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Medical Report

Date : 28.01.2021 10:02

Date of result: 28.01.2021 20:50

First Name: GEORGE Name: POPESCU

Personal Nr: 1890714394427 Analyzis Id/code:
ID Card / Pasaport - series and number: ZV271041 AK2693 *AK2693*
ANALYSIS Result Biological reference range
*** Used analysis Specimen : pharyngial and nasal secre on obtained with a VTM (viral transport medium)
Device: Automated equipment Nimbus si CFX 96 with kit IVD-CE
Used technique: mul plex detec on using RT-PCR of the virus SARS CoV-2 by detec ng three target genes: N gene, E -gene, and
RdRP gene, using internal control.

Tiparit de: Ana Maria Oprea Data tiparirii 28.01.2021 20:52 pag. 1 / 1
Cod formular: FGL-13-01

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