Jamb Revision Questions (Chem)

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1. A mixture of petrol and water can be separated though (a)the use of filter paper (b)the use of separating funnel
(c)centrifugation (d)distillation
2. Which of the following is an example of mixture? (a)blood (b)sand (c)washing soda (d)common salt
3. An element X forms the following compounds with chlorine XCl 4, XCl3, XCl2. This illustrates (a)law of multiple
proportion (b)law of chemical proportions (c)law of simple proportions (d)law of conservation of mass (e)law of definite
4. If 1 mole of aluminium contains 6 x 1023 atoms of aluminium, how many atoms are contained in 0.9g of aluminium?
[Al=27] (a) 1.0 x 1023 (b) 6.6 x 1023 (c) 6 x 1023 (d) 2.0 x 1023 (e) 6.0x 1023
5. A balanced chemical equation obeys the law of (a)conservation of mass (b)definite proportions (c)multiple proportions
(d)conservation of energy
6. How many atoms are present in the 6.0g of magnesium? (a) 1.2x 1022 (b) 2.41 x 1022 (c) 1.51 x 1023 (d) 3.02 x 1023
[Mg=24, NA=6.02 x 1023mol-1
7. How many moles of limestone would be required to produce 5.6g of CaO? (a)020 mol (b)1.12 mol (c)0.10 mol (d)0.56
mol [Ca=40,C=12, O=16]
8. What is the molar mass of a substance, if 0.4mol of the substance has a mass of 25.0g (a)6.3g (b)40.0g (c)62.5g (d)2.5g
9. What is the percentage of Sulphur in Sulphur(iv)oxide? (a)25% (b)40% (c)50% (d)66%
10. The nucleus of an atom contains (a)protons only (b)neutrons only (c)protons and electrons (e)protons and neutrons
11. Which of the following is the electronic configuration of sodium (a)1s 22s22p63s2 (b) s22s22p63s23p1 (c) s22s22p63s0 (d)
s22s22p63s6(e) s22s22p63s23p4s1
12. Oxygen is a mixture of two isotopes 𝑜 and 𝑜 with relative abundance of 90% and 10% respectively. The relative
atomic mass of oxygen (a)16.0 (b)16.2 (c)17.0
13. The shape of the s-orbital is (a)spherical (b)elliptical (c)spiral (d)circular
14. Which of the following is a measure of average kinetic energy of the molecules of a substance. (a)volume (b)mass
(c)pressure (d)temperature
15. Two cylinders A and B each contains 30cm3 of oxygen and nitrogen respectively at the same temperature and pressure, if
there is 5 moles nitrogen, then the mass of oxygen is (a)3.2g (b)6.4g (c)80.0g (d)160.0g
16. The fundamental difference between the three states of matter is the (a) degree of movement of their particles (b)number
of particles in each states (c) shape of the container they occupy (d) shape of their particles
17. According to charles’ law, the volume of all gas becomes zero at (a)0 0C (b)-1000C (c)-2730C (d)-3730C
18. Rare gases are stable because they(a)contain equal number of protons and neutrons (b)contain more electrons than protons
(c)are chemically active (d)have octet structure
19. Consider reaction represented by the following equation: xKMnO4 + ySOS(g) + ZH2O(L) = K2SO4(aq) + 2MnSO4(aq) +
2H2SO4(aq) . x, y and z are respectively (a)2,5 and 2 (b)2,2 and 5 (c)5,1 and 2 (d)1,5 and 2
20. What is the amount of magnesium that would contain 1.20 x 10 24 particles [Mg=24, Avogadro’s constant=6.02x1023]
(a)0.5 moles (b)2.0 moles (c)12.0 moles (d)24.0 moles
21. If the volume of a given mass of gas at 00C is 27.3cm3, what will be the volume of the gas at 100C, pressure remaining
constant? (a)2.73cm3 (b)28.3cm3 (c)37.3cm3 (d)273cm3 (e)283cm3
22. All pure samples of the same chemical compound contain the same element in the same proportion by mass is a statement
of (a)the law of conservation of mass (b)the law of constant composition (c)the law of multiple proportion (d)Gay
Lussac’s law (e)Avogadro’s law
23. How many electrons are present in 𝐵𝑒 ? (a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 6
24. Which of the following metals is common to both brass and bronze? (a) aluminum (b) copper (c) lead (d) iron
25. Which of the following is not an acid (a) NaOH (b) HCl (c) H2SO4 (d) HNO3
26. Acids turn __________ litmus paper _______
27. The relative molecular mass of NaOH is ______________ (Na = 23, O = 16 H =1)
28. The freezing point of ice is ____________________
29. During acid base titration, the acid is usually poured in the (a) burette (b) pipette (c) washing bottle (d) cylinder
30. __________________ is the phenomenon whereby an atom contains the same atomic number but different mass number.
31. Which of the following is not a CATION (a) K= (b) Na= (c) Cl- (d) Ca2+
32. Which of the following is not a compound (a) sand (b) air (c) common salt (d) quick lime
33. Which of the following Is not a noble gas (a) Ar (b) He (c) Ca (d) Ne
34. __________ is a change that new substances are formed and are not easily reversible
35. Which of the following is not a physical change (a) melting (b) rusting (c) freezing
36. The chemical formula for sand is ______________
37. Which of the following is not a metalloid (a) boron (b) silicon (c) potassium?
38. Which of the following metal is a liquid (a) mercury (b) silver (c) gold (d) potassium
39. What name is given to the conversion of solid directly into gas _________________

