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goopepseserere Riding Hood's story. Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf ‘As s00n as Wolf began to feel ‘That he would ike a decent He went and knocked on Grandma's door. When Grandma opened it, she ‘The sharp white teeth, the hortd grin, ‘And Wolfe sai, "May I come oor Grandmamma was ot He's going to eat me up! And she wat absolutely right He ate her up in one big ‘But Grandmamma was small and . ‘And Woe wailed, "Thats not endugh ‘havent yet begun to fee! That | have hada decent meal!” He ran around the kitchen Tve got te have a second helping?” ‘Then added wih right leer “Fm therefore going to wal ght. Til Lite Miss Red Riding Hood Comes home from walking inte He quicky (Ot course Ra Rach eaten those), He dressed himself in coat and hat He put on shoes, and after He even brushed and curled his hair ‘Then sat himaalf in Grandma's In came the lite gi in red ‘She stopped. She stared. And thon she said, ‘All the Baler to Fear you wit,” the Wol replied. “What great big eyes you have, Granama." Lite Red Riding Hood. "Ai the beiter to see you with.” the Wolf replied. He sat there watching her and smile. He rm going to eat tis chil Compared win hor ol6 Grandmamma She's going fo taste tke ‘Then Little Red Rising Hood said, "But Grandma, "That's wong? Ged Wo.” Have you To tell me what BIG TEETH Ive got? ‘Ah well, no matter what you say, Fim going to eat you ‘The smal gir stiles. One eyelid Pickers, ‘She whips rom her knickers. ‘She aims it st the creature's head ‘And bang bang beng, she shoots him Alew weeks inthe wood, leame across Miss Riding Hood, But what a change! No cloak ofr, No sily hood upon head. ‘She said, "Hello, and do please note My lovely fury workin mwaranennnaaaaanenneneeaeenanrerneaanuananeenaanaanaaannneRaennn’ PSISISIISSISISSSSS SSSI DO OOS Fill the gaps in the poem with the words on the right in order to tell Roald Dahi’s version of Little Red ‘What big ears you have, Grandma wat @ ‘great big furry coat you have on." Dd dd dd dd wood tough ere yelping thought lovely forgot dead anyway pistol hor later ‘g g 5 g g g go & g 2 Z & g g g g Z g Z g H g gs g g go s A go g g Z g A z

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