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DesignerÊs Cut

Open Gaming Content 2
About the Author 2
About this Product 3
Installation Instructions 4
Options for 3D Scenes 6
DM’s Background 7
Beginnning the Game 15
Guardian Island 22
Guardian Locations 29
Guardian Abbey Description 33
Handouts 47
Maps 62
ThelCast lllllll73
The Tome 84
Clerical Information 88
New Spells 89
Gloassary of Terms 90
Open Gaming License 93
Auran Adventures License Agreement 94

Auran®, AURAN Jet® are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Auran Holdings Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
© 2001 Auran Holdings Pty Ltd. Other Logos may be trademarks of their respected owners.

to create a fantasy campaign world called Eldoria that had a strong
Open Gaming Content cult following in convention circles. “Mindbane”, a commercially-
produced module set in that world, followed and was distributed
The Auran® series of d20 System adventure modules are published internationally.
under the terms of the d20 System Trademark License and the Open
Game License. Since then he has continued to develop Eldoria and has written
more than forty Dungeons and Dragons adventures set against that
Certain passages of text in this module is Open Game Content. You are
permitted to use the Open Game Content, under the terms of the Open background. Many of these have been featured at RPG conventions
Game License, in materials of your own creation. across the nation and have always been well-received. Although Keith
has also designed scenarios for rule-sets such as Call of C’thulhu,
The remainder of the material in this module including all the paper Alternity and Hârn, Dungeons and Dragons remains his forte.
based artwork, all digital artwork on the accompanying CDROM, most
of the original storyline text and the software programs on the CDROM
does is not Open Game Content. This material is Product Identity
in accordance with section 1(e) of the Open Game License: You are AURAN Jet Team:
Game Product Designer: Craig Allsop - Technical Director
only permitted to use the material that is not Open Game Content in
Keith Done Kerry Hemsley - Senior Software Engineer
accordance with the terms and conditions of Auran’s Adventure License
Agreement. Cliff Cawley - Jet QA Engineer
Project Director: David Howell - Senior Systems Analyst
For the avoidance of doubt, the following is Product Identity in Jason Robson Mark Grossman - Technical Writer
accordance with section 1(e) of the Open Game License: All Auran logos Dave Walsh - Technical Writer
and identifying marks and trade dress; all artwork, illustration, graphic Programming: Andrew Edelsten - Technical Writer
design, maps and cartography; the story, storyline, plots, thematic Greg Douglas
elements, dialogue, incidents, language, artwork, symbols, designs, Playtesting:
depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, themes and graphic, Lead Artist: Geoff Still
photographic and other visual or audio representations contained herein; Jason Robson Alex Moutsatsos
any elements of the adventure setting, including but not limited to Tony McAlister
capitalized names, names of artifacts, characters, countries, creatures, 3D/ 2D Artist: Rob McCord
geographic locations, gods, historic events, magic items, organizations, Jon Sommariva Sean Serin
spells; and all text and description not otherwise designated as Open Michelle Done
Game Content below. 2D Artist: Darren Catton
Bob Jones Angela Caffery
Content that is not Open Game Content cannot be reproduced in any Malcolm Owen
way without Auran’s express written permission. Graphic Design: Adrian Mackay
Marisa Comino Mark Garnet
“Insert Box” is a marking in Auran d20 Adventure modules materials Andrew White
(both paper based and electronic) that signifies that the enclosed text is Additional Game Design: Joe Saina
subject to the Open Game License. A typical Insert Box looks like this: Kain Whitehouse Ken Spinaze
Barry Wilmen
Sound Effects Designer & Music:
This is a sample “Open Gaming Content Box”
Chris Pyne Special Thanks:
Pierre Terdiman
“Open Game Content” means content that is made available subject Quality Assurance:
to the Open Game License and which is identified by Insert Boxes in James Meikle
this book and in the documentation contained on the accompanying Marc Speakman
“Open Game License” means the Open Game License Version 1.0a John Banks
published by Wizards of Coast, Inc. as amended. See the Appendix for a Rachael Nixon
copy of the Open Game License. David Morton
Kain Whitehouse
Greg Lane
D20 Trademark Statement
Auran d20 Adventures Concept:
‘d20 System’ and the ‘d20 System’ logo are Trademarks owned by Greg Lane
Wizards of the Coast and are used according to the terms of the d20
System License version 1.0. A copy of this License can be found at Online Team: Rachael Nixon - Online Services Manager
Benson Low - Multimedia Graphic Designer
Marisa Comino - Graphic Designer
About the Author Kain Whitehouse - E-Commerce Developer
Keith Done has been involved with roleplaying games for the past Lionel Thomas - Web Programmer
26 years. His first love was Empire of the Petal Throne but he soon John Banks - Online Community Manager
became interested in Dungeons and Dragons in its formative years.
In the early 80’s he teamed up with Greg Lane (now Auran’s CEO)

Dark Awakenings: Guardian, is the first part of a two-part adventure.
ABOUT THIS PRODUCT The second part, Dark Awakenings: Shadowland, will conclude this
game. The scenario involves something to please most genres of
Dark Awakenings is the first in a unique roleplaying - a bit of mystery, a dash of horror, puzzles to unravel, foes
line of Auran’s d20 roleplaying adventure to fight and characters to interact with.
modules, enhanced with 3D digital scenes.
The adventures are designed so that they The Grimorden, the nemesis of the adventure, is exceedingly powerful
can be placed easily in most fantasy d20 and will normally decimate players of levels three-four. Only by using
worlds and even into worlds using other their wits can the players learn the secret of how to overcome the
rule systems. powers of the Grimorden and finally face the creature in combat.
Auran’s d20 adventure modules combine traditional tabletop The World
roleplaying with a range of PC based digital enhancements. These This adventure takes place in and around the Greater Inner Sea
include 3D scenes, ambient sound effects, and a range of printable and we refer to cultural, geographic and historical references of that
booklets and game aids. Auran d20 is not intended to replace the environment throughout the text. This detail provides the reader
‘paper and pencil’ gaming style - you still need your DM, rule books with some terms of reference. If you want to use the names and
(e.g. Dungeons and Dragons® Third Edition Player’s Handbook and information we have provided, that’s great - there is a Glossary of
Dungeon Master’s Guide), players and dice. Terms on the accompanying CD that can help you with developing
the Greater Inner Sea.
You do not need the digital enhancements to play Dark Awakenings,
but your roleplaying experience will be heightened by the use of this However, any of the locations in the module can easily be moved to
innovation. It does not replace the DM, and is simply an additional your own d20 campaign setting, or even a world setting using other
tool equipping the DM with a powerful set of resources to present rules.
the game in a new, exciting format that will enrich the traditional
roleplaying experience. The Plot
Dark Awakenings: Guardian, pits the players against a terrifying
This booklet, contains the core adventure. Additional material is creature called the Grimorden; an ancient adversary of the Elves
located on a CD supplied with the module and includes: that has been imprisoned on the island of Guardian with potent
enchantments. The secret Elven Order that once watched over the
Handouts Grimorden have long since departed and have sealed the Prison from
Handouts to download and present to your players prying eyes before they left. But the Prison has been discovered by
Guardian’s new inhabitants, the monks of Theydori.
The Script (Designer’s Cut)
All the material from this copy of The Script plus expanded The enchantments that seal the Grimorden within its Prison have
information and a glossary of game-related terminology been weakened and the creature is using its powers to send forth its
minions and free itself once and for all. The players must find a way
The 3D Interface to restore the enchantments that bind the Grimorden before they fall
Seven digitally rendered 3D scenes from the adventure. You can view prey to the creature and risk having their very souls devoured as it
the scenes from different angles and alter various details to suit the strives to be free.
progress of your adventure. The scenes include ambient sounds that
set the mood for areas of the game.

How Does the 3D Component Work?

Simply think of the 3D scenes as illustrations in a book. However,
with these illustrations you can view the picture from many different
angles and hear background ambient sounds. We suggest that you
set up your gaming area in close proximity to your computer. When
using the Script book, the text occasionally refers to a 3D scene that
is available on the CD. It also lists Configuration Changes you can
make to the scene before displaying it to your players (eg. the removal
of items or alterations to the weather or time of day.) Simply open
the scene and make any adjustments that reflect your own particular
version of your game. A blank box means the Configuration is not
selected, a crossed box means it is selected). The scenes are set to a
default state when you first open them. This represents how the scene
should look when first encountered by the players (but we all know
circumstances in an RPG can change).

Play around and experiment with the 3D scenes before you run the
game. The scenes will help the DM to gain a better understanding of
some of the key adventure locations.

We deliberately did not include people in each scene as these would
Installation Instructions normally change constantly and it would be inappropriate to have
‘old Luther’ always sitting at a table in the inn all the time. We
NB: Adobe Acrobat 5 must be installed to successfully provide the foundations for each scene, its up to you as the DM to
run the bonus material on this disc. make them come alive with your NPCs and added descriptions.
(1) Dark Awakenings comes complete with bonus material in a digital When using the Script Booklet provided with the module you will
format on the enclosed CD. Insert your CD into the disk drive and a occasionally notice that the text refers you to a 3D scene. This means
window should appear with the following active buttons: there is a 3D scene on the CD that you can view. This is great for
a DM to use to visualize the location when reading the material prior to
Install Module the game. However, if you are able to position your PC in the vicinity of
Install Adobe Acrobat Reader 5 your gaming area, Auran
Preview Other Products d20 Adventures really
shine, when you use the
Click on Install Module, the install shield should appear. Follow the interface to show your
instructions until you have completed the installation. players exactly what the
scene looks and sounds
(2) If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader 4 or greater installed on like.
your machine:
We have designed the
(a) Uninstall older versions of Acrobat Reader 3D component not to
(b) Click on Install Adobe Acrobat Reader 5. The install wizard be a mechanism to
prompt will appear. Follow the instructions until the installation is replace the DM, like
complete. a PC game. Instead it
enhances play and
(3) Once Adobe Acrobat is installed, the Adventure Module AutoRun becomes a background
Menu will reappear. You now have access to the following functions: tool that you use to help
set the mood, like music
View 3D Scenes or an illustration from
Configure 3D Scenes a book. We recommend
View Documents you play around with
the interface prior to
Clicking on View 3D Scenes launches the 3D Scenes Viewer. A short familiarize yourself with
animation will play, followed by the appearance of the 3D Interface. its simple operation.
This looks like a scroll sitting on a table, surrounded by arcane
devices and items of jewelry. Layout
When the interface is
Clicking on Configure 3D Scene Viewer opens a dialogue window. opened, you will
This allows you to set display preferences. Once preferences are immediately see a desk
selected, clicking on Start allows you to start the 3D Viewer from top with an open scroll
here. Exit allows you to exit the program while saving preferences. in the middle. The title
Cancel allows you to exit the program without saving preferences. of the scene appears here
and any objects or effects
View Documents allows you to open PDF Files containing extra that can be altered. To
Adventure Module information such as the extended “Designer’s the left is a necklace that
Cut” Script version of the game, and all Player Handouts. displays a number of
scene selections. These
(4) Once the product has been successfully installed, each time you are for scene selection.
open the product in future, you should follow this procedure: The quit button is
positioned beneath this.
Open Programs/Auran d20 Adventures / Guradian
To the right is a compass-like device that controls weather and the
This provides you access to View 3D Scenes and View Documents time of day. To the right of this is a sound level slide and a sound
which is all you need to run Dark Awakenings:Guardian mute button. Below these is another item of jewelry with numbers
1-5. These control camera views in each scene and correspond to the
numbered cameras in the 2D maps of the same scene.
Using the Interface
Dark Awakenings is just like any other regular RPG paper and pen Scene #1, the Gray Gull always opens first and defaults to how the
game module, the difference is we give you more tools at your Gray Gull should appear when the players first board her.
command to let you effectively represent the game to the players.
A picture is sometimes worth a thousand words and we provide 3D At the bottom of the interface is the wording enter 3D scene.Whenever
views of major game locations with the ability to view the scene from you change or alter components of a scene, you must click here to
multiple angles and play ambient background sounds. You can also register the changes and return to the actual scene.
add or remove objects and effects to suit your storyline, as well as
being able to control weather functions and the time of day.


3 4
12 5 7

8 10

14 13 11

2 15

1 Scenes 9 Sound
On the left hand side of the interface is a necklace. It features When a scene is activated, the appropriate sounds for the location
numbers one - seven. Clicking on a number takes you to the play in the background. Note, these may differ when you change the
corresponding scene. Wait a few moments for it to load. configuration of each scene.

2 Quit 10 Mute
A piece of sealing wax rests below the necklace. It is marked “Quit”. Sick of that church bell chiming in the background? We realize that
Clicking here will take you out of the 3D interface. sounds are great to set the scene to a degree, but repetitive sounds can
become annoying after a while. If this happens, simply hit mute.
3 Day
Located on the ‘compass’, clicking here makes the scene appear to be 11 Cameras
set during daylight hours. Note, in some scenes (eg. Underground) The jewelry beneath the compass has numbers one - five. These are
this feature is disabled. cameras that look at each scene from different angles. Each camera
number corresponds to the same number on the 2D map of the
4 Night location.
Located on the ‘compass’, clicking here makes the scene appear to be
set during nightime hours. Note, in some scenes (eg. Underground) 12 Scroll Options
this feature is disabled. The Scene Title appears at the top of the scroll and there may be up to
10 check boxes with options to alter each scene. You can tick as many
5 Dry as you want to match the scene to events occuring in your story.
Located on the ‘compass’, clicking here makes the weather appear
to be fine. Note, in some scenes (eg. Underground) this feature is The corresponding details for each option appears on the following
disabled. page. Alternately, you can bring these options up on the interface by
pressing the ‘View Options’ icon. This feature is a safeguard against
6 Rain your players viewing game sensitive information.
Located on the ‘compass’, clicking here makes the weather appear to
be raining. Note, in some scenes (eg. Underground) this feature is 13 Reset Defaults
disabled. This gem appears at the bottom of the scroll. Clicking here returns
the scene to its original setting (how we picture the scene will first
7 Storm appear when players view it).
Located on the ‘compass’, clicking here makes the weather stormy,
with rain and intermittent lightning/thunder (great for building 14 View Scene Options/Hide Scene Options
tension). Note, in some scenes (eg. Underground) this feature is This is used to view the options on screen at the DM’s discretion.
15 Enter 3D Scene
8 Grid Options Click here to return to the 3D scene, once alterations are made.
Located on the bottom of the ‘compass’ are two buttons that will
snap a five foot grid over the scene to help you visualize the size of a
location area. You can select a square grid or a hex grid.

Options for 3D Scenes in Dark Awakenings: Scene 7:Tomb of Diamasin
Option 1 Remove Living Rose
Option 2 Neck Torc
These are the default options that appear when the scene is first Option 3 Arrow
displayed. Most options are not activated, those that are will be Option 4 Casket
represented with a X symbol in the checkboxes. Option 5 Silver Apple
Option 6 Silver Ring
Option 7 Broken Sword
Scene 1: The Gray Gull Option 8 Shield and Armor
Option 9 Open Shadowland Portal
Option 1 Remove sail
Option 2 Remove Dinghy When using the interface you can also call up these options on screen
but be mindfull that your players will also see these options unless
you take steps to prevent this.

Scene 2: Guardian Abbey

No Options for this scene

Scene 3:The Chapel

Option 1 Remove Wooden Beam
Option 2 Remove Chest Regalia
Option 3 Remove Scroll Regalia
Option 4 Remove Book
Option 5 Reveal Secret Door
Option 6 Show positions of Dead Monks

Scene 4:The Tower

Option 1 Secret Door Open
Option 2 Remove Gem of Seeing
Option 3 Change Radiance to Normal

Scene 5:Chamber of Diamasin’s Star

Option 1 Replace Emerald
Option 2 Replace Sapphire
Option 3 Replace Ruby
Option 4 Replace Globe Destroyed
Option 5 Replace Secret Door Open
Option 6 Grim Energy None
Option 7 Grim Energy Low
Option 8 Grim Energy Medium
Option 9 Grim Energy High

Scene 6:Prison of the Grimorden

2D Interactive Maps
Option 1 Open Gate
Option 2 Torches On When viewing the 2D Maps of the Adventure on screen in Abode
Option 3 Secret Door Open Acrobat you will notice the cursor occasionaly becomes a pointed
Option 4 Energy Beam Off finger. This means there is a link to another map related to this site.
Option 5 Remove Fog
Option 6 Sphere Destroyed Clicking on these links takes you to other Maps or Handouts that are
relevant to the area you are currently viewing. There are icon links in
these subsets to guide you back to the original location.

DMs Background world. Since she had always taken exception to Tarimth, the cunning
Most of the action in Dark Awakenings: Guardian is set upon Elmardia Sirrith chose to place her realm in the Unending Sea. This was a
(known in Common as Guardian), a craggy wind-swept island located place between the worlds, located at the edge of the Holy Glade, the
in the Greater Inner Sea. afterlife of the Elves.

Forty years ago members of the Church of Theydori settled the island Here she created Shadowland, a vast island with a coastline of high
from mainland Llan. The order constructed a small Abbey on the unassailable mountains. Within, lay a desolate wasteland of mires
northern side of the island as a foundation for permanent settlement. and dust choked plains, set amidst craggy volcanic pits and outcrops
However, the island has a far older history than that, stretching back of tortured stone. At the heart of this dread realm Sirrith made
to the time when the Elves dwelled in the world in solitude; an age her home in a vast keep, crowned with thirteen towers. Elsewhere
when the Gods still walked the land. throughout Shadowland her minions made their homes, the more
powerful Undead ruling over little kingdoms here and there.
The Elves and The Grimorden
In those halcyon days long past, the Elvenfolk were much greater One portal was made to allow passage into Sirrith’s Realm, a single
in number and dwelled in lands far beyond their current realm of tunnel that plunged under the cliffs from the only place where boats
Leezeria. For a great many ages they lived in peace and bore tributes could land, a small cove, called the Last Beach. And it is this dreaded
to their deities. Chief amongst these Gods was Tarimth, the Emperor beach that has lured many Elven mariners to a terrible fate.
of the Stars, who often granted his followers visions of the future in
their dreams. Tarimth often came to speak to his children and, during Since Elves are so long-lived, they were offered a choice by their Gods,
the Autumn of the Gods, was the last of the High Lords to depart the allowing them knowledge of the path to the afterlife. It was their
world and go on his eternal quest throughout the stars. choice that they could sail away from the known lands and enter the
Unending Sea that would eventually bring them to the Holy Glade.
Gradually the Gods visited the world less frequently and, during Sirrith, knowing that the Elven mariners sometimes lost their way in
their absence, the serenity of the Elven world was broken by the the Unending Sea, positioned her prison realm of Shadowland there
coming of the Grimorden, a race of Demons. Like the Ancient Elves, and masked it with illusions that made it appear as a sylvan paradise
the Grimorden were immortal, and could not breed (some scholars - the Holy Glade. In this way she sought to lure the Elven-folk to her
have suggested that they were magical creations, that had somehow realm and their souls would become hers.
found a portal into the world in the dim past). They were not
greatly numbered, but for ages untold they assailed the Elven-folk, Time taken sailing the Unending Sea can be deceptive. Some of the
attacking their outlying communities and raising armies amongst the Elvish boats that sailed from the physical world would come close to
Goblinkind nations (a Orcs, Goblins and other intelligent humanoids) the shores of Shadowland, having traveled the timeless sea for what
who had previously been too frightened to challenge the Elves. seemed like an eternity. Thinking they must have found the Holy
Glade at last, the Elves would land upon the shores of the Last Beach
Countless great and dreadful deeds occurred during this conflict that and enter the tunnel plunging beneath the great cliffs. Once past
are still told in the songs of the Elves today. Although the Elves the gate, the Elves were trapped within. An unseen barrier of power
fought their enemies with consummate skill, they could not afford prevented their return and they could become prey of the minions
the losses that were inflicted upon them. Only a few of the mortal of Sirrith. But the laws governing the Gods gave some respite to
races dared ally with the Elves. The long-lived Dwarves were their the Elves. Sirrith could not arbitrarily prevent the Elves from their
most steadfast supporters and bore the brunt of many savage battles, journey to the Holy Glade. Shadowland could be a barrier to the
but it was ever the Elves who suffered the most. They were eventually journey, but the Elves still had to have a way to safely pass through
forced from their outlying borders into defensive strongholds in its wastelands.
Leezeria to await the inevitable.
To this end there existed the Gray Road, a single pathway running
But Tarimth saw the plight of his children and returned to the world atop an embankment of splintered rock and crushed bone. The road
to drive the Grimorden and their armies before him. He hunted wound its way through the realm of Shadowland and those Elves
the creatures down all over the land and, in the end, but thirteen who strayed therein, could still find the portal to the Holy Glade by
remained. Fearful of the wrath of Tarimth, they sought the protection making the arduous journey to the end of Gray Road. The creatures of
of other Gods but none listened except for Sirrith, Queen of the darkness that lurked in the crevices and thorny groves beside the road
Dead. She had taken interest in the wars between the Elves and the would try to lure the Elvish travelers from their weary journey. They
Grimorden and she appeared before the creatures in their hour of would use powers of illusion and false visions to persuade individuals
need, to offer her pale hand in assistance. that the Holy Gale was a myth and that they should leave the Gray
Road. Sometimes they were successful but most times the willpower
Of Sirrith and Shadowland of the Elves was sufficient to get them safely to the Holy Glade.
Sirrith delighted in the hatred that the Grimorden had for the
Children of Tarimth. She held the Emperor of the Stars in contempt The Revolt of the Grimorden
for his patronizing ways and his meddling in the affairs of the lesser The Grimorden whom Sirrith saved, numbered thirteen and were
races. Long ago, she had been imprisoned in Shadowland by the other given leave to dwell within her stronghold of Duringar-Morg, the
High Lords as a punishment for trying to usurp power from the other Keep of thirteen towers. Each Grimorden was given command of a
Gods. tower and invested with powers over the Undead. The Demons were
given the role of her guardians.
She was brought to trial before her peers and it was decided that
she would dwell apart from the others for all time in her own realm. However, the Grimorden were ever an arrogant species and, after
However, in recognition of her status, she was free to create that being made servants of Sirrith, soon began to resent her authority.
realm in any location as long as it did not exist within the physical They desired to assail the Elven lands in the physical world or lay
waste to the Holy Glade, not understanding the laws of the Gods.

Now Sirrith, did not trust the Grimorden to remain loyal to her. She listened to Aedrinia’s pleas and were moved to aid her. They sent
secretly placed within each of them a flaw, so that their powers could a dream to Aedrinia saying how the Grimorden could be captured,
be greatly reduced at her command. This flaw was keyed to a secret rendered passive and its army destroyed. In the dream she was shown
name that Sirrith gave to each of the Grimorden. To utter the name how a device could be made that could ensnare the Grimorden - a
of the Demon in its presence was to weaken its power and render it magical globe that would weave an Extra-dimensional Prison about
vulnerable to the servants of Sirrith. the Demon. It would combine three enchantments - one would stop
the Grimorden’s ability to dominate and control the minds of people
In time, the Grimorden, plotted against the Pale Lady, seeking to usurp who drew close to it. The second enchantment would stop its ability
her authority in Shadowland, but they were betrayed by their own kind. to summon Elementals and the third enchantment would break its
Four of the lesser-ranked Grimorden saw an advantage in revealing contact with the power of Sirrith, stopping its control of undead.
the plans of their brethren to Sirrith. This they did and the revolt was
easily crushed. Sirrith invoked the power she had over those Grimorden Aedrinia spoke of her dream to Diamasin and they had the most
who aspired to overthrow her and they were undone. The offending craft-worthy of the Elven smiths forge a globe of black glass, the size
Grimorden were consigned to the nothingness, stripped of power and of a grapefruit. Into this was placed the enchantments that would
numbered amongst the most wretched of the Soulless Dead. be used to capture the Grimorden. Aedrinia gave the finished globe
(later called the Star of Diamasin) to her husband, and instructed
The remaining four loyalists were ‘rewarded’ by being given their him in its use. Its powerful enchantments could only be invoked
own keeps upon the far-flung borders of Shadowland. This move was within close proximity to the Demon. The Elven Lord challenged the
actually Sirrith’s way of dividing the remaining Grimorden and thereby Grimorden to single combat from the battlement of Tarimthol-Irl
reducing their power-base. Sirrith also decided to further weaken the and the overconfident creature accepted, knowing it was invulnerable
solidarity of the Grimorden by recognizing one of the four survivors to all Elven blades.
as an overlord of its kin. In the interim, the Gods had departed the
mortal world and left the High Elves as its custodians. This new Diamasin confronted the Grimorden before the gates of the city
Grimorden Overlord was permitted to journey outside the boundaries and engaged the creature in deadly combat. During the fight his
of Shadowland and continue the war against the Elves once more. enchanted Elven blade, Eseriel, was broken but in the midst of battle
Diamasin revealed the globe and invoked its power. It blazed with the
The Star of Diamasin starlight of Tarimth and a huge sphere of black impenetrable glass,
The Grimorden Lord came secretly to the world and, at first the a much larger cousin of the Star of Diamasin, immediately engulfed
Demon struck at random, slaying individuals as they wandered the the Grimorden. The dead legions and the summoned creatures, now
starlit groves by night. It became known as the Darkling of the West and leaderless, collapsed into dust or were driven away by the Elven
was known to delight in the torment and terror it beheld in the faces of warriors who emerged to join with their Lord.
its victims. Then its deeds attracted the attention of the Elvenking in
his fair city of Tarimthol-Irl, he sent forth Elven warriors to quest after The Crafting of the Star-Kin Stones
the Darkling that disturbed his otherwise unspoiled land. The Prison Globe that contained the trapped Grimorden was brought
into Tarimthol-Irl and Diamasin and Aedrinia were celebrated as
These warriors all failed, but some survived the encounter and returned heroes amongst the Elves. The Prison of the Grimorden was eventually
to Tarimthol-Irl with tales of the nemesis the Elves faced. The real located in the Hall of Relics, in the lower levels of the Elven city.
nature of the Darkling of the West was revealed and the Elves wove Here, it became an object of research and discussion amongst Elven
enchantments about their city that made the Elvish citadel difficult to scholars. For a time, peace returned to the Kingdom of Leezeria.
locate, providing time to prepare a defense against the creature.
The Prison of the Grimorden was made from potent enchantments,
The Grimorden searched long for the Elves and as it scoured the but they were not infallible. Over centuries, the scholars of the Hall
land it amassed an army. Using its sorcerous powers, it summoned of Relics grew less interested in the Globe. The Dwarves, who had
fell creatures to do its bidding, while Goblinkind hosts and dark- for long years dwelled in isolation in their mountain halls, arrived
hearted Men were recruited from distant lands, to form an army in the court of the Elvenking and their lords had made alliances
under its banner. The Elvenking sent scouts to spy upon the army of with the Elves. All minds turned to commerce with the Stonekin.
the Grimorden and, seeing that they faced only one of their ancient Alone, in its all but forgotten prison, the Grimorden strived to break
foes, he sent forth a host from Tarimthol-Irl to destroy their enemy at the enchantments that bound it. Whereas the Globe suppressed its
Elsarda Heath. But they did not count on the powers of Sirrith that powers and kept it in a perpetual state of weakness, the Grimorden
the Grimorden now wielded; their own dead, slain upon the field, found it was able to draw upon its own life energy and thereby
were turned against them. The Elves were forced to flee the battle channel its ability to dominate the minds of lesser beings. It gradually
and the Elven King was slain. The Grimorden’s spies followed and gained the confidence of one of the scholars who still came to study
thereby discovered the hiding place of Tarimthol-Irl. the Prison within the Hall of Relics. It commanded the scholar to
destroy the Star of Diamasin and thereby would gain its freedom.
The Grimorden led its host to the Elven city and laid siege to it. The
battle is said to have raged for a fortnight. Despite the valiant efforts This was almost achieved, however, guards caught the scholar as he
of the Elven Lord Diamasin (who commanded the defense of the ciy attempted to enter the chambers of Diamasin and Aedrinia. It was
walls for his King) the fabulous city was on the brink of being taken obvious that he was being directed to destroy the Star of Diamasin,
by the Grimorden’s ever-increasing ranks. so an investigation of Hall of Relics was immediately ordered. This
timely act averted a near disaster. In the great chamber the enchanted
In the end it was Aedrinia, the wife of Diamasin, who saved the Globe still stood intact, but the Grimorden had loosened another of
day. She was the most devoted follower of Tarimth and called upon the enchantments of the Star of Diamasin; a battle raged as guards
the Emperor of the Stars to help her people. Tarimth, in leaving the fought with creatures that had been summoned into being to destroy
world, was mindful of his Children and he invested greater knowledge the Elves.
with the High Elves, who some say are immortal. It is they who

With the help of Elven mages, order was eventually restored in the Elves in some way. They had been active in the world long before
Hall and a vigil was set up to watch over the Prison of the Grimorden. the rise of the Elves and were possibly semi-divine servants of the
Temporary wards were put in place to check its powers and everyone Gods who had been the first physical beings to walk the world. The
was kept away from the Demon’s influence. After a number of weeks Elves called the race of people who had once walked their lands, the
the more powerful Elven mages solved the immediate problem. They Uushai, meaning the first-born. From the state of construction-work
had come to understand something of the enchantments contained on Guardian, Diamasin guessed the island been abandoned by the
in the crafting of the Star of Diamasin and saw that they had to Uushai before any major work was commenced.
enhance the Star with reinforced enchantments. To achieve this they
needed to bind each of the new enchantments to a perfect gem and Some 700 years ago, the Prison of the Grimorden was removed to
these would combine with the Star to rework the enchantments anew. its new site, the island of Elmardia (Guardian). Diamasin, Aedrinia
However, repeated attempts to cut stones to the quality required and the Order sailed there and established their new home. With
proved beyond the most skilled of Elven crasftsmen. them went two Dwarven stonemasons, Ghurdag and Sturl Mandigor,
a father and son. The House of Mandigor had been amongst those
The Dwarves came to the Elves aid. Their master smiths brought
stones from the heart of the world and shaped them into three great
works so fine that no jewel is said to have surpassed them. They
called these jewels the Star-kin Stones; the set consisted of a perfect
Ruby, an Emerald and a Sapphire. High praise was placed upon the
Dwarves for these works. The Elven mages wrought the required
enchantments about them:

- The Ruby retarded the Grimorden’s powers to control the minds

of others
- The Emerald retarded its connection with the powers invested by
- The Sapphire retarded its ability to summon Elementals

The gems were placed in close proximity with the Star of Diamasin
in order for the Globe to draw upon the enchantments they housed.
In time, the Star was set on a marble plinth and the Star-Kin Stones
set in a circle about it. In union they reinforced the binding of
the Grimorden and effectively closed down its powers once again.
Tarimthol-Irl was safe. However, as a precaution, the decision was
made to remove the Prison and the Star of Diamasin to a more
remote location where it would not represent a direct danger to
hallowed Tarimthol-Irl. Diamasin was given the task of forming a
special order to guard over the Prison; this group became known as
the Nereth-Elmarasin: The Vigilant Guard.

The Elves on Guardian Island

The Goblinkind tribes, that had been given confidence by the coming
of the Grimorden, did not simply hide themselves away again. They
consolidated in the east and bided their time, growing in numbers
and forming their own thralldom. Over the following centuries they,
re-emerged from the east, better equipped, and waged a relentless
war against the Elves. Always, the Children of Tarimth were successful
in battle, but the Goblinkind threatened Tarimthol-Irl directly on
several occasions.

Diamasin and the Order of the Vigilant Guard, concerned that the
Goblinkind were a threat to the security of the Prison Globe, made
contingency plans to remove the Grimorden to an alternate, secret
location. Diamsin sent his loyal servants to seek a new home, ever
mindful of the threat of the hordes that continued their attacks on
Leezeria. After many years they finally decided upon a remote island
in the Greater Inner Sea, a place of great cliffs and few accessible
landings that made it an ideal location to defend. The Elves had
explored the island centuries ago and they had discovered ancient
abandoned buildings there, a tower with a series of underground
chambers. The site seemed very basic and incomplete but very
advanced in design. The Elves had seen similar structures in isolated
parts of the world before and the question of who built them still
remained a mystery. All that could be divined was that the race that
built these early structures was humanoid and possibly related to the

Dwarves who had fashioned the Star-Kin Stones and they wished to 63 warriors made their ship ashore. They attempted to subjugate
serve the Order of the Vigilant Guard and continue the traditions of the Elves and a terrible battle was fought upon the island. The
their forefathers. They aided the Elves in raising a great hall upon the Elves were victorious, slaying all of the raiders, but only ten Elves
southern side of the island, above one of the Uushai chambers. They survived. One of the ten was Aedrinia, but Diamasin was numbered
kept the Star of Diamasin and the Star-Kin Stones in a guarded room amongst the mortally wounded.
within those chambers.
On his death-bed, Diamasin had a vision, a portent from Tarimth and
Aedrinia would not tolerate the Prison of the Grimorden to be located he had Aedrinia carry out certain instructions, before he died and was
anywhere near the Elven Hall, so they placed it in the subterranean cremated. She had Diamasin’s ashes placed in an urn and put into a
Uushai vault, on the northern side of Guardian. A length of passage tomb along with his treasured belongings. The tomb was the third of
connected the two vaults (the one beneath Diamasin’s Hall and the the Uushai chambers uncovered on the island. She also had a number
tower). This passage stretched for a quarter of a league and was the of items secreted on the island that would hint at the existence of the
most unfinished part of the Uushai site, being an earthen tunnel tomb, which was then concealed from general sight.
shored up with a framework of stone. The tower was round, with
window-like openings at its summit. A crystalline arrangement was Aedrinia simply said to the remaining Elves, “Our task is done, we
also located here, fixed to the inside of the roof. At sundown the sail home and then unto the Holy Glade. We have earned our rest,
arrangement emitted a silver radiance that could be seen far away. but Diamasin, my love, still has trials to overcome. He remains the
last of the Vigilant Guard and it will be up to others to scatter his
The Elves of Guardian later created stained glass windows for the ashes and lay his spirit to rest.”
tower depicting Tarimth in his three guises; the prophet, the maker
of stars and the patron of arts. The light from the tower was an But before they left, Aedrinia desired to look upon the creature they
ideal beacon to guide Elven vessels through the treacherous reefs that had guarded for so long and deliver her contempt for it face to
surrounded Guardian. Later, the light was further enchanted so that face. Such was her bitterness at Diamasin’s passing. She went alone,
it would radiate a pale green radiance as a warning should the aura of removing the Ruby Star-Kin Stone from the array about the Star of
the Grimorden extend its influence beyond the Prison. Diamasin. She wore the Ring of Halidara that would protect her from
enchantments and charms and went to the chamber where the Prison
Diamasin’s followers remained on Guardian as a most secretive order, was housed.
turning away any Humans who grew too interested in the island
community. At times the Elves grew weary of their task and wished Aedrinia looked into the eyes of her hated enemy and cursed the
to sail to back to Leezeria. Some, ultimately, wanted to take up Lord creature. It tried to seize her mind in an icy mental embrace, but she
Tarimth’s Promise and make the sea-journey to the Holy Glade. shrugged its powers away. Her anger sated, she left and returned the
Diamasin never spoke against any of his folk who wished to pursue Ruby to its position. But during that exchange, the Grimorden had
this course and therefore, over the centuries, the Order of the Vigilant been able to achieve two things. It had been able to control Aedrinia’s
Guard diminished in number, until 300 years ago, the remaining will and had slipped a small suggestion into her mind. This
population numbered 21. suggestion took the form of a compulsion to seek out
Shadowland, if ever she sailed the Unending Sea for
In that time, fierce raiding parties from the northern the Holy Glade and to believe that the true path to
lands, terrorized the coasts of the Greater the afterlife lay through Sirrith’s realm.
Inner Sea and a shipload of raiders,
returning from attacks on The second thing the Grimorden was able to achieve
Human settlements in was to communicate with its main lieutenant
Llan, attempted a landing in its Keep in Shadowland. The lieutenant was
on Guardian. It was Murlyssa of the Bean-Sidhe, one of a number of
wrecked on the reefs Elven women captured in Shadowland
surrounding and corrupted by the will of Sirrith. She
Guardian, but was ordered to watch for Aedrinia and
to ensure that she was to make every
attempt to lure the Elven Lady from
the Gray Road and hold her within the
Grimorden’s Keep. For the Grimorden
promised a day would come when it
would be free again and
would have its revenge
upon the fair Aedrinia.

When Aedrinia finished

her confrontation with the
Grimorden, the Elves sealed the
remaining Uushai chambers that housed
the Prison, the Star of Diamasin and
now, Diamasin’s Tomb. They then left
the island and the knowledge of the secrets of the
Prison eventually passed from the world when the last
of the Vigilant Guard left for the Holy Glade. Nobody
disturbed Guardian for over a hundred and fifty years.

