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® Jobs

com puter office plane

* Read pages4-5. fLight a t t e n d a n t
1 Write the words. firefighter t e le p h o n e

1 office 2 __________ 3

4 ____________ 5 __________ 6

2 Complete the sentences.

hot help are outside planes

1 Some jobs a re inside.

2 Some jobs a r e __________ .
3 Flight a t t e n d a n t s work on ___________ .
4 Flight a t t e n d a n t s __________ passengers.
5 Firefighters go into v e r y ___________ buildings.
3 Match. Then write the sentences.
People use computers outside.
Firefighters w e a r
People make roads
Flight a t t e n d a n t s
\ very hot buildings,
in an office.
a uniform.
Firefighters go into work on planes.

1 People use computers in an office.

3 ____________________________________________________

4 __________________________________________
5 __________________________________________

4 Circle the odd one out.

1 inside outside ( orange )
2 com puter bodg te le p h o n e
3 firefighter flight a t t e n d a n t road
4 building hot new
5 see office go
6 passengers plane hot

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