40. Which of the following atoms contain the highest number of electrons in the outermost shell a) 8O b) 10Ne c) 15P d)
41. Zinc oxide is a) basic oxide b) acidic oxide c) amphoteric oxide d) neutral oxide e) reactive oxide
42. When a bottle of coca-cola is opened, bubbles of gas evolve. The gas us a) hydrogen b) carbon monoxide c) carbon
dioxide d) Sulphur oxide e) chlorine
43. An example of a neutral oxide is a) neutral b) basic c) acidic d) amphoteric e) a mixture
44. Which of the following conducts electricity a) Sulphur b) Graphite c) Diamond d) Red phosphorus e) yellow
45. Which of the following is used in fire extinguishers a) carbon(ii)oxide b) carbon(iv)oxide c) Sulphur(iv) d) ammonia
46. Oxygen gas can be prepared by heating a) ammonium trioxonitrate(V) b) ammonium trioxonitrate(III) c) potassium
trioxonitrate(V) d) Manganese(IV)oxide
47. An anhydride is an oxide of a non-metal a) Which will not dissolve in water b) whose solution in water has pH greater
than 7 c) whose solution in water has a pH less than 7 d) whose solution in ware has a pH of 7
48. Synthetic gas is a mixture of a) CH4 and H2O b) CO and H2 c) CO2 and H2 d) CH4 and H2
49. Diamond is used in making jewelry due to its a) high refractive index b) transparency c)hardness d) high melting point
50. In the haber process for the manufacture of ammonia, finely divided iron is used as a) an ionizing agent b) a reducing
agent c) a catalyst d) a dehydrating agent e) an oxidizing agent
51. The catalyst used in the contact process for the manufacture of tetraoxosulphate(VI) acid is a)manganese(IV)oxide b)
manganese(II)tetraoxosulphate(VI) c) vanadium(V)oxide d)iron metal
52. Which of the following gases will rekindle a brightly glowing splint a) NO2 b) NO c) N2O d) Cl2
53. Safety matches contain potassiumtrioxonitrate and ___________
54. Bronze is an alloy of a) silver and gold b) silver and silver c) copper and nickel d) copper and zinc
55. Which of the following metals is not normally extracted by chemical reduction because of its position in the
electrochemical series a) copper b) iron c) lead d) potassium e) zinc
56. The chemical formula for benzene is _________
57. The isotope of hydrogen commonly referred to as heavy hydrogen is a) deuterium b) protium c) tritium
58. Hydrogen sulphide gas can act as a) an oxidizing agent b) a dehydrating agent c) a bleaching agent d) a precipitating
59. When the gases SO2 and H2S mix in the presence of water, the reactions is
SO2 + 2H2S 2H2O + 3S. Here the H2S is acting as a) an oxidizing agent b)a reducing agent c) a dehydrating
agent d) a catalyst
60. What is the percentage composition of oxygen in K2Cr2O7? [K2Cr2O7 = 294, O = 16, K = 39, Cr = 52] a) 14.20% b)
26.53% c) 35.37% d) 38.09%
61. What is the IUPAC name of the compound represented by the molecular formula NaClO 4 a)sodium tetraoxochlorate(I)
b) Sodium tetraoxochlorate(IV) c) sodium tetraoxochlorate(VI) d) sodium tetraoxochlorate(VII)
62. What is the oxidation number of chromium in K 2CrO4 a) +1 b) +2 c) +4 d) +6
63. The compound formed by two elements X and Y with the electronic configuration 1s 2 2s2 2p4 and 2p6 3s2 respectively is A.
XY B. YX C. X2 Y3 d) Y2X3
64. What is the mass of 6.02x1024 atoms of magnesium? [Mg=24, Avogadro constant = 6.02x10 23atoms mol-1] a) 240g b)
24g c) 2.4g d) 0.24g
65. The colour of phenolphthalein indicator in dilute HNO3(aq) is a) colourless b) orange c)pink d) purple
66. What is the value of -140C on the kelvin temperature scale? A) 259K b) 2590K c) 2870K d)2870K
67. How many orbitals are associated with the P-sub level a) 2 b) 3 c) 5 d) 6
