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Sufferings and pain caused by the inhuman dearth of noble natures on earth makes our days

gloomy and darkens our paths marking them with despair and sorrow. Trials and
tribulations of life spread the pall of despondence over our dark spirits. Loss of faith and
disappointment are the results of our own making.

Man strives and struggles searching a way out of his darkness and gloom and in spite of
experiencing sadness and remorse he is able to find his happiness in some form of beauty
which drives away the sadness from his dark and gloomy self.

A thing of beauty.

It is the beauty which acts as a source of joy forever and leaves a permanent imprint on the
mind of the onlooker. It provides eternal happiness whenever its thought or sight is recalled.
Their beauty survives the decaying effect of time. The loveliness of a thing of beauty never
passes into oblivion.

For Keats, beauty was the moving spirit of his life and art. Thus, he asserted

“Beauty is Truth, Truth Beauty, - that is all

Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know”

But where is this Beauty to be found on this earth, full of misery and sufferings, with scars of
unhealed wounds round her body? In this miserable human life with its agony and strife,
where is the beauty to be seen and appreciated? Each night the stars keep a silent watch
over the tormented sleep of man, who crawls upon this earth, whipped on by hunger and
desire, as he is engaged in an endless strife. The sun shines over his puny existence
indifferent to his sufferings on earth. Where among this catacomb, this heap of broken
hearts, desolation and death would one find a place for beauty?

All the objects, the sun, the moon, the trees whether young or old, sprout as a shady boon
even for the simple sheep. The magical spell of beauty is seen in all objects of nature and
thus basks in mystifying beauty of the thick forest undergrowth.

The grandeur of death of those mighty and powerful kings,

The knights who made supreme sacrifices,

prove to be a great source of inspiration since they pour forth into us as the immortal drink
received from the brink of heaven’s above.

Every morning we are meant to renew our link with nature when we weave a band of

The wreath of beautiful flowers that keeps our bond with nature constant and unbroken.
Moreover, not only does it save us from the negativity arising out of dejection and
uncertainty, it also manifests to help us get over loss of hope caused by the absence of
human values around us.

The daffodils growing around the splendour of green plants,

The clear water of rivers cooling the bushy thickets,

The thick ferns with fragrant flowers,

The silent stars twinkling at a distance,

The setting sun with its crimson glory,

never fail to lift up our spirits and provide solace in the unprecedented times that we are
currently living in.

Ultimately this principle of Beauty in all things will so enrich our souls that in moments of
ecstasy, we shall be able to see into the very life of things.

This is achieved for Keats by the mere intensity of sense impressions that Beauty can create
in a sensitive soul. And that is the highest happiness that soul can reach on earth-“in the
fellowship with the essence till we shine, full alchemized and free of space.”

Beauty thus becomes eternal for the union of the soul of man with the soul of the Universe.
All these lead us to this final conclusion

“A thing of beauty is a joy forever:

Its loveliness increases;
It will never
Pass into nothingness.”

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