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Activity No.

Program Date: February 8, 2024
With Major

Course: Assessment in Learning 2 Instructor: Ralph Arjay C. Dela Cruz

Direction: Below are five scenarios or classroom situations where assessment is needed. Your
task is to analyze each scenario and identify which type of assessment (diagnostic, summative,
formative, or combination(be specific)) would be most appropriate in each case. Consider the
specific context and objectives of the assessment to make your determination. After analyzing
each scenario, provide a brief explanation of your reasoning.
Scenario 1: You are a high school physics teacher beginning a unit on electromagnetism. Before
delving into the new material, you want to assess your students' prior knowledge and
understanding of basic concepts in electricity and magnetism.
Scenario 2: Mr. Capili, a high school physics teacher, has just completed teaching a unit on
Newton's laws of motion. He wants to evaluate his students' overall understanding of the material
and their ability to apply the laws to solve real-world problems.
Scenario 3: Ms. Angel, a high school chemistry teacher, wants to assess her students'
understanding of chemical bonding concepts. However, she also wants to gather feedback on
their problem-solving skills and ability to apply theoretical knowledge to practical scenarios.
Scenario 4: Dr. Perez, a college biology professor, is teaching a challenging unit on genetics to
her undergraduate students. She wants to assess their deep understanding of complex genetic
concepts, their ability to analyze genetic data, and their critical thinking skills in evaluating genetic
research studies.
Scenario 5: Mrs. Halaman, a primary school teacher, is teaching a unit on fractions to her third-
grade students. She wants to assess their progress and understanding of fraction concepts
throughout the unit, as well as their ability to apply those concepts in problem-solving tasks.

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