68. Which of the following element is diatomic a) iron b) Neon c) Oxygen d) sodium
69. Which of the following apparatuses can be used to measure accurately a specific volume of a liquid a) beaker b) conical
flask c) measuring cylinder d) pipette
70. A solution of sodium trioxocarbonate(IV) contains 10.6g in 250cm3 of solution. Calculate the concentration of the
solution [Na2CO3 = 106.0] a) 0.4moldm-3 b) 1.0moldm-3 c) 10.6moldm-3 d) 25.0moldm-3
71. The determination of heat of combustion is carried out with a) a thermometer b) a bomb thermometer c) a evaporating
dish c) a boiling tube
72. The following substances are normal salts except a) Al(NO3)3 b) FeSO4 c) Mg(OH)NO3 d)NaCl
73. The rate of chemical reaction of solids are not affected by a) catalyst b) pressure c) particle size d) temperature
74. The initial volume of gas at 300K was 220cm3. Determine its temperature if the volume became 250cm3 a) 183K b)
264K c) 300K d) 341K
75. The equation P = K/V illustrates a) boyle’s law b) charle’s law c) Dalton’s law d) Gay Lussac’s
76. What mass of copper would be formed when a current of 10.0A is passed through a solution of CuSO 4 for 1hour? [Cu =
63.5, 1F = 96500C] a) 5.9g b) 11.8g c) 23.8g d) 47.3g
77. Which of the following elements is a metalloid? a) carbon b) Oxygen c) Silicon d) Sodium
78. A mixture of petrol and water can be separated though (a)the use of filter paper (b)the use of separating funnel
(c)centrifugation (d)distillation
79. Which of the following is an example of mixture? (a)blood (b)sand (c)washing soda (d)common salt
80. An element X forms the following compounds with chlorine XCl 4, XCl3, XCl2. This illustrates (a)law of multiple
proportion (b)law of chemical proportions (c)law of simple proportions (d)law of conservation of mass (e)law of definite
81. The enzyme that catalysis the conversion of glucose to ethanol and carbon(IV)oxide is A) diastase B) maltase C) ptyalin D) zymase
82. A colourless hydrocarbon with a sweet smell undergoes substation reaction. The hydrocarbon is likely to be A) alkanol B) benzene
C) ester D) methane
83. The liquid hydrocarbon likely to be found in the fraction of crude oil used for domestic cooking is A) C3H8 B) C5H12 C) C13H28 D)
84. The most common process in the extraction of metals from their ore is A) catalysis B) electrolysis C) oxidation D) reduction
85. Ethene molecules can be added to one another to form a long chain compound called A) dimer B) monomer C) polymer D) trimer
86. Reduction is the process of A) loss of electron B) loss of hydrogen C) loss oxygen D) addition of electronegative elements
87. The IUPAC name of the following organic compound HOOC – COOH is A) ethane–1, 2–dioic acid B) ethanoic acid C) oxalic acid
D) propan–1, 2–dioic acid
88. What is the function of manganese(IV)oxide in the reaction represented by the following equation?
MnO2 + 4HCl  MnCl2 + 2H2O + Cl2
A) catalyst B) dehydrating agent C) oxidizing agent D) reducing agent
89. Consider the reaction represented by the following equation: Na2CO3(aq) + 2HCl(aq)  2NaCl(aq) + H2O(l) + CO2(g). What volume of
0.02 mol dm-3 Na2CO3(aq) would be required to completely neutralize 40cm3 of 0.10 mol dm-3 HCl(aq) A) 200 cm3 B) 100 cm3 C) 40
cm3 D) 20 cm3
90. Consider the reaction represented by the following equation: C2H4(g) + 3O2(g)  2CO2(g) + 2H2O(g). How many moles of ethene would
be burnt to produce 0.1 mole of water. A) 0.05 mole B) 0.10 mole C) 0. 20 mole D) 2.00 moles
91. Which of the following salts on hydrolysis would give an alkaline solution? A) NH4Cl(s) B) AlCl2(s) C) CH3COONa(s) D) NH4NO3(s)
92. Which of the following processes is used in food preservation in an industry? A) carbon dating B) irradiation of gamma rays C)
