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COLLEGE OF SAN BENILDO - RIZAL HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT Sumulong Highway, Antipolo City School Year 2023-2024 Ethical Challenges in Research: Identifying the Lived Experiences and Perceptions of Senior High School Students AResearch Presented to the Faculty of Senior High School College of San Benildo-Rizal In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Subject Practical Research 1 Presented by Dane! Jann P, Montemayor Allyana D. Sali Antoine Nicolo S. Alcober Carl Shedrick Guiriba Francine Daylusan Jaco Santino Cruz Jay Palma Sarah Anika P. Guzman Sean Gubhiting Vianea Bariuan COLLEGE OF SAN BENILDO - RIZAL HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT Sumulong Highway, Antipolo City School Year 2023-2024 ABSTRACT (Not more than 150 words) Keywords: COLLEGE OF SAN BENILDO - RIZAL HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT Sumulong Highway, Antipolo City School Year 2023-2024 Chapter | THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND When conducting research, there have been numerous cases of researchers committing common ethical research challenges such as plagiarism, falsification of data, and data fabrication due to various reasons. In the field of research, these challenges have heavy consequences since this kind of misconduct is completely unacceptable in the community of research, Unfortunately, there are still many researchers who commit certain research misconducts with or without the intention of doing so, In this study, the researchers aim to determine the ethical challenges that are committed by senior high school students in College of San Benildo-Rizal. The history of research ethics spans ancient civilizations to modem times. Key milestones include the Nuremberg Code (1947) and the Declaration of Helsinki (1964), responding to unethical experimentation. Scandals like the Tuskegee Syphilis Study (1932-1972) prompted the Belmont Report (1979), establishing core principles like respect for persons and beneficence. Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) were mandated for ethical oversight, and international guidelines have been developed. Most senior high school students struggle to conduct a proper research paper to this day. The reason why they are conducting this research is to determine what are the struggles, and the distractions. Students who struggle in making research papers, mostly lack time or lack ideas in creating research. Studying ethical challenges in research may have a huge impact on how senior high school students will conduct their papers. Conducting such research also raises significant ethical challenges due to the participants’ age, vulnerability, and the potential impact of the study on their lives. Understanding the background of these ethical challenges is essential for designing and conducting research this kind of problem in the senior high curriculum may help the students navigate their academic journeys to promote the rights and well-being of young research participants. Other students can develop and explore more ideas on how to conduct a research paper properly based on their knowledge as soon as possible. Students that lack ideas on how to conduct a paper, may affect their academic excellence in their chosen course. This may be the result of why most senior high school students lack time to choose their specific topic and proper organization of ideas in research COLLEGE OF SAN BENILDO - RIZAL HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT Sumulong Highway, Antipolo City School Year 2023-2024 Reason/s Objectives in Conducting the Study The purpose of this research is to identify the ethical challenges that senior high school students face while conducting research. It aims to provide us with an understanding of how they deal with these challenges and what factors influence their research decisions. Additionally, the study will emphasize the significance of ethical principles in research. Finally, it will identify the factors that students consider the least and the most important while conducting research studies. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM This study aims to examine the ethical challenges in research faced by the senior high school students of College of San Benildo Rizal. Specifically, this sought to answer the following research questions: 1. What are the ethical challenges that students of College of San Benildo Rizal commonly encounter when conducting research projects? 2. How do senior high school students address ethical concerns when participating in or conducting research projects? 3. How do the senior high school students perceive the importance of ethical principles in research? 4, What factors influence the ethical decision-making processes of senior high school students during research projects? 5. What ethical considerations do senior high school students prioritize and least prioritize when conducting research studies? SCOPE AND DELIMITATION OF THE STUDY Scop 1, Participants: The study will focus on Senior High School (SHS) students enrolled in Grades 11 and 12 at the College of San Benildo Rizal 2, Focus: The primary focus will be exploring the ethical challenges SHS students encounter during their research activities within the College of San Benildo Rizal 3. Duration: The study will span four months, allowing for comprehensive data collection and analysis. COLLEGE OF SAN BENILDO - RIZAL HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT Sumulong Highway, Antipolo City School Year 2023-2024 4. Qualitative Approach: Qualitative methods such as interviews, focus groups, and document analysis will be employed to gather in-depth insights into the ethical dilemmas experienced by SHS students. 