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Prayer Diary

Called to Be an
Key Text: 1 Timothy 2:1-4

to Be an
Key Text: 1 Timothy 2:1-4
One common phenomenon in any religion is the centrality of prayer. Prayer is what
connects humanity with divinity. Prayer is an outward manifestation of faith expressed
towards the supernatural being, God. The three Abrahamic faiths—Judaism, Islam and
Christianity—which believe in the existence of the One Almighty God, have practices
related to prayer. For instance, in the Islamic calendar, there is a whole month of Ramadan
designated to prayer and fasting. This period gives Muslims an opportunity to pray for
forgiveness and blessings from the Almighty God. Isn’t this what anyone who believes
in God ought to do? Yes, we may have some variations on how and why we pray, but it
always pleases God to see His people praying earnestly. As believers, we ought to pray
for ourselves and for others as well, just as is stated in 1 Timothy 2:1-4:

I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving
be made for all people—for kings and all those in authority, that we may
live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and
pleases God our Saviour, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a
knowledge of the truth.

God has given us the ministry of reconciliation. Our main duty is to intercede for the
salvation of others through prayers. Therefore, if our Muslims brothers and sisters are
dedicating the whole month of Ramadan to pray for their forgiveness and blessings from
God, wouldn’t it be ideal for you and me to join in praying for them too? Praying that God
may visit them in a special way, and that He may grant them the desires of their hearts?
This year, we call upon all Adventists to reflect on Paul’s statement in 1 Timothy 2:5: “For
there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus.”

According to the Joshua Project website, Muslim people groups (4,058) make up 23% of
the total people groups globally (17,442). Their total population is nearly 2 billion.1 This
year, we will be praying for 30 Muslim people groups in addition to other prayer items
that may be generated locally. Let us be truth intercessors to our cousins.

1 Religion: Islam. Accessed on 10/7/2023.

How to Use This Prayer
The length of each day’s prayer session will vary from place to place. You may choose
to follow this guide as a group—office workers, church congregations, or organizational
workers at a field, conference, union, or division office. You may assign roles to participants.
One may do the day’s reading, and another may do the reflection by using the day’s key
text. Appoint one or several individuals to do the prayers. You may include your local-
context prayer requests, which may include your acquaintances, local Ramadan plans,
or other identified needs.

Proposed Program
1. Opening Prayer

2. Introduction and Welcome Remarks

3. Song Service

4. Testimonies

Part 1: Reading of the Day

Part 2: Scriptural Reflection (based on the key text)

Part 3: Prayer Session (based on the prayer points)

5. Closing Song

6. Closing Prayer


March 11, 2024

The Bengale is the largest Muslim people group in the
world. They speak Bengali as their mother tongue. They
originated from the Bengal region of South Asia. It is
believed that the Bengale was a unified group until 1947
when Britain separated them into West Bengal in India
KEY TEXT: and East Bengal in Pakistan. In 1971, East Bengal gained
Revelation 14:6-7 independence and became Bangladesh.2
Then I saw another
angel flying in the midst Islam arrived in the South Asian region as early as 711
of heaven, having the AD.3 Today, the majority of Bengale belong to Sunni
everlasting gospel to preach Muslims following the Hanafi school of jurisprudence.
to those who dwell on the The group is further divided by dialect into seven Bengali
earth—to every nation, tribe, Muslim groups, but all together, their total population
tongue, and people—saying is 261.2 million. A majority of them live in Bangladesh,
with a loud voice, “Fear God
but other Bengali Muslims are found in other Asian
and give glory to Him, for the
hour of His judgment has
countries including India and Pakistan.
come; and worship Him who
made heaven and earth, the The Bengale are well known for their musical culture.
sea and springs of water.”

Prayer Points:
1. Pray that the Three Angels’ Messages may find a place in the hearts of the Bengali people; and that
God may raise pioneers who will establish an end time movement of believers in Jesus among the
people group.
2. Pray for the Bengali followers of Jesus to be established in the truth and be a light to their family
members and friends.
3. Pray that God may visit the gate keepers of the community through dreams and visions; and that He
may prepare them to lead the community to the saving grace of our Lord.

Bengali People: Culture, Dialects, and More.
mous-bengalis-in-the-arts. Accessed on 10/7/2023.
Bengali Muslim Shaikh in Bangladesh. Accessed on


02 March 12, 2024

The Algerian Arabic-speaking people group originated
from Algeria. Before the emergence of Islam, the territory
was occupied by the Berber people group which was
divided into small tribes. A majority of the people group
then were adherents of the Christian faith.4 Their main
economic activities were farming and cattle-keeping.
Islam arrived among the people group in 647 AD. The John 3:16-17
introduction of Islam led to the introduction of Arabic For God so loved the world
languages and the Qur’an which replaced their heritage.5 that He gave His only
The group is referred to as Algerian Arabic-speaking begotten Son, that whoever
believes in Him should not
because the type of Arabic they use is not the Modern
perish but have everlasting
Standard Arabic (MSA)—rather, their language was life. For God did not send
influenced by the French, Turkish, and Berber languages.6 His Son into the world to
condemn the world, but that
Today, there are 36.7 million Algerian Arabic-speaking the world through Him might
people in the world. Most of them live in Algeria, while be saved.
some have immigrated to Europe and America. They
are mainly Sunni Muslims, followers of Imam Maliki.

Algerians are very hospitable towards guests; they

generally like the company of visitors.

Prayer Points:
1. Pray for the Algerian believers, that God may strengthen and sustain their faith. Pray that they may be
able to share the good news among their people.
2. Ask God to prepare sons and daughters of peace among the people group. Pray that God may send His
Spirit among them to soften their hearts so that they may receive the gospel.
3. Pray for the different initiatives by the believers in their efforts to prepare the community members
for the kingdom.

History of Algeria. Accessed on 11/7/2023.
Arabic Speaking Algerian in Algeria. Accessed on
Postan, Liraz. The Languages of Algeria.
Accessed on 11/7/2023.


