CL 10 Worksheet 2 Introduction To Ai

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OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTIONS (Continuation of worksheet 1)

15. The basis of decision making depends upon

i) availability of information

ii) past experience

iii) positive attitude

iv) self-awareness

a) i) and ii)

b) ii) and iv)

c) i), ii) and iv)

d) i), ii) and iii)

16. Unscramble the letters and find the correct answer

DATA + ________ = AI MACHINE





17. Infrared sensors detect infrared energy that is emitted by one's body heat. When hands are placed in the
proximity of the sensor, the infrared energy quickly fluctuates. This fluctuation triggers the pump to
activate and dispense the designated amount of sanitizer. This is an example of

a) Automated machine

b) AI machine
c) Semi-automatic machine

d) Deep Learning machine

18. Match Column A with Column B:

Column A Column B

1. Face recognition machine (i) Not AI

2. Automatic door (ii) AI

3. Gesture recognition

4. Automatic toy car

19. Unscramble the letters and find the name the first humanoid robot with a






Assertion(A): Anyone can kick an artificially intelligent machine

Reason (R): They have no pain receptors

a) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A

b) Both A and R are correct but R is NOT the correct explanation of A

c) A is correct but R is not correct

d) A is not correct but R is correct.

20.a. Understand and inspect the web page to find the HTML markers associated

with the information we want.

b. Use Python libraries to pull out data from the HTML page.

c. Manipulate the collected data to get it in the form we need.

The above given steps are for collecting data from which of the following data

a) Cameras

b) Sensors

c) Surveys

d) Web scraping

21. A leading multinational company operates on a chain of hypermarkets and grocery stores deployed an
AI application to make it easier for employees to keep their stores running smoothly. They used thousands
of video cameras, weighted sensors on shelves, and other technologies that can tell employees when
certain products is starting to go bad. One of the task of the application is to identify bananas that had
started to turn brown, eliminating the need for employees to manually inspect fruit. Which of the following
domain is used to achieve this?

a) Data sciences

b) Computer vision

c) Natural Language Processing

d) Fuzzy logic

22. An AI system uses two broad classes of data namely content data which includes the raw video streams
title, description, etc, and user activity data that includes rating a video, favoriting/liking a video, or
subscribing to an uploader, and watch time. Based on this, the AI system measures a user’s engagement
and happiness. It then starts computing personalized recommendations to the user. Which of the following
applications can you relate to this?

a) self-driving car

b) Siri

c) email filters

d) YouTube

23. Amazon had been working on a secret AI recruiting tool. The machine-learning specialists uncovered a
big problem: their new recruiting engine did not like women. The system taught itself that male candidates
were preferable. It penalized resumes that included the word “women". This led to the failure of the tool.
This is an example of

a) Data Privacy
b) AI access

c) AI Bias

d) Data Exploration

24. _______is a domain of AI that depicts the capability of a machine to get and analyse visual information
and afterwards predict some decisions about it.

a) NLP

b) Data Sciences

c) Augmented Reality

d) Computer Vision

25._________________is the sub-field of AI that is focused on enabling computers to understand and

process human languages.

a) Deep Learning

b) Machine Learning

c) NLP

d) Data Sciences

26. In___________________, the machine is trained with huge amounts of data which helps it in training
itself around the data.

a) Supervised Learning

b) Deep Learning

c) Classification

d) Unsupervised Learning

27. Define Machine Learning.

a) Machine learning is the study of computer algorithms that improve

automatically through experience.

b) Refers to any technique that enables computers to mimic human


c) Machine learning refers to computer systems (both machines and

software) enables machines to perform tasks for which it is


d) Machine Learning refers to projects that allow the machine to work on

a particular logic.