The Wreck of the Emerald Lady Return to Guardian
Over a century later, the Human Kingdom of Llan was divided by The civil war in Llan was not successful. Quorull did fall and was
civil war and its capital of Quorull was besieged for an extended raised but the King fled and raised an army in Elkia, to the south,
time by a claimant to the throne, whose army was bolstered by a however it was almost four years before the last pockets of disorder
large contingent of mercenaries. The long, bitter struggle drew to a were dealt with and peace returned to the land. Many other ships,
close in winter and it seemed inevitable that Quorull would fall. Not besides the Emerald Lady, were lost during the exodus from Quorull
wanting to face the pillage that would ensue from a mercenary force, and the great merchant families of the city petitioned the King to
several hundred people managed to escape to sea aboard merchant mount a concerted search for any survivors. It was well known that
ships that were wintering in Quorull’s harbor. These were mainly the Greater Inner Sea was dotted with hundreds of small, uncharted
wealthy guildsmen and their families and retinues. islands, and so it was that The Rover, captained by Halder Porthias,
was one of three ships that searched those waters for any castaways.
One person who sailed with this exodus, Ewyth Yoth, was a priest The Rover managed to locate the survivors on Guardian and several
from the Church of Theydori. Ewyth was charged by his High Priest other islands, returning the survivors to Quorull.
to remove a number of sacred artifacts and documents to safety from
Quorull, the Church having managed to convince those in charge of Brother Ewyth continued his interest in Guardian Island and wrote
the refugee fleet, that it was important to include several chests of an account of his experiences there, including comprehensive lists of
their sacred relics aboard the small merchantman, The Emerald Lady. the missing artifacts and the location where he believed they were
The chests were loaded as cargo and Ewyth maintained a careful lost. He also detailed much about the tower and the Elven ruins on
watch over them. the island. He mistakenly believed the tower to have been the work
of the Elves. His manuscript was called The Enigma of Elmardia and
The Emerald Lady was separated from the fleet during a horrendous several copies were made and circulated to temples of Theydori across
storm that occurred during the first days of the voyage. The pilot was the civilized world.
lost overboard and the ship driven southward. Its captain eventually
steered toward a shining beacon-light that was seen during the night. Guardian fell back into obscurity for another seventy years. With the
This was the beacon of Guardian Island. The Emerald Lady struck fall of the rebel power bases, a more stable period of history began
rocks east of the island and, as the passengers panicked and the vessel to emerge in the lands surrounding the Greater Inner Sea. Quorull,
began to founder, cargo was thrown overboard to try to lighten their which had been put to the torch after its fall, was rebuilt and became
load and bring them off the reef. Brother Ewyth protested and tried a more refined and cultured city, the coffers of Llan attracting many
to stop the crew from taking the chests owned by the Church, but renowned architects and artisans to work upon the restoration of its
he was pushed aside and the sacred relics went into the foaming sea. buildings.
The Emerald Lady was freed from the outer reef and passed into the
calmer waters closer to Guardian, but she broke up and finally sank The Church of Theydori re-established its temple in Quorull and
some 100 yards from the beaches. Twenty-two people made it ashore, brought back many of its treasures that had been smuggled out
including Brother Ewyth. during the siege or hidden in secret places. By this time, Ewyth Yoth
had passed away, but the Quorull chapter of the Order had the lost
The survivors eked out a miserable existence over the next four documentation and minor artifacts saved by the Brother, along with
years. They established a camp in the ruins of Diamasin’s Hall, in a copy of his work, The Enigma of Elmardia. The documents piqued
the south and lived off seafood and a vegetable tuber that grew in the interest of a young Priest, Jarden Gamete. Jarden’s main area
abundance and was unique to the island. They called it sweetgourd, of expertise was Elven lore and he was always interested in learning
as it resembled a squash but had a delicious, refreshing taste. The what he could of the distant and aloof Elves. He petitioned the
captain of The Emerald Lady was drowned when the merchantship council of his Church for leave and funding for an expedition to
went down and the only survivor who had any air of authority was Guardian. He was refused, but this did not dissuade him from trying
Brother Ewyth. He became the leader of the little group. again. When a new Abbot was appointed, Brother Jarden had several
private meetings with him, again trying to gain Church backing for a
Besides the day-to-day hardships of just surviving, Brother Ewyth visit to Guardian. This time he presented the expedition as an effort
devoted time to recovering the lost relics that he had been entrusted to recover the lost artifacts of the Order. The Abbot was supportive of
with. He was fortunate that three chests were found washed ashore the idea and, with his endorsement, the council gave their approval.
containing mainly written documents. The chests had been reasonably
watertight, as they had been sealed with pitch. He was overjoyed The preparations took a few months and the voyage to Guardian
to find that the contents were only slightly dampened. Two other got underway six months later. Two senior priests and five acolytes
chests of documents remained missing, but Ewyth’s greatest loss was went with Jarden, along with twelve lay persons: workmen to assist
a chest of artifacts. The remains of that chest were washed ashore and in building an encampment and swimmers, skilled at diving. Jarden’s
its contents must have been spread across the bottom of the sea off expedition was supposed to last one year and then he was to return.
Guardian. The party was able to locate five more of the missing artifacts, but
many more remained undiscovered. Jarden wished to stay on and
During his time on Guardian, Ewyth had some of the better establish a more permanent settlement on Guardian. By means of
swimmers dive for the lost artifacts, but they only uncovered a few a regular supply vessel, he sent word back to Quorull outlining his
minor items. Despite this, the priest kept up an active interest in the desire to do so. He colored his report with both the need to recover
strange ruins and even stranger tower of Guardian. He kept a journal the remaining lost items and the need to create an isolated, more
with some writing materials that were salvaged and documented all secretive archive of the Church (in case something like the Llanic Civil
that he could about the tower. He also collected a few Elven items War should threaten the temple’s relics again).
that he found scattered about the island - pieces of pottery, jewelry
and the like. Ewyth and the others never discovered the concealed His request was debated amongst the council and eventually he
Uushai vaults containing the Star of Diamasin, the Prison of the won approval. More priests traveled to Guardian with provisions
Grimorden and the Tomb. and additional craftsmen and laborers to assist in building an Abbey

on the island. There was an extensive supply of stone on Guardian island community. Only two monks died from the effects of the disease.
as well as a sizeable area of woodland on the eastern side of the Klinn and the other monks who had contracted the disease were nursed
island. The main part of the Abbey was built over a five-year period, back to good health over the period of a month. The clergy of Theydori
with later features added 20 years afterward. When border hostilities treated Wynsar’s presence on Guardian with great reverence. The senior
erupted with Elkia and Sard, the Church of Theydori in Quorull grew monks admired her skill and knowledge with medicine and conversed
nervous again by the potential threat of another disaster akin to the with her for hours; the acolytes hung around the priestess like adoring
destruction wrought by the Civil War. A lot of the Church collection puppy-dogs (much to the consternation of the Abbot).
was sent to Guardian for safekeeping and the priest there copied
much of the material to create a back-up repository of knowledge. With a week until the expected arrival of the supply ship, the Abbot
A few years later, when the border dispute was resolved, most of the held a celebratory feast in Wynsar’s honor. Everyone on Guardian
original works and artifacts were returned. attended, whether they were monk or worker. At the height of this
gathering the Abbot presented Wynsar with an illuminated tome,
Of Klinn and Wynsar prepared by the priests. It contained many excerpts about medicines,
Twenty years ago, the permanent population of Guardian was seven sourced from ancient and secret documents kept by Order. It was an
monks, ten acolytes and anything up to eight craftsmen/laborers extremely rare gift from the Church, given to show their gratitude.
(depending upon what work was required at the Abbey). The island Amongst the workers attending the feast was Klinn, drunk as usual.
was virtually sell-sufficient. The priests had established a small orchard While all eyes shined with admiration for Wynsar that night, the dark
and maintained a goatherd. The settlement had vegetable plots eyes of Klinn burned with a sinister lust, as he watched the attractive
and enjoyed great success in cultivating sweetgourds, the vegetables priestess accept the tome.
that the survivors of the Emerald Lady had lived off. A supply ship
continued to visit Guardian about once every three to six months.The The morning after the celebration was peaceful and sunny. The Abbot
priesthood continued to copy the sacred documents held in Quorull and the senior monks were on the south side of Guardian, inspecting
and to study the Elven ruins on the island. Dives off the coast to find a beautiful urn that had been unearthed at the site of the Elven ruins.
the lost artifacts also continued. They found a further six items, but The rest of the church members were clearing up after the night’s
gradually fewer were found and dives became infrequent. Additional festivities. Wynsar went alone to a secluded cove, where she often
work resumed on the Abbey at the request of a new Abbot. A set of bathed in the rock pools. On that particular morning, Klinn was
magnificent stained glass windows were installed in the chapel and, at making a last bid to find some of the lost artifacts of the church. He
the same time, a renewed search for artifacts was undertaken. A diver had been working off Eastbeach, but decided to try his luck further
from Port Lyrie was hired, noted for his salvage work in the southern south. He ended up being moored off the cove that Wynsar used and,
waters. His name was Klinn Ebayn from a distance, he observed the priestess bathing. Klinn slipped over
the side of his boat and swam silently ashore to spy on her.
Although the windows were completed (much to the Abbot’s delight)
Klinn found no new artifacts, despite an intensive search. A heated However, the young priestess saw Klinn and confronted him,
debated with the Abbot over the fee for the work followed. A cryptic demanding that he leave or the Abbot would hear of it. Klinn made
clause in their agreement with the Church stated that if no salvage to grab at her and a struggle ensued. His anger was ignited and he
was found only half the fee would be forthcoming. Unaware of this held Wynsar down in the rock-pools, drowning her. He then threw
clause, Klinn was angered by its enforcement by the Abbot. He her body into the sea, thinking to concoct a tale that, seeing her
divided his remaining time on Guardian diving to find some scrap of swimming in the cove and in difficulty, he had rushed to her aid but
salvage and getting drunk on the particularly potent liqueur distilled was too late. He may have gotten away with such a tale, but an
at the Abbey. acolyte secretly observed the deed from the cliffs above. He was too
far away to save Wynsar and therefore hurried back to the Abbey
A week before the supply ship was to arrive again, there was an to inform the monks of what he had witnessed. By the time Klinn
outbreak of Kharic’s Plague on Guardian. Two monks were confined arrived to tell his story an angry mob had gathered.
to the infirmary, along with Klinn. The Abbot placed plague markers
to warn the supply ship of their situation and limit contact. The vessel The monks attacked Klinn, who fled to a nearby tool shed. He locked
arrived earlier than expected and the Abbot was able to converse himself in and, armed with a hammer, threatened the angry monks to
with the captain of the supply ship from a distance. The Abbey had stay away or suffer the consequences. The mob threw oil and pitch onto
three more men confined to the infirmary and he warned the captain the shed and set it alight, in a bid to drive out Klinn, but somehow the
against making landing on Guardian. He bade him return with fresh lock became jammed and the he ended up being burned alive.
medicinals and to check to see if the plague had run its course.
The captain still made arrangements to leave cargo on Eastbeach and Eventually the Abbot and senior monks arrived, seeing the smoke
then departed. When the laborers were sent to bring the supplies from the south. They dispersed the mob and, over the next few days,
they were surprised to find they had a visitor - a young woman named brought everyone involved to account. Wynsar was laid to rest in the
Wynsar who was a skilled healer, a priestess of the Church of Esmia. custom of Esmia and buried in a small graveyard (used mainly for a
She had been journeying back to visit the Esmian temple in Quorull few laypersons). The remains of Klinn were buried without ceremony
after working on a mission on the island of Dovrin. Hearing of the or marker. The Abbot presided over a hearing about the whole affair
plight of the community on Guardian, she volunteered her services to and, in the end, assumed responsibility for the deaths of Wynsar and
nurse them through the crisis. Wynsar met with the Abbot and set to Klinn Ebayn. He proposed that he should return to Quorull and place
work immediately at the infirmary. himself in the hands of the judicial system of the city.

The Dark Secret of Guardian However, the monks argued against this and were unanimously supported
Kharic’s Plague had decimated Llan and Elkia many centuries ago by the lay workers. In the end the Abbot relented. It was agreed that the
and the Church of Esmia developed various successful treatments for real wrongdoer had been punished so why risk any blame to the Church.
the disease. Wynsar was well educated in the treatment of the malady A tale would be told of the brave efforts of Wynsar to save the priests from
and was therefore able to successfully contain its spread amongst the Kharic’s Plague and how she tragically succumbed to the disease, along
with Klinn. The dark deeds of Guardian would remain a closed affair.

The Discovery of Diamasin’s Star had planned to steal the gems earlier, circumstances prevented him.
Since then, little has changed on Guardian. The temple of Theydori Then, with the supply ship due anytime during the next three days,
maintains and builds upon the repository of knowledge kept there. he seized upon the perfect opportunity.
New monks and lay workers travel to the island once and awhile
aboard the supply ship that comes every three months. Life is sedate He was sent to the site of the Elven dig with the task of moving
and ritualized. The potent liqueur that the monks distil has been a lot of the excavated earth to the quarry located in the middle of
refined and become noteworthy in Quorull as Guardian Fire. The Guardian. While he was removing the last cartload of debris, the
Church has also cultivated a sizeable crop of sweetgourds and the monks at the site saw a pod of whales breaching off Southpoint and
delectable vegetable is finding a market on the mainland as well. headed to the cliffs there to get a better view. The Star of Diamasin
was left unguarded. He slipped down and began to prise the Ruby
The Order maintained its interest in Elven relics on Guardian and a from its place on the plinth. He was astonished to find it would not
year ago an important discovery was made at the ruins in the south. budge, no matter how hard he tried. Fearing the return of the monks,
While moving one of remaining walls of Diamasin’s Hall, several he put in a final effort and freed the stone. It was too late to try and
large stones were dislodged and their weight broke through the stone loosen the others so he fled just with the Ruby - he figured that, alone,
flooring revealing the entrance to the Uushai Chamber. Here, the it was worth a king’s ransom.
excited monks discovered the plinth of Diamasins’s Star and the Star-
Kin Stones. They removed a number of relics from the site, including He headed off with the cart, waving casually to the monks who
a large document written in High Elvish. Abbot Olmaren ordered returned from whale watching. The theft was not immediately
that the arrangement on the plinth be left untouched. He had a basic discovered and went unnoticed until late in the afternoon. Ballick had
grasp of the Elven tongue and the inscriptions seemed to heed a ample time to duck off and hide the Ruby in the hollow within the
warning. He would write to the Church in Quorull and arrange for tree. Meanwhile, something deep below the tower on the north side
them to secure the services of a mage to inspect the ancient objects of Guardian stirred in its eternal sleep. It sensed the world beyond its
before they were tampered with. prison and began to flex its powers again.

When the supply ship next arrived the Abbot entrusted his The monks from the dig returned that afternoon bringing news of
correspondence to the captain. The vessel was anchored off Guardian the missing Ruby. They had left two of their number to remain on
for a week, in which time goods were unloaded and sailors went guard at the dig site. First the workmen of the island were assembled
ashore to stretch their legs. Now serving at the Abbey at this time in the chapter house and questioned at length, while their rooms were
was a man named Ballick Gorson. He was one of the small labor force searched. Failing to find anything, the search continued through the
that was usually kept on Guardian for more arduous tasks. He was at rooms of the monks and the acolytes. One of the first acolytes to have
the site of the Elven dig when they broke into the Uushai vault and his room searched was named Erron. A special tradition had arisen
helped clear fallen earth and debris from the doors that lead to the amongst the Order on Guardian. It involved the utterance of a prayer
chamber of Diamasin’s Star. He looked upon the Star-Kin Stones and to Theydori that was sung from the top of the tower at sundown and
quickly began to plot about how he could make them his own. dawn, to coincide with the lighting and extinguishing of the magical
beacon. It was Erron’s duty to perform the prayers at this time and,
He considered stealing them as soon as he had the chance, but as soon as his cell was searched, he was relieved and sent to attend his
realized that the Abbot would most likely organize a search of devotions in the tower.
everyone’s possessions - and Ballick was already thought of as a bit
of rogue on Guardian. Instead, he thought about the consequences He sang his prayer from the tower-top and the silver light blazed
of stealing the gemstones and came up with a new scheme. Ballick forth, radiating through the inside of the tower and blazing outwards
waited for the arrival of the supply ship and met with one of the by means of the crystal arrangement in the roof. But this time, Erron
deckhands, an old friend of his named Thran Fynlas. felt he was being observed. He thought that something called to him
from afar. Descending the tower-stairs, he felt a compulsion to reach
He described the gems to Thran and how stealing them would set across to a wall and push hard against a stone there. It moved aside,
them both up for life. The stones were well guarded but, once the revealing a pull ring. His hand was on the ring before he could blink
novelty wore off, Ballick was sure the opportunity would arise to steal and he pulled with all his might. There was a grating sound and a
them. He intended to take them in the week prior to the supply ship’s section of flooring slid open to reveal a long hidden stair descending
return in three months. He would hide the stones in the hollow of into a mist-filled darkness. Although he knew he should tell the other
an old tree near Wynsar’s monument on the east side of Guardian. monks of this, he felt compelled to investigate and slowly disappeared
Once the theft was discovered, there would be a hue and cry and into the depths of the tower.
fingers would be pointed, most of them at him! However, any search
of his possessions would reveal nothing. The gems would remain safe, Here, his mind was dominated by the will of the still-weakened
hidden in the tree. Grimorden. With the Ruby Star-Kin Stone removed, it found it could
sense something of the minds that inhabited Guardian. The Uushai
Ballick’s time on Guardian was finished when the next supply vessel vault interfered with its abilities somewhat, but it could still ensnare
arrived and he would then leave the island. He was sure that the focus these puny mortals who wandered too close to its prison. Devouring
of attention would be on him and he would be searched again before the mind of Erron, it learned where the Star of Diamasin was located
he took ship. Who was likely to notice deckhand Thran as he took and instructed the monks to go there and destroy the black globe.
a walk along the east cliffs to refresh himself? The two agreed to go
ahead with the plan and agreed that by the same time next year they
would be drinking wine and taking comfort in the pleasure houses of Erron departed and soon was confronting the monks that guarded the
Quorull. dig. He told them that the Abbot commanded that they both return to
the Abbey at once for questioning over the missing Ruby. Both monks
The Grimorden Awakens thought the acolyte was acting oddly, but they agreed to leave Erron
Ballick waited until the last minute to make his move. Although he to watch over the remaining stones. As soon as they were gone, Erron

entered the chamber of the Star and laid into the black globe with a his master, Olmaren and Brother Lyden consecrated and prepared
hammer. But the device proved resilient to his blows. The Grimorden a holy artifact of the church - an amulet that banished Undead
seized his mind again and directed him to dislodge the other two Star- creatures back to their own planes of existence. Lynden used this
Kin Stones, knowing this would weaken the Star of Diamasin. With a amulet to drive Klinn away and render him powerless once more.
great effort, the Emerald was prised out of its place on the plinth. Erron
pocketed the stone. Then, as he heaved away to pluck the remaining However, Klinn had transferred sufficient power to the Grimorden so
Emerald free, the two monks accosted him from behind. that it could send its own ethereal form beyond the confines of the
Prison - the powers that bound its physical form were faltering and,
The pair had not trusted Erron and doubled back to the dig. They with its spirit now unfettered, it would draw the remaining souls it
encountered him removing the Emerald and rushed to seize him. needed to destroy the Star and the Prison forever. The Grimorden’s
Erron turned and struck one of the monks a fatal blow with a shade descended into the Abbey like a maelstrom, sucking in the
hammer, dropping the Emerald as he did so. The other monk wrestled souls it hungered after, but it sensed that greater prey lay behind
with him and Erron was nearly bested. He managed to throw the the closed doors of the chapel. Here, the Abbot and his three senior
priest off and escaped with the Sapphire, back to the top of the monks made ready their last stand. The Grimorden rushed through
dig. The surviving monk was in hot pursuit and chased Erron down the doors. The monks blocked the approach to their Abbot and
the slopes of Southcrown to the cliffs. Here, another struggle took Brother Lynden used the Amulet of Turning on the Grimorden. The
place. Erron’s vestments were torn and the Sapphire Star-Kin Stone creature tried to cast the Amulet aside, but its touch caused the
skittered to the edge of the precipice, overlooking the ocean below. artifact to explode in a magical conflagration. Two of the monks were
Erron leaped after it, followed by the monk. They careened into the killed by the blast the other being slain by the Grimorden in the
gemstone and then both went over the edge and plunged to their struggle.
deaths. The Emerald followed, striking the water and going to the
bottom in about 12 feet of water. Abbot Olmaren was thrown against the altar and received serious
head injuries. The exploding device caused much of the remaining
The Slaying of the Order power that the Grimorden had collected to be instantly dispersed.
As soon as Erron prised the Emerald Star-Kin Stone free, the Its shade-form dissipated and its physical form rendered unconscious
Grimorden felt a second wave of power. It sent a bolt of energy along within its Prison. All is quiet on Guardian Island now. The Grimorden
the line of power that connected the Prison to the Star but it was lies trapped within its Prison, dormant but now capable of gaining
not enough. Long centuries of nothingness had left the Grimorden its freedom. It acquired a considerable boost in energy and, with just
drained of energy, it needed to sacrifice souls to Sirrith to replenish its a few more souls it could try to use its power to destroy the Star of
reserve of strength. But it was trapped in the Prison and unable to Diamasin.
extend its mental domination as far as the Abbey. At the same time
that the Grimorden exerted its power, the silver light of the beacon The Star itself maintains the Prison, but cannot stop the Grimorden’s
tower turned a baleful green, shadowing the island in its ghastly powers unless the gems are returned. One rests in the hollow of
luminescence. The inquiry, going on still at the chapter house, noted the tree atop Wynsar’s Cove. One lies on the bottom of the sea off
this dramatic change. All stood dumbstruck except the Abbot. He Southcrown. The last lies beyond the confines of the world, in the
sensed something terrible had happened and ordered everyone to bolt Realm of Shadowland. The struggle for Guardian is about to begin
the doors and stand watch. He and his more senior monks made for and there are other forces beside the Grimorden who wish to make
the sanctum of the chapel where the more powerful artifacts of the this their battleground….
temple were kept.
And What of Thran Fynlas?
The Grimorden extended its consciousness beyond the limits of its Thran wintered in Quorull, waiting to take ship back to Guardian in
Prison, as far as it could, and detected that a number of spirits spring. He looked forward to grabbing the gems from the old tree
haunted Guardian. Some were strong and resisted the will of the and making his fortune with Ballick. Unfortunately, his plans did not
Grimorden, but it sensed a spirit in particular that it could use. go as expected.
Although it was weak, it could bend it to its will and give it purpose.
It drew Klinn to it and fed his spirit with some of its power, sending The temple of Theydori in Quorull had long been dissatisfied with the
Klinn forth as a Shadow to assail the monks of Theydori. The terrible fees they paid Sylus Meredine to ship goods to Guardian. During that
form of the Shadow first appeared within the council chamber and same winter, they began to look for other people who could offer
created panic. Klinn slew those who were not quick enough to flee, them a less expensive service. At the same time, as a result of the
draining their souls with his touch and transferring a greater part request of Abbot Olmaren, the priesthood began seeking a mage to
of what he stole to the Grimorden. With each new victim that was go to the island and examine the Star of Diamasin. Unfortunately, no
drained the Grimorden’s strength waxed. local Wizards seemed interested in interrupting their research to spend
time on a remote island for an insufficient sum of money, however the
After the attack on the council chamber, there was a brief respite. The Church managed to make a better deal in supplying goods to Guardian
Grimorden directed Klinn southward to the Chamber of Diamasin’s with Captain Ableford of the merchantship, Gray Gull.
Star to attack the podium there. But Klinn found he lacked the
physical power to destroy or even remove the black globe. He Thran Fynlas, of course, was devastated. He desperately tried to get
discovered theEmerald Star-Kin Stone and the Grimorden bade work aboard the Gray Gull, but Captain Ableford had a full crew and
Klinn to bring it to the Prison, beneath the Beacon Tower. Here it did not trust the likes of Thran anyway. With only a few days to go
had sufficient magical power to contact Murlyssa, its lieutenant in before the ship sailed he learned of a band of adventures that were
Shadowland. Summoning its powers it was able to send the Emerald going to Guardian, supporting some Wizard who has business on the
to her for safekeeping. island. Thran decided that it may pay to cut one of these adventurers in
on the deal and has sent word to arrange a meeting at the Unicorn Inn.
Meanwhile, Klinn was sent to attack the monks again and was
stopped in his tracks by Brother Lynden. While Klinn was absent with

Quorull does not have any established Schools of Magic and the few
Introduction local practitioners of the ancient arts are far too concerned with their
own interests to bother with wasting their valuable time traveling
his is a generic d20 adventure module that can be based in any the treacherous waters of the Greater Inner Sea to give opinions to a
fantasy setting with very few changes required to incorporate it secretive Order of monks.
into your own particular campaign. The adventure is designed
for four to six characters of levels three to four. You may choose If you do not have a Wizard or Sorcerer in your group, there is an
to use the locations, religions and other cultural information NPC Wizard named Naedath who is detailed in the Cast Section. You
that we have included with the module or simply replace them can propose that Naedath has accepted the task from the Quorull
with the obvious equivalents in your game. If you decide to Chapter of Theydori but, hearing stories of piracy in the Great Inner
use the names and places that appear in the module, we have Sea, has decided to hire the services of the player characters to protect
provided a glossary on the accompanying CD, that gives further him on his trip to Guardian.
background information.

The starting point for this adventure can be any seaport. We have set
the game in the port city of Quorull, on the shores of the Greater
Inner Sea; an area that sees a large amount of merchant shipping.
Quorull is a small city with a population of around 5000 people.
It is the capital of Llan, a heavily forested country, ruled by King
Harad (although the real power is held by the heads of the merchant
Beginning the Game
guilds of Llan). No real action takes place in Quorull, so we have not DM Note: The text assumes that you are using the model where
provided a map of the city, although a few places are mentioned in you have a Wizard or Sorcerer as a player character. If using the
the introduction. NPC Naedath, have that Wizard visit the players at the Sword and
Mace (see below).
Most of the action in Dark Awakenings takes place on the remote
island of Guardian, some three to four days journey by sea from
Quorull, where the religious order of monks devoted to Theydori ACT 1: At The Sign Of The Sword and Mace
(the God of All Knowledge) has an archive of historical and arcane (10:00 Hours)
documents dating back thousands of years. Background information
on Guardian and the history leading to the scenario on the island are Weather Fine
detailed briefly in this book and more fully in a special Designer’s Cut
on the accompanying CD, along with the 3D location scenes. You have been spending some time in Quorull, seeking gainful employment,
since your finances are relatively low. You are gathered together at the main
You will need to fabricate a reason for your players wishing to visit room of the Sword and Mace Tavern, sharing a few drinks and recounting
Guardian Island. In this module we have provided you with a hook your adventures. You notice that Griffid, the proprietor, is pointing your group
that the Order of Theydori requires the services of a Wizard or out to a middle aged man with jet, black hair and a close-cut beard. He wears
Sorcerer to inspect some magical devices that they have uncovered at a hardened leather skull-cap and is attired in the robes of a priest of Theydori,
an archaeological dig on the island. The Order may keep a great deal the God of Knowledge. He approaches your table and offers a polite salutation
of information about arcane artifacts but they are not spell-casters to you before taking a vacant stool and placing a cracked leather document
and sometimes require advice pouch on the table. He nimbly extracts a number of parchments.
from those more in tune with
arcane magic. “Greetings. My name is Salind Berden, a priest of his most exalted Lord
Theydori, Master of the Unanswerable Riddles. I have heard that you may be
able to assist our most sagely order with the services of a Wizard. Let me buy
you a drink and explain our position…”

The priest will order a round of drinks and once formalities are over,
he will present the group (most likely the Wizard) with a folded
parchment. It bears the seal of the Theydori Order, a black square on
which a white hand is depicted.

DM Note: Provide players with Handout No.1 (Letter from

Abbot Olmaren) and Handout No.2 (Guardian Island:Poetic

After the players have read the document, Salind will continue…

“So you see, we are in need of a person versed in the magic arts to assist us “You enter the boisterous main room of the Unicorn Inn. Sailors and poorer
in identifying that there is no danger in disturbing these artifacts. You will villagers from outside the city down mugs of heady ale and swap tales both tall
be well paid for your trouble, 250 gold pieces now and 250 upon your return and true. In a booth in one corner, you recognize Thran. He raises his cup to
to Quorull. Your friends are welcome to accompany you. Alas our finances you and waves you over.”
cannot extend to offering them a stipend, but they will find the table of
Abbot Olmaren serves a hearty banquet to visitors and they make an exquisite DM Note: Allow a brief exchange of roleplaying. “Where have
liqueur, Guardian Fire. What say you to our offer? Will you help?” you been, what have you been doing with yourself?” etc. Thran
orders a round of ale and gets down to business:
DM Note: The Church of Theydori in Quorull is divided in
the need to keep an archive on Guardian and will not spend “I hear yer goin’ to Guardian then, aboard the Gull? Tried to gets meself
too much money on this endeavor. If pressed for more money, passage on ‘er over the last couple a days. Turned me away, they did. Was real
Salind’s limit is 800gp - 400gp now and 400gp when they return. important that I got to Guardian.” He looks around and lowers his voice.
The priest can answer most basic questions about the Island
(he has never seen the archaeological dig that is mentioned). “Look matey, I won’t muck around. There’s a fortune to be ‘ad on Guardian
Salind has booked passage on a merchant ship, the Gray Gull, for those in the know who is willin’ to keep a secret. Friend of mine who works
leaving Quorull in five days. It supplies Guardian and a number there said them monks have uncovered lost Elf treasure - gems as big as plums,
of small island communities to the north of Guardian. A small heaps of ‘em.
cargo that Salind’s order wants shipped to the Island includes a
case of medicinals for the infirmary, boxes of inks, parchment, Now my man (Ballick’s his name) is gonna arrange to obtain a few of these
vellum and quills. Some additional food supplies have been stones just before the Gull is due at the island. ‘Es gonna put them in an old
included - ten barrels of salted lamb. The cargo is currently dead tree that sits on the cliffs above a beach on the east side of Guardian.
stored at the temple in Quorull. Near to some old shrine. Now these priests are gonna be watchin’ old Ballick
pretty close once the stones go missin’ like, an they’ll search the bugger when ‘e
A passenger named Ballick Gorson is also to be given passage goes aboard the Gull. But it won’t do ‘em no good, cos someone likes you will
on the Gray Gull. He is a laborer who seeks to return home to have taken a little stroll along the cliffs an’ found some rare birds’ eggs in a
Quorull on the next available vessel. tree, if yer gets me meaning.

Once players have completed their question and answer session with Simply bring ‘em on home to Quorull an’ we will all be rich men. I knows a
Salind, they may want to start making necessary arrangements to jeweler who’ll pay us for ‘em. What says you …is it a deal?”
finish business in Quorull and stow gear aboard the Gray Gull before
it gets underway. Players may wish to roleplay the various aspects of DM Note: Regardless of whether it is a deal or not, the player
making preparations for the voyage (helping move the extra cargo has been given the knowledge about the location of the ruby in
from the temple of Theydori to the docks, introducing themselves to the old tree. For roleplaying purposes it is often amusing to find
Captain Ableford , the Gray Gull’s master etc.) Alternately, read the that this player keeps this information a big secret and makes
following statement: excuses to go off and collect the gem as soon as they get to
Guardian. Later, when the plot unfolds, he is reluctantly forced
“Over the next few days or so, you make arrangements for the voyage to to produce the ruby and explain how it was acquired.
Guardian. Everything runs smoothly and you are ready to board the Gray
Gull early one morning, just before dawn.”
ACT 3: Ready to Sail
ACT 2: A Conversation at the Unicorn Inn (04:00 Hours)
(Pre-Game Scenario)
Weather Fine (pre-dawn)
Prior to starting the game with the entire group, the DM should take 2D Map of the Gray Gull Available
one person aside, away from the prying ears of the other players. This
should be a Thief (if there is one in your group) alternatively select a The Gray Gull stands moored in the middle of the Dassinda River. The crew
player whom you feel is a bit unscrupulous and could be convinced to can be seen working in the light of lanterns hung about the vessel. It is quite
be involved with Thran’s scheme (see DM Background). chilly and there is a mist covering the water. To the south, the sails of the
Quorull fishing fleet can be seen silhouetted against the pre-dawn sky as they
Read the selected player (and only that player) the following: work the waters between the city and Darringmoor, to the south.

“One of the deckhands of the Gray Gull sees you privately during the days The Gray Gull is an old merchant Cog, a single master. It has a weather-
before you sail. He tells you that a sailor called Thran Fynlas has been asking beaten appearance and although it isn’t the fastest thing on the high seas, it is
after you. He has a proposition that could make you both rich and wants to solid and reliable, capable of withstanding the rough waters and storms of the
discuss it with you (alone) over drinks at the Unicorn Inn that evening. You Greater Inner Sea.
have a distant memory of gambling with a man called Thran during your
younger days. You owed him 25gp for over a month and recall he was quite Most of your gear has been placed aboard, already. An eight-man longboat
reasonable in allowing you to pay him back over time.” waits at the jetty to take you across to the Gull. Four oarsmen man it. Their
guild tattoos mark them as able-bodied seaman, sailors with over four years
DM Note: Establish if the player will keep the rendezvous. If experience. Soon you are aboard the Gray Gull, chatting to Captain Ableford
the player turns up in the obvious company of friends, Thran as the longboat is hoisted on deck. The sail is unfurled and the anchor is
will not inform him of the hiding place of the stolen ruby raised…
on Guardian. If the meeting goes ahead as arranged, read the

Once the Gray Gull is underway and the sun rises, display: (2) Crew Quarters
Where most crew
3D Scene # 1 sleep on the main-
Setting: Dry/Day deck, certain
Gray Gull Map Locations stations aboard the
Gray Gull have
(1) Main Deck more sheltered
Most shipboard activity takes place here. As the decks of most vessels accommodation
are not exactly watertight and cargo space is held at a premium, below the forecastle
this is where the majority of the crew sleep at night. They wrap and quarterdeck.
themselves up in fur-lined hide sleeping bags called dunrah. The
leathery exterior of these bags keeps out the worst of the cold and (a) Captain’s Cabin
water. The dunrah are stowed below in the crawlspace between the This contains a
cargo and the deck. Although it is the responsibility of each individual small but
to maintain and clean their personal dunrah, it is usually the task of a comfortable bed, a
deckboy break out and stow them. table and two
benches to seat six
Being an older vessel, cargo is loaded and unloaded aboard the Gray people (snugly).
Gull by removing the planks from the decking. With improvements There are a number
to port facilities over the past few decades, recent designs in the Cog of latched
have included cargo doors and derricks rather than reliance strictly on cupboards on the
manual labor to move most cargo. port side that
contain personal
(a) Water Barrels belongings of the
Sealed with pitch, these barrels contain captain (clothing,
fresh water and are shut tightly. The lids some carved
need to be levered off with a hardwood scrimshaw, a pouch
wedge kept nearby for that purpose. A of 34sp, a set of
wooden cup is tied to the inside of each lid. maps and charts of the Greater Inner Sea) and
More water barrels are kept below-decks. a tinderbox. Two iron lanterns hang from an overhead
beam, their enclosures made from shaved horn.
(b) Little Gull
The eight-man longboat. When not in use it is kept A locked sea chest in the aft contains the captain’s log, a writing
inverted on the deck and secured with ropes. Four oars are set, documents pertaining to ownership of the vessel and cargo and a
lashed inside its hull, along with a keg of water. The Little chest of 150gp for the payment of the crew and other expenses.
Gull is constructed only for shore duties and has no
steppable mast. A makeshift jib is set up from the yard to (b) Senior Crew Quarters
lower and raise the longboat from the water. This cabin provides accommodation for four senior crewmen,
including the mate, the bosun, the pilot and a leading
(c) Manholes deckhand. They use two sets of bunk beds and stow their
Crewmen requiring access to below decks use these. A gear in drawers set into the frame of each bunk and in two
steep stair descends some 10-foot to the narrow hull below. shared chests. Most of the chest space is taken up with the
equipment of the pilot - the rutter, maps and charts, a
(d) Mate’s Chest cross-staff and a quadrant.
This heavy wood chest is firmly secured and sealed
against the intrusion of seawater. It contains spare baling (c) Store
pins, wooden pumps, carpentry and sail-making The forecastle is a store crammed with spare rigging,
tools, lead weights and line for taking soundings sails, cable blocks and a second anchor. Spare wood and
and a log and knotted rope used for taking readings of larger carpentry tools are also stowed here. The Deckboy,
the ship’s speed. The crewmembers store a few much- ‘Squid’, manages to squeeze in here at night to sleep.
used personal possessions here - simple wooden board
games, musical instruments and carvings they are (3) Hold
working on. The hold is simply one large area dedicated mainly to the
storage of cargo. To make voyages across the Greater Inner Sea
(e) Anchor as profitable as possible, just about every inch of the hold space
A simple flanged anchor and 50 fathom of is dedicated to cargo. The crew does not normally sleep here. Large
rope are secured here. Two spare anchors are crossbeams reinforce the hull at three specific points; the mast and
kept below in the forecastle store. the areas where the quarterdeck and forecastle begin to traverse the
hold. Numerous items such as lanterns, rope, tools, pumps and nets
(f) Tiller of vegetables (crew food supplies) hang here.
This horizontal wheel controls the
rudder. One person usually mans it, As the hold is susceptible to the intrusion of seawater (which actually
however two may be needed in high assists with the stability of the Cog) the cargo is ordered so that all
seas. It can be fixed in position by means easily perishable goods are stored in barrels sealed with pitch. These
of a baling pin. are loaded first and form the base for stacking the remaining cargo.

This is usually made up of crates, sacks and bales. A typical cargo Over the first two days there is not a lot of action that takes place,
will have food produce such as salted meat stacked on the lower layer, although DMs may wish to generate random encounters from the
with crates of manufactured goods packed in crates, forming the next relevant d20 game aids. This is a time for a brief stint of roleplaying,
layer and sacks of vegetables, grain and bales of wool stacked on top, talking to Ableford and crewmembers etc. A brief synopsis of the
protected by oiled skins. crew, their likes and dislikes, are detailed in The Cast Section. The
deckhands are broken into two groups of five, the port crew and
Lastly, goods to be used by the crew (mainly food supplies, dunrah and the starboard crew. They alternate work in shifts lasting four hours.
personal possessions like liberty chests) are stored at the crawlspace at During their time-off crewmembers often perform musical sing-a-
the top and accessed via the manholes. longs, recounting tales of nautical disasters or women with dubious
claims to fame.
As soon as the players come on board, they will most likely want to
find out where they are sleeping. Captain Varran Ablelford will make Another pastime is playing High Seas, a popular board game
the entire quarterdeck section available to the group. He will arrange (Handout No. 10 High Seas Game). The sailors use boards carved
for some of the gear in the forecastle store to be removed below deck on wood with pieces made from wood or shell. Bets are often placed
and will bunk in there with the mate and the pilot. upon who will win. A replica of the High Seas board and pieces (and
the rules) are included and we hope that your players participate in at
There are four bunks available in the senior crew quarters and one in least one game as they roleplay the trip to Guardian.
the captain’s cabin.

ACT 4: Guardian Bound ACT 5: Man Overboard!

