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1. Circe have got / has got.

1. She has/have got a tall brother who plays basketball.

2. He has/have got an old car from his grantfather.

3. The street has/have got noisy cars passing by all day long.

4.They has/have got a fat dog that loves to nap in the sun.

2. Write sentences using have got / has got

Anna / a car Anna has got a car.

The dog / a bone

The library / a quiet room

We / a clean room
3. Complete the following questions with the forms have got or has got

osobowośc towarzyski
Has he _____
1. ____ got a quiet personality, or is he outgoing?

2. _____ the cat ____ young kittens, or are they older?

3. _____ they ____ old books, or are they new?

4. _____ the thin woman _____ long hair, or is it short?

5. ______ they _____ a fat cat, or is it slim?

4. . Look at the pictures and answer the questions as in the example.

1. Has he got a clean car?

Yes, he has.

2. Has she got two fat cats?

3. Have they got brown hair?

4. Has he got short hair?

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