March 13, 2024 03

Arab, Egyptian
Ancient Egypt is known as a home to great civilizations
that influenced the developed world during its time. The
pharaoh dynasties ruled Egypt for over 3,400 years from
3,200 BC. In the early years of Christianity, Egypt became
the center of Christian theological formation.
KEY TEXT: As early as the seventh century, Egypt started suffering
Matthew 21:21-22 conquests from Persian Arab Muslims who eventually
So Jesus answered and said introduced Islam and the Arabic language to the Egyptians.7
to them, “Assuredly, I say to To date, there are 75.6 million Egyptian Arabs. At least 80%
you, if you have faith and do
are adherents of Sunni Islam. Most of them are divided
not doubt, you will not only
do what was done to the fig among the three Sunni Imams: Hanafi, Shafi’i, and Maliki.
tree, but also if you say to
this mountain, ‘Be removed Egyptian Arabs, like many other Middle Eastern people
and be cast into the sea,’ it groups, are highly hospitable and have great value for
will be done. And whatever family. They are also known for their rich musical culture.
things you ask in prayer,
believing, you will receive.”

Prayer Points:
1. Pray that Egyptian Arab believers would become a mighty movement to other Arab nations.
2. Pray that God may give wisdom to His servants on how to relate with the community. Pray that He
may open doors of opportunities for the spreading of the Three Angels’ Messages.
3. Pray that God may manifest Himself among the people through miracles and wonders.

Egyptian Arab in Egypt. Accessed on 11/7/2023.


04 March 14, 2024

The Uzbeks are the largest people group among the 59
found in Uzbekistan. They are also “the largest Turkic group
outside Turkey.”8 The Turkic presence and influence in the
Tan region between the 11th and 15th centuries were due
to their invasion which led to the introduction of Islam.

Globally, there are over 32 million Uzbeks. In Uzbekistan, KEY TEXT:

Uzbeks form at least 80% of the total population. They Luke 18:24-27
can also be found in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, And when Jesus saw that
Turkmenistan, other Middle Eastern and European he became very sorrowful,
countries, and the United States.9 Over 85% are Sunni He said, “How hard it is
for those who have riches
Muslims following the Hanafi school of law.
to enter the kingdom of
God! For it is easier for a
Uzbek culture is a mixture of Iranian, Turkish, and Soviet camel to go through the eye
influences. As a people group, they still cherish the of a needle than for a rich
observation of the rites of passage including “birth, male man to enter the kingdom of
circumcision, a girl’s first menstrual period, marriage, and God.” And those who heard
death.”10 Uzbeks are well known for their classical singing it said, “Who then can be
which is “plaintive (sounding sad) and drawn out—a saved?” But He said, “The
things which are impossible
kind of wailing” accompanied by a “doira (a hand-held
with men are possible with
tambourine-drum with a deep sound.”11 God.”

Prayer Points:
1. Pray that the Holy Spirit will soften the hearts of Uzbek leaders to accept the message of hope.
2. Pray that more creative ways through social media may be established to share hope among the Uzbek.
3. Pray for more workers to be sent to work among the people group.

People of Uzbekistan. Accessed on
People of Uzbekistan. Accessed on
Uzbeks. Accessed on 14/7/2023.
Uzbeks. Accessed on 14/7/2023.


March 15, 2024 05

The Turks originate from Türkiye (Turkey). “Turkey is the
only secular republic with a majority of the population
being Sunni Muslim.”12 There are over 67 million Turks
globally and the majority of them (over 61 million) live
in the homeland.
KEY TEXT: Turks enjoy socialization and community gatherings
Revelation 1:10-11
in coffee places. Though Turkey is an Islamic country,
I was in the Spirit on the Turks have a high level of tolerance towards Christianity.
Lord’s Day, and I heard
The evil eye phenomenon is prevalent among the Turk
behind me a loud voice,
as of a trumpet, saying, Muslims—they wear blue beads and other charms with
“I am the Alpha and the an image of the evil eye, with a belief that anyone who
Omega, the First and puts it on will be protected from the evil eye.
the Last,” and, “What
you see, write in a book
and send it to the seven
churches which are in Asia:
to Ephesus, to Smyrna, to
Pergamos, to Thyatira, to
Sardis, to Philadelphia, and
to Laodicea.”

Prayer Points:
1. Pray for the families and businesses affected by the earthquake that took place on February 6, 2023. Pray
for their recovery process from trauma and injuries.
2. Pray for the different mission initiatives taking place among the people group. Ask that God may save
them in His kingdom and prepare them to be missionaries to their own people both in their country
and in the diaspora.
3. Pray that the Turks may come to believe in the power of Jesus, the only one who can protect them from
evil eyes and heal those affected by the evil eye.

Turks in Türkiye (Turkey). Accessed on 13/7/2023.


06 March 16, 2024

Afghan, Tajik
The Afghan Tajiks are found in Afghanistan. They are related
to the Tajik people group in Tajikistan. The Tajiks make
up about 27% of the population in Afghanistan, making
it the second largest people group with a population of
11.6 million. Over 90% are Muslims. They are also found
in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan,
Turkmenistan, United States, and Uzbekistan. Most of KEY TEXT:
them follow the Hanafi jurisprudence while a few are Shia. Nahum 1:7
The Lord is good, A
You may be asking, “Why are there more Tajiks in Afghanistan stronghold in the day of
trouble; And He knows those
(11.6 million) than in Tajikistan (7.5 million)?” In the late
who trust in Him.
19th and early 20th centuries, the Russian Red Amy (RRA)
conquered the central Asian Tajik region. Most of them
fled and settled in the northern part of Afghanistan.13

The Tajik culture is quite similar to Afghanistan and Iran

cultures. Their handcraft stands out to be one of the best.

Prayer Points:
1. Pray that God’s kingdom may be extended to the Tajiks. Pray that the church may be in a position to
work among the people group. Pray that the Lord may give them appropriate approaches on how to
reach others in their people group.
2. Pray that as the people fast and pray during this month of Ramadan, they may receive divine revelations
of Isa. Pray for their protection against any kind of attack.
3. Pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the lives of the Afghan Tajiks and other similar groups
in the region.

Why are there so many Tajiks in Afghanistan?
Accessed on 18/7/2023.


March 17, 2024 07

The Oromo community is among the 129 people groups
found in Ethiopia. The Oromo people are subdivided
into 12 language groups. They form a global population
of 43.8 million, most of which are found in Ethiopia. This
is the largest and most widely spread group in Ethiopia.
Oromos are also found in Kenya, Egypt, and Somalia.
KEY TEXT: About half of the Oromos are Muslims, followers of Shafi’I
Revelation 7:9 Madhahab. The other half are mostly Christians with a
After these things I few traditionalists.
looked, and behold, a
great multitude which no It is believed that the Oromos migrated from the Horn
one could number, of all of Africa to Ethiopia around 4 centuries ago. The unique
nations, tribes, peoples, and feature in the Oromia culture is the Gadaa system—an
tongues, standing before “indigenous [democratic] socio-political system that
the throne and before the regulates political stability, economic development, social
Lamb, clothed with white activities, cultural obligations, moral responsibility, and
robes, with palm branches in
the philosophy of religious order of the Oromo society.”14
their hands...