Weather: Fine/Intermittent rain Third Day at Sea (14:00 hours)
2D map of the Gray Gull Weather: Storm
3D Scene # 1 2D map of the Gray Gull
Setting: Dry (some rain on the second day at sea) Adjust night 3D Scene # 1
and day settings to your own timing of events Setting: Storm/Day/Remove Sail

The trip to Guardian usually takes approximately three days. Captain Read the following to the players:
Ableford will inform the players that his plan is to unload the small
amount of cargo for Guardian and leave them on the island. He will The rain that set in on the second day develops into a storm by 10:00 hours
then travel north to the islands of Dorvin and Kryllin, to trade with on the morning of the third day. Captain Ableford gives orders for the sail to
the locals there. He has a consignment of tools and metal fishing be taken in. Conditions worsen, with waves crashing over the forecastle, filling
hooks to trade for ambergris (a wax-like substance excreted by whales below-decks with water. Part of the cargo has broken free and could cause the
that is highly valued in the perfume industry). There are markets Gray Gull to list dangerously. Most crewmen are ordered below to pump out
for this product amongst the perfumers of Quorull. The crew also the bilge and secure the cargo. Three people, the pilot, helm and able-seaman
does a lot of bartering from their liberty chests here. They trade Galmid, man the tiller.
manufactured items for Dorvin carvings and a fiery local drink called
keeva. DM Note: The players will witness the following event only
if they are up on deck. Otherwise, they will be alerted by the
Captain Ableford should be back on Guardian within two or three shouts of the crew at the tiller.

DM Note: These arrangements are a

device to get the players to explore
the adventure on Guardian alone. It is
not much fun commanding the crew to
fight your foes and do all the work for
you! Should the players object to the
plan, Ableford will strongly resist to
changes to his proposal and will argue
the economics of his decision.

If the players do manage to alter these

plans, try to contrive your plot so that
they still do end up alone on Guardian
(or at least with only a few NPCs). For
example, as they unload the vessel at the
island, once the players are on the
beach, a sudden squall arises and forces
the Gray Gull to put to sea, away from
Guardian’s dangerous reefs. The Gull
is driven far southward and takes two
days to find its way back to the island.

Lightning flashes across the sky and thunder deafens everyone. Suddenly a
wave catches seaman Galmid and washes him overboard. He falls into the
foaming sea some fifteen yards off the starboard helm. The pilot lets go of
the tiller to go to Galmid’s aid but the Gray Gull immediately lists at a “Thanks for what ya did for me. I knew I was done for out there but fer you.
dangerous angle. He returns to the tiller and cries, “Help him! He’s no too I’m not a man of riches but I ‘ave squirreled away the odd item when I visited
good a swimmer!” distant ports. I’d like ya to ‘ave me lucky charm. I left it in me chest and
I figures it was doin’ that, that got me inta trouble back there. Here, takes
If the players attempt a rescue it must occur within three minutes, it…”
otherwise Galmid is considered lost from sight and drowned. If
players search for a rope to use in the rescue this will delay them 30 Galmid offers a leather thong on which is strung a plain metal
seconds. The rope can only be cast approximately three to six yards, medallion, the size of a penny. It bears a crude rendering of a clenched
so Galmid is out of range. Each attempt to throw a line takes 30 fist on one side.
DM Note: This charm was once a charged magical amulet that
The luckless Galmid will remain roughly fifteen yards from the had protective qualities; see the Pendant of Taladath in The
ship unless the following circumstances arise. Every 30 seconds roll Tome Section. It currently has 0 charges but retains a latent
percentile dice and if the roll exceeds 80%, Galmid is carried a further magic aura. In theory, someone with suitable skills can recharge
five yards away. it.

Swimming in the rough seas is determined by using standard

Swimming rules at DC 15. If a swimmer gets to Galmid with a line, ACT 6: All Ashore….
they can both be hauled in with no problems. If the swimmer took
no line, getting Galmid back is a bit more difficult, as you have to Fourth Day (07:00 Hours)
try to help Galmid stay afloat and get back to the Gray Gull. Modify Location: Guardian (800 yards off Eastbeach)
swimming by making the DC 18. Weather: Fine
2D DMs Map of Guardian available
Galmid’s rescuer can also make a grab for a line at the three to six
yard mark. Make a successful unarmed attack roll against AC14. The storm has driven the Gray Gull off its course but it abates around 16:00
If Galmid’s rescuer is still in the water after five minutes and is not hours on that afternoon. The clouds dissipate before sundown and the pilot is
attached to a line, the seas will sweep them apart. It is up to the able to get a new bearing and adjust the course accordingly. The Gray Gull
generosity of the DM and the Gods as to whether or not they are later should arrive at Guardian on the morning of the fourth day at sea (provided
rescued. the calm weather and good winds hold). Indeed, they do and next morning the
cry of “Land off the starboard bow!” rings clear on deck.
If Galmid is saved from the clutches of the sea, he is most grateful Guardian is a long, brooding crag of land in the distance, illuminated by the
and, after suitable rest and refreshment he will single his rescuer out, rose-streaked dawn sky. Most of its shoreline is composed of tall cliffs and there
to say: are only three beaches capable of making a landing. The pilot orders the helm

to steer toward the northern point of the island and come around the eastern ACT 7: The Selchie Woman
side, where they will drop anchor off Eastbeach. As the Gray Gull rounds the
north end of Guardian, you can clearly make out a tall tower on a hill. It is Fourth Day 07:40 hours
an unusual piece of architecture, being round in construction with a dome roof. Location: Eastbeach
Stained glass windows at its summit reflect sunlight. Weather: Fine
2D DMs Map of Guardian available
The hill of the tower hides the Abbey from sight but two thin plumes of smoke
that rise from behind the hill indicate that the priests of Theydori are likely to DM Note: You should refer to the next section of this document,
be enjoying a hot breakfast this morning. If you hurry, you may be able to join Guardian Locations, for physical details about Eastbeach.
in - the meals on the Gray Gull can only be described as adequate.
The crew will finish unloading the cargo in ten minutes. The pilot will
The pilot points out the breaking waves that indicate treacherous rocky reefs bid the crew farewell and the Longboat will make its return to the
that surround this part of Guardian. He nods to the Mate and orders are Gray Gull. The players will most likely have a look at the monument
given to drop anchor and make ready Little Gull, the longboat. to the wreck of the Emerald Lady before starting up the steep trail that
zig-zags its way up to the cliff-top. When they are about a quarter of
The crew will arrange to remove sections of the deck and load the way up, read the following:
the cargo for the Abbey; ten barrels of salted lamb and two small
crates containing medicines and supplies for the scriptorium. Captain You hear some laughter in the bay below. The longboat is nearly half way to
Ableford will assign four men to row the group to shore; the pilot will the reef and the oarsmen are having some fun with the porpoise. As the silvery
also go to navigate the reef. form speeds alongside the boat, one of the men hurls a gaff into the water after
it. The gaff is pulled under; it looks like he hit the unfortunate creature. There
Soon you are ready to board the Little Gull. Captain Ableford wishes you is some cursing (over the loss of the gaff). Spying you from afar, the oarsmen
success in your dealings with the Abbot and says that he will see you in two or wave to you and continue to row out to the Gray Gull.
three days. You clamber down into the longboat and take your positions as the
sailors put their backs into their task of rowing you ashore. The pilot stands Allow the trek up the cliff trail to continue.
in the prow, checking the depth with a leadline and watching the waves.
You are close to the top of the trail, about 60 feet up the cliff-face, when you
The Gray Gull is anchored some 800 yards off the coast. It will take notice someone in the water, far below. A woman is dragging herself out of sea.
about half an hour to 45 minutes to reach Eastbeach. Narrate how She is naked and obviously in distress. Blood flows freely from a wound in
the pilot makes the oarsmen hold at certain times and steers the her side. She crawls a few yards up the shingle and collapses. The longboat is
longboat to starboard or port. The boat makes it across some rough navigating the outer reef and is beyond hearing range.
patches and into the waters inside the reef.
Allow the players to react. The woman on the beach is of the Selchie-
The longboat successfully navigates the reef and enters the calmer swell inside. folk, a rare and vanishing race of shape-shifters who can assume the
As the sailors pull at the oars, the silver shape of a porpoise or seal can be seen form of seals (see the Cast Section in this book). She was the ‘porpoise’
dimly in the waters below the boat, playfully following the vessel toward shore. that was speared by the men in the longboat. She was forced to
As you draw closer to the beach, it veers off and, with a crunch, the longboat assume human form to remove the gaff and, weak from loss of blood
strikes the shingle shores of Guardian. she has struggled ashore and fallen unconscious. In doing so, she
also lost her precious Selchie skin, a magical form of clothing that
The crew begins the task of unloading the cargo and storing it beneath the cliffs transforms her into a seal when worn.
that tower overhead…
Unless basic medical attention is administered to stop the bleeding
within ten minutes, she will be beyond a physician’s skills. To carefully

make it down the cliff trail will take 16 rounds. A hurried descent have reached her in time, the players may bind the wounds to stop
will take 4-8 rounds and will allow sufficient time to administer aid. further blood loss. Treat the Selchie as being at -one hit points and
However, running down the steep trail will incur a check to see if a unconscious, when they first see her.
fall results.
If brought to consciousness, the Selchie woman will be terrified of
Half normal move (8 rounds of movement) requires a balance check the players at first. She cannot speak their language and will cower
DC5 for every ten foot of desent. and ward them away, snapping at them with her teeth. The pain of
her wound will prevent her from much movement. If the players can
Full move (4 rounds of movement) requires a balance check DC10 placate her she will become more rational (Diplomacy DC18). If the
for every twenty feet of desent. A fail by 5+ in both the above cases roll is failed there is a cumulative -1 to every other person who tries
means they fall the remaining distance, to the trail below, as per the Diplomacy. Failure by +10 means nobody will ever make her calm
chart. Allow reflex saves at DC15 to grab something to prevent the down and try to understand them.
fall (see chart for grab attempt opportunities).
If the Selchie woman can be made to see the players mean no harm
Damage from the first ten feet of the fall is considered subdual. she will gesture to them:

Once the descent of the cliff is resolved, the players will find the The beautiful woman looks at you with a
Selchie woman has a grievous wound in her left side. Providing they different expression and tilts her head to the
side. She points at her wound and gazes at you
with a quizzical look.

If the players understand and indicate

that someone amongst them healed her,
she will smile. Suddenly she will become
agitated and point down the beach at the
waterline, excitedly. Washed up on the
shore is her Selchie skin (see The Tome
section). It resembles a silver gray mantle
at a distance. Up close it appears to
be a made of sealskin, although it has
no adornments, clasps or buttons. Inside
are slits in which small personal items
are kept. The Selchie woman carries a
number of colored stones, a tiny shell
bottle and three pearls threaded upon
fine hair.

She will implore the players to give

her the Selchie skin. If they do so,
she will immediately seek out the small
shell bottle and drink its contents. It
contains Farshyl (see The Tome Section),
a powerful healing potion. This should
go a long way toward restoring her
health. The Selchie woman will then
produce the pearls and pluck one. Read
the following:

The strange woman takes a string of three

pearls from the sealskin and removes one
from the thread that binds them together. She
places it against her forehead and concentrates,
then hands it toward you (either the player
identified as the healer or the one who was
best at winning her confidence). She makes
a throwing motion toward the sea and then
points at herself.

The pearl is a magical item called a

Casarca (see The Tome Section) and the
Selchie woman will receive a mental
summons if it is cast into the sea and she
is within five leagues of the pearl. She can
home in on the pearl’s emanations.

Once the Casarca issue has been resolved (for better or for worse) the The Grimorden had almost achieved this when it was stalemated by
Selchie woman will want to return to the water. If she has her skin its attack against Brother Lynden. The Grimorden perceives that, if
and is allowed access to the sea, read the following: it can steal a few more souls, it may have sufficient power to break
the link. Which means, of course, the players are in for a rough
The woman enters the water and slowly wades out toward the breakers, her time. As the Grimorden recovers from the effects of the destruction of
silver mantle floating in the water behind her. When she is waist deep, she Olmaren’s amulet, it will begin to use its powers against the players.
pulls the mantle close about her. She smiles at the players and suddenly dives It will animate the dead monks as Zombies, send the Shade of Klinn
beneath the waves in a blur of motion. Somehow her form seems distorted. to assail them and, as its strength grows, it will use its magical power
There is a splash and she is gone. Minutes pass and she does not return to the to summon elementals to its aid.
The players will need to recover the
However, out near the reef, a gray seal breaches the water and climbs Star-Kin Stones to render the Grimorden
briefly onto the rocks. It seems to look directly at the players on the beach helpless, but they will have to spend time
before vanishing below the waters again. piecing together the history of what has
happened on Guardian to be able to deal with
DM Note: Players may misinterpret the demon effectively.
what the Selchie woman means and
try to immediately cast the pearl However, there
into the sea. She will make gestures are those who
to dissuade them from doing so can aid them in
and will shake her head violently. their quest. The
If players still throw the pearl Abbot Olmaren is a
in, she will look despondent and fount of knowledge and
pull one more pearl from her there are two ethereals who
thread (and only one more). She watch over the island - the spirits of Diamasin and
will go through the routine again but Wynsar.
will give up if they still don’t understand her
(humans can be so stupid!). Together, these two spirits will try to guide the
players. While the Grimorden is strong, the spirits
Players who do not return the Selchie skin of Diamasin and Wynsar remain weak. They
when she asks for it, will earn her contempt cannot afford to reveal their hand to
and she will not aid them in this adventure the Grimorden because there is a
at all. She will follow the players if risk that it could turn on them
they take her skin, looking for an and use their spiritual energy
opportunity to take it back. Even if for its own ends (especially
the skin is restored to her later, she if it perceives Diamasin and
will not provide assistance. understands who he is). So
early in the scenario,
Diamasin will hang back
while Wynsar tries to contact
Guardian Island the players by leaving messages
and cryptic clues. She is a very weak
Overview spirit, although stronger nearer to the scene of
The adventure is basically linear up until her death, at Wynsar’s Cove.
this point. Once on Guardian the players
will visit locations as they wish and may even Wynsar hopes to direct the players to
split up at times. Usually they will visit Diamasin’s tomb. This is where his spiritual
the Abbey first and discover that most of strength is gathered and he can appear to the
the community there are dead. Abbot players more directly and help them with retrieving the Emerald Star-
Olmaren is in a coma and he will not Kin Stone in Shadowland and maybe even bring about circumstances
normally be able to talk to the players that will destroy the Grimorden forever (the basis for the adventure
until the morning of the players’ in Dark Awakenings: Shadowland, the second part of this module).
second day on Guardian.
In the following section, the plotline is described in detail as a
The Grimorden, recovers number of Acts. This guideline to involving your players in the
consciousness on the evening of the action is keyed to a schedule of pre-programmed events, which occur
players’ first day on Guardian. It will unless the player’s actions prevent them or you, as DM, revise them.
sense the presence of the players on the island The locations where the Acts take place are fully detailed after the
and begin a campaign to destroy them. Plotline. All descriptions are based on the players visiting the place
Anyone who dies on Guardian while the Grimorden is conscious, and for the first time.
the Star-Kin Stones are not in place, risk having their souls stolen
by the demon. The Grimorden used most of the power it amassed in Plotline on Guardian Island
destroying the Theydori monks, by channeling the energy into the The players arrive on Guardian in the morning, four days after
link between the Prison and the Star of Diamasin. Severing the link leaving Quorull. They should be on their own or accompanied by
will destroy the Prison. one or two of the crew of the Gray Gull, at the most. The Gray Gull

will have sailed north to Dorvin and Captain Ableford will return at DM Note: In all of the cases above the damage inflicted by
16:30 hours on the afternoon, three days later. Feel free to adjust this the drain damage is temporary and those not slain (by being
if you feel your own storyline needs the Gray Gull to remain away reduced to 0) recover one point of CON per day.
At the beginning of the adventure all the Star-Kin Stones have
The first place the players are likely to visit is the Abbey, where they been removed and the Grimorden can use all of its abilities. The
will be confronted with the dead bodies of the recently slain monks replacement of the Star-Kin Stones to close proximity to the Star of
of Theydori and the lay workers. They will find the Abbot Olmaren Diamasin reinforces the Prison Globe and cuts off the Grimorden’s
alive, but comatose; he will be unlikely to be able to talk to the abilities. In addition, replacement of ALL the Stones gradually causes
players until the next day at 10:00 hours. the Grimorden to become comatose within 2d6 rounds.
- Replacing the Ruby Star-Kin Stone cuts off the ability to
The players may visit other areas of the island before this time, dominate minds.
such as the Elven excavation work at Southcrown or the Tower. It - Replacing the Emerald Star-Kin Stone cuts off the ability to
is most likely that the players will concentrate their earlier efforts in animate and control Undead and make Ethereal Jaunts.
thoroughly searching the Abbey and placing together parts of the - Replacing the Sapphire Star-Kin Stone cuts off the ability to
mystery. Summon Elementals and use Wave of Power.
- Once all stones are replaced, the Grimorden shuts down.
There are several Acts that take place in the Abbey and these are
discussed later in this section. First it is necessary to discuss the Another use for the life energy it gathers is to destroy the Star of
Grimorden and the ‘balance of spiritual power’ on the island. Diamasin. The Star can withstand 400 points of magical damage. The
Grimorden can convert hit points into equivalent energy points to
The Grimorden’s Powers While Trapped in the Prison attack the link between the Star and the Prison. But these points can
The Grimorden is a demonic creature of great physical strength and only be from outside the 25 hit point pool it has naturally. It must
magical spell ability; it is fully detailed in the Cast Section of this use the souls of others to destroy the star.
book. The Grimorden’s main weapon is its ability to control Undead.
However, the Prison created by Diamasin’s Star (when the Star-Kin At the beginning of the game, the Grimorden is in a state of torpor,
Stones are all in place) causes it to be rendered totally impotent and having been affected by the Amulet of Turning, wielded by Brother
comatose. With the Stones removed, it is still trapped by the Star of Lynden. It had already channeled 345 points of life energy, stolen
Diamasin, but can use its natural abilities beyond the confines of its from the deaths of the monks, into destroying Diamasin’s Star and
Prison. The Grimorden has learned to do this by sacrificing its own this energy is still actively attacking the Star (as evident by the crawl
life force to create an energy pool to channel its power. It basically of green energy along the silver light that joins the Star of Diamasin
loses hit points, using them to generate its powers. Each ability is to the Prison Globe).
unique and can be more difficult to channel than others. The cost of
using each ability by sacrificing hit points is listed in the Cast Section. The Grimorden was knocked out at 21:00 hours on the evening
It can regain hit points lost in this manner at the rate of one per hour. before the players arrive on Guardian. It does not regain consciousness
However, the properties of the Prison prevent the Grimorden from until 19:00 on the following evening. It will have 25 hit points
regaining more than 25 points in this manner. It can acquire more recovered naturally and will initiate the following pre-programmed
hit points (beyond the limit of 25) by using its abilities to drain the attacks on the players to try to destroy them, and then use their stolen
life energy of sentient beings (INT 3+) and then using the hit points souls to attempt to destroy the Star of Diamasin (which requires 65
gained to further channel its abilities. For game purposes life energy points in order to destroy its power).
is equal to CON points.
Pre-programmed Attacks by the Grimorden
It can absorb souls (draining Constitution) in three ways: When conscious, the Grimorden can sense the presence of the living
for the radius of a mile. It cannot actively read minds or know exactly
Devour Souls who is present; it sometimes receives snippets of thoughts or simply
The Grimorden has a permanent ability called Devour Souls, which detects the strength of energy signatures and their nature (Human
is active while the Emerald Star-Kin Stone is removed from the Star. and Elven). As the Grimorden senses sufficient life force to use in
As long as a person dies within one mile of the Grimorden (regardless order to destroy the Star of Diamasin, it will attempt to slay the
of who or what kills them), the Grimorden absorbs the soul, adding players from its Prison, using the attacks listed in Act 8 (see page
the entire amount of lost CON points to its own hit points. It can 24). These attacks may be altered due to individual circumstances
never exceed 90 hit points and loses the extra hit points before losing that occur in your game (e.g. the players recover the Sapphire Star-
its normal hit points. Note that beings who have their soul devoured Kin Stone so the Grimorden resorts to using Undead because it can
loose all chance of Resurrection. no longer use its Summon Elemental ability). Alternately, you may
wish to use certain attack forms to your advantage as they arise in the
Controlled Undead game; you will need to totally revise these pre-programmed events.
The Grimorden can control Undead and some of these may have
the power to drain abilities (e.g. in Guardian it can gain control So long as the Grimorden is governed by the limitations on its power
of a Shadow that normally drains Strength). Regardless of what usage feel free to be as devious as you wish. The pre-programmed attacks
ability the controlled Undead has, the Grimorden’s influence over it are described within Act 8 in the following section (see page 24).
immediately causes it to drain CON instead. Half of what is drained
by the controlled creature goes directly to the Grimorden. The Spirits of Diamasin and Wynsar
Two ethereal beings oppose the Grimorden on Guardian - the spirit of
the Elven Lord Diamasin and the Esmian Priestess Wynsar. Diamasin
Physical Attack received a vision on his deathbed that there would come a time
Drains 2d6 CON from a grappled opponent. when the Grimorden could be utterly destroyed and thus his spirit

remains on the island, as the last of the Vigilant Guardians, to see sentient living being in sight). The Zombies will remain in the areas
this accomplished. Wynsar’s spirit remains at the bidding of the they were slain (or areas they have since been moved to by the players
Elven Lord, as a means of making better contact with the humans prior to activation). Here they will grab a weapon, if available, and
inhabiting Guardian when required. conceal themselves behind hangings, under beds, behind doors etc. in
order to gain some degree of surprise when they attack.
The ancient buildings that were constructed on Guardian by the
Uushai are built from magically reinforced stone. In death, Diamasin’s They will attack only when a person comes within five feet or within
spirit found it was bound to the immediate area of his tomb and line of sight. They will pursue people as long as they can see them
his visionary abilities that allow him to see what transpired in the or sense them within a five feet radius.
physical world are limited by the powers imbedded in the stone. Otherwise, they will find a new place
When Wynsar died, her powerful spirit was such that Diamasin was to hide. The DM should build
able to reach out to her and enlist her aid in continuing the watch up an unnerving atmosphere
on the Grimorden and to communicate with the future inhabitants in the Abbey grounds,
of Guardian if necessary. with Zombies hanging
about in dark places and
Wynsar herself is limited in what she can do. She has a greater threatening to leap out
number of foci for her manifestations on Guardian - mainly and attack when the
places where she loved to spend her time during her short players least expect it.
stay on the island. However, it is difficult for her to enter the
physical world or vocalize; she is limited to the movement of DM Note: Game
objects, scrawled messages and the like. statistics for all Zombies
are from the Dungeons
When the Grimorden became sentient once more, it was aware and Dragons 3rd Ed.
of Diamasin and Wynsar but could not assail them in any way Monster Manual as per the
as long as they remain in areas where their power is strong. Medium Zombee (pages
DM Note: The players and NPCs are also free
from direct attack by the Grimorden, Klinn and the (23:00, Close to Midnight,
Grimorden’s creatures when in one of these areas where Day One on Guardian)
Diamasin and Wynsar’s power is strong.
Having built itself back up to three
During the game, Wynsar will try to guide players available hit points, the Grimorden
but only when they are in her places of spiritual seeks to attack the players with the
foci. Even then, such assistance is brief and can Shadow Klinn. The destruction of the
be opposed by the Grimorden. To risk making Amulet of Turning broke the Grimorden’s
contact outside these spiritual sanctuaries is link with Klinn and it now uses its abilities
exceedingly dangerous. If the Grimorden is to gain control of Klinn once more, sending
aware of Wynsar and has gathered sufficient him forth. This costs 3 points.
power, it could take control of her and use her
against the players. These areas of foci should The DM should pick some suitable lull in the
be considered as consecrated ground. game for the Shadow to strike and build the
ACT 8: The Grimorden
Awakens You realize that the air temperature appears to be falling. You
(19:00 Day One on shiver involuntarily and a mist escapes your mouth. The hairs on
Guardian) the back of your neck begin to rise and an icy tingle creeps down
your spine. You are sure that a patch of dark shadows in the corner
The Grimorden awakens and became even darker somehow. Suddenly the cold dramatically
has 25 hit points it can increases; the shadows take on a rudimentary humanoid shape and
devote to using its natural launch themselves at you with frightening speed…
abilities. Sensing the
life force of the players DM Note: In this adventure, the Shadow Klinn has a
on the island, it specific weakness to fire, as he was burned alive. If
immediately uses its any attacks are made on him using fire (from
powers to animate a spell to wielding a simple burning torch)
the dead monks and Klinn is subject to an immediate Turning
lay workers, creating attempt as though it was made by a 9th
a force of 24 Zombie Level Cleric.
Undead (it uses one point
on Detect Life).
Klinn will usually retreat from combat if reduced to less than five hit
points and retreat to the Tool Shed. Here Klinn can rebuild its hit
points at the rate of one point per hour. When fully restored he will
The Grimorden’s power is not strong at this time, and it will only locate the players and renew his attack (provided it is in an area that
issue some simple commands to the Zombies (basically to attack any is away from sunlight).

(13:00, Afternoon, Day Two on Guardian) sits beside a bed tending the fevered brow of a man lying there. She turns to
you and places a finger to her lips for silence. There is a gleam of light from a
The Grimorden, now with 14 hit points restored, decides to use its pendant around the neck of the woman that temporarily dazzles you. You blink
ability to summon a Medium Earth Elemental to attack the players. and the woman and man have vanished, leaving behind a well-made bed.
This is a more difficult exercise, costing 8 hit points:
The first player to examine the bed where the visitation took place
You notice a peculiar sound, like fabric being torn. Some 20 feet away a will hear the whispered words, “Beware the Grimorden…”
jagged, rent appears in the ground. Abruptly it widens and there is an
explosion of dirt. A huge humanoid creature, composed of rock and soil, emerges DM Note: Take the player aside and whisper this once (and only
from this rift in the ground and turns toward you. With an awkward gait, once).
it lunges forward into a loping run…
The Guest House
DM Note: The game statistics for a medium Earth Elemental are Shortly after the players enter the Guest House, and have searched
stock standard from the Dungeons and Dragons 3rd Ed. Monster around, read the following:
Manual (pages 82-83).
There is a slight drop in temperature and a breeze touches your cheeks. You
(15:00, Afternoon, Day Two on Guardian) notice that, in the dust on the table, feint letters are being drawn. They read:

Two hours later, the Grimorden will use a further 8 points to summon “The Beast struggles to be free. The stones must be returned. Seek for Diamasin
a Medium Fire Elemental: (providing a source of fire is available; at…” With that, a savage blast of frigid air blows the dust away and topples
otherwise resort to a more appropriate type of elemental) the table. There is an odor of sulfur left in the air.
The latter only occurs after 19:00 on the players’ first day on Guardian.
Suddenly there is another sound like the tearing of some enormous sheet. The Grimorden is aware that Wynsar is trying to communicate. It
Twenty feet away the air explodes into a gout of flame and a rush of hot cannot attack her here, but it can challenge her power. Otherwise the
air strikes your face. A blazing creature of fire, sometimes resembling a rough message is completed with…
humanoid shape, takes shape and in a torrent of crackling flame, it veers “…Southcrown. The way is hidden but the Lord of the Starlit Realm knows
unerringly toward you. the way.”

(1:00, Early Morning, Day Three on Guardian)

If the players are still on the island by this time and haven’t made
the translocation to Shadowland (Part Two of Dark Awakenings) they
could be in trouble. The Grimorden will use 10 points to channel
Ethereal Jaunt and go forward from the Prison in Ethereal Form. Its
only attack form is its drain ability (2d6):

There is a darkening of light and a rushing wind. A stench of putrid flesh

fills the air and a sensation of terrible fear overwhelms the senses. A great
humanoid figure shimmers into being before you, being somehow insubstantial,
flickering in and out of existence. It is heavily muscled and stands a full eight
feet in height. Its distorted face is a parody of a human visage, with flaring
nostrils and a massive jaw-line of pointed teeth. Exquisitely curled rams horns
sweep back from its massive brow. It smiles and flexes its powerful arms. Razor
sharp talons extend from its long delicate fingers…

It is envisaged that the players will have discovered the Tomb of

Diamasin by this time in the game and have decided to make the
trek to Shadowland (effectively reaching the conclusion to Part one
of Dark Awakenings. The adventure will be continued in Part Two ---
Dark Awakenings: Shadowland), where the Grimorden cannot attack

ACT 9: Wynsar’s Visitations

Wynsar makes a number of attempts to warn the players of their
danger and guide them to Diamasin. These occur in areas where her
spiritual focus is strong. These are as follows:

The Infirmary
The first time that players enter this area, read the following:

You see a young woman with shoulder-length brown hair and a gentle face.
She is clad in a white robe and wears a white cloth headdress (Esmian
worshippers will recognize her robes as being that of the Esmian faith). She

The Esmian Shrine present in the group, or alternately, one of the males (determine
The first time players approach within 100 feet of the Shrine, read the randomly). The player will be compelled by the vision to attack
following: for 3+1d4 rounds or until they are snapped out of the trance
by other players. Players shouting at the affected character,
You see a white-clad figure of a young woman standing at the head of a cliff- shaking them etc., can break the trance. If players attempt these
path that leads down to the sea. Her hair is brown and she has features that actions, the affected player can make an attempt to break out of
display a gentle bearing. Her attention is elsewhere… the trance every round (Will Check at DC23).

If players wave to her or call out, she simply smiles and disappears
down the trail. If the players decide to go after Wynsar, whoever is
considered to be at the forefront of the group will stumble on a sod of
turf before they get to the cliff edge, where the trail begins. They will ACT 10: Two Fathoms Deep
unearth a silver pendant in the form of a teardrop. The letter ‘W’ is
inscribed upon it. This Act involves the recovery of the Sapphire Star-Kin Stone and will
possibly not be played out until Part Two, in the Dark Awakenings:
DM Note: This is Wynsar’s pendant and it will provide Shadowland Module.
protection from the Shadow Klinn to anyone who wears it (see
The Tome Section). The Sapphire fell into the water after a brief struggle between two
acolytes on the cliff-top close to the Elvish ruins. Both acolytes fell to
When players reach the beginning of the cliff-path, the figure of their deaths. One body lies broken on a shelf of rock at the base of the
Wynsar will be seen to be far below on the shingle beach, obviously cliffs. The other (Acolyte Erron) plunged below the waves and died,
an impossible feat given the time and distance involved. Read the his body being caught up in seaweed that grows there.
The Sapphire sank and landed on a shelf of rock, about two
Far below on a shingle beach, the same figure kneels down by the tide- fathoms below the surface. A few feet further down, the seabed
line and draws in the shingle with a piece of flotsam. plunges away to form deeper troughs, the upper regions fringed by
clinging fronds of seaweed.
Again, if players try to communicate, Wynsar simply waves
and begins to walk away along the beach to the south, where DM Note: If players decide to dive for the Sapphire, visibility
there are a number of rock-pools. If the players follow and go to is only about five feet in the murky waters off the south tip of
the place where Wynsar was kneeling, they will see writing in Guardian. Only someone with swimming ability will have any
the shingle, but the message has already been partly obscured chance of searching and the chance of spotting the gem is as
by the sea. Provide players with Handout No. 7: Writing in the follows (Search at DC25). Of course, magical illumination or
Sand. spells that pinpoint objects could swing the odds a little in the
players’ favor.
The figure of Wynsar disappears amongst the rock-pools in the
south. If players continue to follow, select the player with the The players can search as long as they want in order to find
lowest WIS. They will see Wynsar in one of the pools, bathing. the gem. Every dive will take 1d4 rounds. For every round
She is unclad and her back is to them. The following images that passes there is a five percent cumulative chance that the
suddenly occur in rapid succession: Grimorden (providing it is conscious) becomes directly aware
of the players presence and what they are trying to achieve. It
The young woman turns rapidly to face you. She covers her exposed has two weapons to strike at them (so long as it has sufficient
body and her face displays anger. Words are being said but you cannot points):
make them out. You feel that you are not yourself. You are looking at
the woman through someone else’s eyes. (a) It can command Acolyte Erron (a Zombie) it to attack. The
Zombie will simply try to grab hold of a swimmer and drown them.
A wave crashes over the rocks and the vision shifts. Your hands are It cannot command Acolyte Hestil as the body is too badly damaged
upon the shoulders of the woman. She strikes you and you feel murderous by the fall.
anger course through you. You push the woman and she falls backward
into one of the pools. Her head strikes a rock and she is stunned for a (b) It can summon a Water Elemental into being to attack any
moment then sits up in the water, seething with outrage. swimmers. In this case players who are not in the water will see a
golden gleam in the waves, some 100 yards off the southern point,
Again, the vision cuts dramatically and the woman is yelling angrily. A followed by an ominous waterspout that comes into being and heads
wave crashes over the rocks. The vision shifts again. The woman is in to shore.
underwater in the pool, struggling for breath. Your hands are keeping her
down. A wave breaks over the rocks again. You vision changes. The Of course, there is an easier solution to the dilemma. If the players
woman’s struggles have stopped and her unblinking eyes stare up at you. have the pearl that was given to them by the Selchie Woman (see Act
7 on page 20) and they treated her respectfully, she can be summoned
and asked to search for the sapphire. She will find it automatically in
1d3 rounds and is too quick for either the Zombie or the Elemental.
DM Note: The designated player who experiences these visions
should be removed from the other players as you describe the
above material. While affected by the visions, they will enter a
trance-like state and will attack one of their compatriots, trying
to drown them in a rock-pool. They will attack a female, if

ACT 11: Diamasin’s Visitation steals the souls of the dead and uses their energy against the Globe that holds its
The spirit of Diamasin will make contact with the players shortly after Prison intact. By killing the monks, the Grimorden gained sufficient power to
they enter his tomb beneath Southcrown Hill. Read the following: weaken the enchantments that bind it. It only needs a few more souls to allow
As the players gaze upon the treasures in the room, a whispered voice, it to break free”.
within each person’s mind, says:
DM Note: The following may need to be re-phrased depending
“Choose once my friend, I can give but one gift to each of you…” on where the Star-Kin Stones currently are located. Usually, the
Ruby and possibly, the Sapphire, may have been retrieved by
DM Note: Only Player characters will hear this voice. Certain this stage.
powers have allowed aid to be given to balance the battle against
the Grimorden, but that aid is limited. For game purposes, “The ruby lies hidden in a tree by the Shrine of Wynsar, stolen by a petty thief
only the PCs will receive a gift from Diamasin and passage who knew not the import of the thing he took. A monk, under the control of
to Shadowland. If a player has already been killed or severely the Grimorden, took the sapphire. But he was contested and the gem fell from
incapacitated in the game, allow that player to take over an NPC the southern cliffs during the struggle. It lies beneath the waves, near to my
if available. You are then allowed to treat that NPC as a player Hall. Alas, the third gem, the emerald, is the most difficult to reclaim, for the
character for the purposes of the meeting with Diamasin. Grimorden managed to send that stone to its home, Shadowland. That place
is a terrible realm, beyond the boundaries of this world. It is the thralldom of
The players can each successfully remove one (and only one) item Sirrith, the Queen of the Dead, the cursed place made to lure the Elven from
from a plinth. Any other attempts result in 1d4+1 cumulative their path to the Holy Glade.
damage being inflicted on the person attempting to touch a second
item. Once each player has selected an item, read the following: My friends, all hope lies with you retrieving the Star-Kin Stones and putting
them back in their place and thus binding the Grimorden back to its eternal
There is a slight movement in the air and a slight chill runs throughout the rest. I see Lord Tarimth’s plan now, for the knowledge has been left with me
tomb. A silver glow engulfs the urn on the central plinth and, as it recedes, the to create a doorway for you to reach the boundaries of Shadowland and from
ghostly form of an Elven Lord is revealed, attired in gray and green robes, a there to rescue the emerald Star-Kin Stone.”
golden circlet upon his brow. He raises one hand in greeting and although you
hear the spoken words in the tongue of the Elven, you hear them in your own The visage of Diamasin diminishes more. His voice sounds like it echoes from
language within your head: a distant hall.

“Well met my friends. I must be brief. I am Diamasin, once an Elven Lord of “Hurry, time grows short. I am charged to answer your questions but only one
the Kingdom of Leezeria. I am the last of an ancient order whose purpose it poised by each of you. What do you want of me?”
was to guard a powerful enemy of my kin that lies imprisoned on this island
that we call Elmardia. It is a foe of unsurpassable resilience. The strongest DM Note: Do not allow players to have a group meeting on
steel swords break upon its iron skin, only the most powerful of spells will slow which questions to phrase. Use the NPC Diamasin to stress the
its inevitable advance. Unable to harm it, we lured the creature into a trap, urgency of the situation. Diamasin is not omnipotent, he can tell
a magical Prison to contain it for all time. them what the magical items do and he has limited information
about the nature of Shadowland. He knows that Wynsar will be
But I was slain here many years ago whilst fighting the dragon-raiders able to aid them as well and she may be able to tell them more
who came from the north. They landed here, thinking we hid riches on the about their quest. Once the players have posed their questions,
island. They were wrong and they paid the price for their reckless savagery. read the following:
I was grievously wounded and before I died, Lord Tarimth appeared before
me, saying that my labors were yet not complete. For Tarimth had foreseen a By the time you finish the last question you notice that Diamasin has faded to
time when our enemy, whom we call the Grimorden, would make a bid for a silvery outline. His voice is a whisper.
its freedom. Our Lord had been empowered to contest the dark forces that had
conspired to set the Grimorden against the Elves, but he was limited in what “Pass through the portal to Shadowland and seek out the Star-Kin Stone there.
aid he could lend. Lord Tarimth’s vision saw that Elmardia would fall to the It lies within the Grimorden’s tower on the outskirts of that dreaded land.
dominion of Men, whom he had little communion with, so he bade me to hold There are friends who will help you as well as foes…be warned…you will
my journey to the Holy Glade and guide the hands of the champions of Men, find a gray road…do not stray from that path, no matter what beckons you to
whose task it would be to oppose the Grimorden.” do so…look for a tower atop a bluff of black stone…it is marked by two rocks
wrought in the likeness of hands…”
The ghostly form of Diamasin shimmers and becomes more translucent.
With that the last silver light that shaped Diamasin’s form winks out only to
“My enemy strives to drive me away. It is safe for a while but I must hurry. be replaced by a similar burst of radiance from the featureless west wall. The
The Grimorden was imprisoned many centuries past, by means of a sphere stonework there seems to boil away into curling thick mist, lit by preternatural
enchanted with potent spells. But we underestimated its strength and it nearly luminescence.
broke free. Nearly. With the aid of our Dwarven allies we created three perfect
gemstones that were given enchantments to reinforce the weave of the original Here ends the last Act of Dark Awakenings: Guardian. The tale
spells that forged the Prison. The Grimorden was put to rest forever. The concludes in Part Two, Dark Awakenings: Shadowland.
gems were called the Star-Kin Stones. Their potencies were each specifically
tailored to rob the Grimorden of one of its major powers. A ruby restrained
the creature’s ability to invade the minds of those of weaker wills. A sapphire
stopped it from summoning Elementals beyond the Prison. Lastly, an emerald
robbed it of its control over the Dead.

