the sharpclaw
who had originally found her, but now she knew how wrong she'd been. Now she'd gladly take on an
entire village of them, if only to never have to suffer what she was now. To never have to hang upside
down like this, choking on something so huge and unreal, while at the same time not being able to do
anything to fight the relentless feeling of madness that the tongue left in her.

She couldn't decide which was worse. What he'd done to her throat, forcing her head and neck to
straighten out and then using his strength to make her body's natural pathway take in his length, it
wasn't natural. Her body didn't work this way, it wasn't meant to. It didn't matter how many potions or
shots they'd given her before, none of it had been supplement for this. None of them had expected her
to endure such an unbelievable experience like this one. And then there was his tongue. His unreal
tongue that never seemed to stop.

It was literally driving her insane.

There was nothing she could do to stop him, and the was hard to explain...but unbearable
nonetheless. It was almost like being tickled by someone, really badly. After a while the tickling starts to
hurt right? And it's no longer funny, it no longer feels good, pain replaces the pleasure and you do
whatever you can to stop the feeling in your ribcage because it's unbearable.
That's what his tongue was doing to her now. Orgasm after orgasm after orgasm left her, one after the
other almost minutely, driving her wild. So badly she wanted to stop it, so badly she begged for death to
end the pain that caused the tears to stream down her face and the stifled screams of pain to leave her.
At first it might have been pleasurable, but no more. Now it was just torture.

And he didn't stop.

Minute after minute passed and she was forced to hang there, still impaled on his never softening cock,
her mouth stretched wide as she continued to take it's entire length. But his tongue had become so
maddening that she'd actually started feeling hopeful towards the pole slammed down her neck, thinking
that maybe she'd suffocate before long if she could hold her breath long enough. At least then the pain
would end.

Yet no matter how hard she tried she simply couldn't manage to do anything other than sob and
continuously moan in desperation as he continued with the act. On and on he buried his scratchy tongue
within her cunt, eating her out nonstop and forcing climax after climax from the now deranged fox before
him. He allowed nothing to escape him though, hungrily drinking up every drop of her release every time
she came, only to double his efforts and start back off again, knowing another would be coming soon.
Until finally, after another five minutes of working away the last traces of sanity she had left, he felt her
peak once again.

Only this time there was nothing for her body to give him.

Dozens upon dozens of releases had used up everything her body had to offer him and, perhaps
because she had been upside throughout the whole thing, he knew he wouldn't get anything more from
the fox. So, after taking minute to hungrily slurp away at her channel just to be sure, he once again
pulled away. Then, bringing his other hand up to her rear, he pulled at her anus, forcing it to open
around his fist until he was finally able to pull it out. Afterward he returned his hands to her waist as
they'd been once upon a time, strongly holding her by the sides.

Whether she was still alive or not he didn't know, but that didn't keep him from continuing with making
sure he was satisfied. He'd destroyed her sanity, of that he was sure. That's what he'd done to nearly
every other female the tribe had to offer. It was to make sure they understood what they were and who
they belonged to. But in this case he'd gone the extra mile. He'd never forced his entire length down
anyone's throat, even his largest female warriors, so to have hilted himself inside this little creature, he
knew it had been life threatening.

But that still didn't keep him from pulling up on her waist, her limp form remaining enclosed around his
tool as it slid halfway out of her mouth, only for him to slam himself back up into her. Usually he had the
female do the work for him, but that wouldn't be the case this time. Even though, the feeling was unlike
any he'd ever felt before. To have his 'entire' length enclosed in was unheard of.
Regardless of what hole he chose, no one had ever taken him entirely. No one except this fox.

And as he continued to easily lift and lower her mouth up and down his tool he was almost certain that
he'd killed her. Most times his tongue drove them to a state of unconsciousness, which might have been
the case with this one. But what he'd done to her mouth, to her throat and neck, that had been an added
bonus. One of which he hadn't expected her to survive.
Which was a shame. Tight little mammals such as this one were such a rarity on this planet, so have
finally gotten one and then fucked it to death so almost made him regret what he'd done. But
no sooner did the feeling arrive did it vanish, lust instead taking over as he took in the sight of the little
fox impaled on his length. Feeling his peak nearing he tightened his grip on her sides, actually able to
get both hands around her small waist as he raised and slammed her body back down onto his meat.
Over and over again for the next minute he did this, quickening his pace and strengthening his thrusts
until he finally gave one final heave.