5. Ethical Considerations: The research will adhere to ethical guidelines outlined by institutional review boards and ensure the confidentiality and anonymity of participants. Delimitatitons: 1, Exclusion of Other Schools: The study will exclusively focus on SHS students at the College of San Benildo Rizal, thereby excluding SHS students from other institutions. This limitation is imposed to concentrate efforts on enhancing research ethics within the specific context of the College 2. Grade Levels: The research will specifically target Grades 11 and 12 students, neglecting potential differences among lower or higher grade levels within the SHS curriculum, 3, Sample Size: The study will involve a total of 60 respondents, evenly distributed among the academic strands and grade levels. (30 students per grade level, which is 10 students per strand) 4, Geographic Limitation: The study will be confined to the College of San Benildo Rizal campus, restricting the generalizability of findings to other geographical locations or educational settings. 5. Quantitative Analysis: The research will not incorporate quantitative methodologies, limiting the scope to qualitative exploration of ethical challenges without statistical generalization, 6. Time Constraint: The study's four months may restrict the depth of analysis, the ability to capture long-term trends, or changes in ethical challenges SHS students face SEA COLLEGE OF SAN BENILDO- RIZAL Q@LT\% — HIGHScHooL DEPARTMENT <5 Sumulong Highway, Antipolo City 5 School Year 2023-2024 ~% SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY A study on the ethical challenges in research concerning senior high school students is significant as it contributes to the ethical conduct of research, ensures the protection of vulnerable populations, and promotes the rights and well-being of young research participants Students Studying ethical challenges in research concerning senior high school students provides students with valuable insights, skills, and perspectives that not only enrich their academic experiences but also empower them to navigate ethical dilemmas and contribute positively to research endeavors throughout their academic and professional journeys. Teachers Fostering classroom discussions on research ethics, and promoting a culture of ethical conduct among students. By integrating findings into curriculum development, providing support for student researchers, and advocating for institutional policies, teachers can empower students to navigate ethical dilemmas confidently and engage in research endeavors responsibly. This study equips teachers with the tools and knowledge needed to cultivate a generation of ethical researchers who prioritize the rights and well-being of all research participants. Parents Being aware of these ethical considerations, parents can play a crucial role in guarding their children's interests and ensuring their participation in research is conducted ethically and responsibly. Principal By promoting awareness of research ethics, supporting ethical research initiatives, and ensuring compliance with ethical standards, principals can create a safe and conducive environment for student researchers and participants alike, thereby upholding the integrity and reputation of the school. Curriculum Developers By incorporating findings into curriculum development, developers can ensure that students receive comprehensive instruction on ethical research practices, preparing them to navigate ethical dilemmas confidently and contribute ethically to academic and professional endeavors in the future. COLLEGE OF SAN BENILDO - RIZAL HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT Sumulong Highway, Antipolo City School Year 2023-2024 Future Researchers Learning from the experiences of senior high school students, future researchers can develop a heightened awareness of the importance of protecting research participants’ rights and well-being, ultimately contributing to the advancement of ethical research practices in their respective fields. COLLEGE OF SAN BENILDO - RIZAL HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT Sumulong Highway, Antipolo City School Year 2023-2024 Chapter REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES This section will include articles, scholarly journals, theses, and timely studies related to the research topic. The topic tackles the ethical challenges that are faced when conducting research and presents the lived experiences of individuals conducting research. Foreign Literatures Ethics refers to well-founded standards of right and wrong that prescribe what humans ought to do, usually regarding rights, obligations, benefits to society, faimess, or specific virtues (Velasquez et al., 2010.). According to Western Sydney University (2021), research can be defined as the creation of knowledge and applying that existing knowledge to create various concepts, methodologies, and understandings. Furthermore, the term Research ethics is defined as the genres or set of codes that researchers follow to protect the rights in developing research strategies and building a trusted relationship between the researcher and the participants or subjects involved in the study. (Rana et al., 2023). In the field of research, many researchers have experienced problematic research ethics when conducting research such as conflicts of interest, falsification of data, non-respect of participants’ rights, and plagiarism. Ethical issues may take place during the three stages of the research process: (1) research design, (2) research conduct, and (3) publications of results (Drolet et al., 2020). According to George (2023), research ethical issues can originate due to many range of factors, including the push to publish, competition for grants, and the pursuit of career advancement, Factors like insufficient supervision, lack of training in ethical research practices, and an unsupportive research culture can also be the reason why researchers may not follow the proper ethical procedures. In addition, the intense pressure and high publication demands can cause researchers to take shortcuts which in tum, generates data fabrication, result falsification, and the like. The consequences of research