Alas these Stones have been removed and must be replaced. The Grimorden

Brief History of Guardian
Location: Greater Inner Sea, 150 miles south of Quorull. make a landing - two along its east coast and one at the southern tip
Government: Abbey maintained by the Church of Theydori, Quorull of the island. Dangerous reefs and shoals surround the entire island,
and held for Llan. making it impossible to bring a large vessel in close to Guardian.
Population: approximately 17 clergy (an Abbot, six Senior Monks
and nine acolytes). There can also be additional non-priestly craftsmen The island has a rocky, highland terrain with poor soil. It has two
and laborers on Guardian, depending on the requirements of the distinct hilltops - one in the north, one in the south. Sparse vegetation
Church. grows amongst the coarse grass tussocks and stony ground: mainly
stunted bushes and a few isolated copses of pine and cedar trees. A
A wind-blown rocky island in the Greater Inner Sea, it was home larger woodland is located in the northeast, where the soil is more
to a number of shipwreck survivors some 200 years ago. These fertile and crops are grown.
survivors were refugees fleeing civil war in Llan. One of the survivors
was a priest named Ewyth Yoth, of the Church of Theydori. Yoth Guardian has one natural water source, a wellspring at the base of the
determined that Elves had originally inhabited the island leaving a central hill. The Abbey supplements this with water-traps (it rains at
ruined hall on the south end of Guardian and a beacon tower at the least once per week on Guardian).
north end. The tower’s light was provided by a magical source of
illumination. Government
As Guardian is mainly populated by monks of Theydori, a combination
The castaways were rescued, but Ewyth documented his findings of canon law and the secular laws of Quorull are usually employed
and theories about Guardian in great detail and 120 years later this in governing the island. The Abbot is the supreme arbitrator on the
inspired another member of the Church, Jarden Gamete. Jarden was island and he holds council once a month with the six senior monks.
a member of the Theydori priesthood who rebuilt the temple and Secular persons, working on Guardian, are permitted to raise their
library in Quorull after the destruction wrought by the civil war in own concerns before the council. If not satisfied with the decisions of
Llan. He was a master in Elven lore and was exceedingly interested in the monks, persons who are not members of the order can later take
leading an expedition back to Guardian. the issue to the town council of Quorull (although it may be a wait
of up to three months before they can arrange this). In reality, there
Jarden received Church backing to journey to the island and went is little that happens on Guardian that cannot be resolved within the
on to found an Abbey there. The purpose of the Abbey was to be community itself.
a more isolated repository of knowledge where the Theydori Church
could make copies of documents from the mainland and provide a Secular workers actually dwell at the Abbey alongside the monks,
sanctuary to which the Quorull archive could be removed if war although in a separate building. They live a very separate existence,
threatened the city at any time in the future. the workers having limited access to the rest of the Abbey. The two
groups only come together twice a day to dine at the central refectory.
The island is approximately half a league in length and a quarter of However, there are usually cordial relations between the two groups
that distance in width. It rises sheer from the sea with towering cliffs and a great deal of conversation goes on at these meals.
of a mean height of 80 feet, with only about three beaches suitable to

The current Abbot Leswyg Olmaren, is 50 years of age and fascinated Religion
by the Elves. Since the Elves are a reclusive folk, there is a great Of course, Theydori is well represented on the island, however a small
wealth of knowledge about their history and culture that is not shrine to Esmia exists atop Wynsar’s Cove. This is dedicated to a
included in the archives of the Church. Olmaren has made it his priestess of Esmia who helped the island overcome an outbreak of Red
personal quest in life to rectify this lack. Plague, 20 years ago. The priestess died as a result of her efforts (or
so the story goes).
Guardian is virtually self-sufficient. Seafood is bountiful and the History
monks at the Abbey employ fishermen to work the waters around the (See DMs Background)
island to provide food for the refectory. A small goatherd is maintained
for meat and dairy products and the acolytes, in conjunction with a Local Legends
few serfs, work cropland located east of the Abbey. The acolytes grow The legends about this region are mainly Dovrin tales that have been
oats, barley and a number of vegetable crops. Their biggest success translated and documented by the monks of Guardian. They mainly
story here is the successful cultivation of sweetgourds, a vegetable deal with a folk-hero named Euraki and his battles against the sea
unique to the island. It resembles a large squash and has a delicious spirits, the Salikari.
delicate flavor, lending itself to a variety of cooking styles.
One tale tells of a fisherman named Euraki who became lost in a
storm and, when all seemed lost, discovered that he had ensnared a
Salikari, a spirit of the sea, within his nets. The spirit demanded its
freedom, but Euraki would not release it, thinking to do so would
ensure his destruction in the storm. The spirit ranted and raged and
said it would indeed slay Euraki for his boldness.

And the seas pitched and the winds howled but, in the end, the
Salikari expended itself in its efforts to be free. But Euraki was still
lost and could not find his way home. He sailed the sea for an age
into waters where no sun touched, the spirit still in his keeping and
he grew frightened. He said to the spirit that he would set it free if it
would guide him home. The spirit considered this and agreed, telling
Euraki which way to steer his boat. He followed the spirit’s directions,
but did not trust its words and sailed with his eyes sharpened.

He came to an island but it was not his home. The Salikari claimed
that this was another part of the island that Euraki had not laid eyes
Up until five years ago, sweetgourds grew wild on Guardian. The upon, but if he would land at a beach and venture into the tunnel
monks of the Abbey were used to eating the vegetable as part of there, he would come to his home by another path. And Euraki
their staple diet but they had made no attempt to cultivate them. landed at a beach of the whitest sand, and approached a great door
Visitors to the Abbey commented on the remarkable taste of the carved into the rock of that island where no sun came. The Salikari
sweetgourd and some took a few back home with them. Interest bade Euraki to free it as the bargain had been kept; it told Euraki to
in sweetgourds has grown amongst farmers and merchants, but all pass through the tunnel of stone and return home. But Euraki hefted
attempts to grow them on the mainland have failed, resulting in a the spirit in the net and said, “If this is my home, so is it yours, for
smaller, bitter-tasting vegetable. The Abbey on Guardian made a we do dwell side-by-side with the spirits. I offer you the hospitality of
decision to try to grow a crop of sweetgourds and was successful. my people and send you before me into my house”. With that, Euraki
Nobody can really say why the vegetable thrives on the island and cast the Salikari into the tunnel and there was much calamity and
not the mainland; certainly the soil on Guardian is quite poor. wailing within. The spirit was not seen again in the world.
The Abbey receives an annual stipend from the church in Quorull, And Euraki, still lost, sailed the Sunless Seas and was delivered by
but this has been greatly reduced over successive years, as the the Children of the Light, who took him to their home to rest for a
island became more self-sufficient. Abbot Olmaren has petitioned the while. They praised Euraki for outwitting the Salikari and said that it
church for a higher level of funding to carry out some renovations often deceived the Children and sent them to that vile sunless island,
on the Abbey but, so far, he has been denied. The current politics there to be consumed by the shadows that lay beyond its grim doors.
of the Church in Quorull has certain influential priests portraying Euraki was returned to familiar waters on a shaft of silver light and
Guardian as an unnecessary duplication of resources, rather than a told to be wary, for the Salikari had many brothers and sisters and one
secure secondary archive. To remedy this, Olmaren has revitalized the day they may seek revenge upon Euraki and his kin. The Children
search for the lost artifacts of the wreck of the Emerald Lady (see DM of the Light said they would guard against these spirits and Euraki
Background) by hiring more divers to continue the work. If they can should look for their star in the south. Here they would see a sign if
find more artifacts, the Quorull chapter of the order may be more their people were in danger.
receptive to funding issues.

The quantity of sweetgourds now grown on Guardian far exceeds the

needs of the community and the Abbey is interested in selling their Guardian Locations
harvest to markets in Quorull as an expensive treat for the tables of Two versions of the Guardian maps are included
the wealthy. Along with monies raised by the liqueur Guardian Fire, with this product, a Poetic Map for players and a
this will go a long way to carrying out the renovations. more Geographical Map for DMs. The DM map
also has location numbers, keyed to the text.

Several location maps are also provided giving details of the Abbey, slate roofs of the dormitories and the scriptorium can be seen forming
the tower and the underground sites on Guardian. a large square north of the chapel.

1. Eastbeach DM Note: The terraced fields are mainly devoted to growing

A shingle beach curves between two tall outcrops of rock to form a sweetgourds. The latest crops were sown at the beginning of
sheltered cove. Sheer cliffs loom up above to a height of some 80 feet. the year and the first vine tendrils are entwining the trellises.
A trail can be seen that climbs the cliff-side, zig-zagging its way up to Elsewhere on the terraces are markers indicating patches of
the tree-crowned summit. An old lichen-covered marker stone stands broad beans and cabbages.
beside the beginning of the trail.
4. Guardian Abbey (3D Scene #2; 2D Maps Available)
A small longboat lies upside-down above the high-water mark, pulled The Abbey consists of a central two-story
up beneath the overhanging cliff. Several planks are missing and two stone building and several lesser buildings
sawhorses stand beside the upturned hull. Two fishing nets and six of wattle and daub or wooden
crab-pots are stacked nearby. construction. A six feet high wall made
of rough-cut rubble from the quarry
Beneath the longboat are four oars and a steppable mast and sail. A at Southcrown surrounds the entire
compartment holds dried food and a keg of water for four men for complex.
five days. The longboat is not sailable as it is missing a sizeable section
of its hull that is being refitted. Inside, the grounds are well maintained, with neatly
trimmed lawns and flowerbeds. The flowers are arranged in intricate
The marker stone is a monument to the Emerald Lady shipwreck but patterns. Gravel paths wind between the buildings and stone benches
its message (in Common) is largely obscured by the lichen. are positioned here and there. There are two major gates that provide
easy access to the grounds as well as two postern gates. All outer gates
Unless they are specifically examining the marker stone, allow players are locked.
a check to see if they notice any writing when passing it (Spot Check
DC 13). Read the following to your players:

The marker stone is engraved with the following: Surrounded by a roughly-hewn wall of undressed stone is the Abbey, a two-
story structure with a slate roof. It is an impressive building, looking out of
To the brave crew and passengers of the Emerald Lady place in the bleak empty terrain of Guardian. A number of smaller buildings
surround it; these are mainly made from wattle and daub, the main Abbey
Let us not forget the fourteen men and women who perished when the Emerald is built from a dark gray stone. Wooden shuttered windows stare down like
Lady was wrecked upon the reefs of Guardian. Praise be to Captain Harand watching eyes, while the eastern end the Abbey features a series of ornate
whose courage saved many of those who made it ashore before feeling the cold stained glass windows.
embrace of the sea.
Stained glass also glitters in a series of windows at the top of a tower, located
We, the survivors, shall always remember. on a hill behind the Abbey, to the northwest. The tower is circular; its
architecture appears strange, unlike the familiar styles incorporated into the
The stone has its date of dedication being some 200 years ago. Abbey complex.

DM Note: See ACT 7, the Selchie Woman, for notes about No one can be seen walking the grounds. No one answers any calls.
encounters in this location (previous section).
The Abbey is described fully in its own section.
2. Guardian Grove
This small wood is predominately pine and cedar. The trail from 5. The Tower (3D Scene #4; 2D Map Available)
the top of Eastbeach winds its way amongst the shaded depths of This imposing structure stands high above the
the trees. A few red-winged birds dart and swoop here and there. rise of land that it is constructed on. It is a
Otherwise, all is quiet. circular tower made from a combination of
an odd-looking gray stone and weathered
3. Croplands granite. Three stained glass windows are
The approach to Guardian Abbey rises up a gentle hillside arrayed evenly around the top of the tower
dedicated to terraced vegetable farming. Grain fields are that features a domed ceiling. A single
further to the north on a flatter tract of ground. Goats wooden door provides access to inside.
can be seen in fenced enclosures closer to the Abbey itself.
A small apple orchard is located to the south. The trail The whole appearance of the tower is one of strangeness, from its mish-
leads through the cropland to a fence-line and a gate, mash of building materials to its distinct difference in architectural
tethered by a rope. Near to this is a shed used for style to most buildings you see on the mainland.
storing harvested crops and seed. It only has a few
barrels of apples from the orchard. Inside is stranger still. The tower is hollow, with no intervening
floors. Seven stout wooden poles support a wooden stair that
About 50 yards beyond this is the Abbey. A wall winds around the interior to a platform on the inside of the
of rough-cut stone (some six feet in height) forms a tower, far above. Large crystalline shards are fixed in a circular
barrier around its buildings. The larger structure arrangement in the center of the floor and into the center
of the chapel rises above the walls, its stained of the domed ceiling.
glass windows facing the east. Elsewhere, the

DM Note: There is a secret trapdoor in the floor (as indicated (a) Workshop
on the 2D Tower Map). There is another hidden compartment This is a large wooden shed, basically just six thick posts and a
on the wall close to this. Pushing hard on a section of stone roof of thatch. Large sheets of canvas are rolled up to the eaves on
can open the wall compartment. Inside is a lever device each side of the structure. It has an earthen floor, with a large kiln
that causes the trapdoor to open, revealing a spiral staircase and forge set up on makeshift stone flags in the center. The chimney
leading downward. This leads to the Grimorden’s Prison (see passes up through the thatched roof. Racks and wooden boxes,
Underground Locations). positioned here and there, hold various chisels, saws, awls, mallets
and other tools. Lengths of cut timber and trimmed stone are piled
Note, if the trapdoor is left open, it automatically closes after five up in the north end of the shed.
minutes have passed.
Two pottery wheels stand over in the south, alongside a grinding
The wooden stairs inside the tower lead up to a platform high inside the wheel and a water trough. Two large tables stand in the east. They
ceiling dome. Here, three beautiful stained glass windows, each fully five feet are crammed with unfired jugs (used for bottling Guardian Fire).
in height, have been installed. They represent lordly looking figures:
Three pallets and a small wooden chest are positioned close to the
- one holds a divining bowl and is surrounded by stars kiln. A large man in a dust-stained jerkin and well-worn britches
- one stands amongst a rain of falling gem-stones lies upon one of the pallets. A jug of Guardian Fire lies close by.
- one holds a lute
The rolled up canvas can be dropped and pinned to the
The windows were installed by the previous Elven inhabitants of ground to provide windbreaks and shelter during inclement
Guardian and depict a number of aspects of the Elven God Tarimth: weather. The shed is used for a variety of activities, including
stone-cutting, carpentry and pottery work.
- The Prophet (the figure holding the bowl)
- The Maker of Stars (the figure with the gems) Most materials for building construction work on the Abbey
- The Patron of Arts (the figure with the lute) originated from here. Artisans are contracted from Quorull
as the need arises, but there is usually at least one craftsman
DM Note: The oval piece of glass that represents the water kept on who can carry out maintenance. Jondyn Caldwis is
in the bowl on the Prophet window is a magical device called currently employed to do this work, but his poor skills and
Vhardin’s Glass (see The Tome Section ). repeated bouts of drunkenness have come to the attention
of the Abbot. He was discharged and is to be put aboard the
Aedrinia placed it here deliberately on the dying request of Gray Gull with Ballick, for return to Quorull.
Diamasin. It reveals things that are hidden, secret doors,
invisible objects and the like. The Glass is so positioned that, if On the evening that the Grimorden destroyed the Order of
you stare through it, you find yourself looking at the northern Theydori, Jondyn was blind drunk and unaware of the
face of Southcrown where a shimmering silver haze glimmers inquiry and the subsequent events there. He will awaken at
half way up the hill, above the quarry. 13:00 hours on the day the players arrive, unless they find
him first, and make his way to the Abbey. The small chest
This is the doorway to Diamasin’s Tomb, hidden by a permanent contains Jondyn’s possessions - two sets of clothes, his tools
illusion that makes the doors blend in with the hill-side. and a pouch of 12sp (his final payout from the Abbey).

6. Cemetery DM Note: Jondyn knows little about the Abbey and its layout.
A number of roughly cut headstones and monuments are arrayed within a He does know that there is an excavation of an Elvish ruin on
small copse of trees. They appear to be dedications to non-clerical persons who the other side of Southcrown. He will join the players, but is
died on the island. not reliable. He will try to find a drink whenever he can and, if
allowed to do this, he will become quite drunk and disorderly.
If players spend time searching the cemetery they will find a marker He will want to sing songs and play at boxing with everyone.
stone to the Priestess Wynsar. There is no marker for Klinn. Wynsar’s
stone has the following message carved into its smooth surface: (b) Distillery
This building is locked and has barred windows. A small
Wynsar Haldin stone chimney rises above the slate tile roof.
Priestess of the Faith of Esmia
Died from the Kharic’s Plague Inside are a small still, vats, a table and benches. Empty jugs once
Her efforts in saving lives at our Abbey will always be remembered. holding Guardian Fire occupy half of the tabletop. Boxes
Our shame can never be cleansed. containing filled and stoppered jugs occupy the other half.

The tomb marker is dated 20 years ago (c) Mill

This is small stone grain-mill with two wooden arms for harnessing
7. Quarry (2D Map available) oxen. The ground is trodden in a rough, well-worn circle. There is
The Quarry is a small area of cleared hillside cut into the a wooden water trough, a pile of hay and several heaps of hessian
northern face of Southcrown Hill. A number of workshops sacks nearby, kept out of the worse of the elements by another open
and covered work-areas have been erected here. Large shed arrangement. Two Oxen are grazing upon the hay.
boulders and pieces of cut rock litter the area and a wide defile has been cut
into the hill to gain access to the stone there. Some scaffolds and ladders have (d) Storehouse
been set up against the work-face. Wooden barrows and a number of picks and This is a large wooden shed with a raised floor of paved stone. It is
hammers lie about the scaffolds. used to store bulk food supplies and seed stock. Most of the floor space

is taken up with sacks of sweetgourd, grain, marrow, beans and carving provides a more fitting tribute to Wynsar (for those who
turnips. There are also a score of cases in which jugs of Guardian knew her fate). It reads:
Fire have been packed. We weep for the lady of the healing hand.
We speak not of the Goddess but the woman,
(e) Doors to Diamasin’s Tomb For surely fair Wynsar was the Lady of Tears made mortal.
Positioned halfway up the face of Southcrown, above the She gave her service when no boon was asked
quarry, is the entrance to Diamasin’s Tomb. It is hidden by Yet her gifts were taken from the world so cruelly
a Permanent Illusion, that was placed upon the doors before We curse Klinn Ebayn for his dark deeds
the Elven-folk left Guardian. It makes the doorway blend in And curse ourselves for our lack of vigilance
with the steep face of the hillside here. The entrance is Remember our Lady of Light.
further enchanted with Arcane Lock spell.
(Break DC35/Hardness 8/HP45/DC26) DM Note: The tree behind the shrine has a split trunk and a
small hollow near its base. Inside this hollow is a leather pouch
The real tomb doors can be glimpsed by looking containing the Ruby Star-Kin Stone. Ballick placed it here in the
through Vhardin’s Glass in the Tower (see The Tower Map) afternoon, the day before the players arrive.
or by players successfully disbelieving the illusion. The
players may decide to actively disbelieve or even dispel the Below the site of the shrine is Wynsar’s Cove, a small beach that
illusion (DC20 will save/Dispel DC26). Proceed to the was a favorite of the Esmian priestess. A path leads down to the
following description: beach from the cliff-top.

Located on the hillside is a stone structure with a portal consisting This area is one of the places where Wynsar is more powerful
of two sealed doors. There is no discernible opening mechanism, only and can make her presence seen and heard to a greater degree.
Elvish writing arranged in a circle, carved deeply into the doors. The first time that players come here, the visitation described in
Act 9 occurs (see Guardian Plotline).
Aedrinia sealed the doors magically. The writings read:
9. Wynsar’s Cove
Diamasin entered the long trek to the Holy Glade This secluded cove has a small expanse of shingle beach, hemmed in by the cliff-
We depart now to the Unending Sea and seek him there in that line to the north and a series of rocks and rock-pools to the south. A narrow
starlit kingdom trail, climbs steeply up the cliffs, providing a route up to the Esmian Shrine on
In accordance with his wishes we leave his treasures here the cliffs above.
For the battle that is yet to come
For the battle that is yet to be won This is the beach where the priestess Wynsar was assaulted and
murdered some twenty years ago by Klinn. Her spiritual strength is
Only the word of love will open Diamasin’s door strong here and she will attempt to contact the players by writing a
message in the shingle the first time they visit the
beach, (see Act 9, Guardian Plotline).
DM Note: Uttering the name Aedrinia aloud will cause
the doors to open of their own accord. Otherwise the
magic in the door may be Dispelled or otherwise affected
by spells that open doors and portals.

Further descriptions of what lies beyond the doors are

contained in the Underground Locations Section.

8. The Esmian Shrine

In a small hollow, on a windswept height, stands a solitary cairn
of rocks that forms a simple shrine. A polished wooden board
sits inside the niche and on this is a carved representation of
the Goddess Esmia. Old and new dried flowers are arrayed in
tribute about it, along with a clay bowl of water.

A dead oak tree stands close to this shrine, spreading its stark
branches over the area. It creaks mournfully in the wind,
adding to the distant sound of the sea on the rocks below.

The purpose of the shrine is two-fold. It was built as a

proper monument to the murdered priestess Wynsar.
The laborers who come to the island invariably tend
to be followers of Esmia and, those so
disposed, come here to pray and
make offerings.

A close examination of the

shrine will reveal a rectangle
of polished stone behind the

10. Southcrown Hill Guardian Abbey Description
This is a large hill on the island. A few pine trees and the odd oak (3D Scene #2; 2D Maps Available)
crown it; granite boulders thrust through the sparse turf in many
areas, especially along the northern slopes. (1) Main Abbey Building
This building contains the chapel, cloister,
11. The Ruins of Diamasin’s Hall (2D Map available) scriptorium, refectory and living quarters of the Order of
Located on a flat shelf of land on the lower slopes Theydori. The structure has stone walls and paved floors,
of Southcrown is a ruined building, the remains throughout most of the ground floor level with wooden floors in the
of the Elven settlement on the island. Many small refectory and throughout the second level. This is where most of the
pits have been dug around this area with a major day-to-day activities of the order take place.
excavation being located close to the remaining stone
structures. A barred gate in the eastern cloister provides entry to the secret
archive and sanctuary of the monks.
Ruins occupy this area of land. Two crumbling stone walls jut upwards like
broken teeth, covered in moss and lichen. Elsewhere lower sections of wall (a) Foyer
project through the grass and dirt. An archway remains relatively intact, as The main entry doors are made of stout cedar. Iron
does a tiled floor and a number of toppled columns. Tools lie about; shovels, ring-pulls are used to open them and a wooden sliding
picks, barrows and the like. Trestle tables stand on the tiled section of floor beam locks them. When players arrive here the doors are
with some scraps of pottery and corroded metal objects lying on them. The wind shut but unlocked. Read players the following:
howls mournfully through the whole area. Inside is a foyer that appears to lead into a cloister ahead of
you. To the left is a doorless entry to a refectory. A smell
Beside the larger walls are two large mounds of earth and debris. Close of savory cooking (stew perhaps?) comes from that direction.
to these piles is a large excavation. A section of turf has been cleared Wide basins are fixed to the walls either side of this entry.
for an area of ten feet square and to a shallow depth of two feet. At the
bottom of the excavation, a section of dirt has been cleared to reveal A set of double-doors are to your right. They are closed. One door
stonework. A three foot x three foot hole has been broken through a features a small carving of a sage-like man sitting in a throne; the
masonry ceiling here and a ladder provides access into a passage below. other a slate board, framed in polished cedar and carved about with
Elsewhere in the excavation are a number of paving stones neatly intricate patterns. The following verse is written on the slate in
stacked up, a (60 feet) coil of rope, three lanterns, a mallet, a crowbar chalk:
and a bucket.
“Of man-made work am I,
More details of what lies below are contained in the Underground A home to the son of the sun.
Locations Section (page 44). I drink but do not eat,
Sleeping by day, rising by night.”
12. Southpoint
The acolyte Hestil fought on the cliffs here with Erron, the monk who was DM Note: The doors and beam are well made. It is possible to
directed by the Grimorden to destroy the Star of Diamasin. The Sapphire open them by using a saw from the tool-shed (location 4 on the
Star-Kin Stone was in his possession and this went into the sea. It is about 12 Guardian Addey ground level locations Map) or by battering them
feet underwater (ten feet at low tide) on a rocky shelf, close to where the seabed down with a bench. The hardness of the doors are 5/10hp damage
drops off into deeper waters. to make a two foot diameter hole/Break DC25 to force open.

If the players visit the cliffs close to the ruins, read the following: Players may try to look through cracks in or under the door or even
by looking in through the stained glass windows (from outside). In
Far below you can see a small cluster of rocks hugging the cliff-side, forming all cases, the view is restricted (Spot Check at DC 25). If successful
a narrow shelf. A body of a priest lies broken on the rock shelf. A barely describe one aspect of chapel; success by three+ describe three
discernable trail leads down the cliffs. It looks serviceable, but not for the faint- aspects of chapel.
The basins contain water and were used as part of a ritual morning
If players use the path they must make a single check to see if they ablution and period of meditation and prayer, within the chapel. This
stumble and fall along the path (even if they are being careful). Use was followed by breakfast in the refectory. It was a tradition of the
the rules outlined for Eastbeach (location no.1 on Guardian Island Theydori on Guardian for the senior monks to post a riddle each
Map) to reconcile this (as though using a half move). The body is that morning as a test to sharpen the wits of the acolytes. The riddle was
of Acolyte Hestil. Erron’s body fell into the sea. put on the slate beside the woodcarving (of Garemor, a well-known
saint of the Theydori Church). Failure to solve the riddle demotes you
to serving on others at the refectory before taking your own meal.
DM Note: If the time is 19:00+ hours on the first day that
the players are on Guardian, the monk Erron may be active The answer to the riddle (posted yesterday morning) is a lamp.
as a Zombie. He will lay inert, beneath the waves waiting for
someone to approach and will attempt to drown anyone who (b) Refectory
enters the water. See Act 10, in the Plotline regarding diving for Plain tables and benches are laid out neatly across a well-
the Sapphire (page 26). worn wooden floor. There is a doorless entry in the north,
beside which is a wide counter for serving meals. The savory
smell is stronger here; it is coming from the kitchen.
Wooden bowls are neatly stacked on the serving counter
along with a tray of spoons.

Meals were taken here at two times during the day - DM Note: If the players inspect
breakfast and late afternoon dinner. Both the clergy and the the bodies they will notice
workmen on the island attended these meals and there that the three monks close
was much candid discussion and banter between the two to the entrance all have
groups (especially if any priest has failed Garemor’s Riddle). burn marks and
A lighter meal (usually fresh baked bread and goat’s cheese) singed clothes one
was left out in the refectory at midday and collected by in particular has
those whose duties allowed them to drop in for a bite to eat. more severe burns on his
Any leftovers were served at dinner. right hand and face. The
two pieces of a broken amulet
(c) Kitchen lie either side of the body. One
This is a crowded area with a fireplace and oven at its of the figures by the enterance has
northern end. A black iron cauldron hangs over the dying an expression of terror etched on
embers of a fire. This is where the savory smell originates. A his face while the other two do not.
closed trapdoor is located beside the fireplace. The time of death can be established
by using the same method that was used
Boxes of vegetables, sacks of flour and barrels of ale are in Falman’s case. It can be theorized that two
positioned along the walls. A long bench is arrayed with of the monks died from their injuries: the death of the
large pottery and wooden bowls, kitchen utensils and a tray third monk is unclear. The names of these senior monks are
of dough. Flour is scattered everywhere. Aras, Lynden and Chernis. They wear small pendants about
their necks. The pendants are square in shape and are inscribed
DM Note: If players enter this area they will instantly become with a stylized symbol of a white hand. Aras carries a small brass
aware of a body lying on the floor behind the table. It is a middle- key on a belt. This opens the chest in his room - Upper Abbey
aged man with stringy black hair. He wears flour streaked (location (e) on Guardian Abbey upper level locations Map).
commoner clothing and a cloth apron. A look of absolute
horror is upon his face; otherwise there is no discernible mark The fourth monk, Abbot Olmaren, is in deep shock and
of violence upon his body. comatose, alive but barely breathing. The cube ring is one of a
pair required to open the Secret Archives (see (h) on Guardian
This is Falman, one of the cooks employed by the church. He Abbey lower level locations Map). Brother Hullad has the other
was slain by the touch of the Shadow Klinn; his soul feeding ring.
the power of the Grimorden. A successful check by a healer will
establish that death occurred within the last two days but not Abbot Olmaren is on 0 hit points and is suffering 60 subdual.
what Falman died from (Heal at DC 10). Although healing attempts may revive the Abbot, the fatigue
caused by his head injuries leaves him dazed and confused. He
Note, that if the time is 19:00+ hours on the day of the players’ can answer 1d3 questions with yes or no answers before falling
arrival on Guardian, Falman may be active as a Zombie. He into a comatose sleep for 1d6 hours. Otherwise he will recover
will use a kitchen cleaver as a weapon and will hide naturally and come to his senses at 10:00 hours on the second
beneath the table. day that the players are on Guardian.

(d) Chapel (3D Scene#3) Note, that if the time is 19:00+ hours on the day of the players’
An altar and three marvelous stained glass arrival, the monks near the doors may be active as Zombies.
windows dominate this otherwise empty chapel. They will lurk in corners and attack at the first opportunity.
The altar is set upon a raised podium of cut stone,
shaped like a hexagon. A heavy gray cloth covers The large book on the altar is a collection of prayers used at
it; the same material being used as wall hangings either side of the ceremonies held by the church. The chest and the scroll (which
podium. On the altar rests a chest. To its left is a furled scroll. To is blank) are regalia of the church - the chest symbolizes all the
its right is a large leather bound book, closed shut by a metal hasp. knowledge that is hidden from Man and the blank scroll symbolizes
the answers we have not found to life’s mysteries.
Each window displays a different female
figure. All are of gentle bearing; one holds The bookcase contains multiple (smaller) copies of the book on the
aloft a cube in one hand and holds a scroll in altar. The scribe’s desk is empty save for a quill and inkwell.
the other, the second reads from a great book,
the third holds an astrolabe up against the Behind the hanging gray curtain on the north wall is a secret door. It
stars. is barely visible (Search at DC 20).

Elsewhere, set back against the walls is a small bookcase The door is a section of wall finally balanced to pivot if sufficient
and a scribe’s writing desk. pressure is brought to bear. It gives immediate access to the stairs
leading to the archives below the Abbey.
Four bodies of men in the clerical dress of the church of Theydori lie
about the chapel. Two are prone, just inside the doorway and one (e) Cloisters
lies beside a column that supports the ceiling. All three wear a This is a paved walkway with a number of openings to the
maroon robe, fringed with gray trim. A fourth figure is sprawled garden court at the heart of the Abbey. In the northwest,
against the altar. He wears a maroon robe decorated with gold and there is a spiral stair to the upper level of the building. In
blue threadwork. A ring with an iron cube set in it, is worn on his the southeast there is a gate of iron bars that prevents entry
right hand. to the stairs that lead to the archives below the Abbey.

DM Note: Large iron keys, that open the gates to the Archives, (2) Infirmary/Bath-house/Lavatorium
can be found on the body of Milinus, the monk who lies dead This building is constructed of wattle and daub with interior walls
in the Council Chamber; another is on the body of Hullad the and floors of wood. It is connected to the main Abbey building by a
monk who lies dead near to the Archives and lastly, one is in short covered walkway. All doors are unlatched.
the room of Basyd: (c) on Guardian Abbey upper level locations
Map. (a) Infirmary
This room contains four pallet beds a long wooden table and two
(f) Garden Court chests. A bench and a comfortable chair stand along one wall. The
In the middle of the Abbey is a small garden, surrounded by floorboards are strewn with dried sweet woodruff. Dried posies of
the imposing gray walls on all four sides. Access is from any marigold and iris dangle here and there from the ceiling, scenting
of three doorless entries on the north and west sides. the air with their fragrance.
The garden has an immaculately kept lawn and four raised garden The first time the players enter the infirmary they will
beds, fenced with interwoven branches of wattle. The garden beds experience a vision of Wynsar (refer Act 9 in the Guardian
grow an assortment of plants, herbs and even small trees. Around Plotline Section).
the perimeter of the court are beds of flowering plants (some of which
are exotics, not native to the lands surrounding the Greater Inner The chests have no locks. One chest contains numerous
Sea). Some gardening tools (trowels, forks and the like) lie nearby. jars and pots of ingredients used to treat health complaints.
The containers are sealed with cloth and have a wooden tag
A stone well, hexagonal in shape, is positioned in the center of the tied to them to identify the contents. They include such
court. A bust of an elderly man stands atop a five feet high pillar things as birthwort, comfrey, liquorice, valerian and
against the south wall. feverfew. Bundles of cloth bandages, a leather wallet of
surgical knives and saws, ceramic bleeding bowls and
A dead monk lies slumped across one of the raised garden beds. He wooden splints fill the rest of this chest (treat as a healers kit
is young, probably in his late teens and wears a plain gray robe with at least 50 uses).
with a belt of knotted cord.
The second chest contains books and papers dealing
DM Note: The priest is an acolyte named Werrin who was slain with medicine and medical treatments. Amongst the many
by the Shadow Klinn while hiding in the garden. Note, that if papers documenting recipes and cure-alls for ailments, there
the time is 19:00+ hours on the day of the players’ arrival, the is a coroner’s roll. It lists all those who have died on
acolyte may be active as a Zombie. He will use a trowel as a Guardian Island. In addition, there is a small wooden case.
weapon (treat as a dagger. If max damage is scored the trowel It contains two clay bottles stoppered with cork and wax.
breaks). They are labeled, “Elezra”. This is a rare and potent healing
medium (see The Tome Section). Each bottle contains three
Some of the plants growing in garden include male fern, doses
quince, samphire, berilik, wormwood, marigolds and quessel.
Characters may be familiar with the medicinal uses of many of DM Note: It would take about an hour to go through this
these (Knowledge: Nature/Profession: Herbalist check DC 12) journal. It mainly lists the names of monks and lay persons
who have died on the island. The most common cause listed is
A small plaque reading “Jarden Gamete, Founder of Guardian
Abbey” identifies the bust standing on the pillar.

“passed away in their sleep”, although there are a few entries Inside are two stalls for animals and a small smithy. An anvil and forge are
listing accidental fall, damplung and fever. An interesting entry nestled in one corner along with fuel and a bench of tools. There is evidence
made twenty years ago lists the deaths of Klinn and Wynsar that a number of nails and horseshoes were being cast recently. A rough pallet
both on the same day. The causes of death of both of these has and old, weathered chest are located at the west end of the stable.
been blotted out and “Red Plague” written in.
Straw is heaped up near the east doors with pitchforks standing close by. Tack
If closely inspected, there is a chance that the obscured writing can be for a cart (bridles, tracers etc.) hangs from pegs along the wall. The two
read (Search DC 20). wooden stalls have been broken down and wood splintered about the stable.

The original writing is: Two dead bodies lie sprawled across the floor, one by the straw-pile, the other
Klinn died in fire. by the west doors. They wear commoner’s clothing - one is a middle-aged man
Wynsar death by drowning, evidence of assault, marks with beard, the other a youth. Both have frozen masks of unrelenting fear
around neck suggests she was held underwater. across their faces.

