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Corruption- title card

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Dictionary definition- Oxford English Dictionary –
‘We expose and tackle corruption and hold power to account here in the UK through robust
research, investigations and advocacy.’
‘From the revolving door between the public and private sector to the awarding of multi-
million-pound government contracts, the abuse of power for private gain reaches the highest
levels of the UK society.’
‘It was little surprise that the UK fell to its lowest-ever position in Transparency
International’s Corruption Perceptions Index as news of these scandals travels around the
Example water companies -
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Part one- the players
Metaphor of a game to maintain clear through line
3 companies with corruption problems in the last 20 years
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Player 1 – British aerospace
Areas that they work in are, security, Aerospace, national security and military.-
Court case 2010 $400,000,000 to the US government for conspiring to defraud the US
the hypocrisy of a company dealing with national security being corrupt shows the
governments inability to protect its citizens.
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Player 2- Airbus
Based in Filton they are the largest aeronautics and apace company in Europe. Their work is
wide reaching leading to them having to pay the UK, US and France $3.9 Billion
These meant that their standing as a public company went down as they were shown to break
trust. - -
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Player 3 Medpro
Huge scandal over covid as nepotism allowed them to gain contacts that they were not
equipped to deal with. Conservative peers had connections to the company that lead to them
being awarded the contract. Despite denying the allegations of fraud and bribery for over 2
years in December 2023 Mone finally admitted to lying about her connections to the
company. Despite this and the extreme harm caused because of this lie Mone and her husband
are yet to face any consequences. Over £200 million pounds in contracts were awarded under
these false pretences during a time when the majority of the country were unable to work or
provide for themselves. VIP fast lane leading to companies with connections having PPE
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Part Two – the game
Title card
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What they claim VS the reality of their situation

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I chose these companies because they still receive huge amounts of funding from the
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Part 3: the pieces
The people and things impacted by the players
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 How this related to a series of public apologies?
Motivations of the people in power and of the people rebelling against them to ensure the
characters are fully fleshed out interesting characters.
 What does that practically look like?
Levels of tension and how we can communicate emotions to the audience non- verbally.
Showing not telling.
 What further research after this can we do?
More into corruption, history, smaller companies, the Water processing plants, and
corruption in theatre.
 Do we want to tell this story?
This is collaborative storytelling what interests us as a whole company and is this corruption
angle interesting.

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