Prayer Points:
1. Pray for the growing manifestation of Jesus in the lives of the religious leaders. Pray that more clerics
will meet with their Savior through dreams, visions, and wonders.
2. Pray that the new believers may be empowered to share the message of hope they have received to
their family members and friends.
3. Pray for the indigenous movement of believers across the territory.

Gadaa System Accessed on 18/7/2023.


08 March 18, 2024

Arab, Saudi - Najdi
The Najdi Arab people group is found in Saudi Arabia,
particularly in the central region of the Kingdom, in the
area known as the heart of Arabia.15 The name Najdi
generally means “highlands” for they are people living in
the highlands. Historically, they are linked with the Banu
Hanifa tribe. The Najdi Arabs are further divided into six
tribes with a total global population of 18.8 million.16 KEY TEXT:
Deuteronomy 11:26-28
Aside from Saudi Arabia, they live in other Middle Eastern “Behold, I set before you
countries including Jordan, Kuwait, Iraq, and Syria. The today a blessing and a
people group is the largest in Saudi Arabia forming around curse: the blessing, if you
obey the commandments
40% of the total population of the Kingdom. 99% of the
of the Lord your God which
Najdi Arabs are Sunni Muslims following the Hanbali I command you today; and
school of thought, who “are among the most devout and the curse, if you do not
orthodox Muslims anywhere.”17 obey the commandments of
the Lord your God, but turn
The Najdi Arabs are well known for the cultural art of aside from the way which I
decorating doors. Historical sources allude that the region command you today, to go
was cursed by the Islamic prophet as it was reported in after other gods which you
have not known.”
one of the hadiths that Najdi Arabs would be the source
of affliction.18

Prayer Points:
1. Pray that the community gate keepers may receive dreams and visions of the “Man in White.” Pray that
God may prepare them to be the channel for many to receive their salvation.
2. Pray that God may reveal Himself in a special way among the Najdi Arabs, that His mercies may be
upon them, and that the power of the Holy Spirit may soften their hearts to be ready to receive the
present truth.

Najd. Accessed on 17/7/2023.
Saudi Arabia. Accessed on 17/7/2023.
Joshua Project. Najdi Arab in Saudi Arabia. Accessed on
The Hadith on Najd. Accessed on 17/7/2023.


March 19, 2024 09

The Pashtuns are believed to be the largest Islamic
people group in the world.19 The group has been divided
into subgroups. There are over 190 Pashtun sub-tribes in
Pakistan alone forming a population of 62 million. The
people group is also established in Afghanistan and India.
KEY TEXT: They speak Pashto. Their origin is debatable but there
Luke 10:2 is a traditional belief that they came from Afghana, a
Then He said to them, “The grandson of King Saul of Israel. Other sources claim that
harvest truly is great, they have an Arabic origin.20 It is further claimed that they
but the laborers are few;
moved from Afghanistan to Pakistan between the 13th and
therefore pray the Lord of
the harvest to send out
16th centuries.21 They are mainly Sunni Muslims followers
laborers into His harvest. of Hanafi jurisprudence. The faith was introduced in the
eighth century.

The Pashtuns are famously known for their culture of

poetry and dances such as Attan dance, Khattak dance,
Mahsud dance, and Waziri dance.22

Prayer Points:
1. Pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit among the people group during this month of Ramadan
so that He may soften their hearts to receive the gospel message.
2. Pray that laborers may be identified and sent to work among this people group. Pray that God
may prepare a way, and that God may guide the laborers to use more creative ways in reaching
out to the community.
3. Pray for the protection and sustainability of the practitioners working among the people group. Pray
that God may give them enough grace as they put their lives at risk in the mission work.

Pashtun in Pakistan. Joshua project. Accessed on
20, 21
Pashtun culture. Accessed on 20/7/2023.
Britannica. Pashtun. Accessed on 20/7/2023.


10 March 20, 2024

Arab, Lebanese
Lebanese Arabs, commonly known as the Levantine Arabs
(from the ancient Phoenicia), are mainly found in Lebanon.
Historically, they lived in a region called the Levant, hence their
name Levantine Arabs. The Levant regions included Cyprus,
Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, and Syria.23 Currently, they
number 6.3 million, half of whom live in Lebanon. Others have
migrated to over 20 countries across the globe. At least 60% of
the people group are Muslims, equally split between followers
John 14:1-3
of Sunni and Shi’a.24
“Let not your heart be
In their culture, they highly value family ties and personal troubled; you believe
relationships.25 They are known for their social lifestyle where in God, believe also in
they sit to share daily coffee time. The shame and honor cultural Me. In My Father’s house
value is highly practiced. Coming from a Phoenician background, are many mansions; if it
the dead people were venerated. One cultural practice was were not so, I would have
that a father would appoint his son to bury him when he dies. told you. I go to prepare a
During the burial ceremony this son had to be present or else place for you. And if I go and
he would lose his inheritance. One time, Jesus met and invited prepare a place for you, I
this kind of a son, as recorded in Matthew 8:20-22: “And Jesus will come again and receive
said to him, ‘Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, you to Myself; that where I
but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head.’ Then another am, there you may be also.
of His disciples said to Him, ‘Lord, let me first go and bury my
father.’ But Jesus said to him, ‘Follow Me, and let the dead bury
their own dead.’ Jesus was emphasizing the heavenly rewards
that one receives when he or she decides to follow Him rather
than being enticed with worldly rewards.

Prayer Points:
1. Lebanon as a country has been facing serious economic challenges. This has affected the mission
progress in many ways. Pray that the Lord may bring breakthroughs in the economic challenges of
the country.
2. Pray that, through the initiatives of the church, many may be reached with the message of hope and
the Three Angels’ Messages.
3. Pray that God may visit the leaders (gate keepers) of this people group through dreams and visions.
Pray for those leaders to become catalysts for the spread of the Gospel among their people.