While doing so he quickly stood up, shoving his entire 18 inches to the base of her neck and allowing
gallon upon gallon of his seed to settle above her stomach. Stream after stream left him, causing the
beast to grab the fox by her ears and throw her head back, only to slam into it again and again until he
was finally sure that he'd emptied himself entirely. Still though he remained embedded within her,
looking down at the creature that wasn't half his size and admiring what he'd done to it. Part of him
figured she'd been enslaved before this to the sharpclaw nation and that perhaps she'd been used to
enduring sex on a daily basis.

But he also knew she'd never been put up against a 'real' sharpclaw warrior before. Only those pathetic
excuses for lizards that General Scales controlled. They hadn't been anywhere near this rough, which
was unfortunate for this fox for if they had she might have been able to survive this.

So, after feeling himself shrink back to his normal, limp, eight inches, he finally pulled himself free of her
mouth. Then, after holding the vixen by her hair and looking her over for a few moments more, he
chuckled and tossed her backwards onto the ground, her body landing with a sick thud. Afterward he let
a yawn escape him before stretching and looking across the room towards the door, knowing that he'd
had an audience.

But before he could issue a command to his waiting warriors a noise caught his ears, causing him to
narrow his gaze and look down at the small blue mass of fur before him and wonder if it had been his
imagination. He waited a few seconds longer, wanting to confirm his hearing or just pass it off as
something from outside, and sure enough same sound reached him. After hearing it a second time he
stepped forward, roughly grabbing the fox by her head and jerking her up, the vixen not even reaching
his waist from where she was lazily held.

But once again that same sound reached him and he confirmed it's provider. It was this little creature. It
was her breath, as faint and struggled as it was.

At this the sharpclaw king couldn't help but snort in disbelief, not understanding how such a small animal
had been able to actually live through the sick acts he'd just put her through. Then, as if to prove her
condition, her eyes weakly opened, vaguely resting on the his now limp member as she regained
consciousness. He held her there, not sure what to make of it for the longest, before she finally did
something else, something that made him smirk in satisfaction. Softly she coughed, once, then twice,
until finally convulsing and spitting up a large glob of his cum, allowing it to rest on her chin before falling
between her breasts.

Letting a chuckle escape him the beast raised his arm up, still holding her by her hair, until she was face
to face with him. Then, in the best of her language he could muster, he said five words that, at any other
time, would have caused her to feel despair. But after what he'd done to her just now, after enduring that
insane sensation for so had locked the vixen off from a part of her mind. She was a Cerenian,
her mind had powers others didn't. And after enduring that pain and torture her brain had finally been
forced close her off from that last spec of sanity she had possessed.

The words he said then, they didn't matter to her anymore. Nothing mattered to her anymore.

This is just the beginning.


Author's Note: We said we wanted to advance the plot so it's not all sex, but it seems like we're kinda
going the opposite direction. Oh well. Nothing wrong with that we guess.
6 - Demise

What she woke to hours later was a sight that, in some sense, she should have expected. She was no
longer in the hut that their leader had all but fucked her to death in, but this one looked similar
regardless. The only difference now happened to be the inhabitants within in.

She somehow forced her eyes open, not knowing why the act was so difficult until she felt the warm
plastering of lizard spunk seemingly covering her entire face. What she saw then was a site she'd
become all too familiar with over the past year; a giant sharpclaw cock forcing its way in and out of her
throat, brutally slamming it's entire depth against her nose, only to pull out almost entirely before
repeating the process. Then she felt the other presences around her, the steady pounding against her
lower half that signified two more sharpclaw members fucking away at her holes.

She then realized something was in her paws and timidly looked in each direction, struggling to
comprehend how these monsters could have been using her body so willingly when she'd been
unconscious the whole time.

It was as if that didn't matter to them though. As if they didn't need for her to be awake to use her the
way they needed, or as if they didn't care that only hours ago she'd all but been killed by their leader.
They took none of that into account and only used her for the one thing everyone else had the past year.
The only difference now was that these sharpclaw, unlike the previous tribe that had imprisoned her,
didn't care if they killed her. Their intentions were to simply use her until she broke, and afterward find
another replacement and move on like nothing had happened.