misconduct include failure to receive promotions, loss of editorships, drying up of research grants, and reluctance of graduate students to. join a research group. (Enago Academy, 2021). Even significant researchers such as Andrew Wakefield, Joachim Boldt, Yoshitaka Fuji, and Eric Poehiman have committed serious research misconduct in their papers, which resulted in them having to face COLLEGE OF SAN BENILDO - RIZAL HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT Sumulong Highway, Antipolo City School Year 2023-2024 several charges and being stripped of their titles in the research field (Enago Academy, 2021). iThenticate (2012) states that the cost of research misconduct can result in the loss of reputation or career, reduce the public’s trust, filing of lawsuits, legal costs, and investigation costs. Additionally, it can lead to the wastage of both human and financial resources when future research or endeavors depend upon flawed or dishonest previous work. Local Literatures According to Reyes (2020), complying with the ethical guidelines of research-making is a critical and inevitable step that can not be overlooked no matter the situation, The key elements in an effective review of studies include rigorousness, responsiveness, and timeliness. It is crucial to recognize that ethics review committees share responsibility with researchers and institutions, funding agencies, and regulatory agencies for upholding ethical principles in research at all times (Reyes, 2020). In addition to addressing research ethics issues like plagiarism, falsification, or fabrication of data, the Philippine Health Research Ethics Board (PHREB) (2022) emphasizes the importance of research ethics concerning the health of participants conceming the Republic Act No, 10532, or the Philippine National Health Research System Act of 2013. Foreign Studies The study on ethical issues revealed that the highly competitive and performance-based research environment can lead researchers and research teams to. engage in unethical behavior that reflects a lack of research integrity. The competition for grants and scientific publications is sometimes so intense that researchers falsify research results or plagiarize from colleagues to achieve their goals. Conflict of interest is also a significant concern that arises due to interpersonal conflicts, financial partnerships, third-party pressures, academic or economic interests, a researcher holding multiple roles within an institution, or any other incentive that may compromise a researcher's independence, integrity, and neutrality. COLLEGE OF SAN BENILDO - RIZAL HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT Sumulong Highway, Antipolo City School Year 2023-2024 Participants in the study emphasized the importance of ensuring research participants’ respect, well-being, and safety. Some research teams seem to put their interests ahead of those of research participants, raising concerns about respect for free, informed, and ongoing consent of research participants, the well-being of participants, data protection and confidentiality, over-solicitation of participants, ownership of the data collected on participants, and the sometimes high cost of scientific innovations and their accessibility. The study also highlighted the ethical issues that may arise due to a lack of supervision and power imbalances in research teams. Many research teams are composed of researchers and students who work as research assistants, and the relationship between them can sometimes raise ethical issues mainly because of the inevitable power asymmetries. Individualism and performance culture can also have a significant negative impact on the quality of the research conducted, as research teams try to maximize the quantity of their work (instead of quality) in a highly competitive context, which is then exacerbated by a lack of resources and support, and where everything must be done too quickly. Moreover, many participants experienced or reported social injustices, including discrimination from peers, administration, or lab managers related to a person's age, cultural background, gender, or social status. Ethical distress was also noted, where people know what to do to act ethically but encounter barriers, generally of an organizational or systemic nature, limiting their power to act according to their moral or ethical values. In addition, the experiences of international students in conducting research showed that they faced academic challenges, especially novice researchers, at the beginning of their research journey in the new sociocultural environment. Language barrier emerged as a significant theme within the data, where participants faced two linguistic challenges in the academic field: one in academic writing and the other in verbal communication. A higher level of academic English writing and verbal communication skills was required for research students to ensure that the research experience went smoothly. COLLEGE OF SAN BENILDO - RIZAL HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT Sumulong Highway, Antipolo City School Year 2023-2024 Local Studies According to the study of IRP.ORG “Collective Experiences and Perceptions of Senior High School Students in Blended Learning.” This phenomenological research aimed to explore the collective experiences and perceptions on their preparedness for college of selected Senior High School students under the Academic Strands HUMSS, GAS, STEM, and ABM of Leyte National High School, Tacloban City, Philippines. This study seeks to explore students’ perceptions on whether or not blended learning helped them to prepare for higher education, the activities in SHS that they engaged themselves with, and their perceptions of their preparedness for college. A criterion sampling method was used for the selection of participants, an interview guide was used in a one-on-one online interview, and the data gathered was carefully analyzed through thematic analysis. The study found that the common factors