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This chapter contains the restatement of the problem, summary of

findings, conclusion and recommendations.

Restatement of the Problem

This study examining the thought and hopes of ‘’ Freshmen Students’

Level of Interest and Expectations towards to Maritime Program: An
Enhancement Measure’’ regarding the maritime program to find ways to enhance
their engagament and satisfaction. Specifically, it sought to answer the following

1. What is the profile of the students according to age and gender?

2. What is the level of interest of freshmen students enrolled in the maritime

program of BIT International College?

3. What are the expectations of the respondents regarding the maritime program
at BIT International College?

4. Is there a significant relationship between freshmen students’ level of interest

and expectations toward the maritime program?

5. What measure can be suggested to enhance the interest level and

expectations of the freshmen students enrolled in the College of Maritime
Education Program?
Summary of Findings

The results presented herein where the derived from the analysis and the
interpretation of data.

1. Age and Gender

The study found that the majority of the students were 19 years old,
accounting for 38.62% of the sample. The next highest age group was 18 years
old, with 22.76% of the students falling in this age range. The study also found
that 24.83% of the students were 20 years old, and 13.79% were 21 years old or

In terms of gender representation, 97.93% of the students were male and

1.38% were female. There was also one student who identified as LGBTQ,
making up 0.69% of the total sample.

Overall, the findings indicate that the students in the maritime program
were primarily young men aged 18 to 21, with a small percentage of students
older than 21 and a small number of female students and students identifying as

2. Enrolled in the maritime program at BIT International College

According to the study, the majority of the students enrolled in the

maritime program showed a high level of interest in their studies. The findings
reveal that objectives such as "maritime is my top priority," "maritime is my
personal choice," and "maritime is the field that I can think I can do" received an
average score of 3.70, showing that students are very much interested in the
program. Similarly, the objectives related to enjoying the skills and operations
involved in the maritime field, believing in success in the maritime program, liking
challenges, and being interested in work that is challenging and unconventional
had mean scores ranging from 3.53 to 3.64, indicating that students are highly
interested in these aspects as well. Overall, the study found that students' level of
interest in the maritime program was high, with an average score of 3.58 on the
5-point scale.
3. Expectations of the respondents regarding the maritime program at BIT
International College

According to the study, the students enrolled in the maritime program at

BIT International College have high expectations from their program. In general,
their main objectives were to study hard, obtain high grades, and graduate from
the maritime program. They also expected to pass the board exam, complete
basic training, go for apprenticeship, and anticipate opportunities for hands-on
training and practical experience. Further, they expected to become marine
deck/engine officers and enhance their leadership skills. Overall, the students
had very high expectations regarding their program, with an average score of
3.63 on the 5-point scale.

4. Significant relationship between freshmen students’ level of interest and

expectations toward the maritime program

According to the study, it appears that both level of interest and level of
expectation are significantly related to each other for freshmen students pursuing
the maritime program.
Firstly, the results reveal that a negative correlation exists between level of
interest and level of expectation. A negative correlation indicates that an increase
in level of interest corresponds to a decrease in level of expectation. In other
words, students who have a higher level of interest in the maritime program are
likely to have lower expectations and vice versa. The correlation coefficient (r) of
-0.240 suggests a moderate negative relationship between the two variables.
Secondly, the study results suggest that level of expectation is positively
related to the intention to apply for the maritime program. A positive correlation
means that an increase in the level of expectation leads to a higher intention to
apply for the maritime program. The correlation coefficient (r) of 0.695 indicates a
strong positive relationship between the two variables.

5. Measure can be suggested to enhance the interest level and

expectations of the freshmen students enrolled in the College of Maritime
Education Program

 Orientation Programs: Have a fun welcome event where new students

learn about the college and meet teachers. Give them a tour of the
campus so they know where everything is.

 Peer Mentoring Programs: Pair up new students with older ones to help
them understand college life better. This way, they have someone to ask
questions and feel more comfortable
 Interactive Workshops and Seminars: Arrange interesting talks and
activities about ships and oceans. Let students do things like experiments
or watch cool videos to learn more about their subjects.

 Hands-on Training and Simulations: Let students practice driving ships in

a computer game or using real equipment. This helps them understand
what they're learning and makes it more fun.

 Field Trips and Excursions: Take students to see real ships and ports in
action. This makes what they're learning feel more real and exciting.

 Innovative Teaching Methods: Use different ways to teach, like acting out
scenarios or using pictures and videos. This helps students understand
better and keeps them interested.

 Career Development Workshops: Teach students how to make a good

resume and do well in job interviews. This prepares them for finding a job
after college.

 Feedback Mechanisms: Ask students what they think about the classes
and if they have any ideas for making them better. This helps make sure
everyone's needs are met.

 Community Engagement Activities: Get students involved in activities that

help the environment, like cleaning up beaches. This shows them how
important their field of study is and makes them feel good about helping.

 Continuous Support and Guidance: Make sure students know they can
ask for help with anything, like their classes or personal problems. This
makes them feel supported and more likely to succeed.

Freshmen students' level of interest in the maritime program is significantly

associated with their expectations towards the program. This suggests that
students who are more interested in the program are more likely to have higher

1. This suggests that students who are more interested in the program are more
likely to have higher expectations.

2. There is a strong and significant positive relationship between expectations

towards the maritime program and intention to apply for the program. This
indicates that students who have higher expectations towards the program
are more likely to apply for the program.

3. The level of interest and expectations of the students are influenced by a

variety of personal and program-related factors such as their age, gender,
parent's education level, and the exposure they have had to the maritime

4. The study found that a positive relationship exists between the level of
interest and the level of expectation, whereby an increase in the level of
interest corresponds to a decrease in the level of expectation.

5. The study also found that the level of interest and expectations is a significant
issue that needs to be addressed in the maritime program. Therefore, the
proposed enhancements to the program can be highly instrumental in
enhancing the interest level and expectations of the students, which will
eventually lead to an effective maritime education program

1. Create a student-friendly curriculum: Design the curriculum to be student-

friendly, engaging, and relevant to their future careers. This can include
hands-on and practical learning opportunities, real-world scenarios, and
collaborative projects.

2. Encourage active learning: Encourage active learning, which involves

students actively participating in their learning process. This can be
achieved through activities like group work, discussions, and problem-
solving exercises.

3. Create a welcoming environment: Create a welcoming environment for

students to feel comfortable asking questions, seeking help, and
expressing their interests and concerns.

4. Provide mentoring and guidance: Provide mentoring and guidance from

experienced professionals and educators. This can help students
overcome challenges, set goals, and achieve success.

5. Use technology effectively: Use technology effectively in the curriculum to

enhance the learning experience, such as interactive simulations and
virtual reality experiences.

6. Promote career planning: Promote career planning resources, such as

workshops, networking events, and career fairs, to help students gain
insight into their future careers.

7. Foster a culture of excellence: Foster a culture of excellence by

celebrating student achievements, setting high expectations, and
providing feedback and recognition.

8. Provide a flexible curriculum: Offer a flexible curriculum to accommodate

different learning styles, schedules, and life circumstances.

9. Encourage teamwork: Encourage teamwork and collaboration, both in the

classroom and outside of it, to enhance the learning experience, promote
creativity, and build leadership skills.
10. Foster global literacy: Foster global literacy by incorporating international
perspectives, diverse perspectives, and cross-cultural experiences into the


Roldan Leguez
Cassandra Mercado
John Alinabo
Catherine Tadle
Ashe Diada

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