Legs and Peos 2

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Name: Christian Dave Mission

Course/Yr/Section: BSED 4-E

ST Session #

Topic: LEGS and PEOS


Session Date: November 15,2023


During our seminar at the Pag-iusa Hall on November 15, 2023, together with all
graduating students in different programs and courses, we had different speakers and different
topics. However, the main focus of our seminar was the LABOR EDUCATION FOR

According to our seminar at the Pag-iusa hall, it seems that every one interested in
exploring various fields and interests related to LEGS and PEOS. They also mentioned that
everyone want to work in a team environment and have a sense of purpose in their career. We
synthesize our career session, it's important to consider our interests, values, and skills in the
field of LEGS and PEOS.

As a graduating students we should consider what aspects of LEGS and PEOS we enjoy
learning about the most and what activities we find most engaging and meaningful. This can
help us identify potential career paths that align with our interests and strengths. Think about
what kind of work environment you want to be in and what kind of work-life balance you're
looking for. This can help you narrow down career options that fit your priorities and lifestyle.

Furthermore, as a graduating student you need to Identify your strengths and weaknesses
in the field of LEGS and PEOS. What are you naturally good at? What skills have you developed
over time? What areas do you need to improve in? This can help you identify career paths that
align with your abilities and interests.

We are truly grateful for this seminar since I now know a little bit more about choosing
the right job for us to do. By taking these things in mind, you can begin to find possible career
pathways in LEGS and PEOS that match your plans and desires. You never know what might
work out well unless you give it a try, so it's important to be open-minded and consider a
number of choices.

As one of the graduating student we all gathered in Pag-iusa Hall on November 15, 2023,
for the aforementioned seminar, which is called Labor Education for Graduating Students
(LEGS) and Pre-Employment Orientation Seminar (PEOS). Graduate students in various
programs are permitted to attend. This seminar is important for our future as graduate students.

Firstly, it's great that I’m taking the time to reflect on my career goals and aspirations in
the field of LEGS and PEOS. It's important to regularly assess our progress and make sure we’re
on the right path.

As a student interested in LEGS and PEOS, I have the opportunity to explore various
fields and interests related to these areas. Career sessions can help me gain valuable insights into
different industries and job roles related to LEGS and PEOS.

However, one key thing to consider is what truly interests me and what I’m passionate
about in the field of LEGS and PEOS. What aspects of these fields do I enjoy learning about the
most? What activities do I find most engaging and meaningful? These questions can help me
identify potential career paths that align with my interests and strengths in LEGS and PEOS.

My priorities and values in the fields of PEOS and LEGS should also be taken into mind.
What sort of workplace am I looking for? Which would I prefer: working solo or in a team? Do I
value work-life balance more than finding a fulfilling career? I can find possible career pathways
in LEGS and PEOS that align with my beliefs and interests by using these questions.

In conclusion, it is imperative that we consider our capabilities and advantages in the

domains of PEOS and LEGS. What skills do I have by nature? Which abilities have I acquired
over time? Which areas require improvement on my part? Finding a job that fits my skills and
interests in LEGS and PEOS can be facilitated by evaluating my strengths and shortcomings.
These inquiries cause me to doubt my own qualifications, such as if I'm cut out for the course or
the job I'm want. Do you believe I'm fit? I'm not sure the answer is there, but I think I can figure
it out. In my life, I've encountered many difficulties and tribulations. So, I don’t have the right to
question myself if time has come that I can't do it anymore, maybe I need to rest but it doesn't
mean I'm going to quit.

To summarize, when we reflect on our career session as a student interested in PEOS and
LEGS, we take into account our beliefs, interests, and abilities in these areas. We may make
more educated judgments about our future by taking the time to evaluate these criteria and better
understand whether job pathways in PEOS and LEGS match our aims and aspirations.

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