Already fully awake she found her eyes widening in surprise as the two working at her lower half
simultaneously thrust up into her a final time, their hot loads filling her insides before finally spewing out
around their massive tools and running out around her. As chance would have it the beast fucking away
at her mouth mimicked them and slammed his entire girth down her neck, causing her to gag and roll
her eyes back into her head as she recalled being forced to endure a similar act earlier at the hands of
their leader.

Still though, as she felt his length stick down her mouth and rest in her neck, she felt grateful. This, as
compared to that monster their leader had used on her, was possible. It was still sickly unfair for
something of this size to be slammed down her mouth, but going up against what she'd endured earlier,
she knew this was a turn for the better and could only be thankful for the amount of air she could still
breath in past his member as he remained hilted within her for a few seconds longer.

Afterward all three sharpclaw pulled out, the absence of their tools allowing every orifice they'd been
stuffing to instantly ooze out the excess amounts of spunk they'd deposited within her. She felt all three
step away from her and for a second she thought she was going to catch a short break, something that
she desperately needed after being subjected to so much in one day. But that thought was soon proven
wrong as she felt the two presences at her side step forward, the vixen only now remembering that she'd
been forcibly jerking two of them off.
She felt their rods leave her paws, causing her to believe that they were going to take the place of the
others who'd just left her, but once more she was wrong with her guess and could only stiffen in surprise
as she felt their members ease up against the side of her head. For a few seconds all she heard was the
sound of their large hands at her sides, furiously stroking and beating their members as they readied to
climax, until finally they stepped even closer up against her. She could only close her eyes in disgust as
she felt their other hands grab each of her ears and pull them up before shoving their tools into the furry
little holes.

Then they came, their hot releases shooting into her ears and instinctively making the vixen shake her
head. But their hold on her was firm and she ended up accomplishing nothing other than whimpering in
discomfort as she felt glob after glob fill her head, clouding her hearing and enticing the others watching.
Finally she felt them release their hold on her and immediately she was ready to shake the goo free, but
yet again she was denied that privilege as another monstrous warrior stepped up and grabbed both
sides of her head, forcing her mouth open and slamming his length into her mouth.

From behind her she felt another beast slide underneath her, taking a second to painfully bite on her tits
before forcing her small little channel apart with his massive dinosaur dick. Soon another followed suit
and stepped up behind the vixen, falling to his knees and still being plenty tall enough to rest his foot
long member against the base of her tail hole, teasingly running it around her anus before finally forcing
his head through.

Then, as had been the case for the past few hours she guessed, they resumed. Every ten minutes or so
the giants would peak and four or five of them would step back, only to allow another group to step
forward and take their place. Her only reaction to it all was to rest there and let them use her the way the
pleased, knowing that she'd never be able to contest them by any means and simply taking refuge in the
fact that at least these beasts, as huge as they were, didn't match up to their leader.

Hours and hours passed, the day slipping by into night after a while as the barrage continued. There
was always a group waiting to use her, no matter how fast the one before them had been. At all times it
seemed as if there was a couple dozen warriors waiting off to the side for their turn, wanting a piece of
this small blue animal before she was fucked to death. And her only reaction was to take it all. To endure
the day long gangbang that these monsters served her, to put up with the cum that plastered her fur and
face, that stuck inside of her ears and ran across her entire body.

None of them seemed to mind, not as long as their monstrous cocks were able to fit inside this small
blue foxes holes. As long as they could feel the pleasure that came with stretching such a tiny entrance
to the max to accompany their size and width, they could have cared less had she been clean or
covered in the stuff, or dead or alive for that matter.

In fact, numerous times throughout the day, she found herself unconscious and unaware of what was
going on around her, only to eventually be slammed back into reality with a perfectly timed set of

What she felt during all of this, it wasn't anything like what she'd felt with the group of five she'd been
traveling with. They had befriended her and treated her better than any of them ever had. They hadn't
intended to kill her or hurt her, only use her the way she'd let them. But these monsters here, these
larger dinosaur creatures who had so viciously killed those five sharpclaw, they lacked any sort of
empathy for the little fox. When one of them finished using her he would leave for a few hours, hunt,
gather, patrol, and then return to have another go. That appeared to be the case for all of them.