(b) Bathhouse The bodies are those of an animal handler and smith named Taprid
Four alcoves in this room hold large wooden washtubs and and his apprentice, Lusac. Two oxen are usually used to move stone
buckets. Lumps of a rudimentary soap sit on small shelves from the quarry at Southcrown or to grind grain at the small mill
beside the tubs. Each alcove can be screened off with a there. Frightened by the Shadow of Klinn, the
hessian curtain. oxen bolted and are now at the Quarry. A cart
stands outside the stable.
The bathhouse served a variety of purposes. Some of the
treatments for illness required hot baths. Although the DM Note: that if the time is 19:00+
sheltered sea-coves about the island always proved a popular hours on the day of the players’
place for cleansing, many people in the Guardian community arrival, these two people may be
used the bathhouse to bathe (especially during winter). active as Zombies. They will hide
Water could be boiled in a large cauldron in the hearth in the stalls and straw-pile and
(located in the hall outside) and buckets could be filled and use a hammer and pitchfork as
taken to the tubs. weapons (treat the hammer as
a light mase and the pitchfork
Laundry work was also carried out here, using the same as a trident. Both break on
tubs. The laundry was either dried inside on makeshift lines max damage).
or strung between the trees to the east of the building
(depending on the weather). (4) Tool-Shed
This is a small wooden structure.
DM Note: The body of another young acolyte lies here in It has no windows and the door
a washtub, hidden from view unless the alcove is closely is locked. The key is held by
inspected. This is Jurth, the youngest member of the order (15 a worker who lies dead in the
years of age). His face is passive; white foam flecks his lips. dormitory (location 6 on the
He holds a small, empty clay pot in one hand. The wooden tag Guardian Abbey ground level
reads, “Vasical” (a poison). Jurth committed suicide rather than Map).
let the Grimorden or the Shadow Klinn take him.
Inside, the floor is earthen.
Note, if it is after 19:00 hours on the players’ first day on Wooden shelves are ranked
Guardian, Jurth will be activated as a Zombie and will hide in around the inside of the walls
the tub, armed with a razor that was left in the Bathhouse (treat and across the interior,
razor as Dmg :1d3/crit: 18-20x2/Breaks on max damage) making the closed space
very crowded. All manner
(c) Lavatorium of gardening and carpentry
Although this room is hung with posies of fragrant herbs and dried tools are heaped upon the shelves along
flowers, they cannot totally mask the underlying odor. There are with spare lengths of rope, chain, cut
three wooden benches, each set above an enclosed cupboard space. wood, canvas, kegs of nails, lanterns
Each bench has three holes cut into them. Two baskets hold torn up and much more. Large barrels of
rags. oil and boxes containing cut stone
flags are stacked on the floor.
This is a communal toilet. Beneath the holes in the benches
are wooden pails. One of the acolytes had the unenviable The air in the tool-shed has a
task of emptying them every two or three days. The pails distinct coldness about it.
can be accessed from outside of the building, where
shutter-doors have been installed for this purpose. The Allow your players’ access
sewage, along with rubbish is taken out of the east postern to any reasonable item that
to a midden some 200 yards from the Abbey. you think would be kept
here to maintain the Abbey.
(3) Stable If in doubt, roll percentile dice
This is a wooden building with a thatch roof and large double-doors with a 50/50 chance of the item
opening at either end. being there.

DM Note: This shed was built atop the same area where the washbowls and chamber pots scattered about. Some laundry
original shed burned down, killing Klinn Ebayn. As such, this is items hang from ropes strung across the area.
the focus point for the entry of the spirit of Klinn to the physical
world. If Klinn enters the world, he will appear here first. The chests in the sleeping quarters contain miscellaneous
clean clothing, usually worn by common-folk. There is also
Even when dormant, the spirit resides here and it is this presence that a battered Esmian prayer book, a pouch containing 4cp, a
chills the air. wooden board game and pieces (the game is something like
Nine-Men Morris) and a jug of Guardian Fire.
(5) Guest Cottage
This is a wattle and daub structure with a high-peaked thatch roof. The door (c) Garden
is locked and the key is on the body of the monk Basyd. Outside the rear of the building is a small area of lawn
with a central garden bed. The garden contains iris and
Inside, is an airy common room that has recently been tidied up. Fresh flowers marigolds laid out in a spiral pattern. The body of a young
stand in a pottery vase on a central table. A basket of fresh apples, quince, blonde-haired man in patched clothes lies facedown on the
bread and cheese has been left here. lawn.

There are two bedrooms, each with feather-down beds. They have clean linen This is Varil, a kitchen-hand, fisherman and general laborer (and
and are neatly made. Each room contains a chest where possessions can be another victim of Klinn). There are four cps in his pocket and he
kept. holds a sharp knife in his hand.

The head of the work-gangs uses the cottage as a residence, unless DM Note: If the time is 19:00+ hours on the day of the players’
more important visitors are expected. When a supply vessel is due, arrival, Varil may be active as a Zombie. He will hide around the
this person vacates and prepares the place for visitors, just in case corner from the door and use his knife as a weapon.
someone of note has arrived who will be staying for a few days (or
even a few months). Upper Level Locations of Main Abbey Building
DM Note: This is one of the three main focus points for the The upper level is accessible only by the northwest stairwell. The
spirit of Wynsar. See the notes in Act 9, in the Plotline section outer walls are stone while the inner walls and floors are wooden. All
for her visitation before the players in the cottage (page 25). windows are plain, shuttered affairs. Most of this floor is devoted to
living quarters and the scriptorium.
(6) Workers’ Dormitory
This is a long building made from wattle and daub. Its roof is (a) Upper Foyer
thatch.The doors are latched shut and benches are piled against each The stone stairs end in a small foyer. A hallway leads off to the
door. Most of the non-clerical members of the Guardian community south; a curtained doorway goes east. There are two large chests of
resided here. carved wood here that are decorated with complex reoccurring
(a) Living Area
Inside, it is apparent that the door has been barricaded. The chests contain requisites for the scriptorium (location
Benches have been piled up behind it. The southern end of (b) on the Guardian Abbey upper lever locations Map).One
the dormitory is a communal living area, shut off from the sleeping of these contains large sheets of parchment and vellum
quarters by a canvas sheet. A table and a few benches (that have (the Abbey imported this regularly from Quorull). A
not been used as barricades) are arrayed about. Some wooden cups lambskin wallet holds sharpened blades (used to cut the
and platters with food-scraps are on the table, along with a few parchment to the desired size or trim quills) and a few
hands of well-used cards and a small pile of coins (15 cps and seven sparetools such as a wooden drawing compasses and small
sps). hammers used to beat thin pieces of gold and silver.

A worker, in a coarse shirt and tan britches lies dead near the The other chest contains many pottery jars of black and
table. He has an expression of fear on his face and clutches at a colored inks (also sourced from Quorull). A bundle of quills,
pendant near his throat. spare brushes, lead, chalk and bone needles and thread.

This man was Salath, a farmer and miller. He was slain (b) Scriptorium
by the touch of the Shadow, Klinn. The pendant he This rather cluttered room contains ten large drafting tables and
clutches is a silver teardrop painted upon a wooden disk benches. Each table has a small shelf containing all kinds of
(a holy symbol of Esmia). The key to the Guest Cottage materials associated with calligraphy and illumination; there are
is in his pocket. quills, pieces of lead set in bone, jars of ink made from horn, small
clam-shell dishes used to mix inks, bone measuring sticks, lumps of
tree-gum, pumice and chalk.
DM Note: If the time is 19:00+ hours on the day of the players’
arrival, Salath may be active as a Zombie. He will hide beside Most of the tables have works-in-progress laid out on them, several
the door and use a broken bench leg as a weapon. pages being beautifully illustrated. The walls are plastered with
charts showing examples of script styles (mainly Common, Dwarvish
(b) Sleeping Quarters and Elvish). At the far end of the room lies another acolyte, a
The sleeping quarters contain six bunk beds, some made redheaded youth named Erlik. He lies slumped under a table
up and others in a state of disarray. There are three covered in blood and loose sheets of parchment, his face contorted in
large chests (unlocked) against the walls and a number of horror.

Upon closer inspection of Erlik, the blood will be revealed box inscribed with a decorative pattern, a key (to the iron-
to be red ink. The acolyte fled here to hide from Klinn, gates that lead to the Archives) and a cup made of beaten
but was later discovered by the Shadow. He tried to write copper. The cup is square in shape and engraved as follows:
a warning to others before he died. This message is scrawled
on a parchment sheet amongst the many sheets that cover “To our Basyd, let your mind transcend the limitations of
his body. the body.”

The players will discover this if they closely inspect Erlik, otherwise The books and documents on the shelves are largely a
make a secret check against a random player to see if the parchment collection of songs and rhymes from Llan and Elkia,
is noticed: d20: Spot Check DC 15 particular favorites of Basyd.

(d) Acolyte Cells

If the message is discovered, provide players with Handout No. 6: Acolytes used these small rooms for rest and private study.
Scriptorium Message. Each is outfitted with a pallet, a writing shelf (fixed to a
wall), a bench and a chest for personal possessions.
The work that lies on the benches is from a translation of an old journal
written by a mage known as Asthrad. The journal is open next to Most will have parchment and writing materials, and a
the translation work. The section currently being worked on basically small statue or depiction of Theydori or one of his minor
describes how to perform two magic spells: deities. Feel free to add a few different items to each cell that
(Lv1) Endurance (Lv3) Halt Undead would fit in with an acolyte of the church.

DM Note: If the time is 19:00+ hours on the day of the players’ (e) Brother Aras’s Room (Senior Monk)
arrival, Erlik may be active as a Zombie. He will hide beneath This room contains a bed with bright blue blankets. A large table
the table and use a blade (for quill sharpening) as a weapon crammed with all manner of alchemical equipment stands against
(treat this as a dagger). one wall and an ironbound chest sits at the foot of the bed. The
walls are covered with parchments that have many complicated
(c) Brother Basyd’s Room (Senior Monk) writings, most of which are illegible. The place smells of sulfur.
This is a neat and tidy room with a comfortable looking bed, a
writing desk and a small chest of dark-stained wood. It also has a A sleek, gray cat hides under the bed. This is Sizyi, Aras’s
bookcase stuffed with old books and documents. pet. It will react to strangers with fear and hesitation, (hiding
from sight) and will jump out and try to run away (with
On the writing desk is an ornate inkwell and quill stand, maximum scary effect, of course). The chest is locked (the
fashioned to resemble a dragon. A well-worn ledger sits key is on Aras’s body) and contains two sets of robes,
squarely in the center. Inside are work schedules and an empty scroll case made of polished wood and a skullcap
tasks for the acolytes and the non-clerical labor force. Most made of hardened leather, gilded with gold. There is also
things revolve around the cleaning and maintenance of a leather sack containing sheets of gold leaf and silver,
the Abbey and its grounds and the farming of the used in illumination work in the scriptorium and in some of
surrounding cropland. Other notations describe the his experiments.
allocation of acolytes (and other resources) to an
archaeological dig on the island. A thick tome entitled “The Experiments of Detronimar” (a
Tome of Alchemy) sits in the bottom of the chest. Reading
The most recent tasks (allocated in the two days before the this book takes about 200 hours of solid reading and
players’ arrival) are: experimentation. It allows PCs to spend ranks in Alchemy
without needing a teacher. It also allows a +2 competence
Day One bonus to Alchemy checks if the PC has the text at hand as
Removal of waste and sewage Dunbar a reference.
Sow lower terraces Taprid, Geldon and Lusac
Slaughter four goats Salath (f) Brother Lynden’s Room (Senior Monk)
Cleaning of Chapel Bern, Wosel, Oswin This is a bright room, decorated with marigolds from the gardens.
Write up requirements from Quorull Myself The bed is unmade and is screened by a tapestry curtain, embroidered
Scriptorium work Ebondan, Hestil and Erlik with a hunting scene. A leather footlocker lies at the foot of the bed.

Day Two There is a map of the Greater Inner Sea on the west wall and a
Evening prayer duty on tower Erron shelf of books and scrolls along the south wall. A small round table
Scriptorium work Erlik, Hestil, Oswin holds a platter with the remains of a light meal of bread and
Sow upper fields Lirris, Geldon and Jurth quince. Next to the meal are papers on which there are drawings of
Milk goats Salath and Fordas a vase with distinctive wings on its side. There are notes and
Removal of debris from dig Ballick, Jondyn writings on the papers.
Change linen in guest house Werrin
Repairs to storm damage Bern, Wosel and Ebondan The footlocker contains four sets of clerical robes and a
Repair Longboat Werrin heavy woolen hood and cloak. In addition, there is a prayer
book of the church, a silver cup (inlaid with polished stone)
The chest contains several sets of priestly robes and and a jug of Guardian Fire.
a ceremonial skull-cap made from polished leather inlaid
with a some silver trim. There is also a gold ring in a small

The books and scrolls on the west shelf are largely a
collection of works on language and translation, particularly
Ancient Elven and Modern Elven writings. A large tome,
“Mysteries of the Elven Tongue” is prominent. Lynden was
an expert linguist who was translating some of the writings
found on objects from the dig on the southern end of

If players take the “Mysteries of the Elven Tongue” it may

improve their knowledge of the Modern Elven Script. PC’s
may learn Elvish without a teacher if they spend ranks
normally and devote at least 100 hours to reading the

If the players show interest in the papers on the table

provide them with Handout No.4: Lynden’s Notes.

(g) Brother Chernis’s Room (Senior Monk)

The walls to this room are decorated with drawings and embroideries
of mythical creatures and characters from stories. The bed has a
dark brown blanket and is surrounded by a curtain sewn with a
pattern of interlinking knots. A writing desk is stacked with a pile
of cut parchment and writing tools. Inks of many colors stain the
table and floor surrounding it. There is a plain pine chest in one
corner and a bookcase opposite it.

The parchment on the table is a written work that details

many of the folk tales of the Dorvin fisher-folk. Chernis
often visited the nearby island of Dorvin and was fascinated
by their stories, particularly those of the hero Euraki and his
trials against the sea spirits (see CD).

The chest contains four sets of robes, a pewter cup, a small

box of inks and ivory carvings of fantasy creatures. The
bookcase holds a number of works about folklore and the
cultures of the southern kingdoms.

(h) Abbot Olmaren’s Room

This room smells of fragrant oil. The bed is positioned in the center
of the room and is surrounded by a woolen hanging embroidered
with a depiction of Theydori and the Chest of All Knowledge. A
writing desk stands against the west wall.

The surface of the desk contains a number of miscellaneous items - a

tall urn, a lacquered box, a broken statuette, a large wooden dragon
head and a brooch. Most show signs of age and are cracked and
corroded. Small brushes and dirty cloths sit amongst these objects.
The desk has two drawers.

A large bookshelf contains many books, furled scrolls and wax

tablets. A collection of polished seashells is displayed atop the
bookcase, many being cone spirals, others having delicate patterns.
Bigger specimens have been cut in half to show the inner architecture.
Beside the bookcase is a stand on which a formal clerical robe hangs.
It is white with gold pattern-work about the shoulders and skirts.
The symbol of Theydori is stitched upon both breasts.

On the floor in front of the bookcase quite a few weapons have been
laid out on a tarp. Most appear to be badly corroded and worse for

There is a chest and a smaller coffer in the room. The chest is plain
and made of polished cedar, the coffer is more eye-catching, being
made of stone with a lid decorated with polished tiles.

If the collection of objects on the table is inspected, the seaweed. The tag reads, “Found off Eastbeach by Wirren,
following items are found: approximately two fathoms down. Brought in off the reef
by storm (?).” This is a figurehead from the Dragonship
The Urn wrecked on Guardian about 300 years ago.
This urn is depicted in the sketch on Players’
Handout No. 4: Lynden’s Notes, found The writing desk’s drawers contain spare parchment, ink
in Lynden’s Room [f]. and quills, string, tree-gum, dusting brushes and a number
It is about one foot of lenses.
tall and features
handles shaped like The cedar chest contains several sets of clerical clothing, a
wings. One handle is decorative holy symbol of Theydori, hung from a silver
broken off, the other badly necklace and a drinking cup wrought of jade, inscribed with
chipped. The body of the geometric designs.
vase is cracked in several places. A
parchment tag is tied to the intact handle DM Note: A secret sliding compartment in the bottom of the
by a short length of cord. On the chest holds a packet of the drug, Saritol (about six doses). DC20
tag is written (in Common) “Site three. Search to find the compartment/DC18 for an Apothecary to
Early Elven design. Made in honour of identify Saritol. Olmaren uses this drug from time to time to
Tarimth(?)”. increase his intellectual capacity to understand new concepts.
Taking Saritol can be dangerous and its use is frowned upon in
Faded Elven writing can be made out on one the church (and proscribed in many countries).
side of the urn and a stylized depiction of the
constellations of the world are on the other. The more ornate coffer is made of stone. It is two feet in
The verse, translated to Common, roughly reads as: length, one foot in width and six inches tall. It has an
inscription carved into the stone face. It reads (in
Cast thine eyes to beacon glow Common):
For future kin-folk’s sake,
Lest darkness stain the purest light, To enter me, this task I set
Lest sleeper should awake. The Hand of Theydori shows what’s hid
Seek the aid of Elven lord, But seven more Hands must close
The doorway to his tomb. Before you free the patterned lid
From highest height the gate is seen First press the silver Hand right down
Through the scrying pool. That is where the path begins
But each Hand that follows that
The Brooch Must not align itself with kin
This bears the likeness of an Elven woman, though the Up or down or on a slant
silverwork is corroded and the miniature painting faded. The Hands all pressed must not align
On the back is an inscription in ancient Elven. The tag reads, For if they do the game must end
“Site two. In celebration of our (friendship?) love. Not sure. And what I hide is still all mine
Some pledge. Gift given by Aedrinia.”
The lid is tightly sealed and there is no apparent means of
DM Note: Any character that has some form of Ancient History opening it. A tiled pattern decorates the top of the lid.
Knowledge will know the folklore surrounding Diamasin and Each tile is square with either a Hand symbol or a hexagon
Aedrinia. In this case provide such a character with Handout painted on it. A stud, molded to look like a silver Hand,
No. 3: Player Knowledge of Diamasin and Aedrinia. If you do replaces one tile. Provide players with Handout No. 9:
not have a character that has Ancient History Knowledge you Theydori Puzzle Box.
may wish to give one (or more) of your players a watered down
version of the Handout, saying they recall snippets of these tales Pressing the silver Hand stud results in an audible click
being told by musicians and storytellers at inns. The ‘Tragedy within the lid. As long as any of the correct tiles (indicated
of Diamasin and Aedrinia’ was also a popular play amongst on the DMs version of the Handout as being green) are
theatrical troupes, although the characters were human in that pressed, another click will be heard. If a wrong tile is
telling. pressed, the whole mechanism resets itself and all pressed
tiles pop out. If the correct seven tiles are pressed down,
Most of the Handout contains grossly exaggerated and there is another solid ‘click’ and the lid jumps upward
altered stories of the truth, with a few gems of the real tale slightly (as the locking mechanism is released). The lid
included here and there. can now be removed. Inside is a black
lacquered box with a hinged lid, a
Statuette scroll and a battered sphere made of
This is a broken figure of an Elven warrior. Its left arm is silver metal. If violence is used to open
missing and the face cracked. Its tag reads, “Site one. Style the box there is a 50% chance the
suggests Elven in origin. Rendering of a great lord.” Globe inside is badly damaged and is
rendered useless.
Dragon Head
This is a crudely rendered wooden dragon effigy, snapped
off at the neck. It is greatly worn and smells like

(i) Milinus’s Room (Senior Monk)
This room contains a bed and a small writing desk. There are two
matching wood chests and a tall bookcase crammed with neat rows
of books, scrolls and tablets.

A large, square box stands upon the writing desk.

The desk has a single drawer that contains a writing set made
from bone and a set of tattooist’s needles (Milinus was once
a talented tattooist). The box can open. It houses a small
statuette of Theydori. The bookcase is mainly taken up
Globe with an index of religious works of the church that have
This globe is pitted and dented in a few places, decoratively been copied and archived. Other titles are copies of prayer
rendered with writings engraved in Ancient Elven. It is books from different temples across the world and religious
about four inches in diameter and constructed so that an works of importance, written over 500 years ago.
outer casing slides snugly over the top of an inner casing,
allowing the globe to be opened to varying degrees. The The chests contain clerical clothing and a selection of coins
tag reads, “Site three. Connection with tower crystals (?). from around the world (Milinus was an avid coin-collector).
Writings indicate that the stones actually absorb sunlight.” There are also two holy symbols. One is plain and made of
wood; the other is silver set on ebony.
The inside is set with hundreds of tiny milky white crystals.
If the globe is opened at night, these will shine with a (j) Dead Acolyte
radiant light (see The Tome Section for more details). The bodies of two fallen monks lie in the hall. They are young
and dressed in plain robes. Their faces display expressions of
Lacquered Box terror.
This box shows no sign of age. Its tag reads, “Removed from
podium. Transcript completed. Copy held in archives.” These two acolytes are Bern and Fordas. They were slain by
Klinn as they fled the Council Room (location K on
The box has a hinged lid and contains a large amount of Guardian Abbey upper level locations map).
vellum pages. Modern Elven characters fill the pages,
written in a firm, flowing style. If players are able to (k) Council Chamber
read the document it will take them about two hours to This room has a polished floor, over which is laid a patterned
digest. Provide them with Handout No.8: Chronicle of the rug. Six chairs line the east and west walls. A more decorative
Order of the Vigilant Guard. A brief read through (five chair with a high back sits alone against the south wall. On
minutes) will reveal the document to be written by an the north wall hangs a tapestry that shows three women
Elven noble woman named Aedrinia and most of it discusses placing books and scrolls into a large open chest.
the imprisonment of a creature called the Grimorden on
the island. The document was written around 300 years A small table stands close to the entry. A heavy black book rests on
ago. The translation of this document into Common is in the table.
the archive below the Abbey. In addition to the document,
the box contains a delicate key, with a demonic-looking This room is littered with bodies. Two are dressed in the plainer
head worked to form the finger grip. garb of the clergy; another two wear decorated vestments. The
remaining four are dressed in non-clerical clothing.
DM Note: This opens the iron-gate beneath the beacon tower
(see location 5 Guardian Island DM Map). This chamber serves a joint purpose. It is used for monthly
gatherings of the Guardian Abbey council and also for
Scroll teaching acolytes. The door is open.
Written here are three invocations of the Theydori religion:
Lv 2 Augury, Silence, Glimpse (new spell - see The Tome). The black book on the table lists meetings that took place
and a reference for the archived records of each meeting.
The last record has no details (none could be prepared in
time). It is titled, “Inquiry over the theft of an artifact from
daggers and one greatsword. They all have parchment labels the Southcrown dig” and is dated the day before the players
attached indicating that they all came from site four, arrived.
described as a large burial pit containing over sixty bodies.
Examination of the book will reveal that normal council
Although most of these are in exceedingly poor condition, meetings are held on the first day of each month. Special
two weapons stand out as being almost unblemished by the meetings are held if required. Most of the subjects dealt
passage of time - a broadsword and a dagger, both engraved with at council revolve around the mundane running of the
with Runes representing strength and power. Abbey. It can be gleaned from the record, that the priests
were active in the following areas:
Both weapons belonged to the leader of the Northern Raiders
who attacked the island 300 years ago. They are enchanted - The on going copying of documents sent from
blades and their attributes are described in The Tome Section. Quorull to create a duplicate archive.
- The retrieval of artifacts off the coast of Guardian. These

belonged to the church, but were lost nearly 200 years The mechanism for opening the gates is in the panel above
ago during a storm at sea. the mural. It is a simple combination lock. If players specify
- The search for Elven relics from an excavation on they are examining the panel in any great detail, read the
the south side of Guardian. following:
- Cultivation of sweetgourds.
- The preparation of Guardian Fire The panel consists of a total of eight separate, decorative tiles, four
each side of the central inscription. Each tile has a different stylized
The Shadow Klinn, struck here first in the Council Chamber. pattern.
Milinus was his initial victim. He is one of the monks in the
decorative robes. A belt-pouch, at his side, holds chalk, a Provide players with Handout No.11: Tarimthol-Irl
coin from distant Leezeria, and two metal keys (one opens Patterns. It should become evident that the patterns
the iron-gates that lead to the Archives; the other is for the represent numeric values, ranging from 1-8. If the tiles
Guest Cottage). The second dead monk, wearing the more 3-8-1-4 are pressed in sequence and then the central
decorative robes, is Basyd. inscription tile pressed, the doorway opens. This is a small
three-foot x three-foot wide panel that swings inward.
The acolytes (in the plain robes) are Wosel and Oswin.
Wosel has a piece of uneaten honey-cake wrapped in cloth, The door can also be opened using Disable Device DC20.
in his pocket. The other bodies are lay workers: Lirris,
Geldon, Dunbar and Ballick (the scoundrel who stole the (c) Brother Hullad’s Room (Senior Monk)
ruby and unleashed the Grimorden). This room contains an unmade bed and a large table and bench.
The tabletop is stacked neatly with a number of books and
Lower Level Locations of Main Abbey Building parchments. A wooden case, with a sliding lid, is also sitting here.
A stout wooden chest sits at the end of the bed.
(a) Entry Hall
The stairs from the Cloisters lead down into this broad hall. The books on the table are mostly copies of historical
Another set of barred gates is located halfway along the and scientific documents. The wooden box is decorated
passage. These are open. The body of an ordained cleric lies with an incised woodcut of Guldar Keep, a fortification
slumped against a wall beyond the gates. in southern Llan. The case contains quills, inks and other
writing materials. A scrap of parchment is folded up in the
Brother Hullad, who dashed back down here after obtaining box - this is a list of documents that the senior monks want
the Amulet of Turning (see The Tome Section) for the retrieved from the Archive. The list reads:
Abbot, left the gates open. Hullad’s face is a grimace of pain
and astonishment. He wears a threadbare, but decorative Brother Chernis “Tales of Y’sira: a Collection of Folklore”
robe with a stitched badge in the form of a hand, within a Cultural C/651
black square. A ring, set with an iron cube is worn on his “Creatures of the Sand: Translated from
right hand (one of the two keys required to open the Sacred the Y’siran Writings” Cultural C/55
Archive at (location h on Guardian Abbey lower level
locations map). The key to the iron gates hangs about his Brother Aras “Glass Blowing Techniques”
neck on a leather cord. The same key opens the iron-gate in Materials M/43
the Cloisters. A small oil lantern rests by Hullad’s side.
Brother Lynden “Elven to Sylvan: the Subtleties of the
(b) Secret Entrance to the Archives Elven writings” Language L/210
The wall at the north end of this passage is painted with a colorful
mural. It shows a battle between two opposing forces ranked about “Translation of Aedrinia Document found
hillsides and on an open field. One side seems to be made up of a on Guardian Island”
force of Elves in armor armed with weapons typical of most modern Special Archive 32
armies. The other overwhelming force is made up of Orcs and
Goblins. Depicted in the foreground, is a lordly Elf who is being The wooden chest contains four sets of clerical robes and
struck down by a great Troll. hardened leather skullcap decorated with silver inlay and an
amethyst. There is also a small mug, made from bone,
A decorative panel of ceramic tiles runs along the top of a number of wooden puzzle games and a small pouch of
the mural (Spot Check DC15 to notice). Centered in this panel money, containing 34sp.
is an inscription in Common that reads, “The Fall of King
Pelentine”. Beneath the letters that form the inscription is a smaller (d) Acolyte Oswin’s Room
set that reads, “Elven Reckoning”. A small wooden footstool sits in This small room contains a pallet bed and a small writing table.
the corner next to the mural wall. There are a number of books piled on the table that have been
damaged and are in the process of being repaired. Next to the books
DM Note: The mural is a rendering of the famous ancient are pots of glue and brushes, needle and thread and sheets of soft
“Battle of Tarimthol-Irl”, which took place in the year 3814 by doeskin.
Elven Reckoning. Provide any character with a good knowledge
of history or Elven culture with the Glossary entry for the There is a drawer in the table that contains writing materials
“Battle of Tarimthol-Irl” (on CD). There is a secret door hidden and several sketches of the Chamber of Diamasin’s Star.
in the wall where the mural is painted. Players who search the Provide players with Handout No. 5: Oswin’s Sketches.
wall intensively will discover the cracks that outline the door. If
players are not searching, they still may notice the outline of the
door. Roll secretly (Spot Check at DC22).

(e) Archive/Bolthole Tunnel are two keyholes (Search DC25) set into the stone at head
The secret panel opens into this passage. A simple lever on this height, one on the west wall and the other on the east. Each
side can open the panel. A shelf opposite the entry holds a tinderbox keyhole takes the form of a small square depression, about
and eight lanterns. A wooden sign above the shelf reads: “Fire is an inch across. The Abbot and the Brother Hullard both
the enemy of our Archive. The use of lanterns only is permissible.” have keys that fit these square keyholes. They must be used
An iron bound door is at either end of the passage. Each has in unison to open the secret door to the Sacred Archive.
a small peephole that can be opened from inside. Doing this causes a four feet wide section of the south wall
to slide open.
(f) Document Archive
This chamber has an extensive library of books, manuscripts, tablets (h) Sacred Archive
and scrolls. They are all either lying upon shelves that stand This chamber contains a writing table and a wooden chair,
around the walls or in the center of the room. The shelves run from cushioned by embroidered pillows. Elsewhere there are four large
floor to ceiling and are marked, here and there, with category and chests positioned against the walls. A jug of Guardian Fire rests
numerical references. on the table with a pottery goblet close by. The walls themselves
contain at least one hundred small niches, over a third of which are
Reading tables and benches occupy what spaces are not taken up by filled with small pottery urns. Each has a small plaque bearing a
the archive. Another table, by the door, holds eight wooden boxes. name and date.

The door is not locked. The Archive mainly contains copies The door can be slid shut from this side and opened by
of documents sent to Guardian from the Theydori Archive means of a latch. The writing table holds a wooden tube
in Quorull. As such, they look relatively new, even though (of parchment paper), a ledger and an inkwell and quill. The
their titles may indicate they were written centuries ago. ledger lists the contents of the chests. Three of these contain
There are some original tomes amongst the copied works bound up documents and books that are religious works
- mainly items that were personal collections of the Brothers about the church of Theydori. The fourth chest contains a
who worked and died on Guardian, bequeathing the books number of sacred objects and artifacts:
to the Abbey.

The Archive is divided into eight major sections:

Cultural Material
Science, Magic and Alchemy
Art and Song
Fictional Works
Special Archive (basically things of a unique nature not
easily classified).

The wooden boxes on the table near the entry each contain
a ledger that shows what is in the Archive and where to find
it. The Archive is ordered alphabetically by title, author and
subject matter. Documents can usually only be removed
from the Archive by Brother Hullad for official purposes.

The Common translation of the Aedrinia Chronicle (location

(g) on Guardian Abbey upper level locations Map) is
catalogued here and kept in Special Archive 32.

(g) Bolt hole

This room is unlocked. It contains barrels of water and preserved
food, bedding, lanterns and oil. A weapons rack stands against the
north wall. It holds six maces (of excellent quality).

The priests intended to be use this room as a place to hide if

ever Guardian was attacked by sea-raiders. There are two
secret doors that give access to areas adjacent to the Bolt
- A dilapidated well-worn Theydori bible dated as having
The western door is a one-way affair. On this side, it is been written 700 years ago.
visible. It has a latch and ring-pull. On the other side the - A number of bones and a skull, wrapped up in lambskin
wall is blank. It provides one-way access to the Pantry and cord (being the remains of Saint Ewyth Yoth - the
Cellar, below the Kitchens. Theydori cleric credited with the discovery of Guardian
The southern secret door is hidden (Search DC20). There

- A small coffer containing 4000gp and 56sp (the funds This globe is the Prison of the Grimorden; it is dangerous to be in
currently kept by the church on Guardian). close proximity to it while the ruby Star-Kin stone is missing from the
setting around Diamasin’s Star. The Grimorden can dominate minds
- A hardened leather scroll-case embossed with a silver within 100 feet of it (see the Cast Section in this book) and can thus
tear symbol. The case belonged to the Priestess Wynsar ensnare player characters and direct them to carry out its commands.
and it contains three clerical spells of the Esmian
religion: The green beam actually passes through a one-inch diameter hole in
the south wall. Touching the beam of energy is also dangerous. The
(Lv 0) Cure Minor Wounds, (Lv1) Cure Light Wounds, effect of doing so results in taking 1d4 points of damage and reducing
(Lv2) Cure Moderate Wounds. CON by 1d3. This is recovered at one point of CON per day. Note
the stolen CON points go to the Grimorden.
- A belt set with sandalwood prayer beads (this belongs
to Abbot Olmaren). One of the beads is magical in If closely inspected players may identify a hidden door located in the
nature, being a Bead of Karma. wall (Search at DC14).

- A small wooden box with a hinged lid. This contains a The door slides to the right and is operated by the presence of a
recessed velvet pad, with a circular depression (the box powerful soul. The door opens if someone touches it whose average of
held the Amulet of Turning that Brother Lynden used WIS+INT+CHA =14+.
to drive off the Grimorden and the Shadow of Klinn).
DM Note: Blocking the Beam has no effect, it passes through
The urns that sit in the wall niches are the cremated remains solid objects.
of priests of the Abbey who died and chose to have their
remains kept here. It automatically shuts when there are no souls within three feet of the
door (regardless of strength). The door can also be opened by means
(i) Cellar Pantry of any spell that opens portals. Beyond the doorway is a long tunnel
The trapdoor from the kitchen gives access to a cellar, by means of that runs off into the darkness, illuminated by the radiance of the
a steeply angled wooden stair. The area is stacked with barrels of beam, that runs as straight as an arrow, about three and a half feet
preserved lamb, sacks of fresh vegetables and grain, casks of ale, and above the floor. The tunnel is about six feet wide with a ceiling height
crates of Guardian Fire. Oil and wood for cooking are also kept of ten feet. It is earthen but is shored up with struts that appear to be
here. made of the same material as the stonework in the cavern.

A hidden door in the east wall provides access to the The Tunnel
Bolthole. It cannot be opened from the pantry. The tunnel links the Grimorden’s Prison Chamber to the one
containing the Star of Diamasin. It travels in a straight line from the
Chamber of Diamasin’s Star to the Grimordens Prison. Approximately
Underground Locations half way along its length there is a large section of stonework along
the western wall of the tunnel. A hidden sliding door exists here,
Prison of the Grimorden identified by a circular hole about three and a half feet above the
3D Scene #5; 2D Map Available floor. Touching this area opens the door (in the same manner as the
(Prison of the Grimorden on the Tower Map) door accessing the Grimorden’s Prison). There is a short length of
This is located beneath the Tower (location 5 on tunnel (some 50 feet) before a rock-fall has totally blocked any further
Guardian Island DM’s Map) and can be reached by passage. This blocked tunnel leads to the Chamber of Diamasin’s
means of a spiral stair. This stair descends from a secret trapdoor Star.
hidden in the floor of the tower. Alternately, the underground tunnel
running from The Chamber of Diamasin’s Star provides access to this
area. The Chamber of Diamasin’s Star
2D map available
The stair from the tower descends 85 feet, but a gate of iron bars 3D Scene 6
blocks entry into the Prison itself; a lever on the wall opens/seals the Setting: Grim Energy Low/Secret Door
trapdoor above. The gate has a key-type locking device (open lock Shut/Star Intact
DC35). The key that opens it is the one with the demonic head in the
Upper Abbey (location g on Guardian Abbey upper locations Map). The ladder placed in the excavation hole in the Ruins (location 11
on Guardian Island DM’s Map) leads down to a small length
The following is the description of the area: of tunnel fashioned from granite. The walls are under a lot of stress and recent
You see a rough cavern of natural rock that has had some limited stonework efforts have been made to shore them up with wooden beams. Fallen earth and
applied to the walls. The stone is a strange gray color. The southern part of the stones litter the floor. To the south, stairs start to lead upward before a cave-in
cavern features an entire wall of this unusual masonry. Blocks of the material blocks the way.
lie here and there on the rocky floor.
To the north a set of stairs descends to a lower level, where there is a set of
A large black sphere, some nine feet in diameter, dominates the center of the double-doors, made from an unusual gray stone-like material. One door is
cavern. Its surface resembles polished glass, but there is an unsettling feeling slightly open and a radiance shines from within. The body of a young priest
that something moves within the darkness. A thin mist covers the cavern floor lies close to the door. His head is staved in and a bloodied hammer lies on the
and an unnatural aura of coldness radiates from the sphere. floor close by.
A thin line of sinister looking green light stretches between the globe and the
center of the southern wall at a height of about three and a half feet.

DM Note: If it is after 19:00 hours on the first day of the players but snap back into place as though attracted by magnetism. If the
being on Guardian the acolyte may be active as a Zombie, armed beam of light is inspected it can be seen that the silver light changes
with a hammer (treat as light mace). to a sickly green radiance near to the wall. If this is touched, the
following results:
Once the players proceed into the main chamber, read the following:
Take 1d4 points of damage and reduce CON by 1d3. CON is
This chamber makes extensive use of the same material used in the construction recovered at a rate of 1 point per day.
of the entry doors. However, the overall impression of the room is that it is
incomplete. Sections near the ceiling are not finished and bare earth and rock The light disappears into a one-inch hole in the wall painted with the
is exposed. Some of this has fallen to the floor in some places. mural. There is a hidden sliding door built into this wall. If players
closely examine it, they may discover the outline of the door (Search
Attention is drawn immediately to the middle of the chamber where there is a at DC14).
raised rostrum. On the rostrum stands a podium (similar to a raised garden
sundial). A small black sphere (the size of a grapefruit) sits in a depression on The door can be opened by the touch of a person with a strong soul.
top of the podium, at its center. A silver radiance shines from the sphere and This is measured by averaging WIS+INT+CHA. If the result is
a narrow beam of the same light extends from the sphere to strike the northern 14+, the door will open if touched.
DM Note: Blocking the beam has no effect, it passes through
On this wall is painted a mural, faded by the passage of time. It depicts a solid objects.
human-like figure with slight features and a wise demeanor. He holds his
right hand up in salutation and a dish of water in his left. Stars surround It automatically shuts when there are no souls (regardless of strength)
his head. within ten feet of the door. The door can also be opened by means of
any spell that opens portals.
The east and west walls are decorated with old tapestries, sewn with many
characters creatures and words (in Modern Elvish). Elsewhere there is a
workbench containing a few tools and a lantern. High above in the ceiling is Diamasin’s Tomb
an arrangement of giant crystals, hanging down like stalactites. 3D Scene #7 (First visit should be set in
default mode)
If the podium is examined it will be noted that there are three small 2D Map Available
depressions and raised fixtures in the stone, evenly spaced out around
its circumference. Each is the size of a plum. There are scratches and The doors that are buried on the northern face of
marks surrounding these depressions. There is an empty cavity within Southcrown provide a means to enter the tomb of the Elven lord,
the podium about the size of a large book. This is where the lacquered Diamasin.
box containing Aedrinia’s document was found and removed by the A stone stair leads downward into the hill to a passageway that runs
monks. This is now in Abbot Olmaren’s room in the Abbey. east to west. To the east, the tunnel has collapsed and is impassable; to the
west it leads away into darkness. The walls are earthen and have subsided
Elvish script runs around the outer rim of the podium. It reads: here and there, making passage difficult but not impossible. Total collapse
seems to have been prevented by the inclusion of struts that are made of
Cast thine eyes to beacon glow a an unusual gray material. The struts support the ceiling at regular
For future kin-folk’s sake, intervals.
Lest darkness stain the purest light,
Lest sleeper should awake. Eventually, the tunnel ends at a set of double doors made of
the same gray material as the support struts. The doors are
The tapestries have the same writing repeated across them. closed.
The sphere cannot be removed from the podium. If this is
attempted and great force is applied, the sphere will move slightly Allow players to worry a bit about the doors or what lies
within, before reading:

The doors are not locked and inside is a 30 feet square

chamber paved and walled in the same strange gray
stone as the doors. Some parts of the upper sections seem
incomplete and have been shored up with wooden beams
and granite.