28. In __________________, the machine is trained with huge amounts of data

which helps it in training itself around the data.

a) Machine Learning

b) Artificial Intelligence

c) NLP

d) Deep Learning

29. In ___________, input to machines can be photographs, videos and pictures

from thermal or infrared sensors, indicators and different sources.

a) Computer Vision

b) Data Acquisition

c) Data Collection

d) Machine learning



1. Define the terms AI, ML and DL.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is when a machine possesses the ability to imitate human traits, make decisions,
predict future and improve on its own.

Machine Learning (ML) is often used in conjunction with AI, but it is a subset of AI. ML refers to an
artificial intelligence system that can teach itself based on algorithms. The system that becomes smarter
over time without human intervention.
Deep Learning (DL) is a subset of ML. It is a technology inspired by the way the human brain filters
information. It’s about learning from the examples. The DL system helps computer models to filter input
data through layers to predict and classify information. Deep Learning processes in the same way as
human brain.

2. Difference between AI and not AI with examples.


3. Will it be valid to say that not all the devices which are termed as "smart" are AI-enabled ? Justify this
statement. Explain any two examples from the daily life which are commonly misunderstood as Al.
BOARD 2023

Ans. Not all devices labelled as "smart" are AI-enabled. While "smart" often suggests advanced
capabilities, many such devices rely on rule-based or data-driven systems rather than true artificial
intelligence (AI).

Examples include smart thermostats, which use algorithms for temperature control, and smart fridges with
rule-based inventory management. These devices lack the deep learning and reasoning abilities of
advanced AI systems, highlighting the need for caution when assuming the presence of AI in "smart"

Refer to textbook for other examples and explanations Page no : 135

4. Define the domains of AI with alteast 3 to 4 examples from each domain (you have to elaborate the

Ans 4: Refer to textbook. Page no : 137-139


1. Why do we need AI Ethics? Explain with an example.

Ans 1: Artificial Intelligence is ultimately an advanced calculation and analysis tool. When developed with
malicious intent or trained with conflicting data, it is prone to errors and biases. Artificial Intelligence has
great potential to be used as a weapon in a way that threatens public safety, security and quality of life,
which is why the ethics of Artificial Intelligence is so important.

Example: Deepfakes are video or audio content generated by artificial intelligence for deception. Such
machine generated videos have great potential to harm society by promoting the spread of misinformation
and cyber attacks.

2. List three ways in which AI can be misused.

Ans 2: Three ways in which artificial intelligence can be misused are:

a. Deepfakes: Using artificial intelligence to produce or manipulate audio and visual content to make it
appear real. Combining “deep learning” and “fake media”, deepfakes are very suitable for misusing in
future, because even with technological solutions, they are difficult to immediately distinguish from
legal content.
b. Cybercriminals are using machine learning for guessing users’ passwords.
c. Cybercriminals also misuse artificial intelligence to mimic human behaviour. For example, they can
successfully fool bot detection systems on social media platforms like Spotify by mimicking human
usage patterns. Cybercriminals can profit from malicious systems and generate fraudulent streams and
traffic for specific artists.

3. Will AI lead to unemployment?

Ans 3: With advancement of artificial intelligence, some people believe that it will steadily and inevitably
take over most of the labour force and bring about massive unemployment and social unrest. However,
artificial intelligence and other innovations are designed to excel at a very specific set of tasks. They will
not easily be able to substitute an entire occupation, which is, in most cases, requires much more
versatility and adaptability.

Artificial Intelligence will also create new jobs on the ground. Self driving cars may require the driver to
make emergency trips. More technical developers will be needed to create chatbots for all industries, and
most importantly, to act like humans. No matter how advanced and super-efficient artificial intelligence
becomes, some tasks are always done by humans, including doctors, therapists, hairdressers and personal

4. Briefly explain the moral issues surrounding Self-Driving cars.

Ans 4: Self-driving cars are not driven by any human being. Here, arises the issue of ethics- exactly who
should take the responsibility of accidents happening on the road:

a. The person who bought the car.

b. The manufacturing company.
c. The developer who developed the car’s algorithm.
d. The person who came in front of the car.

The above are some of the moral issues surrounding self-driving cars.

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