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Name: Patrick Davalos Salas

Date: 16/04/2021

EXERCISE (page 86)

10. Plan a paragraph about your town or city. First make choices about:

 The type of reader (a tourist who likes art a business person, a student, etc.)

Arequipa is a small city in the south of Peru. The Historcal Center is the most attractive place in
Arequipa, where the tourists can go by bicycle, car and bus since ‘’The Terminal Terrestre’’.
There are much food stalls, also good hotels and other services, so the center is always very full.
Then you can walk in one of the most emblematic bridges in Arequipa, its name is ‘’Chillina
bridge’’ where you watch the green field and the great ‘’Misti’’, next to other volcanoes, for
example ‘’The Chachani’’ and ‘’The Pichupichu’’.

 The type of topic (art, history, food, sport, etc.)

Arequipa is in the desert, so the temperature is hotter than in Lima or Trujillo and the habitants
of the city use sunscreem every day. There is only an important river but it is very contaminated
because the people threw wastes. For other part, the city grows continually in technology and
science, there are some universities and technical schools that maximize the investigation and
the social projects. Besides of all Arequipa has tipical foods as the ‘’Rocoto relleno’’, ‘’Chupe de
camarones’’ and others, so it has gastronomy potential.

EXERCISE (page 89)

4. Write a short travel blog about a journey or a place you visited on holiday. Think about these
 Where were you?
 When was it?
 Who was there?
 What happened?

I was in a wide place, and around me there were very much grass, the air blew hard and as i
didn’t use coat so i feeled the most intense cold of all. We walked to the Misti since the green
fields, because it was more silent than the cars’s road. The journey was during the national
holidays of Arequipa. We were a great group of walkers and climbers, also there was a doctor
with his first aid kit. I got only at the Misti’s base, because Percy and María stayed very tired.

5. Work in pairs. Exchange your travel blogs. Use these questions to check your partner’s
 Did your partner answer the questions in Exercise 4?
Yes, he did.
 Did the description use different conjunctions (and, because, but and so)?
Yes, it did.

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