And with 200 of them mimicking that act, the vixen was forced to wonder if there would ever be a time
when all of them were pleased and willing to let her rest.

The aspect of getting to eat, sleep, or even go to the bathroom, seemed impossible to comprehend now.
Only vaguely did she notice the sun appearing outside, accompanying the crisp morning air of the
following day, and leaving her to question if they'd still been at it this long or if she was just imagining the
ten monsters around her.

Real or not though the feeling of their massive dinosaur members rimming every hole she had continued
on and on, and she only vaguely noticed that they'd moved her five or six times during this endeavor,
simply so the pools of spunk they'd deposited on and around her didn't get on whichever beast had the
pleasure of laying beneath her and fucking her cunt.

It was more of a neverending nightmare now. Her life had been fucked up and bad before, but now, a
lifestyle like this, it was incomparable. They 'had' to let her have a break sometime! This couldn't
possibly go on nonstop for a few more days, if so she knew she wouldn't survive. She needed to eat,
she needed to drink and sleep, she needed to bathe and rest up, but these sharpclaw seemed to have
no concern for the vixen other than getting to sink their beastly tools into her and fuck away at her limp

Time and time again, hour after countless hour, she was forced to watch them leave and enter the large
hut, each sporting an excited and dark look as they readied themselves for what could have been their
fourth or fifth go with their tribe's newest toy. On and on it went, the vixen still doing the only thing her
body could muster the strength to do and that was merely staying conscious and enduring it all.

As time passed they got more creative, though she was so out of it she no longer cared. Eventually from
behind her she felt another presence straddle her backside in addition to the one fucking her ass, and
could only faintly wonder what his intentions were until she felt the head of his member rest against her
already crammed tail hole. Of course her reaction was nothing more than a faint, pitiful moan of protest.

Her anus was spread to the max already, struggling as it was to simply take the width of the one
dinosaur dick up inside of it, but that didn't discourage either of the beasts in the least. She felt the length
of the member buried up inside her ass ease out until it popped free, her little hole immediately snapping
shut in response. Afterward the two monstrous tools simultaneously eased up against her rear, carefully
resting above the other as they pushed against her hole. But, as common sense should have told them,
there was no way her little dime sized entrance would allow it.

At least, not without applied force.

Once again she could only force out a muffled cry of despair as she felt one set of hands rest on her
shoulders and another set around her thighs, each sharpclaw getting a good grip on her before
simultaneously shoving forward as hard as they could manage. At this they forced themselves to ignore
the laws of nature and stretched her anus to an unheard of circumference, each of their dicks rocketing
up into her and resting hilted up to their bases.
Countless screams and cries of pain and protest echoed from the little fox at this but as was tradition
they were muffled and hardly heard by any of them. The extremity of the pain was too much for her and
she immediately released the piss she'd been trying to hold inside of her until given a bathroom break,
but that didn't matter to her anymore. That they'd actually try something like this to her small little butt,
when the presence of simply one sharpclaw cock was almost unfathomable, it was insane.

It was as if they really were trying to kill her.

In addition to her own urine she felt another warm liquid running down her backside and, after catching
the faintest of whiffs, knew it to be her own blood. She could then only imagine the sight of her bottom,
stretched wide and tearing, oozing blood down her rear and running down her legs as the two sharpclaw
remained stationary, taking in what they'd accomplished. Her eyes rolled back into her head and her
tongue fell out below the large cock in her maw as the black shade of unconsciousness swept over her,
the last thing the vixen seeing being the appearance of yet another sharpclaw before her face.

They knew what they were doing was crossing a line, that if they wanted to keep this new little toy
around for long that they'd have to quit soon and give her the rest her body needed. But it was as if
every group that finished, and every group that was waiting for their turn, was thinking that someone
else would allow her to rest, that they'd already done it and she was ready to continue on with her new
life as their servant. Then they'd take in the sight of the destroyed little creature before them, her
luscious body stretched wide and past it's limit as she now unconsciously did her job, and they'd only
become that much more excited.

