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An investigation into the effects of macroprudential measures and the relationship between

those policies and monetary policy is presented in this paper as the result of a collaborative effort
by the central banks of five Latin American nations. This paper was produced as a result of the
central banks of Latin American nations working together. This section contains a report on the
findings obtained from this research (Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru). A meta-
analysis is the method of choice when it comes to describing the findings of an empirical
framework that was designed collectively and made use of data on private bank loans. This
framework made use of information on loans taken out by private banks. As a direct result of the
successful implementation of macroprudential restrictions, the cyclical volatility of the lending
market has been successfully reduced. This was a significant achievement. When it comes to the
expansion of credit, the effect that monetary policy has when it backs activities to minimize
cycles of economic activity is significantly more significant than the effect that macroprudential
measures have when they are utilized on their own.

When seen from the point of view of the various categories of systemic risks, macro-prudential
management primarily consists of two different components. To begin, when seen from the
standpoint of cross-institutions, macro-prudential policies primarily aim to address the systemic
and network risks that are brought about by the reciprocal effect and widespread dissemination
of various institutions. At the moment, the primary focus of macroprudential policy is on the
identification and risk management of systemically important institutions in order to forestall
both an excessive concentration of risk and an excessive spread of risk. Second, from the
viewpoint of cross-time, the goal of macro-prudential management is to mitigate the systemic
risks and economic volatility risks that are brought on by the pro-cyclicality of the financial
system. At the moment, the primary emphasis of macroprudential management is placed on the
regulation of counter-cyclical policy and the development of new policy tools, as well as the
restriction of the identical behaviors of institutions and the regulation of various frequency
characteristics of the financial system.

In order for the goals of macroprudential management to be accomplished, it is necessary to

have the appropriate policy tools and an institutional structure. This encompasses not only the
application of pre-existing policy tools and their further development, but also the potential
introduction of new policy tools and institutions. Therefore, it is possible to say that the macro-
prudential policy framework is a dynamic development framework. Its primary objective is to
preserve financial stability and to prevent systemic financial risks. Its primary feature is to
establish a more robust policy system that reflects counter-cyclical behavior.

To be more specific, the current macro-prudential policies primarily consist of capital

requirements, liquidity requirements, leverage ratio requirements for banks, provision rules,
special requirements for systemically important institutions, accounting standards, and the
central clearing of derivatives transactions. Although there is some overlap between
macroprudential policy, monetary policy, and microprudential supervision, these three aspects of
financial regulation are distinct from one another. In the same way as micro-prudential regulation
makes use of tools like capital and provision requirements, macro-prudential regulations will do
the same thing. Micro-prudential regulation, on the other hand, is solely concerned with the
compliance and soundness of a single institution. Macro-prudential policies, on the other hand,
adopt a macro and counter-cyclical perspective, with the primary objective of preventing
systemic risks. This is in contrast to micro-prudential regulation, which focuses only on the
soundness and compliance of a single institution. In a similar manner, although both monetary
policies and macro-prudential policies have the characteristics of counter-cyclical regulation,
monetary policies primarily target the situation of the real economy and aggregate issues,
whereas macro-prudential policies directly affect the pro-cyclical fluctuations and risk
transmission of the financial system, with the primary goal of preserving the security and stability
of the financial system. Both of these types of policies are intended to regulate the economy in a
manner that is anti-cyclical. Both monetary policy and macro-prudential policy are examples of
anti-cyclical strategies used in macromanagement; nevertheless, there are some key distinctions
between the two in terms of the scope and focus of their respective policies, and these policies
can both complement and reinforce one another.

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