Lebanese Arabs in Lebanon. Accessed on 20/7/2023.
Lebanese people. Accessed on 20/7/2023.
Lebanese culture. Accessed on 20/7/2023


March 21, 2024 11

The Kazakhs are the largest group among the 72 people groups
in Kazakhstan. They form at least 67% of the population and
are “the second largest Muslim people group of Central Asia.”
They are also found in 24 countries including Afghanistan and
Azerbaijan. Globally, there are 16.7 million of them.26

Before modernity, Kazakhs lived a nomadic lifestyle. They are

KEY TEXT: known for their portable tents called yurts. They abandoned
1 Corinthians 16:14 their nomadic life after the invasion of the Russians, when most
Let all that you do be done were forced to move to houses or small apartments.
with love.
They embraced Islam in the 16th century.27 Before Islam, Kazakhs
practiced animism, a belief that the spirit world of their ancestors
have a direct influence among the living.

They are a hospitable people—visitors are highly respected and

treated with great generosity. This practice was in existence even
before the arrival of Islam. Some of the types of hospitality include:
1. Tize Bugu. Guests show respect for the owner and
their house by kneeling upon entering. Failing to
observe this rite was considered insulting and

2. Toy-Dastarkhan is a festive table. In addition to a feast,

toy-dastarkhan may include music performances,
song contests (aitys), races, and other games.

3. Suyunshi is a custom to give valuable gifts to those

who bring good news.28

Prayer Points:
1. Praise God for what is happening among the people group. Pray that practitioners may learn how to
use the culture of hospitality as a bridge.
2. Pray for the current initiatives being implemented among the people group.

Country: Kazakhstan. Accessed on 31/7/2023.
Kazakh in Kazakhstan. Accessed on 31/7/2023.
Culture and Traditions in Kazakhstan. Accessed on 31/7/2023.


12 March 22, 2024

The Kurds are said to be a heterogeneous ethnic group,
coming from different “regions such as Iraqi Kurdistan,
and parts of Iran, Turkey and Syria.”29 There are two
Kurd language groups, both of which originate from the
northeast border of Iraq. Their total population globally
is 22.5 million. The two groups in Iraq combined form
the second largest population after the Iraqi Arabs. A KEY TEXT:
majority of the Kurds are Sunni Muslims. James 1:12
Blessed is the man who
The Kurds’ main economic activity is farming, and raising endures temptation; for
when he has been approved,
cattle and goats.30 “Kurdish culture has a rich oral tradition,
he will receive the crown
the most popular of which is called lawj, epic poems of life which the Lord has
which often tell of adventure in love or battle. promised to those who love
In mid-2013, they were at the forefront fighting against IS as
the terror group attempted to invade their territory.”31 The
Kurds are one of the groups in the Middle Eastern region
that have suffered political repression for a long time.32

Prayer Points:
1. Pray that God may protect the Kurd believers and use them to reach out to their family members and
friends. Pray that they may be a catalyst of a movement of believers among their people.
2. Pray for the Kurd community which has undergone a lot of suppression and religio-political marginalization.
Pray that they may experience the peace from God; that God may restore their emotional wounds
and that this experience may help them experience the love of God through the Christian agencies
ministering to their needs.
3. Pray for the practitioners among the people group, that God may protect them and grant them wisdom
on how to minister among them. Pray that God may raise more workers who will be ready to sacrifice
their lives for the perishing souls.

The Kurdish project. Kurdish culture. Accessed

29, 32

on 21/7/2023.
Northern Kurd in Iraq. Accessed on 21/7/2023.
The Kurdish project. Kurdish culture. Accessed on
21/7/2023. Also see Who are the Kurds? Accessed on


March 23, 2024 13

The Bambaras are the largest ethnic people group among
the 73 groups in Mali. Globally, they have a population
of 7.3 million, most of whom live in their home country,
Mali. They speak Bamana which is the language widely
used in Mali.

KEY TEXT: Islam was introduced after the invasion of Muslim people
Luke 10:17-20 groups in the 1700s when the two Bambara kingdoms,
Then the seventy returned Segu and Karta, were overthrown. “This lasted forty years
with joy, saying, “Lord, even until the arrival of the French. Only 3% of the Bambara
the demons are subject to had become Islam by 1912. After World War II, the number
us in Your name.” And He
of Muslim coverts grew due to their resistance to the
said to them, “I saw Satan
fall like lightning from French and their exposure to Muslim merchants. The
heaven. Behold, I give you Bambara are 70% Muslim today.”33 Even though they claim
the authority to trample to be Muslims, most of them still follow their traditional
on serpents and scorpions, religion, and hence, have a high tendency on folk Islam.
and over all the power of They believe in one God called Bemba or Ngala who
the enemy, and nothing created everything. They also believe that when a good
shall by any means hurt person dies, he joins the family of the ancestors in the
you. Nevertheless do not
spirit world.34 They venerate the ancestral spirits by
rejoice in this, that the spirits
are subject to you, but rather presenting “offerings of flour and water” to them. Their
rejoice because your names religious life is full of ritualistic manifestations.35 Further
are written in heaven.” “the oldest member of a lineage acts as the ‘mediator’
between the living and the dead.”36

The Bambaras are mainly farmers.

Prayer Points:
1. Pray that the Holy Spirit will complete the work begun in the hearts of the Bambara believers through
adequate discipleship. Pray that God will give the Bambara believers boldness to share the love of
Jesus with their own people.
2. Pray for the practitioners among the people group, that God may protect them and give them wisdom
on how to minister.
3. Pray that God will empower the practitioners working among the people group with the gift of the
ministry of healing. Pray that Jesus may reveal Himself as the miracle worker. Pray for the manifestation
of wonders and miracles in their lives.

Bambara People. Accessed on 21/7/2023.

33, 36

Bambara Religion.

34, 35

scripts-and-maps/bambara-religio. Accessed on 21/7/2023.


14 March 24, 2024

Azerbaijanis or Azeris are categorized as part of the
Turkic people group because this people group was
Turkicized during the conquest by the Seljuq Turks in
the 11th century. In the subsequent centuries, the Turkic
population continued to migrate to the region.37 They have
two distinct dialects, one spoken mainly in Azerbaijan,
and the other spoken mainly in Iran. KEY TEXT:
Psalm 96:1-3
Most Azerbaijanis are Shia Muslims, and some belong Oh, sing to the Lord a new
to the Sunni sect. song! Sing to the Lord, all
the earth. Sing to the Lord,
bless His name; Proclaim the
The Azerbaijanis are well known for their traditional good news of His salvation
classical musical form known as Mugham.38 from day to day. Declare His
glory among the nations, His
wonders among all peoples.

Prayer Points:
1. Pray that God may prepare sons and daughters of peace among the people group who will pave the
way for the gospel message.
2. Pray that God may raise an Adventist movement among the people group.
3. Pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirt among the people group. Pray that their hearts may be
softened and illuminated with the Three Angels’ Messages.