The two standing before her only grinned in satisfaction as they forced both their tools into her mouth
and down her throat, loving the blank look of unconsciousness she had as they fucked away at her neck.
None of their own women could do this, they'd already tried. It wasn't worth using their unrivaled strength
to actually force the act to happen, for losing a female clan member wasn't something their leader would
accept happily. But this fox, she wasn't here to reproduce. She wasn't needed to gather food or create
clothing or armor, or take care of the village.

No, she was just here to entertain them. Just as had been the case with every other female creature
they'd stumbled upon and captured in the woods.

From behind her the two creatures that had successfully impaled her tail-hole had finally worked
together enough to stretch the vixen's rear to where it allowed them to fuck into her body. Though the act
was hardly sane, it only excited the rest of them that much more. For her to have still been alive after
this much time, even now after two of them had forced her throat to engulf their entire length, it only
made every single one of them that much more eager to get in on the action before she quit breathing.

More and more of them stepped up, mimicking the acts that her old sharpclaw captives had done to her
so long ago as they found every single way to use her body to please them. Though she wasn't
conscious to notice it, they once more flipped her over on her back, allowing one sharpclaw to lay
beneath her and fuck away at her ass before another got on his knees and, after exerting a good
amount of effort, managed to force his massive rod into her anus as well. Then, after allowing the
second entree to her ass to lean back out of the way, another warrior straddled her hips, lining up his
cock with her dripping and well used cunny before slamming his length up inside of her.
That was three.

Then her head was forced back as two more stepped forward, each of them pressing the heads of their
gorged members into her maw before steadily stepping forward and watching their lengths bulge against
her throat in an attempt to accompany the unreal size. Afterward the sixth straddled her belly, placing his
tool between her breasts commencing to fuck away at the bottom of her chin, his own member running
above the two working down her throat, the only thing separating them being the thin layer of fur her
neck had to offer.

Then, after watching her milk jugs bounce up and down from the monster who was tit-fucking her,
another couple stepped up at her sides, placing their members against her hard, oozing nipples before
starting to fuck into them. The pain would have been unbearable to her had she not been knocked out,
though that wouldn't have stopped them, as they apparently had every intention of making her into the
best little cum dumpster they'd ever had.

As if they had heard of what she'd done for the group of two dozen back at her old tribe, two more
stepped up and forced her limp hands around their members, while another two placed their lengths on
the underside of her knee before bending her legs underneath her and turning them into their own
personal fuck-toys. Then, as if knowing they'd ultimately achieved everything and anything possible, they
all seemed to give it their all. Two in her mouth, three at her breasts, two in her paws, one in her pussy,
two in her gaping anus, and another two using her legs.

Twelve of them.

Twelve creatures who, when standing alongside just one she wasn't even half as tall.

From an outward point of few it looked like a giant gay sharpclaw orgy, as it was impossible to see any
trace of the blue little fox buried beneath the beasts who were proceeding to kill her. On and on, no
matter how long they continued, the act never stopped. The clan was just too large and by the time she'd
managed to satisfy a hundred or so, the other hundred had already waited a day's time for another go.
The only two things that changed at all were, one, the place she was being fucked, as they would move
her in order to avoid the giant puddles of spunk that quickly oozed out of her body and onto the ground
beneath them. And two, every now and then the pain would become insanely intense for some reason,
as if something even bigger than before was somehow being shoved inside of her.

Eventually though she was able to figure out why.


It had been three days since they'd brought her to the camp, and for the entirety of those 72 hours, no
matter what time it was or what state she was in, there was always a group of twenty, or even thirty of
them waiting for their turn to use her. That was all she'd done for them so far. Fucked, sucked,
groped....endured. She was completely exhausted at this point, only returning to consciousness every so
often because her body had swallowed enough alligator spunk to provide decent nourishment for her.
But the scene was always the same.
Her thoughts were blank though when she opened her eyes, and there were numerous reasons behind
that. Time after time they had released their loads into her ears, filling her ear canal with cum until it ran
into her skull, settling there and dulling her senses even further. Then, and she had unfortunately been
awake the first time this had happened, they had started to shoot their loads into her eyes, intentionally
reaching down and forcing her eyelids open with one hand while placing their large throbbing members
before her with the other.

