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Sibalom, Antique

Name: Christian Dave Mission

Course/Yr/Section: BSED 4-E

ST Session # 1

Topic: Mental Health and well-being

Speaker: Darius E. Montaño

Session Date: 09/21/23


The Bachelor of Elementary students hosted the first session for this year's special theme. On
September 21, the graduating students of college of teacher education began attending
seminar at the e-Hub. The topic of the seminar, which centered on mental health and
wellbeing, was discussed by a "Antique's pride" — Darius E. Montao, a licensed counselor is
in charge at the Tario Lim Memorial Campus of the University of Antique. an expert on the
world stage who supports mental health. He visited various renowned institutions of higher
learning like the Philippine Normal University and He pursues his doctorate at the Visayas
campus of the University of the Philippines. philosophy degree with a focus on guidance
counseling. He even received recognition as due to his dedication and hard effort, he is the
most exceptional instructor at UA-TLMC. Service and for exemplifying the university's key
values. having His life's experience, counseling-related accomplishments, and knowledge led
him to believe that indeed a bUsAlian.

Furthermore, it is believed that the said seminar's main focus will be mental health. is one of
the essential subjects that must be covered. a timely and relevant subject Especially for us,
who are aware of how busy this time will be, relatable; a bittersweet stage, as they refer to it.
Mental illness, as outlined by the World Health Organization (WHO), The ability to cope with


Sibalom, Antique

life's challenges is a sign of mental health. difficulties of daily life, recognize their potential, do
well at school and at work, and contribute to their locality. It is crucial for one's health and
wellbeing that supports both our individual and social capacity to make decisions and
construct. The world we live in is shaped by relationships. A fundamental human right is
mental health. And it is essential for socioeconomic, communal, and personal development.

More than just the absence of mental illnesses defines mental wellness. It is present on a
complicated continuum, which varies in experience from one individual to the next with
varied degrees of difficulty and distress and maybe quite different social and clinical results.
Mental disorders are among the conditions that affect one's mental health and psychological
disorders, as well as other mental conditions linked to substantial distress, functional
impairment, or self-harm risk. individuals with lower levels of mental functioning are more
likely in those with mental health issues. well-being, although this isn't always the case.

I realized something following the first lesson of our Special Topics course. That our
mental health is equally important to our general well-being. As a result, it is crucial to
comprehend the underlying factors that generate a subversive mental health situation
and what measures should be taken to treat or, at least, be enough to avoid it.

The interaction of many different people, social circumstances, and structural factors.
Throughout our life, to either improve or deteriorate our mental health and alter where
we are on the mental health spectrum.

People could be more vulnerable to mental health problems as a result of personal

emotional intelligence, among other psychological and biological traits, addiction to
drugs and heredity. Mental illness is increasingly prevalent in people. When individuals
are subjected to negative social, economic, geopolitical, and environmental variables such
as poverty, violence, inequality, and damage to the environment.


Sibalom, Antique

Risks can arise at any stage of life, but those that do so during developmental junctures,
particularly in early childhood, are more damaging. In particular, it is well known that
harsh parenting and physical discipline harm children's health, and bullying is a
significant risk factor for mental health problems.

Protective elements also appear throughout our lives and aid in building our resilience.
They include, among other things, our particular social and emotional features and
abilities, fulfilling interpersonal connections, excellent education, respectable work, safe
communities, and unified communities.

Numerous risk and protective factors for mental health exist in society. The danger to
people, families, and communities is increased by local threats. Populations as a whole
are at greater risk from global risks including disease outbreaks, humanitarian crises,
and economic downturns.

Only a little amount of information can be predicted by each risk and protective factor
alone. Despite exposure to a risk factor, the majority of people do not go on to acquire a
mental health illness, while other individuals without a recognized risk factor do go on to
do so. But the interrelated factors that affect mental health can either improve or worsen

After hearing and understanding all of these ideas, I understood how important
everyone's mental health is. This is neither a joke nor a passing fad. All of it is tangible
because it exists in society. I can speak from experience about how deteriorating mental
health can impact our aspirations, goals, and sense of hope. I occasionally run out of
energy as a student who considers his personal and familial life in addition to his
academic life. I get upset just thinking about all the complexes I have going on. I'm just
happy that I'm not so frail and that I don't give up on the little things in life so readily. I
constantly remind myself of all the motives behind my decision. To repeatedly stand and
engage in combat. With all the sadness and hardships I have experienced, I can firmly
assert that we are only capable of assisting ourselves in overcoming life's limitations. We
all contain everything. We must acknowledge that everyone of us possesses our own
HERO, which stands for Hope, Efficacy, Resiliency, and Optimism, as the speaker put it.


Sibalom, Antique

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