Britannica. Accessed on 21/7/2023.
Azerbaijan Mugham. Accessed on 21/7/2023.


March 25, 2024 15

The Malays are the largest among the 182 people groups
in Malaysia with a population of nearly 14 million. Globally,
there are 18,383,000 of them. They are found in at least
23 other countries. The community embraced Islam many
centuries ago, though they have early roots in Hinduism
which has affected how some of them practice their faith.39
Matthew 9:35-38
Their Zapin and Joget traditional dances are beautiful to
Then Jesus went about all the watch. The community also has traditional festivals such as
cities and villages, teaching in rice painting (a celebration of the start of the rice planting
their synagogues, preaching
season), Hari Raya (a time for feasting, visiting with friends
the gospel of the kingdom,
and healing every sickness and family, and exchanging gifts), and harvest festivals
and every disease among the (a time for Malays to come together to celebrate the end
people. But when He saw the of the growing season with feasting, dancing, and giving
multitudes, He was moved thanks).40 They are also known for using the traditional
with compassion for them, Malay medicine with a belief that the body can heal
because they were weary and itself. Some of these medical treatments include herbal
scattered, like sheep having remedies, massage therapies (Urut), and acupuncture.41
no shepherd. Then He said
to His disciples, “The harvest
truly is plentiful, but the
laborers are few. Therefore
pray the Lord of the harvest
to send out laborers into His

Prayer Points:
1. Pray for the church’s health ministries department to use their expertise in reaching out to the people
group through medical work.
2. Pray that God may raise sons and daughters of peace among the people group.
3. Pray that God may bless every effort of those involved in all the initiatives being implemented currently.

Malay in Malaysia. Accessed on 28/7/2023.
Jefbeck. What are the Malay Traditions? 9 Epic Facts. February 13,2023.
40, 41

lay-traditions/. Accessed on 28/7/2023.


16 March 26, 2024

Arab, Moroccan
Moroccan Arabs form the largest people group in Morocco
with a population of 24.5 million. Globally, there are 29.8
million of them. Most of them are of Berber, Arab, or
mixed Arab-Berber descent.42

The people group originated in the Arabian Desert. Later,

they moved towards northern Africa. They speak Arabic KEY TEXT:
and the Amazigh indigenous language. Most of them are Matthew 7:7-8
rural peasants growing barley, wheat and cereals, grapes, “Ask, and it will be given to
olives, oranges, peaches, and pears.43 you; seek, and you will find;
knock, and it will be opened
to you. For everyone who
Islam arrived in the northern region of the country in the asks receives, and he who
eighth century. To date, 99.9% of the people group are seeks finds, and to him who
Sunni Muslim belonging to the Maliki school of Islamic knocks it will be opened.”

Prayer Points:
1. Pray that God may protect and lead the practitioners working among the people group and the
region at large.
2. Pray that God may protect and strengthen the believers among the people group. Pray that they may
be courageous to share their new faith to their family members and friends.
3. Pray that God may raise more indigenous workers among the people group.

Culture; Morocco. Accessed on 28/7/2023.
Moroccan Arabs in Morocco. Accessed on 28/7/2023.


March 27, 2024 17

The Hazaras form one of the 70 people groups in
Afghanistan. With a population of 3.6 million, they are
the fourth largest group in the country. They are also
found in other countries including Iran and Pakistan.
Most of the Hazaras are Imami Shia Muslims, belonging
to the Twelvers sect. Others belong to the Seveners sect
KEY TEXT: and Isma’ili. A few are Sunnis.
Psalm 30:4-5
Sing praise to the Lord, Being Shia in a predominantly Sunni country, Hazaras
you saints of His, And give face discrimination and persecution from their Sunni
thanks at the remembrance
counterparts. This has led them to live a traumatized
of His holy name. For His
anger is but for a moment,
life with a lot of uncertainty. A case in point is their past
His favor is for life; Weeping history in the 19th century, when they formed the majority
may endure for a night, But of the total population in Afghanistan. But in 1893, over
joy comes in the morning. half of the population was massacred, which led them
to lose their autonomy. This oppression was continued
by other people groups, forcing some of them to flee
for their lives to other countries as asylum seekers.44

The Hazara people group is a unique group because it has

a very close relationship with the Turkics, the Mongols,
and the Iranians.45 The Hazaras are well known for their
musical culture.46

Prayer Points:
1. Pray for the socio-emotional conditions of the people group. Pray that God may bring healing to
their emotional, physical, and social suffering.
2. Pray that God will send Christian teachers and literacy workers who can minister to the Hazaras.
3. Pray that the Lord of the harvest will send forth laborers into the fields where the Hazaras are located.52

Hazara. Accessed on 30/7/2023.
Hazara culture. Accessed on 30/7/2023.
Klaus, Ferdinand. Preliminary Notes on Hazara Culture. Kobenhavn, 1959.


18 March 28, 2024

Globally, there are over 5 million Albanians, about half
of whom live in their motherland, Albania. They “are
believed to be descendants of the Illyrians, who were
original inhabitants of the western Balkan Peninsula. The
group is further subdivided into two: the Gheg and the
Tosk. The Gheg live north of the Shkumbin River, while
the Tosk live south of the river.” Both subgroups speak KEY TEXT:
the Albanian dialect with some variations based on their Luke 9:1-2
particular cultural influences.47 Then He called His twelve
disciples together and gave
them power and authority
The Albanians are mainly folk Muslims. This is expressed
over all demons, and to
in their “practice such as praying to the dead, seeking cure diseases. He sent them
cures for sickness and praying for protection from spirits to preach the kingdom of
and curses.”48 God and to heal the sick.

Prayer Points:
1. Pray that God may reveal Himself through wonders and miracles, and that the Albanians discover
that Jesus has power and authority over all spirits and demons.
2. Pray that the Holy Spirit may give the few believers among the Ghegs the courage and wisdom to
share the good news among their friends and family members.
3. Pray for the lifting of the legislation restricting the preaching of the Gospel. Pray that the Lord may
give the church leadership wisdom and understanding on how to minister among the people group.

47, 48
Albanian in Albania. Accessed on 20/7/2023.