In the middle of the room is a plinth of cut granite. Atop this is a tall urn The urn is similar to the one in Abbot Olmaren’s room and contains
painted a deep blue in color and sculpted so that wings extend from the neck, Diamasin’s ashes. The writing on it reads:
near the lid. The urn is decorated with delicate Elvish writing.
Here lie the last remains of Lord Diamasin, left buried like some human
Around the walls of the room are smaller stone plinths, each being the stand for chieftain, according to his own wishes. The Order of the Vigilant Guard is
a different object. There are eight, in all, and each object glows with a silver disbanded, but their task continues. Our Lord’s spirit watches over Elmardia
light. They are: until there comes a day when the Grimorden is truly defeated.

- A hauberk, cowl and leggings of fine Elven mail plus a shield When that day dawns we beseech thee to scatter Diamasin’s ashes into the
emblazoned with a large white star, surrounded by three smaller wind so that his spirit may find the Holy Glade and thus be reunited with
stars (green, red and blue). This is the device of the Order of his kin.
Vigilant Guard.
Shortly after the players’ arrival in the chamber, the spirit of Diamasin
- A single living rose. will appear to the players and brief them on the tasks before them,
bidding them each to take one of his treasures (see Act 11 in the
- An apple with a skin of silver. Plotline section page27). The eight items arrayed on the plinths are
all magical in nature and their abilities are detailed in The Tome
- A neck torc wrought with stylized symbols of trees. Section.

- A broken broadsword with delicate hilts set with amber. The players may visit other areas of the island before this time,
such as the Elven excavation work at Southcrown or the Tower. It
- A wooden casket carved about with dragon-like renderings. is most likely that the players will concentrate their earlier efforts in
thoroughly searching the Abbey and placing together parts of the
- A silver ring inlaid with ancient Elven symbols. mystery.

- A single arrow with feathers flecked with red and gold striations. Here ends the last Act of One, Dark Awakenings: Guardian. Part Two,
Dark Awakenings: Shadowland continues the adventure.
These are the ancient treasures of the Order of the Vigilant Guard.
The treasures are protected by enchantments that prevent their
removal unless the correct command is given. Without this command
being uttered a person takes damage if they touch the item (see new
spell - Personal Binding in The Tome Section).

Handout 1: Letter from Abbot Olmaren

Your Reverence,

I hope all is well at our most sacred archive and I trust that you are in good health. I pray that Theydori guides you daily to
unlock a secret from the casket of Hidden Knowledge.

Life continues as normal in our little community. Alas no more of our lost artifacts have been recovered off the coast but we
will renew our efforts there. I am resolved to send Ballick back on the next supply ship. I find the man’s attitude to work
to be appalling and there was that incident over the missing money from the labor camp. I am sure he was the culprit but
nothing could be proved against him. I also have my eye upon that stonemason you recruited. Jondyn’s work is adequate (to
say the least) and he embraces the bottle much too often for my liking (which reminds me, I hope you received the shipment
of Guardian Fire I sent you - our best yet, I believe).

Now to the most important news. We continued work on the south dig two months ago and the work-gang accidentally
collapsed a wall there. The weight of masonry that fell broke through a thin layer of stonework hidden beneath the grass
and revealed a tunnel under the existing site of the ruins. We carefully dug down into this tunnel and discovered it was an
intact passage that led down to a most wonderous chamber.

It appears to be some ancient Elven mausoleum but I cannot think of what its purpose is. Certainly it is decorated with
Elven tapestries and a rendering of the God Tarimth (similar to the windows on the tower). But at the heart of the chamber
is a curious device set upon a podium of stone.

This curious arrangement obviously has some magical purpose. Visible threads of energy connect components of the apparatus
and a wavering pulse of silver light continually arcs out to strike a nearby wall, where the depiction of Tarimth is located.
Is this of religious significance? I know not. The silver light reminds me of the magical luminescence of the ancient tower
that stands near to the Abbey. I have ordered all work at the site to be suspended as I am wary about the dangers that may
be associated with this apparatus. We did discover a decorative box in a niche within the podium that holds the magical
apparatus. We were able to remove this without incident and found it contains a lengthy document written in an Elven
hand. It is a more classic variation of the Elven language and will take a while to translate. Our initial inspection indicates
it is some chronicle of history of an Elven community that once dwelled here. This will certainly be a windfall for our
on-going work in finding all we can about the culture that existed here.

Although we have a great wealth of knowledge amongst our senior brothers here, I fear nobody is sufficiently familiar with
the workings of magic and enchantments to provide us with good advice in relation to this matter.

To this end, I humbly ask that the temple in Quorull find sufficient funds to enlist the services of a practitioner of the arcane
arts to examine the magical array beneath the ruins and advise us on aspects of removing the component parts safely. Perhaps
some the proceeds from the shipment of liqueur can be devoted to this cause?

I truly hope you can send assistance on the next supply ship or advise us of how you wish to proceed with further
investigation of the artifacts.

Your Servant,

Abbot Olmaren of the Theydori Abbey of Guardian

Handout 2: Guardian Island Poetic Map


Southcrown Hill
Wysar’s Cove Shrine Quarry

Eastbeach Orchard

Grove Cemetery

Guardian Abbey


Northcrown Hill
Saltreach Hill
Handout 3: Folklore and Histories concerning Diamasin and Aedrinia

Folklore and Histories concerning Diamasin and Aedrinia

Diamasin and Aedrinia are two Elvish heroes depicted both as lovers and as a wedded couple in various interpretations of the old
stories. Their earlier exploits come to us mainly through songs of the Elves that have been translated into Common Tongue. The songs
pertaining to Diamasin and Aedrinia first emerged amongst the bards of the Golden Hall in Odressi, some 400 years ago and were soon
picked up by the Master Harper, Delabarth Corin, following his studies with the Elves of Pharidor’s Watch. Delabarth presented his
reworking of the most popular songs, “Dancers in the Twilight” and “The Starborn Lord” in Ahridaar’s Hall, in Denhaven.

There was a tremendous response to Delebarth’s songs and many other minstrels and balladeers were soon penning similar works. This
generated a great interest throughout the Human world of all things Elven and was fuelled by the more renowned rhymers of the time,
keen to learn more about these reclusive people. These enthusiastic artists often met to exchange ideas and stories they had discovered
and the group eventually became known as the Helicora Movement (naming themselves after the legendary Elvish harpist). It not only
attracted musicians but also leading painters, sculptors and playwrights and the movement became well established in Denhaven and
Quorull, due to the generosity of noble patrons.

They went to great lengths to discover new tales and histories of the Elves and many made frequent journeys to the Elven center
of learning at Pharidor’s Watch to learn more of the culture. For a while, the Elves put up with the vigorous migration of Human
artists into their world but eventually they grew weary of the endless intrusions into the highlands beyond Pharidor’s Watch, lands
that were off-limits to Humans. They made it known that the Humans were not welcome and they became openly hostile to artistic
visitors, refusing food and accommodation. Within ten years the pilgrimage to Pharidor’s Watch ended and the more influential artists
of the day (men like Salinar and Bolyn) disheartened by their rejection by the Elves, dismissed the Helicora Movement as being
misguided in their thinking.

If nothing else, the Helicora Movement managed to uncover a great many rare written histories of the Elves that have helped establish
a clearer picture of their culture. Unfortunately most of the famous works of art that were created in Elkia and Llan by the Helicora
Movement were destroyed during the Hundred Years of Strife that followed the collapse of the Sardellan Empire. Today, the more
famous works of the Movement can be found in the Golden Hall and other private collections across Elkia and Llan. Of course the
lasting ballads of that time are still sung in the places as diverse as the Unicorn Inn in Quorull and the palatial Theater of the
Citylord, in Odressi.

Taken from an address on the History of Llanic Art by Brother Felbanda Parador, Church of Theydori, Quorull.

The following snippets of information are drawn from the histories and songs collected by the Helicora Movement. Some were taken
straight from transcripts of Elven works, others are based on Elven tales and many are pure fabrications:

The Wooing of Aedrinia (Source: a Llanic folktale translated into a play that was popular, during the reign of Halwyn the Robust).

In his early years Diamasin is said to have sought the hand of the fair Aedrinia but there was a rival for her affections, an Elven Lord
named Ilvanborn. As a token of his affections, Ilvanborn brought a Paliandor to Aedrinia, a flower that once bloomed only on the
highest mountains of the world and was exceedingly rare.

Not to be outdone, Diamasin is said to have made a perilous journey to the eldritch realm of Alfarra and there claimed a Silver Apple
from the Tree of Knowledge. To win the apple he had to defeat the Maladara that guarded it, a great wolf-like beast with a hide
like iron. He was almost overcome by the creature but retreated from battle and, using his great bow, he loosed all but one of his
fabled Arrows of Valkarian into the beast.

He was victorious and returned to Tarimthol-Irl and gave the Silver Apple to Aedrinia.

The Wedding of Diamasin and Aedrinia (Source: the “Starborn Lord” by Delabarth Corin, translated from the epic Elven work).

Many gifts were showered upon the wedded couple by the Lords of Tarimthol-Irl, including some of the treasures of the Twilight Years,
bestowed upon the great families by the Gods, themselves. High amongst these was the Diamond Circlet of Keshreen, the Golden Torc
of Elendonia of the Oaks and the Ring of Carris, all-powerful heirlooms of the Elves.
The Horned Beast (Source: “Diamasin of the Faerie-Folk”, a collection of stories written by Yallind Dulas of Odressi).

Tales tell how a Horned Beast terrorized the Elven folk of the east and Diamasin was called upon to end its bloody rampage. Suited in
his enchanted mail and bearing his sword Eseriel, he cornered the creature. He struck the Horned Beast many blows that would have
slain any other creature and, frustrated, the Elven Lord summoned all his strength and delivered a stroke to the creature’s head that
shook the world. But all that was achieved was the destruction of Eseriel, for Diamasin’s enchanted blade was broken in two.

So Diamasin asked for aid from Lord Tarimth who told him how he could defeat the creature. Following Tarimth’s instructions,
Diamasin grabbed the Horned Beast and flung it into the heavens where it fell into a star and troubled the Elves no more. Returning to
his hall in Tarimthol-Irl, the Elven smiths offered to reforge the shards of Eseriel but Diamasin said, “No, Lord Tarimth has granted me
a portent and says that Eseriel should remain broken, for there may come a time when the Horned Beast finds his way down from the
stars once more. When that time comes we will truly slay the creature and it is then that Eseriel will be remade”.

Aedrinia and the Blessed Rose (Source: “A Fading Heritage”, being a rare work attributed to a Half-Elven writer, Phenore, who
spent many years in Quorull).

Aedrinia was known to be fond of the things that grow, and especially the flowers that bloomed throughout Leezeria of old. Although
many seeds and cuttings were brought from the Holy Grove, few were hardy enough to grow.

One such flower was the Graliath, the Blessed Rose, known for its beauty and its remarkable healing properties. Of the Graliath
brought from the Holy Glade, all perished but one and about this Aedrinia cast an enchantment so that it would be preserved forever
more. It is with some petals of the Graliath that Aedrinia staunched the wounds of Diamasin after his battle against Gravenskald,
the last dragon.

Aedrinia’s Doom (Source: “The Dancers in the Twilight” by Delabart Corin, based upon the epic Elven poem).

Prior to the marriage of Aedrinia to Diamasin, Aedrinia was warned against the union by the Prophet Isalya, who said, “Ensure your
love is strong before you enter this pledge of troth for though your life may have many years of bliss, a doom follows the this Diamasin.
He has many tasks yet to perform for Lord Tarimth that will bring peril to those he loves. Know that in joining with Diamasin you
deny yourself passage to the Holy Glade itself, for you will become ensnared and will not be freed lest sunlight comes to the Shadowed
World and breaks the chains of darkness”.

Diamasin’s Last Battle (Source: Popular songs in Sard and Elkia, usually performed by minstrels at inns or to stir soldiers before

There are two main tales that tell of the death of Diamasin. The first story goes that he fought at the Battle of Tarimthol-Irl and
was at King Pelentine’s side when the Elvenking was slain. He went to his Lord’s aid, driving the barbarian host from the field in his
fury. He personally slew over one thousand men, allowing the Elves respite to win the day. He was overcome by the many wounds he
received in battle and was buried alongside his King.

The second tale mirrors the first except Diamasin is battling a horde of North-men from Char-Endl, warriors who have come to pillage
his hall, hearing of his fame and the treasures he is said to have won during his life. Again, he slays thousands before he is killed but in
this tale his ghost remains to guard his treasures against his enemies.

The Last Dragon (Source: A collection of tales about dragons by Rensyn Halas, a popular story-teller of the court of King Willarth
II of Northland).

Rensyn tells how the Elves were beset by the Last Dragon, a beast called Gravenskald. It is unclear where or when the story is set
but it tells of an Elven King called Diamasin who wrestles with the Dragon and extinguishes its fiery flames by removing some
of the creature’s teeth and pinning the beast’s maw shut with them. Unable to exhale its burning breath, the Dragon is consumed
by its own fire.

Diamasin later wears the dragon teeth in a crown.

Handout 4: Lynden’s Notes
Handout 5: Oswin’s Sketches
Handout 6: Scriptorium Message
Handout 7: Writing in the sand
Handout 8: Chronicle of the Order of the Vigilant Guard

Chronicle of the Order of the Vigilant Guard

As prepared by Aedrinia of the House of Embethil

(Note that this is a condensed version of a much larger document written in a first person narrative style. It is written in Elvish and it would take
three hours of reading to extract the following information).

Our ancestors songs tell us that our people once dwelled in the world apart from the other races and walked in the footsteps of the Gods.
Of all the High Lords, Tarimth (Emperor of the Stars) ever had a special place in his divine heart for the Children of Light and we learned
the wisdom that he espoused. Our people dwelled in harmony in the House of Tarimth and we emulated the wisdom of our Lord. He
entrusted us with great powers and the secrets of the Void.

But the other races that shared the world misused the knowledge that had been given to them and the Gods were dismayed at the ruin
they brought to their creation. So it was that the Gods met in council and agreed to remove the greater part of their knowledge from
the lesser races. They made a binding agreement amongst their kind to depart the physical world and not to interfere with the affairs of
mortals; to let their creation grow and develop on its own. Tarimth reluctantly was part of that agreement and he lamented at having to
leave his beloved Children in their wooded homeland of Leezeria.

But Tarimth left our kind with a gift. Tarimth had blessed us with long life but this meant we would be denied a reunion with him in the
Holy Glade for many centuries. So Tarimth taught us the paths between the worlds and the Elves alone, of all the Gods’ creations, could
seek solace in the afterlife before their time, if their long years grew wearisome.

While our songs give us a record of those halcyon days, our dirges tell of our darkest hours. Soon after the passing of the Gods from the
world, a race of Demons, known as the Grimorden appeared in the north. They were few in number and unable to sire offspring but they
were extremely resilient to our weapons and enchantments and wielded powerful magic of their own. In their wake came the armies of
the Goblinkind and the united tribes of Men, all bent on usurping our lands. Our kin fought a long defensive war against them, but one
by one our kingdoms fell, until Tarimthol-Irl alone was left.

But in our time of need, Tarimth did not abandon us. He broke the Accord of the Gods and intervened, saving us from the Grimorden,
destroying the creatures and driving their allies from the world. We were saved from death and slavery at the hands of these Demons
but we were to suffer an even greater loss. Tarimth had defied the Gods edict and as punishment he was banished from the Realms of
Creation, cast into the Void amongst the cold stars. That is how we came to name our Lord the Emperor of the Stars and it is from the
stars that he still sends signs and omens to those who can read them.

The Men who had been rallied against us made peace with our kin in later ages but we saw that they feared us and treated us with
suspicion. But our bane since the defeat of the Grimorden has ever been the Goblinkind, twisted creatures of dark underground places,
that the Grimorden strengthened against sunlight to bring into their host. They fled after the return of Tarimth and hid for an age
beneath the mountains of the east but they grew in number and in boldness and reemerged to assail our eastern borderland again.

The Elves who dwelled there fled to Tarimthol-Irl and a permanent garrison was established in the east to guard against the intrusion
of the Goblinkind. It is to Tarimthol-Irl my grandsires of old came to live, escaping the troubles on our borders. In my youth I listened
to their tales of the Twilight Years and the terror of the Grimorden that all seemed a distant dream. I was gifted as an enchantress
and a seer and married by beloved Diamasin in my 120th year. I have never loved another and the shaded forest clearings surrounding
Tarimthol-Irl were a place of unending serenity.

I remember the year of 3814 well. It was the year that peace ended and terror walked the glades of Leezeria. News came from the
east of a new invasion by the armies of Goblinkind. Normally, our captains in our garrisons would have been able to deal with the
incursion but this time tales came to us in Tarimthol-Irl of a powerful creature who led the enemy host, a cunning sorcerer who could
reach into the minds of Elves and bend them to its will. The creature called the servants of the elements to its aid and the Dead rose
to follow its command. Its army destroyed our forces in the east and drove on deep into our sacred groves, toward our ancient city.
Soon the Goblinkind army was upon our very doorstep.

King Pelentine himself led an army out of Tarimthol-Irl to defeat this new nemesis. He left my husband in charge of the defense of the
city. Alas for the glory of Pelentine! Brave and valiant were the warriors and enchanters that fell that day. Our army was defeated and
the survivors retreated into the safety of Tarimthol-Irl. However, the identity of our enemy was at last revealed. The Goblinkind were
marshaled by a Grimorden; a single survivor of Tarimth’s wrath. Where it had hidden all this time, we knew not, but it was instilled
with powers beyond that of its elder kin and it marched under the banner of the Horned Queen, Sirrith; Goddess of the Dead.

There followed a siege in which my husband led our warriors fearlessly for twenty days but we all knew that our defeat was inevitable.
Finally with hope fading, we were saved once more, like the songs of old. I saw in the night sky a sign from Tarimth and I went
to the temple and prayed for our salvation. My prayers were answered and I was sent a vision showing me a means to trap and
imprison the Grimorden for all time.

I had our finest smiths fashion a small sphere of jet-black glass and through me, enchantments were placed within the artifact. This
I gave to Diamasin, instructing him in its use. I named the device, the Star of Diamasin, and gave him my blessings, saying that
it must be carried into close proximity to the Grimorden and a word of command uttered, so that it would cause an enchanted
Prison to engulf the creature. This Prison took the form of a larger black sphere and was, in fact, an extra-dimensional space that
rendered the Grimorden dormant.

And my husband went forth from Tarimthol-Irl, suited in mail and bearing his magic blade Eseriel. He challenged the Grimorden to
single combat and the arrogant creature accepted. The fight was brief and Diamasin broke Eseriel upon the iron hide of the creature.
Then, as the Grimorden gloated over its impending victory, Diamasin drew the Star forth and invoked its power. The Demon was
encased within its magic Prison and, at that moment, the gates of the city were flung wide and the warriors of Tarimthol-Irl went forth.
Diamasin was saved and the Goblinkind army was demoralized without their leader.

We triumphed on the field that day and Diamasin was praised and brought before Telenbar, the young nephew of our slain King
Pelentine. In later days, many gifts were given to Diamasin and myself for our part in the defeat of the Grimorden. The Prison was
brought within the city and eventually was placed in within our Hall of Relics, beneath Tarimthol-Irl. The Star I kept and it became
an heirloom of our house. Scholars and sages came to study the Prison Globe in the Hall of Relics, but over the years it was all but
forgotten. In the years that followed, we came to learn that the Star of Diamasin was intrinsically linked to the Prison Globe and could
only be separated by a distance of about a mile. It could not be physically or magically shifted beyond this point. And during that same
period, the Grimorden stirred in its Prison and learned to extend its magical powers beyond the confines of the Globe. It struck out at
scholars within the Hall of Relics and attempted to dominate their minds and get them to destroy the Star of Diamasin.

Fortunately the attempt failed and a vigil was placed over the Prison of the Grimorden while a council was held to solve the problem.
The more adept of our Elven mages had come to understand something of the Grimorden’s powers and how Diamasin’s Star held the
Grimorden prisoner. They needed to create three smaller foci of power to augment the Star, each enchanted with wards to nullify the
Grimorden’s three main avenues of attack - its power to corrupt minds, its control of the Dead and its sorcerous abilities.

To this end they attempted to fashion three gemstones to contain the potencies that would defeat the Grimorden’s power but their
skills were not sufficient to fashion the perfect stones required to house such spells. But there were others whose craft with the
bounty of the earth surpassed our own. In the decades following the terrible year of 3814, the Dwarves of the west came to Leezeria,
hearing tales of great battles against the Goblinkind. They too had fought their own wars against similar foes and made alliances
with young King Telenbar.

So it was, that the Dwarves who resided in Tarimthol-Irl, at this time, were eager to assist the Elvenking and the Stonekin craftsmen
created three perfect gemstones. They called them the Star-Kin Stones and they included:

- A Ruby to contain the Grimorden’s power to dominate minds.

- An Emerald to contain the Grimorden’s power to control the Dead.
- A Sapphire to contain the Grimorden’s power to cast Spells.

The stones were enchanted with their individual wards and placed around Diamasin’s Star, immediately reinforcing the powers that
maintained the Prison Globe. The Grimorden’s powers were effectively cut-off and the creature was rendered dormant once more.

The wars with the Goblinkind of the east still continued and at times, Dwarves fought alongside Elves but soon affairs in the west
called the Stonekin home and few remained in Leezeria. One year, the Goblinkind took our eastern forts by surprise and a host
penetrated deep into our realm and almost assailed Tarimthol-Irl once more, before they were defeated. The entire incident was
enough to rattle the Elven community and the High Council met and it was decided that the Prison of the Grimorden should be
removed to a more isolated and secret part of the world. Diamasin founded a special Order whose task it would be to seek out a
new location to house the Prison and guard it ever after. They were called the Vigilant Guard and were largely made up of the
kinfolk of both our families.
After several years searching, we settled on relocating to a remote island in the Greater Inner Sea, a place we named Elmardia (meaning
‘Guardian’ in the Elven tongue). Soon after the Vigilant Guard sailed from Leezeria, north to their new home. With us went two
Dwarves, Ghurdag and Sturl Mandigor, whose great-grandfathers had fashioned the original Star-Kin Stones.

The Vigilant Guard raised a new hall upon the island of Elmardia, the Dwaves making great use of granite that was abundant there.
We also made use of existing Uushai excavations we found, housing the Prison in one subterranean site and the Star of Diamasin in
another. The Prison was placed in a chamber beneath a tower that had been constructed by the Uushai. The tower’s purpose was unclear
to us, but at night a crystal arrangement located in its summit radiated light. I theorized that the crystals were able to trap sunlight and
release this light at night. We even made several lamps using some of this crystalline material.

When positioning the Prison, it appeared that its magical properties had a unique effect upon the crystal light. A silvery thread of
light usually connected Diamasin’s Star to the Prison. This silver light was translated into the crystal’s radiance when the Prison was
placed beneath the tower. Additionally, when the Star-Kin Stones were removed briefly to align the podium that held them, the crystal
light turned a baleful green, returning to silver when the stones were returned. The Order of the Vigilant Guard saw this as a good
device to warn against the Grimorden ever stirring.

We maintained our watch for many centuries to come. The odd Dorvin seafarer occasionally visited our community but otherwise we
had no contact with outsiders. Humans stayed clear of our island, fearing its reefs and the ‘Elven Devils’ who dwelled there. We kept
the location of the Grimorden a secret, even when visiting Leezeria from time to time. However, over the years, the Order dwindled in
numbers, as more and more of our folk felt the call of home and of the Holy Glade of Tarimth. They sought Diamasin’s leave to return
to the mainland and then on to the Unending Sea. My husband would not dissuade them.

At last there came the dark day that ended the Vigilant Guard. A dragonboat from the north, containing many barbarian warriors was
wrecked upon the reefs of Elmardia. Although the vessel sunk, many of its sailors were able to make it ashore, clinging to pieces of
wreckage. A good-sized force of Men assembled themselves upon the beaches.

Diamasin offered these Men the hospitality of his hall and this was accepted, but the north-men coveted the women-folk of the
island and our finely crafted belongings. They betrayed Diamasin’s kindness and a savage battle was fought. Although they were
greatly outnumbered, we prevailed, but my beloved was mortally wounded and the Order of the Vigilant Guard reduced to ten.
The north-men were all slain.

I made to help Diamasin by using the Blessed Rose to try to heal him but he declined. In his last hour, he too had been granted a vision
by our Lord, as I once had. He asked me to assemble those treasures that we still retained from happier times and to place them with
his ashes within a tomb on Guardian. He bade me take the last of his Order and return to the Kingdom of Leezeria; our task was over
and his spirit would remain to watch over the Grimorden.

I was also instructed to leave this account of our experiences and to mark the island with certain cryptic signs, warning people who
would come in later years about the Grimorden, to guide them to Diamasin’s resting place. Before his passing my husband said, “The
labors of the Elves as guardians of our ancient enemy are at an end. A time comes when the Grimorden will struggle to be free and it
will be the task of others to do battle with it. But they will not be unaided in their fight, the powers that feed our dark foe are strong
but the will of Lord Tarimth will prevail. The last Grimorden will fall forever”.

Diamasin is now laid to rest and I, Aedrinia, and the remaining Elves depart Elmardia forever.
Handout 9: Theydori Puzzle Box (Player version)
Handout 10: High Seas Boardgame
High Seas Boardgame
High Seas is one of the popular games that sailors who sail The Greater Inner
The Rules of Play
Although there are at least seven known variations, the rules listed below form
Sea engage in to pass the hours. It usually takes the form of a small board made
the basis of the game and are the most commonly used.
of wood into which forty evenly spaced holes have been bored (four columns
of ten). Aim of the Game: Each player has five ships. To win, the player must
place these ships on the board, follow the ocean currents and, overcoming all
The game can be played (theoretically) by any number of players but most obstacles, remove all ships from the position on the board representing the
games settle for two to four. Sets that are sold at markets from Port Lyrie to Trade Port space (the ship symbol with the sale down). Ships can never occupy
Cetairi, reflect this and usually include pieces for four players. These pieces are the same space on the board simultaneously. Ships only move forward on the
supposed to represent ships and range from simple bone pins favored by sailors board by a roll of the dice. The number rolled must be applied to one ship only
from Port Lyrie to more elaborate miniature ships, carved from wood, popular and the full number of spaces must be moved.
in Quorull.
If you cannot make a legitimate move, you lose that turn. If you can make a
The game itself is basically a racing game whereby players try to move cargo legitimate move, you must do so.
in five ships representing their fleet from their home port to a trade port (the
final space on the board). They must overcome obstacle spaces representing Paying the Piloting Fee: Players must pay a piloting fee before they can place
maritime hazards and use strategy to protect themselves against rival players. a ship on the board. The first player rolls two die and must score a five in order
to successfully pay the fee to the port authority. If they fail to roll five they pass
The winner is the first player to move all their five ships off the board. the dice to the next player. If they do roll five they may place a ship on the first
space (the ship with its sail up) and immediately roll another single die. You do
The game is thought to have been Char-Endlese in origin. There are no not have to use a five to place a ship; you can also use it to move ships already
direct comparisons of games played amongst the Char-Endlese today but on the board.
certainly wooden boards and miniature game pieces very similar to the High
Seas game are known to have been discovered in funeral ships over 500 years Tacking: Once ships are on the board they can use a maneuver called tacking.
old. Apparently the game was a passing fad in the Char-Endlese culture and If you roll a number that would place one of your ships on an opponent’s ship,
perhaps this may prove to be the case with the current interest in High Seas. you exchange the position of the pieces. Tacking only takes place on the ‘high
seas’, the second and third columns (i.e. only if an opponent’s vessel is located
Whereas the southern version of the game revolves around trade and natural there can you ‘tack’ him). Exception: Ships on Landfall spaces are immune to
hazards, the focus of the Char-Endlese game seems to be one of plunder. The tacking.
Char-Endlese also utilized rune-sticks to move pieces on the board, while the
southern game uses dice, which did not become common in gaming circles Piracy: If you are able to land next to an opponent’s piece you may engage
around the Greater Inner Sea until 150 years ago. in piracy. Both players must roll a die. The highest wins. Draws result in a
standoff. The winner remains. The loser must return their piece back to the
It is unknown who is credited with the creation of modern version of High Seas, nearest Landfall or to the Home Port. Piracy can only be initiated by the
which has been in existence for about one hundred years. person who is currently moving their pieces and can only occur on the ‘high
seas’ between opponents in the same column. Exception: Ships on Landfall
spaces are immune to Piracy.

Maelstrom Spaces: You must roll seven or over for your ships to pass over a
Maelstrom space, unless you decide to land on the Maelstrom. If you do this,
you immediately roll two additional dice. If you roll three, seven or eleven, you
get to roll an additional (single) die to move out of the Maelstrom, otherwise
you must return to the last Landfall space.

Reef Spaces: Any ship that enters a reef space is destroyed and removed from
the game. Since you need five ships to win the game, if this happens you lose.
You cannot pass over a Reef space until your pilot navigates through it. To do
this, you can only cross the reef if the number that allows you to do so is even.

Landfall Spaces: These are safe ports of call that you can make repairs in. If
you have to return to a Landfall space and it is occupied, you go back to the
next Landfall space or, if that is occupied, the Home Port. If the Home Port is
occupied, that ship must start again (rolling for Pilot Fee Payment).

The Trade Port: This is the last space on the board. To dock here a ship must
land by exact count. It is then removed from play. If you are unfortunate to
have a ship end up in the space prior to trade port and your dice roll allows
no other legitimate move, you can use the score rolled to move that ship
backward along the track.

Winning: The first person to remove his fifth ship wins the game or to be the
only remaining player.
Note: Rules can be found on page 59
Handout 11: Tarimthol - IRL Patterns

Handout 9: Theydori Puzzle Box (DM Version)

Solution to the Box Puzzle

Main Deck Crews’ Quarters


Gray Gull
Main Cabin

For further legend details, please refer to the PDF document on the bonus CD.



Cemetery Guardian Grove


Esmian Shrine

Quarry Wynsar’s Cove


Ruins of
Diamasin’s Hall

Elevation: 17 feet

open to Cloister Below

For further legend details, please refer to the PDF document on the bonus CD.
to the cliffs

Main dig

to Main dig at to prison of the
the Ruins of Grimorden
Diamasin’s Hall

For further legend details, please refer to the PDF document on the bonus CD.
For further legend details, please refer to the PDF document on the bonus CD.
Camera 3 is positioned
halfway up the tower
Level 1 Level 2
Elevation: ground Elevation: 108 feet

Elevation: -50 feet

leads to secret trapdoor

For further legend details, please refer to the PDF document on the bonus CD.
frequently causing him to request the younger monks to fetch books
THE CAST from particularly high or low shelves for him. He is taking it all in
his stride however, generally being in good humor. He is slow to
This section provides information on non-player characters that anger, preferring to turn a cold shoulder to troublesome people rather
appear in Dark Awakenings: Guardian. Statistics are provided for the than giving in to rage. Olmaren is generally a quiet reserved man,
major personalities that appear in the adventure. Other characters are but when he chooses to speak, his deep rich voice and well-worded
briefly described or given generic details. responses immediately grab the attention of a room.

He is possessive of the few relics of his Order and will not lend them
out without good reason.
Non-Player Characters Abilities Mods Saves
STR: 12 +1
Leswyg Olmaren DEX: 9 -1 Reflex 0
Abbot of Guardian Isle Abbey, Age 50 CON: 13 +1 Fortitude +5
INT: 17 +3
Class: Human Cleric of Theydori Level 2/Expert WIS: 16 +3 Will +9
(Sage, focus Elven History) Level 3 CHA: 14 +2
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Religion: Theydori Height: 5’6”
Weight: 195 lbs
Age: 50 (Middle Age)
Hit Points: 22 (2d8 Cleric + 3d6 Expert + 5 Con)
Base Speed: 30 ft
Initiative: -1
AC: 9 (-1 Dex)
Base Attack: +3
Face/Reach: 5ft by 5ft/5ft
Attacks: +4 Wrestle
Damage: Grapple 1d3§
Special Qualities: Turn Undead, Spontaneous Casting (Cure Spells)
Domains: Knowledge, Law, Magic
Spells: 4, 2+1
Skills: Appraise +10, Craft (Book Binding) +7,
Decipher Script +9, Diplomacy +8, Knowledge (Arcana)
+4, Knowledge (Geography - Llan) +7,
Knowledge (History -Llan) +9, Knowledge
(History - Elven)+13, Knowledge (Local-Greater
Inner Sea) +8, Knowledge (Religion) +7,
Profession (Scribe) +8, Profession
(Archeologist)+7, Spellcraft +4, Use Magic
Device +4
Feats: Skill Focus (Knowledge, Elven History), Scribe
Scroll, Extend Spell

Prepared Spells: (0) Detect magic, Guidance, Light, Mending

(1) Read Magic (Extended), Command, Protection
From Chaos (Domain).

Possessions: Several sets of clerical robes, magnifying lens and

holy symbol on leather thong around his neck.

Abbot Olmaren is the senior cleric of an Order of monks devoted

to the God Theydori, based at Guardian Isle Abbey, where many
documents (historical and arcane) are safeguarded. Most of the
manuscripts and relics of Guardian Isle are copies, but the Abbot still
takes his job of preserving this knowledge of past times very seriously.
He is a portly man who has just passed his 50th year, and is starting
to feel the pains of old age setting in. While generally still solid and
healthy, he has started to experience a little arthritis that is more

Varran Ableford
Captain of the Gray Gull, Age 37
Class: Human Male Expert Level 2
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Religion: Gurthor
Varran of Ableford has spent most of his life aboard a ship, from acting
as his father’s cabin boy, to becoming a pilot and later a captain.
His father was captain of the Sea-Dragon and made a comfortable
income running trade goods directly across the Greater Inner Sea
between Llan and Northland, without traveling the coastal routes.
Varran served as a cabin boy on those, often hazardous, trips.

When Varran was fifteen his father apprenticed him to the Navigator’s
Guild and Varran worked upon a number of other ships that plied
the coastline of the Greater Inner Sea. During this time, he received
the tragic news that the Sea-Dragon had been lost with all hands.
Varran, now aged 18, was devastated. He spent some time with
relatives in Quorull, where he discovered that his father left him quite
a significant legacy - a house in the city and a small riverboat. Varran
began a small business carrying goods inland, between Quorull and
the High Lakes region, and although never earning a huge fortune,
he made enough profit to keep himself and his crew comfortable.

With profits from his riverboat Varran eventually bought a part-share

in the ownership of a merchant-ship, called the Lucky Sareena and
took on the role of captain, when its appointed master broke both
legs before her maiden voyage. Varran was well respected by his crew
and made the coastal run to Greenwood in almost record time. This
resulted in him remaining as captain and continuing to carry trade
goods for five years. Unfortunately, the Lucky Sareena caught fire one
night, while moored in Quorull. Varran suspected a rival trader was Abilities Mods Saves
responsible, but he could not prove the case against the villain. STR: 12 +1
DEX: 10 0 Reflex +0
However, Varran was fortunate enough to be snapped up by House CON: 11 0 Fortitude +0
Malcrist, a noble family, who, interested in financing merchant INT: 9 -1
interests in Quorull, had acquired sizeable storage facilities in the city WIS: 14 +2 Will +5
and two merchantmen. The House was looking for a captain and CHA: 15 +2
crew for the Gray Gull and Varran was offered the position. He has
since proven himself to be a more than capable captain and pilot, Height: 6’1”
serving House Malcrist faithfully for the past seven years. Weight: 216 lbs
Age: 37
Captain Ableford is a tall, sturdy veteran of the sea and presents an Hit Points: 11 (2d6 Expert)
aura of quiet confidence. He has tanned, leathery skin, and his clear Base Speed: 30 ft
blue eyes are deeply etched with crow’s feet wrinkles that show his Initiative: 0
age. Though he keeps his face relatively clean-shaven, Varran likes AC: 10 (No Armour)
to wear his shoulder length, brown hair loose and rarely ties it back. Base Attack: +1
He is a patient man, seasoned in dealing with angry sailors and in Face/Reach: 5ft by 5ft/5ft
breaking up scuffles, but rarely displaying much emotion himself. Attacks: +3 Masterwork Short Sword, +2 Unarmed
He wears a perpetual, half amused smile, which is about the only Damage: Short Sword 1d6+1 [19-20/x2], Unarmed 1d3+1§
emotion that most can extract from him, without taking extreme Weapon/Armor Proficiency:
action. Varran tends to prefer a hands-on approach to captaining, Light Armour, Simple Weapons, Short Sword
which most of his crew respect. His crew rarely leaves to work on Skills: Balance +5, Climb +4, Diplomacy +7, Gather
other ships. Information +6, Intuit Direction +7, Knowledge
(Local - Greater Inner Sea) +1, Profession (Pilot)
Varran takes his work very seriously and dislikes anyone giving orders +7, Spot +9, Swim +5, Profession (Sailor) +4,
on his ship other than himself. If pressed by a self-important merchant Listen +4, Wilderness Lore +4
or noble, he has been known to tell them to take over his job if they Feats: Martial Weapon Proficiency - Short Sword, Alertness
know better. If they take him up on this, Varran will then spend
the rest of the journey working alongside his crew until the ‘new Possessions: Travelers Outfit (Long, loose fitting clothing, with
captain’ gets into ‘deep water’. Captain Ableford is most likely to be a white linen shirt, black breeches, low boots and
encountered walking around the deck of the ship with his first mate, a heavy water resistant cloak), masterwork short
Dasmar Larieth, or at the helm, rather than in his cabin looking at sword, belt pouch (containing dried fruits and nuts,
charts. 23sp), long knife.

