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Spanish Culture

Historical and Artistic Heritage:

 The earliest cultural manifestations in Spain date back to the Palaeolithic Period, around 15,000
B.C., with the Franco-Cantabrian culture leaving behind significant cave art, such as the
masterpiece in the main chamber of the cave at Altamira

 Spain has an extraordinary artistic heritage, with influential figures like El Greco, Diego
Velázquez, and Francisco de Goya during the Golden Age, and later, the remarkable group of
Spanish artists including Pablo Picasso, Juan Gris, Joan Miró, and Salvador Dalí in the early 20th

Cultural Diversity and Regional Identity:

 Each region/state of Spain has a unique cultural identity, with a strong and unifying national
identity alongside regional pride and distinctiveness

 The romantic exaltation of national values in the 19th century fueled a revival of Spain's regional
cultures, leading to the restoration of regional traditions and customs

Social Customs and Lifestyle:

 Spaniards tend to take their time to appreciate life, savoring long, multi-course meals and
enjoying vibrant street culture, with neighbors strolling around, older people playing checkers,
and teenagers hanging out in plazas

 Spain is famous for its strong social dimension, with many fiestas punctuating the year, and
Spaniards are renowned for their pride, love of Spain, and strong awareness of personal honor

Cuisine and Daily Life:

 Spanish cuisine is generally Mediterranean in style, featuring lots of olive oil, garlic, onions,
tomatoes, and peppers. Lunch is the main meal of the day, served around 2 or 3 pm, while
dinner may start as late as 9 pm

 The country's vibrant and warm culture prioritizes family and enjoying the company of loved
ones, especially over food, and celebrates traditional festivities with passion and pride

Influence of Islamic Spain and Internationalization of Culture:

 Islamic culture spread across Spain during Muslim rule, leading to advancements in
mathematics, medicine, and philosophy during the golden age of Islamic rule in Spain

 Since the 1960s, Spanish culture, particularly the youth culture, has increasingly become part of
a homogeneous, heavily American-influenced international culture, reflecting the country's
openness to foreign influences

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