March 29, 2024 19

Arab, Sudanese
Sudanese Arabs are the largest group among the 160
people groups in Sudan. The group population is at
18.7 million globally, and most of them live in Sudan.
Outside of Sudan, a majority of them can be found in
Egypt, and the rest in 17 other countries, having migrated
for different reasons including business, studies, and
KEY TEXT: asylum. It is believed that the Sudanese Arabs are a tribe
Philippians 4:6-7
which has close connections with the Arab Bedouins.
Be anxious for nothing, Intermarriage resulted in the tribe of Sudanese Arabs.49
but in everything by A majority of Sudanese Arabs are Sunni Muslims. Most
prayer and supplication,
of the rest follow the traditional religion while a few
with thanksgiving, let your
requests be made known are Christians.50 One strong tradition that is being
to God; and the peace of practiced to date is arranged marriages where parents
God, which surpasses all of the couple identify the partners for their children
understanding, will guard and enter into negotiation. Family kinship is highly
your hearts and minds guarded.51 They also have a traditional way of dealing
through Christ Jesus. with diseases—conducting a Zar celebration, a trance
religious ceremony that uses drumming and dancing
to cure an illness thought to be caused by a demon
in generally a woman, sometimes a man.”52

Prayer Points:
1. Pray for peace and tranquillity in Sudan. Pray that there may be political, economic, social, and
religious stability to help enhance the spread of the good news to millions of Sudanese Arabs
and other people groups.
2. Pray for the church in Sudan. Pray for the minsters and practitioners, especially those who are
living in hardship. Pray for their protection and courage to continue ministering amid social unrest.
3. Pray for the many believers who flee to other countries with some living in refugee camps. Pray
that they may be able to be a beacon of light amid a life of crisis.

Sudanese Arab in Sudan. Accessed on 1/8/2023.
Sudan. Accessed on 1/8/2023.
50, 51

52 Accessed on 1/8/2023.


20 March 30, 2024

The Tatars are the second largest people group in Russia
with a population of over 5 million. They are also found
in Azerbaijan, Belarus, Canada, China, Kyrgyzstan, Turkey,
and the U.S.A. 90% of them are Sunni Muslims, followers
of Hanafi school of jurisprudence.

The Tatars have a very rich background. It is reported KEY TEXT:

that “the Tatars have had a strong civilization since the Psalm 46:10
tenth century. It has survived the Mongol invasion of Be still, and know that
the thirteenth century and the Russian conquest of the I am God; I will be exalted
among the nations, I will be
sixteenth century. In the 1800s, Tatar cities ranked among
exalted in the earth!
the greatest cultural centers of the Islamic world.”53 The
Tatars continue with some of their traditional practices like
rites of spring which is known as Sabantuy. Sabantuy is
an ancient agricultural festival celebrated “simultaneously
with the anniversary of the founding of the Russian Tatar
Republic on June 25. These celebrations have their origins
in Shamanism (the belief in an unseen world of gods,
demons, and ancestral spirits).”54

Prayer Points:
1. Pray for the political situation between Russia and her neighbors. Pray that God may restore good
and positive relations to pave the way for the mission work.
2. Pray that God may raise missionaries among the Tatars to share the message of hope. Pray for the
Tatar believers to experience peace and be accepted by their family members.
3. Pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the Russian political leaders to soften their hearts
to accept the preaching of the Three Angels’ Messages among them.

53, 54
Tatar in Russia. Accessed on 1/8/2023.


March 31, 2024 21

The Wolofs are found in Senegal and Gambia. Globally,
there are 6.6 million of them, a majority of whom are
found in Senegal. The group is also in 12 other countries
including Italy and the U.S.A. Wolofs are mainly farmers.

Almost 100% of Wolofs are Sunni Muslims, followers of

KEY TEXT: Imam Malik.55 However, they still practice some of the rites
Psalm 27:4-5
of passage such as naming ceremonies, circumcisions,
One thing I have desired of and funerals. “Much significance is attached to names.”
the Lord, That will I seek:
Therefore, parents handle the naming process with a lot
That I may dwell in the
house of the Lord All the
of care. It can take even a whole year to ensure that their
days of my life, To behold children are given names of people who were honored.56
the beauty of the Lord, And
to inquire in His temple. “At age seven to eight, boys dressed in white gowns
For in the time of trouble and caps are taken from their homes and circumcised
He shall hide me in His in the bush. When they return, they are looked after
pavilion; In the secret place by a big brother, or Selbe, until they are fully healed.
of His tabernacle He shall
The Selbe educates them about Wolof heroes and legends.
hide me; He shall set me
high upon a rock.
After this rite, the community regards them as men.”57

Prayer Points:
1. Pray for the small number of Wolof believers to have the courage to share the love of Christ with their
own people and be strong through persecution.
2. Pray that God may raise missionaries in Senegal and other countries where there are Wolofs. Pray that
these missionaries may be prepared to reach out to the people group.
3. Pray that God may reveal Himself through dreams and visions.

Wolof in Senegal.,.
Accessed on 28/7/2023.
Wolof. Accessed on 28/7/2023.
Wolof. Accessed on


22 April 1, 2024
There are 1.6 million Bosniaks living in Bosnia and
Herzegovina. They are also found in 23 countries, a
majority being in Germany, the U.S.A., and Turkey. 95% of
the people group are Sunni Muslims with some traces of
Sufism. Islam was introduced among the people group
after the invasion of the Turks. Today, Islam has become
the culture of the Bosniaks.58
Romans 12:14-16
In the early 1990s, the region and its people experienced Bless those who persecute
you; bless and do not
politically challenging moments which led many of them
curse. Rejoice with those
to flee to neighboring countries such as Austria, Belgium, who rejoice, and weep with
Croatia, Czechia, and Serbia. Others fleed to the U.S.A.59 those who weep. Be of the
There is a unique blend of the eastern and western same mind toward one
cultures. “Bosnian culture is characterized by a fusion another. Do not set your
of diverse cultural influences, resulting in a unique and mind on high things, but
distinctive style that reflects the country’s rich history associate with the humble.
and heritage.”60 Do not be wise in your own
The Bosniaks are known for what is called “coffee culture.”
Family and community members connect during coffee
time. “...Having coffee is considered a social event and
perhaps the nation’s favourite pastime. It’s a leisurely
affair: you sit down at the café, nurse your strong Bosnian
coffee, and spend hours talking to friends or family. No
rush and no staring at your phone screen.”61

Prayer Points:
1. The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few; pray that God will inspire laborers to work among
the people groups in the different countries they are in.
2. Pray that God will meet the physical, spiritual, and emotional needs of Bosnians.
3. Pray that God will soften the hearts of the Bosniaks to accept the message of hope.

