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Trường hợp khác của câu điều kiện

Trong câu điều kiện loại 0, I và II, chúng ta có thể sử dụng một số từ, cụm từ như so/as long
as, when, provided/providing that, unless… để thay thế cho if.

1. unless

unless được sử dụng để diễn tả một điều kiện phủ định, nó mang nghĩa tương đương với if…

Ví dụ: Unless I work hard, I will fail this exam. (Trừ khi tôi học hành chăm chỉ, tôi sẽ trượt bài
thi này.)
= If I don’t work hard, I will fail this exam.

2. so/as long as & provided/providing that & on condition (that)

Những cụm từ này có thể được dùng thay thế cho if để nhấn mạnh điều kiện được nhắc đến.

Ví dụ: My brother’s mistake won’t be discovered as long as nobody tells him. (Sai lầm của em
trai tôi sẽ không bị phát hiện chừng nào không ai nói cho nó biết.)
= My brother’s mistake won’t be discovered if nobody tells him.

You may keep the book a further week provided that no one else requires it. (Bạn có thể giữ cuốn
sách này thêm một tuần nữa với điều kiện là không ai khác cần mượn nó.)
= You may keep the book a further week if no one else requires it.

3. or/ otherwise
or và otherwise được sử dụng để diễn tả một kết quả có khả năng cao sẽ xảy ra nếu điều kiện
được đưa ra không được thực hiện. Tuy nhiên, or và otherwise được dùng trước mệnh đề kết
quả chứ không không thay thế cho if ở mệnh đề điều kiện.

Ví dụ: Hurry up or you will be late for school. (Nhanh lên nếu không bạn sẽ bị muộn học đấy.)
= If you don’t hurry up, you will be late for school.

Ms Trang helped me a lot, otherwise I would have failed this term. (Ms Trang đã giúp tôi rất
nhiều, nếu không tôi đã trượt kỳ này.)
= If Miss Trang hadn’t helped me a lot, I would have failed this term.

4. Without: không có – sử dụng trong trường hợp giả định mệnh đề chính sẽ thay đổi như
thế nào nếu không có điều kiện.

Ví dụ: Without water, life wouldn't exist.

=> If there were no water, life wouldn't exist.

5. Suppose/Supposing: có nghĩa là giả sử như, dùng để đặt ra giải thiết.

Ví dụ: Suppose/Supposing you fail the job interview, what will you do?
(Giả sử bạn trượt vòng phỏng vấn xin việc, bạn sẽ làm gì?

Exercises 1: Rewrite the sentences

1. Jackson doesn’t live in Japan because he doesn’t know anyone there.
→ Jackson would__________________________________________________________
2. Lily doesn’t have any spare tickets. She can’t take me to the concert.
→ If Lyly_________________________________________________________________
3. They don’t understand the problem. They won’t find any right solution.
→ Unless they_____________________________________________________________
4. Jack drinks too much alcohol every day, that’s why his stomach is not good.
→ If Jack_________________________________________________________________
5. Hana didn’t have breakfast, so she feels very hungry now.
→ If Hana________________________________________________________________
6. Jimmy didn’t answer the phone because he was studying.
→ If Jimmy_______________________________________________________________
7. John is exhausted today because he didn’t sleep well last night.
→ If John________________________________________________________________
8. Go right now or you’ll be late for the bus.
→ If you_________________________________________________________________
9. Hurry up, or we will be late for work.
→ If we__________________________________________________________________
10. Sarah can’t park near her office, that’s why she doesn’t come by car.
→ If Sarah________________________________________________________________
11. Melly was sick, so she couldn’t take part in the contest.
→ If ____________________________________________________________________
12. Karen is not tall enough to join the basketball team.
→ If Karen_______________________________________________________________
13. Ronald doesn’t see the signal so he doesn’t stop the car.
→ If he__________________________________________________________________
14. Peter got bad marks yesterday because he didn’t prepare his lessons well.
→ If Peter________________________________________________________________
15. Anna must try a bit harder, or she won’t pass the exam.
→ As long as Anna ________________________________________________________
16. Without your help, I couldn’t find her address so quickly.
→ If ____________________________________________________________________
17. Shut up, otherwise, you can’t follow what the teacher is saying.
→ If_____________________________________________________________________
18. But for the heavy rain, we would have a good picnic on Sunday.
→ If ____________________________________________________________________
19. Unless Nam apologizes to me, I won’t talk to him again.
→ If_____________________________________________________________________
20. If it weren’t for the traffic jam, we would go to the meeting on time.
→ But for________________________________________________________________
21. If you didn’t help me, I couldn’t find my dog.
→ Without________________________________________________________________
22. If he doesn’t submit the project, he won't graduate.
→ Unless_________________________________________________________________
23. If it weren’t for his sickness, he would come to help you.
→ But for________________________________________________________________
24. I won’t tell her the truth if you agree to help me with this job.
→ Unless_________________________________________________________________
25. The doctor will see patients only if it’s an emergency on a public holiday.
→ As long as______________________________________________________________
26. If he doesn't practice writing every day, he can't improve his writing skill.
→ Unless ________________________________________________________________
27. If you don’t return this book to the library today, you’ll have to pay a fine.
→ Unless ________________________________________________________________
28. If I didn’t know the number, I would not ring her up.
→ Unless ________________________________________________________________
29. If he refused anything, he wouldn't lose his family.
→ Unless ________________________________________________________________
30. If I don't save money, someone would take it.
→ Unless ________________________________________________________________

Exercise 2: Complete the sentences with because/ as/ since, if, unless, when, or so.
1. We decided to go out for a meal ________ we had no food at home.
2. He has a very important job ____________ he is particularly well-paid
3. Can I borrow that book ________ you've finished it?
4. You can't drive a car ___________ you've got a licence.
5. No one was watching the television __________ I switched it off.
6. ____________ she changed a lot, we didn't recognise her.
7. _________ you're ready, we can start now.
8. I'm going away for a few days. I'll phone you __________ I get back.
9. You should inform the police __________ your bicycle is stolen.
10. Matthew went to bed ___________ it was too late to go out.
11. _____________ you drive without driving license, you're breaking the law.
12. You won't learn to use a keyboard properly __________ you practice.
13. ______________ we have plenty of time, let's go and have a coffee.
14. ___________ they lived near us, we used to see them quite often.
15. ____________ it is raining this evening, I won't go out.

Exercise 3: Fill in each blank with a correct preposition.

1. The teacher divided the class _____ four groups.
2. He provided us _____ a lot of useful information.
3. The teacher gave _______ the exam papers.
4. I was disappointed ________ the grade I received on my last exam.
5. The ground is covered _______ trash. You should clear ______ all the trash on the ground
before leaving.
6. After several hours of discussion, the council finally agreed _________ a plan.
7. My sister kept _______ asking me question after question.
8. The garage has got full ________ junk again.
9. We are all responsible ______ keeping the environment clean and clear.
10. Don't throw trash _________ the water because polluted water can directely do harm
_______ people's health.
1. into 2. With 3. Out 4. With 5. With – up
6. with 7. On 8. Of 9. For 10. Onto – to

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