There was nothing she could do other than gag in protest before the hot liquid blasted into her retina and
filled up her vision, joining the tears that ran down her face as she tried to comprehend the gore of what
they were doing to her. Soon after another had mimicked the act in her other eye and left her blinded for
a short time, but before she could ever blink away the hot spunk another would step forward and deposit
his cum shot into one of her pupils, causing the vixen to sob behind the two monstrous tools that
continued to fuck away at her neck.

She couldn't figure out why she hadn't died yet, or why they hadn't just killed her. The tools where all
there, in fact, they were literally being used already. The battering rams slamming against her body
nonstop for the past three days would have broken any other creature, even their own women, into
pieces. Yet she still remained breathing and in tact, only to just lay there longer and blankly stare into the
crotch of another warrior as he and a friend forced her to swallow their girth.

Every now and then the pain would increase dramatically, though she was so far out of it she couldn't
really figure out why. It was always below her, the vixen laying on her back, meaning that whoever or
whatever it was enjoyed using her pussy when it's time came.

Finally she understood why it hurt her so much.

It had been long into the third day when the pain had returned, pulling her from unconsciousness as she
felt the large pole ease out of her cunny, it's lips instantly snapping shut only to be forced back open
immediately by a waiting warrior. The pain inducer however didn't leave, but rather step around until he
was before her, causing the two at her mouth to quickly pull away and allowing the vixen to take a
shakiest of breaths. At first she didn't open her eyes, not knowing, or at this point even caring, why they
had stopped, and figuring she wouldn't be able to see anything anyways.

But as it spoke, and as she recalled his evil tone and what act had accompanied it, she had to force her
gaze upon him.

“You make good toy.” he said, his titanic member radiating heat and throbbing before her upside down
face, “But now we kill you for food.”

The words reached her, even through the globs of hardened and fresh cum buried inside of her head
and ears, but for some reason they didn't register. Nothing registered. Nothing but the ungodly thing
before her that she still had an unwanted memory of. The last time this cock had been in her mouth she
had been hanging upside down and impaled on it's foot and half length, her neck stretched to the
extremes to accommodate it's width and size.

This time however, as if the others wanted to get in a quick few rounds before their leader made true on
his promise, she remained on her back, the rest of her body still being fucked away at by ten other
sharpclaw as their leader placed only the head of his tool inside her mouth.

Already her maw was stretched open as far it she could get it, but he didn't stop there, steadily inching
forward and chuckling at the vixen as her eyes rolled back into her skull and her body twitched in
desperation. Finally the toll of nearly four days of being fucked by monsters was beginning to show. How
she'd survived this long was a mystery to them all, but they didn't look into it, rather took advantage of
the amount of time they had to rape her small blue body before their leader became impatient. And
apparently that time was now.

She still was unaware of the direness of the situation, only sure of the giant cock in her mouth and the
faint recollection she had of it from before. Anything else in her mind was wiped out. Memories of
anything or anyone, of sleep, food, drink, of being was all just a blur. The past few days seemed
like nothing but a dream, one that she'd wake up to and then fall asleep from, only to once again wake
up to it, over and over again. But now, as their leader forced another four inches down her neck and
smirked in satisfaction, she was finally able to realize that she might not ever wake up again.

In by inch he went, on and on, the vixen's only response being surprise behind her cum lined eyes, and
a faint gurgling sound that came with choking. Everywhere else across her body the sharpclaw fucked
her harder and faster, each of them cumming at the sight of this little blue fox taking their leaders entire
length. One by one they'd pull away and others would quickly take their spot, fucking at her holes and
grasps faster than ever as more and more filled the tent to see the finale.

Then he truly began fucking into her, reaching forward and grabbing each of her arms before painfully
slamming himself entirely down her neck. His entire girth, nearing twenty inches long and six inches
thick, was ramming down the fox's throat and down into her stomach, and each time he pulled out the
crimson color of blood covered more and more of his tool. At seeing this the others only put forth that
much effort, continuing to fuck away at her even harder and faster, all the while sharpclaw after
countless sharpclaw gathered around her, stroking themselves to the sight, prepared to cover her body
in a finale once it was all over.

Now she finally got what he'd said earlier, not because she heard it, but because it was all too clear now.
This time he intended to kill her, and in the most humiliating way possible. He was literally going to fuck
her to death, but only after he'd let his own kind nearly do so for three straight days. Only after he'd
allowed this female fox to lifelessly lay between hundreds and hundreds of sharpclaw warriors as they
fucked her senseless, would he finally end her torment.