Bosniak. Accessed on 1/8/2023.
Bosniak in United States. Accessed on 1/8/2023.
60 Accessed on 1/8/2023.
Steffi Teowira. Traditions in Bosnia that will make you Love it More!
will-make-love/. Accessed on 1/8/2023.


April 2, 2024 23
Arab, Emirati
The Emiratis are part of the Gulf Arabs found in the U.A.E.
There are 1.1 Emiratis and they form 12% of the total
population of the U.A.E. A larger part of the population is
formed by expatriates from different parts of the world.

They are a close community such that an Emirati is not

KEY TEXT: allowed to marry a non-Emirati. Marriages are “typically
Matthew 2:1-2
endogamous, which means that they only marry within a
Now after Jesus was born small social circle.”62 This is done to maintain the lineage
in Bethlehem of Judea
of the family or clan.
in the days of Herod
the king, behold, wise
men from the East came to It is important to note that “half of the Gulf Arabs are
Jerusalem, saying, “Where is Shafiite Muslims, many are Hanbalite (Wahhabite) Muslim;
He who has been born King and the rest are Malikite Muslim. “63 Their conservativeness
of the Jews? For we have in Islamic teachings has made it difficult for the gospel
seen His star in the East message to spread among them.
and have come to worship

Prayer Points:
1. Pray for the believers in the regions, some of whom are employees of the people group, that they may
realise God’s ordained purpose for their lives as the light of this world. Pray that God may give them
wisdom on how they can share their hope in a loving way.
2. Pray that God may nurture a redemptive relationship between the believers and their existing contacts.
3. Pray that God may visit them through dreams and visions.

Emirati Arab in United Arab Emirates. Accessed on

62, 63



24 April 3, 2024
Somalia is believed to be one of the most homogeneous
countries in sub-Saharan Africa. Somalis share a uniformed
language, religion, and culture.64 They belong to the
nomadic-pastoralists. While under one umbrella, the
Somali people are divided into five major clans, and these
clans are further divided into sub-clans. “Clan loyalty is
traditionally very strong and deep-rooted in Somalia. KEY TEXT:
Many Somalis derive their sense of belonging from their John 17:20-21
ancestry and being born into a particular clan group—a “I do not pray for these
concept known as ‘u dhashay’.”65 alone, but also for those
who will believe in Me
through their word; that
There are 26.2 million Somalis globally, half of whom live they all may be one, as You,
in Somalia. Over 98% of the Somalis are Sunni Muslim, Father, are in Me, and I in
followers of Shafi’i madhhab. Islam was established You; that they also may be
between the 7th and 10th centuries by seafaring Arab and one in Us, that the world
Persian traders from the Middle East.66 Nonetheless, their may believe that You sent
traditional beliefs are incorporated in their Islamic faith. Me.
For instance, due to their clan system, the elders in the
community play a major role to maintain the unity of the
clan. They also act as clan representatives, negotiators,
mediators, and counsellors. The clans are governed by
a council of elders. This council is in charge of the day-
to-day affairs of the community.67

Prayer Points:
1. Pray that God may strengthen the Somali believers with His Holy Spirit and use them as missionaries
in their families and among their acquaintances.
2. Pray that God may raise sons of peace among the clan elders who will become catalysts for the spread
of the gospel among their people.

tries. Accessed on 13/7/2023.
Barnes, 2006 Cited in Nina Evason 2019. Somali Culture: Core Concepts.
somali-culture. Accessed on 13/7/2023.
66 Accessed on 13/7/2023.
Nina Evason, 2019. Somali Culture: Core Concepts. Ac-
cessed on 13/7/2023.


April 4, 2024 25
The Zaramos are among the 157 people groups in Tanzania.
They are the Bantu tribe found in the coastal region of
Tanzania. They originated from the Morogoro administrative
region.68 Currently, there are slightly above 1.4 million
of them. In the early days, they traded ivory, salt, fish,
and slaves.
Acts 4:29-31 They embraced Islam as they came into contact with
Now, Lord, look on their Arab traders. 95% of the people group are Sunni Muslims.
threats, and grant to Your However, they practice folk Islam. The veneration of
servants that with all
ancestors is still a phenomenon. They believe that after
boldness they may speak
Your word, by stretching
death, the spirit of the dead, Kolelo, joins the ancestors.
out Your hand to heal, and Kolelo could bring misfortune upon the living. This may
that signs and wonders include, illness, death, infertility, and poor agriculture.69
may be done through the
name of Your holy Servant Most of them live in the rural area as farmers. They grow
Jesus.” And when they had several cash crops like mangoes, oranges, rice, cashews,
prayed, the place where and coconuts. They still practice fishing as one of their
they were assembled
economic activities to date.70
together was shaken; and
they were all filled with
the Holy Spirit, and they
spoke the word of God with

Prayer Points:
1. Pray that the Lord may inspire the church in Tanzania with creative ways on how to reach out to the
people group.
2. Pray that practitioners will use Christ’s method in reaching out to this people group which are mainly

Zaramo. Accessed on 1/8/2023.
mo Accessed on 1/8/2023.
Zaramo in Tanzania. Accessed on 1/8/2023.


26 April 5, 2024
Maranaos are found in Philippines. The name Maranao
means “people of the lake.” This meaning is derived from
the fact that the people group is located around Lake
Lanao in the province of Lanao del Sur.

They are a population of 1.5 million and 100% are adherents

of Islam making it one of the largest Islamic groups in the KEY TEXT:
Philippines.71 Even though Islam was introduced in the 16th Psalm 39:12
century when the entire community embraced the new Hear my prayer, O Lord,
faith, they continue to have a strong attachment with their And give ear to my cry; Do
not be silent at my tears;
traditional cosmology. They believe in the three levels
For I am a stranger with
of the universe: (1) the Skyworld or Daridayan a Langit, You, A sojourner, as all my
which is inhabited by the divine spirits called Tonongs fathers were.
(venerated and regarded as divine or semi-divine); (2)
the Earth; and (3) the Underworld.72

The people group is well known “for their sophisticated

weaving and wood and metal craft.”73

Prayer Points:
1. Pray for the initiatives to reach out to our cousins. Pray that more workers may be sent among the
people group.
2. Pray that God may send His Holy Spirit to soften the hearts of the people.
3. Pray that as the people group continue with their fast, they may experience the manifestation of
God’s love in their lives.