The Crew of the Gray Gull (all human) Deckhand Salwin Elas: Commoner Lv 1 HP 4 AC 10 (Profession:
Sailor 3/Rope Use 4/ Spot 3/Listen 3/Jump 2)
Captain Varran Ableford Interests: Sailing career.
(see separate character details) Dislikes: storms

First Mate Jaris Khern: Commoner Lv 2 HP 7 AC 10 (Profession: Deckhand Balwin Tomas: Commoner Lv 1 HP 4 AC 10 (Profession:
Sailor 5/Swim 3/ Use Rope 2/ Diplomacy 1 Sailor 4/Rope Use 1/ Spot 4/ Profession: Cook 4/ Swim 2)
Interests: games, good food. Interests: Food.
Dislikes: tardiness Dislikes: Work

Bosun Halbas Longshin: Commoner Lv 2 HP 6 AC 11 (Profession: Deckhand Pellin Skidder: Commoner Lv 1 HP 4 AC 10 (Profession:
Sailor 5/Use Rope 5/Intimidate 2/Jump 1) Sailor 4/Rope Use 4/ Climb 4/Spot 3)
Interests: good ale and fine women. Interests: Gambling.
Dislikes: nobility Dislikes: Religion

Pilot Nalman Forthwin: Expert Lv 2 HP 8 AC 10 (Profession: Deckhand Willis Vale: Commoner Lv 1 HP 4 AC 10 (Profession:
Sailor 5/Rope 2/ Profession: Pilot 5/ Heal 3/ Speak Language: Dorvin Sailor 4/Rope Use 4/ Spot 4/Climb 3)
Islander 2/ Search 3/ Concentration 4/Spot 5/ Gather Information 5/ Interests: Gambling.
Hide 1) Dislikes: Elkians
Interests: collecting scrimshaw, Quorull politics.
Dislikes: Deckhand Tomas, alcohol Deckhand Slarren Mailin: Commoner Lv 1 HP 4 AC 10 (Profession:
Sailor 2/Rope Use 3/ Spot 2/Heal 4
Apprentice Pilot Farrid Kane: Expert Lv 1 HP 6 AC 11 (Profession: Interests: Music, Southern Lands.
Sailor: 3/ Rope 4/ Profession: Pilot 4/ Jump 4/ Craft: Carving 4/ Dislikes: Complaining People
Perform: Singing 4/ Perform: Dancing 4/ Gather Information 1)
Interests: maps and charts, far-away lands, games. Deckhand Lukas Keed: Commoner Lv 1 HP 4 AC 10 (Profession:
Dislikes: strangers Sailor 4/Rope Use 4/ Spot 2/Climb 3/Jump 2
Interests: Practical Jokes
Deckhand Galmid Gardis: Commoner Lv 1 HP 4 AC 10 (Profession: Dislikes: Tomas’s Cooking
Sailor 4/Rope Use 4/ Spot 4/Listen 3)
Interests: sea folklore, games. Cabin Boy Goran ‘Squid’ Raeman: Commoner Lv 1 HP 4 AC
Dislikes: fear of drowning 10 (Profession: Sailor 2/Rope Use 4/ Spot 4/Jump 2/Climb 3
Interests: Everything
Dislikes: Cabbage

Jondyn Werrit on Guardian with very little besides the clothes on his back.
Laborer, Stonemason of Guardian Isle, Age 26
Even though Jondyn’s skills proved to be limited, the priests of the
Class: Human Male Commoner Level 1 island took pity on him and allowed him to work. He has remained
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral there for the past two years, learning a little more of his trade from
Religion: Phelltar the other laborers. Life on the island can be a bit boring, especially
in winter, and Jondyn enjoys partaking in the odd jug of Guardian
Jondyn has never been lucky in his life until the night on Guardian Fire, a potent liqueur that the priests distil. He has been known to
island. He started his life in Sard, where he was following his father get into an almost comatose state as a result of his occasional drinking
in the trade of stonemasonry. At the age of 22, however, he grew binges.
tired of doing (what he considered) under paid work and decided that
he didn’t want to spend his life as a stonemason. Being a big lad, Abilities Mods Saves
Jondyn fancied himself a sturdy fighter and against his father’s wishes STR: 16 +3
joined a traveling troupe of entertainers as a bare-knuckle fighter. His DEX: 11 0 Reflex +0
father was furious and disowned him, stating that if Jondyn wanted CON: 13 +1 Fortitude +1
to become a thug he would not be welcome under his roof ever INT: 7 -2
again. WIS: 5 -3 Will -3
CHA: 11 0

Height: 5’10”
Weight: 216 lbs
Age: 28
Hit Points: 5 (1d4 Cleric + 1 Con)
Base Speed: 30 ft
Initiative: 0
AC: 10
Base Attack: +0
Face/Reach: 5ft by 5ft/5ft
Attacks: +3 Unarmed
Damage: Unarmed 1d3+3
Weapon/Armor Proficiency:
Club; Not proficient with any armor
Skills: Profession (Laborer) +1, Craft (Stonemasonry) +2
Feats: Improved Unarmed Strike

Possessions: 3 changes of peasant clothing, stonemason’s tools.

Not fazed by this, Jondyn set out to begin his glorious career as a
prizefighter. As it happened, he didn’t have what it took to face off
against faster professionals and lost his first fight in less than five
seconds. In shame Jondyn left Sard as soon as he became conscious,
and traveled from town to town looking for work. Not being very
skilled as a stonemason, he had a lot of trouble finding work, as most
skilled stonemasons only accepted guilded workers. After drinking
away the last of his money, he eventually found a last desperate
chance of work, when he heard that the Church of Theydori required
the services of a stonemason. The Church was not offering any
payment, just food and shelter on the remote island of Guardian,
while they work. Understandably, the Guild had a hard time finding
someone for the position. Jondyn applied to the Church and won the
job on his impressive size and the fact that he still had his tools of
trade. He was given free passage on the next supply ship and arrived

Naedath Kelden
Wizard of the College of Arcane Studies, Age 48
Class: Human Male Wizard (Level 5)
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Religion: Theydori
Naedath is a very serious character, who would rather a book to
human company. He is very reserved and prefers to remain out
of most conversations, listening thoughtfully and speaking only
when spoken to. Unless however, the topic of conversation is in
one of his areas of interest, when he will quickly become actively
involved. Naedath is obsessed with ancient lore and artifacts. He
craves knowledge on these subjects and is not above doing some
rather questionable actions in pursuit of it.

Originally from Denhaven, in Elkia, he has spent most of his adult

life visiting libraries and houses of knowledge all over the known
world, in the hope of uncovering any scraps of unknown lore or items
of magic related to his areas of study. Most recently he arrived in
Quorull to liaise with a number of Masters in the Llanic city, but was
greatly disappointed when they all turned him away. The Masters
were all far too busy with their own research and very guarded
about their work. Not wishing to waste his time in Quorull, Naedath
has been considering an offer from the local Theydori Church to
travel to Guardian Island and investigate a magical device found
there. Although he is a quite accomplished mage, Naedath finds the
casting of magic very draining on his strength, and only uses it when

Naedath appears gaunt and emancipated, with sullen features and

pale skin. He has thin, gray hair, which started receding in his mid-
twenties. He has a short, square beard and rheumy, pale blue eyes.
Naedath wears tailored woolen robes of pale grays and browns, with
warm calfskin boots, and is usually found wrapped in a dark gray
woolen blanket. Naedath has been of poor health most of his life, so +9, Knowledge (Religion - Unnamed God) +13,
is careful to keep himself dry and warm. He only eats simple fare like Knowledge (BT History) + 11, Profession (Fortune
broth, bread and water, and is unable to stomach rich foods or alcohol Telling / Divining) +4, Profession (Scribe) +5,
which leave him feeling queasy. Although he requires his staff when Profession (Book Binding) +3, Scry +6, Spellcraft +8
walking for long periods, he usually prefers to travel by foot, being Feats: Iron Will, Scribe Scroll, Skill Focus (Knowledge
highly prone to seasickness and motion sickness when riding. He is (Religion - Unnamed God)), Extend Spell, Spell
also somewhat afraid of horses, and feels very uncomfortable around Mastery (Suggestion, Tongues, Detect Thoughts)
Spell Book: (0) Arcane Mark*, Daze*, Detect Magic,
Abilities Mods Saves Detect Poison, Disrupt Undead, Mage Hand*,
STR: 9 -1 Mending*, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Read Magic,
DEX: 13 +1 Reflex +2 Resistance
CON: 4 -3 Fortitude -2 (1) Alarm, Charm Person*, Comprehend Languages,
INT: 16 +3 Detect Secret Doors, Detect Undead, Erase, Hold
WIS: 15 +2 Will +8 Portal*, Hypnotism, Identify, Nystuls Undetectable
CHA: 10 +0 Aura, Shield*, Sleep, Unseen Servant*
(2) Detect Thoughts*, Knock*, Locate Object*,
Height: 5’10” Obscure Object, Scare
Weight: 139 lbs (3) Dispel Magic, Hold Person, Suggestion*, Tongues*
Age: 41 (Middle Aged) * Prepared Spells
Hit Points: 5 (5d4 Wizard - 15 Con) Possessions: Walking Staff, Wizards Spellbook, Notebook on
Base Speed: 30 ft making known scroll formulae (See scrolls in case),
Initiative: +1 (Dex) Ornate Silver Scroll Case (3x Scroll of Erase, 2x Scroll
AC: 11 (+1 Dex) of Nystuls Undetectable Aura, 2x Scroll of Obscure
Base Attack: +2 Object, 1x Scroll of Dispel Magic), Masterwork
Face/Reach: 5ft by 5ft/5ft writing kit, Sheet of Paper (x10), Signet Ring (
Attacks: +1 Quarterstaff, +1 Unarmed Personal Seal), Back Pack, Several Changes of fine
Damage: Quarterstaff 1d6-1, Unarmed 1d3-1§ robes, Winter Blanket, Candle (x5), Sack (x2), Block
Spells: 4, 4, 3, 2 of sealing wax, 120 gp, 52 sp, 12 cp.
Skills: Appraise +6, Diplomacy +3, Knowledge (Arcana)

Grimorden powers. After an aborted coup, the Grimorden were reduced to four
Medium Outsider (Chaotic, Evil) in number and, because of their traitorous nature, each was sent to
the borders of Shadowland to guard Sirrith’s frontiers.
Hit Dice: 9d8+18(58)
Initiative: +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) Description
Speed: 30ft The Grimorden are not Undead creatures, they are Demons with
AC: 25 (+2 Dex, +6 Natural, +7 deflection) powers over the Undead, as well as having their own unique abilities
Attacks: 2 claws (+13 melee) or by weapon (+13/+8) such as the summoning of Elementals. A typical Grimorden is
Damage: claws 1d6+4 humanoid and stands seven feet tall. It is heavily muscled and weighs
Face/Reach: 5ft x 5ft/5ft in at around 300lbs. Its amazingly resilient epidermis can range from
Special Attacks: (At Will) Spell-like abilities, Ability Drain, Wave of a dull scarlet hue to ebony. Its facial features are elongated and it
Power, Improved Grab has two curved horns that crest its craggy skull. These horns are
Special Qualities: Damage Reduction 20/+2, Immunities, ornamental; Grimorden will rarely bring them to bear in combat.
Resistances, SR23, Command Undead, Fast Healing, Devour Soul The Grimorden also has long claws that are as hard as iron and it
Special Weaknesses: True Name will strike with these or, alternately, will use a sword or battleaxe in
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +8, Wil +10 combat.
Abilities: Str 19, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 15, Wis 19, Cha 15
Skills: Bluff +8, Hide+10, Intimidate +10, Knowledge (Arcana) The Grimorden has mastery over a unique combination of powers
+14, Knowledge (Planes) +14, Listen +12, Move Silently +10, and abilities:
Spellcraft +14, Spot +12, Use Magic Device+10
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Power Attack, Improved Initiative Immunities (Ex): Immune to Poison and Disease
Climate/Terrain: Any land Resistances (Ex): Cold, Fire, Acid and Electricity Resistance 20
Organization: Solitary Spell-like Abilities(Sp): At will (except when within the Prison,
Challenge Rating: 12 see below)-Animate Dead, Ethereal Jaunt, Dominate Person, Detect
Treasure: non-standard Life*; 3/day Summon Elemental*.
Alignment: Always Chaotic Evil Command Undead(Su): As per a 9th Level Cleric but with no
Advancement: 10-16 HD (Large) restriction to the number of times it can attempt this or the number
it can control at any one time.
Rapid Healing(Ex): Heals 1 hp per hour
History Wave of Power (Su): A ray attack that discharges a cone of negative
The race known as the Grimorden first appeared in the prime material energy from its outstretched palm to a maximum range of 20’. It
plane in the Twilight Years, when the Gods were relinquishing their inflicts 9d4 damage (Ref Save DC 16 for half).
control of the world. They were not great in numbers and lacked the Improved Grab(Ex): To use this ability the Grimorden must make
ability to procreate, making many scholars theorize that they were a a successful claw attack, if it successfully gets a hold it can do
conjured or magically created race. The Grimorden’s great strength automatic claw damage and ability drain every round that the hold is
came from their immortality and powerful physiology. maintained.
The Elves were the most elevated and powerful of races that existed
at this time and the Grimorden despised them immediately and
attacked the Elven outlying settlements. The original Grimorden
are described in rarely found annals of the Elven-folk as being, “ A
people of astounding resilience, their flesh wrought akin to iron, their
tremendous strength making then a deadly foe in close combat”.
But even so, the Elves could have withstood such creatures if it were
not for the Grimordens’ ability to dominate minds and their mastery
of certain enchantments, including the ability to summon elementals.
Few could resist their strong wills that could paralyze the most
steadfast warrior. Certainly, the race of Men who dwelled as scattered
barbarian tribes were the first to succumb to the Grimordens’
dominion, along with the Goblinkind (Orc, Goblin and other
humanoid creatures) and follow them into battle.

The Grimorden quickly seized control of most of the Elven lands and
led their armies against Tarimthol-Irl, the last bastion of the Elven
king. But, before they could overcome the Elves, the Grimorden were
undone by the God Tarimth, one of the Elves’ major deities. Tarimth,
broke the agreement of the High Lords and intervened, slaying most
of the Grimorden and driving their armies into the wilderlands.

The few Grimorden that escaped were saved by Sirrith, Goddess of

the Dead, who empowered them with the abilities to marshal her
Undead hosts. She made the remaining Grimorden her lieutenants
and they dwelled in her great stronghold at the heart of Shadowland.
However, Sirrith did not trust the arrogant Grimorden and she
created a flaw in them, a secret name that if uttered would undo their

Ability Damage(Su) The Elves, who created the Prison, soon realized that the Grimorden
The Grimorden may attempt to drain 2d6 points of temporary could push its powers beyond the boundaries of the Prison and they
Constitution damage from living foes that it has prolonged physical crafted the Star-Kin Stones to reinforce the enchantments of the
contact with such as grappled or helpless opponents. If used on Star. These stones were three gems, each designed to close down the
dominated opponents, they should get a new save to shake the creature’s different abilities:
domination effect after every round that they are drained.The - A Ruby prevented its metal attacks and cut off its ability to
Grimorden gains the drained constitution as hit points on a one for Dominate Person
one basis. If it is already at maximum hit points, the excess if gained - An Emerald cut off its Undead abilities including its Devour Soul ability
as tempory hit points which any damage is taken from first. - A Sapphire cut off its summon elemental abilities and its ability
to heal naturally while inside the prison
Devour Soul(Su)
If any living person dies within a radius of 100 yards of a Grimorden, At the start of the adventure, the Star-Kin Stones have all been
it absorbs their soul, gaining an amount of extra hit points equal to the removed and the Grimorden is free to push its abilities beyond the
dead person’s Con. It can never exceed a 90 hit points in this way. Prison again. It has slain most of the Guardian Island Community in
an effort to raise sufficient energy to destroy the Star of Diamasin.
True Name The Grimorden had only generated 345 points of energy before the
If the true name of the Grimorden is known and spoken before it, Brother Lynden drove it back into the Prison with the Amulet of
it is stunned for one round and then staggered for 1d4 subsequent Turning. But at 19:00 hours on Day One of the players’ arrival on
rounds, only able to take partial actions for that period. The speaking Guardian, the Grimorden becomes active on 25 hit points again and
of its true name also severely reduces the Grimorden in power for one will begin to attack the group.
hour with the following changes affecting it:
Gaining More Hit Points Beyond 25
- Cold, Fire, Acid and Electricity Resistances are reduced to reduced to 10 An additional way of gaining extra hit points (beyond the 25 imposed
- Spell Resistance is reduced to 13 by the Prison) is for the Grimorden to use its Undead abilities to gain
- Damage Reduction is reduced to 10/+1 more points. It can do this in three ways:
- Looses deflection bonus to AC, reducing it to AC 18
- Undead abilities are lost (Animate Dead, Ethereal Jaunt, Detect Devour Souls
Life and its Command over Undead, currently controlled undead The Grimorden has a permanent ability called Devour Souls, which
become free willed but will not attack the Grimorden) is active while the Emerald Star-Kin Stone remains missing from the
- It can use any of its other powers in the standard fashion provided Star. As long as a person dies within one mile of the Grimorden
it makes a successful Will Check against DC25 every time it (regardless of who or what kills them), the Grimorden absorbs the
attempts to use a supernatural or spell-like ability excluding its soul, adding the entire amount of lost Con points to its own hit
damage reduction. points. It can never exceed 90 hit points and loses the extra hit points
- The Grimordens challenge rating in this state should be reduced to CR 7 before losing its normal hit points.

The Prison of the Grimorden and the Star-Kin Stones Controlled Undead
The Grimorden can control
In Dark Awakenings the Grimorden has been trapped within a magical Undead and some of these
extra-dimensional Prison, created by an artifact called Diamasin’s may have the power to
Star and three gems known as the Star-Kin Stones. drain abilities (e.g. in
Guardian it can gain
The Star is the source of the Prison’s existence and weakens the control of a Shadow
Grimorden when it is contained within it. The Grimorden’s hit points that drains Strength).
are reduced to 25 and can never exceed that while it is within Regardless of what ability
the Prison. If the Prison is destroyed, the Grimorden’s hp level the controlled Undead
immediately reverts to its full potential minus any loss it has taken in has, the Grimorden’s
its Prison (38 + [25 - hp damage]). influence over it
immediately causes it to
While trapped within the Prison, the Grimorden learned it could drain Con instead (providing
draw upon its own life force to power its abilities beyond the it already has an Ability
boundaries of the Prison and that some of these abilities were Drain). Half of what is drained
enhanced beyond their normal range and duration. To use an ability, by the controlled creature goes
the Grimorden must lose an appropriate amount of hit points (some directly to the Grimorden.
abilities are harder to use than others and cost more hit points). The
Grimorden can take itself to 0 hp only. It then falls unconscious Touch
and then recovers a hp per hour to a maximum of 25(while in the If the Grimorden is freed from the Prison
Prison). it can gain hit points from opponents using
its ability damage attack.
In addition to using hit points to use abilities, the Grimorden
can also channel these into the Star of Diamasin itself, in a bid Schedule of HPs Required to Use
to destroy the artifact. However it can only use hit points Abilities
stolen from others to do this (see below). The Grimorden These notes include the cost in Hit Points
cannot devote its own life force to destroying the star. The for the Grimorden to use its abilities
Star is destroyed if it ever amasses 400 points of life force while in the Prison, special bonuses
from the Grimorden. created by using its life force to

channel these abilities and the Star-Kin Stone that cuts off the ability Selchie
if placed within five feet of the Star of Diamasin. DM Note: where statistics are divided, the number to the left refers
to the seal-form
DM Note: If freed from the Prison, the Grimorden no longer has to
use hit points to activate its powers; it can now use them at will. The Medium Sized Shapechanger
Star-Kin Stones have no effect on it anymore and all of its powers can Hit Dice: 2d8+2 (15 hp)
be accessed. Initiative: +3
Speed: 30ft / 10ft (land) 60 ft (sea) as seal
However, if its name is uttered before it, its powers are drastically AC: 13 (+3 Dex) / 16 (+3 Dex, +3 natural) as seal
reduced (see True Name, above). Attacks: +2 unarmed melee / +5 Bite melee as seal
Damage: 1d3 (subdual)/1d6 bite as seal
Ability: Animate Dead Face/Reach: 5ft x 5ft/5ft
HP Cost: 1 per HD of creature animated Special Qualities: Telepathy, Empathy
Special Bonus: Range increased to 1.5 miles, Activation is mental (no Saves: Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +5 / Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +5 as
touch required) seal
Star-Kin Stone: Emerald Abilities: Str 10, Dex 17, Con 15, Int 15, Wis 14, Cha 12
Skills: Knowledge (Nature - the
Ability: Wave of Power Sea) +7, Swim +5 (* +13 as seal), Animal Empathy (Sea mammals)
HP Cost: 5 +6, Listen +4, Sense Motive +11, Spot +7, Hide +6
Special Bonus: None (Range is 20 feet) Feats: Dodge, Alertness, Weapon Finesse (Bite)
Star-Kin Stone: Sapphire Climate/Terrain: Cold temperate to polar/coastal waters
: Organization: Communal (social groups of 6-20)
Ability: Detect Life* Challenge Rating: ½
HP Cost: 1 Treasure: non-standard
Special Bonus: Range increased x10 Alignment: chaotic good
Star-Kin Stone: Emerald Advancement: Humanoid
Ability: Dominate Person Description
HP Cost: 5 The Selchie are an ancient race of shape-changers. Outwardly, they are
Special Bonus: (Detriment) range halved humanoid in appearance, with fine, delicate features. Their eyes are
Star-Kin Stone: Sapphire always a dark brown in color and their hair ranges from a brunette to
a white blonde. A Selchie’s skin color is always a pale, milky white.
Ability: Summon Elemental*
HP Cost: 8 Sometime in their past, the Selchie were a land-based race but they
Special Bonus: Range increased to 1.5 miles returned to the sea, perhaps because they could not compete with
Star-Kin Stone: Sapphire other land dwelling cultures. Over time, they became an amphibious
species, spending most of their time at sea but returning to the land
Ability: Command Undead (this is used to empower Klinn and to breed. They have a natural ability to rapidly shape change into a
must be used every time Klinn is turned and forced to flee. seal-form and when they do this, they are virtually indistinguishable
HP Cost: 1 per HD from a real seal (although Selchie tend to be slightly larger in size).
Special Bonus: Range of 1.5 miles and unlimited control over number
of Undead Selchie are mute, having no vocal cords in either form. They
Star-Kin Stone: Emerald communicate with each other telepathically within a short distance
(within 100 yards). They can sense the emotions and some surface
Ability: Ethereal Jaunt thoughts of non-Selchie, but cannot communicate. The Selchie also
HP Cost: 5 (+1 per round that spell is maintained). have a long distance means of sending messages by the release of an
Special Bonus: (Detriment) must materialize in ghost form to attack incredible cocktail of chemicals that they can exude into the water
and can only use Con Damage ability from their remarkable skin. These chemical signals can be sensed for
distances of five leagues and the particular combination released into
Additional Notes the water can mean a wide range of things, such as “Danger, flee the
(a) The Shadow Klinn drains Con (not Str) when controlled by the area” or “I have found a food source”. The chemical signals between
Grimorden blood-kin are even stronger and communicate more meanings.
(b) The Zombies and the Shadow Klinn turn as 9HD Undead (as it
is linked to the Grimorden) Habitat
(c) The Grimorden will avoid Wynsar’s areas of foci (the Abbey The Selchie prefer colder waters and frequent isolated islands. They
Infirmary, the Guest Cottage, her Beach and an area of 20 like to seek out grottoes where small communities (approximately
feet around her Shrine. Likewise, he is denied from Diamasin’s 6-20) thrive in secret and feed of nearby schools of krill and small fish.
Tomb. These areas are considered consicrated). Their natural enemies are sharks and Orcas, and they live in fear of
men, who have killed many Selchie in the past, thinking them to be
* New Spells (see The Tome) common seals.

Selchie form tight-knit social groups and are very territorial, driving Breeding
off rival Selchie groups from their feeding ranges. There is usually Selchie are a diminishing race. Their fertility rate is not high (most
a single alpha male who is the head of a Selchie community and he females can only produce two offspring, three is the equivalent of
maintains a harem of three-four females. The young do not normally having twins). This is why the communal life-style with an alpha
develop their shape-changing skin until puberty, and are looked after male and a harem has developed. Competing for food in a harsh
in these communal grottoes, being fed and cared for by the group. environment with dangerous predators doesn’t help matters any
This can be a great strain on the adults and often a community either! Young Selchie do not develop their shape-changing abilities
opts to foster newborn instead (see below). Also, competition for until puberty. They are sexually active around the age of twelve.
breeding often forces both male and female adolescents to leave
communities and seek acceptance in other Selchie groups. Sometimes To ensure a better chance of their children surviving to maturity, some
these adolescents are unable to attach themselves to a new community females have adopted the ‘cuckoo’ method of raising their children -
and go rogue, which means they seek a human partner on shore to coming ashore soon after birth and leaving the child within a human
breed with. community to be cared for.

Shape-changing Physiology Similarly, rogue Selchie males and females have been known to seek
A typical Selchie lives for 50 years and their lifestyle is hard and out human lovers.
competitive. The most amazing organ in their body is their unique
skin, which is shed as part of the shape-changing process. When in Selchie Foundlings
seal-form, a Selchie simply wills the change to human-form, while Selchie children raised amongst humans may have a more stable and
performing a number of violent ‘shrugs’. The outer skin splits and safer future, but they rapidly become outcasts. Their muteness and
the body beneath reacts instantly with the surrounding seawater, to telepathic abilities set them apart from others so that local bullies
transform the Selchie into its humanoid form. The shed skin usually or peer-pressure groups often pick on them. Selchie children have an
remains tethered by a few unbroken strands to the new body and affinity for the sea and are natural swimmers.
is quickly recovered by the Selchie. This is most important, because
without this skin, the Selchie cannot resume its seal form. From around the age of ten, Selchie begin to experience a stronger
yearning for the sea and can become ill if they do not enter seawater
The skin can remain alive for around six hours out of the water, but regularly. They also begin to develop an itching all over, with small
after this it will deteriorate and become useless. It resembles a ragged cysts (called Casarca) forming beneath the skin, as their unique
sealskin cloak; furred on the outside and looking something akin to epidermis begins to form. These cysts resemble small pearls and are
ridged rubber on the inside. If closely examined a number of small often exuded when the Selchie child enters seawater. They are the
slits can often be found on the inside of a skin. Selchie often store most potent of the Selchie chemical signals, the pearl sending out a
small items of value in these slits (pearls, shells and the like). psionic-like signal to all Selchie and in particular, to members of its
direct kin. This signal fades and gradually dies after about four hours.
To return to the seal-form, the Selchie must wrap their shed skin Some Casarca are retained in the body and exuded after puberty,
around themselves and return to the water. A mental command being retained as ‘communication beacons’ by Selchie within their
causes the skin to release chemicals that, in combination with the internal skin slits.
seawater, trigger the shapechange back to seal-form. The skin forms
a cocoon around the humanoid form and the seal shape grows back Usually an adult Selchie will be attracted to the area where a Selchie
into it within a few seconds. foundling begins frequenting the sea at puberty. The adult will
inform the young Selchie of their heritage and guide them through
the transformation process. The Selchie will possibly be reunited with
its kin if they have continued to visit the area. Alternatively, there is
a good chance another group will adopt the foundling - new blood
being a highly desirable commodity in such close-knit communities.

Selchie who have been unlucky enough to undergo the transformation

process without the guidance of an adult usually have a traumatic
time and have been known to be treated as some demon by their
human community and quickly dealt with by the authorities. Of
those who are not discovered, most shed their skin and either burn it
or throw it away. They permanently lose their shape-changing powers
and remain as outcasts in society, never fitting in and wondering why
the sea calls to them.

Skills: Selchies get a +4 racial bonus to sense motive from their

empathy ability, and a +8
racial bonus to swim
when in seal form.

Shadow (of Klinn)
Medium-sized Undead (incorporeal)
Hit Dice: 3d12 (19hp)
Initiative: +2 (Dex)
Speed: 30ft/Fly 40ft (good)
AC: 13 (+2 Dex, +1 deflection)
Attacks: incorporeal touch +3 melee
Damage: 1d6 temporary Constitution drain (when controlled by the
Face/Reach: 5ft x 5ft/5ft
Special Attacks: Constitution damage, Create Spawn
Special Qualities: Undead, incorporeal
Saves: Fort+1, Ref+3, Will +4
Abilities: Str -, Dex 14, Con -, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 13
Skills: Hide +8, Intuit Direction +5, Listen +7, Spot +7
Feats: Dodge
Climate/Terrain: Any land or underground
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 3
Treasure: None
Alignment: Chaotic Evil

The Shadow in Dark Awakenings is that of a diver named Klinn

Ebayn, who murdered a priestess of Esmia because she refused his
attentions. The slaying of anyone of the Esmian faith usually incurs a
curse on the perpetrator. In this case, Klinn haunts the island forever
as a weak spirit, after his accidental death at the hands of an angry

When commanded by the Grimorden in the game, Klinn is equal

to 9HD for Turning Purposes. All successful turns result in Klinn
dematerializing and being forced into a dormant state in the Abbey
Tool Shed. He is dormant for 2d6 hours and the Grimorden must
spend 3 Hit Points to send him forth after this time.

Klinn was burned alive in the Abbey Tool Shed (a new shed was built
on the site of the old) and if fire is used in combat against him, the
effect is as if a 9th Level Cleric has successfully turned him. If the
Tool Shed is set alight or if he is turned there, his spirit is destroyed

Klinn cannot directly enter Wynsar’s areas of power (the Abbey

Infirmary, the Guest Cottage, her Beach and an area of 20 feet around
her Shrine. Likewise, he is denied from Diamasin’s Tomb.

Medium Zombie
Medium-size Undead
Hit Dice: 2d12+3 (16 hp)
Initiative: - 1 (Dex)
Speed: 30ft
AC: 11 (-1 Dex, +2 Natural)
Attacks: Slam +2 melee
Damage: Slam 1d6+1 or by weapon type
Face/Reach: 5ft x 5ft/5ft
Special Qualities: Undead, partial actions only
Saves: Fort +0, Ref -1, Will +3
Abilities: Str 13, Dex 8, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1
Feats: Toughness
Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground
Organization: Medium-size: Gang (2-5), squad (6-10), Mob (11-20)
Challenge Rating: ½
Treasure: None
Alignment: Neutral
Advancement: 3HD

In Dark Awakenings, most of the priests and laborers of

Guardian Abbey were slain by the touch of the Shadow
Klinn or the Grimorden and so became candidates to
be animated later in the game. In this module they are
animated by the Grimorden’s telepathic commands and
directed to wait in hiding, near to where they died, and
slay any living being that approaches.

DM Note: If a Zombie is killed in combat by having

its hit points exceeded there is a 50% chance that the
body is in such a bad state it cannot be animated
again otherwise the Grimorden will reanimate the
body in 2d6 minutes.

Elementals (Fire, Earth, Water, Air)

The Grimorden has the ability to summon
Elementals in the game. These Elementals
should all be treated exactly the same as those
represented as Medium Size Elementals in the
Dungeons and Dragons 3rd Ed. Monster Manual.
For game purposes all will have 26 hit points.

The Grimoden discovered that when people died in the area
THE TOME surrounding the Prison, it could use its Devour Souls ability to
siphon off their life force and build up its reserve of energy.
ARCANE ARTIFACTS Due to the amount of life force the Grimorden has invested in
keeping the gateway from closing, it can never return to full
Elven Artifacts strength while the Star is intact (hence it can only build up to 25
of its own hit points) but it was able to channel the incoming life
Star of Entrapment - “Diamasin’s Star” force of stolen souls into a separate pool of energy (represented
Elven Smiths crafted this device in the years before the Redemption, in the game as extra hit points). This extra energy could be used
under the directions of Aedrinia, a noble Elven woman renowned for to both weaken the Star of Diamasin and to channel its abilities
her reverence to the God Tarimth (Emperor of the Stars). Tarimth (the stolen life energy giving dramatically enhanced ranges to
is said to have appeared to Aedrinia in a vision and told her how to some of its powers). Details on what powers the Grimorden can
make the ‘Star’ and the spells she must use to empower the device use within the Prison, what they cost and alterations to any of
as a means of capturing an enemy capable of wielding semi-divine these powers are given in the description of the Grimorden.
Unfortunately (for the Grimorden) it revealed its hand too early
The Star resembles a sphere of black glass (six inches in diameter), and the Star of Diamasin was reinforced with the Star-Kin
but shares none of the delicate nature of traditional Elven glass. It can Stones (see below) that stopped it from using its powers totally
withstand the mightiest of blows; part of the ritual used to create it and sent it into a comatose sleep.
rendered the materials near indestructible (Hardness 50/10hp, Break
DC 35, Saves +17).
Kin Stones
The powers that imbue the Star with this resilience can be removed if Crafted by the Dwarves, the Kin Stones are perfect gemstones, cut
the phrase that rebukes this power is known. Invoking the command to act as a receptacle to both house magical spells and convey those
phrase makes the Star susceptible to normal damage, reducing its spells to other magical items. The perfection required in making a
hardness to 5 and its break DC to 19. Breaking the Star is the only Kin Stone means that their creation is limited to only the most skilled
way to free a victim trapped inside and end the imprisonment spell. of craftsmen (Gemcutting DC35 to create a stone to be enchanted,
A Freedom spell or a Wish or Miracle spell cast on the Star will also and must be a minimum size to be approximately half the market
destroy it. value of the specific stone).
The Star can create an extra-dimensional envelope in the fabric of the Kin Stones are used to make enhancements to existing magical items.
physical universe, entrapping the target within. It must be brought They are enchanted with additional properties that can be seamlessly
within close range (35ft) of the target to be trapped and invoked with added to aura of an existing magical item, such as being set into the
a phrase of activation as a spell trigger action, causing the Star to hilt of a magical sword to confer it Endure Elements (Fire) abilities to
emit a ray of magical energy that must be targeted as a ranged touch the sword. The magic in the Kin Stones is made to specifically work
attack. If the ray strikes successfully, it encompasses the target in a in conjunction with another magic item. Their individual powers
dark globe of force that shrinks down and is drawn into the sphere, cannot be accessed directly, only from the item they enhance. A
otherwise duplicating the effects of an Imprisonment spell. link is made between a stone and a magic item at the same time of
creation of the said item. Later, the Kin Stone can be removed from
Caster Level: 20th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, the first magic item (removing its enhancements to that item) and
Imprisonment, Wall of Force, creator must be at least 15th level; used in the creation process of a second item (imbuing the second
Market Price: 7,560gp; Weight: 18lbs item with the Stone’s enhancements). The Kin Stones take the place
of the item creation cost or a portion thereof up to their value, and
DM Note: For the purposes of this adventure, something about substitute for required spells as appropriate.
the alien nature of the Grimorden race caused the Star to fail,
only functioning partially. When Diamasin used the Star on the Kin Stones are often found to be the sources of power behind the
Grimorden, the creature used all of its abilities to fight against more ancient artifacts of the Dwarves. Few modern Dwarven jewelers
the entrapment, using hitherto untapped reserves of its own are now capable of making a Kin Stone.
life force. It was partly successful. The sphere of force encased
the creature, but failed to reduce the Prison in size and draw DM Note: In Dark Awakenings: Guardian the Kin-Stones that
it into the Star. Instead, the Grimorden’s Prison remained have been fashioned are referred to as Star-Kin Stones. They
intact and linked to the Star by the connecting beam of magic. were the solution to enhancing Diamasin’s Star without risking
The Grimorden was able to resist being forced into a state of disruption of the Prison and release of the Grimorden. The
temporal status, and prevented the gateway to the Prison space Stones and the Star were set into a podium together, to create
from collapsing completely. a physical link between the enchanted items and to prevent
the Star from ever being removed. While the Stones have been
Not knowing why the Star failed, and not wanting to risk removed, they are still attuned to the podium and confer their
releasing the Grimorden to try another option, Diamasin and effects to the Star as long as they are within 5feet of it, and have
Aedrinia were content to leave the Star and the Prison in this not been destroyed or attuned to another magical item. The
state, unaware that the Grimorden was still conscious and active three stones used in this adventure are listed below.
within the sphere. The Grimorden was initially helpless, but
over many years it experimented and discovered that it could
force it powers beyond the Prison to some degree by sacrificing Ruby Kin Stone
its life force, in the same way that it had done in trying to This type of Kin Stone confers protection from mental domination
prevent the Imprisonment from succeeding completely. through the item it is attuned to. It protects the recipient or bearer of

the host item from all forms of mental control: while not breaking the Vhardin’s Glass
effect it prevents mental control from being exercised on or through (See Gem of Seeing Dungeon Masters Guide 3rd Ed.)
the recipient. How it affects a particular item is determined during This glass is an oval shaped lens of Elven glass that was made by
the attuning rituals and should be approved by the DM on a case-by- Maelydia Vhardin. She was one of the Elves’ more noted artists with
case basis, affecting either the target or bearer accordingly. glass and was also a talented enchantress. Vhardin crafted many
magical items incorporating glass into their creation. Vhardin’s
If set into a magical melee weapon or magical armor it confers Glass operates exactly as a Gem of Seeing from the Dungeon Masters
only the mental control prevention element of a Protection from Guide 3rd Ed., except it is a flat glass lens approximately 3 inches in
Evil/Good/Law/Chaos spell to the user. On the Star it affects the diameter.
gateway to the prison dimension with a Protection from Evil effect,
preventing mental control into or out of the prison, and preventing DM Note: In this adventure, Vhardin’s Glass has been set into
the Grimorden from passing through the gateway to make its brief part of the stained glass window that depicts Tarimth holding
ethereal jaunts. the divining basin.