And she couldn't help but welcome it now.

The pain was worsening now and she could taste her own blood against the hard thick cock that
slammed into her neck, the rest of the dicks fucking away at her body now no longer noticeable, not
even the two they had evilly managed to gorge her ass open with. Now it was just her and this arm-like
object basically punching her through her neck.

Her moans continued to quietly echo against the tool, and her eyes could only look up at the creature's
massive hanging balls as they pistoned forwards and backwards over and over again, causing the
blackness to close in on her with every passing second. This wasn't like before when she'd went
unconscious. No, this time she was fully awake and aware, not just being roused because of bad luck.
This time her body knew what was happening, though she could do nothing to stop it.

Thrust after thrust slammed into her body, minute after minute, the entire length of this monstrous animal
never stopping as long her eyes still housed the smallest trace of life within them. But while she wanted
to close them, while she wanted to allow death to enter her gaze and finally end this horrible life she'd
endured for the past year, it simply never came. Instead the only thing she did was continue to blankly
stare ahead at the giant set of balls that smacked her in the face every time their leader hilted himself
against her, only to watch them fall back before reappearing again with another blood-inducing thrust.

Somewhere in the midst of all this, as if knowing this might be their last opportunity, the sharpclaw
fucking away at her cunt had eased out, allowing another to position himself alongside his member. And,
although she didn't notice it, the two of them could only chuckle evilly in satisfaction as they slowly yet
surely entered both their cocks into her widening puss, forcing it to unheard of lengths as blood ran out
around their tools.

To her though, as had been the case for a long time now, it seemed a million miles away. It was only this
thing in her mouth that she even tried to focus on, as five minutes went to ten minutes, and then fifteen,
as he continued to fuck away at her. His size only grew more and more as he readied to climax, but he
always held back, never releasing the massive load that was stored up inside the grapefruit sized orbs
that hung beneath his member. The only thing he changed was the addition of placing a huge hand
around her neck, tightening his grip on her, and his own member, that much more as he cut off the small
source of oxygen she still managed to have.

It was then that she was finally able to see death before her. After a few more deep, wet, thrusts into her
the vixen's eyes rolled back up into her skull completely and her body lost every bit of tension it had,
allowing everyone else to fuck into her further than before. From around the circle they all saw it and
stepped closer, yanking on their tools quicker and harder as they prepared for the ending. She started to
foam at the mouth, her body's instinctive process of dying now setting in as it realized it was losing far
too much air to live.

Their leader also noticed her change and only smirked and placed another hand around her neck,
tightening his grip on her as he thrust his hips back and forth, burying his entire rod down into her
stomach. But he had to be sure this time. He couldn't allow her to come back to life as she had the first
time she'd taken his length. So he went on even longer, basically jerking himself off as he felt his own
tool between his hands on the inside of her neck. Thrust after thrust he made, allowing a sharp toothed
grin of malice to come over him as she looked at his blood covered tool.

Then he looked out over her, admiring her cum soaked body. His men had done well to have kept at it
so long. Day and night they had been fucking away at this little creature, just as he'd told them to do.
Never let her rest, never give her a break, and feed her only the semen that came from their own tools.
And they had. Non stop hell for this fox, to prove to everyone, even the other sharpclaw tribes in the
planet, that his clan was the toughest and showed no mercy to anyone or anything, regardless of how
small and harmless.

Another minute or two passed, his grip on her neck still tight but completely unnecessary as he figured
she'd long since stopped breathing. But he went on, only making one change and that was shooting a
look behind him at four waiting female warriors. Seconds later they were all on their knees beneath him,
two behind his legs, their tongues lapping away at his ball, and two in front of him, their mouths kissing
and licking the side of his member and is rocketed back and forth into the lifeless vixen.

Or, he assumed lifeless. Her eyes were completely white now, having rolled up into her head, and he
couldn't see any indication of her heart beating, though with ten other beasts fucking at her it was really
impossible to tell with all the movement. But it was just assumed at this point. She might have been able
to survive the past few days somehow, but this wasn't the same, this wasn't anywhere close.