Maranao in Philippines. 1/8/2023.
Talaguit, Christian Jeo N. Folk Islam in Maranao Society. MA Thesis presented to the History Department
De La Salle University, Manila, November 2019. 18-40. file:///Users/samuellumwe/Downloads/Folk_Islam_
in_Maranao_Society.pdf. Accessed on 1/8/2023.
73 Accessed on 1/8/2023


April 6, 2024 27
The Javanese are one of the people groups in Indonesia.
They have a population of 117.3 million globally and they
are divided into eight sub groups based on dialect. A
majority of them live in Indonesia. Some have migrated
to parts of Asia, Middle East, and Europe.
KEY TEXT: Most Java people belong to Sunni Islam, followers of al-
Acts 13:47-48 Shafi’i school of jurisprudence. Even though they follow
For so the Lord has Islamic teachings, they integrate local traditions in their
commanded us: ‘I have expression of Islamic faith. Some of their traditional
set you as a light to the celebrations include: Baritan (a celebration to ask God
Gentiles, That you should to keep the community safe from plagues), Sekaten (a
be for salvation to the ends celebration for the birth day of their prophet, Muhammad),
of the earth.’ Now when the and Ruwata (a celebration to purify a person from bad
Gentiles heard this, they
were glad and glorified
the word of the Lord. And The Javanese are highly hospitable and well-known for
as many as had been their delicious cuisine.
appointed to eternal life

Prayer Points:
1. Pray for the work carried out by the church among the Javanese. Pray that God will provide enough
resources, finances, and personnel to accomplish the task.
2. Pray that as the Java people fast and pray during this month of Ramadan, Jesus may appear to them
through dreams and visions, and that He may cause wonders and healing for those in need of a miracle.
3. Pray that God may raise a movement of believers among the people group.

Top 10 Javanese Traditions-customs-culture. Accessed


on 12/7/2023.


28 April 7, 2024
Iran is the home country of the famous Persian community.
With a population of 42.4 million, the Persians form the
largest people group out of the 94 in Iran. Globally, there
are 46.3 million of them spread in over 30 countries
including Iraq, the U.S.A., and the U.A.E. Most of them
fled Iran in the late 1970s during the Iranian revolution
due to religious and ideological persecution. The Persian KEY TEXT:
language, called Farsi, is the official language of Iran.75 Joel 2:13
So rend your heart, and
The people group enjoyed political monopoly for many
not your garments; Return
centuries before the emergence of Islam. In the seventh to the Lord your God, For
century, they were conquered by Arabs which led to the He is gracious and merciful,
establishment of Islam. Before Islam, the Persian religion Slow to anger, and of great
was Zoroastrianism. This is an ancient religion that may kindness; And He relents
have originated as early as 4000 years ago76 with a belief from doing harm.
in the universal, transcendent, all-good, and un-reacted
supreme creator deity, Ahura Mazda (the Wide Lord).
Today, most Persians are Shia Muslims.

Prayer Points:
1. Pray that God may protect the Persian believers and give them courage to share the good news with
their family members and friends in Iran and abroad.
2. Pray for those working among the Persians. Pray that God may give them wisdom and understanding on
how to reach out to the people group. Pray for the many efforts being put forth in ministering among
the people group.
3. Pray for a multiplication movement among the people group. Pray that God may prepare sons and
daughters of peace who will take the message to their community members.

Persian in Iran. Accessed on 1/8/2023.
Zoroastrianism. 1/8/2023.


April 8, 2024 29
“The Hajams or Hajjams are also known as the Nai Muslims
or Turuk Navid in India.”77 They are found in both India
and Pakistan with a combined population of 4.7 million.
Others are in Bangladesh, Nepal, and Sri Lanka.

They are famously known for their passion and skills

KEY TEXT: in barbering. Their people live as their name, which
Isaiah 40:31 means barber. “The Hajam remains a respected caste
But those who wait of hair-cutters (hajamat). In some areas the Hajams are
on the Lord Shall the owners of barber shops and salons.”78
renew their strength; They
shall mount up with wings
100% of the people group are Sunni Muslims.
like eagles, They shall run
and not be weary, They
shall walk and not faint.

Prayer Points:
1. Pray for the Holy Spirit to give the Hajam people teachable and understanding hearts.
2. Pray that a strong movement of the Holy Spirit will bring entire Hajam families into a rich experience
of God’s blessing.
3. Pray for Hajam families to be drawn by the Holy Spirit to seek forgiveness, and to understand the
adequacy of Christ’s work on the cross.

Joshua Project. Hajam in India. Accessed on
Hajam. Accessed on 18/7/2023.


30 April 9, 2024
The Hausas are the largest ethnic group in all of West
Africa forming a total population of 55.4 million globally.
67% of their population live in Nigeria. Many of them can
be found in their motherland, the north and northwest
regions of Nigeria, an area known as “Hausaland.” Outside
of Nigeria, they are found in Chad, Ghana, Ivory Coast,
Gambia, Togo, Niger, and Gambo among other countries.
Psalm 23:1-2, 4
Being the major people group in Nigeria, Hausa language
is also one of the popular languages used in Northern The Lord is my shepherd; I
shall not want. He makes
Nigeria.79 It is believed that Hausas migrated from Nubia
me to lie down in green
(present-day northern Sudan) between 500-700 C.E.80 Islam pastures; He leads me
was introduced to this people group by traders in 1500. beside the still waters. Yea,
The Hausa culture has a rich system of folklore. Some of though I walk through the
valley of the shadow of
the folklore have been influenced by the Islamic religion.
death, I will fear no evil; For
They have a strong communal lifestyle. “Kin aspire to You are with me; Your rod
live near each other to socialize and provide mutual and Your staff, they comfort
support.”81 Their culture is expressed through their dress me.
code, particularly the big gown and cap, and music “of
praise-singers who sing about community histories,
leaders, and prominent individuals.”82 Due to their rich
orientation towards the Hausa traditional worldview,
they practice folk Islam.

Prayer Points:
1. Pray for the Hausa believers, that the Lord may protect them from the oppressions of their family
members, and that they may be courageous to witness to their family members.
2. Pray for the church in Nigeria. Pray that the Lord may protect church leaders and members at large,
and that the Lord may protect them from the perennial challenge of kidnapping. Pray that God may
endow them with wisdom on how to minister to the people group.

Hausa in Nigeria. Accessed on 12/7/2023.
Hausa Culture, Language & Religion | Who are the Hausa People?
hausa-culture-language-religion-people.html#lesson. Accessed on 12/7/2023.
Hausa. Online
gy-and-archaeology/people/hausa. Accessed on 12/7/2023.
Hausa. Online
gy-and-archaeology/people/hausa. Accessed on 12/7/2023.

© 2024

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