nuclear fission D) nuclear fusion
93. Consider the following reaction equation: SO42-(aq) + 2H+(aq) + ye-  SO32-(aq) + H2O(l) The value of y in the equation is A) 2 B) 3 C)
4 D) 5
94. Which of the following compounds is a secondary alkanol? A) ethanol B) 2-methylbutan-2-ol C) 3-methylpentan-2-ol D) propan-1-
95. Which of the following processes do not take place in domestic water treatment? A) chlorination B) flocculation C) neutralization
D) sedimentation
96. A substance responsible for the sour taste of unripe oragnes is A) alkene B) alkanol C) alkanoic acid D) alkanoate
97. Which of the following metals is the strongest reducing agent? A) sodium B) silver C) potassium D) copper
98. Which of the following scientists discovered the neutron? A) Ernest Rutherford B) J.J. Thompson C) James Chadwick D) R.A.
99. The following substances are ores of metals except A) bauxite B) cuprite C) cassiterite D) graphite
100. What mass of copper would be formed when a current of 10.0 A is passed through a solution of CuSO4 for 1 hour? [Cu = 63.5; 1F =
96500C] A) 5.9g B) 11.8g C) 23.8g D) 47.3g
101. Which of the following separation techniques would show that blank ink is a mixture of chemical compounds? A) crystallization B)
chromatography C) filtration D) sublimation
102. A metal that is widely used in the manufacture of paints and overhead electric cables is A) aluminium B) copper C) iron D) lead
103. Which of the following substances is mainly responsible for the depletion of the ozone layer? A) oxygen B) chlorofluorocarbon C)
carbon(ii)oxide D) nitrogen(ii)oxide
104. The hydrolysis of NH4Cl gives A) an acidic solution B) an alkaline solution C) a buffer solution D) a neutral solution
105. Which of the following gases has the lowest rate of diffusion under the same conditions? [H = 1.00; He = 4.00; O = 16.0; Cl = 35.5]
A) Cl2 B) H2 C) He D) O2
106. Which of the following compounds will undergo additional reaction? A) ethyne B) butane C) pentane D) tetrachloromethane
107. What is emitted during the disintegration of barium nucleus shown by the equation below? 13856Ba  13454Xe A) alpha particles B)
beta particles C) gamma rays D) neutrons
108. Nuclear reactions can be used in the following except A) gauging the thickness of objects B) making atomic bombs C) curing cancer
D) purifying water
109. Petrol can be obtained from diesel by A) distillation B) cracking C) catalysis D) polymerization
110. What quantity of copper will be deposited by the same quantity of electricity that deposited 9.0g of aluminum ? (Al = 27, Cu = 64)
A) 64g B) 32g C) 7.1g D) 6.4g
111. Octane number is highest in petrol containing a high proportion of A) heptane B) octane C) 2-methylpentane D) 2,2,4-
112. 50cm3 of a saturated solution of potassium trioxonitrate (V) at 40 0C contains 5.05g of the salt. What is the solubility of potassium
trioxonitrtae (V) at 400C? (KNO3 = 101) A) 1.0 mol dm-3 B) 1.5 mol dm-3 C) 2.0 mol dm-3 D) 5.0 mol dm-3
113. What steam is passed over white-hot cake, the products are A) carbon (IV)oxide and nitrogen B) carbon(IV)oxide and hydrogen C)
carbon(II)oxide and nitrogen D) carbon(II)oxide and nitrogen
114. How many faradays of electricity are required to liberate 9g of Aluminum? (Al = 27) A) 0.1 B) 0.3 C) 1.0 D) 2.7
115. Ester have ___________ smell.
116. The hydrolysis of starch using dilute H2SO4 gives ____________
117. Example of compound with double bonds is (a) water (b) carbon(iv) oxide (c) methane (d) ammonia
118. The following are types of crystalline solid except (a) covalent (b) ionic (c) metallic (d) methane.

