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What is communication?

Communication is the process of exchanging information, ideas, thoughts,

or feelings between individuals or groups.

Why is communication important? Communication is crucial for sharing knowledge, expressing

emotions, building relationships, and coordinating actions within organizations and societies.

What are the key elements of communication? The key elements of communication are the sender
(who sends the message), the message itself (the information being conveyed), the medium (the
method used to transmit the message), the receiver (who receives the message), and feedback (the
response or reaction to the message).

What is the communication process? The communication process involves a sender encoding a
message, transmitting it through a chosen channel, the receiver decoding the message, and
providing feedback. This process is continuous and dynamic, emphasizing the exchange of messages
between sender and receiver.

What are the seven Cs of Communication? The seven Cs of communication are Clarity, Conciseness,
Concreteness, Correctness, Consideration, Completeness, and Courtesy.

Describe two Cs of Communication with examples:

1. Clarity: Make sure your message is clear and easy to understand. For example, instead of
saying "The project schedule has been adjusted," say "Due to unforeseen circumstances, we
need to extend the project deadline by one week."

2. Conciseness: Convey your message using as few words as possible while still being clear. For
instance, in a presentation about sales performance, focus on key highlights like total
revenue and top-selling products to keep the audience engaged and avoid overwhelming

What is Grapevine communication? Grapevine communication refers to informal and unofficial

communication channels within an organization, such as rumors or gossip, that spread
spontaneously among employees.

What are the merits and demerits of Grapevine communication? Merits include rapid transmission
of information, fostering social cohesion, and providing a feedback mechanism. Demerits include
inaccuracy, lack of control, undermining formal channels, and potential for conflict.

What is the role of Feedback in communication? Feedback provides valuable information about how
a message was received and understood, helping to ensure understanding, confirm receipt, allow for
adjustment, strengthen relationships, and improve communication.

Distinguish between Oral and Written communication: Oral communication involves spoken words,
immediate feedback, flexibility, non-permanent nature, personal touch, and suitability for complex
messages. Written communication uses written words, has delayed feedback, creates a permanent
record, is more formal, suitable for complex information, and accessible across time and space.

Describe any two barriers in communication and how to overcome them:

1. Language Barriers: Overcome by using a common language, simplifying language, providing

visual aids, and encouraging clarification.

2. Cultural Barriers: Overcome through cultural sensitivity training, adapting communication

style, active listening, and seeking feedback.
What are the causes of poor listening? Poor listening can be caused by distractions, preoccupation,
biases and assumptions, lack of interest, and overconfidence.

How can good listening skills be developed? Good listening skills can be developed by practicing
paying attention, listening with an open mind, using non-verbal cues, asking questions, reflecting
back, and being patient.

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