Ingles 5 Primaria

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1) Write 6 true sentences about this map.







2) Put the words in the correct order.

do/ get/ when/ ?/ home/ we.

came/him/ with/ who/?.

she/ will/ holiday/ to/ on/ go/ Madrid.

?/ was/ eating/ what/ she.

school/?/ did/ he/ went / to.

3) Complete the sentences with subject and object pronoun.

1. My friend and I have money. ______ can go shopping.

2. Robert and Mark are late. ______ should hurry.
3. She gave _____ a birthday gift. I really like it.
4. Elephants are very big. So ______ eat a lot of food.
5. Do you feel okay? Can I help ____ ?
6. I need to find my book. Where did ____ put _____ ?

4) Complete with possessive adjectives.

1. Where is _____ classroom? we can’t find it?
2. Diana, is that _____ pen on the table?
3. I think this is _______ book, she dropped it on the floor.
4. Brazil is located in South America. _______ capital city is Rio de
5. I'm tired of ____ behavior, the three of you are very lazy.

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