119. ½N2(g) + ½ O2 Ho = 89KJmol-1

if the entropy change for the reaction above at 250C is 11.8J. Calculate the change in free energy G for the reaction.
120. An example of intermolecular bonding is (a) Vander wall (b) metallic (c) ionic (d) covalent
121. Both metallic substance and electrovalent compound are similar because (a) Both dissolve readily in water. (b) they have low melting
point. (c) they can conduct electricity. (d) they have low boiling point.
122. Which of the following gases cannot be produced using Kipp’s apparatus a) H 2 b) H2S c) NH3 d) CO2
123. Van der Wall’s force of attraction can be grouped as (a) Strongest force (b) hydrogen bond (c) weakest force (d) ionic bond.
124. Metallic bond can easily be identified by the presence of (a) positive charge (b) negative charge (c) neutral charge (d) double bonds.
125. Lead and tin are the components of a) Steel b) Bronze c) Brass d) dentist amalgam c) soft solder
126. A device used in the laboratory for intermittent production of gases without heating is a) Leibig condenser b)aspirator c) delivery
tube d) inverted funnel e) Kipp’ apparatus
127. Which of the following alkanes has the highest boiling point a) Pentane b) ethane c) Propane d) Butane e)Hexane
128. Metals are said to be malleable because they a) are good conductors of heat b) are good conductors of electricity c) can be beaten
into sheets d) can be alloyed e) can be polished
129. Which gas gives a POP sound ___________
130. Which gas rekindle a glowing splint ________


1. a)(i) State Gay Lussac’s Law

(ii) Give the mathematical expression of Boyle’s Law
(iii) Sketch the graphical representation of Boyle’s Law
(b) An organic compound contains 40.0% carbon, 6.7% Hydrogen and 53.3% oxygen. What is the Empirical formula of
the compound?
c) The initial volume of a gas at 300k was 220cm3. Determine its temperature if the volume became 250cm3

2. a)(i) What is diffusion (ii) List two physical properties used as criteria for purity of substances
b)(i) State the following Laws (ii) Graham’s Law of diffusion
c) Give the IUPAC of the following (i) Na2SO4 (ii) CuO (iii) H2SO4 (iv) MgSO4.5H2O

3. a)(i) Hydrogen reacts with oxygen according to the following equation;

2H2(g) + O2(g) 2H2O(g)
If 50cm of Hydrogen were sparked with 30cm3 of oxygen, calculate the volume of unused oxygen

(ii) Calculate the Relative Atomic mass of the isotopic mixture

75% of 𝐶𝐿 and 25% of 𝐶𝐿
b)(i) State 2 kinetic theory of Gases
(ii) An oxide XO2 has a vapour density of 32. What is the atomic mass of X?
c) State Dalton’s Law of partial pressure