that negatively affect the students’ learning experiences in blended learning are: home conditions, internet connectivity, and inadequate teacher intervention. The findings also illustrate that the advantages that students get in this learning modality are: developing technical life skills, boosting self-reliance, and improving students’ ability to use technological devices and educational software for their successful learning. Subsequently, students use different coping mechanisms to survive their SHS year, among the coping mechanisms employed by the students, the most effective were: embracing independent learning, using the intemet, and seeking assistance from their teachers, family, and friends. Research has played a pivotal role in advancing curriculum development, addressing the needs of learners with difficulties, and tailoring instructional methods to cater to the unique requirements of each student. As per the Department of Education's decision, in preparation for the future of Senior High School students, DepEd introduced the subjects Practical Research 1 (Qualitative Research) and Practical Research 2 (Quantitative Research) into the curriculum (Lucas et al., 2021), According to a study by Roxas (2020), these subjects have been recently implemented in the curriculum, which may be the reason why Senior High School students are unsure of the procedures and things to be done when conducting research. In addition, Rodrigues et al (2022) state that the reasons for researchers to commit research misconduct or unethical research are due to a lack of training in scientific writing and research ethics, publication pressure, permissive attitudes, and inadequate regulatory measures. SEA COLLEGE OF SAN BENILDO- RIZAL Q@LT\% — HIGHScHooL DEPARTMENT <5 Sumulong Highway, Antipolo City 5 School Year 2023-2024 ~% SYNTHESIS OF THE FOREIGN AND LOCAL LITERATURES AND STUDIES In formulating this study, both foreign and local literature and studies were able to provide sufficient information for the research topic. Based on the foreign literature, it has been discovered that some students struggle to complete their research due to the pressure of research demands, lack of knowledge, and lack of training. In addition, the consequences of ethical research challenges are discussed, such as not receiving promotions, losing editorships, decreasing research grants, and the reluctance of graduate students to join a research group. Furthermore, these factors that cause common ethical challenges can result in various misunderstandings for the research community, particularly when researchers may rely on works that do not follow the research ethical guidelines. In the local literature, not much accessible literature was found due to the topic being uncommon in the Philippines. However, certain articles that were identified as relevant managed to include other forms of unethical research challenges in the Philippines that were mandated by the Republic Act No. 10532. The local literature highlighted the importance of integrating ethical research practices, not only in the research paper but also in the human participants. Now, with the use of the related literature and studies, the researchers aim to determine the kinds of ethical challenges committed, the factors that influence the ethical decision-making of senior high school students during research projects, and how it is addressed when conducting research projects. The literature and studies serve as a guide for the research paper and to help identify the possible research gaps. THEORETICAL/CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK Ethics, in the context of this research, refers to the principles and standards that guide individuals’ behavior in research practices and decision-making. It involves considerations of what is morally right or wrong, and how individuals should conduct themselves in various situations, particularly in conducting research and addressing ethical challenges. This research was based on a study by Hipona (2020), who asserted that "the three main factors impacting research success are attitude, knowledge, and barriers toward research." It is suggested that students’ difficulties in conducting research papers may stem from these factors. The study aimed to uncover the intricate dynamics of cues to action and self-efficacy in shaping students’ attitudes and behaviors regarding ethical issues. The findings are expected to guide targeted interventions and educational strategies aimed at cultivating a proactive and resilient student community COLLEGE OF SAN BENILDO - RIZAL HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT Sumulong Highway, Antipolo City School Year 2023-2024 in confronting ethical challenges. However, several barriers, such as lack of time and prior research experience, may impede students from completing these tasks. Perceived barriers to research, including time constraints, inadequate training, lack of awareness, funding issues, and difficulties in follow-up, need to be addressed. These challenges may also be influenced by students’ research topics, skills, and learning experiences. While the Deontology theory suggests that people should adhere to their obligations and duties when making decisions involving ethics, emphasizing the intrinsic morality of actions rather than their consequences, it is imperative to consider how this theory informs ethical decision-making within the context of research practices. Deontological ethics holds that certain acts are morally obligatory regardless of their outcomes, underscoring the importance of ethical principles in guiding research conduct. Thus, understanding and integrating Deontology theory into educational strategies can contribute to fostering an ethical research environment that prioritizes integrity and responsibility among students. The research aims to explore the struggles and distractions faced by students in creating research papers, such as time constraints, poor time management, and a lack of