Caster Level: 1st; Prerequisites: Create Wondrous Item, Protection

From Evil/Good/Law/Chaos; Market Price: 1,000gp; Weight: ½ lb The Nolomaressi (Sunglobe)
This Sunglobe is a small metallic sphere with a circular section cut out
of it. A curved hood is fixed to the outer surface of the sphere, so as to
Emerald Kin Stone enable the circular hole to be covered or opened.
This type of Kin Stone provides protection from negative or positive
energy. It creates a strong pool of the opposite type of energy in the The inside of the globe has been set with hundreds of small crystals of
item enhanced, which can help against effects of the other. How Uushai origin (although the Nolomaressi is of Elven craftsmanship).
it affects a particular item should be determined by the DM on The crystals have the peculiar property of absorbing sunlight and
a case-by-case basis to prevent abuse, affecting either the target slowly releasing the light at night. Once shut off from the light,
or bearer accordingly. The type of energy and the specific effect the crystals radiate pure sunlight for about six-eight hours. The
should be chosen during the attuning process. Common benefits Nolomaressi further enhances this by maintaining the light for up to
would be Cure/Cause related abilities, Negative Plane Protection, 24 hours when it is kept closed.
or Consecrate, substituting for the required spells in the creation
process. In this adventure, the Elves used broken crystals that had fallen
from the large crystal array in the beacon tower to fashion the
Its affects on the Star are to create a positive energy buffer that
prevents the Grimodens negative energy dependent abilities from
leaving the prison, including its ability to Animate Dead, Command The Treasures of Diamasin
Undead, and its Wave of Power attack. It does not prevent souls from Being objects wrought at the dawn of history, the eight treasures were
passing through from the outside or being channeled into damaging held by Diamasin’s Elven household. Some of the treasures were said
the link between the Star and the Prison, however. to have been gifts bestowed by the Gods, others were made in the
days before the Redemption.
Caster Level: 9th; Prerequisites: Create Wondrous Item, Hallow/
Unhallow; Market Price: 22,500gp; Weight: ½ lb
The Blessed Rose
The Blessed Rose is the last known Graliath Flower to be found in the
Sapphire Kin Stone world. It is a plant with potent healing properties, once abundant in
This type of Kin Stone is specifically created to affect outsiders, the Elven groves of Eldarwood but unable to be propagated outside
with the specific effect varying greatly, but usually targeted toward of that region. The Elven seer, Aedrinia, had the last Graliath placed
dismissing outsiders or preventing them been summoned. under an enchantment of preservation that kept the flower alive and
fresh so that its petals could be plucked and used when the need is
Its affects on the Star are to prevent the Grimorden from making calls great.
to summon elements, and cutting off its supernatural awareness of
the outside world that it cannot directly see through the walls of its When eaten, the petals of the Graliath Flower have a great restorative
prison. quality on the Elven physiology. On humans, the effects are even
more dramatic. However, there is a risk when using the Blessed
Caster Level: 7rd; Prerequisites: Create Wondrous Item, Dismissal; Rose on humans. The healing properties are so rapid that they can
Market Price: 14,000gp; Weight: ½ lb overpower the system and cause a long period of sleep and even
Note, that with all three Stones in place, the Grimorden also falls into
a comatose torpor within 2d6 rounds. When an Elf or Half-Elf eats a petal from the Blessed Rose it restores
one hit point per level or Hit Dice per round for 1d6 rounds. If any
In the adventure, the three stones were made to reinforce the powers other living creature of Humanoid type eats a petal from the Blessed
of Diamasin’s Star, but they have been removed at the beginning Rose, it results in an immediate restoration of two hit points per
of the game. It is quite possible that players may end up possessing level or Hit Dice per round to 2d4 rounds, but forces a Fortitude
these stones at the end of the adventure and may or may not know Roll at DC18. Failure results in the character falling into comatose
of their properties. Certainly, the nature of the Kin-Stones is likely slumber for 1d4 hours, one round after eating. Failure by 5+ results
to only be normally known by certain Dwarven and Elven craftsmen in possible heart failure (make a second Fortitude Check at DC18, one
or scholars. Few humans would know how they work (although minute after they fall unconscious, with failure resulting in immediate
experimentation should eventually reveal their properties). death).

The Graliath Flower usually has 3d4 petals. Once a petal is plucked The sword can then be used at its full potential. The sword was
it will wither and become useless within 2d4 minutes. A character originally broken fighting the Grimorden and the associated
with Profession (Herbalist) can make a check at DC20 to identify legend says, “it will only be reforged when the beast at last can
the Graliath Flower as a potent natural healing herb, knowing the be slain”.
specifics only if they succeed the DC check by five or more.
Diamasin’s Armor and Shield
DM Note: The Blessed Rose in this adventure has six petals The Shield is a masterwork large wooden shield that bears the device
remaining. of a central white star, surrounded by three smaller stars (one red,
one blue and one green). The Armor is a light flexible suit of Elven
Chainmail consisting of a cowl, hauberk and skirt, of mithral links.
The Silver Apple
The Silver Apple originates from the Tree of Knowledge, which Ring of Halidara
is said to have grown near to Tarimthol-Irl in the Twilight Years. The Ring was fashioned by one of the Elve’s greatest mages in
The Grimorden destroyed the Tree forever, before Tarimth in turn Tarimthol-Irl. Halidara was slain in battle in the first skirmishes with
destroyed them. Some of its immortal fruit were saved. the Grimorden in Leezeria and the treasures of his household were
eventually passed on to Aedrinia, a distant relative.
The Silver Apple resembles a normal apple in everything except color;
it has a silver skin with a mirror-like luster. The whole apple is edible The Ring of Halidara is a +1 Ring of Resistance in all respects except
and quite refreshing in flavor. It will quickly go brown and will that the resistance bonus is one higher if the save is versus a spell or
become useless within 2d6 minutes of the first bite. spell-like ability that targets the wearer specifically.
If a person consumes the apple, they suddenly begin to have a better Caster Level: 5th; Prerequisites: Forge Ring, resistance, caster level
understanding of concepts and have access to previously unknown or must be of a level three times that of the highest bonus of the ring;
forgotten knowledge. The character gains a permanent +2 bonus to Market Price: 2,100gp(+1 ring); 6,475gp (+2 ring); 13,400gp (+3
their intelligence score. ring); 22,875gp (+4 ring); 34,900gp;

The Dragon Amulet

The Golden Torc of Elendonia of the Oaks A tooth, supposedly taken from the last true dragon, is set within
This gold neck adornment is decorated with fine pattern-work and a piece of amber, hung upon a leather cord. The amulet allows the
with two stylized oak trees engraved at each end. The Golden Torc wearer to use the spell burning hands as a spell-like ability, each use
once belonged to Eledonia Shelestera, ranked as a queen amongst the expends one charge. The amulet has 50 charges when created.
Dryads of Eldarwood Forest.
Caster Level: 5th; Prerequisites: Craft Wand, Burning Hands;
The Torc has 50 charges when created and allows the use of the Market Price: 3,750gp
following spells when worn around neck, at the listed cost in
charges: DM Note: In this adventure, the Amulet has 11 charges
· Obscuring Mist (1 charge) remaining when it was placed in Diamsin’s Tomb.
· Goodberry (1 charge)
· Endure Elements (1 charge) Valkarian Arrow
· Barkskin (1 charge) The Valkarian Arrow is another treasure of the Twilight Years. It is
· Delay Poison (1 charge) said that the master weapon-smith, Orethia Valkarian, made only
· Dispel Magic (2 charges) twenty-five of these powerful arrows in the early days of the wars
· Searing Light (2 charges) against the Grimorden. Valkarian was limited by the rare materials
needed to contain the potent enchantments woven into the arrowhead
Caster Level: 6th; Prerequisites: Craft Staff, Obscuring Mist, - a blending of Thunderbolt Iron and Earthblood.
Goodberry, Endure Elements, Barkskin, Delay Poison, Display Magic,
Searing Light; Market Price: 33,075gp; They are +2 arrows and if they strike their target they burst into
an explosion of fire similar to that of a flame strike spell (except the
DM Note: The Torc holds five charges remaining when found. target cannot save for half). Others in the area of effect can make a
Ref save for half as normal.
The Sword Eseriel
This is an enchanted +1 Elven broadsword of beautiful design, with Caster Level: 6th; Prerequisites: Craft Magical Arms and Armor,
tapering curved flanges, and the word “Eseriel” is embossed in gold Flamestrike; Market Price: 757gp
along the flat of the blade in flowing Elven script. .

DM Note: In the adventure the sword is broken with about The Weapons of the Northern Sea-Raiders
one and a half inches of blade extending beyond the hilt. It can These weapons are located in the Abbot Olmaren’s Room, amongst
be used as a non-magical, standard short sword (the weapon relics from the various digs on the south side of the island. One is a
quality being traded off for the missing point). battlesword, the other is a dagger. Both are + 1 magical weapons.
If the correct name of the Grimorden in the adventure is Magic Items of the Monks of Guardian
uttered aloud before the creature, the Sword Eseriel will reforge These items are magic devices that belong to the Abbey on Guardian
itself within a round. The blade will glow white-hot; dazzling Island:
anyone within 20 feet, while the remaining missing end of the
broadsword appears.

Amulet of Turning Farshyl Potion
This amulet is a metal disc inlaid with ancient writings centered This potion is a liquid gathered from sea-plants that grow in the frigid
on a piece of cut topaz. It is worn around the neck on a length seas in the most northerly regions of the world. It is oily in consistency
of short chain. If used in a turning attempt against incorporeal and smells strongly of seaweed. It is used by ill or injured Selchie-Folk
undead, it adds +8 to the casters level for both the turning check as a potent restorative and they often carry small shells of Farshyl
and the turning damage roll, but only when considering incorporeal stoppered with ambergris. It is fast-acting and results in the following:
opponents. Further, if the turning check is successful it forces the
manifestation from the prime material plane back to their true plane Farshyl initiates an immediate healing roll of 3d8. A side effect of a
of existence for 6 + 3d6 hours. The amulet has no effect on physical non-Selchie using Farshyl is that it has an effect upon the metabolism
undead (Zombies, Ghouls etc) with the +8 bonus not being factored that results in excessively hot temperatures for 1d4 hours. Make
in when considering them. Fortitude Save at DC 15. If this roll fails an additional Fortitude Save
must be made against DC18. Success causes comatose sleep for the
Each time the amulet is used in a turning attempt against incorporeal duration of the fever; failure results in death.
opponents it sheds white light in a 30ft radius, affecting all incorporeal
creatures within that radius and uses one charge. They have 25 Caster Level: 3rd; Prerequisites: Brew Potion, Cure Moderate
charges when created. Wounds; Market Price: 150gp

DM Note: In this adventure the Amulet has been destroyed Casarca

during the confrontation between the Abbot and the Casarca is a small pearl that ranges from a pale rose to a bright scarlet
Grimorden. in color. These pearls are formed under the skin of a Selchie in its
juvenile state at the time of puberty. When placed in seawater, the
Caster Level: 7th; Prerequisites: Craft Wonderous Item, Dismissal; chloride levels react with the properties of a Cascara pearl causing it
Market Price: 9,800gp to transmit a unique psionic signature.

Most Selchies can receive this signature up to a distance of five miles

Bead of Tranquil Passage (Bead of Karma) away, however, it is tailored to call to specific gene lines and can reach
Selchies of the same kin up to 20 miles away.
A set of sandalwood prayer beads, carved in various polyhedral
shapes, is owned by Abbot Olmaren and kept in the Sacred Archive,
beneath Guardian Abbey. One of the beads is a holy treasure, being Miscellaneous Magic Items
crafted by the great loremaster, Ecelsard Rundas, renowned for his Pendant of Taladath
work with the College of Arcane Studies. Refer Bead of Karma/ (see Stone of Good Luck Dungeon Masters Guide 3rd Ed.)
Necklace of Prayer Beads (Dungeon Masters Guide 3rd Ed) for details This pendant is a small polished stone (aqua in color) set in a brass
of its powers. disk. It is enchanted so that luck favors the person who wears it.

Wynsar’s Pendant
The Selchie’s Magic Items This is found near her shrine as one of her visitations. It is a teardrop
Selchie’s Cloak cast in silver, inscribed with the sigil for ‘W’. The wearer receives
This cloak is, in effect, the shed skin of a Selchie, a race of shape- permanent Protection from Evil (as per the spell).
changers who usually appear as large silver-furred seals, but who can
assume the form of humanoids The properties of the cloak usually DM Note: This pendant protects the wearer from the Grimorden’s
only effect people of the Selchie race. In appearance, the cloak looks Dominate Person ability and physical contact with Klinn.
like a long length of oilskin with a fur outer layer. If inspected closely,
small slits can be found along the inside. These slits often contain Elezra
small, personal items belonging to the Selchie - shells, precious Elzera (also known as Foxblood) is a rare healing tonic that promotes
stones, pearls and the like. rapid recovery from tissue damage and prevents infection, when
sprinkled upon wounds. It is acquired from the glands of the Y’siran
A Selchie sheds a large amount of its epidermis when shape-changing Desert Fox, considered to be an almost mythical creature by some
to a humanoid. The chemicals that induce the radical alteration in scholars. The fox is known to have the ability to regenerate lost limbs.
shape are retained in this shed organ. The only way that it can reclaim
its Selchie form is by reuniting with its skin. In water, the skin exudes The preparation of Elzera is a guarded secret known only to Keljac
a strong enzyme and, with significant contact with the flesh of the apothecaries of Y’sira. They sell the tonic for a minimum of 30gp for
humanoid Selchie, the shape-changing process is triggered and the a single dose.
skin recombines with the seal form. If the Selchie Cloak is kept out of
water for six+ hours it will begin to deteriorate and become useless. Applying Elzera immediately restores 1d4 Hit Points and increases
The Selchie now is land-born, unable to change back into a seal. natural healing x2 for the next 24 hours. Elzera does not promote
regeneration of body parts in humanoids. A character can only
Some rare tales tell of circumstances whereby a Selchie Cloak has benefit from Elzera once per day.
been able to attach itself to a true human and allow that person to
shape-change into a seal. Allow a Selchie Cloak a 5% chance of being Saritol
used by any humanoid other than a Selchie. If successfully used by A drug used mainly by spell-casters to increase their mental abilities.
anyone other than a Selchie the cloak only functions one day and Taking a dose of Saritol temporarily increases INT and WIS by 1d4
operates as a polymorph self spell cast by an 8th level caster, but the for 1d3 hours. The downside is that the user of the drug has their
only form the wearer can assume is that of a seal. The polymorph sensitivity to pain enhanced for the duration of its effect. All damage
effect ends when the duration expires or wearer returns to human taken while under the effect of Saritol is doubled and any critical hit
form, which ever occurs first. results in a Fortitude check at DC18. Failure results in death.

This is mainly because the early doctrine of Theydori has always
CLERICAL INFORMATION surrounded itself in intellectual mysticism and, although this was
appealing to individual scholars, it certainly did not appeal to
There is often debate as to who amongst the clergy can cast spells. the masses. Most free thinkers who could understand the complex
Some argue that all priests can use divine power, while others think theology of the religion were persons whose intellect questioned
only a few devout Clerics are favored by the Gods (like earthly the very existence of the Gods anyway. Although its philosophies
saints). and arguments were seen as delightful mental exercises, those who
appreciated them had little belief in deities.
In the Dark Awakenings, we have deferred to the latter model.
Therefore, not all clerics are spell-capable This is not evident in the Although he never achieved a following like that of Phelltar or Esmia,
adventure but, when playing future adventures, don’t be surprised if Saint Rhanith succeeded in making the religion of Theydori an elitist
you come across the supreme head of a religion, only to find they have cult, by associating a number of the rituals of the Church with those
no ability to cast spells, but demonstrate great skills in leadership. of the College of Arcane Studies, the most renowned institution for
magical learning and research. Rhanith was a principal founder of
The Domains of all the major religions mentioned in the text of this that College and a keen believer in the doctrine of Theydori. He made
module are listed below. This assists you in using a similar God, if several of the traditional mind exercises and puzzle-solving rituals
basing the adventure in your own campaign world: that were deeply imbedded in the Theydori traditions part of the daily
routine of practitioners of the College. Soon, many learned Wizards
Dark Awakenings: Gods and their Domains and Sages had embraced the religion and went on to encourage their
associates to do so.
Esmia: (The Lady of Unfettered Tears) Domains: Healing, Good,
Law Over a period of 300 years, many of these cultists banded together
Ormocea: (The Law Giver) Domains: Good, Law, Protection and formed the first recognized formal institutions of the religion.
Phelltar: (The Maker): Knowledge, Protection, Law The wealth that many of these worshippers brought to the Church,
Tarimth: (The Emperor of the Stars): Air, Knowledge, Luck combined with funding from noble patrons, led to the establishment
Theydori: (The Keeper of Hidden Knowledge): Knowledge, Trickery, of the typical Theydori temple structure. The priests devoted their
Magic, Travel time to the teaching of secular students in a variety of arts and
sciences and the maintenance of an archive of arcane and historical
knowledge. The students were usually the children of wealthy patrons
and were given the opportunity of entering the Order of Theydori, if
The Religion of Theydori (Keeper of Hidden Knowledge) they so desired, upon completion of their schooling.
Theydori is not usually represented in the paintings and tapestries of The teaching aspects of the Church secured a continued solid financial
the Church, but in some rare early works he appears as a wizened old base for the priests to increase the size of their archives - the real heart
man, carrying a small casket beneath one arm. More commonly seen of any Theydori temple. It is their collection of esoteric documents
in artistic depictions are the Daughters of Theydori: three women and artifacts that a temple is judged by. Priests go to great lengths
who were born from mortals to teach Men the mysteries of the world; to travel the world and acquire ancient records and objects. They do
they are Gwyfarah, Soorael and Chezral this not to share the information with the general populace; rather
they tend to create private archives of knowledge. The wealth of
The lesser races abused the knowledge that was given to them and information collected by the Church is not necessarily shared with
turned their backs on the Gods. The High Lords forsook the world the general community. The priests of Theydori consider themselves
and much of what was learned was gathered up by Theydori and custodians of forbidden knowledge and it is their role to decide what
placed within a secure casket to remain under his watchful eye, until those outside of the Church should be allowed to learn about the
the lesser races raised their own intellects and proved themselves reality of the universe. Even the clergy of Theydori are limited in
capable of using the power of the hidden knowledge again. The what they can know and receive greater insights to the world as they
Daughters of Theydori were made mute so they could no longer progress in rank through the Church hierarchy.
reveal the secrets of the Gods. After the passing of the High Lords the
Daughters devised other ways of communicating and so it was that A typical cleric of Theydori wears a robe that is maroon in color and
the written word and the science of mathematics first appeared in the often trimmed with gray leather about the hem or sleeves. More senior
world. priests wear a skullcap of hardened leather. The regalia of the Church
include Tharanda, a black box on which a hand is depicted (palm
It is told in the scriptures of Theydori that the Keeper of All outward) and Tharas, the blank scroll. Tharanda represents hidden
Knowledge did not remove all secrets from the world, instead he knowledge and Tharas represents unasked questions. Somewhere in
left certain clues and puzzles to aid in the understanding of the between lies the knowledge of the Church of Theydori. The clergy
mysteries of the world and if mortal Men can gather the pieces of delight in the solving of puzzles and riddles and these tend to form
these mysteries together, they will have the key to the casket that some part of daily ritual amongst the eight major Orders of Theydori
holds Hidden Knowledge. that are established in the known world.
The religion of Theydori emerged some 1000 years ago, well after Temples are usually somber affairs with little thought to decoration.
the scattered tribes of Man began to settle the coastlines of the They always include an archive of collected arcane and historical
Greater and Lesser Inner Seas. Whereas most other religions of Man material, hidden away in secret rooms, far from the eyes of those who
quickly found devotees after the Redemption, Saint Rhanith Trune of should not be allowed to view them.
Ghardon established the Church of Theydori much later.

Dim A creature near death
Glimpse Faint 1 or less
Divination Moderate 2-4
Strong 5-10
Level: Wiz/Sor 1, Clr 2 Overwhelming 11+
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 Full round Each round the caster may choose to turn to detect in a different
Range: Long (400 feet + 40ft/level) direction. More than an inch of common metal, or a thin sheet of lead
Duration: Instantaneous with block this spell.
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

This spell is similar to the Locate Object spell. It allows the cleric a Summon Elemental
brief view of the surroundings of a well-known (non-living) object. Conjuration (Summoning)
The caster’s Wisdom and their familiarity with the object determines
how detailed a description that the DM should provide. Level: Wiz/Sor 4, Clr 4, Drd 4
Components: V, S, M
The caster makes a Wisdom Check. If the roll fails, the DM provides Casting Time: 1 action
only a very basic description of the object’s surroundings from the Range: 25 feet + 5ft/2 levels
perspective of the object (e.g. “The book you seek is on a table in Effect: 1 Summoned Medium Elemental
a brightly light room, or in a dark enclosed space”). If the WIS Duration: 1 Round per level
Check is successful, the DM provides a slightly more detailed visual Saving Throw: None
description, including objects in close proximity, surface textures Spell Resistance: No
(wooden surface, on sand, etc.), allowing the caster to get a clear
vision of the object’s surrounds. Note there is no auditory or olfactory This spell summons a Medium Elemental from the elemental planes
component to this vision. of Fire, Earth, Air or Water. The type of Elemental is at the discretion
of the caster, but there must be some material of the respective
The DC that the Wisdom Check is made at depends upon the caster’s element present, as a material component, in order to summon the
familiarity with the object being Glimpsed: desired Elemental.
Object is a personal belonging of the Caster DC10 The creature obeys your commands and attacks your opponents to
Object is familiar to Caster (he has seen or held it) DC15 the best of its ability as long as you concentrate on directing it. It
Object is described to Caster by someone familiar with it DC20 vanishes at the end of the round that the spell expires, returning to its
Object is something that is only known to existDC25 own plane.

Detect Life

Level: Clr 2, Pal 2, Wiz/Sor 3

Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Medium (100 feet + 10ft/level)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute/level (D)
Area: Quarter circle emanating from you to the extreme
of the range
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

This spell detects the presence of the life force that is present in all
sentient creatures with an intelligence score of three or greater. It
cannot detect the presence of dead creatures, Undead, or Outsiders.

The amount of information revealed depends on how long you study

a particular area or subject:
1st Round: Presence or absence of sentient life.
2nd Round: The number a types of living creatures (animal,
humanoid, beast etc)
3rd Round: The strength and location of each life force. If the
creature is outside your line of sight then you only discern
direction, not its exact location. The strength of a creature’s life
force is determined by its HD.

a white cloth skull-cap. The holy symbol of the Church is a teardrop.
GLOSSARY OF TERMS The holy water of the church heals 1d4 points of damage and radiates
a pale blue light in the presence of Undead.
CHAR-ENDL: A cold northern land of tundra, populated by
migratory tribes of fearsome nomads. These people use longboats to
It is considered unlucky to bring harm to an Esmian.
raid shipping in the Greater Inner Sea. They worshipped Dragons in
ages past and decorate their bodies, weapons and boats in draconic
GOBLINKIND: A collective term for the humanoid races that have
banded together against the Elves. They include orcs, goblins, trolls,
bugbears, gnolls and the like)
DORVIN: Small island north of Guardian that supports a small rural
community with a simple lifestyle.
GREATER INNER SEA: A large area of sea, surrounded by four
realms of Men and the last remaining Elven Kingdom. In the south,
ELKIA: One of two Kingdoms that once founded the mighty
it has one narrow point of access to the open seas via the Passage of
Sardellan Empire, Elkia is a theocracy ruled by the Lord Protector.
Thungar. A great amount of merchant traffic flows back and forth
This is a position usually appointed from within the annual council
across the Greater Inner Sea.
of the Divine Trinity (the Churches of Ormocea, Esmia and Siritar)
who effectively dominate religious and political affairs in Elkia. They
are a benevolent regime who tolerate most other religions also having
GRIMORDEN: A race of demons who set out to dominate the
established churches throughout their country.
world as soon as the Gods departed. Their enemies were the Elves.
The Grimorden were decimated by the God Tarimth, although some
Elkia prides itself on the quality of the goods it produces. Its
escaped to Shadowland.
architecture, its craftsmanship in steel, glass and pottery and its fine
wines and cheeses are all examples of its excellence. The best swords
in the world can be found in the weapon-shops of Denhaven, where
GURTHOR: (The Dweller in the Fathomless Deep, The Sea-Lord,
the master-smiths forge the finest steel from the best raw materials
The King of the Six Seas). Gurthor is often seen as a humanoid figure
that can be found.
with a head resembling that of a great octopus. His other incarnation
is that of a massive black whale.
The country is constantly on the defense against its rival, Sard, and
numerous border skirmishes take place in the north, near the Llanic
He is a God worshipped by sailors of all cultures and the greatest
border. The capital is Denhaven, that is situated on the shores of
temples to Gurthor are always found in port cities. The clergy
the Lesser Inner Sea. It is a city of opulence, with a rich military
generate most of their income from the powerful maritime guilds and
history. Its fortifications are legendary, its walls being over 40’ in
ship-builders, who pay handsomely for blessings upon each voyage
height and being constructed so that four men can walk abreast upon
and at the launchings of each new vessel. Clerics wear a distinctive
her battlements.
deep blue or green robe, reminiscent of the sea and their regalia
consists of many assorted sea-creatures, their holy symbol being a
ELMARDIA: Elven name for Guardian Island.
scallop shell.
ESMIA: (The Goddess of Unfettered Tears, The Lady of Unrelenting
Many sailors of the Greater Inner Sea wear Gurthor’s Token about
Compassion, She Who Weeps Silver Tears). Esmia is the principal
one leg. This is a length of cord, strung with some shells and blessed
deity associated with the healing arts and has a strong following
by the Church. If a sailor falls overboard, the token is supposed to
throughout the world, particularly amongst the poorer classes. Esmian
tell the denizens of the sea that the unfortunate is one of Gurthor’s
temples usually have a hospice attached to the chapel and the services
protected followers.
of Esmian healers is charged according to the means of those who seek
their services.
HIGH LORDS: A collective title for the Gods (human).
Esmia is depicted as a middle-aged woman of a loving demeanor,
HOLY GLADE: The Elven afterlife. Being blessed with long-life, the
often seen cradling a child or tending a sick farmer.
Elves were provided with the knowledge of how to reach the afterlife
from the physical world. In this way, if they grew weary of life, they
The Church of Esmia is split into two Orders, the Silver Tear (which
could sail to the Holy Glade, ahead of their time.
concentrates on the healing arts) and the Relenting Hand (a martial
order of monks who act as guardians of the Church). The religion
LEEZERIA: The last remaining Kingdom of the Elves, jealously
preaches pacifism, however the nature of the world in times gone by
guarded against intrusion by Men, in the west, and Goblinkind, in
resulted in the rise of the Relenting Hand as defenders of the faith.
the east. A beautiful land of endless forests and sweeping mountains
that has remained relatively untouched throughout the ages.
The clerical robes consist of a simple white, sleeveless robe. Senior
members of the Church (male and female) shave their heads and wear

KELJAC: An ancient desert tribe of Y’sira who reject the ‘soft life PORT LYRIE: A human port based on the western extremity of
style’ of those who live in more fertile lands. They are fierce warriors Leezeria. The Elves allow the human population to dwell here and it
and skilled in many forgotten arts. acts as their main point of contact and trade with mankind.

LLAN: A large kingdom on the west coastline of the Greater Inner QUORULL: The capital city of Llan. It is a seaport based on the
Sea. It shares borders with Sard, Elkia and Char-Endl. It is a heavily western shores of the Greater Inner Sea.
forested region and was once part of the Elven Kingdoms before the
Twilight Years. Some isolated groups of Elves and Half Elves exist in REDEMPTION: The second chance for the lesser races. A period in
small communities in the deeper woods, away from the settlements history when the dark ages following the Passing of the Gods ended
of Men. with the discovery of the Books of Law. Before this, the world was
plunged into an unmeasured age of barbarism.
Llan’s main export is lumber and it has established a thriving
industry along its river and lake system that is the main network of SARD: A country to the west of Elkia, once part of the founding
transportation. Barges and riverboats outnumber carts and carriages kingdoms of the Sardellan Empire. It has beautiful but rugged
in Llan. There are few major roadways, other than those in the south, landscape and is rich in mineral resources. Most known metals and
built by the Sardellan Empire, when it invaded Llan 700 years ago. gems can be found throughout its mountainous regions.
The country is rich and it is well known that the influential Guilds
rule in Llan and not the petty Kings. It has been this way since the After the collapse of the Empire, Sard returned to a form of feudalism,
merchants banded together to hire mercenaries to oust the Sardellan whereby land was held by the powerful noble houses and the Church
forces during the decline of the Empire. Ever since then, the royal and of Trezkillian. There was no monarch but a council formed from
noble families have had to accept the senior guildsmen having equal representatives of the great houses who appointed a Chancellor from
status in the land, since they pay the mercenary armies that serve their ranks as ruler. The capital of Sard is Gablehead, a picturesque
Llan. A wise Elkian general once said, “The key to conquering Llan is city built on the lower reaches of Mount Hardain.
to buy her army and set it loose upon its former owner”.

The capitol city is Quorull, a large port at the mouth of the Drissada SIRRITH: (Goddess of the Undead, The Pale Lady, Queen of Death).
River. Appearing as a gaunt woman with long black hair and a skull crowned
with ram’s horns, Sirrith is a outcast from the world, imprisoned
PHELLTAR: (The Maker, The Mother of Mortals, The Faceless in her realm of Shadowland for her part in stealing the Rune of
Goddess). Phelltar is one of the few gods actively worshipped by Men Making.
and Elves. The Goddess adopts a featureless female humanoid form.
Her skin is like quicksilver and reflects the face of everyone who looks She hated Phelltar for making the lesser races and detests the Elves
upon her. Thus, the Phelltarian saying, “To gaze upon the face of the most of all. Her prison of Shadowland lies in the Undending Sea as a
Maker is to look into your own soul”. trap to lure Elves seeking the serenity of the Holy Glade, the Elven
Phelltar is attributed with being the most adept of the Gods at
creation and, at the pinnacle of his craft, he made the races of Men Her priesthood is a clandestine cult that is barely tolerated, at best,
and the Elves (the latter, being a more perfect form of the former). in most civilized regions. They are known to defile graveyards to
Jealousy of Phelltar’s skills in making the lesser races, led to the obtain recently dead corpses that they instill with a basic life force so
Great Schism of the High Lords, a civil war of the Gods. During they serve the Church. Clerics of Sirrith wear their priestly costumes
this war, Phelltar’s Rune of Making was stolen for a time, and many only at their secret ceremonies. They consist of a hooded robe divided
‘imitations’ of Phelltar’s craft were made by other Gods. black and white down the center and a skull-mask. Their holy symbol
is a miniature upside-down man.
But for ages untold Phelltar has been revered amongst Men and Elves
as their creator. Two distinct orders arose, being the Human and Blood has special significance in the religion. It contains the life force
Elven chapters of the religion, but both draw their philosophy from that feeds the power of Sirrith.
the same doctrine - a creed that says how you define your life is a
reflection of what you can expect in the afterlife. SHADOWLAND: An extra-dimensional realm that lies in the outer
regions of the Unending Sea. It was created as a prison for the
The worship of Phelltar is, by far the most popular, amongst those Goddess Sirrith and is a nightmare place of barren wastes and volcanic
countries that border the Greater Inner Sea. Clerics of the Phelltar mires. It is masked by powerful illusions to appear like an idyllic
wear no distinctive robe of office except their holy symbol (a small paradise from the outside, the intention being to lure Elven mariners
rectangular mirror or piece of polished steel) and the holy rune of from their journey to the Holy Glade.
Phelltar tattooed upon their brow.
SWEETGOURD: Squash like vegetable native to Guardian Island.

TARIMTH: (The Lost God, The Emperor of the Stars, The Seer Theydori is not usually represented in the murals of the Church.
of Heaven). Tarimth is the husband to Phelltar and is principally He is an enigma represented by a casket containing the answers
worshipped by the Elves, although there is some limited Human to the dilemmas of the mortal races and a Scroll that holds all
followings in Llan. He is depicted as a tall Elven figure and has three the questions yet to be asked. Theydori’s three mortal daughters,
aspects - the patron of the arts, the creator of the stars and the who gave the world written languages and mathematics, are usually
heavenly seer. depicted instead.
Seeing the Elves driven almost to extinction, Tarimth broke the
Covenant of the High Lords that barred the Gods from direct Clerical dress consists of a maroon robe, trimmed in gray leather. An
intervention in the affairs of the world. In saving his Children, he was ornamental skull-cap of hardened leather is worn by senior priests.
punished never to look upon the world again and was cast into the The holy symbol of the church is a black cube on which a hand (palm
outer Void. Here he made the stars and it is through these that he outwards) is depicted.
sends messages to his true followers.
TWILIGHT YEARS: The time when the Gods removed themselves
The clergy of Tarimth are devoted to the art of astrology and they from the world but still communicated regularly with the lesser
perceive the readings that they make in the night sky to be the races.
word of Tarimth, the Lost God, whom they believe will one day find
his way back to the world. Clerics dress in dark blue or black with UNENDING SEA: The ‘tween-world’ that separates the physical
glittering stones sewn into the shoulders and breasts of their attire plane of existence from the Elven paradise of the Holy Glade. It
(often is the shape of the major constellations. The holy symbol is a appears as a vast endless Ocean under a twilight sky.
black disk with wings.
UUSHAI: An ancient race that the Gods are supposed to have left
TARIMTHOL-IRL: Ancient city of the Elves. This is the only major as custodians of the world, when they departed. There is evidence
permanent settlement in Leezeria other than the Elven fortifications of their existence in many ancient ruins but nobody knows what
in the east. It is a walled city that still makes great use of the forest happened to them.
that it encompasses.
Y’SIRA: The exotic desert land of the south that once had an Empire
The city has only ever come under threat once in its long history. that rivaled Sardell. Their customs and beliefs are often at odds with
According to the Elven scholar, Fardenmir, in the year 3814 (Elven northerners. They are great traders and deal in spice, oils, gold and
Calendar), the city came under siege by Goblinkind armies led by a unusual foods.
dark sorcerer from the east. The Goblikind were repulsed after two
weeks of bitter fighting but little is mentioned about the fate of their
leader. The Elvenking Pelentine was slain at the battle.

TEMPEST: A city state based on a small cluster of islands in the

middle of the Greater Inner Sea. Its important location has made it
the center of commerce between the ports on the Greater Inner Sea.

THEYDORI: (The Keeper of Hidden Knowledge, He Who

Understands All, The Sage of Sages). The religion of Theydori is
devoted to the collection, restoration and archive of ancient arcane,
artistic and historical knowledge, lost when the Gods declared that
the greater part of such knowledge should be removed from the lesser

Theydori, whose task it was to collect the forbidden knowledge

from the physical world, is said to have left clues and riddles to his
followers, scattered throughout their lands. In this way, Theydori
hoped that his Church would grow wise in their understanding of the
Hidden Knowledge and would use it only as directed by the doctrines
and philosophies of his teachings.

governmental regulation then You may not Use any Open Game Material so affected.
13 Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with all terms
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses
the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved. shall survive the termination of this License.
1. Definitions: (a)”Contributors” means the copyright and/or trademark owners who have 14 Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be
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derivative works and translations (including into other computer languages), potation, modification,
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2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a notice indicating You are hereby granted the non-transferable, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use the d20
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3. Agreement not to Contest
3.Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your acceptance of the By making use of and/or distributing material using the d20 System Trademark under the terms of
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4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, the Contributors 4. Breach and Cure
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5.Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original material as Open have 45 days from the date the notice (the “cure period”) to cure the breach to the satisfaction of
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6.Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this 5. Termination
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Upon termination, You shall immediately stop all use of the Licensed Articles and will destroy any
7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, including as an indication inventory or marketing material in Your possession bearing the d20 System Trademark logos. You
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9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated versions of this 8. Updates
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11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open Game Content using 9. Changes to Terms of the License
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version number. License.

10. Updates of Licensee information 4 Non-Open Game Content

You may transmit an updated version of the “card.pdf ” Confirmation Card at any time to Wizards
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11. Notices to Licensor:
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4.4 Unless otherwise permitted by law, you must not reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble
Auran Adventures License Agreement the Non-Open Game Content or attempt to do so.

This is a License Agreement (“License”) between you and Auran Games Pty Ltd ABN 73 081 393 4.5 You must not use the Non-Open Game Content for an illegal purpose.
311. (“Auran”) for the Auran d20 Adventures Software and any enclosed documentation (in both
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1 Definitions
In this License, the following words have the following meanings: 5.2 Upon termination of this license set out in clause 4.1 by Auran, you must immediately cease
Insert Box means a marking in the Licensed Material that signifies that the enclosed text is subject any further use of the Licensed Material, and you must at your expense, return to Auran all copies
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6 No Warranty
This is a sample “Open Gaming Content Box”
6.1 The Licensed Material is provided “as is”.

Non-Open Game Content means the Licensed Material, excluding the Open Game Content. For 6.2 TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS
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Open Game Content means that material which is identified by Insert Boxes in the Licensed TIME, MONEY, GOOD WILL, LOSS OF CUSTOM, DAMAGE TO REPUTATION OR
Open Game License means Open Game License Version 1.0a published by Wizards of the Coast, CREATED USING THE LICENSED MATERIAL. THIS LIMITATION OF LIABILITY DOES
2 General
6.3 Auran’s liability to you is limited in all circumstance to one of the following options, as
2.1 This License becomes effective from the time that you open the packaging in which the selected by Auran:
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(b) supply of similar Licensed Material;
2.2 The Licensed Material contains both Open Game Content and Non-Open Game Content. (c) refunding the amount you paid to Auran for the Licensed
2.3 All terms and conditions of this License (except clause 3) apply to the Non-Open Game (d) fixing the Licensed Material (if appropriate); or
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3 Open Game Content
7 Indemnities
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7.2 Auran does not and will not indemnify you for any loss or damage arising from or relating to
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use of the Licensed Material.

8 Governing Law
This License shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Queensland,
Australia and by using the Licensed Material you submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of
Queensland, Australia.

9 Contact Details
Auran can be contacted at:
Auran Games Pty Ltd
PO Box 1026
Telephone: +617 3358 8888
Facsimile: +617 3358 8899
© 2001 Auran Games Pty Ltd. All Rights Reserved.


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