He felt his girth expand and widen even further as he continued to fuck away at the fox, all the while the
four sharpclaw women eagerly licked and sucked away at his cock and balls, bringing him closer and
closer to climax. Thrust after thrust after thrust, her blood and the cum from previous loads buried inside
of her now covering his tool as he went on until finally, after a near half hour of it, he couldn't hold back

Ultimately it was the sight of it all that caused him to blow his load. As he looked down at the creatures
before him, one little blue animal that he'd fucked to death, and four others gathered beneath him and
licking away at his length, it set him off. He gave one final slam into the vixen's throat before hilting
himself there and releasing his gallons of spunk. Wad after huge wad formed a massive stream and
filled the little creature's stomach, causing it to rise and bloat until the pressure was finally too much and
his spunk began to work its way back up her neck and around his tool.

No sooner had it appeared around her lips did two of the sharpclaw women that had been sucking on his
balls begin to lap away at it, not allowing the smallest of drops to hit the ground as it foamed out around
her muzzle. This only made him ease back and thrust forward a few more times, working out another
shot or two before finally feeling his member go limp. But he didn't pull out, instead remaining in place for
a another minute more, watching as the warriors below him finished up as well, only to have others take
their place at the vixen's limp body.

She was dead, he was sure of it. Fucked to death by him, the leader of the sharpclaw tribe of this forest.
Fucked to death by his massive manhood, showing her what it was really like to be pleased by a
creature of impressive stature and not those pathetic excuses for sharpclaw warriors she'd been used

Another minute passed, all the while the females around his legs continued to lick away at the vixen's
mouth as it oozed out his cum, before he finally decided to put the cherry on top. Pulling out only
somewhat he allowed his bladder to release the contents it had been holding back this whole time,
smirking at the site of his own piss eventually running out around the vixen's mouth, only to once again
be lapped up by his tribeswomen. It took another minute or so before he finished this act, finalizing the
process of degrading the fox completely, before he finally eased his limp ten inches out of her maw.

Her mouth didn't close though, rather it hung halfway open as a stream of cum and urine oozed out of it
and around her maw. He chuckled at this before reaching down and raising her head, looking into her
white, lifeless eyes and admiring the defeated appearance they had before releasing her head and
stepping back.

Then, in his own native tongue, he gave one final order which no one bared defy. They all encircled her
and, after a few seconds of working, released the last load they'd ever get to shoot off onto the vixen,
coating her entire body in a bukkake unlike any other.

The leader watched in amusement as the act went down, doing nothing but ordering his selected four
female tribeswomen over to him and only faintly noticing as they all got to work on licking away at his
lower half. It no longer excited him, but it was just to clean himself. For him to truly get a rouse out of
anything anymore it took a lot, which might have been why he'd lasted so long and done so much to this
little blue fox.

She was beautiful, even to a different species of animal. Yet at the same time she was so small, tight,
and fuckable. They'd all found that out, including himself, and perhaps that was why he'd went out with
such a bang. Of course, he could have kept her alive, but it would have been too much of a distraction.
The way she was working his warriors over, so many, so quickly, it would have hurt performance and,
overall, been a threat to the clan. So now that she was dead, and after they'd had a few dozens goes at
her, he figured they could move on.

Though even if she'd been dead for the past day he didn't know if that would have stopped them. That
was the case now though and after he gave the order, and especially because she was absolutely
covered in hot sharpclaw cum, he knew no one else would touch her except for the few that cleaned her,
dressed her, and cooked her.

Once more he smirked in satisfaction as he recalled the look of despair on the little blue fox's face as
she'd looked up at him earlier. He loved such a look, especially from something like this. It was what
he'd been looking for all this time. It was something that these women, even as they struggled to satisfy
him right now, could never give him. He turned in contentment and made for the exit, ready to sit back
and relax as he awaited his next, formerly blur furred, meal.

But then a sound reached him...again....a sound he'd heard before, one that had surprised him and
caused his mind to refuse to believe it had been real.

He turned back around in anger and disbelief, his gaze narrowing at the white cum covered creature on
the floor that was still surrounded by his warriors. He stepped across the room the ten feet between
them until he was standing over her, reaching down and grabbing the fox by her head and jerking her up
into the air, narrowing his gaze once more and listening closely....and hearing something that drove him
to a new level of anger.

She was breathing.

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