ideas. These challenges are intertwined with the broader context of research success, encompassing attitude, knowledge, and barriers toward research, as identified by Hipona (2020). Understanding these factors is crucial for addressing ethical challenges in research, as they significantly influence how senior high school students approach their paper-writing tasks. By integrating insights from the study of Hipona (2020) and this research, interventions and educational strategies can be developed to support students in navigating their academic journeys effectively while promoting the rights and well-being of research participants. Addressing barriers such as time constraints, inadequate training, and lack of awareness is essential for fostering a proactive and resilient student community in facing ethical challenges. Furthermore, empowering students to develop and explore ideas for conducting research papers based on their knowledge can contribute to their academic excellence and overall success in their chosen courses. In this context, ethical theory, specifically Deontology, plays a pivotal role. Deontology theory suggests that people should adhere to their obligations and duties when making decisions involving ethics, emphasizing the intrinsic morality of actions rather than their consequences. Deontological ethics holds that certain acts are morally obligatory regardless of their outcomes, underscoring the importance of ethical principles in guiding research conduct. Thus, understanding and integrating Deontology theory into educational strategies can contribute to fostering an ethical research environment that prioritizes integrity and responsibility among students. COLLEGE OF SAN BENILDO - RIZAL HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT Sumulong Highway, Antipolo City School Year 2023-2024 The theory that was used for the theoretical framework is the Deontology Theory of Immanuel Kant. This theory states that they are rules that distinguish an action from good or bad rather than the consequences of the action. According to the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (2007), Deontology can be described as a theory that directs and evaluates our decisions regarding what we should do. In other words, the theory emphasizes the importance of adhering to ethical principles and duties as an individual. In terms of the study, the Deontology theory can be considered appropriate because it helps to determine whether a student's action in research making can be considered as good or bad despite the outcome. According to the theory of Deontology, actions are determined as either good or bad based on their characteristics, intent, and duty. In simpler words, Deontology focuses more on reason and considers an action good or bad if the individual can do their duty of adhering to the rules. Likewise, the graph presents the researcher conducting research with factors that may compel them to commit a research ethical challenge that can stem from ill intents such as the pressure to publish, the sake of getting others’ approval, and the like. COLLEGE OF SAN BENILDO - RIZAL HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT Sumulong Highway, Antipolo City School Year 2023-2024 OPERATIONAL DEFINITION OF TERMS 1. Ethical Challenges - The term refers to circumstances where researchers may not have clear guidelines on how to conduct research in the most appropriate manner. Such situations can lead to researchers being held accountable for their conduct. 2. Lived Experience - The subjective viewpoints, understandings, and interpretations individuals have about specific phenomena or events they have experienced are known as personal experiences. These occurrences differ for each person and can offer valuable insights into various social, cultural, and psychological phenomena. 3. Research ethics - A set of principles that guides us on how to conduct research in a way that is responsible and upholds integrity and respect for the scientific process. It includes our respect towards society, fellow researchers, data, and more. It ensures that the public can trust the research study and researchers. COLLEGE OF SAN BENILDO - RIZAL HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT Sumulong Highway, Antipolo City School Year 2023-2024 BIBLIOGRAPHY Drolet, M., Rose-Derouin, E., Leblanc, J., Ruest, M., & Williams-Jones, B. (2022, August 12). Ethical issues in research: perceptions of researchers, research ethics board members and research ethics experts. Journal of Academic Ethics, 21(2), 269-292. Enago Academy. (2021, October 19). The effect of scientific misconduct on a researcher's career. Enago Academy. areer! George, E. (2023, April 3). 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Journal of the ASEAN Federation of Endocrine Societies, 35(1), 29-32.,15605/jafes.035.01.07 Rodrigues, F.,, Gupta, P., Khan, A. P., Chatterjee, T., Sandhu, N. K., & Gupta, L. (2023) The Cultural Context of Plagiarism and Research Misconduct in the Asian Region. Journal of Korean Medical Science, 38(12) Roxas, M. J. D. (2020). Attitudes of Senior High Schoo! Students towards Research: An Exploratory Study. Social Science Research Network. Santa Clara University, Velasquez, M., Andre, C., Shanks, T., & Meyer, M. (2010, January 1). What is Ethics? Markkula Center for Applied Ethics. https:/iwww.scu.edulethics/ethics-resources/ethical-decision-making/what-is-ethi cs/ Western Sydney University. (n.d.). Definition of Research: ication/dest_definition_of_research Alexander, Larry and Michael Moore, "Deontological Ethics", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2021 Edition), Edward N Zalta(ed.) URL=. Bangalan, R. C., & Hipona, J. B. SENIOR HIGH STUDENTS’ ATTITUDE AND BARRIERS “2, COLLEGE OF SAN BENILDO - RIZAL & 2 Yip HIGHScHooL DEPARTMENT <5 Sumulong Highway, Antipolo City 5 School Year 2023-2024 IN CONDUCTING A RESEARCH: A PLATFORM TO ENHANCE SCIENTIFIC PEDAGOGICAL LEARNING. Zalta(ed.), URL=.

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