4. a) (i) A given Volume of methane (CH4) diffuses in 20s. How long will it take same volume of Sulphur(vi)oxide (SO 3) to
diffuse under the same conditions?
(ii) A mixture of 0.20mole of Ar, 0.20mole of N2 and 0.30mole of He exerts a total pressure of 2.1atm. Calculate the
partial pressure of He in the mixture.
b) Identify the processes involve in the three states of matter
(i) Solid Gas
(ii) Liquid Solid
(iii) Liquid Gas
(iv) Solid Liquid

5. a) Write an equation in each case to represent the

(i) Beta – decay of 𝑁𝑎 to give Mg
(ii) Reaction of sodium with cold water.
b) (i) State two differences between reaction 1(a)(i) and (ii)
(ii) State two Applications of the type of reaction represented in 1(a)(i)
c)(i) What is the name of the process used for the industrial preparation of tetraoxosulphate(vi) state the catalyst used in 1(c)(i)
d) (i) Explain why concentrated tetraoxosulphate(vi) cannot be used to dry Ammonia
(ii) What is the drying Agent for Ammonia
(iii)State Gay Lusaac’s Law of combining volumes
e)(i) State one method for the recovery of salt from its solution

6. a)(i) State and explain what would be observed if Hydrogen Sulphide gas were bubbled into acidified K2Cr2O7
(ii) 0.222g of a divalent Metal is deposited when a current of 0.45A is passed through a solution of its salt for 25minutes using
appropriate electrode. Calculate the relative atomic mass of the metal.
b)(i) Balance the nuclear equation below and hence identify Y
𝑈 𝑇ℎ + Y
(ii) Methane is obtained when a powered mixture of Anhydrous sodium ethanoate and soda-lime is heated in a hard glass test tube a)
write an equation for the reaction b) Explain briefly why Soda-lime is preferred to sodium hydroxide for the preparation.
c) Hydrated calcium chloride(CaCl2.xH2O) contains 49.32% water of crystallization. Calculate the value of x (CaCl2=111, H2O=18)

7. a)(i) A hydrocarbon consists of 92.3% carbon. If its vapour density is 39. Determine its molecular formula [H=1, C=12]
(ii) What is the shape and bond angle of (a) molecule of carbon(iv)oxide (b) a molecule of methane (c) a molecule of water
b) (i) What is the oxidation state of Manganese in each of the following species? (a) MnCl 2 (b) MnO2 c) MnO4-
(ii) Explain why manganese conducts electricity in the solid state but manganese chloride conduct only when in molten or in solution.

8. a) (i) Name the type of radiation that will (a) penetrate lead block (b) be stopped by thin paper
(ii) Give the charge on each of the radiations mentioned in 4a(i) above
(iii) What term is used to describe each of the following nuclear process? I. combination of two lighter nuclei to form heavy nucleus
II. Splitting of a heavy nucleus into two or more lighter nuclei III. Time required for one-half of the atoms of a radioactive substance
to decay
b) Draw the structure of the following compounds (i) 2,3,-dimethylbutane (ii) toluene (iii) Amino benzene (iv)1,1,2,2-
c) Give the shape of the following Allotropes of Sulphur (i) Monoclinic Sulphur (ii) Rhombic Sulphur
d) Determine the volume of the residual gas when 20.0cm3 of Hydrogen was sparked with 15.0cm3 of oxygen and the resulting
mixture cooled to

9. a) In the fermentation process of starch, MALT and YEAST is added.

(i) Name the enzymes in MALT and what does its convert starch to _______
(ii) List the two enzymes in YEAST and Explain their functions in converting the product in (ii) to ethanol

10. a) 25cm3 solution of KOH containing 5g of the alkali per dm3 required 20cm3 of a HCl solution for complete neutralization. Calculate:
(i) The molar concentration of the KOH solution
(ii) The concentration of the HCl in gdm-3 (H = 1, O = 16, Cl = 35.5, K = 39)

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